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Tagus estuary is one of the largest estuaries of Western Europe. With the aim of unravelling the drivers of primary production in this shallow and turbid nutrient replete estuary, we tested the hypothesis that light availability is a major factor controlling phytoplankton production. Environmental parameters, phytoplankton biomass, community composition, and photosynthetic parameters were monitored at two sites in the estuary during a complete annual cycle. Despite the fact that nutrient concentrations were always above growth-limiting values, Chl a concentrations were relatively low throughout the study period. High water column turbidity, due to riverine inputs, promoted a rapid attenuation of light and created a compressed profile with optimal photosynthetic conditions. Therefore, the phytoplankton community, dominated by small cells, such as diatoms and cryptophycean flagellates, displayed highly photosynthetic efficiency and low light-saturated photosynthetic rates as a photo-acclimation response to low light conditions year-round. Primary production rate was unimodal, peaking in the summer months. In such estuarine system, gross primary production could thus be predicted by an existing robust empirical model based on pigment standing crop (Chl a), surface irradiance (E 0) and optical depth (Z eup). Compared to other shallow estuaries, the Tagus can be classified as a low- to moderately productive estuary, being the turbidity-induced low light conditions the principal factor limiting phytoplankton growth.  相似文献   

During the course of 1996, phytoplankton was monitored in the turbid, freshwater tidal reaches of the Schelde estuary. Using a simple light-limited primary production model, phytoplankton growth rates were estimated to evaluate whether phytoplankton could attain net positive growth rates and whether growth rates were high enough for a bloom to develop. Two phytoplankton blooms were observed in the freshwater tidal reaches. The first bloom occurred in March and was mainly situated in the most upstream reaches of the freshwater tidal zone, suggesting that it was imported from the tributary river Schelde. The second bloom occurred in July and August. This summer bloom was situated more downstream in the freshwater tidal reaches and appeared to have developed within the estuary. A comparison between phytoplankton growth rates estimated using a simple primary production model and flushing rate of the water indicated that no net increase in phytoplankton biomass was possible in March while phytoplankton could theoretically increase its biomass by 20% per day during summer. Chlorophyllaconcentrations at all times decreased strongly at salinities between 5–10 psu. This decline was ascribed to a combination of salinity stress and light limitation. Phytoplankton biomass and estimated annual net production were much higher in the freshwater tidal zone compared to the brackish reaches of the estuary (salinity > 10 psu) despite mixing depth to euphotic depth ratios being similar. Possible reasons for this high production include high nutrient concentrations, low zooplankton grazing pressure and import of phytoplankton blooms from the tributary rivers.  相似文献   

The Westerschelde estuary is a very polluted and turbid estuary, but the last decade the waterquality improved. Dredging activity also increased in 1997 to allow bigger ships to enter the port of Antwerpen. This could potentially decrease the light conditions for the phytoplankton. Because of all these recent changes in the estuary we studied primary productivity in 2001 and compared it to values in 1991. The results show that due to a decrease in discharge in particulate and dissolved organic carbon the oxygen concentrations in general have increased in the upstream region, although in spring and summer low oxygen concentrations (10–30% saturation) can still be found. Phosphate and ammonia concentrations have decreased and the zone of nitrification which was very large in 1991 has become very small and is now located in the uppermost upstream region of the estuary. Si-concentrations have remained the same. All nutrient concentrations are still high enough not to limit phytoplankton growth. Turbidity remained unaltered as a result of the dredging works, and as a result phytoplankton biomass in most of the estuary did not show a decrease, although there were signs that in the upstream region phytoplankton biomass decreased, possible caused by increased grazing pressure. The relationship between phytoplankton biomass and primary productivity did not change, and from the data it can be concluded that the dredging activity will not influence the gross and net primary productivity of the phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Measurements of algal carbon metabolism in the light and the dark were conducted in (1) short-term (3-h) light and dark incubations, (2) a diel (24-h) experiment, and (3) a longer-term (4-d) carbon accumulation experiment to examine the relationship between photosynthetic rates, photosynthetic carbon metabolism in the light, and respiration and carbon metabolism in the ensuing dark period in natural assemblages of freshwater phytoplankton. High rates of photosynthesis and polysaccharide synthesis in the light were followed by high rates of respiration and polysaccharide utilization in the dark. Polysaccharide was the major respiratory substrate in the dark, and small molecular weight metabolites, lipids, and protein were less important sources of metabolic energy. The protein pool accumulated carbon during dark incubations, but more slowly than during active photosynthesis in the light. Because the intracellular macromolecular pools turn over at very different rates (polysaccharide > protein and lipid), patterns of short-term photosynthetic carbon metabolism are not necessarily indicative of the biochemical composition of the phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Changes in the species composition, photosynthesis, calcification and size-fractionated carbon metabolism by natural phytoplankton assemblages were monitored in three mesocosms under different nutrient conditions during May 1993. In the 3 enclosures, the decline of the diatom-dominated assemblages was followed by the development of a bloom of the coccolithoporid Emiliania huxleyi. Highest growth of E. huxleyi was observed in the mesocosm with a high N : P ratio, suggesting this species is a good competitor at low phosphate concentrations. The transition from diatom- to E. huxleyi-dominated assemblages brought about a sharp reduction of the phytoplankton standing stock and carbon-specific photosynthetic rate. The relative contribution of the smaller size fraction to total photosynthesis increased as the succession progressed. Calcification rate and E. huxleyi cell-specified calcite production were highest during the early stages of development of the E. huxleyi bloom. Distinct changes in the patterns of 14C allocation into biomolecules were noticed during the diatom-E. huxleyi succession. The diatom-dominated assemblage showed high relative 14C incorporation into low molecular weight metabolites (LMWM), whereas proteins and, specially, lipids accounted for the largest proportion of carbon incorporation in the E. huxleyi bloom. The patterns of photoassimilated carbon metabolism proved to be strongly dependent on cellular size, as protein relative synthesis was significantly higher in the smaller than in the larger size fraction, irrespective of the nutrient regime and the successional stage. These results are discussed in relation to the ecological and physiological features of small phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton composition and production are highly unpredictable within an estuary, due to the high variability of forcing factors, such as freshwater flow, salinity, nutrients and light. The Guadiana estuary has shown sharp inter-annual differences in freshwater flow, related to variable precipitation, which is expected to affect nutrient loadings, light availability and phytoplankton succession. Water retention due to dam construction will further enhance changes in river flow and ecosystem dynamics. The main goal of the present study was to describe and relate phytoplankton succession and environmental conditions, namely nutrients and light, in the Guadiana upper estuary (south-western Iberian Peninsula), a dam regulated temperate estuary. From March 2004 to October 2005, water samples were collected in three stations along a longitudinal transect covering the upper estuary. Several water variables were determined and phytoplankton composition was studied through inverted and epifluorescence microscopy. A typical freshwater phytoplankton succession was observed, from a diatom spring bloom to cyanobacteria dominance in the summer, and a second diatom bloom in the autumn. Neither nutrients nor light availability seemed to be related to the observed succession, especially the seasonal variation of diatom abundance. During summer, nutrient concentrations (especially Si) were high and non-limiting, whilst light was available in the mixing layer. However, diatoms were present in low numbers. Grazing pressure was probably responsible for the regulation of diatom seasonal succession in the Guadiana upper estuary, which should be addressed in future studies. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Both ocean acidification and viral infection bring about changes in marine phytoplankton physiological activities and community composition. However, little information is available on how the relationship between phytoplankton and viruses may be affected by ocean acidification and what impacts this might have on photosynthesis‐driven marine biological CO2 pump. Here, we show that when the harmful bloom alga Phaeocystis globosa is infected with viruses under future ocean conditions, its photosynthetic performance further decreased and cells became more susceptible to stressful light levels, showing enhanced photoinhibition and reduced carbon fixation, up‐regulation of mitochondrial respiration and decreased virus burst size. Our results indicate that ocean acidification exacerbates the impacts of viral attack on P. globosa, which implies that, while ocean acidification directly influences marine primary producers, it may also affect them indirectly by altering their relationship with viruses. Therefore, viruses as a biotic stressor need to be invoked when considering the overall impacts of climate change on marine productivity and carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

Detailed surveys throughout San Francisco Bay over an annual cycle (1980) show that seasonal variations of phytoplankton biomass, community composition, and productivity can differ markedly among estuarine habitat types. For example, in the river-dominated northern reach (Suisun Bay) phytoplankton seasonality is characterized by a prolonged summer bloom of netplanktonic diatoms that results from the accumulation of suspended particulates at the convergence of nontidal currents (i.e. where residence time is long). Here turbidity is persistently high such that phytoplankton growth and productivity are severely limited by light availability, the phytoplankton population turns over slowly, and biological processes appear to be less important mechanisms of temporal change than physical processes associated with freshwater inflow and turbulent mixing. The South Bay, in contrast, is a lagoon-type estuary less directly coupled to the influence of river discharge. Residence time is long (months) in this estuary, turbidity is lower and estimated rates of population growth are high (up to 1–2 doublings d–1), but the rapid production of phytoplankton biomass is presumably balanced by grazing losses to benthic herbivores. Exceptions occur for brief intervals (days to weeks) during spring when the water column stratifies so that algae retained in the surface layer are uncoupled from benthic grazing, and phytoplankton blooms develop. The degree of stratification varies over the neap-spring tidal cycle, so the South Bay represents an estuary where (1) biological processes (growth, grazing) and a physical process (vertical mixing) interact to cause temporal variability of phytoplankton biomass, and (2) temporal variability is highly dynamic because of the short-term variability of tides. Other mechanisms of temporal variability in estuarine phytoplankton include: zooplankton grazing, exchanges of microalgae between the sediment and water column, and horizontal dispersion which transports phytoplankton from regions of high productivity (shallows) to regions of low productivity (deep channels).Multi-year records of phytoplankton biomass show that large deviations from the typical annual cycles observed in 1980 can occur, and that interannual variability is driven by variability of annual precipitation and river discharge. Here, too, the nature of this variability differs among estuary types. Blooms occur only in the northern reach when river discharge falls within a narrow range, and the summer biomass increase was absent during years of extreme drought (1977) or years of exceptionally high discharge (1982). In South Bay, however, there is a direct relationship between phytoplankton biomass and river discharge. As discharge increases so does the buoyancy input required for density stratification, and wet years are characterized by persistent and intense spring blooms.  相似文献   

During summer 2008, as part of the Circumpolar Flaw Lead system study, we measured phytoplankton photosynthetic parameters to understand regional patterns in primary productivity, including the degree and timescale of photoacclimation and how variability in environmental conditions influences this response. Photosynthesis–irradiance measurements were taken at 15 sites primarily from the depth of the subsurface chlorophyll a (Chl a) maximum (SCM) within the Beaufort Sea flaw lead polynya. The physiological response of phytoplankton to a range of light levels was used to assess maximum rates of carbon (C) fixation (P m*), photosynthetic efficiency (α *), photoacclimation (E k), and photoinhibition (β *). SCM samples taken along a transect from under ice into open water exhibited a >3-fold increase in α * and P m*, showing these parameters can vary substantially over relatively small spatial scales, primarily in response to changes in the ambient light field. Algae were able to maintain relatively high rates of C fixation despite low light at the SCM, particularly in the large (>5 μm) size fraction at open water sites. This may substantially impact biogenic C drawdown if species composition shifts in response to future climate change. Our results suggest that phytoplankton in this region are well acclimated to existing environmental conditions, including sea ice cover, low light, and nutrient pulses. Furthermore, this photoacclimatory response can be rapid and keep pace with a developing SCM, as phytoplankton maintain photosynthetic rates and efficiencies in a narrow “shade-acclimated” range.  相似文献   

Abiotic factors and primary production by phytoplankton and microphytobenthos was studied in the turbid Westeschelde estuary. Because of the high turbidity and high nutrient concentrations primary production by phytoplankton is light-limited. In the inner and central parts of the estuary maximum rates of primary production were therefore measured during the summer, whereas in the more marine part spring and autumn bloom were observed. Organic loading is high, causing near anaerobic conditions upstream in the river Schelde. Because of this there were no important phytoplankton grazers in this part of the estuary and hence the grazing pressure on phytoplankton was minimal. As this reduced losses, biomass is maximal in the river Schelde, despite the very low growth rates.On a number of occasions, primary production by benthic micro-algae on intertidal flats was studied. Comparison of their rates of primary production to phytoplankton production in the same period led to the conclusion that the contribution to total primary production by benthic algae was small. The main reason for this is that the photosynthetic activity declines rapidly after the flats emerged from the water. It is argued that CO2-limitation could only be partially responsible for the noticed decrease in activity.  相似文献   

Freshwater lakes are biologically sensitive to changes in the surrounding environment and the impacts that such changes have on their water quality are of considerable ecological, recreational and economic importance. In this study the phytoplankton community model, PROTECH, was used to experiment with the effects of elevated temperatures and increased nutrient load on phytoplankton succession and productivity. The response of a phytoplankton community to combined incremental changes in these drivers was analysed, in order to elucidate the resulting ecological changes. Annual mean phytoplankton biomass increased with increases in temperature and nutrient loading, although the latter had the larger effect. The phenology of the dominant phytoplankton taxa changed with increasing water temperature; the three spring blooming species all peaked earlier in the year. The simulated summer bloom of Anabaena became earlier in the year and the Chlorella bloom later. The increased phytoplankton biomass was largely dominated by the cyanobacterium Anabaena, which was especially prevalent during the summer bloom. This resulted in a progressive loss of phytoplankton biodiversity with increasing water temperature and nutrient supply. Model experimentation showed that whilst both factors greatly affected the community, the changes to nutrient loading generally had the greater effect and that at low nutrient levels the effect of water temperature change was reduced considerably. Finally, the model predicted that cyanobacteria have the potential to dominate the phytoplankton community, with clear consequences for water quality, and that this dominance was at its greatest when high water temperatures were combined with high nutrient loads.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic carbon allocations into different macromolecular classes provide important clues regarding physiological conditions of phytoplankton and the nutritional status of potential grazers. The productivity experiments for photosynthetic carbon allocations were conducted at three light depths (100, 30, and 1 %) for nine different stations in the northern Bering Sea as an important gateway into the western Arctic Ocean, using the 13C isotope tracer technique to determine the major controlling factors and physiological conditions of phytoplankton. The photosynthetic carbon allocations into different macromolecular classes [Low molecular weight metabolites (LMWM), lipids, proteins, and polysaccharides] of primary producers were determined based on the productivity experiments. LMWM and polysaccharides had similar vertical patterns whereas lipids and proteins had reverse vertical patterns at all the stations, which is consistent with other results under different light depths. The overall average allocations were 37.9 (SD = ± 18.8 %), 26.6 (SD = ± 17.4 %), 26.5 (SD = ± 20.7 %), and 9.1 % (SD = ± 7.8 %), for LMWM, lipids, proteins, and polysaccharides, respectively. Based on a general pattern of macromolecular production in the northern Bering Sea, phytoplankton was in a physiologically transitional phase from an unlimited status to a nitrogen-deficient condition during our cruise period, 2007. However, more in situ field measurements for macromolecular production under a variety of environmental conditions will improve the understanding of the physiological responses of phytoplankton to the ongoing environmental changes in the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

Tamar Zohary 《Freshwater Biology》2004,49(10):1355-1371
1. Phytoplankton abundance and species composition in Lake Kinneret, Israel, have been monitored at weekly or fortnightly intervals since 1969. This paper summarises the resulting 34‐year phytoplankton record with a focus on the last 13 years of new data, and reassesses an earlier conclusion that the lake phytoplankton shows remarkable stability despite a wide range of external pressures. 2. The Kinneret phytoplankton record can be split into two major periods. The first, from 1969 till 1993, was a period of distinct stability expressed by a typical annual pattern revolving around a spring bloom of the dinoflagellate Peridinium gatunense that repeated each year. The second period, starting around 1994 and ongoing, is characterised by the loss of the previously predictable annual pattern, with both ‘bloom years’ and ‘no‐bloom years’. 3. In the second period, deviations from the previous annual pattern include: the absence of the prevailing spring P. gatunense blooms in some years and increased variability in the magnitude of the bloom in others; intensification of winter Aulacoseira granulata blooms; higher summer phytoplankton biomass with replacement of mostly nanoplanktonic, palatable forms by less palatable forms; new appearance and establishment of toxin‐producing, nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria in summer; increase in the absolute biomass and percentage contribution of cyanobacteria to total biomass; and fungal epidemics attacking P. gatunense. 4. The 34‐year record serves to validate Schindler's (1987) assessment that phytoplankton species composition will respond to increased anthropogenic stress before bulk ecosystem parameters.  相似文献   

1. The Schelde estuary, its side basins and their tributaries were sampled in August 1995 and April 1996 for phytoplankton abundance, biomass, diversity and species composition. In order to clarify the underlying causes of differences in phytoplankton communities, the results were related to some important abiotic variables.
2. Although species richness and diversity did not differ significantly between the riverine and the freshwater tidal stations, multivariate ordination techniques based on species abundances differentiate between these two ecosystems. While in the rivers phytoplankton standing stocks were as high in summer as in spring, standing stocks in the freshwater tidal estuary were significantly higher in the August samples.
3. It is postulated that due to the resuspension of suspended solids by estuarine currents, light is limiting phytoplankton development in the freshwater tidal reaches in spring. At that stage, phytoplankton populations have already developed in the rivers. In summer, zooplankton prevent any further increase of riverine phytoplankton populations. In the freshwater tidal estuary, however, increased light levels, a higher residence time compared to rivers and the absence of zooplankton due to low oxygen concentrations permit phytoplankton populations to bloom.  相似文献   

Big Soda Lake is an alkaline, saline lake with a permanent chemocline at 34.5 m and a mixolimnion that undergoes seasonal changes in temperature structure. During the period of thermal stratification, from summer through fall, the epilimnion has low concentrations of dissolved inorganic nutrients (N, Si) and CH4, and low biomass of phytoplankton (chlorophyll a ca. 1 mgm -3). Dissolved oxygen disappears near the compensation depth for algal photosynthesis (ca. 20 m). Surface water is transparent so that light is present in the anoxic hypolimnion, and a dense plate of purple sulfur photosynthetic bacteria (Ectothiorhodospira vacuolata) is present just below 20 m (Bchl a ca. 200 mgm-3). Concentrations of N H4 +, Si, and CH4 are higher in the hypolimnion than in the epilimnion. As the mixolimnion becomes isothermal in winter, oxygen is mixed down to 28 m. Nutrients (NH4 +, Si) and CH4 are released from the hypolimnion and mix to the surface, and a diatom bloom develops in the upper 20 m (chlorophyll a > 40 mgm-3). The deeper mixing of oxygen and enhanced light attenuation by phytoplankton uncouple the anoxic zone and photic zone, and the plate of photosynthetic bacteria disappears (Bchl a ca.10mgm-3). Hence, seasonal changes in temperature distribution and mixing create conditions such that the primary producer community is alternately dominated by phytoplankton and photosynthetic bacteria: the phytoplankton may be nutrient-limited during periods of stratification and the photosynthetic bacteria are light-limited during periods of mixing.  相似文献   

Regulation of phytoplankton dynamics in a Laurentian Great Lakes estuary   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The composition and dynamics of phytoplankton populations were examined in Old Woman Creek estuary, Lake Erie (USA). The centric bacillariophytes,Cyclotella atomus Hust.,Cyclotella meneghiniana Kütz., andAulacoseira alpigena (Grun.) Krammer, and the cryptophytes,Cryptomonas erosa Ehren. andRhodomonas minuta var. nannoplanctonica Skuja, dominated the phytoplankton most of the year. Chlorophytes, euglenophytes, and cyanophytes were observed less frequently. Estuarine and Lake Erie phytoplankton were considered distinct populations; lake taxa were largely confined to the estuary mouth and present only in low biomass. Maxima and minima of estuarine phytoplankton coincided with meteorological and hydrological forcing in the form of rainfall and subsequent storm-water inflows, respectively. Distinct population dynamics between the upper and lower estuary following storm events were attributed to the presence/absence of refugia serving as a source for repopulation by opportunistic taxa, fluctuating light conditions in the water column resulting from influx of particulate matter and resuspension of bottom sediments, and nutrient inputs associated with surface runoff and sub-surface interflow. Additionally, agricultural herbicides introduced by storm-water inflows potentially may affect and/or control the growth and physiological responses of individual taxa.  相似文献   

To analyze various effects of prolonged darkness on phytoplankton population dynamics, we developed a dynamic model of darkness tolerance for phytoplankton and investigated its characteristics. To construct the basic concepts of the model, we categorized various changes in abundance of phytoplankton both during prolonged darkness and after reillumination into several patterns, and then considered the physiological processes producing these patterns. The nature of darkness tolerance was considered to incorporate previously experienced light conditions, including darkness, as a physiological activity, and members of the same phytoplankton species exhibit different dynamics even in identical light conditions due to such career effects. Taking this into consideration, we developed a cell quota model in relation to darkness tolerance. State variables for abundance were indicated by cell numbers, and physiological condition by three intracellular carbon pools with different physiological functions. Using our model, we analyzed the various changes in abundance of phytoplankton in relation to exposure to prolonged darkness. Various responses in terms of phytoplankton abundance to prolonged darkness and after reillumination were successfully reproduced by the model that simply assumed that deterioration of physiological mechanics, such as photosynthetic functions, was due to a prolonged dark condition. On the basis of the results of calculation and assumptions for the model, we discuss the limitations, problems, and effectiveness of the model. Handling editor: Luigi Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

Temperature and nutrient supply are key factors that control phytoplankton ecophysiology, but their role is commonly investigated in isolation. Their combined effect on resource allocation, photosynthetic strategy, and metabolism remains poorly understood. To characterize the photosynthetic strategy and resource allocation under different conditions, we analyzed the responses of a marine cyanobacterium (Synechococcus PCC 7002) to multiple combinations of temperature and nutrient supply. We measured the abundance of proteins involved in the dark (RuBisCO, rbcL) and light (Photosystem II, psbA) photosynthetic reactions, the content of chlorophyll a, carbon and nitrogen, and the rates of photosynthesis, respiration, and growth. We found that rbcL and psbA abundance increased with nutrient supply, whereas a temperature-induced increase in psbA occurred only in nutrient-replete treatments. Low temperature and abundant nutrients caused increased RuBisCO abundance, a pattern we observed also in natural phytoplankton assemblages across a wide latitudinal range. Photosynthesis and respiration increased with temperature only under nutrient-sufficient conditions. These results suggest that nutrient supply exerts a stronger effect than temperature upon both photosynthetic protein abundance and metabolic rates in Synechococcus sp. and that the temperature effect on photosynthetic physiology and metabolism is nutrient dependent. The preferential resource allocation into the light instead of the dark reactions of photosynthesis as temperature rises is likely related to the different temperature dependence of dark-reaction enzymatic rates versus photochemistry. These findings contribute to our understanding of the strategies for photosynthetic energy allocation in phytoplankton inhabiting contrasting environments.  相似文献   

The development of the seasonal phytoplankton bloom in the Ross Sea was studied during two cruises. The first, conducted in November-December 1994, investigated the initiation and rapid growth of the bloom, whereas the second (December 1995-January 1996) concentrated on the bloom's maximum biomass period and the subsequent decline in biomass. Central to the understanding of the controls of growth and the summer decline of the bloom is a quantitative assessment of the growth rate of phytoplankton. Growth rates were estimated over two time scales with different methods. The first estimated daily growth rates from isotropic incorporation under simulated in situ conditions, including 14C, 15N and 32Si uptake measurements combined with estimates of standing stocks of particulate organic carbon, nitrogen and biogenic silica. The second method used daily to weekly changes in biomass at selected locations, with net growth rates being estimated from changes in standing stocks of phytoplankton. In addition, growth rates were estimated in large-volume experiments under optimal irradiances. Growth rates showed distinct temporal patterns. Early in the growing season, short-term estimates suggested that growth rates of in situ assemblages were less than maximum (relative to the temperature-limited maximum) and were likely reduced due to low irradiance regimes encountered under the ice. Growth rates increased thereafter and appeared to reach their maximum as biomass approached the seasonal peak, but decreased markedly in late December. Differences between the major taxonomic groups present were also noted, especially from the isotopic tracer experiments. The haplophyte Phaeocystic antarctica was dominant in 1994 throughout the growing season, and it exhibited the greatest growth rates (mean 0.41 day-1) during spring. Diatom standing stocks were low early in the growing season, and growth rates averaged 0.100 day-1. In summer diatoms were more abundant, but their growth rates remained much lower (mean of 0.08 day-1) than the potential maximum. Understanding growth rate controls is essential to the development of predictive models of the carbon cycle and food webs in Antarctic waters.   相似文献   

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