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Adoption was studied inMacaca mulatta. Multiparous mothers were separated from their biological offspring within hours following parturition, and 2 1/2 days later, on the average, they were offered neonates for adoption. These foster infants had been separated from their biological mothers shortly after birth and averaged 2 3/4 days old when subjected to adoption. Mothers that were offered a single neonate immediately and completely adopted the foster infant. But mothers that were offered two infants at the same time were ambivalent. Many infants were rejected initially, although with one partial exception, the mothers eventually accepted and cared for two infants. It was concluded that the macaque maternal affectional system may be biased toward accepting and nurturing one infant at a time.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether infant abuse by female rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) is a phenomenon specific to their own offspring or reflects a general tendency to interact negatively with infants. Several aspects of the relationship between maternal behavior, infant handling, and infant harassment were also investigated. Study subjects were 20 group-living rhesus mothers with their infants observed during the first 12 weeks of lactation. The results of this study indicate that abusive mothers are highly attracted to infants in general but that infant abuse is a phenomenon specific to their own offspring. Infant harassment is not an accidental by-product of infant handling or the result of maternal inexperience but it is likely related to reproductive competition among lactating females. Maternal behavior and infant handling may be regulated by similar proximate mechanisms, but probably have different adaptive functions and evolutionary history across the Primate order. Am J Phys Anthropol 110:17-25.  相似文献   

Female primates endure great costs during pregnancy and lactation. Some studies have been conducted on exploring these; however, information on how maternal condition before conception influences maternal postpartum recuperation and infant development are not well known, especially in primipares. This 2-year investigation explored how maternal condition, maternal foraging time and alert time, and infants' time on nipple influenced postpartum recovery of primiparous rhesus macaques, as well as their infant's development during the first 3 months postpartum. The study was conducted on 11 female rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) living at the Caribbean Primate Research Center, Sabana Seca Field Station, Puerto Rico. Infant survivorship and development were not influenced by maternal age at first parturition or by the infants' time on the nipple. Infant development and maternal recovery were influenced by maternal condition before conception. Older primipares demonstrated greater postpartum recuperation. Maternal postpartum recuperation was not influenced by maternal feeding time or time the infant spent on the nipple. Maternal recuperation was negatively correlated with increased vigilance (alert time).  相似文献   

Abstract: Non‐human primates are widely used in research, yet relatively few studies have addressed potential pharmacokinetic differences between males and females. The present study examined the relationship between total body water, sex, age, and weight in the rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta). Ethanol‐naïve, adolescent rhesus macaques (n = 119) were administered ethanol (males, 2.1 g/kg; females, 2.0 g/kg) intravenously, and blood samples for blood ethanol concentration obtained at 5, 10, and 60 minutes following the end of the infusion. Non‐linear regression was used to compare and contrast a series of pharmacokinetic models examining the relationship between weight, sex, age, Vd and zero‐order elimination rate. Vd (mean ± SEM) for male rhesus was 0.771 ± 0.008 l/kg and for females was 0.730 ± 0.008 l/kg, different at P < 0.00001. There were no sex differences in the rate of zero‐order ethanol elimination, estimated to be 0.0032 ± 0.0004 g/kg/minute. The data reported here may be useful in designing and interpreting pharmacokinetic studies using rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   

Social play between two rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) infants takes place mainly when they are both not in body contact with their mothers. This suggests that social play and mother-infant body contact are potential competitors in the infants' time budgets. We investigated whether the presence of a playmate changed the duration of mother-infant body contact during the first 6 months of life. A decrease in contact would favour play opportunity. Mother-infant pairs were observed alternately alone and together with another pair. Resting, which always occurs during on-mother, was not reduced in the presence of a peer. Body contact during activity phases was reduced in most playing pairs, but only to a large extent in pairs which showed relatively high levels of contact in the situation without a peer. Play opportunity was further increased by synchronization of the rest-activity cycles of the two infants; this occurred without a reduction in mother-infant interactions. No influences by mothers on play opportunity were demonstrated, except that strong maternal interference with resting reduced activity synchronization.  相似文献   

Body size is associated with menarche and ovarian function, but the relationship to first conception is rarely examined. We conducted a longitudinal investigation of rhesus macaques, Macaca mulatta, to determine the effect of differences in body weight on both the age at first conception and survivorship of first progeny. Young females who became pregnant weighed significantly more than peers who remained barren, with weight changes for females who successfully raised offspring no different than those for females who did not produce offspring. Infant mortality among primiparae was not significantly greater than that among multiparae, although nearly twice as high. First-born males tended to have lower survivorship than first-born female offspring. We suggest that reproductive costs encountered by primiparous females are more likely to be modulated by immature neuroendocrine function than by inexperience, small body size, or infant suckling patterns. We conclude that body size influences probability of first conception, socioendocrine factors mediate the likelihood of infant survival, and primiparous production of male progeny seems to exert a greater reproductive cost than does production of female progeny. Am. J. Primatol. 46:135–144, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Pair housing for caged macaques in the laboratory generally allows unrestricted tactile contact but, less commonly, may involve limited contact via grooming-contact bars or perforated panels. The purpose of using this protected contact housing, which prevents entry into pair-mates' cages, typically is to accommodate research and management requirements. The study used behavioral data collected on 12 pairs of female longtailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) at the Washington National Primate Research Center and 7 pairs of female rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) housed at the Tulane National Primate Research Center to assess the relative benefits of protected versus full protected contact. The study collected data in stable pairs housed first in protected contact followed by full contact. Species combined, the study found the presence of the panel was associated with lower levels of social grooming and higher levels of self-grooming, abnormal behavior, and tension-related behavior. Within species, only the protected- versus full-contact contrasts for abnormal and tension were statistically significant-and only for rhesus macaques. Results suggest that for female rhesus macaques, potential disadvantages or inconveniences of full contact should be balanced against the improved behavioral profile in comparison to protected contact. The use of protected contact among female longtailed macaques does not appear to require the same cost-benefit analysis.  相似文献   

Ten-to 17-week-old rhesus monkey infants that received hits from companions other than their mother at high rates (relative to their rates of involvement in playful social encounters with those companions) tended to be members of mother-infant dyads that were vigilant. Criteria of vigilance were frequent contacts between mother and infant during the first 5 sec of the infants’ social encounters and/or a bias of mother-infant contacts toward that time. Infants that received few hits per encounter came from both vigilant and nonvigilant dyads. When analyzed alone, mothers’ rates showed the same trends. High levels of vigilance tended to reduce infants’rates of making social contacts. Maternal social rank and other measures of the infants’ social involvement were not correlated with vigilance. There is no evidence that mothers and infants were in conflict with each other about interrupting the infants’ encounters. Understanding vigilance becomes important whenever vigilant activity conflicts with other activities. Special problems arise because decisions about vigilance levels require judgments of risk based on the kinds of events that occur only rarely if vigilance is effective. A model providing a framework for studies of vigilance against the risks of infants’ social activities was developed. It recognizes that (1) risk-reducing vigilant behavior can conflict with acquiring information about risk; (2) in social situations where reliable estimates of risk are impossible, individuals might follow rules of thumb (e.g., be restrictive) rather than modify behavior moment by moment according to the current situation;and (3) at the dyad’s optimum balance between vigilance for the current infant and investment in subsequent off-spring, the infant will not be totally protected, so that while dyads at higher risks are more vigilant, the risks are also realized to a greater extent (e.g., itin terms of the number of hits received per encounter).  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of parity and age on female rhesus macaque attention toward infants, and assessed whether the faces of neonates are more attractive than those of older infants. Six nulliparous and six multiparous females were shown digitized images of neonates’ and 5- to 6-month-old infants’ faces. Attention and preferences for images were measured by gaze duration and other picture-directed behaviors, including lip smacking, approaches, and presentations. As predicted, nulliparous females displayed significantly longer gaze durations for images than did multiparous females. There were no significant differences in gaze duration for faces of neonates and those of infants, but images of infants were approached more frequently than images of neonates. This difference is tentatively explained on the basis of differences in female familiarity with neonates’ and infants’ faces and differences in opportunities for allomothering with neonates and infants.  相似文献   

Normative age- and gender-related changes in body composition, serum lipids, testosterone, and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) were examined in the Cayo Santiago free-ranging rhesus macaques. In both adult males and females, body weights, crown-rump lengths, and circumference of the limbs were lowest in the oldest group (20+ years of age) as compared with other adult age classes. Body fat, as reflected in subcutaneous fatfold thickness and waist/thigh ratios, were higher in adult females than adult males. This gender dimorphism was first detectable among the 6-9 year old age group. Greatest body fat among females was observed in the 10-14 age group, whereas in males the highest values were observed in the 15-19 age group. Differences in body composition were also observed with respect to reproductive status. Although there were no gender differences in overall cholesterol levels, there were age-related differences between males and females, and only in males were cholesterol values positively related to adiposity. There were no age- or gender-related differences in triglyceride values, but levels were significantly higher in pregnant females in comparison with other reproductive states. Levels of testosterone were not significantly related to any morphometric parameter and values did not decrease significantly with age. Levels of IGF-1 exhibited a significant age-related decrease among adult males, and females had higher levels independent of age. The similarities between the present findings and human studies suggest that further studies in the free-ranging rhesus macaques would provide a bridge between studies of laboratory-housed primates and studies of human beings with respect to the etiology of obesity and life-history changes in body composition and endocrine and metabolic parameters.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the occurrence of selected facial expressions, gestures, and postures, in relation to sex and rank of sender and receiver, context, and responses elicited in a large multi-male multi-female group of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) living in captivity. The group was observed for 100 hr during the mating and the birth season. Data were collected with the behavior sampling method. The bared-teeth display and the hindquarter presentation were the most prominent signals in the rhesus submissive and affiliative repertoire. Both signals were primarily displayed in response to aggression and approaches; bared-teeth in response to approaches from the front, presentation in response to approaches from the rear. Lip-smack had a submissive component like baredteeth and presentation but was more likely to be displayed by approaching individuals and followed by affiliation than these behaviors. The distribution of hip-touch and mount was different from that of bared-teeth, presentation, and lip-smack, these behaviors mostly occurring between males, irrespective of their dominance rank. Other infrequent signals and behavioral sequences were limited to specific male-female and mother-infant interactions.  相似文献   

Reproductive strategies of rhesus macaques   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Reproductive strategies incorporate a multitude of mechanisms that have evolved to promote the reproductive success of individuals. Evolutionary perspectives tend to emphasize the advantages of male-male competition and female choice as mediators of differential reproduction. Male rhesus macaques have not been observed to fight for access to sexually receptive females, although they suffer more wounds during the mating season. An increased likelihood of attacks appears to coincide with male troop entry. Males who spend more time in consort and mate with more females tend to sire more offspring. Genetic analysis of paternity has pinpointed age and endurance rivalry, rather than agonistic competition, as key variables associated with variation in progeny production. Female rhesus macaques often copulate with multiple males during their ovulatory period, and tend to conceive on the first cycle of the mating season. Female reproductive success is more likely to be a function of offspring survivorship than the identity of particular male partners. The role of female choice as a direct mediator of male reproductive success is unresolved, but female mate selection seems to indirectly affect male reproductive success because female preference for mating with novel males seems to foster male dispersal. Evaluating whether mating preferences for particular male phenotypes affectsfemale reproductive success is a task for the future. A common denominator to the reproductive strategies of both female and male rhesus macaques is that feeding patterns affect body condition which influences reproductive output and regulates relative reproductive success.  相似文献   

Understanding the process and consequences of hybridization is one of the major challenges in evolutionary biology. A growing body of literature has reported evidence of ancient hybridization events or natural hybrid zones in primates, including humans; however, we still have relatively limited knowledge about the pattern and history of admixture because there have been little studies that simultaneously achieved genome‐scale analysis and a geographically wide sampling of wild populations. Our study applied double‐digest restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing to samples from the six localities in and around the provisional hybrid zone of rhesus and long‐tailed macaques and evaluated population structure, phylogenetic relationships, demographic history, and geographic clines of morphology and allele frequencies. A latitudinal gradient of genetic components was observed, highlighting the transition from rhesus (north) to long‐tailed macaque distribution (south) as well as the presence of one northern population of long‐tailed macaques exhibiting unique genetic structure. Interspecific gene flow was estimated to have recently occurred after an isolation period, and the migration rate from rhesus to long‐tailed macaques was slightly greater than in the opposite direction. Although some rhesus macaque‐biased alleles have widely introgressed into long‐tailed macaque populations, the inflection points of allele frequencies have been observed as concentrated around the traditionally recognized interspecific boundary where morphology discontinuously changed; this pattern was more pronounced in the X chromosome than in autosomes. Thus, due to geographic separation before secondary contact, reproductive isolation could have evolved, contributing to the maintenance of an interspecific boundary and species‐specific morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

In the present study, we seek to relate dominance style with group cohesion in a captive group of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). Social data were gathered on approach rate, result, and direction, aggression rate and intensity, grooming rate and direction, and conciliatory tendency. Data were collected using focal animal sampling and instantaneous scan sampling. Reconciliation data were collected using ad libitum observations of aggression with ten-minute post-conflict and matched-control focal observations. Data were compared to prior studies on rhesus (M. mulatta) and stumptail macaques (M. arctoides) living in similar environments. Each species demonstrated the presence of a formalized dominance hierarchy based on the teeth-baring display. The Japanese macaque group showed a lower rate of approach with a higher proportion of negative outcomes than either of the other species. Rates of aggression and reconciliation were also lower in the study troop, suggesting a strict hierarchy while maintaining an optimal nearest-neighbor distance. Overall, this group of Japanese macaques was less sociable than other groups of the same species, perhaps due to a history of individual removals. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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