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The GTPase RhoA is a central regulator of cellular contractility in a wide variety of biological processes. During these events, RhoA is activated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs). These molecules are highly regulated to ensure that RhoA activation occurs at the proper time and place. During cytokinesis, RhoA is activated by the RhoGEF ECT-2. In human cells, ECT-2 activity requires its association with CYK-4, which is a component of the centralspindlin complex. In contrast, in early Caenorhabditis elegans embryos, not all ECT-2–dependent functions require CYK-4. In this study, we identify a novel protein, NOP-1, that functions in parallel with CYK-4 to promote RhoA activation. We use mutations in nop-1 and cyk-4 to dissect cytokinesis and cell polarization. NOP-1 makes a significant, albeit largely redundant, contribution to cytokinesis. In contrast, NOP-1 is required for the preponderance of RhoA activation during the establishment phase of polarization.  相似文献   

Actomyosin contractility is a major force-generating mechanism that drives rearrangement of actomyosin networks; it is fundamental to cellular functions such as cellular reshaping and movement. Thus, to clarify the mechanochemical foundation of the emergence of cellular functions, understanding the relationship between actomyosin contractility and rearrangement of actomyosin networks is crucial. For this purpose, in this study, we present a new particulate-based model for simulating the motions of actin, non-muscle myosin II, and αactinin. To confirm the model's validity, we successfully simulated sliding and bending motions of actomyosin filaments, which are observed as fundamental behaviors in dynamic rearrangement of actomyosin networks in migrating keratocytes. Next, we simulated the dynamic rearrangement of actomyosin networks. Our simulation results indicate that an increase in the density fraction of myosin induces a higher-order structural transition of actomyosin filaments from networks to bundles, in addition to increasing the force generated by actomyosin filaments in the network. We compare our simulation results with experimental results and confirm that actomyosin bundles bridging focal adhesions and the characteristics of myosin-dependent rearrangement of actomyosin networks agree qualitatively with those observed experimentally.  相似文献   

The Caenorhabditis elegans UNC-45 protein is required for proper body wall muscle assembly and acts as a molecular co-chaperone for type II myosins. In contrast to other body wall muscle components, UNC-45 is also abundant in the germline and embryo. We show that maternally provided UNC-45 acts with non-muscle myosin II (NMY-2) during embryonic polarity establishment, cytokinesis and germline cellularization. In embryos depleted for UNC-45, myosin contractility is eliminated resulting in embryonic defects in polar body extrusion, cytokinesis and establishment of polarity. Despite a lack of contractility in an unc-45(RNAi) embryo, NMY-2::GFP localizes to the cortex and accumulates at the presumptive cytokinetic furrow indicating that UNC-45 is not required for cortical localization. UNC-45 and NMY-2 are also required for fertility since the lack of either component results in complete sterility due to failed initiation of the cellularization furrows that separate syncytial nuclei into germ cells. In the absence of UNC-45, the actomyosin cytoskeleton does not contract despite non-functional myosin still directly binding actin. UNC-45 has been previously suggested to be required for the folding of the myosin head, and our results refine this hypothesis suggesting that UNC-45 is not required to fold or maintain the actin binding domain but is still required for myosin function.  相似文献   

The nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans has produced a wellspring of insights into mechanisms that govern cellular symmetry breaking during animal development. Here we focus on two highly conserved systems that underlie many of the key symmetry-breaking events that occur during embryonic and larval development in the worm. One involves the interplay between Par proteins, Rho GTPases, and the actomyosin cytoskeleton and mediates asymmetric cell divisions that establish the germline. The other uses elements of the Wnt signaling pathway and a highly reiterative mechanism that distinguishes anterior from posterior daughter cell fates. Much of what we know about these systems comes from intensive study of a few key events—Par/Rho/actomyosin-mediated polarization of the zygote in response to a sperm-derived cue and the Wnt-mediated induction of endoderm at the four-cell stage. However, a growing body of work is revealing how C. elegans exploits elements/variants of these systems to accomplish a diversity of symmetry-breaking tasks throughout embryonic and larval development.Over the past few decades, the C. elegans embryo has become a premiere system for studying cellular symmetry breaking in a developmental context. During C. elegans development, nearly every division produces daughter cells with different developmental trajectories. In some cases, these differences are imposed on daughters before or after division through inductive signals, but many of these divisions are intrinsically asymmetric—an initial symmetry-breaking step creates polarized distributions or activities of factors that control developmental potential. Registration of the cleavage plane with the axis of polarity then ensures differential inheritance of these potentials. With respect to cell fates, the output of these asymmetric divisions is amazingly diverse, yet the embryo seems to accomplish this diversity through variants of a few conserved symmetry-breaking systems. Thus the C. elegans embryo provides an exceptional opportunity to explore not only the core mechanisms underlying cellular symmetry breaking, but also how evolution can reconfigure these mechanisms to do different but related jobs in multiple contexts.In this review, we focus most of our attention on two conserved systems that together account for much of the cellular asymmetry observed during C. elegans embryogenesis. The first, which is best known for its role in the early asymmetric cell divisions that segregate germline from the soma, involves a complex interplay between Par proteins, Rho-family GTPases, and the actomyosin cytoskeleton. Interestingly, the embryo exploits elements of this same system to break symmetry during cleavage furrow specification and to establish apicobasal polarity in early embryonic cells and in the first true embryonic epithelia. The second system we focus on involves an unusual application of WNT signaling pathway components and is used reiteratively throughout embryonic and larval development to distinguish anterior and posterior daughter cell fates. Rather than comprehensively review these systems, we highlight topics not extensively covered in other reviews.  相似文献   

In anaphase, the spindle dictates the site of contractile ring assembly. Assembly and ingression of the contractile ring involves activation of myosin-II and actin polymerization, which are triggered by the GTPase RhoA. In many cells, the central spindle affects division plane positioning via unknown molecular mechanisms. Here, we dissect furrow formation in human cells and show that the RhoGEF ECT2 is required for cortical localization of RhoA and contractile ring assembly. ECT2 concentrates on the central spindle by binding to centralspindlin. Depletion of the centralspindlin component MKLP1 prevents central spindle localization of ECT2; however, RhoA, F-actin, and myosin still accumulate on the equatorial cell cortex. Depletion of the other centralspindlin component, CYK-4/MgcRacGAP, prevents cortical accumulation of RhoA, F-actin, and myosin. CYK-4 and ECT2 interact, and this interaction is cell cycle regulated via ECT2 phosphorylation. Thus, central spindle localization of ECT2 assists division plane positioning and the CYK-4 subunit of centralspindlin acts upstream of RhoA to promote furrow assembly.  相似文献   

Polar body formation is an essential step in forming haploid eggs from diploid oocytes. This process involves completion of a highly asymmetric cytokinesis that results in a large egg and two small polar bodies. Unlike mitotic contractile rings, polar body contractile rings assemble over one spindle pole so that the spindle must move through the contractile ring before cytokinesis. During time-lapse imaging of C. elegans meiosis, the contractile ring moved downward along the length of the spindle and completed scission at the midpoint of the spindle, even when spindle length or rate of ring movement was increased. Patches of myosin heavy chain and dynamic furrowing of the plasma membrane over the entire embryo suggested that global cortical contraction forces the meiotic spindle and overlying membrane out through the contractile ring center. Consistent with this model, depletion of myosin phosphatase increased the velocity of ring movement along the length of the spindle. Global dynamic furrowing, which was restricted to anaphase I and II, was dependent on myosin II, the anaphase promoting complex and separase, but did not require cortical contact by the spindle. Large cortical patches of myosin during metaphase I and II indicated that myosin was already in the active form before activation of separase. To identify the signal at the midpoint of the anaphase spindle that induces scission, we depleted two proteins that mark the exact midpoint of the spindle during late anaphase, CYK-4 and ZEN-4. Depletion of either protein resulted in the unexpected phenotype of initial ingression of a polar body ring with twice the diameter of wild type. This phenotype revealed a novel mechanism for minimizing polar body size. Proteins at the spindle midpoint are required for initial ring ingression to occur close to the membrane-proximal spindle pole.  相似文献   

Regulation of the mitotic spindle's position is important for cells to divide asymmetrically. Here, we use Caenorhabditis elegans embryos to provide the first analysis of the temporal regulation of forces that asymmetrically position a mitotic spindle. We find that asymmetric pulling forces, regulated by cortical PAR proteins, begin to act as early as prophase and prometaphase, even before the spindle forms and shifts to a posterior position. The spindle does not shift asymmetrically during these early phases due to a tethering force, mediated by astral microtubules that reach the anterior cell cortex. We show that this tether is normally released after spindle assembly and independently of anaphase entry. Monitoring microtubule dynamics by photobleaching segments of microtubules during anaphase revealed that spindle microtubules do not undergo significant poleward flux in C. elegans. Together with the known absence of anaphase A, these data suggest that the major forces contributing to chromosome separation during anaphase originate outside the spindle. We propose that the forces positioning the mitotic spindle asymmetrically are tethered until after the time of spindle assembly and that these same forces are used later to drive chromosome segregation at anaphase.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: F-actin is enriched at the cortex of embryonic cells in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and is required for multiple processes that include the establishment of an anterior-posterior (A-P) axis and cytokinesis. However, the mechanisms that regulate cortical microfilament (MF) assembly remain poorly understood. RESULTS: We show here that a profilin called PFN-1 accumulates at the cortex independent of the actin cytoskeleton and is required for the assembly or maintenance of cortical MFs and myosin. Reducing PFN-1 levels by RNAi results in cytokinesis and A-P polarity defects. PFN-1 binds to the Formin Homology (FH) protein CYK-1, which also is required for cortical MFs. In contrast to PFN-1 and CYK-1, the Arp2/3 complex appears to be dispensable for the assembly of cortical MFs, for A-P polarity, and for cytokinesis. Instead, the Arp2/3 complex is required for cell migrations that occur during gastrulation and may also be involved in cellular rearrangements required for epidermal enclosure prior to elongation of ovoid embryos into vermiform larvae. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the FH protein CYK-1 and the profilin PFN-1 mediate the Arp2/3-independent assembly of MFs and are required for cytokinesis in the early embryo. These data suggest that CYK-1 and PFN-1 may nucleate MFs, as has recently been shown for an FH protein and a profilin in yeast.  相似文献   

To become polarized, cells must first ‘break symmetry’. Symmetry breaking is the process by which an unpolarized, symmetric cell develops a singularity, often at the cell periphery, that is used to develop a polarity axis. The Caenorhabditis elegans zygote breaks symmetry under the influence of the sperm-donated centrosome, which causes the PAR polarity regulators to sort into distinct anterior and posterior cortical domains. Modelling analyses have shown that cortical flows induced by the centrosome combined with antagonism between anterior and posterior PARs (mutual exclusion) are sufficient, in principle, to break symmetry, provided that anterior and posterior PAR activities are precisely balanced. Experimental evidence indicates, however, that the system is surprisingly robust to changes in cortical flows, mutual exclusion and PAR balance. We suggest that this robustness derives from redundant symmetry-breaking inputs that engage two positive feedback loops mediated by the anterior and posterior PAR proteins. In particular, the PAR-2 feedback loop stabilizes the polarized state by creating a domain where posterior PARs are immune to exclusion by anterior PARs. The two feedback loops in the PAR network share characteristics with the two feedback loops in the Cdc42 polarization network of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

EPH/EPHRIN signaling is essential to many aspects of tissue self-organization and morphogenesis, but little is known about how EPH/EPHRIN signaling regulates cell mechanics during these processes. Here, we use a series of approaches to examine how EPH/EPHRIN signaling drives cellular self-organization. Contact angle measurements reveal that EPH/EPHRIN signaling decreases the stability of heterotypic cell:cell contacts through increased cortical actomyosin contractility. We find that EPH/EPHRIN-driven cell segregation depends on actomyosin contractility but occurs independently of directed cell migration and without changes in cell adhesion. Atomic force microscopy and live cell imaging of myosin localization support that EPH/EPHRIN signaling results in increased cortical tension. Interestingly, actomyosin contractility also nonautonomously drives increased EPHB2:EPHB2 homotypic contacts. Finally, we demonstrate that changes in tissue organization are driven by minimization of heterotypic contacts through actomyosin contractility in cell aggregates and by mouse genetics experiments. These data elucidate the biomechanical mechanisms driving EPH/EPHRIN-based cell segregation wherein differences in interfacial tension, regulated by actomyosin contractility, govern cellular self-organization.  相似文献   

In Caenorhabditis elegans, the partitioning proteins (PARs), microfilaments (MFs), dynein, dynactin, and a nonmuscle myosin II all localize to the cortex of early embryonic cells. Both the PARs and the actomyosin cytoskeleton are required to polarize the anterior-posterior (a-p) body axis in one-cell zygotes, but it remains unknown how MFs influence embryonic polarity. Here we show that MFs are required for the cortical localization of PAR-2 and PAR-3. Furthermore, we show that PAR polarity regulates MF-dependent cortical forces applied to astral microtubules (MTs). These forces, which appear to be mediated by dynein and dynactin, produce changes in the shape and orientation of mitotic spindles. Unlike MFs, dynein, and dynactin, myosin II is not required for the production of these forces. Instead, myosin influences embryonic polarity by limiting PAR-3 to the anterior cortex. This in turn produces asymmetry in the forces applied to MTs at each pole and allows PAR-2 to accumulate in the posterior cortex of a one-cell zygote and maintain asymmetry.  相似文献   

The isotropic metaphase actin cortex progressively polarizes as the anaphase spindle elongates during mitotic exit. This involves the loss of actomyosin cortex from opposing cell poles and the accumulation of an actomyosin belt at the cell centre. Although these spatially distinct cortical remodelling events are coordinated in time, here we show that they are independent of each other. Thus, actomyosin is lost from opposing poles in anaphase cells that lack an actomyosin ring owing to centralspindlin depletion. In examining potential regulators of this process, we identify a role for Aurora B kinase in actin clearance at cell poles. Upon combining Aurora B inhibition with centralspindlin depletion, cells exiting mitosis fail to change shape and remain completely spherical. Additionally, we demonstrate a requirement for Aurora B in the clearance of cortical actin close to anaphase chromatin in cells exiting mitosis with a bipolar spindle and in monopolar cells forced to divide while flat. Altogether, these data suggest a novel role for Aurora B activity in facilitating DNA‐mediated polar relaxation at anaphase, polarization of the actomyosin cortex, and cell division.  相似文献   

The contractile actin cortex is important for diverse fundamental cell processes, but little is known about how the assembly of F-actin and myosin II motors is regulated. We report that depletion of actin depolymerizing factor (ADF)/cofilin proteins in human cells causes increased contractile cortical actomyosin assembly. Remarkably, our data reveal that the major cellular defects resulting from ADF/cofilin depletion, including cortical F-actin accumulation, were largely due to excessive myosin II activity. We identify that ADF/cofilins from unicellular organisms to humans share a conserved activity to inhibit myosin II binding to F-actin, indicating a mechanistic rationale for our cellular results. Our study establishes an essential requirement for ADF/cofilin proteins in the control of normal cortical contractility and in processes such as mitotic karyokinesis. We propose that ADF/cofilin proteins are necessary for controlling actomyosin assembly and intracellular contractile force generation, a function of equal physiological importance to their established roles in mediating F-actin turnover.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of living cells are highly regulated by remodeling dynamics of the cytoarchitecture, and are linked to a wide variety of physiological and pathological processes. Microtubules (MT) and actomyosin contractility are both involved in regulating focal adhesion (FA) size and cortical elasticity in living cells. Although several studies have examined the effects of MT depolymerization or actomyosin activation on biological processes, very few have investigated the influence of both on the mechanical properties, FA assembly, and spreading of fibroblast cells. Here, we examine how activation of both processes modulates cortical elasticity as a function of time. Enhancement of contractility (calyculin A treatment) or the depolymerization of MTs (nocodazole treatment) individually caused a time-dependent increase in FA size, decrease in cell height and an increase in cortical elasticity. Surprisingly, sequentially stimulating both processes led to a decrease in cortical elasticity, loss of intact FAs and a concomitant increase in cell height. Our results demonstrate that loss of MTs disables the ability of fibroblast cells to maintain increased contractility and cortical elasticity upon activation of myosin-II. We speculate that in the absence of an intact MT network, a large amount of contractile tension is transmitted directly to FA sites resulting in their disassembly. This implies that tension-mediated FA growth may have an upper bound, beyond which disassembly takes place. The interplay between cytoskeletal remodeling and actomyosin contractility modulates FA size and cell height, leading to dynamic time-dependent changes in the cortical elasticity of fibroblast cells.  相似文献   

Homo sapiens ECT2 is a cell cycle regulator that plays critical roles in cytokinesis. ECT2 activity is restrained during interphase via intra-molecular interactions that involve its N-terminal triple-BRCT-domain and its C-terminal DH–PH domain. At anaphase, this self-inhibitory mechanism is relieved by Plk1-phosphorylated CYK-4, which directly engages the ECT2 BRCT domain. To provide a structural perspective for this auto-inhibitory property, we solved the crystal structure of the ECT2 triple-BRCT-domain. In addition, we systematically analyzed the interaction between the ECT2 BRCT domains with phospho-peptides derived from its binding partner CYK-4, and have identified Ser164 as the major phospho-residue that links CYK-4 to the second ECT2 BRCT domain.  相似文献   

Cell shape changes are critical for morphogenetic events such as gastrulation, neurulation, and organogenesis. However, the cell biology driving cell shape changes is poorly understood, especially in vertebrates. The beginning of Xenopus laevis gastrulation is marked by the apical constriction of bottle cells in the dorsal marginal zone, which bends the tissue and creates a crevice at the blastopore lip. We found that bottle cells contribute significantly to gastrulation, as their shape change can generate the force required for initial blastopore formation. As actin and myosin are often implicated in contraction, we examined their localization and function in bottle cells. F-actin and activated myosin accumulate apically in bottle cells, and actin and myosin inhibitors either prevent or severely perturb bottle cell formation, showing that actomyosin contractility is required for apical constriction. Microtubules were localized in apicobasally directed arrays in bottle cells, emanating from the apical surface. Surprisingly, apical constriction was inhibited in the presence of nocodazole but not taxol, suggesting that intact, but not dynamic, microtubules are required for apical constriction. Our results indicate that actomyosin contractility is required for bottle cell morphogenesis and further suggest a novel and unpredicted role for microtubules during apical constriction.  相似文献   

During the first embryonic division in Caenorhabditis elegans, the mitotic spindle is pulled toward the posterior pole of the cell and undergoes vigorous transverse oscillations. We identified variations in spindle trajectories by analyzing the outwardly similar one-cell stage embryo of its close relative Caenorhabditis briggsae. Compared with C. elegans, C. briggsae embryos exhibit an anterior shifting of nuclei in prophase and reduced anaphase spindle oscillations. By combining physical perturbations and mutant analysis in both species, we show that differences can be explained by interspecies changes in the regulation of the cortical Gα–GPR–LIN-5 complex. However, we found that in both species (1) a conserved positional switch controls the onset of spindle oscillations, (2) GPR posterior localization may set this positional switch, and (3) the maximum amplitude of spindle oscillations is determined by the time spent in the oscillating phase. By investigating microevolution of a subcellular process, we identify new mechanisms that are instrumental to decipher spindle positioning.  相似文献   



An oocyte undergoes two rounds of asymmetric division to generate a haploid gamete and two small polar bodies designed for apoptosis. Chromosomes play important roles in specifying the asymmetric meiotic divisions in the oocytes but the underlying mechanism is poorly understood.


Chromosomes independently induce spindle formation and cortical actomyosin assembly into special cap and ring structures in the cortex of the oocyte. The spindle and the cortical cap/ring interact to generate mechanical forces, leading to polar body extrusion. Two distinct force-driven membrane changes were observed during 2nd polar body extrusion: a protrusion of the cortical cap and a membrane invagination induced by an anaphase spindle midzone. The cortical cap protrusion and invagination help rotate the spindle perpendicularly so that the spindle midzone can induce bilateral furrows at the shoulder of the protruding cap, leading to an abscission of the polar body. It is interesting to note that while the mitotic spindle midzone induces bilateral furrowing, leading to efficient symmetric division in the zygote, the meiotic spindle midzone induced cytokinetic furrowing only locally.


Distinct forces driving cortical cap protrusion and membrane invagination are involved in spindle rotation and polar body extrusion during meiosis II in mouse oocytes.  相似文献   

Polarity is a fundamental cellular feature that is critical for generating cell diversity and maintaining organ functions during development. In C. elegans, the one-cell embryo is polarized via asymmetric localization of the PAR proteins, which in turn are required to establish the future anterior-posterior axis of the embryo. PAR-3, a conserved PDZ domain-containing protein, acts with PAR-6 and PKC-3 (atypical protein kinase; aPKC) to regulate cell polarity and junction formation in a variety of cell types. To understand how PAR-3 localizes and functions during C. elegans development, we produced targeted mutations and deletions of conserved domains of PAR-3 and examined the localization and function of the GFP-tagged proteins in C. elegans embryos and larvae. We find that CR1, the PAR-3 self-oligomerization domain, is required for PAR-3 cortical distribution and function only during early embryogenesis and that PDZ2 is required for PAR-3 to accumulate stably at the cell periphery in early embryos and at the apical surface in pharyngeal and intestinal epithelial cells. We also show that phosphorylation at S863 by PKC-3 is not essential in early embryogenesis, but is important in later development. Surprisingly neither PDZ1 nor PDZ3 are essential for localization or function. Our results indicate that the different domains and phosphorylated forms of PAR-3 can have different roles during C. elegans development.  相似文献   

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