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The frequencies of translocations and dicentrics detected by "chromosome painting" in lymphocytes were estimated in 115 healthy donors and in 273 people exposed to uncontrolled irradiation at low doses 1-4 years ago. Age responses of both types of exchanges at the age range from 3 to 85 years fit to quadratic model. The frequency of translocations grew faster with age than the frequency of dicentrics. The yields of stable exchanges in exposed people was significantly higher than those in control donors of corresponding ages.  相似文献   

On peripheral lymphocytes of eight cancer patients undergone whole-body therapeutic irradiation (at daily dose of 10 cGy up to total dose of 50 cGy of 60Co gamma-rays) the dose-response of unstable chromosome exchanges (dicentrics and centric rings) was studied. This dose response fitted well linear function. The lower slope of dose-response curve was found for in vivo irradiated lymphocytes as compared to the dose response curve obtained for in vitro irradiated lymphocytes of the same patients. This finding seems to provide evidence that in case of protracted irradiation of individuals an absorbed dose could be underestimated if for biological dosimetry an in vitro dose response curve for unstable chromosome aberrations is used as referent one.  相似文献   

A 0.8 mM concentration of misonidazole was added to human blood samples before exposure to graded X-ray single doses, in order to investigate the dependence of the frequency ratio of acentrics to dicentrics, produced in lymphocytes, on treatment with radiation, the substance and the combination of the 2 agents. The results confirm the findings of a previous experiment carried out using sodium iothalamate, showing that this ratio is markedly influenced by the relative action of the physical and the chemical agents, especially at low radiation doses, because of the enhancement of the frequency of acentrics, and not of dicentrics, caused by the presence of the drug compared to the spontaneous level.  相似文献   

The adaptive response and reciprocal adaptive response induced in vitro by exposure to low doses of gamma rays (0.05 Gy) or bleomycin (0.05 microg/ml) in human peripheral blood lymphocytes were assessed by the frequency of chromosome aberrations. Gamma rays (1.5 Gy) or bleomycin (1.5 microg/ml) were used as the challenge doses. In the experiments, blood samples from 5 healthy donors were investigated. It has been found that low doses of bleomycin and gamma rays induced a reciprocal adaptive response to high doses of gamma rays or bleomycin. Moreover, the results confirmed that the adaptive response did not correlate with the radiosensitivity of the peripheral blood lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The cytogenetic effect of bleomycin (BLM) in human lymphocytes was studied after exposure to different doses during the G0 and G2 phases. BLM produced a marked specific effect on the cell cycle. The main aberration types after exposure in tg0 were dicentrics and deletions; and after exposure in G2, open chromatid breaks. A linear dose--response was calculated for all these aberration types as well as for the number of aberrant cells. In the G2 experiments, partially and totally pulverized cells also increased linearly with dose. The intercellular distributions of the most frequent aberration types after exposure in G0 and G2--the dicentrics and chromatid breaks, respectively--showed over-dispersion. These results show that the cytogenetic effect of BLM may be compared with that of densely ionizing irradiation. Preliminary results of chromosome analysis of three cancer patients in the course of BLM therapy showed effects similar to those in the G0 experiments.  相似文献   

The comparative in vivo and in vitro study of chromosomal aberrations and SCE induced by cyclophosphamide (CP) in macaca rhesus lymphocytes was performed. The dose of mutagenic exposure for quantitative estimation of effects was determined as a product of concentration of alkylating CP metabolites on the exposure time. The mutagenic effect caused by the same doses of CP (CP metabolites) appeared similar in vivo and in vitro. This suggests that the results obtained in adequate in vitro mutagen-testing experiments may be quantitatively extrapolated for the in vivo conditions.  相似文献   

To increase the sensitivity of cytogenetic surveillance of exposure to mutagens in the peripheral lymphocyte assay, structural chromosome aberrations (CA) were studied after inhibition of DNA synthesis and DNA repair with hydroxyurea and caffeine in culture 3 h prior to harvesting. CA and sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) from conventional cultures from the same subjects were used for comparison. Smoking was used as exposure parameter. Thirty-two smokers and 35 nonsmokers were studied. In the inhibited cultures a significantly higher number of aberrations was found in lymphocytes from smokers than nonsmokers: chromatid breaks (20.4 vs. 11.8, p = 0.0002), chromosome breaks (4.5 vs. 1.7, p = 0.0003), and the number of cells with aberrations (18.9 vs. 12.4, p = 0.0001), when 50 cells per subject were analyzed. In conventional cultures no increase in gaps, chromatid and chromosome breaks or number of cells with aberrations was found in smokers when 100 cells from each subject were studied. Smokers showed an increased number of SCE (6.8 vs. nonsmokers 5.9, p = 0.02). A significant positive linear correlation (r = 0.39, p = 0.01) was seen between SCE and the number of cells with chromatid breaks from inhibited cultures. The present results indicate that adding hydroxyurea and caffeine to lymphocyte cultures for the last 3 h prior to harvesting may enhance the detection of cytogenetic damage from previous in vivo exposure to mutagens.  相似文献   

Cells of three asynchronously growing human tumor cell lines, PC3 (human prostate carcinoma), T98G and A7 (human glioblastomas), which have been shown previously to demonstrate low-dose hyper-radiosensitivity to low acute single doses, were irradiated with (60)Co gamma rays at low dose rates (2 cGy-1 Gy h(-1)). Instead of a dose-rate sparing response, these cell lines demonstrated an inverse dose-rate effect on cell survival at dose rates below 1 Gy h(-1), whereby a decrease in dose rate resulted in an increase in cell killing per unit dose. A hyper-radiosensitivity-negative cell line, U373MG, did not demonstrate an inverse dose-rate effect. Analysis of the cell cycle indicated that this inverse dose-rate effect was not due to accumulation of cells in G(2)/M phase or to other cell cycle perturbations. T98G cells in reversible G(1)-phase arrest also showed an inverse dose-rate effect at dose rates below 30 cGy h(-1) but a sparing effect as the dose rate was reduced from 60 to 30 cGy h(-1). We conclude that this inverse dose-rate effect in continuous exposures reflects the hyper-radiosensitivity seen in the same cell lines in response to very small acute single doses.  相似文献   

The chromosome aberration yield for human lymphocytes exposed in vitro to various doses of 137Cesium has been studied. Dicentric, total acentric, and excess acentric data were seen to follow a Possion distribution. Calculated total hits demonstrated over-dispersion which could possibly be accounted for by a greater occurrence of single-hit phenomena being repaired than two-hit exchange processes. The resulting distribution generally contained an under-representation of cells with odd numbers of hits and an over-representation of zero- and even-hit classes as compared with Poisson predicted values. The relationship between dicentric yield and dose received in rads was fitted to the linear-quadratic formula Y = alpha D + beta D2 for dicentrics, yielding values of (20.1 +/- 3.8) X 10(-4) (aberrations/cell)/rad and (1.89 +/- 0.75) X 10(-6) (aberrations/cell)/rad2 for alpha and beta respectively. A plot of percent 'normal' cells versus the dose in rads resembled cell survival curves and was fitted to the relation P(D) = 100 e-Y where Y = alpha D + beta D2 with alpha = (23 +/- 11) X 10(-4) rad-1 and beta = (8.3 +/- 2.5) X 10(-6) rad-2. A possible use of scoring 'normal' cells for purposes of biological dosimetry is presented.  相似文献   

To increase the sensitivity of cytogenetic surveillance of exposure to mutagens in the peripheral lymphocyte assay, structural chromosome aberrations (CA) were studied after inhibition of DNA synthesis and DNA repair with hydroxyurea and caffeine in culture 3 h prior to harvesting. CA and sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) from conventional cultures from the same subjects were used for comparison. Smoking was used as exposure parameter. Thirty-two smokers and 35 nonsmokers were studied. In the inhibited cultures a significantly higher number of aberrations was found in lymphocytes from smokers than nonsmokers: chromatid breaks (20.4 vs. 11.8, p = 0.0002), chromosome breaks (4.5 vs. 1.7, p = 0.0003), and the number of cells with aberrations (18.9 vs. 12.4, p = 0.0001), when 50 cells per subject were analyzed. In conventional cultures no increase in gaps, chromatid and chromosome breaks or number of cells with aberrations was found in smokers when 100 cells from each subject were studied. Smokers showed an increased number of SCE (6.8 vs. nonsmokers 5.9, p = 0.02). A significant positive linear correlation (r = 0.39, p = 0.01) was seen between SCE and the number of cells with chromatid breaks from inhibited cultures. The present results indicate that adding hydroxyurea and caffeine to lymphocyte cultures for the last 3 h prior to harvesting may enhance the detection of cytogenetic damage from previous in vivo exposure to mutagens.  相似文献   

Chromosome aberrations produced by ionizing radiation are assumed to develop from DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) which interact pairwise, in an exchange event. Dicentrics and centric rings are aberrations that exemplify inter- and intrachromosomal exchanges, respectively. We show from a survey of published data that for acute low-LET irradiation of resting human lymphocytes the observed ratio of dicentrics to centric rings is approximately five times smaller than predicted by a pairwise interaction model which assumes complete randomness. Such a low ratio can be interpreted as evidence for a proximity effect, favoring exchanges of an intrachromosomal type. That is, since DSBs induced close together have an above-average chance of pairwise interaction, the observed excess of centric rings indicates that at the time of irradiation there is some degree of spatial confinement for the two arms of a single chromosome. Assuming the excess of centric rings is indeed due to proximity effects, the data are used to estimate that the volume of a domain, within which any one lymphocyte chromosome is localized at one instant during the G0/G1 phase, is at most approximately 20% of the nuclear volume.  相似文献   

When Go human lymphocytes are exposed either to gamma-rays or to d(50)-Be neutrons and then immediately incubated in presence of cytosine arabinoside, the frequency of chromosomal aberrations which is normally observed after radiation exposure only is sharply increased. This enhancement of the aberrations, particularly the dicentrics, is, however, less marked when cytosine arabinoside is administered at longer intervals of time after irradiation. For gamma-rays, the treatment with cytosine arabinoside has no effect on the dicentrics yield when given 5 h after irradiation, indicating that the repair is completed within the 5 h after irradiation and that the lesions are not anymore available to produce exchange aberrations. For d(50)-Be neutrons, the time of repair takes approximately 5 h after a dose of 2.0 Gy, whereas it appears to be shorter (3 h) after a dose of 0.5 Gy.  相似文献   

Loucas, B. D. and Cornforth, M. N. Complex Chromosome Exchanges Induced by Gamma Rays in Human Lymphocytes: An mFISH Study. Radiat. Res. 155, 660-671 (2001). Combinatorial multi-fluor fluorescence in situ hybridization (mFISH) allows the simultaneous painting of each pair of homologous chromosomes, thereby eliminating many of the difficulties previously associated with the analysis of complex rearrangements. We employed mFISH to visualize exchanges in human lymphocytes and found significant frequencies of these aberrations after gamma-ray doses of 2 and 4 Gy. At 4 Gy, roughly half of the cells contained at least one complex exchange that required anywhere from 3 to 11 initial chromosome breaks. At this dose, more than 40% of gross cytogenetic damage, as measured by the total number of exchange breakpoints, was complex in origin. Both simple and complex exchanges were found to have nonlinear dose responses, although the latter showed significantly more upward curvature. In many cases, it could be deduced that the initial breaks leading to a particular complex exchange were proximate, meaning that the resulting broken chromosome ends all must have been capable of interacting freely during the exchange process. For other complex exchanges, the rearrangement could just as well have resulted from two or more simpler exchanges that occurred sequentially. The results demonstrate the utility of mFISH in visualizing intricacies of the exchange process, but also highlight the various sources of ambiguity concerning cytogenetic analysis that remain despite the power of this approach.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown the importance of altered cellular proto-oncogene expression in contributing to changes in cell survival, cell transformation, and cell cycle progression. In these experiments we examined the effects of total-body exposure of BCF1 mice to gamma rays (3 Gy) in modulating expression of cellular oncogenes in both gut and liver tissues. We selected specific cellular oncogenes (c-fos, c-myc, c-src, and c-H-ras), based on their normal expression in liver and gut tissues from untreated mice. As early as 5 min following whole-body exposure of BCF1 mice to gamma rays we detected induction of mRNA specific for c-src and c-H-ras in both liver and gut tissues. Accumulation of c-fos-RNA was slightly decreased in gut but was unaffected in liver tissue from irradiated mice relative to untreated controls. Accumulation of c-myc mRNA was unaffected in all tissues examined. These experiments document that modulation of cellular proto-oncogene expression can occur as an early event in tissues following irradiation and suggest that this modulation may play a role in radiation-induced cellular changes.  相似文献   

Various concentrations of sodium iothalamate were added to human blood samples before exposure to X-rays, in order to investigate the dependence of the frequency ratio of acentrics to dicentrics on treatment with radiation, the drug and a combination of the two. The results show that this ratio is markedly influenced by the relative action of the two agents, at low radiation dose, because of the enhancement of the acentric frequency caused by the chemical substance with respect to the spontaneous level. This paper presents the experimental yields of aberrations corresponding to the various treatments, and the calculated frequency ratios of acentrics to dicentrics as a function of X-ray dose, after correction for the physical effect of dose enhancement due to the presence of iodine in the drug.  相似文献   

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