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New and interesting collections of cercosporoid hyphomycetes from Brazil (State of Ceará) are reported in the present paper. Pseudocercospora eugeniicola sp. nov., P. krameriae sp. nov., P. hirtellae sp. nov., and P. thiloae sp. nov. are described, and Passalora davillae (A.S. Mull. & Chupp) comb. nov. and Pseudocercospora plumeriifolii (Bat. & Peres) comb. nov. are introduced.  相似文献   

This study led to the discovery of four putative entomopathogenic fungi of armoured scale insects on citrus trees in coastal New South Wales. Two of these species belong in Podonectria as P. coccicola (Ellis & Everh.) Petch (syn. Tetracrium coccicola (Höhn.) Ellis & Everh.) and P. novae-zelandiae Dingley. Members of this genus are grown in culture for the first time. Formerly placed in the Pleosporales, Tubeufiaceae, or more recently in the Tubeufiales, these species are herein placed in the new family Podonectriaceae fam. nov., Pleosporales. Another species is placed in the Hypocreales, Bionectriaceae as Clonostachys coccicola (J.A. Stev.) H.T. Dao comb. nov. (basionym Tubercularia coccicola J.A. Stev., syn. Nectria tuberculariae Petch). The fourth species is Myriangium citri Henn. (Myriangiales, Myriangiaceae). Each fungal species is characterized and the phylogenetic placement confirmed by molecular analyses of the ITS and 28 s rDNA regions. In addition, their biology is noted, including location of the fungi within tree canopies.  相似文献   

本文报道5个新组合:金银忍冬短胖孢(Cercosporidium diervilae (Ell. Et Ev) Baiet Cheng,comb.Nov.);紫穗槐菌绒孢(Mvcovelloslclla passaloroidzs(Winte r)Bai et Chengcomb.Nov.);朝鲜槐假尾孢(Pseudocercospora cladrastidis(Jacz.) Bai et Cheng·comb. Nov);白头翁假尾孢(pscudoccrco spora]ilitormis(D;vi s)Bai et Chengt comb·nOV·)荚燕假尾孢(Pseudocercospora varia(Peck)Bai et Cheng。Comb.nOV·)这5个新组合是从Cercospora属转来修正的。  相似文献   

郭英兰  蒋毅 《菌物学报》2000,19(3):302-305
5种尾孢菌和2种假尾孢菌,其中有3个新种:杜若尾孢Cercosporapolliae-japonicaeY.L.Guo&Y.Jiang,sp.nov.,日本锦带花尾孢C.weigelae-japonicaeY.L.Guo&Y.Jiang,sp.nov.和旅覆花假尾孢PseudocercosporainulaeY.L.Guo&Y.Jiang,sp.nov.,1个新组合:紫花假尾孢Pseudocercosporaquata(Chupp&Greene)Y.L.Guo&Y.Jiang,comb.nov.,和3个中国新记录;山牵牛尾孢CercosporathunbergianaYen,乌拉马尾孢CercosporauramensisChupp&Muller和盐肤木尾孢CercosporaverniciferaeChupp&Viegas。文中为新种提供了拉丁文简介,描述并附图,研究的标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

郭英兰 《菌物学报》1995,14(Z1):89-102
摘要:本文报道秦岭地区尾孢菌属及其近似属56种,其中有一个新种:秦岭假尾孢(Pseudocercospora qinlingensis Guo, sp. nov.),寄生在苦木科(Simaroubaceae)臭椿属(Ailanthus sp.)上,两个新组合:草霉色链隔孢[Phaeoramularia vexans (C. Massalongo) Guo,comb. nov.].寄生在蔷薇科(Rosaceae)草霉属(Fragaria sp.)上;篙假尾孢[Pseudocercospora dracunculi (Sarwar) Guo, comb. nov.],寄生在菊科(Compositae)牛尾蒿(Artemisia subdigitataMattf.)上和两个中国新记录种:商陆尾孢(Cercospora pircuniae Speg.),寄生在商陆科(Phytolaccaceae)商陆(Phytolacca acinosa Roxb.)上;荚蒾生尾孢(Cercospora viburnicola Ray).寄生在醉鱼草叶荚蒾(Viburnum buddleifolium C. H. Wight)上.新种(Pseudocercospora qinlingensis Guo, sp. nov.)子实体主要生于叶面,子座沿叶斑边缘发生,暗褐色至近黑色,直径40.0-75.0 (-100.0)μm,分生孢子梗紧密簇生,青黄褐色,不分枝,不呈曲膝状,无隔膜,6.5-26.0 × 3.9-6.0μm,分生孢子圆柱形,青黄褐色至中度褐色,非常弯曲,基部平截,具紧密排列地4至多个隔膜,在隔膜处缴缩,32.0-120.0 (-150.0) ×4.0-6.5 (-7.6)μm.新种与寄生在臭椿属(Ailanthus spp.)植物上的臭椿尾孢(Cercospora ailanthi P. Henn.)和臭椿生假尾孢[Pseudocercospora ailanthicola(Patwardhan) Dcighton]不同:臭椿尾孢无子座.分生孢子梗不成簇,分枝,长(50.0-200.0μm),分生孢子倒棍棒一圆柱形,色泽浅(浅青黄褐色),隔膜少(5-7隔),不缢缩,短(15.0-60.0μm);臭椿生假尾孢子实体叶背生,分生孢子梗窄((3.0-4.Spm),分生孢子倒棍棒形,隔膜少((5-8隔),不绣缩,短而窄(20.0-63.0 ×3.0-5.0μm).  相似文献   

The lichen genus Protopannaria is defined as different from Pannaria, being a bipolar taxon with three (of four) species in the subantarctic region: P. austro-orcadensis (Øvst.) comb. nov. in the western part and P. alcicornis P.M. Jørg. & R.S. Poulsen sp. nov. as well as P. azorellae P.M. Jørg. & R.S. Poulsen sp. nov. in the eastern one (Kerguelen), showing the greatest diversity there.  相似文献   

本文报道了假尾孢属的6个种,其中有2个新种,即:枫杨假尾孢(Pseudocercospora pterocaryae Guo et W. X. Zhao)和清风藤假尾孢(Pseudocercosporasabiae Guo et W.X.Zhao);3个新组合:紫珠假尾孢[Pseudocercospora callicarpae(Cooke) Guo et W. X. Zhao],蕺菜假尾孢[Pseudocercospora houttuyniae (Togashi & Kats.) Guo et W. X. Zhao],冬青假尾孢[Pseudocercospora mate (Speg.) Guo et W. X. Zhao]。两个新种的模式标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室,其等模式标本保存在中国林科院林业科学研究所病理标本室。枫杨假尾孢(Pseudocercospora pterocaryae Guo et W. X. Zhao)斑点叶两面生,近圆形,直径0.5—12.0mm,无明显边缘,叶面褐色至暗褐色,叶背灰褐色,子实体叶背生,具表生菌丝。子座生于表皮下,近球形。分生孢子梗浅青黄色至青黄色,不分枝,0—4隔,9.7—73.5×3.7—4.3μm。分生孢子倒棍棒形至倒棍棒-圆柱形,极浅的青黄色,光滑,干燥,具2—10个不明显的隔膜,35.0—99.5×3.7—4.3μm。清风藤假尾孢(Pseudocercospora sabiae Guo et W. X. Zhao)斑点叶两面生,圆形,直径1.5—4.0μm。叶面黄褐色至褐色,外围以暗褐色细线圈,有时还具浅黄褐色晕圈,叶背中度褐色。子实体叶面生,具表生菌丝,无子座。分生孢子梗青黄褐色至浅褐色,平滑,具2—10个隔膜,17.0—162.0×3.0—3.9(—4.3)μm。分生孢子倒棍棒形至圆柱形,浅青黄色,平滑,干燥,3—8隔,43.0—99.5×2.8—3.9(—4.3)μm。  相似文献   

郭英兰 《菌物学报》2012,31(4):476-479
报道假尾孢属的1个新种和1个中国新记录种:生于白花银背藤 Argyreia sequini上的白鹤藤生假尾孢Pseudocercospora argyreiigena Y.L. Guo,和生于丰花草 Borreria stricta上的半丰草假尾孢Pseudocercospora borreriae (Ellis & Everh.) Deighton。文中提供了各种的形态描述、绘图、讨论及新种的拉丁文描述。研究标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

Three foliicolous fungi found on Tabebuia species are described and illustrated. Two are new hyphomycetous anamorphs, Passalora tabebuiae-ochraceae sp. nov. and Pseudocercospora tabebuiae-caraibae sp. nov. The third is Elsinoë tecomae, originally described on Tabebuia sp., and here epitypified based on material from Tabebuia heptaphylla. Taxonomical novelties include P. tabebuiae-ochraceae Inácio & Dianese sp. nov., P. tabebuiae-caraibae Inácio & Dianese sp. nov.  相似文献   

Three new non-ascosporic, ascomycetous yeast genera are proposed based on their isolation from currently described species and genera. Phylogenetic placement of the genera was determined from analysis of nuclear gene sequences for D1/D2 large subunit rRNA, small subunit rRNA, translation elongation factor-1α and RNA polymerase II, subunits B1 and B2. The new taxa are: Deakozyma gen. nov., type species Deakozyma indianensis sp. nov. (type strain NRRL YB-1937, CBS 12903); Danielozyma gen. nov., type species Danielozyma ontarioensis comb. nov. (type strain NRRL YB-1246, CBS 8502); D. litseae comb. nov. (type strain NRRL YB-3246, CBS 8799); Middelhovenomyces gen. nov., type species Middelhovenomyces tepae comb. nov. (type strain NRRL Y-17670, CBS 5115) and M. petrohuensis comb. nov. (type strain NRRL Y-17663, CBS 8173).  相似文献   

 Five species collected in the Nansei Islands are discussed. Of these, one species found on Gardenia jasminoides is described as a new species, Cercosporidium okinawaense Kobayashi et Nishijima. Asperisporium caricae on Carica papaya, Pseudocercospora melastomobia on Melastoma candidum, and P. neoliquidambaris Nakashima et Kobayashi, nom. nov. on Liquidambar formosana are newly added to the Japanese mycoflora. Cercospora violamaculans on Rhaphiolepis umbellata is transferred to the genus Pseudocercospora as Pseudocercospora violamaculans (Fukui) Kobayashi et Nakashima, comb. nov., with some additional notes. Received: October 26, 2001 / Accepted: March 13, 2002  相似文献   

New genera, Pseudochirotenon gen. nov. (with the type species P. eocaenicus sp. nov.), Archaeoheilus gen. nov. (type species A. scudderi sp. nov.), Primocentron gen. nov. (type species P. wickhami sp. nov.), and Pseudophaops gen. nov. (type species Otiorhynchus perditus Scudder, 1876), and new species, Pseudochirotenon eocaenicus sp. nov., Perapion rasnitsyni sp. nov., Archaeoheilus scudderi sp. nov., A. ovalis sp. nov., Primocentron wickhami sp. nov., and Eudiagogus vossi sp. nov., from the Early–Middle Eocene of the Green River are described. New combinations of names (Apionion evestigatum (Scudder, 1893), comb. nov., Archaeoheilus packardii (Scudder, 1893), comb. nov., A. provectus (Scudder, 1876), comb. nov., A. deleticius (Scudder, 1893), comb. nov., A. lacoei (Scudder, 1893), comb. nov., Pseudophaops perditus (Scudder, 1876), comb. nov.) are established. The first fossil records of the tribe Ecelonerini from the New World and genus Perapion from the Green River Formation are provided.  相似文献   

The genus Psednotrichia (Asteraceae–Senecioneae) is endemic to Angola and currently consists of two annual species, P. xyridopsis (O. Hoffm.) Anderb. & P. O. Karis, and P. newtonii (O. Hoffm.) Anderb. & P. O. Karis. A perennial member of the genus was collected on a recent field trip to Angola, and is here described as P. perennis N. G. Bergh & B. Nord., sp. nov. A key to the three species is provided.  相似文献   

A sequel to the work of systematic surveying the mycobiota of Lantana camara aimed at finding potential biocontrol agents, was carried out during 1995–1996 covering part of its centre of origin in Brazil (state of Minas Gerais). Fifty-eight sampling sites, representing the four main climatic types in the state of Minas Gerais, were surveyed. Additional ad hoc collections were made in the states of Bahia, Espírito Santo, Paraná Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Fifteen fungal species were recorded in association with L. camara including the previously undescribed species Phomopsis lantanae-glutinosae sp. nov. Five fungi are also newly recorded on this host in Brazil: Cercospora lantanicola Corynespora cassiicola Meliola ambigua Mycovellosiella lantaniphila and Phomopsis lantanae. The following fungi, previously recorded on L. camara in Brazil, are recorded here for the first time in Minas Gerais: Dendryphielia aspera Micropustulomyces mucilaginosus Mycovellosiella lantanae Pseudocercospora guianensis and Puccinia lantanae.  相似文献   

Cercospora yakushimensis is proposed as a new combination, Pseudocercospora yakushimensis comb. nov., and the morphology of the species is characterized from herbarium specimens, including the type. Six additional species belonging to the genus Cercospora and its allied genera are newly added to the Japanese mycoflora, namely, Cercospora dioscoreae-pyrifoliae on Dioscorea tokoro, Pseudocercospora catalpigena on Catalpa ovata, Pseudocercospora coriariae on Coriaria japonica, Pseudocercospora lythri on two species of Lythrum, Pseudocercospora pteroceltidis on Celtis boninensis, and Passalora puncta on Foeniculum vulgare.  相似文献   

郭林 《菌物学报》1989,8(Z1):221-223
茸草团散黑粉新组合(Sporisorium arthraxonis)寄生于矛叶草草(Arthraxonlanceolatus),孢子堆生花序上,外膜由真菌细胞组成,中轴由寄主组织形成,黑粉孢子11-15×10-13µm,小刺;不育细胞2-5个成组。荞麦轴黑粉(Sphacelotheca fagopyri)寄生于荞麦(Fagopyrum esculentum),孢子堆生子房中,中轴由真菌细胞组成,黑粉孢子8-13 ×7-l lµm,小疣。此二种是我国新记录。  相似文献   

郭英兰 《菌物学报》1993,12(Z1):103-106
本文报道假尾孢属的一个新种:复叶耳蕨假尾孢(Pseudocercospora arachniodis Y.L. Guo, sp. nov.)和一个新组合:单叶藤桔假尾孢[ Pseudocercospora paramignyae(Thirum. & Chupp) Y.L. Guo, cobm. nov.]。新种生于鳞毛蕨科(Dryopteridaceae)复叶耳蕨属植物上,子实体生于叶背面,具小子座,分生孢子梗浅青黄色至青黄色,不分枝,一个隔膜,6.5-30.0 × 2.5-4.0 μm。分生孢子针形,短孢子呈倒棍棒形,浅青黄色,具不明显地3-11个隔膜,30.0-110.0 × 1.5-3.0 μm。假尾孢属在鳞毛蕨科是首次报道。文中对新种提供了拉丁文简介并绘图。研究的标本保藏在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室(HMAS)。  相似文献   

New grylloblattids of the family Lemmatophoridae (Insecta: Grylloblattida), Artinska sojanensis sp. nov., Sylvaprisca colorata sp. nov., and Uraloprisca lisca gen. et sp. nov., from the Soyana locality (Lower Kazanian, Arkhangelsk Region) and Paraprisca solikamskensis sp. nov. from the Tyul’kino locality (Ufimian, Perm Region) are described. Two species are transferred from the genus Paraprisca to Uraloprisca gen. nov.: Uraloprisca uralica (G. Zalessky, 1952), comb. nov. and Uraloprisca causaria (Novokshonov, 2000), comb. nov. (both from the Kungurian of the Perm Region). The evolution of the family is discussed.  相似文献   

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