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Here we have investigated the function of TcRho1, a Rho family orthologue from the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. We have selected parasites overexpressing wild-type TcRho1 and a truncated form of TcRho1 (TcRho1-DeltaCaaX) which is unable to undergo farnesylation and supposed to interfere with recruitment of Rho effectors to membranes. TcRho1 protein was localized at the anterior region of wild-type and TcRho1 overexpressing epimastigotes, suggesting association with the Golgi apparatus. Accordingly, parasites overexpressing TcRho1-DeltaCaaX presented cytoplasmic fluorescence. To address the function of TcRho1 during differentiation, from epimastigotes to trypomastigotes, we submitted parasites overexpressing the above-cited lineages to metacyclogenesis assays. Parasites overexpressing TcRho1-DeltaCaaX generated a discrete number of metacyclic trypomastigotes when compared with other lineages. Strikingly, TcRho1-DeltaCaaX cells died synchronously during the process of metacyclogenesis.  相似文献   

The surface of the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent of Chagas' disease, is covered by a dense glycolipid layer, composed mainly by a structurally related family of glycoinositolphospholipids (GIPLs). In the present study we evaluated the in vivo effects of the GIPL on B cell function and immunoglobulin (Ig) secretion. We observed that GIPL injection led to a sustained increase in circulating IgM levels. B cells from GIPL injected mice showed higher response when activated in vitro with either LPS or dextran-conjugated anti-IgD antibodies or purified cytokines. GIPL purified from T. cruzi also showed an adjuvant effect, since this glycophospholipid boosted a polysaccharide-(TNP-Ficoll) induced IgG response. Taken together, our data indicate that T. cruzi-derived GIPL could be at least partially responsible for the remarkable B cell activation observed during T. cruzi acute infection in vivo.  相似文献   

Epimastigotes multiplies in the insect midgut by taking up nutrients present in the blood meal including heme bound to hemoglobin of red blood cell. During blood meal digestion by vector proteases in the posterior midgut, hemoglobin is clipped off into amino acids, peptides, and free heme. In this paper, we compared the heme and hemoglobin uptake kinetics and followed their intracellular trafficking. Addition of heme to culture medium increased epimastigote proliferation in a dose-dependent manner, while medium supplemented with hemoglobin enhanced growth after 3-day lag phase. Medium supplemented with globin-derived peptides stimulated cell proliferation in a dose-independent way. Using Palladium mesoporphyrin IX (Pd-mP) as a fluorescent heme-analog, we observed that heme internalization proceeded much faster than that observed by hemoglobin-rhodamine. Binding experiments showed that parasites accumulated the Pd-mP into the posterior region of the cell whereas hemoglobin-rhodamine stained the anterior region. Finally, using different specific inhibitors of ABC transporters we conclude that a P-glycoprotein homologue transporter is probably involved in heme transport through the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

American Trypanosomiasis is caused by the hemoflagellate Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi) and affects millions of persons causing variable degrees of digestive and heart disturbances. As far as we concerned, T. cruzi capacity to synthesize steroid hormones has not been investigated. Therefore, the aim of this work was to investigate the capacity of T. cruzi trypomastigotes to transform tritiated steroid precursors into androgens and estrogens. The T. cruzi Tulahuén strain was obtained from mice blood. The trypomastigotes were cultured for 6 and 24h in Dulbbeco's modified Eagle's medium plus FCS and antibiotics. Tritiated dehydroepiandrosterone or androstendione were added to the culture media and parasites were incubated for 6 or 24h. The cultures were centrifuged and ether extracted. The steroids were analyzed by thin layer chromatography (TLC) in two solvent systems. After incubation with (3)H-androstenedione, T. cruzi trypomastigotes synthesized (3)H-testosterone (T), (3)H-17beta-estradiol (E(2)) and (3)H-estrone (E(1)). Metabolism of (3)H-DHEA by the parasites yielded (3)H-androstendione and (3)H-androstendiol at 6h of incubation. The recrystallization procedure further demonstrated the (3)H-androstendiol and (3)H-17beta-estradiol syntheses. Results indicate for the first time that T. cruzi trypomastigotes produce androgens and estrogens when incubated in the presence of steroid precursors and suggest the presence of active parasite steroidogenic enzymes.  相似文献   

The ability of gonadal hormones to influence and induce diverse immunological functions during the course of a number of parasitic infections has been extensively studied in the latest decades. Dehydroepiandrosterone and its sulfate are the most abundant steroid hormones secreted by the human adrenal cortex and are considered potent immune-activators. The effects of orchiectomy on the course of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in rats, treated and untreated with DHEA were examined, by comparing blood and cardiac parasitism, macrophage numbers, nitric oxide and IFN-γ levels. Orchiectomy enhanced resistance against infection with elevated numbers of macrophages, enhanced concentrations of NO and IFN-γ and reduced amastigote burdens in heart when compared to control animals. DHEA replacement exerted a synergistic effect, up-modulating the immune response. Male sex steroids appear to play fundamental role in determining the outcome of disease, through the regulation and modulation of the activity of the immune response.  相似文献   

A dense glycocalix covers the surface of Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease. Sialic acid in the surface of the parasite plays an important role in the infectious process, however, T. cruzi is unable to synthesize sialic acid or the usual donor CMP-sialic acid. Instead, T. cruzi expresses a unique enzyme, the trans-sialidase (TcTS) involved in the transfer of sialic acid from host glycoconjugates to mucins of the parasite. The mucins are the major glycoproteins in the insect stage epimastigotes and in the infective trypomastigotes. Both, the mucins and the TcTS are anchored to the plasma membrane by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor. Thus, TcTS may be shed into the bloodstream of the mammal host by the action of a parasite phosphatidylinositol-phospholipase C, affecting the immune system. The composition and structure of the sugars in the parasite mucins is characteristic of each differentiation stage, also, interstrain variations were described for epimastigote mucins. This review focus on the characteristics of the interplay between the trans-sialidase and the mucins of T. cruzi and summarizes the known carbohydrate structures of the mucins.  相似文献   

In this study Tc52, a Trypanosoma cruzi released protein, which exerts an immunoregulatory activity, was converted to a molecular form with altered biological function. Indeed, the genetic fusion of Tc52 to a carrier protein, the Shistosoma japonicum glutathione S-transferase (Tc52-Sj26), was shown to induce apoptosis in spleen cells from BALB/c or CBA mice and the human T-cell leukemic cell line (CEM). Cell death by apoptosis was evidenced by the following criteria: (1) increased binding of Annexin V to rTc52-treated spleen cells; (2) the presence of an ordered cleavage of the DNA backbone; (3) double labeling showed increased number of T cells undergoing apoptosis upon incubation with rTc52; (4) the use of a CEM cell line and TUNEL assay allowed to show in situ DNA fragmentation. Surprisingly, intraperitoneal injections of rTc52 to BALB/c mice, which were then infected with T. cruzi, resulted in increased parasiteamia levels and is congruent to 2.5 times increase of macrophages number. Since native Tc52 could not trigger, apoptosis of T cells we could hypothesized that the fusion of Tc52 with Sj26 led to conformational changes resulting in apoptosis inducing properties of rTc52. The possible in vivo physiopathological implications of these finding were discussed.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescence studies of normal and Trypanosoma cruzi-infected primary cultures of heart muscle cells were performed to gather information about the arrangement of myofibrillar components during the intracellular life cycle of this parasite. By using a panel of monoclonal antibodies against various myofibrillar proteins, a progressive disruption and loss of contractile proteins (such myosin and actin) of the host cell was detected during infection. The host cell formed a loose network of myofibrillar proteins around the parasites. Breakdown of the myofibrils occurred in regions where the parasites were present, and heavily infected cells showed myofibrillar proteins at their periphery. In parallel, we investigated the effect of T. cruzi infection on intracellular calcium levels by using a Ca2+ fluorescent indicator (confocal microscopy). Infected cardiomyocytes displayed a marked impairment in contractility, and calcium influxes became irregular and less intense when compared with those of non-infected cells. Our results demonstrate that T. cruzi infection dramatically affects calcium fluxes and causes myofibrillar breakdown disturbing cardiomyocyte contractility.Financial support through grants and scholarships from the Brazilian funding agencies FAPESP, CNPq, and CAPES is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Platelet-activating factor is a phospholipid mediator that exhibits a wide variety of physiological and pathophysiological effects, including induction of inflammatory response, chemotaxis and cellular differentiation. Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas' disease, is transmitted by triatomine insects and while in the triatomine midgut the parasite differentiates from a non-infective epimastigote stage into the pathogenic trypomastigote metacyclic form. We have previously demonstrated that platelet activating factor triggers in vitro cell differentiation of T. cruzi. Here we show a platelet activating factor-like activity isolated from lipid extract of T. cruzi epimastigotes incubated in the presence of [14C]acetate. Trypanosoma cruzi-platelet activating factor-like lipid induced the aggregation of rabbit platelets, which was prevented by platelet activating factor-acetylhydrolase. Mouse macrophage infection by T. cruzi was stimulated when epimastigotes were kept for 5 days in the presence of T. cruzi-platelet activating factor, before interacting with the macrophages. The differentiation of epimastigotes into metacyclic trypomastigotes was also triggered by T. cruzi-platelet activating factor. These effects were abrogated by a platelet activating factor antagonist, WEB 2086. Polyclonal antibody raised against mouse platelet activating factor receptor showed labelling for T. cruzi epimastigotes using immunoblotting and immunofluorescence assays. These data suggest that T. cruzi contain the components of an autocrine platelet activating factor-like ligand-receptor system that modulates cell differentiation towards the infectious stage.  相似文献   

The comparisons of 170 sequences of kinetoplast DNA minicircle hypervariable region obtained from 19 stocks of Trypanosoma cruzi and 2 stocks of Trypanosoma cruzi marenkellei showed that only 56% exhibited a significant homology one with other sequences. These sequences could be grouped into homology classes showing no significant sequence similarity with any other homology group. The 44% remaining sequences thus corresponded to unique sequences in our data set. In the DTU I ("Discrete Typing Units") 51% of the sequences were unique. In contrast, in the DTU IId, 87.5% of sequences were distributed into three classes. The results obtained for T. cruzi marinkellei, showed that all sequences were unique, without any similarity between them and T. cruzi sequences. Analysis of palindromes in all sequence sets show high frequency of the EcoRI site. Analysis of repetitive sequences suggested a common ancestral origin of the kDNA. The editing mechanism that occurs in kinetoplastidae is discussed.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi expresses several proteins containing antigenic amino acid repeats. Here we characterized TcRpL7a and TcRBP28, which carry similar repeat motifs and share homology to the eukaryotic L7a ribosomal protein and to a Trypanosoma brucei RNA binding protein, respectively. Analyses of the full length and truncated recombinant TcRpL7a showed that the humoral response of patients with Chagas disease is directed towards its repetitive domain. Sequence analyses of distinct copies of TcRpL7a genes present in the genome of six T. cruzi strains indicate that the number of repeats is higher in proteins from T. cruzi II than T. cruzi I strains. A serum panel of 59 T. cruzi infected patients showed that 73% reacted with TcRpL7a, 71% reacted with TcRBP28 and 80% reacted with 1:1 mixture of both antigens. Synthetic peptides harboring the TcRpL7a repeat motif reacted with 46% of the serum samples. Antibodies raised against both antigens identified equivalent amounts of the native proteins in all three stages of the parasite life cycle. Analyses of subcellular fractions indicated that TcRBP28 is present in the cytoplasm whereas TcRpL7a co-fractionates with polysomes. Confirming their predicted cellular localization, GFP fusions showed that, whereas GFP::TcRBP28 localizes in the cytoplasm, GFP::TcRpL7a accumulates in the nucleus, where ribosome biogenesis occurs.  相似文献   

The replication and segregation of organelles producing two identical daughter cells must be precisely controlled during the cell cycle progression of eukaryotes. In kinetoplastid flagellated protozoa, this includes the duplication of the single mitochondrion containing a network of DNA, known as the kinetoplast, and a flagellum that grows from a cytoplasmic basal body through the flagellar pocket compartment before emerging from the cell. Here, we show the morphological events and the timing of these events during the cell cycle of the epimastigote form of Trypanosoma cruzi, the protozoan parasite that causes Chagas' disease. DNA staining, flagellum labeling, bromodeoxyuridine incorporation, and ultra-thin serial sections show that nuclear replication takes 10% of the whole cell cycle time. In the middle of the G2 stage, the new flagellum emerges from the flagellar pocket and grows unattached to the cell body. While the new flagellum is still short, the kinetoplast segregates and mitosis occurs. The new flagellum reaches its final size during cytokinesis when a new cell body is formed. These precisely coordinated cell cycle events conserve the epimastigote morphology with a single nucleus, a single kinetoplast, and a single flagellum status of the interphasic cell.  相似文献   

The macrophage mannose receptor (MR) is a pattern recognition receptor of the innate immune system that binds to microbial structures bearing mannose, fucose and N-acetylglucosamine on their surface. Trypanosoma cruzi antigen cruzipain (Cz) is found in the different developmental forms of the parasite. This glycoprotein has a highly mannosylated C-terminal domain that participates in the host-antigen contact. Our group previously demonstrated that Cz-macrophage (Mo) interaction could modulate the immune response against T. cruzi through the induction of a preferential metabolic pathway. In this work, we have studied in Mo the role of MR in arginase induction and in T. cruzi survival using different MR ligands. We have showed that pre-incubation of T. cruzi infected cells with mannose-Bovine Serum Albumin (Man-BSA, MR specific ligand) biased nitric oxide (NO)/urea balance towards urea production and increased intracellular amastigotes growth. The study of intracellular signals showed that pre-incubation with Man-BSA in T. cruzi J774 infected cells induced down-regulation of JNK and p44/p42 phosphorylation and increased of p38 MAPK phosphorylation. These results are coincident with previous data showing that Cz also modifies the MAPK phosphorylation profile induced by the parasite. In addition, we have showed by confocal microscopy that Cz and Man-BSA enhance MR recycling. Furthermore, we studied MR behavior during T. cruzi infection in vivo. MR was up-regulated in F4/80+ cells from T. cruzi infected mice at 13 and 15 days post infection. Besides, we investigated the effect of MR blocking antibody in T. cruzi infected peritoneal Mo. Arginase activity and parasite growth were decreased in infected cells pre-incubated with anti-MR antibody as compared with infected cells treated with control antibody. Therefore, we postulate that during T. cruzi infection, Cz may contact with MR, increasing MR recycling which leads to arginase activity up-regulation and intracellular parasite growth.  相似文献   

It is well recognized that zinc is an essential trace element, influencing growth and affecting the development and integrity of the immune system. The use of oligoelements as zinc can be considered a tool in modulating the effectiveness of the immune response. In this work zinc was daily and orally supplied in male Wistar rats infected with the Y strain of Trypanosoma cruzi. Parasitemia was evaluated and a significant reduction on blood parasites was observed. In order to check some immunological parameters peritoneal macrophages were counted revealing higher percentages for zinc supplied group. Consequently enhanced concentrations of IFN-gamma was found and for the first time NO was evaluated in T. cruzi infected animals under the influence of zinc therapy, revealing enhanced concentrations when compared to unsupplied counterparts. We conclude that zinc is able to up-regulate the host's immune response against parasite replication.  相似文献   

A protein kinase activity, which uses casein as a substrate, has been purified to homogeneity from the epimastigote stage of Trypanosoma cruzi, by sequential chromatography on Q sepharose, heparin sepharose, phenyl sepharose, and alpha-casein agarose. An apparent molecular weight of 36,000 was estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Gel filtration chromatography and sedimentation analyses demonstrated that the purified native enzyme is a monomer with a sedimentation coefficient of 2.9 S. The hydrodynamic parameters indicated that the shape of the protein is globular with a frictional ratio f/f(o) = 1.36 and a Stokes radius of 27.7 A. When two selective peptide substrates for protein kinases CK1 and CK2 were used (RRKDLHDDEEDEAM. SITA and RRRADDSDDDDD, respectively), the purified kinase was shown to predominantly phosphorylate the CK1-specific peptide. Additionally, the enzyme was inhibited by N-(2-amino-ethyl)-5-chloroisoquinoline-8-sulfonamide, a specific inactivator of CK1s from mammals. Based on these results, we concluded that the purified kinase corresponds to a parasite CK1.  相似文献   

The clonal evolution model postulated for Trypanosoma cruzi predicts a correlation between the phylogenetic divergence of T. cruzi clonal genotypes and their biological properties. In the present study, the linkage between phylogenetic divergence of the parasite and IgG, IgG1, IgG2a and IgG2b response has been evaluated during the acute and chronic phases of the experimental infection. Eight laboratory-cloned stocks representative of this phylogenetic diversity and including the lineages T. cruzi I (genotypes 19 and 20), T. cruzi II (genotype 32) and T. cruzi (genotype 39) have been studied. The results showed that the pattern of humoral immune response was correlated with T. cruzi genotype, and that stocks included in genotype 20 were responsible for the high IgG response in the acute and chronic phases. Moreover, T. cruzi I lineage was more efficient in over-expressing all subclasses of specific anti-parasite IgG than either T. cruzi II or T. cruzi lineages. Curiously, the alteration in the pattern of antibodies induced by Benznidazole treatment was related to the phase of the infection but not to the genotype of the parasite. The data suggest that genotypes of T. cruzi are able to drive levels/subclasses of specific IgG, hence giving rise to further concerns about the sensitivity of serological assays in the diagnosis of human Chagas disease.  相似文献   

A Trypanosoma cruzi cysteine protease inhibitor, termed chagasin, is the first characterized member of a new family of tight-binding cysteine protease inhibitors identified in several lower eukaryotes and prokaryotes but not present in mammals. In the protozoan parasite T.cruzi, chagasin plays a role in parasite differentiation and in mammalian host cell invasion, due to its ability to modulate the endogenous activity of cruzipain, a lysosomal-like cysteine protease. In the present work, we determined the solution structure of chagasin and studied its backbone dynamics by NMR techniques. Structured as a single immunoglobulin-like domain in solution, chagasin exerts its inhibitory activity on cruzipain through conserved residues placed in three loops in the same side of the structure. One of these three loops, L4, predicted to be of variable length among chagasin homologues, is flexible in solution as determined by measurements of (15)N relaxation. The biological implications of structural homology between chagasin and other members of the immunoglobulin super-family are discussed.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiological agent of Chagas disease, an important neglected illness affecting about 12–14 million people in endemic areas of Latin America. The chemotherapy of Chagas disease is quite unsatisfactory mainly due to its poor efficacy especially during the later chronic phase and the considerable well-known side effects. These facts emphasize the need to search for find new drugs. Diamidines and related compounds are minor groove binders of DNA at AT-rich sites and present excellent anti-trypanosomal activity. In the present study, six novel aromatic amidine compounds (arylimidamides and diamidines) were tested in vitro to determine activity against the infective and intracellular stages of T. cruzi, which are responsible for sustaining the infection in the mammalian hosts. In addition, their selectivity and toxicity towards primary cultures of cardiomyocyte were evaluated since these cells represent important targets of infection and inflammation in vivo. The aromatic amidines were active against T. cruzi in vitro, the arylimidamide DB1470 was the most effective compound presenting a submicromolar LD50 values, good selectivity index, and good activity at 4 °C in the presence of blood constituents. Our results further justify trypanocidal screening assays with these classes of compounds both in vitro and in vivo in experimental models of T. cruzi infection.  相似文献   

The parasite Trypanosoma cruzi is the causative agent of Chagas disease. T. cruzi invasion and replication in cardiomyocytes induce cellular injuries and cytotoxic reactions, with the production of inflammatory cytokines and nitric oxide, both source of reactive oxygen species. The myocyte response to oxidative stress involves the progression of cellular changes primarily targeting mitochondria. We studied the cardiac mitochondrial structure and the enzymatic activity of citrate synthase and respiratory chain CI–CIV complexes, in Albino Swiss mice infected with T. cruzi, Tulahuen strain and SGO Z12 isolate, in two periods of the acute infection. Changes in the mitochondrial structure were detected in both infected groups, reaching values of 71% for Tulahuen and 88% for SGO Z12 infected mice, 30 days post infection. The citrate synthase activity was different according to the evolution of the infection and the parasite strain, but the respiratory chain alterations were similar with either strain.  相似文献   

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