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Summary The rhombencephalic recess, an ependymal organ, has been studied for the first time by light- and electron microscopy. It is situated mediosagittally on the floor of the rhomboid fossa at the level of the colliculus facialis. The recess and the superimposed tissue are built up by tanycytes, their apices being connected by tight junctions. HRP, injected into the c.s.f., does not penetrate into the intercellular clefts of the recess area. The recess area reveals a certain autonomy regarding its supply with arteries and capillaries. A bloodbrain barrier exists, but shows slight leakage in circumscribed areas as a result of intense transendothelial vesicular transport. The organization of the recess area is compared with that of other ependymal organs, especially circumventricular organs.The skilful technical assistance of Miss K. Bielenberg, Mrs. H. Prien, Mrs. E. Schöngarth and Mrs. H. Schöning is thankfully acknowledgedSupported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Kr 569/1 and SFB 34/D4) and Stiftung Volkswagenwerk

Summary This study was carried out using thin sections, lanthanum tracing, and freeze-cleaving in order to investigate the Sertoli cell junctions of rat testis in vivo and their maintenance in culture. The presence of a new type of membrane specialization has been revealed. This consists of a close association between tight junctions and nexuses. The Sertoli cell contact specializations show a progressive disorganization in vitro correlated with the duration of the period in culture. The relationship between the morphological changes in Sertoli cell junctions and the lack of spermatogenesis in culture is discussed.Research performed under the C.N.R. project Biology of Reproduction  相似文献   

A single layer of cell secrets the hard cephalopod beaks. The beccublasts are tall columnar cells that separate the beak from the surrounding buccal muscles, and must serve to attach these muscles to the beak. Within the cell layer there are three types of cells. The first, and most frequently found contain cell-long fibrils. These fibrils may have contractile and tensile properties. Complex trabeculae extend from the beccublasts into the matrix of the beak. The fibrils are attached to these trabeculae and at the other end of the cells they are anchored near to the beccublast-muscle cell interface, closely associated with the muscles that move the beak. The second group of cells contain masses of endoplasmic reticulum the cysternae of which are arranged along the long axis of the cell. These cells also contain dense granules and are probably the major source of beak hard tissue. It is probable that each cell secretes its own column of beak hard tissue. The third group of cells cells contains a mixture of fibrils and secretory tissue. In the beccublast layer there are changes in the proportion of the three types of cells depending upon the region sampled. In the region where growth is most active there are mostly secretory cells, whereas near the biting and wearing tip there are mainly anchoring type cells.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the absorptive cells in human small-intestinal biopsies cultured for 6, 24, and 48 h was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The findings show generally good preservation of the cultured absorptive cells and a normal distribution, size, and relative volume of their cell organelles, but there was a systematic decrease in the apical cell surface and an increase in the number of apical vesicles and tubules after culturing. Since the apical vesicles and tubules are thought to have a function in the transport of cell-coat material from the Golgi apparatus to the cell surface, these findings raise the question of whether a delayed transport or extrusion of cell surface material occurs.The diminished relative volume of the mitochondria and the increased signs of autophagy in some poorly preserved absorptive cells, are assumed to be an adaption to less favourable culture conditions.The authors acknowledge the help of Dr. A.S. Pena in the setting up of the organ culture technique, and also wish to thank Mrs. M.L. Bouwhuis for statistical advice and Mrs. M. de Gruil and Mr. L.D.C. Verschragen for technical assistance. The investigations were supported in part by the Foundation for Medical Research (FUNGO), which is subsidized by the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (ZWO)  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy of bone cells in culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Embryonic and young rat bone cells have been grown in culture and examined in the scanning electron microscope (SEM). Compared with cells fixed in situ and taken directly from the animal, the cultured osteoblastic cells were smoother, flatter and more extensive and showed tighter intercellular contacts. Some matrix is formed in culture and undergoes at least partial mineralization as judged by the accumulation of Ca and P measured by energy dispersive x-ray analysis. Findings concerning the morphology of the collagen arrangement were indecisive. Some superficial cells, free of surrounding matrix, resembled osteocytes in normal in vivo bone. This may indicate that a proportion of the extracellular matrix produced by the cultured cells failed to polymerise into recognizable bone matrix, and that osteocytic morphology is not dependent upon the physical characteristics of the bone matrix.  相似文献   

Summary Twelve bovine adenohypophyses were prepared for light and electron microscopy of the cell types of pars distalis. Correlation between the light and electron microscopy was effected by use of alternate thin and thick sections. Cytological changes in the experimental animals were used as criteria for the identification of six different types of secretory cells.Two types of acidophils, alpha and epsilon cells, are recognized in peripheral area of the pars distalis by light and electron microscopy. The alpha cells contain orangeophilic secretory granules of a maximum diameter of 400–450 m and correspond to ordinary acidophils (STH cells). The second type, epsilon cells, contains larger, fuchsinophilic granules of 600 to 900 m in diameter, increase in number and granulation after pregnancy and thyroidectomy, and are thought to be prolactin cells (LTH cells).Two types of amphophils, zeta and delta 1 cells, were found in the central area of the pars distalis. The zeta cells contain smaller numbers of amphophilic, cored granules (200 m maximum diameter) and based on the comparison with literature on other species of animals, are designated as ACTH cells. The delta 1 cells are round or oval and contain very dense, spherical granules (250–300 m) which are stained red or reddish purple with PAS, aldehyde thionin and PAS-methyl blue methods. They show extreme enlargement and bizarre cytoplasmic appearance after castration and are designated tentatively as LH gonadotrophs or LH cells.Two types of basophils, beta and delta 2 cells, were also identified by correlative light and electron microscopy. The beta cells are polygonal in outline, distributed exclusively in the zona tuberalis and contain large, less dense secretory granules (300–400 m) which are stained selectively with Gomori's aldehyde fuchsin. After thyroidectomy, they lose their secretory granules and are transformed into large, vacuolated thyroidectomy cells. They are therefore, identified as thyrotrophs or TSH cells. The delta 2 cells are round, oval or polygonal in shape and contain basophilic granules ranging from 220 to 300 m in diameter. They show extreme enlargement and vacuolization due to the dilation of endoplasmic reticulum, after castration, and are designated tentatively as FSH gonadotrophs or FSH cells.The investigation reported herein was supported by a Scientific Research Grant (No. 291049) from the Ministry of Education of Japan.  相似文献   

Summary Reaggregate cultures were obtained from single-cell suspensions of fetal and early postnatal cerebellum, and fetal telencephalon and mesencephalon from C57BL/6J and NMRI mice and maintained in suspension under constant rotation as described previously (Seeds 1971). The percentage of dead cells in the aggregates as measured by the uptake of the fluorescent dye propidium iodide was always less than 5% of all cells. During the initial phase of reaggregation up to 20 h in vitro (hiv) several immunocytochemically defined cell types had a random distribution within the aggregate. Astrocytes were identified by indirect immunofluorescence by the use of the markers glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), C1 and M1 antigens; neurons by NS-4 antigen and tetanus-toxin receptors; fibroblasts or fibroblast-like cells by fibronectin and laminin; and oligodendrocytes by myelin basic protein (MBP). Choleratoxin receptors and M 2 antigen served to distinguish the more mature from the less mature neurons. In reaggregates of early postnatal cerebellar cells neurons had started to redistribute after 40 hiv, forming an outer region containing more immature neurons and a core with more mature neurons. After 5 days in vitro (div) immature neurons were no longer detectable. From 3–8 div M1-and GFAP-positive astrocytic processes in the outer region showed a tendency for radial orientation. At later stages the processes appeared more randomly distributed and formed a dense glial network. Few oligodendrocytes and fibronectin-positive cells were present in the reaggregates. When reaggregates were prepared from 15 day-old embryonic cerebella, formation of radially oriented astrocytic processes and redistribution of neurons proceeded more slowly, but in a similar pattern as described for early postnatal cerebellum. GFAP was detectable at earlier ages than in situ. In reaggregates of 15 to 17 day old embryonic telencephalic anlage or midbrain, radially oriented astrocytic processes were not detectable. Similar to cerebellar reaggregates, accumulation of neurons in the inner region was observed.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of luminal surface of clearly identified portions of uriniferous tubules has been studied by scanning electron microscopy to elucidate some controversies concerning the topography of certain surface formations. The results show a characteristic pattern of the luminal surface in the region of Henle's loop, which was assumed by previous authors, to belong to the collecting tubule. Furthermore it is demonstrated that no cilia are present within the terminal portion of the collecting tubules.  相似文献   

Summary The neurophysin that is biosynthesised in association with the neurohypophysial hormone vasopressin (vasopressin-neurophysin) affects the growth and DNA synthesis of rat hypothalamic non-neuronal cells in culture. Over a narrow range of concentrations vasopressin-neurophysin stimulated growth, as assessed by increase in cell numbers, about five-fold, in conditions where fetal calf serum concentration was limiting (0.2% fetal calf serum). Maximum stimulation occurred in the presence of 20 to 30 ng vasopressin-neurophysin per ml of medium. DNA synthesis was increased by a factor of three in the presence of 30 ng vasopressin-neurophysin per ml of medium. At least two populations of non-neuronal hypothalamic cells were present in the cultures, and these were both affected by vasopressin-neurophysin.This study allows the suggestion that neurophysin may be acting as a growth-regulating factor at its release site, playing a part in the interactions of neurones and glial cells in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system.  相似文献   

Summary The appearance and localization of LHRH were studied in the developing hypothalamus of perinatal rats using the unlabelled antibody method. By light microscopy, immunoreactive LHRH was first detected as brown dots on day 18.5 of gestation in the OVLT and on day 19.5 in the median eminence, respectively. When the median eminence was examined by the preembedding immunohistochemistry technique for electron microscopy, the occurrence of immunoreactive LHRH fibers could be demonstrated on day 18.5. These fibers were thin and very occasionally encountered near the surface of the lateral regions of the median eminence. The axoplasm contained a few immunopositive secretory granules and also extragranular immunoreactive products. With development, a gradual increase was noted both in number and size of nerve fibers with a concomitant accumulation of secretory granules within the axoplasm.A possible physiological significance of LHRH is discussed in relation to the onset of hypothalamo-hypophysial system in fetal life.  相似文献   

Mercury in the environment that arises from organic and inorganic sources can cause irreversible damage to the nervous system. Toxicity may be direct or may arise from interactions with other metals in the environment. We evaluated the possible effects of mercury vapor on rat cerebellum. Twelve adult female rats were divided into control and experimental groups. The rats in the experimental group were exposed to mercury vapor for 9 h/day for 45 days. Cerebellar tissue samples were evaluated using stereology and for histopathology. The total number of Purkinje cells was estimated using a physical disector method. We found that in the experimental group, overall volume decreased and the number of Purkinje cells was reduced. We also found cellular damage including pycnotic nuclei, eosinophilic cytoplasm and vacuolization; these features were absent in the control group. We found that chronic exposure to inorganic mercury vapor is toxic to the cerebellum.  相似文献   

Summary Transmission electron microscopy of fowl embryos during the 7–10 h preceding migration of trunk-level neural crest (NC) cells revealed extracellular material near the NC-cells. In contrast to the cells of the neural tube, the basal surfaces of NC-cells possessed projections, and were neither contiguous nor covered by a complete basal lamina. The apical zones of NC-cells showed intercellular junctions at the stage of neural-fold fusion, but such junctions were absent in some NC-cells 5 h before migration. The basal laminae of the neural tube and the ectoderm were fused lateral to the NC before migration. In vitro, NC-cell migration commenced immediately when neural anlagen were explanted onto fibronectin-rich matrices, but only when the neural anlagen were from a level where migration had commenced in vivo. Migration was delayed 4–8 h when premigratory-level expiants were used. Short-term cell-adhesion assays showed that NC-cells of both premigratory and migratory levels could adhere to fibronectin-rich matrices and to collagen gels, but only migratory NC-cells could be detached from the neural anlage. The results suggest that the precise schedule of the onset of NC-cell migration correlates with a decrease in the intercellular adhesion of NC-cells.  相似文献   


Regenerated plants of Lycopersicon esculentum var. Alice were obtained from in vitro culture of cotyledons. Some of them showed different grades of leaf variegation, but a few plants were completely white. Here the chloroplasts of the mesophyll cells had completely failed to differentiate and contained no thylakoids. On the contrary those of the epidermal and stomata guard cells were normally developed. This suggests that in the albino plants a mutation had occurred in the submarginal initial cell responsible for mesophyll formation.  相似文献   

Hypertrophic “light” and “dark” chondrocytes have been reported as morphologically distinct cell types in growth cartilage during endochondral ossification in many species, but functional differences between the two cell types have not been described. The aim of the current study was to develop a pellet culture system using chondrocytes isolated from epiphyseal cartilage of neonatal mice and rats, for the study of functional differences between these two cell types. Hypertrophic chondrocytes resembling those described in vivo were observed by light and electron microscopy in sections of pellets treated with triiodothyronine, 1% fetal calf or mouse serum, 10% fetal calf serum or 1.7 MPa centrifugal pressure at day 14, and in pellets cultured with insulin or 0.1% fetal calf or mouse serum at day 21. A mixed population of light and dark chondrocytes was found in all conditions leading to induction of chondrocyte hypertrophy. This rodent culture system allows the differentiation of light and dark chondrocytes under various conditions in vitro and will be useful for future studies on tissue engineering and mechanisms of chondrocyte hypertrophy.  相似文献   

Summary Frog erythroblasts were studied in summer animals with a very active as well as reduced erythropoiesis due to experimental hibernation, the latter being administered in order to get more information on the frequency of various nucleolar types in maturing cells. The results suggest that nucleoli with nucleolonemata are a transitional nucleolar type between compact and ringshaped nucleoli. Since micronucleoli represent final nucleolar maturation changes and compact nucleoli are present in most immature cells, the sequence of nucleolar changes based on the frequency of investigated nucleolar types is as follows: compact nucleolinucleoli with nucleolonemataringshaped nucleolimicronucleoli. The experimental hibernation produces a shift of nucleoli to less active and maturer nucleolar types in all stages of the erythroblastic maturation. In addition, the experimental hibernation produces the formation of ringshaped nucleoli in the first stages of the erythroblastic maturation which in summer animals usually contain compact nucleoli and/or nucleoli with distinct nucleolonemata.  相似文献   

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