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'Selfish genetic elements', such as transposons, homing endonucleases, meiotic drive chromosomes and heritable microorganisms, are common features of eukaryotes. However, their importance in the evolution of eukaryotic genomes is still controversial. In this review, we discuss these diverse elements and their potential importance in the evolution of genetic systems, adaptation, and the extinction and birth of species.  相似文献   

Maternally inherited selfish genetic elements are common in animals . Whereas host genetics and ecology are recognized as factors that may limit the incidence of these parasites , theory suggests one further factor-interference with other selfish elements-that could affect their prevalence . In this paper, we show that spatial heterogeneity in the occurrence of the male-killing Wolbachia wBol1 in the tropical butterfly Hypolimnas bolina is caused by a second infection that can exclude the male-killer. We first provide evidence of a second Wolbachia strain, wBol2, present in most populations that do not carry the male-killer but rare or absent when the male-killer is present. Crossing data indicate that wBol2 in males induces cytoplasmic incompatibility to both uninfected and wBol1-infected females. The wBol2 infection can therefore not only spread through uninfected populations but also resist invasion by wBol1. Thus, we provide empirical support for the hypothesis that the incidence of particular selfish genetic elements can limit the presence of competing types.  相似文献   

Advances in insect transgenesis and our knowledge of insect physiology and genomics are making it possible to create transgenic populations of beneficial or pest insects that express novel traits. There are contexts in which we may want the transgenes responsible for these traits to spread so that all individuals within a wild population carry them, a process known as population replacement. Transgenes of interest are unlikely to confer an overall fitness benefit on those who carry them. Therefore, an essential component of any population replacement strategy is the presence of a drive mechanism that will ensure the spread of linked transgenes. We discuss contexts in which population replacement might be desirable and the requirements a drive system must satisfy to be both effective and safe. We then describe the creation of synthetic Medea elements, the first selfish genetic elements synthesized de novo, with the capability of driving population replacement, in this case in Drosophila. The strategy used to create DrosophilaMedea is applicable to a number of other insect species and the Medea system satisfies key requirements for scientific and social acceptance. Finally, we highlight several challenges to implementing population replacement in the wild.  相似文献   

Selfish genetic elements (SGEs) are ubiquitous in eukaryotes and bacteria, and make up a large part of the genome. They frequently target sperm to increase their transmission success, but these manipulations are often associated with reduced male fertility. Low fertility of SGE-carrying males is suggested to promote polyandry as a female strategy to bias paternity against male carriers. Support for this hypothesis is found in several taxa, where SGE-carrying males have reduced sperm competitive ability. In contrast, when SGEs give rise to reproductive incompatibilities between SGE-carrying males and females, polyandry is not necessarily favoured, irrespective of the detrimental impact on male fertility. This is due to the frequency-dependent nature of these incompatibilities, because they will decrease in the population as the frequency of SGEs increases. However, reduced fertility of SGE-carrying males can prevent the successful population invasion of SGEs. In addition, SGEs can directly influence male and female mating behaviour, mating rates and reproductive traits (e.g. female reproductive tract length and male sperm). This reveals a potent and dynamic interaction between SGEs and polyandry highlighting the potential to generate sexual selection and conflict, but also indicates that polyandry can promote harmony within the genome by undermining the spread of SGEs.  相似文献   

Selfish genetic elements are vertically transmitted factors that spread by obtaining a transmission advantage relative to the rest of the genome of their host organism, often with a cost to overall host fitness. In many cases, conventional population genetics theory predicts them spreading through populations, reaching fixation and becoming undetectable or sometimes driving the population extinct. However, in several well studied systems, these genetic elements are known to persist at relatively low, stable frequencies. Recent research suggests that several processes might explain these observations, including population structure, intragenomic conflict and coevolution.  相似文献   

Supernumerary B chromosomes are dispensable elements of the genome which can be retained in populations at high frequencies, despite being deleterious, through the ability to undergo non-Mendelian inheritance. Their mode of origin is, however, obscure. Recent work on gynogenetic fish has demonstrated the incorporation of small, unstable, centromere-containing microchromosomes, probably of interspecific derivation, into an asexual lineage(1). That these resemble B chromosomes both in structure and behaviour is consistent with the proposal that hybridisation between closely related species may be a significant mode of origin for such selfish genetic elements. Additional work on the B chromosome of a parasitoid wasp and observations on patterns of chromosome breakage from somatic cell hybrids also support this hypothesis.  相似文献   

A substantial fraction of the genome of most eukaryotes, including those of metazoan parasites, is predicted to comprise repetitive sequences. Mobile genetic elements (MGEs) will make up much of these repetitive sequences, particularly the interspersed sequences. This article reviews information on MGEs that have colonized the genomes of metazoan parasites (i.e. parasites of parasites). Helminth and mosquito genomes, in particular, are compared with those of better-understood model organisms. MGEs from the genomes of metazoan parasites can be expected to have practical uses in transgenesis and epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

PSR (paternal sex ratio) chromosomes: the ultimate selfish genetic elements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Werren JH  Stouthamer R 《Genetica》2003,117(1):85-101
PSR (paternal sex ratio) chromosomes are a type of supernumerary (or B) chromosomes that occur in haplodiploid arthropods. They are transmitted through sperm but then cause loss of the paternal chromosomes (except themselves) early in development. As a result, PSR chromosomes convert diploid fertilized eggs (which would normally develop into females) into haploid males that carry a PSR chromosome. Because they act by completely eliminating the haploid genome of their hosts, PSR chromosomes are the most extreme form of selfish or parasitic DNA known. PSR was originally described in the parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis (Pteromalidae). A second PSR chromosome has been found in Trichogramma kaykai, an egg parasitoid from a different family of Hymenoptera (Trichogrammatidae). We argue that PSR chromosomes are likely to be widespread in haplodiploid organisms, but have so far gone under reported due to a paucity of population genetic studies in haplodiploids. We describe the two known PSR systems and related phenomena, and models indicating the conditions conducive to increase of PSR like chromosomes in haplodiploids.  相似文献   

Selfish genetic elements (SGEs) are DNA sequences that are transmitted to viable offspring in greater than Mendelian frequencies. Medea SGEs occur naturally in some populations of red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum) and are expected to increase in frequency within populations and spread among populations. The large‐scale U.S. distributions of Medea‐4 (M4) had been mapped based on samples from 1993 to 1995. We sampled beetles in 2011–2014 and show that the distribution of M4 in the United States is dynamic and has shifted southward. By using a genetic marker of Medea‐1 (M1), we found five unique geographic clusters with high and low M1 frequencies in a pattern not predicted by microsatellite‐based analysis of population structure. Our results indicate the absence of rigid barriers to Medea spread in the United States, so assessment of what factors have limited its current distribution requires further investigation. There is great interest in using synthetic SGEs, including synthetic Medea, to alter or suppress pest populations, but there is concern about unpredicted spread of these SGEs and potential for populations to become resistant to them. The finding of patchy distributions of Medea elements suggests that released synthetic SGEs cannot always be expected to spread uniformly, especially in target species with limited dispersal.  相似文献   



Alternative splicing (AS) contributes significantly to protein diversity, by selectively using different combinations of exons of the same gene under certain circumstances. One particular type of AS is the use of alternative first exons (AFEs), which can have consequences far beyond the fine-tuning of protein functions. For example, AFEs may change the N-termini of proteins and thereby direct them to different cellular compartments. When alternative first exons are distant, they are usually associated with alternative promoters, thereby conferring an extra level of gene expression regulation. However, only few studies have examined the patterns of AFEs, and these analyses were mainly focused on mammalian genomes. Recent studies have shown that AFEs exist in the rice genome, and are regulated in a tissue-specific manner. Our current understanding of AFEs in plants is still limited, including important issues such as their regulation, contribution to protein diversity, and evolutionary conservation.  相似文献   

Siomi MC  Saito K  Siomi H 《FEBS letters》2008,582(17):2473-2478
Transposable elements (TEs) are DNA elements found in the genomes of various organisms. TEs have been highly conserved during evolution, suggesting that they confer advantageous effects to their hosts. However, due to their ability to transpose into virtually any locus, TEs have the ability to generate deleterious mutations in the host genome. In response, a variety of different mechanisms have evolved to mitigate their activities. A main defense mechanism is RNA silencing, which is a gene silencing mechanism triggered by small RNAs. In this review, we address RNA silencing mechanisms that silence retrotransposons, a subset of TEs, and discuss how germline and somatic cells are equipped with different retrotransposon silencing mechanisms.  相似文献   

Transposable elements (TEs) make up a half of the human genome, but the extent of their contribution to cryptic exon activation that results in genetic disease is unknown. Here, a comprehensive survey of 78 mutation-induced cryptic exons previously identified in 51 disease genes revealed the presence of TEs in 40 cases (51%). Most TE-containing exons were derived from short interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs), with Alus and mammalian interspersed repeats (MIRs) covering >18 and >16% of the exonized sequences, respectively. The majority of SINE-derived cryptic exons had splice sites at the same positions of the Alu/MIR consensus as existing SINE exons and their inclusion in the mRNA was facilitated by phylogenetically conserved changes that improved both traditional and auxiliary splicing signals, thus marking intronic TEs amenable for pathogenic exonization. The overrepresentation of MIRs among TE exons is likely to result from their high average exon inclusion levels, which reflect their strong splice sites, a lack of splicing silencers and a high density of enhancers, particularly (G)AA(G) motifs. These elements were markedly depleted in antisense Alu exons, had the most prominent position on the exon–intron gradient scale and are proposed to promote exon definition through enhanced tertiary RNA interactions involving unpaired (di)adenosines. The identification of common mechanisms by which the most dynamic parts of the genome contribute both to new exon creation and genetic disease will facilitate detection of intronic mutations and the development of computational tools that predict TE hot-spots of cryptic exon activation.  相似文献   

Gene drive elements promote the spread of linked traits, providing methods for changing the composition or fate of wild populations. Drive mechanisms that are self-limiting are attractive because they allow control over the duration and extent of trait spread in time and space, and are reversible through natural selection as drive wanes. Self-sustaining Cleave and Rescue (ClvR) elements include a DNA sequence-modifying enzyme such as Cas9/gRNAs that disrupts endogenous versions of an essential gene, a tightly linked recoded version of the essential gene resistant to cleavage (the Rescue), and a Cargo. ClvR spreads by creating loss-of-function (LOF) conditions in which those without ClvR die because they lack functional copies of the essential gene. We use modeling to show that when the Rescue-Cargo and one or both components required for LOF allele creation (Cas9 and gRNA) reside at different locations (split ClvR), drive of Rescue-Cargo is self-limiting due to a progressive decrease in Cas9 frequency, and thus opportunities for creation of LOF alleles, as spread occurs. Importantly, drive strength and duration can be extended in a measured manner—which is still self-limiting—by moving the two components close enough to each other that they experience some degree of linkage. With linkage, Cas9 transiently experiences drive by hitchhiking with Rescue-Cargo until linkage disequilibrium between the two disappears, a function of recombination frequency and number of generations, creating a novel point of control. We implement split ClvR in Drosophila, with key elements on different chromosomes. Cargo/Rescue/gRNAs spreads to high frequency in a Cas9-dependent manner, while the frequency of Cas9 decreases. These observations show that measured, transient drive, coupled with a loss of future drive potential, can be achieved using the simple toolkit that make up ClvR elements—Cas9 and gRNAs and a Rescue/Cargo.  相似文献   

Prokaryotic Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) such as transposons, integrons, phages and plasmids, play important roles in prokaryotic evolution and in the dispersal of cargo functions like antibiotic resistance. However, each of these MGE types is usually annotated and analysed individually, hampering a global understanding of phylogenetic and environmental patterns of MGE dispersal. We thus developed a computational framework that captures diverse MGE types, their cargos and MGE-mediated horizontal transfer events, using recombinases as ubiquitous MGE marker genes and pangenome information for MGE boundary estimation. Applied to ∼84k genomes with habitat annotation, we mapped 2.8 million MGE-specific recombinases to six operational MGE types, which together contain on average 13% of all the genes in a genome. Transposable elements (TEs) dominated across all taxa (∼1.7 million occurrences), outnumbering phages and phage-like elements (<0.4 million). We recorded numerous MGE-mediated horizontal transfer events across diverse phyla and habitats involving all MGE types, disentangled and quantified the extent of hitchhiking of TEs (17%) and integrons (63%) with other MGE categories, and established TEs as dominant carriers of antibiotic resistance genes. We integrated all these findings into a resource (proMGE.embl.de), which should facilitate future studies on the large mobile part of genomes and its horizontal dispersal.  相似文献   

One strategy for controlling transmission of insect-borne disease involves replacing the native insect population with transgenic animals unable to transmit disease. Population replacement requires a drive mechanism to ensure the rapid spread of linked transgenes, the presence of which may result in a fitness cost to carriers. Medea selfish genetic elements have the feature that when present in a female, only offspring that inherit the element survive, a behavior that can lead to spread. Here, we derive equations that describe the conditions under which Medea elements with a fitness cost will spread, and the equilibrium allele frequencies are achieved. Of particular importance, we show that whenever Medea spreads, the non-Medea genotype is driven out of the population, and we estimate the number of generations required to achieve this goal for Medea elements with different fitness costs and male-only introduction frequencies. Finally, we characterize two contexts in which Medea elements with fitness costs drive the non-Medea allele from the population: an autosomal element in which not all Medea-bearing progeny of a Medea-bearing mother survive, and an X-linked element in species in which X/Y individuals are male. Our results suggest that Medea elements can drive population replacement under a wide range of conditions.  相似文献   

Many multicellular organisms have evolved a dedicated germline. This can benefit the whole organism, but its advantages to genetic parasites have not been explored. Here I model the evolutionary success of a selfish element, such as a transposable element or endosymbiont, which is capable of creating or strengthening a germline-soma distinction in a primitively multicellular host, and find that it will always benefit the element to do so. Genes causing germline sequestration can therefore spread in a population even if germline sequestration is maladaptive for the host organism. Costly selfish elements are expected to survive only in sexual populations, so sexual species may experience an additional push toward germline-soma distinction, and hence toward cell differentiation and multicellularity.  相似文献   

Mobile genetic elements (MGEs) sequester and mobilize antibiotic resistance genes across bacterial genomes. Efficient and reliable identification of such elements is necessary to follow resistance spreading. However, automated tools for MGE identification are missing. Tyrosine recombinase (YR) proteins drive MGE mobilization and could provide markers for MGE detection, but they constitute a diverse family also involved in housekeeping functions. Here, we conducted a comprehensive survey of YRs from bacterial, archaeal, and phage genomes and developed a sequence‐based classification system that dissects the characteristics of MGE‐borne YRs. We revealed that MGE‐related YRs evolved from non‐mobile YRs by acquisition of a regulatory arm‐binding domain that is essential for their mobility function. Based on these results, we further identified numerous unknown MGEs. This work provides a resource for comparative analysis and functional annotation of YRs and aids the development of computational tools for MGE annotation. Additionally, we reveal how YRs adapted to drive gene transfer across species and provide a tool to better characterize antibiotic resistance dissemination.  相似文献   

Vinogradov AE 《Gene》2001,276(1-2):143-151
Within-intron difference of correlation with base composition of the adjacent exons was studied in the genomes of 34 species. For this purpose, GC-percent was determined for segments of 50 bp in length taken at both intron margins and in the internal part of the intron. It was found that in certain genomes the coefficient of correlation with GC-percent of the adjacent exon was significantly higher for the intron margin than for the internal part of the intron (homeotherms, cereals). Only part of this difference can be explained by unequal probability of insertion of transposable elements. Those multicellular organisms which have a low or no within-intron difference in correlation with the adjacent exons (anamniotes, invertebrates, dicots) show a higher local compositional heterogeneity (a greater exon/intron contrast in the GC-content). These results are evidence against the mutational bias being a possible explanation for the compositional genome heterogeneity. Thus, in the genomes with a high global heterogeneity there seems to be a selective force for compliance of intron base composition with the adjacent exons. This force is stronger in those parts of the intron that are closer to exons. In addition, the previously found positive general correlation between the genome size and average intron length was confirmed with a much larger dataset. However, within separate phylogenetic groups this rule can be broken, as it occurs in the cereals (family Poaceae), where a negative correlation was found.  相似文献   

The recent availability of several archaeal genome sequences has provided a basis for detailed analyses of the frequency, location and phylogeny of archaeal mobile elements. All the known elements fall into two main types, autonomous insertion sequence (IS) elements and the non-autonomous miniature inverted repeat element (MITE)-like elements. Both classes are considered to be mobilized via transposases that are encoded by the IS elements, although mobility has only been demonstrated experimentally for a few elements. The number, and diversity, of the elements differs greatly between the genomes. At one extreme Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 and Halobacterium NRC-1 are very rich in elements while Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum contains none. The former also show examples of complex clusters of interwoven elements. An analysis of the genomic distribution in S. solfataricus suggests that the putative oriC and terC regions act as barriers for the mobility of both IS and MITE-like elements. Moreover, the very high level of truncated IS elements in the genomes of S. solfataricus, Sulfolobus tokodaii and Thermoplasma volcanium suggests that there may be a cellular mechanism for selectively inactivating IS elements at a point when they become too numerous and disadvantageous for the cell. Phylogenetically, archaeal IS elements are confined to 11 of the 17 known families of bacterial and eukaryal IS elements where some generate distinct subgroups. Finally, DNA viruses, plasmids and DNA fragments can also be inserted into, and excised from, archaeal genomes by means of an integrase-mediated mechanism that has special archaeal characteristics.  相似文献   

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