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The widespread use of the term Systems Biology (SB) signals a welcome recognition that organisms must be understood as integrated systems. Although just what this is taken to mean varies from one group to another, it generally implies a focus on biological functions and processes rather than on biological parts and a reliance on mathematical modeling to arrive at an understanding of these biological processes based on biological observations or measurements. SB, thus, falls directly in the line of reflection carried out by Robert Rosen throughout his work. In the present article, we briefly introduce the various currents of SB and then point out several ways Rosen's work can be used to avoid certain pitfalls associated with the use of dynamical systems models for the study of complex systems, as well as to inspire a productive path forward based on loosely organized cooperation among dispersed laboratories.  相似文献   

The central concern of this paper is to re-evaluate Rosen's replicating (M,R)-systems, presented in his book 'Life Itself ', where M and R signify metabolism and repair, respectively. We look anew at Rosen's model of an organism in the light of extensive research into natural hierarchical systems, and the paper presents conclusions drawn from a comparison between Rosen's relational model and that of a birational complementary natural hierarchy. We accept that Rosen's relational model provides a useful stepping stone to understanding the nature of life, but also suggest that it induces potentially digressive conclusions. We conclude that a binary segregation of relational assemblies into mechanisms and organisms is insufficient, and indicate how a threefold segregation throws new light on Rosen's model. An organism is not 'the complement of a mechanism': the complement of a mechanism is its ecosystem. An organism is the 'complex interface' between mechanism and ecosystem.  相似文献   

I have the pleasure to present a number of personal experiences that I had with Robert Rosen, both as his student and as a research colleague, and I will describe how this affected my academic career over the past decades. As a matter of fact, Rosen's work with (M,R)-systems as well as his continuing mentorship guided me into my own research in gerontology and geriatrics. Amazingly, this still continues to affect my work in complexity theory after 30 years.  相似文献   

In this paper, we respond to arguments made concerning our position regarding animal models (Shelley, 2010) by briefly examining the fact that animals (human and nonhuman) are complex systems that have different evolutionary trajectories. This historical fact has implications for using animals as predictive models for human response to drugs and disease.  相似文献   

The major insight in Robert Rosen's view of a living organism as an (M,R)-system was the realization that an organism must be “closed to efficient causation”, which means that the catalysts needed for its operation must be generated internally. This aspect is not controversial, but there has been confusion and misunderstanding about the logic Rosen used to achieve this closure. In addition, his corollary that an organism is not a mechanism and cannot have simulable models has led to much argument, most of it mathematical in nature and difficult to appreciate. Here we examine some of the mathematical arguments and clarify the conditions for closure.  相似文献   

Bioethanol has been recognized as a potential alternative energy source. Among various ethanol-producing microbes, Zymomonas mobilis has acquired special attention due to its higher ethanol yield and tolerance. However, cellular metabolism in Z. mobilis remains unclear, hindering its practical application for bioethanol production. To elucidate such physiological characteristics, we reconstructed and validated a genome-scale metabolic network (iZM363) of Z. mobilis ATCC31821 (ZM4) based on its annotated genome and biochemical information. The phenotypic behaviors and metabolic states predicted by our genome-scale model were highly consistent with the experimental observations of Z. mobilis ZM4 strain growing on glucose as well as NMR-measured intracellular fluxes of an engineered strain utilizing glucose, fructose, and xylose. Subsequent comparative analysis with Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as well as gene essentiality and flux coupling analyses have also confirmed the functional role of pdc and adh genes in the ethanologenic activity of Z. mobilis, thus leading to better understanding of this natural ethanol producer. In future, the current model could be employed to identify potential cell engineering targets, thereby enhancing the productivity of ethanol in Z. mobilis.  相似文献   

The increasing demand for recombinant therapeutic proteins highlights the need to constantly improve the efficiency and yield of these biopharmaceutical products from mammalian cells, which is fully achievable only through proper understanding of cellular functioning. Towards this end, the current study exploited a combined metabolomics and in silico modeling approach to gain a deeper insight into the cellular mechanisms of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) fed-batch cultures. Initially, extracellular and intracellular metabolite profiling analysis shortlisted key metabolites associated with cell growth limitation within the energy, glutathione, and glycerophospholipid pathways that have distinct changes at the exponential-stationary transition phase of the cultures. In addition, biomass compositional analysis newly revealed different amino acid content in the CHO cells from other mammalian cells, indicating the significance of accurate protein composition data in metabolite balancing across required nutrient assimilation, metabolic utilization, and cell growth. Subsequent in silico modeling of CHO cells characterized internal metabolic behaviors attaining physiological changes during growth and non-growth phases, thereby allowing us to explore relevant pathways to growth limitation and identify major growth-limiting factors including the oxidative stress and depletion of lipid metabolites. Such key information on growth-related mechanisms derived from the current approach can potentially guide the development of new strategies to enhance CHO culture performance.  相似文献   

The aromatic amino acids Tyr and Phe in angiotensin IV (Ang IV) were conformationally constrained by the use of β‐Me substituted analogs, or cyclic constrained analogs. None of these modifications was allowed for Tyr1, while only e‐β‐MePhe6 substitution resulted in an AngIV analog with high IRAP potency and selectivity versus AP‐N or the AT1 receptor. This indicates an important role of the orientation of the Phe6 for inducing selectivity. Pro5 replacement with 2‐aminocyclopentanecarboxylic acid maintained IRAP potency and abolished AT1 affinity. These results confirm the importance of conformational constrained amino acids to generate selectivity in bioactive peptides. Copyright © 2011 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Implementation of model‐based practices for process development, control, automation, standardization, and validation are important factors for therapeutic and industrial applications of human pluripotent stem cells. As robust cultivation strategies for pluripotent stem cell expansion and differentiation have yet to be determined, process development could be enhanced by application of mathematical models and advanced control systems to optimize growth conditions. Therefore, it is important to understand both the potential of possible applications and the apparent limitations of existing mathematical models to improve pluripotent stem cell cultivation technologies. In the present review, the authors focus on these issues as they apply to stem cell expansion processes. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:355–364, 2017  相似文献   

Changes in rectal temperature during mild exercise in the middle of the rising (11:00 h) and falling (23:00 h) phases of the circadian rhythm of resting core temperature have been compared. Seven healthy males were studied at rest, while exercising on a cycle ergometer (60 min at 80 W), and during the first 30 min of recovery. Rectal temperature, forearm blood flow, and forearm sweat rate were measured at 1 min intervals throughout. During exercise, there were significant time‐of‐day differences in the profiles of all three variables, and in the thresholds for increases in forearm blood flow and sweating. Forearm blood flow and sweat rate were recruited more rapidly and to a greater extent with evening exercise, and rectal temperature rose less. Analysis of covariance, with rectal temperature as the covariate, indicated the associations between it and forearm blood flow or sweating were significantly different (p<0.05) between the two times of day. There were also significant (p<0.05) time‐of‐day effects for forearm blood flow and sweating that were independent of rectal temperature. During recovery, rectal temperature fell more quickly in the late evening than late morning. Forearm blood flow and sweating also showed time‐of‐day differences, but these did not co‐vary with rectal temperature. Control of rectal temperature during exercise and recovery appears to be more effective in the late evening than late morning, and differences in forearm blood flow and sweating, as well as factors independent of these two variables, contribute to this difference. The results support our “heat‐gain/heat‐loss modes” hypothesis.  相似文献   

Indonesia has the greatest reported chondrichthyan catches worldwide, with c.110,000 t caught annually. The pelagic thresher (Alopias pelagicus) and scalloped hammerhead (Sphryna lewini) together comprise about 25% of the total catches of sharks landed in Indonesia. Age and growth parameters were estimated for A. pelagicus and S. lewini from growth‐band counts of thin‐cut vertebral sections. Alopias pelagicus (n = 158) and S. lewini (n = 157) vertebrae were collected from three Indonesian fish markets over a 5 year period. A multi‐model analysis was used to estimate growth parameters for both species. The models of best fit for males and females for A. pelagicus was the three‐parameter logistic (L = 3169 mm LT, k = 0·2) and the two‐parameter von Bertalanffy models (L = 3281 mm LT, k = 0·12). Age at maturity was calculated to be 10·4 and 13·2 years for males and females, respectively, and these are the oldest estimated for this species. The samples of S. lewini were heavily biased towards females, and the model of best fit for males and females was the three‐parameter Gompertz (L = 2598 mm LT, k = 0·15) and the two‐parameter Gompertz (L = 2896 mm LT, k= 0·16). Age at maturity was calculated to be 8·9 and 13·2 years for males and females, respectively. Although numerous age and growth studies have previously been undertaken on S. lewini, few studies have been able to obtain adequate samples from all components of the population because adult females, adult males and juveniles often reside in different areas. For the first time, sex bias in this study was towards sexually mature females, which are commonly lacking in previous biological studies on S. lewini. Additionally, some of the oldest aged specimens and highest age at maturity for both species were observed in this study. Both species exhibit slow rates of growth and late age at maturity, highlighting the need for a re‐assessment of the relative resilience of these two globally threatened sharks at current high levels of fishing mortality throughout the eastern Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

The socioecological model is to date the best evolutionary model to explain variation in primate behaviour. Some species or populations, however, deviate from the predictions. These deviations may be due to a disequilibrium between evolutionary causes and behavioural adaptations, caused by recent human changes of the environment. The relationship between human habitat alteration and primate social behaviour is reviewed and investigated for langurs. Provisioning affects the spatial distribution of food. In these areas, but also in areas with natural monopolizable food sources, female dominance relationships are linear, but not nepotistic. This does not fit into the evolutionary model. Provisioning also affects the temporal distribution of food. This reduces the seasonality of mating, increases female monopolizability and gives rise to more one-male groups than in undisturbed areas. A human reduction of the number of predators leads to fewer males per group. It also results in female philopatry. Infanticide risk was higher in disturbed than in undisturbed areas. This was not caused by the lower proportion of one-male groups in disturbed areas, but by the lack of female dispersal. Thus, female behaviour was affected by human habitat disturbance in a way that does not fit the socioecological model. However, the extension of habitat disturbance does not explain all results. We could say that the model is refuted. Phylogenetic constraints, however, do explain the behaviour of despotic Hanuman langurs. Such phylogenetic constraints complement the socioecological model. To understand the evolutionary history of a current set of features, these two approaches should be studied simultaneously.  相似文献   

We introduce a novel framework for conceptualising, quantifying and unifying discordant patterns of species richness along geographical gradients. While not itself explicitly mechanistic, this approach offers a path towards understanding mechanisms. In this study, we focused on the diverse patterns of species richness on mountainsides. We conjectured that elevational range midpoints of species may be drawn towards a single midpoint attractor – a unimodal gradient of environmental favourability. The midpoint attractor interacts with geometric constraints imposed by sea level and the mountaintop to produce taxon‐specific patterns of species richness. We developed a Bayesian simulation model to estimate the location and strength of the midpoint attractor from species occurrence data sampled along mountainsides. We also constructed midpoint predictor models to test whether environmental variables could directly account for the observed patterns of species range midpoints. We challenged these models with 16 elevational data sets, comprising 4500 species of insects, vertebrates and plants. The midpoint predictor models generally failed to predict the pattern of species midpoints. In contrast, the midpoint attractor model closely reproduced empirical spatial patterns of species richness and range midpoints. Gradients of environmental favourability, subject to geometric constraints, may parsimoniously account for elevational and other patterns of species richness.  相似文献   

A new homology model of human microsomal epoxide hydrolase was derived based on multiple templates. The model obtained was fully evaluated, including MD simulations and ensemble‐based docking, showing that the quality of the structure is better than that of only previously known model. Particularly, a catalytic triad was clearly identified, in agreement with the experimental information available. Analysis of intermediates in the enzymatic mechanism led to the identification of key residues for substrate binding, stereoselectivity, and intermediate stabilization during the reaction. In particular, we have confirmed the role of the oxyanion hole and the conserved motif (HGXP) in epoxide hydrolases, in excellent agreement with known experimental and computational data on similar systems. The model obtained is the first one that fully agrees with all the experimental observations on the system. Proteins 2017; 85:720–730. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An improved generalized comparative modeling method, GENECOMP, for the refinement of threading models is developed and validated on the Fischer database of 68 probe-template pairs, a standard benchmark used to evaluate threading approaches. The basic idea is to perform ab initio folding using a lattice protein model, SICHO, near the template provided by the new threading algorithm PROSPECTOR. PROSPECTOR also provides predicted contacts and secondary structure for the template-aligned regions, and possibly for the unaligned regions by garnering additional information from other top-scoring threaded structures. Since the lowest-energy structure generated by the simulations is not necessarily the best structure, we employed two structure-selection protocols: distance geometry and clustering. In general, clustering is found to generate somewhat better quality structures in 38 of 68 cases. When applied to the Fischer database, the protocol does no harm and in a significant number of cases improves upon the initial threading model, sometimes dramatically. The procedure is readily automated and can be implemented on a genomic scale.  相似文献   

The fast-start is an ecologically relevant behavior pattern in fishes. The present article analyses the distribution of five continuous kinematic traits (latency for response initiation, time to maximum angular velocity, time to maximum displacement velocity, maximum angular velocity, and maximum displacement velocity) in eight of the eleven species described in Eaton (66:65–81, 1977). Phylogenetic generalized least square estimation of ancestor states demonstrated evolutionary changes in maximum angular velocity and maximum displacement velocity, consistent with species differences in the same variables. These changes in maximum velocity are also correlated (phylogenetically independent contrasts) with the mean body sizes of all species, pointing to the possibility that body size was an evolutionary constraint on maximum velocities. The conservation of the other traits suggest that they are mainly constrained by neural control, and a trade-off between neural and body size-constraints is proposed ex hypothesi. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Flohil JA  Vriend G  Berendsen HJ 《Proteins》2002,48(4):593-604
A method is presented to refine models built by homology by the use of restricted molecular dynamics (MD) techniques. The basic idea behind this method is the use of structure validation software to determine for each residue the likelihood that it is modeled correctly. This information is used to determine constraints and restraints in an MD simulation including explicit solvent molecules, which is used for model refinement. The procedure is based on the idea that residues that the validation software identifies as correctly positioned should be strongly constrained or restrained in the MD simulations, whereas residues that are likely to be positioned wrongly should move freely. Two different protocols are compared: one (applied to CASP3 target T58) using full structural constraints with separate optimization of each short fragment and the other (applied to T47) allowing some freedom using harmonic restraining potentials, with automatic optimization of the whole molecule. Structures along the MD trajectory that scored best in structural checks were selected for the construction of models that appeared to be successful in the CASP3 competition. Model refinement with MD in general leads to a model that is less like the experimental structure (Levitt et al. Nature Struct Biol 1999;6:108-111). Actually, refined T47 was slightly improved compared to the starting model; changes in model T58 led not to further enhancement. After the X-ray structure of the modeled proteins became known, the procedure was evaluated for two targets (T47 and the CASP4 target T111) by comparing a long simulation in water with the experimental target structures. It was found that structural improvements could be obtained on a nanosecond time scale by allowing appropriate freedom in the simulation. Structural checks applied to fast fluctuations do not appear to be informative for the correctness of the structure. However, both a simple hydrogen bond count and a simple compactness measure, if averaged over times of typically 300 ps, correlate well with structural correctness and we suggest that criteria based on these properties may be used in computational folding strategies.  相似文献   

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