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The growth of the Chinese hamster cell cultures for 7 days after the stopping of the prolonged cell cultivation with cytochalasin B (5 micrograms/ml, 7 days), on the one hand, results in the decrease in the amount of multinucleate cells from 75 to 25%. On the other hand, it leads to the appearance of a new class of multinucleate cells with more than 7 nuclei. By the 2nd day a rapid increase in the proliferation rate is observed both in uninucleate and multinucleate cells. Then, by the 7th day, the rate of proliferation activity of multinucleate cells decrease more quickly than that of uninucleate ones. It is shown that during a prolonged cell cultivation after the action of cytochalasin B all classes of multinucleate cells are able to DNA reproduction. A question on proliferation abilities of multinucleate cells is discussed.  相似文献   

The interaction between centrosomes and kinetochores was studied in multinucleate cells induced by Colcemid treatment or by random cell fusion. Except for prematurely condensed chromosomes (PCC) of the G2-phase, PCCs do not develop their own spindle area. Perhaps the maturation promoting factor (MPF) fails to activate these centrosomes. In such PCCs, the kinetochore-centrosome interaction was found to be non-specific: sometimes only a few chromosomes of a group could establish connections with centrosomes, sometimes chromosomes from the same PCC group developed microtubule (MT) attachment with different centrosomes (not the pair), and sometimes kinetochores of PCC groups failed to interact with MTs. These findings explain the abnormal mitotic behaviour of PCCs as seen in the light microscope. These PCCs develop micronuclei or normal nuclei by nuclear re-formation in telophase. All the different PCC groups revealed kinetochores with kinetochore plates. It was shown that transformation of presumptive kinetochores to a trilaminar kinetochore does not depend on nuclear envelope breakdown or on the degree of chromosome condensation. This may be induced by the MPF which may initiate different events like chromosome condensation, nuclear envelope breakdown and kinetochore transformation by secondary factors. Other observations like establishment of connections by different chromosome groups to a common centrosome, kinetochore attachment of PCCs to different centrosomes, interaction of one kinetochore with two centrosomes, kinetochores being stretched and bent to receive microtubules and finally the failure of some kinetochores to develop MT attachment, all strongly suggest that the kinetochores serve as the point of termination rather than the nucleation sites of kinetochore MTs.  相似文献   

Mitosis of bi- and multinucleate HeLa cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Multinucleate protoplasts were produced from meiotic cells at the zygotene and pachytene stages in a lily andTrillium, and their meiotic divisions were followed during subsequent culture. In each multinucleate, a complete synchrony of nuclear division was maintained throughout the meiotic process, and chromosome behavior appeared normal up to the metaphase stage. In most dinucleates, chromosome segregation movement was organized in a common spindle, and the daughter nuclei at the telophase appeared to envelope each other in the newly formed nuclear membrane. The cell was divided into two daughter cells by a common cell plate. Trinucleates were similarly converted to two cells with a hexaploid number of chromosomes. Some of the di- and trinucleates subsequently completed the second meiotic division with the formation of typical tetrad configurations. In giant cells with more than several nuclei, chromosomes separated at random but reaggregated into one giant resting nucleus, with no later cytokinesis. The rate of meiotic development in multinucleates was relatively slower in cells which contained greater numbers of nuclei.  相似文献   

Microtubule rearrangements during mitosis in multinucleate cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method for the detection of polymerized tubulin has been used to study the microtubule rearrangements during mitosis in PtK1 and HeLa multinucleate cells obtained by polyethyleneglycol (PEG)-mediated fusion. We demonstrate here that the transition of the microtubular cytoskeleton from interphase to mitosis is an inducible event and independent of the factor(s) responsible for chromatin condensation and nuclear envelope breakdown. However, for the induction of the microtubule rearrangements nuclear envelope breakdown is required. At midprophase, cytoskeletal microtubule rearrangements start for multinucleate PtK1 cells, whereas in HeLa cells such changes are delayed, and a more abrupt transition is observed here. After complete nuclear envelope breakdown (prometaphase) mitotic asters and spindles but no cytoplasmic (interphase) microtubuli can be observed in both systems. Metaphase is characterized by an interaction between the different mitotic poles which show the form of bipolar spindles, but individual separated mitotic poles far removed from the chromatin can also be seen.  相似文献   

Multinucleate (MN) cells were induced in PtK1 cells by colcemid treatment. A large percentage of cells developed nuclear asynchrony both in relation to DNA synthesis and mitosis within one cell cycle. Asynchrony could be traced even in metaphase and anaphase cells in which interphase nuclei, PCC of S-phase nuclei and less condensed prophase-like chromosomes could be observed along with normally condensed chromosomes. The occurrence of such abnormalities in these large MN cells may be explained on the basis of an uneven distribution of inducer molecules of DNA synthesis and mitosis due to cytoplasmic compartmentation. The less condensed form of all the chromosomes except chromosome 4 could be traced in asynchronous metaphase. The failure of the less condensed chromosomes to undergo complete condensation does not always appear to result from late entry of nuclei containing these chromosomes into G2 phase. It is likely that chromosome 4 carries gene(s) for chromosome condensation, as this chromosome itself never appears in a less condensed form. The inducers for chromosome condensation may not always be available at equal concentrations to all chromosomes located in separate nuclei, thus they may sometimes fail to undergo complete condensation before other nuclei reach the end of prophase, when the nuclear envelopes of all nuclei present in the cell break down simultaneously.  相似文献   

S. Ghosh  N. Paweletz  I. Ghosh 《Chromosoma》1978,65(4):293-300
A high degree of mitotic asynchrony is reported for spontaneously arising multinucleate cells of HeLa and Pt-K1, tissue culture cell lines. Neither nuclear number, nor nuclear size nor the presence or absence of nucleoli, could be directly related to the asynchronous behaviour of the cells. Suboptimal levels of nutrients led to a higher frequency of asynchrony. A partial compartmentation of the cytoplasm could be detected in some of the multinucleate cells. The compartmentation of the cytoplasm may lead to an uneven distribution of inducer and non-inducer metabolites. All these factors together may be responsible for the high degree of mitotic asynchrony.  相似文献   

Summary The spontaneous occurrence of giant cells has been observed in young cultures ofLipomyces lipofer and three different genotypes ofSaccharomyces. Stained preparations of all abnormal cultures revealed that the giant cells characteristically contained more than one nucleus, the number ranging from one to six. In both genera the phenomenon was found to be transient, for rapidlygrowing cultures arising from isolated giant cells reverted, at varying rates, to populations of small uninucleate cells which appeared normal in all respects.  相似文献   

Large multinucleate (LMN) HeLa cells with more than 10–50 nuclei were produced by random fusion with polyethylene glycol. The number of nuclei in a particular stage of the cell cycle at the time of fusion was proportionate to the duration of the phase relative to the total cell cycle. The fused cells did not gain generation time. Interaction of various nuclei in these cells has been observed. The nuclei initially belonging to the G1-or S-phase required a much longer time to complete DNA synthesis than in mononucleate cells. Some of the cells reached mitosis 15 h after fusion, whereas others required 24 h. The cells dividing early, contained a larger number of initially early G1-phase nuclei than those cells dividing late. The former very often showed prematurely condensed chromosome (PCC) groups. In cells with a large number of advanced nuclei the few less advanced nuclei could enter mitosis prematurely. On the other hand, the cells having a large number of nuclei belonging initially to late S-or G2-phase took longer to reach mitosis. These nuclei have been taken out of the normal sequence and therefore failed to synthesize the mitotic factors and depended on others to supply them. Therefore the cells as a whole required a longer period to enter mitosis. Although the nuclei became synchronized at metaphase, the cells revealed a gradation in prophase progression in the different nuclei. At the ultrastructural level the effect of advanced nuclei on the less advanced ones was evident with respect to chromosome condensation and nuclear envelope breakdown. Less advanced nuclei trapped among advanced nuclei showed PCC and nuclear envelope breakdown prematurely, whereas mitotic nuclei near interphase or early prophase nuclei retained their nuclear envelopes for a much longer time. PCC is closely related to premature breakdown of the nuclear envelope. Our observations clearly indicate that chromosome condensation and nuclear envelope breakdown are two distinct events. Kinetochores with attached microtubules could be observed on prematurely condensed chromosomes. Kinetochores of fully condensed chromosomes often failed to become connected to spindle elements. This indicates that the formation of a functional spindle is distinct from the other events and may depend on different factors.  相似文献   

Ploidy variation is found in contexts as diverse as solid tumors, drug resistance in fungal infection, and normal development. Altering chromosome or genome copy number supports adaptation to fluctuating environments but is also associated with fitness defects attributed to protein imbalances. Both aneuploidy and polyploidy can arise from multinucleate states after failed cytokinesis or cell fusion. The consequences of ploidy variation in syncytia are difficult to predict because protein imbalances are theoretically buffered by a common cytoplasm. We examined ploidy in a naturally multinucleate fungus, Ashbya gossypii. Using integrated lac operator arrays, we found that chromosome number varies substantially among nuclei sharing a common cytoplasm. Populations of nuclei range from 1N to >4N, with different polyploidies in the same cell and low levels of aneuploidy. The degree of ploidy variation increases as cells age. In response to cellular stress, polyploid nuclei diminish and haploid nuclei predominate. These data suggest that mixed ploidy is tolerated in these syncytia; however, there may be costs associated with variation as stress homogenizes the genome content of nuclei. Furthermore, the results suggest that sharing of gene products is limited, and thus there is incomplete buffering of ploidy variation despite a common cytosol.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative cytochemical, immunocytochemical, autoradiographic and electron cytochemical investigations have been used to compare osteoclasts with multinucleate giant cells that had been freshly obtained from the same animal. The levels of -acid galactosidase activity, the DNA in individual nuclei and the cellular protein content were similar in both cell types. However, osteoclasts generally possessed greater acid phosphatase and NADH dehydrogenase activity but lower levels of fluoride-inhibited non-specific esterase activity than multinucleate giant cells. The acid phosphatase activity in multinucleate giant cells was completely inhibited by 100 mM tartrate, but in osteoclasts only a 20% reduction in activity was observed. Formation of multinucleate giant cells in a bone microenvironment (thin bone slices) did not increase their content of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase activity. Moreover, in osteoclasts, endogenous peroxidase activity was undetectable but present in several granules within the cytoplasm of multinucleate giant cells. Osteoclasts and multinucleate giant cells displayed a similar microtubular distribution, but calcitonin, which induced rearrangement of microtubules and cellular contraction in osteoclasts, had no effect on multinucleate giant cells. Thus, these investigations reveal both similarities and differences between these two syncytia and support the hypothesis that osteoclasts and multinucleate giant cells are related. Possibly osteoclasts arise from monocyte progenitors before commitment to a macrophage lineage has occurred.  相似文献   

Summary Multinucleate plant cells with genetically balanced nuclei can be generated by inhibiting cytokinesis in sequential telophases. These cells can be used to relate the effect of changes in the distribution of nuclei in the cytoplasm to the control of the timing of cell cycle transitions. Which mitotic cell cycle events are sensitive to differences in the, amount of cytoplasm surrounding each chromosomal complement has not been determined. To address this, we maximized the cell size by transiently inhibiting replication, while cell growth was not affected. The nuclei of 93% of the elongated cells reached prophase asynchronously compared to 46% of normal-sized multinucleate cells. The asynchronous prophases of normal-sized cells became synchronous at the time of nuclear-envelope breakdown, and the ensuing metaphase plate formation and anaphase onset and progression occurred synchronously. The elongated multinucleate cells were also very efficient in synchronizing the prophases at nuclear-envelope breakdown, in the prophase-to-prometaphase transition. However, 2.4% of these cells broke down the nuclear envelope asynchronously, though they became synchronous at the metaphase-to-anaphase transition. The kinetochore-microtubular cycle, responsible for coordinating the metaphase-to-anaphase transition and for the rate of sister segregation to opposite spindle poles during anaphase, remained strictly controlled and synchronous in the different mitoses of a single cell, independently of differences in the amount of cytoplasm surrounding each mitosis or its ploidy. Moreover, the degree of chromosome condensation varied considerably within the different mitotic spindles, being higher in the mitoses with the largest surrounding cytoplasm.Abbreviation NEB nuclear-envelope breakdown  相似文献   

S. Ghosh  N. Paweletz 《Chromosoma》1984,89(3):197-200
Multinucleate cells were induced by colcemid treatment in PtK1 cells in culture. DNA synthesis and mitotic behavior of those cells in which each nucleus contained a single chromosome were studied. More than 80% of such cells showed synchronous DNA synthesis and mitosis in all nuclei. As these genetically different nuclei respond identically to the molecules that initiate DNA synthesis and mitosis, intranuclear control of initiation of DNA synthesis and induction of mitosis by genes on individual chromosomes can be excluded. The occasional occurrence of asynchronous division in multinucleate cells is assumed to result from unequal availability of the inducer molecules to the individual nuclei.  相似文献   

Multinucleate PtK1 cells were generated by treating the cells with colcemid for up to 60 h. Cells with scattered chromosomes reconstructed nuclear envelopes around these chromosomes. After recovery of up to 36 h these multinucleate cells went into mitosis. In such cells mainly two types of spindles are found: a bipolar spindle with some "accessory" half-spindles and multipolar mitotic apparatus with several equally-sized half-spindles ordered in an irregular way. Ultrastructural studies revealed centrosomes within such spindles which had not developed a microtubular connection to chromosomes and obviously could not act as mitotic pole. This result is interpreted in the way that centrosomes undergo a maturation cycle. Immature centrosomes cannot form mitotic poles. The asynchrony of the cycles of the multiple centrosomes seems to be generated by an uneven distribution of special factor(s).  相似文献   

Multinucleate cells, such as the spores of the fungus Phycomyces, are unsuitable for the isolation of recessive mutants. Nuclear killing by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (henceforth nitrosoguanidine) eliminates all but one of the nuclei in some of the cells and allows the expression of recessive mutations. Even in the best conditions, only about 35% of the survivors have a single functional nucleus. Functionally uninucleate cells can be positively selected. This involves the exposure to nitrosoguanidine of the spores of a heterokaryon and selection for a recessive marker present in a small fraction of its nuclei. The optimal conditions for nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis in Phycomyces differ from those for bacteria and yeast. Buffer composition and pH are less important than in other organisms. Survival is an exponential function and mutation induction a linear function of the dose of the mutagen (concentration X time). Spore germination leads to an immediate increase in the number of gene copies per cell, thus further hindering the expression of recessive mutations; dominant mutations are then nearly always isolated in heterokaryotic form.  相似文献   

The cellular effects of biodiesel emissions particulate matter (BDEP) and petroleum diesel emissions particulate matter (PDEP) were compared using a human airway cell line, A549. At concentrations of 25 microg/ml, diesel particulate matter induced the formation of multinucleate cells. In cells treated with a mixture of 80% PDEP:20% BDEP, 52% of cells were multinucleate cells compared with only 16% of cells treated with 20% PDEP:80% BDEP with a background multinucleate rate of 7%. These results demonstrate a causal relation between the formation of multinucleate cells and exposure to exhaust particulate matter, in particular diesel exhaust. Exposure of A549 cells to PDEP induced apoptosis, seen by active caspase-3 expression and the presence of cleaved pancytokeratin. PDEP exhaust was a much stronger inducer of cellular death through apoptosis than BDEP. There was an eightfold increase in the expression of SLC30A3 (zinc transporter-3 or ZnT3) in cells exposed to 80% PDEP:20% BDEP compared to untreated cells. The increase in ZnT3 expression seen in apoptotic cells following PDEP suggests a role for this zinc transporter in the apoptotic pathway, possibly through controlling zinc fluxes. As exposure to diesel exhaust particles is associated with asthma and apoptosis in airway cells, diesel exhaust particles may directly contribute to asthma by inducing epithelial cell death through apoptotic pathway.  相似文献   

For the purpose of forming cells possessing more than three nuclei and of determining the factors inducing multinucleation, cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were treated with 0, 0.3, 0.5, and 1.0% [w/v] colchicine solution, with and without shaking. When the cells were treated with 1.0% [w/v] colchicine solution, the number of cells containing two to eight nuclei was the largest. The multinucleate cells could grow on potato dextrose agar medium and their multinucleate nature did not disappear for at least three generations. This means that such cells are genetically stable. The proliferation rate of the multinucleate cells was not superior to that of the original strain. However, by monitoring the weight loss of the flask, it was possible to indirectly estimate the increase in the alcohol production of the multinucleate cell. It was concluded that the shaking treatment and higher colchicine concentrations contributed to multinucleation.  相似文献   

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