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I report ad libitum data on 18 copulations involving free-ranging black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. All copulations were performed in a dorsoventral position, as is typically reported for this genus. Intromission often appeared difficult to achieve, possibly as a result of the large size of the glans penis in these animals. The average length from intromission to termination of thrusting exceeded 17 min, followed by an average period of almost 2 min before separation occurred, which suggests the possibility of a copulatory lock. Offspring of the female participant were almost always in close proximity to or in contact with the pair, and harassment by the offspring was observed only during the final stages of the copulation. All but one copulatory event occurred in complete seclusion from other adult males, and sexual behavior was not limited to any one adult male in the group.  相似文献   

An enzyme immunoassay (EIA) was applied to characterize the reproductive endocrinology of adult female black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Analysis of paired urine and fecal samples, collected from two females housed at San Diego Zoo, confirmed that the EIAs employed provided quantitative measurements of ovarian sex steroid hormones. Fecal metabolite levels were significantly correlated with those in urine, confirming that feces are a valid source of steroid metabolites in this species. The excretion of these metabolites in feces lagged urinary excretion by 1-2 days. The ovarian cycle profiles of the two captive females and five free-ranging females are comparable, with an average length of approximately 20-23 days. Cyclical bleeding, as previously reported, was observed in one of the two captive females. Pregnancy was detected in four free-ranging females, and early fetal loss for one female was indicated by hormonal data.  相似文献   

Members of the population of black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, use the leaves of three Rutaceae species in a behavior that resembles fur rubbing in the white faced capuchin (Cebus capucinus). This behavior has not been reported from other sites where Ateles has been studied. During more than 1,200 hours of observation, 30 episodes of this behavior were recorded ad libitum. Adult males engage in this behavior more than adult females. Season did not impact the frequency of the behavior. The behavior described here differs in many respects from that reported for Cebus capucinus, and does not fit the hypotheses that the behavior functions in repelling insects or other antiseptic purposes. It is proposed that fur rubbing in this group of spider monkeys is a modification of a behavior previously recorded in Ateles and may function in scent marking.  相似文献   

We conducted behavioral observations simultaneously with fecal sample collection on eight nonlactating females 2-3 times per week, October 1997-March 1998, to examine the relationship between ovarian hormones and the sexual behavior of female Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) during the mating season. We analyzed samples by enzyme immunoassay for fecal hormone levels. Hormone profiles of estrone-glucuronide (E1) and pregnanediol-glucuronide (PdG) were used to separate ovarian cycles into three phases (follicular, periovulatory, and luteal). Hormonal profiles indicate average cycle lengths of 27.6 +/- 4.2 days (+/- SD; n = 26). Average lengths of the luteal and follicular phases were 12.3 +/- 3.8 days (+/- SD) and 8.3 +/- 3.4 days (+/- SD), respectively. We observed female Japanese macaques engaging in sexual activity throughout the ovarian cycle, with the highest rates occurring during the follicular and periovulatory phases as compared to the luteal phase. The attractivity of female Japanese macaques increased significantly during the follicular and periovulatory phases of the ovarian cycle, when E1 levels are peaking and PdG levels drop to baseline. In addition, females displayed a significant increase in proceptive behavior during the follicular and periovulatory phases. Grooming bouts, as well as proximity between female and male macaques, also increased significantly during the follicular and periovulatory phases. We conclude that fluctuating levels of ovarian hormones in different phases of the cycle are significantly associated with variable rates of copulatory and pericopulatory behaviors in these Japanese macaque females.  相似文献   

A number of studies in free-ranging and captive spider monkeys (Ateles spp.) have shown that this genus is able to reproduce throughout the entire year. Nonetheless, it is still controversial whether births, and therefore conceptions, tend to be more frequent during certain seasons. In the present study, we monitored changes in fecal 17beta-estradiol and progesterone for approximately 1 years in five female black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) kept in captivity in Mexico City. The objective was to determine whether hormone concentrations and menstrual cycles of summer and autumn accounted for a greater chance of conception than those of winter and spring, consistent with birth patterns previously reported. We collected fecal samples from the five monkeys almost daily for 1 year (March 2004 to February 2005) and used radioimmunoassay of fecal extracts to determine concentrations of 17beta-estradiol and progesterone. Concurrently, menstrual cycle phases were determined by cytological evaluation of vaginal swabs. Periovulatory 17beta-estradiol concentrations were significantly higher in autumn than in winter, spring or summer. Moreover, as evidenced by progesterone peaks, most of the summer-autumn menstrual cycles were ovulatory; in contrast, most of the winter and spring cycles were anovulatory. In conclusion, our data supported the notion that, although not a strictly seasonal reproducer, the black-handed spider monkey is more likely to conceive at the end of the rainy season and throughout autumn.  相似文献   

Artificial insemination (AI) was performed in spider monkeys; these primates are vulnerable to extinction and usually do not reproduce spontaneously in captivity. Uterine cycles were followed by daily assessment of vaginal cytology, and corroborated a posteriori by concentrations of 17-beta estradiol and progesterone, measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA), in fecal samples collected once daily. Five females between 13 to 27 years old were inseminated intravaginally (with fresh semen) twice each during the periovulatory phase (Days 9-12 of the menstrual cycle; Day 0, first day of menstrual bleeding), from September to the first 3 weeks of November (most fertile months). Transcervical AI was not useful in this primate because the liquid portion of the semen completely solidified instead of liquefying as in other primates. Pregnancies were apparently achieved in 5 of 14 attempts. One female became pregnant after the first round of inseminations, delivered a healthy infant, was inseminated and got pregnant again (subsequently aborted). One female aborted, apparently due to an intramural uterine leiomyoma. Another two females stopped menstruating for a few months, then restarted menstruating (these females may have been pregnant and aborted). In conclusion, in spider monkeys: (1) captivity-induced stress did not inhibit reproduction; (2) fecal steroid hormones were useful to assess cyclicity; (3) the semen coagulum, which apparently is a tightly packed and large reservoir of spermatozoa, must not be discarded but used in AI; (4) old female spider monkeys did not have cessation of reproductive function.  相似文献   

Several aspects of the social system of spider monkeys remain poorly understood in spite of previous studies of their behavior. Our work investigates sex differences of adultAteles geoffroyi to develop a better understanding of their social organization. A six-month field study of this species in Guatemala showed that adult males were both more aggressive and more socially cohesive than females, as well as more territorial. Adult females were more vocal, more submissive, more nonsocial, and more dispersed than adult males. Males were more likely to associate affinitively with other males than with females, and to direct their aggressive behaviors at females rather than males. Spider monkey society was found to be sex-segregated; males traveling and interacting in all-male subgroups, while females travel alone or with offspring. These findings are used, in conjunction with other evidence, to draw inferences about the dynamics of theAteles social system, and to derive an explanation for the evolution of spider monkey social organization. The frugivorous diet ofAteles is linked to the dispersion females and to the cohesion of related adult males, who form cooperative territorial groups, in which the low level of male-male competition is related to the absence of sexual dimorphism. Spider monkeys provide an illuminating contrast to the general primate model, derived from Old World monkeys, which links sexual dimorphism in size to sex differences in behavior, and ultimately to sexual selection.  相似文献   

The present work provides an assessment of sperm measures (concentration, motility, viability, etc.) of three black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) during the rainy and dry seasons in Mexico City, as well as an evaluation of the between-subjects variability of sperm quality. Twenty samples obtained by rectal electroejaculation and digested with trypsin were evaluated. The results showed that during the dry season (n = 9) the semen samples were of better quality than those obtained during the rainy season (n = 11). The individual animals showed differences in sperm concentration, although there were no differences in sperm quality.  相似文献   

Quantitative grooming data are presented for free-ranging black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) on Barro Colorado Island, Republic of Panama. A total of 126 grooming sessions was recorded, with an average session length of 2.0 min (range, 0.1 to 10.0 min). Grooming was an infrequent behavior; on average, individuals allocated only 2.5% of their daily activity to grooming. Two daily peaks of grooming activity were observed, one near midday and another in the late aftermoon between 1600 and 1700. Adult females groomed most frequently, followed by males and then juveniles. Juveniles were the most frequent recipients of grooming, followed by females and then males. Individual preferences were observed primarily between mother-offspring, male-male, and juvenile-male grooming partners in this male-bonded fission-fusion, species. Grooming interactions reflect many of the social characteristics of spider monkey societies: intraclass grouping preferences, long period of juvenile dependence, male philopatry, and female dispersal.  相似文献   

Competition for resources and the need for cooperation are reported to affect patterns of social interactions and thus the quality of social relationships in primates. Relationships may be described as high quality when both individuals behave in a way that benefits their partner. We investigated the distribution of a wide range of social behaviors across sex partner combinations of adult spider monkeys with specific reference to contested resources. Data were collected from two communities of wild spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis) in the Otoch Ma'ax Yetel Kooh reserve in Yucatan, Mexico. Affiliative behavior was exchanged most frequently between males, and as male-male aggression was rare, male-male social relationships were characterized as high quality. Female-female social relationships were best described as low quality as females showed no preference to be in proximity with other females and female-female affiliative behavior was rare. Relationships between the sexes generally were characterized by high rates of female-directed male aggression, although additional investigation into the effects of kinship and female reproductive state on male-female relationships is required before further conclusions can be drawn. Dyadic and coalitionary female-female aggression was significantly higher than expected in a feeding context, confirming that female spider monkeys primarily compete for access to food. Male-male aggression did not increase significantly when in the presence of females, but males embraced at higher rates when in mixed-sex subgroups. As embraces serve to reduce the likelihood of aggression during tense situations, high rates of male-male embraces in mixed-sex subgroups may mitigate male conflicts over access to females.  相似文献   

I report three cases of coalitionary aggression by adult male black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) against subadult males within their community on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama. Two of these cases were followed by the disappearance and presumed death of the victim. Similar behavior was recently reported by Valero et al. [in press], who suggested that this behavior may be the result of intense male reproductive competition. Like the single instance they reported, the cases I report all occurred when the operational sex ratio was approximately 1:1, which suggests that intense competition among males for access to reproductively viable females may be a contributing factor. Additionally the very low density of spider monkeys on BCI may play a significant role in the occurrence of this lethal aggression. Large numbers of adult males are not necessary to protect a territorial boundary against neighboring groups, and additional males may act merely as mating competition.  相似文献   

Background It is unknown whether male black‐handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) undergo a reproductive decline as they age. The purpose of this work was investigating whether serum testosterone and semen quality decrease with age in these primates as occur in other species. Methods In this study, we assessed age variations in the concentration of serum testosterone, sperm counts, and motility in nine males. We took serum blood samples and semen samples by electroejaculation of anesthetized males throughout the fertile season. Results We found that testosterone levels and total sperm concentration, motile, progressive, fast linearly moving, medium linearly moving, slow linearly moving and immotile sperm significantly decreased with age. Conclusions Our results show that a reproductive decline occurs in male spider monkeys because of a decrease in sperm counts. These results are similar to those of rhesus monkeys and men, despite the phylogenetic distance between New and Old World primates.  相似文献   

I studied alloparental behavior in a captive group of spider monkeys at the Auckland Zoo using seven infants as focal subjects and assessed the effects of age, sex, and reproductive status of alloparents on patterns of infant-other interaction. Adult males initiated interactions with infants most often, followed by adult females. Immature individuals interacted with infants infrequently. Infants themselves initiated contact with adult males more often than with other members of the group. Alloparental behavior in spider monkeys differs from that in most other species in that the infant is an active rather than a passive participant in alloparental interactions. I discuss the patterns of infant-other interaction in relation to the social structure and dispersal patterns of Ateles.  相似文献   

Field study in tropical dry forest in Tikal National Park, Guatemala, revealed that spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) devoted about 57% of feeding time to fruit (pulp), 20% to the unripe seeds of a single tree species, and the remainder largely to leaves and buds. Fruit, seeds, flowers and leaves ofBrosimum alicastrum (Moraceae) accounted for 56% of the diet, and there was very little predation on invertebrates. A severe drought occurred during 1975, the first year of the study, and a comparison between July of that year with July, 1978 shows that in the drought year there was heavier than normal reliance on fruit of the genusFicus (46% versus 14%) and depressed consumption ofBrosimum (11% vs. 54%). Dietary species diversity (Shannon's measureH) and evenness (Hill'sE) were markedly higher during the drought July than the normal July.  相似文献   

In many primates species, female sexual attractivity is influenced by behavioral cues as well as by nonbehavioral cues (i.e., visual-morphological or chemical signals). Both kinds of cues are usually related to the ovarian cycle and female hormonal state. Female tufted capuchins (Cebus apella) lack any external morphological change in relation to the ovarian cycle and evidence of scent-marking behavior has never been reported. In addition, tufted capuchin males do not routinely investigate the female's body or urine. Instead, capuchin females are extremely active in sexually soliciting the male(s) and their courtship toward them involves a rich behavioral repertoire. In the present study we defined female tufted capuchin proceptivity and investigated its relationship with female reproductive state. Ovarian hormones were measured in urine and fecal samples from four captive females in order to (a) assess their reliability for monitoring female ovarian function and (b) provide information on the timing of the component cycle phases and in particular the periovulatory phase. Measurements of urinary and fecal progestin metabolites provided the best indicator of ovarian cyclicity and for timing of the periovulatory phase. Through a multivariate analysis of the behavioral data set we distinguished four behaviors (eyebrow raising with vocalization, touching-and-running, nuzzling and head cocking) which showed a marked cyclicity (21.3 days) that matched that of urinary progesterone (21.9 days). Data showed that each period of proceptive behaviors was 2.7 +/- 0.8 days long and the day of a defined luteal phase rise in urinary progesterone levels was markedly shifted toward the end of this period. Furthermore, the ejaculations observed always occurred within proceptive periods. The results clearly indicate that female behavior is a good indicator of the periovulatory phase and can enhance female attractivity.  相似文献   

Fission–fusion dynamics are thought to be mainly a response to differential availability of food resources. However, social factors may also play a role. Here, we examined whether the quality of social relationships between group members affects fission decisions. During 21 months, we collected data on social interactions and fission events of 22 spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) living in a community in the protected area of Otoch Ma'ax Yetel Kooh, Yucatan, Mexico. By entering seven indexes of social interactions into a principal component analysis, we obtained three components of relationship quality, which we labelled “compatibility,” “value” and “insecurity” given the relative loadings of the indexes. Our results showed that individuals were more likely to fission into the same subgroup with community members with whom they shared higher levels of compatibility and value and lower levels of insecurity. In addition, individuals preferred to fission into the same subgroup with same‐sex group members, as expected based on what is known for the species. Our findings highlight the role of social factors in fission decisions. Adjustments in subgroup size are based on multifaceted social preferences, incorporating previously unexamined aspects of relationship quality, which are independent from overall levels of affiliative interactions.  相似文献   

Yaping Qian  Li Jin  Bing Su 《Génome》2004,47(2):239-245
The large-insert genomic DNA library is a critical resource for genome-wide genetic dissection of target species. We constructed a high-redundancy bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of a New World monkey species, the black-handed spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi). A total of 193 152 BAC clones were generated in this library. The average insert size of the BAC clones was estimated to be 184.6 kb with the small inserts (50-100 kb) accounting for less than 3% and the non-recombinant clones only 1.2%. Assuming a similar genome size with humans, the spider monkey BAC library has about 11x genome coverage. In addition, by end sequencing of randomly selected BAC clones, we generated 367 sequence tags for the library. When blasted against human genome, they showed a good correlation between the number of hit clones and the size of the chromosomes, an indication of unbiased chromosomal distribution of the library. This black-handed spider monkey BAC library would serve as a valuable resource in comparative genomic study and large-scale genome sequencing of nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

The ejaculate of diverse primate species consists of two portions, liquid and solid; the latter, known as the seminal coagulum, is thought to sequester large numbers of sperm. In the black-handed spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi), ejaculates collected by electroejaculation did not always contain seminal coagulum. The objective of the present study was to determine seasonal emission of seminal coagulum and in vivo sperm dynamics in the black-handed spider monkey. Seminal coagulum emission was related to season; it was more frequent in the dry season, coincident with maximal female fertility. Sperm concentration was higher (P = 0.02) in the dry season (dry vs. rainy season: 137.9 +/- 15.7 sperm/mL vs. 82.56 +/- 14.7 x1 0(6) sperm/mL; mean +/- S.E.M.) but also in ejaculates (collected during the rainy season) that had seminal coagulum (coagulum vs. no coagulum: 140.0 +/- 29.3 sperm/mL vs. 31.2+/-0.1 x 10(6) sperm/mL, P<0.001). In semen samples collected from the uterus after AI, the percentage of linearly motile sperm was higher during the dry season (dry vs. rainy: 9.1+/-2.1% vs. 5.9+/-2.5%), as well as whenever coagulum was present (coagulum vs. no coagulum: 13.0+/-3.2% vs. 2.0+/-0.9%, P<0.001).  相似文献   

Using a conditioning paradigm, the olfactory sensitivity of five spider monkeys for homologous series of aliphatic 1-alcohols (1-propanol to 1-octanol) and n-aldehydes (n-butanal to n-nonanal) was investigated. With the exception of 1-propanol, the animals significantly discriminated concentrations below 1 ppm from the odorless solvent, and in several cases, individual monkeys even demonstrated detection thresholds below 10 ppb. The results showed 1) spider monkeys to have a well-developed olfactory sensitivity for both substance classes, which for the majority of alcohols tested matches or even is better than that of the rat, and 2) a significant negative correlation between perceptibility in terms of olfactory detection thresholds and carbon chain length of the alcohols, but not of the aldehydes tested. These findings lend further support to the growing body of evidence suggesting that between-species comparisons of the number of functional olfactory receptor genes or of neuroanatomical features are poor predictors of olfactory performance, and that general labels such as "microsmat" or "macrosmat" (which are usually based on allometric comparisons of olfactory brain structures) are inadequate to describe a species' olfactory capabilities.  相似文献   

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