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Reproduction was studied in SWV female mice that had raised one litter and then received either 0.2.5,5,10,15,20 or 25 parts/10(6) dietary dieldrin (n = 18 or 19 per group). Exposure began 4 weeks prior to the second mating and continued until day 28 postpartum (weaning). Fertile males were caged with the females during weeks 5-6 of exposure. Significantly mortality of the females occurred only at 20 and 25 parts/10(6) (89% and 56%, respectively) and all deaths occurred before parturition. Dieldrin did not affect behavioural oestrus. At 10 and 15 parts/10(6), 18% of the bred females did not become pregnant; all animals at lower doses and all survivors at higher doses were fertile. The gestation period was not affected. At 25 parts/10(6), the litter size was decreased by 17% over the control size (13.2 pups). The infertility and reduced fecundity resulted from a lesion(s) preceding implantation. Thus, in a separate experiment, 15 parts/10(6) increased the number of bred females that had no implantation sites 5 days post coitum while 25 parts/10(6) decreased the number of sites per pregnant female. As expected from the original dose-responses for infertility and decreased litter size, the converse effects did not occur. Pre-weaning mortality of all the pups occurred in 31%, 47%, 80% and 100% of the litters at 0,2.5,5, and larger than or equal to parts/10(6), respectively. Within the litters raised at 2.5 and 5 parts/10(6), the pup survival was not different from the controls (75%). Thus, in this strain, litter -oss is dieldrin's most important reproductive effect and it correlated with a dieldrin-induced maternal hepatomegaly. The birth weight of pups in litters that were lost was reduced by 3-13% and pre-death growth was reduced or absent. Pup-killing and pup-neglect were important proximate causes of mortality, but only at doses larger than or equal to 15 parts/10(6).  相似文献   

To test whether exposure to dichlorvos vapors for treatment of mouse ectoparasites resulted in temporary cessation of breeding, we exposed harem breeding groups of mice to varying concentrations of dichlorvos vapors and examined the effects of exposure on litter frequency and litter size. All exposure levels resulted in decreased plasma cholinesterase concentrations in treated mice for up to 10 days following the completion of exposure. Litter frequency and size were unaffected by dichlorvos exposure, and gestation times were not prolonged. Therefore, treatment with dichlorvos vapors during breeding did not affect reproduction in exposed mice.  相似文献   

Laboratory colonies of the Neotropical muroid rodent Zygodontomys brevicauda have been employed in studies of arbovirus epidemiology and are currently the subjects of experimental research on tropical mammalian reproductive physiology and evolutionary quantitative genetics. Captive-bred litters typically consist of 4 or 5 pups weighing 3-4 g each at birth. Adults 20-40 weeks old average 60-80 g with some sexual dimorphism. Females are sexually mature at 3-4 weeks of age, males at 6-8 weeks. Ovulation is spontaneous and gestation is 25 days. Preliminary observations are provided on the microbiological status and parasites of captive-bred animals.  相似文献   

Southwestern corn borer larvae, Diatraea grandiosella Dyar, were reared on artificial diets containing individual sterols (cholesterol, sitosterol, or stigmasterol) in concentrations ranging from 0.05 to 0.2%. Female larvae developed to pupae more rapidly as sitosterol and stigmasterol were increased in the diets. Increased cholesterol concentrations did not affect the larval period significantly, and development was not as rapid as with the phytosterols. Female larvae developed at significantly slower rates in all diets than did males, except at the highest concentrations of sitosterol and stigmasterol. Female pupae and adults were significantly heavier than the males, and pupal and adult weight increased as sterol concentrations increased. Number of eggs laid per fertilized female and egg hatchability were significantly increased as concentrations of the three sterols were increased in the larval diets. Sitosterol-reared females produced more eggs than did females reared on other sterols but egg hatchability was not significantly different among sterols.  相似文献   

Fetuses develop in a marked hypoxic environment in utero. Premature infants often require high concentrations of oxygen to survive and develop in an environment that would be considered an oxygen stress for the fetus. Postnatal hyperoxia alters organ development, but there is minimal research regarding the role of hyperoxia in intestinal development. We attempted to determine whether postnatal hyperoxia exposure alters intestinal growth and function by using a reliable, objective and sensitive set of methods to study region-specific postnatal intestinal maturation. Rat pups born naturally were placed in continual exposure to room air (normoxia) or 85% oxygen (hyperoxia) immediately after birth. Pups were sacrificed at 1 and 2 weeks of age. Intestines were removed and fixed in formalin. Average mucosal, submucosal, and muscularis thicknesses were measured on hematoxylin and eosin stained sections. Immunohistochemistry was performed using antibodies against NOS II. The staining intensity was determined and quantified for site-specific regions of intestinal sections. No differences in mucosal thickness, submucosal thickness, or muscularis thickness were measured in the duodenum, jejunum or colon at any age. At two weeks of age, the thickness of the ileal mucosa was significantly greater in the group reared in 85% oxygen, and the group exposed to room air demonstrated significantly greater NOS II protein concentration than the hyperoxia group within the distal villus, proximal villus/crypts, submucosa, and muscularis in the distal small intestine.  相似文献   

Genistein is a powerful antioxidant and plays a role in calcium and bone metabolism. We evaluated the efficacy of dietary supplementation with genistein on the nutrient use and mineral concentrations in tibia and serum of quails reared at high environmental temperature (34 degrees C). Two hundred and forty Japanese quails (10 days old) were randomly assigned to 8 treatment groups consisting of 10 replicates of 3 birds. The birds were kept in a temperature-controlled room at 22 degrees C (Thermoneutral, TN groups) or 34 degrees C (for 8 h/d; 09.00 am-05.00 pm; Heat stress, HS groups). Birds were fed either a basal diet (TN and HS) or the basal diet supplemented with 200, 400 or 800 mg of genistein/kg of diet. Heat exposure decreased apparent nutrient digestibility and bone mineralization when the basal diet was fed (P < 0.001). Apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM) (P < 0.05), crude protein (CP) (P < 0.05) and ash (P < 0.01) was significantly improved by genistein supplementation. However, this improvement was not in direct proportion to increased doses of supplement since there was no difference when diets included either 400 or 800 mg genistein/kg of diet (P < 0.05) in birds reared under heat stress. The amounts of Ca, P, Mg, Mn, Zn, Fe and Cu in the excreta decreased (P < 0.01), while Ca, P, Mg, Mn, Zn and Cu concentrations in tibia ash increased in quails reared under heat stress conditions (P < 0.01) with genistein supplementation. Ca and P concentrations in tibia ash were also increased in birds kept under thermoneutral conditions with genistein supplementation. Increased serum alkaline phosphatase activity (P < 0.01) was associated with increasing dietary genistein in all groups. In conclusion, genistein supplementation to the basal diet improved digestibility of CP, DM and ash and levels of Ca and P and bone mineralization in quails reared under heat stress conditions.  相似文献   

Weeks  Stephen C. 《Hydrobiologia》2020,847(14):3067-3076
Hydrobiologia - Diet has been linked to lifespan in a broad range of animals. In particular, pronounced caloric restriction has been associated with increased longevity. Herein, the relationship of...  相似文献   

The neonatal rodent appears to be an appropriate animal model for estrogen toxicity in the developing reproductive tract. Newborn rats were treated with diethylstilbestrol (DES) at human therapeutic doses (approx 1 mg/kg) during two ontogenetic periods (postnatal days 1-5 and 1-25). Treatment on days 1-5 doubled uterine wt by day 5; however, these uteri failed to grow after discontinuation of DES treatment. In contrast, uterine wt was 4-fold higher and DNA content was 2-fold higher than controls on days 10-25 with continued DES treatment. Total uterine estrogen receptor levels, depressed 60% by day 5 of DES treatment, partially recovered after discontinuation of DES treatment but remained 25% below controls on day 25. Receptor levels following DES on days 1-25 decreased to about 15% of the controls by day 15. Short-term DES treatment approximately halved uterine gland content while continued treatment almost completely inhibited gland appearance. DES effects on glands appear related to continued hypertrophy of the luminal epithelium, from which uterine glands are derived. Subsequent failure of uterine growth caused by DES treatment on days 1-5 is similar to clinical findings of hypoplastic uteri in DES-treated patients. Disruption of the normal ontogenetic patterns of estrogen receptor by DES may be involved. These data demonstrate abnormal patterns of growth, estrogen receptor levels and morphogenesis in uteri of rats treated postnatally with DES.  相似文献   

Vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) and mammalian Enabled (Mena) are members of the proline-rich Ena/VASP protein family that links the cell membrane proteins, signal transduction pathways, and the actin cytoskeleton. VASP and Mena, substrates of cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinases, are associated in different cell types with microfilaments, focal adhesions, cell-cell contacts, and highly dynamic membrane regions. Here, the analysis of mRNA and protein expression, cellular localization, and postnatal development of VASP in different mouse tissues is reported and compared with that of Mena. The expression levels of VASP and Mena differ markedly among various tissues and cell types. The highest levels of VASP are observed in platelets, but stomach, intestine, spleen, lung, and blood vessels are also rich sources of VASP. Mena is abundantly expressed in brain, whereas it is not detectable in platelets and spleen. In intestine and stomach, prominent VASP and Mena immunoreactivity is detected in intestinal smooth muscle cells and blood vessels and cellular membranes of epithelial cells. In kidney, VASP and Mena are abundantly expressed in glomerular mesangial cells and in papilla. VASP and Mena immunoreactivity in heart is associated with blood vessels and with the intercalated discs of cardiac myocytes, where they colocalize with connexin-43. During postnatal development of heart, the level of VASP and Mena expression gradually decreases from neonatal to adult animals. The data demonstrate a clear colocalization of VASP and Mena in cells of stomach, intestine, kidney, and heart. These data and other recent developments suggest that proteins of the Ena/VASP family exert similar functions and may compensate for each other in these tissues.  相似文献   

Dynamics of muscle fibre growth during postnatal mouse development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  


Postnatal growth in mouse is rapid, with total skeletal muscle mass increasing several-fold in the first few weeks. Muscle growth can be achieved by either an increase in muscle fibre number or an increase in the size of individual myofibres, or a combination of both. Where myofibre hypertrophy during growth requires the addition of new myonuclei, these are supplied by muscle satellite cells, the resident stem cells of skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Gap junction channels formed by connexins (Cx) may play essential roles in some processes that occur during retinal development, such as apoptosis and calcium wave spread. The present study was undertaken to determine the distribution pattern of Cx36, Cx43, and Cx45 by immunofluorescence, as well as their gene expression levels by quantitative PCR during postnatal development of the mouse retina. Our results showed an increased expression of neuronal Cx36 from P1 until P10, when this Cx reached adult levels, and it was mainly distributed in the outer and inner plexiform layers. In turn, Cx43 was almost absent in retinal progenitor cells at P1, it became more prominent in glial cell processes about P10, and did not change until adulthood. Double-labeling studies in situ and in vitro with antivimentin, a Müller cell marker, confirmed that Cx43 was expressed by these cells. In addition, quantitative PCR showed that Cx43 and vimentin shared very similar temporal expression patterns. Finally, in contrast to Cx36 and Cx43, Cx45 mRNA was strongly down-regulated during development. In early postnatal days, Cx45 was seen ubiquitously distributed throughout the retina in cells undergoing proliferation and differentiation, as well in differentiated neurons. In adult retina, this protein had a more restricted distribution both in neurons and glial cells, as confirmed in situ and in vitro. In conclusion, we observed a distinct temporal expression pattern for Cx36, Cx43, and Cx45, which is probably related to particular roles in retinal function and maintenance of homeostasis during development of the mouse retina.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to test effects of prenatal and postnatal fraternity size (size of litter in which an individual develops prenatally or is reared postnatally) on ovarian development in mice. Fraternity size treatments were created by standardizing sizes of prenatal and postnatal fraternities in which mice were gestated and reared. Prenatal fraternity size was standardized by surgery on Day 9 of gestation to 6, 10, and 14 fetuses. Postnatal fraternity size was standardized by randomly assigning pups to litters of 5, 10, or 15 pups within 24 h of birth. Female pups were killed at either 3 or 20 wk of age and right ovaries were prepared for histology. Follicles were classified by size and morphology, and numbers of follicles in each class were tabulated. Interaction of postnatal fraternity size and age was observed for number of antral follicles (p less than 0.05). Mice reared in small postnatal fraternities had more antral follicles at weaning (3 wk) and fewer antral follicles at maturity (20 wk of age) than mice reared in large postnatal fraternities. No effect of either prenatal or postnatal fraternity size on other follicle populations was observed (p greater than 0.20). Numbers of Type 2 (primordial), Type 3a, and Type 3b follicles changed with age (p less than 0.01); numbers of primordial follicles declined with age, but numbers of Type 3a and 3b follicles increased. A hypothesis of a negative association between postnatal fraternity size and number of antral follicles at 3 wk of age was supported, but a hypothesis of a positive association between fraternity size and number of primordial follicles was not supported.  相似文献   

六斑平颜蚜蝇Eumerus seximaculatum Huo et Liu是一种对肉苁蓉造成毁灭性危害的蛀茎害虫,本研究旨在探索温度对六斑平颜蚜蝇生长发育及繁殖影响,为其预测预报和防治提供依据。在室内测定了六斑平颜蚜蝇在16、20、24、28和32±1℃ 5个恒温处理下各发育阶段的发育历期、存活率、繁殖力以及种群增长指数。结果表明,在16~32℃恒温范围内,六斑平颜蚜蝇均能完成整个世代,各虫态的发育历期随着温度升高逐渐缩短;而存活率、繁殖力、种群增长指数随着温度升高先增多后减少。28℃时世代存活率、每雌平均产卵量、预计下一代产虫数、种群趋势指数均最大,分别为66.67%、150.77粒、2 277.25头、34.68,说明28℃为六斑平颜蚜蝇种群增长的最适宜温度。  相似文献   

Abstract. In a laboratory study, groups of third-instar Blatta orientalis nymphs were reared to adulthood in arenas containing fenoxycarb (48 mg a.i./m2) treated ceramic or plywood tiles. The reproductive capacity of the emergent adults was assessed by pairing each individual with two untreated individuals of the opposite sex. Oothecal production, oothecal hatch and the numbers of nymphs emergent from each hatched ootheca were monitored. Exposure to 1-day-old deposits of fenoxycarb reduced adult emergence by 45–75% in comparison with an untreated control treatment. Substantial (>40%) mortality also resulted when nymphs were exposed to deposits up to 3 months old on plywood and up to 6 months old on ceramic. Exposure to fenoxycarb significantly extended the time taken to reach adulthood of males contacting 6-month-old deposits on both surfaces, and of females contacting 1-year-old deposits on ceramic. Adult females exposed as nymphs to fenoxycarb were unable to produce oothecae, except one female laid a non-viable ootheca. Untreated females paired with treated males produced large numbers of oothecae of normal appearance but very low viability, with only 0–7.1% hatching. With marked effects on both development and reproduction in B. orientalis , fenoxycarb is a promising agent for control of this species.  相似文献   

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