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Distance-based approaches in phylogenetics such as Neighbor-Joining are a fast and popular approach for building trees. These methods take pairs of sequences, and from them construct a value that, in expectation, is additive under a stochastic model of site substitution. Most models assume a distribution of rates across sites, often based on a gamma distribution. Provided the (shape) parameter of this distribution is known, the method can correctly reconstruct the tree. However, if the shape parameter is not known then we show that topologically different trees, with different shape parameters and associated positive branch lengths, can lead to exactly matching distributions on pairwise site patterns between all pairs of taxa. Thus, one could not distinguish between the two trees using pairs of sequences without some prior knowledge of the shape parameter. More surprisingly, this can happen for any choice of distinct shape parameters on the two trees, and thus the result is not peculiar to a particular or contrived selection of the shape parameters. On a positive note, we point out known conditions where identifiability can be restored (namely, when the branch lengths are clocklike, or if methods such as maximum likelihood are used).  相似文献   

One of the main problems in phylogenetics is to develop systematic methods for constructing evolutionary or phylogenetic trees. For a set of species X, an edge-weighted phylogenetic X-tree or phylogenetic tree is a (graph theoretical) tree with leaf set X and no degree 2 vertices, together with a map assigning a non-negative length to each edge of the tree. Within phylogenetics, several methods have been proposed for constructing such trees that work by trying to piece together quartet trees on X, i.e. phylogenetic trees each having four leaves in X. Hence, it is of interest to characterise when a collection of quartet trees corresponds to a (unique) phylogenetic tree. Recently, Dress and Erdös provided such a characterisation for binary phylogenetic trees, that is, phylogenetic trees all of whose internal vertices have degree 3. Here we provide a new characterisation for arbitrary phylogenetic trees.  相似文献   

Simple stochastic models for phylogenetic trees on species have been well studied. But much paleontology data concerns time series or trees on higher-order taxa, and any broad picture of relationships between extant groups requires use of higher-order taxa. A coherent model for trees on (say) genera should involve both a species-level model and a model for the classification scheme by which species are assigned to genera. We present a general framework for such models, and describe three alternate classification schemes. Combining with the species-level model of Aldous and Popovic (Adv Appl Probab 37:1094–1115, 2005), one gets models for higher-order trees, and we initiate analytic study of such models. In particular we derive formulas for the lifetime of genera, for the distribution of number of species per genus, and for the offspring structure of the tree on genera. David Aldous’s research was supported by NSF Grant DMS-0704159.  相似文献   

Mwasa A  Tchuenche JM 《Bio Systems》2011,105(3):190-200
Cholera, an acute gastro-intestinal infection and a waterborne disease continues to emerge in developing countries and remains an important global health challenge. We formulate a mathematical model that captures some essential dynamics of cholera transmission to study the impact of public health educational campaigns, vaccination and treatment as control strategies in curtailing the disease. The education-induced, vaccination-induced and treatment-induced reproductive numbers R(E), R(V), R(T) respectively and the combined reproductive number R(C) are compared with the basic reproduction number R(0) to assess the possible community benefits of these control measures. A Lyapunov functional approach is also used to analyse the stability of the equilibrium points. We perform sensitivity analysis on the key parameters that drive the disease dynamics in order to determine their relative importance to disease transmission and prevalence. Graphical representations are provided to qualitatively support the analytical results.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of three malaria preventive measures (use of treated bednets, spray of insecticides and a possible treatment of infective humans that blocks transmission to mosquitoes). For this, we consider a mathematical model for the transmission dynamics of the disease that includes these measures. We first consider the constant control parameters’ case, we calculate the basic reproduction number and investigate the existence and stability of equilibria; the model is found to exhibit backward bifurcation. We then assess the relative impact of each of the constant control parameters measures by calculating the sensitivity index of the basic reproductive number to the model's parameters. In the time-dependent constant control case, we use Pontryagin's Maximum Principle to derive necessary conditions for the optimal control of the disease. We also calculate the Infection Averted Ratio (IAR) and the Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) to investigate the cost-effectiveness of all possible combinations of the three control measures. One of our findings is that the most cost-effective strategy for malaria control, is the combination of the spray of insecticides and treatment of infective individuals. This strategy requires a 100% effort in both treatment (for 20 days) and spray of insecticides (for 57 days). In practice, this will be extremely difficult, if not impossible to achieve. The second most cost-effective strategy which consists of a 100% use of treated bednets and 87% treatment of infective individuals for 42 and 100 days, respectively, is sustainable and therefore preferable.  相似文献   

This work is concerned with a reaction-diffusion system that has been proposed as a model to describe acid-mediated cancer invasion. More precisely, we consider the properties of travelling waves that can be supported by such a system, and show that a rich variety of wave propagation dynamics, both fast and slow, is compatible with the model. In particular, asymptotic formulae for admissible wave profiles and bounds on their wave speeds are provided.  相似文献   

The most important and effective measures against disease outbreaks in the absence of valid medicines or vaccine are quarantine and isolation strategies. In this paper optimal control theory is applied to a system of ordinary differential equation describing a two-strain avian influenza transmission via the Pontryagin's Maximum Principle. To this end, a pair of control variables representing the isolation strategies for individuals with avian and mutant strains were incorporated into the transmission model. The infection averted ratio (IAR) and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) were calculated to investigate the cost-effectiveness of all possible combinations of the control strategies. The simulation results show that the implementation of the combination strategy during the epidemic is the most cost-effective strategy for avian influenza transmission. This is followed by the control strategy involving isolation of individuals with the mutant strain. Also observed was the fact that low mutating and more virulent virus results in an increased control effort of isolating individuals with the avian strain; and high mutating with more virulent virus results in increased efforts in isolating individuals with the mutant strain.  相似文献   

A model of competition for two complementary nutrients between plasmid-bearing and plasmid-free organisms in a chemostat is proposed. A rigorous mathematical analysis of the global asymptotic behavior of the model is presented. The work extends the model of competition for a single-limited nutrient studied by Stephanopoulos and Lapidus [Chem. Engng. Sci. 443 (1988) 49] and Hsu, Waltman and Wolkowicz [J. Math. Biol. 32 (1994) 731].  相似文献   

In this introduction to the special issue on RNA, we provide a brief overview of some of the novel and exciting biological discoveries concerning diverse roles played by RNA, and subsequently we give a rapid summary of some algorithmic aspects of RNA structure and alignment. Each of the contributions to this special issue is briefly described. This work is funded in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DBI-0543506.  相似文献   

In this article, we considered a model of HIV-1 infection with a protease inhibitor therapy and three delays. The frequency of the bifurcating periodic solution as well as the threshold value is approximated numerically using realistic parameter. The estimated threshold value is realistic and the frequency of the oscillations is consistent with that of the observed viral blips.  相似文献   

Makinde OD  Okosun KO 《Bio Systems》2011,104(1):32-41
We derived and analyzed rigorously a mathematical model that describes the dynamics of malaria infection with the recruitment of infected immigrants, treatment of infectives and spray of insecticides against mosquitoes in the population. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis of the deterministic model are performed with respect to stability of the disease free and endemic equilibria. It is found that in the absence of infected immigrants disease-free equilibrium is achievable and is locally asymptotically stable. Using Pontryagin's Maximum Principle, the optimal strategies for disease control are established. Finally, numerical simulations are performed to illustrate the analytical results.  相似文献   

Mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) are forest primates indigenous to western central Africa. Phylogenetic analysis of 267 base pairs (bp) of the cytochrome b gene from 53 mandrills of known and 17 of unknown provenance revealed two phylogeographical groups, with haplotypes differentiated by 2.6% comprising seven synonymous transitions. The distribution of the haplotypes suggests that the Ogooué River, Gabon, which bisects their range, separates mandrill populations in Cameroon and northern Gabon from those in southern Gabon. The haplotype distribution is also concordant with that of two known mandrill simian immunodeficiency viruses, suggesting that these two mandrill phylogroups have followed different evolutionary trajectories since separation.  相似文献   

We present a framework for modeling gliomas growth and their mechanical impact on the surrounding brain tissue (the so-called, mass-effect). We employ an Eulerian continuum approach that results in a strongly coupled system of nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (PDEs): a reaction-diffusion model for the tumor growth and a piecewise linearly elastic material for the background tissue. To estimate unknown model parameters and enable patient-specific simulations we formulate and solve a PDE-constrained optimization problem. Our two main goals are the following: (1) to improve the deformable registration from images of brain tumor patients to a common stereotactic space, thereby assisting in the construction of statistical anatomical atlases; and (2) to develop predictive capabilities for glioma growth, after the model parameters are estimated for a given patient. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt in the literature to introduce an adjoint-based, PDE-constrained optimization formulation in the context of image-driven modeling spatio-temporal tumor evolution. In this paper, we present the formulation, and the solution method and we conduct 1D numerical experiments for preliminary evaluation of the overall formulation/methodology.  相似文献   

A finite conflict with given payoff matrix may have many ESS's (evolutionarily stable strategies). For a given set of pure strategies { 1, 2, ...,n} a set of subsets of these is called a pattern, and if there exists ann ×n matrix which has ESS's whose supports (i.e. the playable strategies) precisely match the elements of the pattern, then the pattern is said to be attainable. In [5] and [10] some methods were developed to specify when a pattern was, or was not, attainable. The object here is to present a somewhat different method which is essentially recursive. We derive certain results which allow one to deduce from the attainability of a pattern for givenn the attainability of other patterns forn+1, and by induction for anyn+r.  相似文献   

We present a nonlinear model of the dynamics of a cell population divided into proliferative and quiescent compartments. The proliferative phase represents the complete cell cycle (G 1SG 2M) of a population committed to divide at its end. The model is structured by the time spent by a cell in the proliferative phase, and by the amount of Cyclin D/(CDK4 or 6) complexes. Cells can transit from one compartment to the other, following transition rules which differ according to the tissue state: healthy or tumoral. The asymptotic behaviour of solutions of the nonlinear model is analysed in two cases, exhibiting tissue homeostasis or tumour exponential growth. The model is simulated and its analytic predictions are confirmed numerically.  相似文献   

We investigate a mathematical model of tumor-immune interactions with chemotherapy, and strategies for optimally administering treatment. In this paper we analyze the dynamics of this model, characterize the optimal controls related to drug therapy, and discuss numerical results of the optimal strategies. The form of the model allows us to test and compare various optimal control strategies, including a quadratic control, a linear control, and a state-constraint. We establish the existence of the optimal control, and solve for the control in both the quadratic and linear case. In the linear control case, we show that we cannot rule out the possibility of a singular control. An interesting aspect of this paper is that we provide a graphical representation of regions on which the singular control is optimal.  相似文献   

New methods are described for finding recurrent three-dimensional (3D) motifs in RNA atomic-resolution structures. Recurrent RNA 3D motifs are sets of RNA nucleotides with similar spatial arrangements. They can be local or composite. Local motifs comprise nucleotides that occur in the same hairpin or internal loop. Composite motifs comprise nucleotides belonging to three or more different RNA strand segments or molecules. We use a base-centered approach to construct efficient, yet exhaustive search procedures using geometric, symbolic, or mixed representations of RNA structure that we implement in a suite of MATLAB programs, “Find RNA 3D” (FR3D). The first modules of FR3D preprocess structure files to classify base-pair and -stacking interactions. Each base is represented geometrically by the position of its glycosidic nitrogen in 3D space and by the rotation matrix that describes its orientation with respect to a common frame. Base-pairing and base-stacking interactions are calculated from the base geometries and are represented symbolically according to the Leontis/Westhof basepairing classification, extended to include base-stacking. These data are stored and used to organize motif searches. For geometric searches, the user supplies the 3D structure of a query motif which FR3D uses to find and score geometrically similar candidate motifs, without regard to the sequential position of their nucleotides in the RNA chain or the identity of their bases. To score and rank candidate motifs, FR3D calculates a geometric discrepancy by rigidly rotating candidates to align optimally with the query motif and then comparing the relative orientations of the corresponding bases in the query and candidate motifs. Given the growing size of the RNA structure database, it is impossible to explicitly compute the discrepancy for all conceivable candidate motifs, even for motifs with less than ten nucleotides. The screening algorithm that we describe finds all candidate motifs whose geometric discrepancy with respect to the query motif falls below a user-specified cutoff discrepancy. This technique can be applied to RMSD searches. Candidate motifs identified geometrically may be further screened symbolically to identify those that contain particular basepair types or base-stacking arrangements or that conform to sequence continuity or nucleotide identity constraints. Purely symbolic searches for motifs containing user-defined sequence, continuity and interaction constraints have also been implemented. We demonstrate that FR3D finds all occurrences, both local and composite and with nucleotide substitutions, of sarcin/ricin and kink-turn motifs in the 23S and 5S ribosomal RNA 3D structures of the H. marismortui 50S ribosomal subunit and assigns the lowest discrepancy scores to bona fide examples of these motifs. The search algorithms have been optimized for speed to allow users to search the non-redundant RNA 3D structure database on a personal computer in a matter of minutes.  相似文献   

In this paper we present continuous age- and space-structured models and numerical computations of Proteus mirabilis swarm-colony development. We base the mathematical representation of the cell-cycle dynamics of Proteus mirabilis on those developed by Esipov and Shapiro, which are the best understood aspects of the system, and we make minimum assumptions about less-understood mechanisms, such as precise forms of the spatial diffusion. The models in this paper have explicit age-structure and, when solved numerically, display both the temporal and spatial regularity seen in experiments, whereas the Esipov and Shapiro model, when solved accurately, shows only the temporal regularity. The composite hyperbolic-parabolic partial differential equations used to model Proteus mirabilis swarm-colony development are relevant to other biological systems where the spatial dynamics depend on local physiological structure. We use computational methods designed for such systems, with known convergence properties, to obtain the numerical results presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Two optimization problems are considered: Harvesting from a structured population with maximal gain subject to the condition of non-extinction, and vaccinating a population with prescribed reduction of the reproduction number of the disease at minimal costs. It is shown that these problems have a similar structure and can be treated by the same mathematical approach. The optimal solutions have a 'two-window' structure: Optimal harvesting and vaccination strategies or policies are concentrated on one or two preferred age classes. The results are first shown for a linear age structure problem and for an epidemic situation at the uninfected state (minimize costs for a given reduction of the reproduction number) and then extended to populations structured by size, to harvesting at Gurtin-MacCamy equilibria and to vaccination at infected equilibria.  相似文献   

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