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The electroluminescence induced by external electric fields in blebs prepared from chloroplasts consists of two kinetically different phases, rapid (R) and slow (S), which were shown to be linked to Photosystem I (PS I) and Photosystem II (PS II) activities, respectively (Symons, M., Korenstein, R. and Malkin, S. (1985) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 806, 305–310). In this report we describe conditions involving heat treatment of broken chloroplasts, which make it possible to observe R phase electroluminescence essentially devoid of any contribution by the S phase. This allowed the precise measurement of the emission spectrum of PS I electroluminescence. The emission spectrum of PS II electroluminescence was obtained using regular broken chloroplasts, which show only S-type emission. The latter emission spectrum is identical to the one obtained for ordinary prompt fluorescence, peaking at 685 nm with a bandwidth of about 25 nm. The PS I emission spectrum is symmetric around 705 nm and is much broader, about 60 nm.  相似文献   

Light, controls the “blueprint” for chloroplast development, but at high intensities is toxic to the chloroplast. Excessive light intensities inhibit primarily photosystem II electron transport. This results in generation of toxic singlet oxygen due to impairment of electron transport on the acceptor side between pheophytin and QB -the secondary electron acceptor. High light stress also impairs electron transport on the donor side of photosystem II generating highly oxidizing species Z+ and P680+. A conformationsl change in the photosystem II reaction centre protein Dl affecting its QB-binding site is involved in turning the damaged protein into a substrate for proteolysis. The evidence indicates that the degradation of D1 is an enzymatic process and the protease that degrades D1 protein has been shown to be a serine protease Although there is evidence to indicate that the chlorophyll a-protein complex CP43 acts as a serine-type protease degrading Dl, the observed degradation of Dl protein in photosystem II reaction centre particlesin vitro argues against the involvement of CP43 in Dl degradation. Besides the degradation during high light stress of Dl, and to a lesser extent D2-the other reaction centre protein, CP43 and CP29 have also been shown to undergo degradation. In an oxygenic environment, Dl is cleaved from its N-and C-termini and the disassembly of the photosystem II complex involves simultaneous release of manganese and three extrinsic proteins involved in oxygen evolution. It is known that protein with PEST sequences are subject to degradation; D1 protein contains a PEST sequence adjacent to the site of cleavage on the outer side of thylakoid membrane between helices IV and V. The molecular processes of “triggering” of Dl for proteolytic degradation are not clearly understood. The changes in structural organization of photosystem II due to generation of oxy-radicals and other highly oxidizing species have also not been resolved. Whether CP43 or a component of the photosystem II reaction centre itself (Dl. D2 or cy1 b559 subunits), which may be responsible for degradation of Dl, is also subject to light modification to become an active protease, is also not known. The identity of proteases degrading Dl, LHCII and CP43 and C29 remains to be established  相似文献   

Inhibition of Photosystem II (PS II) activity by single turnover visible light flashes was studied in thylakoid membranes isolated form spinach. Flash illumination results in decreased oxygen evolving activity of PS II, which effect is most pronounced when the water-oxidizing complex is in the S2 and S3 states, and increases with increasing time delay between the subsequent flashes. By applying the fluorescent spin-trap DanePy, we detected the production of singlet oxygen, whose amount was increasing with increasing flash spacing. These findings were explained in the framework of a model, which assumes that recombination of the S2QB and S3QB states generate the triplet state of the reaction center chlorophyll and lead to the production of singlet oxygen.  相似文献   

The origination of the peak at 730 nm in the delayed fluorescence (DF) spectrum of chloroplasts was studied using various optical analysis methods. The DF spectrum showed that the main emission peak was at about 685 nm, with a small shoulder at 730 nm when the chloroplast concentration was < 7.8 microg/mL. The intensity of the peak at 685 nm decreased, while the intensity of the peak at 730 nm increased, when the chloroplast concentrations were increased from 7.8 to 31.2 microg/mL. With the concentration increasing, the peak at 730 nm became dominant while the peak at 685 nm finally disappeared. The DF decay kinetic curves showed that the intensity of the peak at 730 nm decayed as the same speed as the intensity of the peak at 685 nm during the entire relaxation process (0.5-30.5 s). With the excitation wavelength at 685 nm, the emission intensity was stronger in the excitation spectrum at 730 nm. The absorption spectrum demonstrated that the ratio A(685):A(730) remained almost constant when the chloroplast concentration increased. The results suggest that the peak at 730 nm appearing in DF is mainly contributed by the fluorescence of photosystem I (PSI), generated by the re-absorption of 685 nm band DF.  相似文献   

A. Melis  A.P.G.M. Thielen 《BBA》1980,589(2):275-286
In the present study we used three types of Nicotiana tabacum, cv John William's Broad Leaf (the wild type and two mutants, the yellow-green Su/su and the yellow Su/su var. Aurea) in order to correlate functional properties of Photosystem II and Photosystem I with the structural organization of their chloroplasts. The effective absorption cross-section of Photosystem II and Photosystem I centers was measured by means of the rate constant of their photoconversion under light-limiting conditions. In agreement with earlier results (Okabe, K., Schmid, G.H. and Straub, J. (1977) Plant Physiol. 60, 150–156) the photosynthetic unit size for both System II and System I in the two mutants was considerably smaller as compared to the wild type. We observed biphasic kinetics in the photoconversion of System II in all three types of N. tabacum. However, the photoconversion of System I occurred with monophasic and exponential kinetics. Under our experimental conditions, the effective cross-section of Photosystem I was comparable to that of the fast System II component (α centers). The relative amplitude of the slow System II component (β centers) varied between 30% in the wild type to 70% in the Su/su var. Aurea mutant. The increased fraction of β centers is correlated with the decreased fraction of appressed photosynthetic membranes in the chloroplasts of the two mutants. As a working hypothesis, it is suggested that β centers are located on photosynthetic membranes directly exposed to the stroma medium.  相似文献   

The first well resolved emission spectra of white light-illuminated spinach chloroplasts at room temperature show that one second delayed fluorescence occurs at 685 nm. We demonstrate that reabsorption of this delayed fluorescence induces the second (probably prompt) emission observed at 730 nm and which we identify with the photosystem I peripheral antenna system.  相似文献   

Low light adapted cultures of the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana (3H) were cultured and incubated for 30 min under different ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths of near monochromatic light with and without background photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 380–700 nm). Maximum damage to the quantum yield for stable charge separations was found in the UVB (280-320 nm) wavelengths without background PAR light while the damage under PAR was 30% less. UV induced damage to carbon fixation in the cells was described by a function similar to non-linear functions of inhibiting irradiance previously published with the exception that damage was slightly higher in the UVA (320–380). Various measurements of fluorescent transients were measured and the results indicate localised damage most likely on the acceptor side of the Photosystem II reaction center. However, dark adapted measurements of fluorescence transients with and without DCMU do not result in similar functions. This is also true for the relationships between fluorescence transients and carbon fixation for this species of marine diatom. The correlation between the weightings H from measurements of carbon fixation and the quantum yield for stable charge separation as calculated from induction curves with DCMU and without DCMU is R 2 0.44 and R 2 0.78, respectively. The slopes of the two measurements are 3.8 and 1.4, respectively. The strong correlation between the weightings of the induction curves without DCMU and carbon fixation are due to a loss of electron transport from the reaction center to plastoquinone. Under these experimental conditions of constant photon flux density (PFD) this is manifested as a strong linear relationship between the decrease in the operational quantum yield of Photosystem II and carbon fixation. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Wei  Jia-Mian  Shi  Jin  Xu  Chun-He  Li  De-Yao  Shen  Yun-Kang 《Photosynthesis research》1998,57(3):317-322
The relation between the fast phase of ms-DLE (delayed light emission measured with a phosphoroscope) and the proton released from water oxidation in spinach chloroplasts was studied in several aspects. When photophosphorylation was allowed to be coupled to the Hill reaction the intensity of the fast phase of ms-DLE of chloroplast was lowered more at 1 °C than at 25 °C, and the photophosphorylation rate within 40 ms of flashing light was higher at 1 °C than at 25 °C. Adding the subunit of ATP synthase to the chloroplast preparation to block the leakage of protons through ATP synthase, the intensity of the fast phase of ms-DLE was enhanced, to a larger extent at 1 °C than at 25°C. When the ms-DLE was measured under isotonic conditions, the intensity of fast phase of ms-DLE enhanced by proton released from oxidation of water was more pronounced. The above results support the suggestion that under lower temperature and isotonic conditions, the proton released from water oxidation was liable to be localized and could enhance the intensity of the fast phase of ms-DLE more effectively.  相似文献   

The relationship between the structure of reconstituted plastoquinone derivatives and their ability to recover the Hill reaction was investigated by extraction and reconstitution of lyophilized chloroplasts from spinach, followed by monitoring DCIP photoreduction at 600 nm. The results show that: It is not essential that the plastoquinone side chain be an isoprenoid or a phytol; the activity increases with increasing length of the side chain up to 13–15 carbon atoms; for chains longer than 15 carbon atoms, the activity is practically constant. Lipophilic groups (such as -Br) in the side chain increased the activity, hydrophilic groups (such as -OH) decreased the activity. Conjugated double bonds in the side chain decreased the activity greatly, but non-conjugated double bonds had almost no effect on the activity, indicating a requirement of flexibility of the side chain. The activity is decreased in the order of PQ, UbiQ and MQ, showing a large effect of the ring structure.Abbreviations DCIP 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - QA primary electron acceptor in PS II reaction centers - QB secondary electron acceptor in PS II reaction centers - PQ n plastoquinones with an isoprenoid side chain (n, number of the isoprenoid units in the side chain) - PQ-n synthetic plastoquinones with alkyl side chain (n, number of the carbon atoms in the alkyl side chain) - PQ-n synthetic plastoquinones with a double bond in the alkyl side chain - UQ n ubiquinones with an isoprenoid side chain (n, number of the isoprenoid units in the side chain) - UQ-n synthetic ubiquinones with alkyl side chain (n, number of the carbon atoms in the akyl side chain) - MQ-n 2-alkyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (n, number of the carbon atoms in the alkyl side chain)  相似文献   

Stoichiometry of membrane components associated with Photosystem II was determined in a highly active O2-evolving Photosystem II preparation isolated from spinach chloroplasts by the treatment with digitonin and Triton X-100. From the analysis with sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Triton X-114 phase partitioning, the preparation was shown to contain the reaction center protein (43 kDa), the light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex (the main band, 27 kDa), the herbicide-binding protein (32 kDa) and cytochrome b-559 (10 kDa) as hydrophobic proteins, and three proteins (33, 24 and 18 kDa) which probably constitute the O2-evolution enzyme complex as hydrophilic proteins. These proteins were associated stoichiometrically with the Photosystem II reaction center: one Photosystem II reaction center, approx. 200 chlorophyll, one high-potential form of cytochrome b-559, one low-potential form of cytochrome b-559, one 33 kDa protein, one (to two) 24 kDa protein and one (to two) 18 kDa protein. Measurement of fluorescence induction showed the presence of three electron equivalents in the electron acceptor pool on the reducing side of Photosystem II in our preparation. Three molecules of plastoquinone A were detected per 200 chlorophyll molecules with high-performance liquid chromatography. The Photosystem II preparation contained four managanese atoms per 200 chlorophyll molecules.  相似文献   

Rita Barr  Frederick L. Crane 《BBA》1980,591(1):127-134
Two possible 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea-insensitive sites were found in PS II of spinach chloroplasts, depending on the pH of the assay medium used. The low site (pH 6) can be inhibited by certain quinolines, such as 8-hydroxyquinoline at concentrations less than 50 μM. The high pH site (pH 8) can be inhibited by disodium cyanamide, folic acid, or 5,6-benzoquinoline at concentrations from 50 μM to 5 mM. With the exception of orthophenanthroline, which stimulates the high pH site but does not show much inhibition at low pH, all other inhibitors gave opposite effects at the pH values used, i.e., they stimulated at low pH or inhibited at high pH, or vice versa. Several mechanisms for the observed effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Cross-reconstitution of the extrinsic proteins and Photosystem II (PS II) from a green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and a higher plant,Spinacia oleracea, was performed to clarify the differences of binding properties of the extrinsic proteins between these two species of organisms. (1) Chlamydomonas PsbP and PsbQ directly bound to Chlamydomonas PS II independent of the other extrinsic proteins but not to spinach PS II. (2) Chlamydomonas PsbP and PsbQ directly bound to the functional sites of Chlamydomonas PS II independent of the origins of PsbO, while spinach PsbP and PsbQ only bound to non-functional sites on Chlamydomonas PS II. (3) Both Chlamydomonas PsbP and spinach PsbP functionally bound to spinach PS II in the presence of spinach PsbO. (4) While Chlamydomonas PsbP functionally bound to spinach PS II in the presence of Chlamydomonas PsbO, spinach PsbP bound loosely to spinach PS II in the presence of Chlamydomonas PsbO with no concomitant restoration of oxygen evolution. (5) Chlamydomonas PsbQ bound to spinach PS II in the presence of Chlamydomonas PsbP and PsbO or spinach PsbO but not to spinach PS II in the presence of spinach PsbP and Chlamydomonas PsbO or spinach PsbO. (6) Spinach PsbQ did not bind to spinach PS II in the presence of Chlamydomonas PsbO and PsbP. On the basis of these results, we showed a simplified scheme for binding patterns of the green algal and higher plant extrinsic proteins with respective PS II.  相似文献   

Kimiyuki Satoh 《BBA》1979,546(1):84-92
The Photosystem II pigment-protein complex, the chlorophyll α-protein comprising the reaction center of Photosystem II, was prepared from EDTA-treated spinach chloroplasts by digitonin extraction, sucrose-gradient centrifugation, DEAE-cellulose column chromatography, and isoelectrofocussing on Ampholine.The dissociated pigment-protein complex exhibits two polypeptide subunits that migrate in SDS-polyacrylamide gel with electrophoretic mobilities corresponding to molecular weights of approximately 43 000 and 27 000. The chlorophyll was always found in the free pigment zone at the completion of the electrophoresis. Heat-treatment of the sample (100°C, 90 s) for electrophoresis caused association of the two polypeptides into large aggregates. It is concluded that these two polypeptides, 43 000 and 27 000, are valid structural or functional components of Photosystem II pigment-protein complex.  相似文献   

Michael Bradbury  Neil R. Baker 《BBA》1981,635(3):542-551
An analysis of the photo-induced decline in the in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence emission (Kautsky phenomenon) from the bean leaf is presented. The redox state of PS II electron acceptors and the fluorescence emission from PS I and PS II were monitored during quenching of fluorescence from the maximum level at P to the steady state level at T. Simultaneous measurement of the kinetics of fluorescence emission associated with PS I and PS II indicated that the ratio of PS I/PS II emission changed in an antiparallel fashion to PS II emission throughout the induction curve. Estimation of the redox state of PS II electron acceptors at given points during P to T quenching was made by exposing the leaf to additional excitation irradiation and determining the amount of variable PS II fluorescence generated. An inverse relationship was found between the proportion of PS II electron acceptors in the oxidised state and PS II fluorescence emission. The interrelationships between the redox state of PS II electron acceptors and fluorescence emission from PS I and PS II remained similar when the shape of the induction curve from P to T was modified by increasing the excitation photon flux density. The contributions of photochemical and non-photochemical quenching to the in vivo fluorescence decline from P to T are discussed.  相似文献   

The structure and function of chloroplast in plant leaves can be affected by acid rain and air pollution. The photosystem II in a plant is considered the primary site where light-induced delayed light emission (DLE) is produced. With the lamina of zijinghua (Bauhinia variegata L.) and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) as testing models, we studied the effects of artificial acid rain and SO2 on characteristics of DLE by using a home-made weak luminescence detection system. The results show that the changes in DLE intensity of green plants can reflect the changes in chloroplast intactness and function. With proper calibration, DLE may provide an alternative means of evaluating environmental acid stress on plants. The changes in DLE intensity may provide a new approach for the detection of environmental pollution and its impact on the ecosystem.  相似文献   

A.W. Rutherford  A.R. Crofts  Y. Inoue 《BBA》1982,682(3):457-465
A single flash given at − 15°C to chloroplasts results in charge separation in Photosystem II to form a stable state which, upon warming, recombines giving rise to luminescence. This recombination occurs at 25°C in untreated chloroplasts but is shifted to 0°C in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea or weak concentrations of a reducing agent. The luminescence at 0°C is attributed to recombination of the S2QA state while that at 25°C is attributed to recombination of S2QAQB (and S3QAQB upon further flash illumination). The identification of the thermoluminescence at 25°C is based upon the following experimental evidence: (1) illumination of chloroplasts in the presence of methyl viologen with 710 nm light before and after flash illumination has no effect on the extent or temperature of the thermoluminescence. This is taken as evidence that the plastoquinone pool is not involved in the recombination reaction. (2) Calculations of the extent of thermoluminescence expected after a number of flashes, assuming that S2QAQB and S3QAQB are the thermoluminescent reactants, give a good fit to the experimental results. (3) The effect of continuous illumination at 77 K (i.e., donation from cytochrome b-559 to QA and thence to QB or QB) results in predictable changes in the extent of flash-induced thermoluminescence.  相似文献   

The ratio of Photosystem (PS) II to PS I electron-transport capacity in spinach chloroplasts was compared from reaction-center and steady-state rate measurements. The reaction-center electron-transport capacity was based upon both the relative concentrations of the PS IIα, PS IIβ and PS I centers, and the number of chlorophyll molecules associated with each type of center. The reaction-center ratio of total PS II to PS I electron-transport capacity was about 1.8:1. Steady-state electron-transport capacity data were obtained from the rate of light-induced absorbance-change measurements in the presence of ferredoxin-NADP+, potassium ferricyanide and 2,5-dimethylbenzoquinone (DMQ). A new method was developed for determining the partition of reduced DMQ between the thylakoid membrane and the surrounding aqueous phase. The ratio of membrane-bound to aqueous DMQH2 was experimentally determined to be 1.3:1. When used at low concentrations (200 μM), potassium ferricyanide is shown to be strictly a PS I electron acceptor. At concentrations higher than 200 μM, ferricyanide intercepted electrons from the reducing side of PS II as well. The experimental rates of electron flow through PS II and PS I defined a PS II/PS I electron-transport capacity ratio of 1.6:1.  相似文献   

P. Jursinic  A. Stemler 《BBA》1982,681(3):419-428
Broken chloroplasts depleted of bicarbonate (HCO?3) show 30–50% inhibition of the Hill reaction in low-intensity light. Also, photoreactions excited by repetitive flashes measured by oxygen evolution, ESR signal IIvf, and absorption changes at 680 and 334 nm show inhibition of 30–50%. An effect of HCO?3 was sought to explain these phenomena. The decay of chlorophyll a fluorescence yield in the millisecond and seconds range, following a single flash, was observed to be multiphasic with a very slow component of 1–2 s half-time. In HCO?3 -depleted samples this component is enhanced 2- or 3-fold. Since this occurs even after one flash, it is suggested that HCO?3 affects the Q? B → QB? reaction. In this work it is shown that 40% inhibition of oxygen flash yield is relieved to a great extent if the excitation flash rate is decreased from 2 to 0.33 Hz. A measurement of 520 nm absorption change in the presence of ferricyanide, which is proportional to Photosystem II charge separation, shows a similar inhibition that is dependent on flash rate. The maximum amplitude of variable fluorescence yield and 520 nm absorption change after a single flash are unaffected by HCO?3 depletion. The dark distribution of oxygen-evolution S-states is found to be shifted to a more reduced configuration in depleted samples. It is concluded that normal charge separation occurs in HCO?3 -depleted Photosystem II reaction centers but that a large fraction of Q? decays so slowly that not all Q? is reoxidized between flashes given at a rate of 1 or 2 Hz. Thus, a portion of the Photosystem II centers would be closed to photochemistry. There is a reversible effect of HCO?3 depletion on the oxygen-evolution system that is observed as a shift in the dark distribution of S-states.  相似文献   

The fluorescence yield of chloroplasts reflects the redox state of the electron acceptor of the Photosystem II reaction center, with increasing yield as the acceptor is reduced. Chemical reductive titrations of fluorescence yield in chloroplasts at room temperature indicate two distinct midpoint potentials, suggesting the possibility of Photosystem II electron acceptor heterogeneity. We have carried out a potentiometric titration of the fluorescence decay kinetics in spinach chloroplasts using a continuous mode-locked dye laser with low-intensity excitation pulses and a picosecond-resolution single-photon timing system. At all potentials the fluorescence decay is best described by three exponential components. As the potential is lowered, the slow phase changes 30-fold in yield with two distinct midpoint potentials, accompanied by a modest (3-fold) increase in the lifetime. The titration curve for the slow component of the fluorescence decay of spinach chloroplasts is best characterized by two single-electron redox reactions with midpoint potentials at pH 8.0 of +119 and ?350 mV, with corresponding relative contributions to the fluorescence yield of 49 and 51%, respectively. There is little change in the fast and middle components of the fluorescence decay. We found that the oxidized form of the redox mediator 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone preferentially quenches the fluorescence, causing an anomalous decrease in the apparent midpoint of the high-potential transition. This effect accounts for a significant difference between the midpoint potentials that we observe and some of those previously reported. The selective effect of reduction potentials on particular fluorescence decay components provides useful information about the organization and distribution of the Photosystem II electron acceptor.  相似文献   

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