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Abstract Little attention is paid to the behavioural and physiological adaptations of ant‐eating predators. It is expected that there should be a strong selection for traits related to prey handling, leading to the evolution of morphological, behavioural and nutritional adaptations. Such adaptations may then entail trade‐offs in handling and utilization of alternative prey. To investigate behavioural as well as nutritional adaptations and the occurrence of the corresponding trade‐offs in two ant‐eating spiders of the genus Zodarion [Zodarion atlanticum Pekár & Cardoso and Zodarion germanicum (C. L. Koch)], spiders are reared on two diets: ants (i.e. their preferred prey) and fruit flies (i.e. an alternative prey that is nutritionally optimal for euryphagous spiders). Food consumption is observed and several fitness‐related life‐history parameters are measured. Although spiders readily accept ants, more than one‐third of 35 spiders refuse to consume fruit flies and starve. Furthermore, severe hunger does not induce these individuals to accept fruit flies. Starving spiders die before moulting to the second stadium. Spiders that eat fruit flies increase only little and slowly in weight, and all of these die during the first two stadia. By contrast, spiders on an ant diet increase dramatically in weight, and develop up to the fourth stadium. These data indicate that fruit flies are not suitable for Zodarion, supporting the hypothesis that there are behavioural and nutritional trade‐offs. Taking into account the results of previous studies, it is suggested that nutritional trade‐offs are generally important for stenophagous spiders.  相似文献   

The arms race between specialist predators and their prey has resulted in the evolution of a variety of specific adaptations. In venomous predators, this can include venom composition, particularly if predators are specialized on dangerous prey. Here, we performed an integrative study using six species of highly specialized ant‐eating spiders of the genus Zodarion to investigate their phylogeny, realized trophic niche, efficacy in the capture of various ant species and venom composition. Data on natural diet obtained by next‐generation sequencing and field observations showed that the six Zodarion species exploit different ant species. Their phylogeny, based on mitochondrial and nuclear genes, correlated with the composition of their natural prey, indicating that closely related Zodarion species specialize on similar ant species. Prey‐capture parameters differed among Zodarion species suggesting prey‐specific efficacy. Similarly, the venom profiles of both low and high molecular compounds differed among species. Only the profiles of low molecular compounds were correlated with capture efficacy parameters, suggesting that the venom of Zodarion spiders contains prey‐specific components. Our study suggests that Iberian Zodarion spiders are specialized on particular ant species.  相似文献   

Giglio, A., Ferrero E.A., Perrotta, E., Talarico, F.F. and Zetto Brandmayr, T. 2010. Sensory structures involved in prey detection on the labial palp of the ant‐hunting beetle Siagona europaea Dejean 1826 (Coleoptera, Carabidae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 91 : 328–334 The ultrastructure and distribution of sensilla on the labial palps of a myrmecophagous carabid beetle, Siagona europaea, were investigated using scanning and transmission electron microscopy techniques. Five types of sensilla were identified: three types of sensilla basiconica on the apical sensory area and two types, one sensillum trichodeum and one coeloconicum, on the external palp surface. On morphological grounds, the s. basiconica type 1 were considered as olfactory, the type 2 as gustatory, the type 3 and the s. trichodeum as mechanoreceptive, and the s. coeloconicum as a thermo/hygroreceptor. Their function is discussed in relation to prey detection and habitat adaptations.  相似文献   

Trophic specialisation can be observed in species with long-term constant exploitation of a certain prey in all populations or in a population of a species with short-term exploitation of a certain prey. While in the former case the species would evolve stereotyped or specialised trophic adaptations, the trophic traits of the latter should be versatile or generalised. Here, we studied the predatory behavioural adaptations of a presumed myrmecophagous spider, Oecobius navus. We chose two distinct populations, one in Portugal and the other in Uruguay. We analysed the actual prey of both populations and found that the Portuguese population feeds mainly on dipterans, while the Uruguayan population feeds mainly on ants. Indeed, dipterans and springtails in Portugal, and ants in Uruguay were the most abundant potential prey. In laboratory trials O. navus spiders recognised and captured a wide variety of prey. The capture efficiency of the Portuguese population measured as components of the handling time was higher for flies than for ants, while that of the Uruguayan population was higher for ants. We found phenotypic plasticity in behavioural traits that lead to increased capture efficiency with respect to the locally abundant prey, but it remains to be determined whether the traits of the two populations are genetically fixed. We conclude that O. navus is a euryphagous generalist predator which shows local specialisation on the locally abundant prey.  相似文献   

The predatory behaviour of 31 species of Myrmarachne , ant-like salticids, was studied in the laboratory and the field. The ant-like morphology and locomotion of these spiders appears to function primarily in Batesian mimicry. No evidence was found of Myrmarachne feeding on ants. However, predatory sequences were found to differ considerably from those typical of salticids. Instead of stalking and leaping on prey, Myrmarachne lunged at prey from close range. Myrmarachne used its legs I to tap prey before lunging, another unusual behaviour for a salticid. Myrmarachne fed on a wide range of arthropod prey in nature and the laboratory, but appears to be especially efficient at catching moths. Also, Myrmarachne tends to open up, or enter into, other spiders' nests and eat other spiders' eggs. Myrmarachne males were less efficient than females, in laboratory tests, at catching various types of arthropod prey, but they appear to be as efficient as females at oophagy. Myrmarachne tend to use webs of other spiders as nest sites, but no evidence was found of Myrmarachne preying on spiders in webs. It appears that the unusual features of Myrmarachne's predatory and nesting behaviour are important in enabling these spiders to preserve their ant-like appearance.  相似文献   

This paper offers the first cladistic analysis of a wide selection of theridiid genera based on morphological data. The analysis treats 53 theridiid taxa representing 32 genera (Achaearanea, Anelosimus, Ameridion, Argyrodes, Ariamnes, Carniella, Cerocida, Chrysso, Coleosoma, Dipoena, Emertonella, Enoplognatha, Episinus, Euryopis, Faiditus, Kochiura, Latrodectus, Neospintharus, Nesticodes, Pholcomma, Phoroncidia, Rhomphaea, Robertus, Selkirkiella, Spintharus, Steatoda, Stemmops, Theridion, Theridula, Thymoites, Thwaitesia, Tidarren) and eight outgroup taxa representing the families Nesticidae (Eidmanella and Nesticus), Synotaxidae (Synotaxus, two species), Pimoidae (Pimoa), Linyphiidae (Linyphia), Tetragnathidae (Tetragnatha) and Araneidae (Argiope). The parsimony analysis of 242 morphological and behavioural characters found a single, most parsimonious tree. The monophyly of theridiids and their sister relationship with nesticids is strongly supported. The recent resurrection of Ariamnes and Rhomphaea from Argyrodes made the latter paraphyletic. However, Ariamnes and Rhomphaea are characterized by an array of characters, and Argyrodes still contains dramatically distinct clades for which names are available: Faiditus (removed from synonymy ? RS) and Neospintharus (RS). These revalidations provide a classification with greater information content and utility. These three genera, along with Ariamnes, Rhomphaea and Spheropistha, comprise the subfamily Argyrodinae. The monophyly and composition of the subfamilies Hadrotarsinae, Spintharinae, Pholcommatinae, Latrodectinae and Theridiinae are discussed. Theridion is paraphyletic and in need of revision. Anelosimus as currently circumscribed is paraphyletic, a problem resolved by revalidating Selkirkiella (RS) and Kochiura (RS). Numerous new combinations are established. The results suggest the monophyletic origin of both kleptoparasitism and araneophagy in the lineage leading to Argyrodinae, negating hypotheses that either arose from the other. Sociality evolved multiple times within the family, accounting for as much as one fourth of the origins of social behaviour among all spiders. No losses of sociality are implied. The hypothesis of maternal care as the pathway to sociality receives support. Evolution of theridiid webs is complex, with multiple modifications and loss of the basic theridiid cobweb. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 141 , 447–626.  相似文献   

An endemic group of Malagasy spiders (Araneae: Archaeidae: Eriauchenius ) called the gracilicollis group is revised. The monophyly and phylogenetic relationships of the gracilicollis group are tested based on morphological characters. Archaeid spiders of Madagascar have evolved varying degrees of elongation in the cephalic area. Historically, it was believed that the extremely elongated cephalic area had evolved only once. These morphological data support the monophyly of the gracilicollis group and suggest that the elongated cephalic area has evolved more than once. All 14 species from the gracilicollis group are described and keyed, of which nine are new species: Eriauchenius ambre sp. nov. , Eriauchenius anabohazo sp. nov. , Eriauchenius borimontsina sp. nov. , Eriauchenius griswoldi sp. nov. , Eriauchenius halambohitra sp. nov. , Eriauchenius lavatenda sp. nov. , Eriauchenius namoroka sp. nov. , Eriauchenius spiceri sp. nov. and Eriauchenius voronakely sp. nov . The morphology of the gracilicollis group is examined in detail and figures of the male and female genitalia are presented. The distributions of the gracilicollis group species are presented and discussed and higher species group relationships within the Archaeidae are discussed.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 255–296.  相似文献   

Rates of energy expenditure (VO2) were measured in nine species of comb-footed spiders (Theridiidae) to determine if variation in this measure correlates with distribution, habitat, life style, and growth rate. Rates of metabolism in eight of the nine species were equal to or greater than those of other ectothermic poikilotherms of similar size. The lower than expected VO2 in one species, Latrodectus bishopi, was linked to its restriction to the arid sand-pine scrub habitats of central and southern Florida. There was no detected association between VO2; and latitude nor between web kleptoparasitism and a free-living life style based on interspecific comparisons. Growth rate was positively correlated with VO2.  相似文献   

Prey-capture behaviour of seven species of Phidippus is studied using two types of prey, house flies (adult Musca domestica ) and caterpillars (cabbage loopers, larval Trichoplusia ni ). Each species is shown to be a versatile predator which uses a different prey-specific prey-capture behaviour depending on whether prey is a fly or a caterpillar: spiders approached the two types of prey differently and leapt on them from different distances. Interspecific differences among Phidippus species are not pronounced, cxcept for variation in the distance from which spiders jumped and the spider's success at capturing a fly on the first try.  相似文献   

Jumping spiders in the genus Habronattus use complex multimodal signals during courtship displays. In the present study, we describe multimodal displays from the Habronattus coecatus clade, comprising a diverse group of 23 described species. Habronattus coecatus group displays are made up of sex‐specific ornamentation and temporally coordinated combinations of motion displays and vibratory songs. Vibratory songs are complex, consisting of up to 20 elements organized in functional groupings (motifs) that change as courtship progresses. This temporal structuring of displays is analogous to a musical composition. Vibratory elements are associated with movement displays involving coloured and patterned ornaments on the male body. We describe general patterns of multimodal displays for 11 species including one, Habronattus borealis, which appears to have lost complex display behaviour. Habronattus coecatus group courtship is one of the most complex communication systems yet described in arthropods and this group may reveal important factors driving the evolution of complex signals. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 522–547.  相似文献   

Aim To analyse observed and predicted distributional patterns of selected salticid genera in Australia and to examine these distributions in the light of the origins and attributes of the fauna. To detect and compare the locations of regional hotspots when measured using different scales. Location Australia. Methods A total of 4104 locality records for specimens of 51 genera were stored in BioLink. Maps of observed and predicted (using bioclim ) distributions were prepared for each genus. The predicted distributions were combined to provide estimates of the number of genera likely to be found at each locality in the raster and for each of a set of landscape regions across Australia. The predictions were tested by comparing them with independent data sets. Results The Australian salticid fauna consists of radiations based on Oriental, Papuan and possibly Gondwanan forms, plus pantropical and peridomestic species. The predicted distributions of genera fall into a limited number of categories and these reflect the traditional biogeographical regions of Australia. Maximum regional diversity is predicted for central eastern Queensland, though diversity at single locations is highest further south in the New South Wales/Queensland border region. The locations of hotspots are therefore scale dependent. Patterns of distribution are not simply related to particular lifestyles. Fewer genera were predicted from inland Australia; however, recent work has shown that there are a large number of undescribed genera in the drier parts of Australia. The prediction maps allowed lists of genera potentially present in unstudied areas to be developed. Main conclusions (1) The current distribution of genera is predicted by their bioclimatic profiles rather than by their origins or ecology. Some Oriental genera, however, have not reached south‐western Western Australia, though bioclimatic conditions there are predicted to be suitable for them; (2) the highest diversity of genera is predicted to be in south‐eastern Queensland; (3) the results highlight the shortcomings of past fieldwork in Australia, which has concentrated on the areas with higher rainfall; (4) it seems likely that inland Australia will support a large, highly endemic, fauna adapted to the region, and ultimately perhaps 40 or more genera could be found in each region; (5) the results show the possibility of using the maps of predicted distribution of genera not only for biogeographical analyses but also for conservation management and survey purposes.  相似文献   

Until recently only 33 species of spiders had been known from Iraq. New material collected in northern Iraq reveals 20 species, 13 genera and six families new to the country. One species, Pterotricha arzhantsevi sp. n. is described as new to science. Comparative figures are provided for seven species; the 54 species currently known from Iraq are listed and their occurrence in neighbouring Iran and Turkey is shown.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:4812F8A8-7A95-4D66-8E2D-CE42F73E7E91  相似文献   

Gabriele  Uhl 《Journal of Zoology》1996,240(1):153-161
Glandular secretion in the genital cavity of female Pholcus phalangioides was removed and investigated gel-electrophoretically. Different staining techniques indicate that the secretion contains proteinaceous substances. Some protein fragments show a clear reaction to glyco- and lipoprotein staining procedures.
After copulation, female P. phalangioides keep the spermatozoa embedded in the secretion in the genital cavity. Since the spermatozoa are immobile, i.e. coiled and encapsulated, until shortly before oviposition, a nutritive function of the secretion during sperm storage is unlikely. The viscous quality of the material probably serves to retain the sperm mass in the sperm storage site. Lipoproteinaceous components are assumed to prevent desiccation of the sperm mass. Retaining the spermatozoa and maintaining them in a favourable environment are the most plausible functions of the secretion of female P. phalangioides. In spider species which possess receptacula seminis other functions can be attributed to sperm storage secretions.  相似文献   

Jumping spiders (Salticidae) have acute vision with some cells in the retina that are sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) spectra (< 400 nm). However, no study has documented the use of UV signals in salticids. To appreciate the function of UV vision, it is necessary to characterize the UV colours of salticids. In the present study, the UV and human-visible wavelengths of a tropical ornate salticid spider, Cosmophasis umbratica , were analysed using reflectance spectrometry to obtain evidence of sex-specific UV colours. An absolute sexual dimorphism in the UV colours of this salticid species was found. All of the body parts of adult males that are displayed to conspecifics during intra-specific interactions reflected UV (300–400 nm) light, whereas the adult females and juveniles did not reflect UV light from any body part. A great deal of variation was also found in the UV wavebands among males. This is the first full UV characterization of a salticid spider and the first study to demonstrate an extreme sexual UV dimorphism in jumping spiders. The findings obtained provide evidence that UV reflectance may comprise important sexual signals in jumping spiders.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 397–406.  相似文献   

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