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广西猫儿山不同海拔常绿和落叶树种的营养再吸收模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤养分供给性大小是否影响植物氮和磷再吸收效率仍存在争议。调查了广西猫儿山不同海拔常绿和落叶树种成熟和衰老叶片的氮和磷含量,探讨营养再吸收是否受到叶片习性和海拔的影响。所有树种氮和磷再吸收效率的平均值分别为56.5%和52.1%。常绿树种比落叶树种有显著较高的氮再吸收效率(P0.001)和磷再吸收效率(P0.01),这与前者有较低的衰老叶片氮和磷含量密切相关。随着海拔的上升,氮再吸收效率显著下降(P0.01),磷再吸收效率显著提高(P0.05)。氮再吸收效率与土壤氮:磷比(r=-0.41,P0.05)和成熟叶片氮:磷比(r=-0.37,P0.05)负相关,磷再吸收效率与土壤氮:磷比(r=0.44,P0.05)和成熟叶片氮:磷比(r=0.47,P0.01)正相关,表明了树种对低海拔氮限制的适应逐渐转变为对高海拔磷限制的适应。此外,氮再吸收效率与年均温正相关(r=0.43,P0.05)而磷再吸收效率与年均温负相关(r=-0.45,P0.01),这表明气温也是调节树木营养再吸收格局的重要影响因素。不同海拔树种氮和磷再吸收模式的差异可能是引起广西猫儿山常绿树种沿海拔形成双峰分布的原因之一。  相似文献   

吕同汝  蒋勇军  吴泽  茆杨  邱菊  吴超 《生态学报》2022,42(3):1047-1058
植物蒸腾是水循环的重要组成部分,为了解亚热带岩溶区树木的蒸腾耗水情况,探究气候和水文地质条件对植物蒸腾的影响,运用Granier热耗散探针技术,对亚热带岩溶区次生林内的常绿树种女贞(L.lucidum)和落叶树种刺槐(R.pseudoacacia)的树干液流进行了连续监测,并同步监测了气象因子及土壤含水率(SMC),探讨在不同时间尺度下两种生活型树种的蒸腾特征及其对环境因子的响应。结果表明:(1)在季节尺度下,影响两树种整树蒸腾量(ET)的主要因子为太阳辐射强度(Rs)、气温(T)和水汽压亏缺(VPD);女贞蒸腾量(ETL)表现为夏季(1.29 kg/h)>春季(0.57 kg/h)>冬季(0.15 kg/h)>秋季(0.13 kg/h),刺槐蒸腾量(ETR)表现为夏季(0.90 kg/h)>春季(0.31 kg/h)>秋季(0.16 kg/h)>冬季(0.04 kg/h)。(2)在日尺度下,晴天两树种ET呈现出明显的单峰日变化,且主要影响因子均为T、VPD和Rs;但由于常绿和落叶树种的生理特征差异,降雨时...  相似文献   

Aims Forest trees alter litter inputs, turnover and rhizospheric activities, modify soil physical, chemical and biological properties, and consequently affect soil organic carbon (SOC) storage and carbon sink strength. That how to select appropriate tree species in afforestation, reforestation and management practices is critical to enhancing forest carbon sequestration. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of tree species on SOC density and vertical distributions.Methods A common garden experiment with the same climate, soil, and management history was established in Maoershan Forest Ecosystem Station, Northeast China, in 2004. The experimental design was a completely randomized arrangement with twenty 25 m × 25 m plots, consisting of monocultures of five tree species, including white birch (Betula platyphylla), Manchurian walnut (Juglans mandshurica), Manchurian ash (Fraxinus mandshurica), Dahurian larch (Larix gmelinii), and Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica), each with four replicated plots. A decade after the establishment (2013-2014), we measured carbon density and related factors (i.e., bulk density, total nitrogen concentration, microbial biomass carbon, microbial biomass nitrogen, pH value) in soils of the 0-40 cm depth for these monocultures. Important findings Results showed that tree species significantly influenced the SOC density in the 0-40 cm depth (p < 0.05). SOC density in the 0-10 cm depth varied from 2.79 to 3.08 kg·m-2, in the order of walnut > ash> birch > larch > pine, in the 10-20 cm depth from 1.56 to 2.19 kg·m-2, in the order of pine > walnut > ash > birch > larch, in the 20-30 cm depth from 1.17 to 2.10 kg·m-2, and in the 20-40 cm depth from 0.84 to 1.43 kg·m-2. The greatest SOC density occurred in the birch stands in the 20-40 cm depth. The vertical distributions of SOC density varied with tree species. The percentage of SOC in the 0-10 cm depth over the total SOC in the soil profile was significantly higher in the walnut and larch stands than in others, while the percentage of SOC in the 20-40 cm depth over the total SOC was highest in the birch stands. SOC concentration and soil bulk density differed significantly among the stands of different tree species, and were negatively correlated. SOC density was positively correlated with soil microbial biomass and soil pH in the walnut, ash, and larch stands, and with total nitrogen density in all the stands. We conclude that tree species modifies soil properties and microbial activity, thereby influencing SOC density, and that different patterns of vertical distributions of SOC density among monocultures of different tree species may be attributed to varying SOC controls at each soil depth.  相似文献   

López  Eva S.  Pardo  Isabel  Felpeto  Nuria 《Hydrobiologia》2001,464(1-3):51-61
Litter processing was examined in autumn–winter and spring–summer in a second order stream in Galicia (NW Spain). We compared decay rate and nutrient dynamics of green leaves of several deciduous (riparian: Alnus glutinosa, Betula alba and Populus×canadensis; terrestrial: Castanea sativa, Quercus robur), and evergreen tree species (terrestrial: Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus nitens), in addition to ray-grass (Lolium perenne). In the autumn–winter period, the decay rates (–k) ranged between 0.0086 degree-days–1 for poplar, and 0.0019 degree-days–1 for birch leaves. Alder showed the most rapid breakdown in spring–summer (0.0124 degree-days–1), and pine the slowest (0.0016 degree-days–1). Deciduous species exhibited general higher processing rates than evergreen species and ray-grass. The initial nitrogen and phosphorus contents were higher in riparian species leaves and ray-grass, being higher in spring (2.28±0.14% and 0.24±0.04% of nitrogen and phosphorus, respectively) than in autumn (1.88±0.36% of nitrogen and 0.18±0.03% of phosphorus). A significant correlation coefficient was found only between mean nitrogen leaf packs contents during incubation and decay rates (r=0.61; p=0.012).In deciduous species, processing was faster during the spring–summer than in the autumn–winter period, which may be attributed to the greater nutritional value and less consistency of the leaves during this season. Within evergreen species, pine had a significantly faster processing rate in autumn, attributed in this study to greater physical fragmentation of the needles. Ray-grass and eucalyptus did not exhibit any seasonal differences in processing rate.During the spring–summer period, litterfall inputs are quantitatively less important than during the autumn–winter, but due to high retention and fast breakdown during the spring–summer, green inputs should contribute substantially to nutrient incorporation and cycling in benthic communities.  相似文献   

利用天目山自然保护区内设立的典型亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林1 hm~2固定样地为基础,分别对1996年和2012年(时间跨度为16年)的实地调查监测数据进行综合处理分析,包括优势种的生态位宽度、生态位重叠、种间联结和生物量等方面对其群落演替特征进行深入探讨。结果表明:1996年到2012年中,优势种生态位宽度指数下降的有青钱柳(Cyclocarya paliurus)和缺萼枫香(Liquidambar acalycina),而上升较明显的有小叶青冈(Cyclobalanopsis myrsinifolia)和东南石栎(Lithocarpus harlandii);并且2012年优势种相比于1996年生态位重叠程度更高;1996年和2012年胸径(DBH)≥10 cm的乔木树种的总生物量分别为151.03 t和148.53 t,而2012年优势种胸径5—10 cm幼树的总生物量达到10.03 t,增长潜力较大。结果总体上与天目山常绿落叶阔叶混交林演替趋势相吻合,并以此揭示天目山亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林群落演替规律提供数据支撑与借鉴。  相似文献   

运用Shannow-wiener生态位宽度指数和Pianka生态位重叠指数,分析了鄂西南木林子常绿落叶阔叶混交林恢复过程中优势树种生态位动态。结果表明:大穗鹅耳枥(Carpinus fargesii)、四照花(Cornus kousa var.Chinensis)、青冈(Cycloblanopsis glauca)生态位总宽度较大,且在5个不同恢复时期均有分布。恢复期14a、35a、60a、85a和110a生态位宽度最大的树种分别为白马桑(Weigela japonica var.sinica)、大穗鹅耳枥、四照花、光皮桦(Betula luminifera)和尾叶冬青(Ilex wilsonii)。随着群落的恢复,优势落叶树种生态位宽度表现出下降趋势,优势常绿树种则呈上升趋势。当恢复到顶极群落阶段,乔木层常绿和落叶树种生态位接近,灌木层常绿灌木占据较大生态位。随着群落的恢复,优势落叶树种与其它树种的生态位重叠值呈波动性下降趋势,优势常绿树种表现为波动性上升趋势,群落全部树种间生态位重叠程度呈小幅度波动性下降趋势。相同或相似生活型的演替早期种间的高生态位重叠,意味着种间对资源利用的相似性和竞争关系,演替后期种与其它树种间的生态位重叠的增加,意味着不同生活型树种在水平空间重叠而在垂直空间分化,这是不同树种对有限环境资源充分利用的一种机制。  相似文献   

贵州东部常绿落叶阔叶混交林碳素积累及其分配特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以雷公山自然保护区常绿落叶阔叶混交林为研究对象,对其碳素含量、碳密度及分配特征进行了研究。结果表明:生态系统碳素含量表现为乔木层(418.58 g/kg)灌木层(387.26 g/kg)草本层(382.80 g/kg)枯落物层(378.11 g/kg)土壤层(31.48 g/kg),差异极显著(P﹤0.01),乔木不同器官表现为干根叶枝,差异不显著(P0.05),灌、草层均表现为地上地下,土壤碳素含量随土层深度的增加而减少;生态系统碳密度为234.68 t/hm2,表现为土壤层(170.00 t/hm2)乔木层(57.02 t/hm2)枯枝落叶层(5.48 t/hm2)灌木层(1.81 t/hm2)草本层(0.37 t/hm2),分别占生态系统碳密度的72.44%、24.30%、2.34%、0.77%和0.16%;植被层碳密度为58.79 t/hm2,占了生态系统碳密度的25.09%;乔木层各器官以树干的碳密度最高,占了乔木层碳密度52.43%;灌木层、草本层地上部分碳密度分别是地下部分的2.85倍1.64倍;土壤表层(0—20 cm)碳密度为70.40 t/hm2,显著高于其它各层(P﹤0.001),占了土壤(0—80 cm)碳密度的41.41%,有很强的表聚性,因此,防止地表的水土流失,可有效保持土壤对碳的吸存。  相似文献   

4种阔叶树种叶中氮和磷的季节动态及其转移   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
薛立  徐燕  吴敏  李燕 《生态学报》2005,25(3):520-526
从叶完全展开到生长季结束 ,对常绿阔叶树种日本米槠 (Castanopsis cuspidata(Thunb.) Schottky)和具柄冬青 (Ilexpedunculosa Miq)及落叶阔叶树种栎 (Quercus serrata Murr.)和栓皮栎 (Quercus variabilis Blume)叶片的 N和 P浓度、含量和养分转移进行了测定 .在生长期中日本米槠新叶的 N浓度在 5月为 36 .6 g/ kg,然后降到 15 .5和 17.5 g/ kg之间 ,其老叶的N浓度波动于 10 .4和 13.1g/ kg的范围内 ,而具柄冬青新叶的 N浓度从 2 7.3下降到 16 .0 g/ kg,接着上升到 18.3g/ kg,其老叶的 N浓度在 12 .0到 15 .5 g/ kg的范围内。栎和栓皮栎的叶 N浓度分别从 2 8.8下降到 18.1g/ kg和从 2 8.5下降到17.5 g/ kg。日本米槠新叶的 N含量从 1.5 4下降到 1.35 g/ m2 ,接着上升到 1.5 0 g/ m2 ,其老叶 N含量从 1.36下降到1.0 0 g/ m2 ,接着上升到 1.2 1g/ m2 ,而具柄冬青新叶的 N含量从 2 .2 5下降到 1.6 0 g/ m2 ,接着上升到 2 .2 0 g/ m2 ,其老叶的 N含量从 2 .13下降到 1.6 5 g/ m2。栎和栓皮栎的叶 N含量分别从 2 .10下降到 1.2 8g/ m2和从 2 .95下降到 2 .13g/ m2。日本米槠新叶的 P浓度由 3.39g/ kg降到 1.12和 1.15 g/ kg之间 ,其老叶的 P浓度变化于 0 .6 6和 0 .88g/ kg的范围内 ,而具柄冬青新叶的  相似文献   

Predicted decreases in water availability across the temperate forest biome have the potential to offset gains in carbon (C) uptake from phenology trends, rising atmospheric CO2, and nitrogen deposition. While it is well established that severe droughts reduce the C sink of forests by inducing tree mortality, the impacts of mild but chronic water stress on forest phenology and physiology are largely unknown. We quantified the C consequences of chronic water stress using a 13‐year record of tree growth (n = 200 trees), soil moisture, and ecosystem C balance at the Morgan–Monroe State Forest (MMSF) in Indiana, and a regional 11‐year record of tree growth (n > 300 000 trees) and water availability for the 20 most dominant deciduous broadleaf tree species across the eastern and midwestern USA. We show that despite ~26 more days of C assimilation by trees at the MMSF, increasing water stress decreased the number of days of wood production by ~42 days over the same period, reducing the annual accrual of C in woody biomass by 41%. Across the deciduous forest region, water stress induced similar declines in tree growth, particularly for water‐demanding ‘mesophytic’ tree species. Given the current replacement of water‐stress adapted ‘xerophytic’ tree species by mesophytic tree species, we estimate that chronic water stress has the potential to decrease the C sink of deciduous forests by up to 17% (0.04 Pg C yr?1) in the coming decades. This reduction in the C sink due to mesophication and chronic water stress is equivalent to an additional 1–3 days of global C emissions from fossil fuel burning each year. Collectively, our results indicate that regional declines in water availability may offset the growth‐enhancing effects of other global changes and reduce the extent to which forests ameliorate climate warming.  相似文献   

以4种不同生活型树种(常绿阔叶和针叶树种、落叶阔叶和针叶树种)为研究对象,通过微根管法现地观测细根的生长动态,比较不同生活型树种细根寿命在种内和种间的差异,探讨影响细根寿命的主要因子,研究结果对理解和预测森林生态系统碳及养分循环过程具有重要的理论意义。结果表明:(1)细根形态特征(分枝结构和直径)显著影响种内细根寿命,分枝等级越低、直径越小,细根的寿命越短;(2)4个树种的细根寿命表现出明显的土层效应和季节效应,即随土壤深度增加,细根的累积存活率逐渐增加,寿命延长;而不同季节出生的细根其寿命长短模式在树种间不一致,春季或夏季出生的细根寿命要长于秋冬季;(3)常绿树种(柳杉、石栎)的细根寿命要长于落叶树种(池杉、麻栎),同时,针叶树种(池杉、柳杉)的细根寿命要长于阔叶树种(麻栎、石栎)。在同一树种内,细根寿命受细根直径、根系分枝结构、土壤环境因子(土层)等因素显著影响,但在不同树种间,细根寿命可能更依赖于树木生长速率、碳分配模式等树木整体的功能性状差异。  相似文献   

常绿阔叶树种的耐低温特性及其生态学评价   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
谢晓金  郝日明  张纪林 《生态学报》2004,24(11):2671-2378
选取在南京地区已露地引种的 2 4种常绿阔叶树种 ,其自然分布北界止于亚热带不同的纬度 ,运用生理生态方法 ,测定它们在模拟低温处理下的电导率 ,并结合寒冷指数和引种后其适应性表现 ,分析这些树种的耐低温能力。结果表明 ,以某一树种自然分布北界气象资料为依据的寒冷指数与其自然植被的水温条件关系更为密切 ,寒冷指数有时不能反映树种本身耐低温能力的高低。如乐东拟单性木兰 ,其自然分布于亚热带南部 2 6°N,引种到南京耐低温表现明显好于自然分布于亚热带北部的香樟。而采用低温循环仪自动降温程序模拟冰冻处理来测定离体叶片的相对电导率 ,计算出各常绿阔叶树种叶片的半致死温度 ,能定量地反映这些树种本身的耐低温能力高低。在测试中如借助已知耐低温能力的树种作对照 ,其数据结果可作为常绿园林阔叶树种能否向更高纬度引种的重要参考依据。在上述研究基础上选出 6种 ,以其离体叶片为试材 ,测定其可溶性糖和游离脯氨酸含量 ,结果显示 ,随处理温度的降低 ,可溶性糖和游离脯氨酸的含量呈增加趋势 ,然而只有在适宜的处理下才呈现规律性变化 ,这些研究结果可作为树种耐低温能力的定性补充证据。对常绿阔叶树种的耐低温能力评价及预测有重要的参考价值  相似文献   

研究调查了云南哀牢山中山常绿阔叶林和广西猫儿山中山落叶水青冈林中共生的常绿和落叶阔叶树光合特性在2005年的季节变化,探讨了两地温度气候差异对植物优势度的影响。在夏季,同一生境下的常绿植物和落叶植物之间以及两个生境树种之间的光合速率没有显著差别。当温度下降时,两个生境内的常绿和落叶植物的光合速率都下降,这与气孔的部分关闭和光系统Ⅱ活性的下降有显著的关系。气孔的部分关闭有利于减少水分蒸腾损失,但落叶树气孔关闭程度明显高于常绿植物而且无法避免严重的光抑制。常绿植物通过气孔调节来提高光合水分利用效率和通过光系统Ⅱ活性调节来降低光合机构的损伤来维持叶片四季常绿,但是猫儿山中山森林冬季低温严重损害气孔和光系统Ⅱ的功能而使常绿植物生长受到严重制约并限制其在群落中成为优势种,与之相反,哀牢山中山森林冬季相对暖和导致常绿植物能积累更多的光合产物并促进其在群落中形成优势。  相似文献   

不同根序的植物细根具有形态、结构和生理上的差异,基于根序的细根生理生态研究是当前生态学领域研究的重要组成部分。对不同生活型树种不同根序细根的研究可以为森林生态系统的地下细根养分策略提供理论依据。研究结果发现:(1)除了落叶树种P含量和N:P之外,两个生活型树种细根C、N和P含量与化学计量比在不同根序间均具有显著差异(P<0.05);两者细根C含量、C:N和C:P随根序增加而升高,而N和P含量随根序增加而降低。(2)常绿与落叶树种C、N、P养分含量中C的变异系数最低,且两个生活型树种细根N、P含量的变异系数基本都随根序增加而变大。(3)常绿树种细根的N、P含量均显著低于落叶树种,但C:N和C:P都显著高于落叶树种,C含量和N:P无显著差异。(4)常绿与落叶树种细根养分(碳、氮和磷)异速关系在各个根序之间都存在共同斜率;常绿树种细根N和P含量存在等速生长关系,但落叶树种细根存在P含量增速大于N含量的异速生长关系(指数:α>1)。结论:随根序增加,常绿与落叶树种的细根具有相似的养分变化策略,N、P养分含量在低阶细根中的变异性更小。落叶树种细根生长受到缺P的影响大于常绿树种。落叶树种细根比常绿树种更高的N、P含量和更低C:N和C:P以及常绿与落叶树种细根N、P养分的异速生长关系差异说明落叶树种细根更倾向于采取快速的资源获取策略。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Plant relative growth rate (RGR) depends on biomass allocation to leaves (leaf mass fraction, LMF), efficient construction of leaf surface area (specific leaf area, SLA) and biomass growth per unit leaf area (net assimilation rate, NAR). Functional groups of species may differ in any of these traits, potentially resulting in (1) differences in mean RGR of groups, and (2) differences in the traits driving RGR variation within each group. We tested these predictions by comparing deciduous and evergreen savanna trees.


RGR, changes to biomass allocation and leaf morphology, and root non-structural carbohydrate reserves were evaluated for juveniles of 51 savanna species (34 deciduous, 17 evergreen) grown in a common garden experiment. It was anticipated that drivers of RGR would differ between leaf habit groups because deciduous species have to allocate carbohydrates to storage in roots to be able to flush leaves again, which directly compromises their LMF, whereas evergreen species are not subject to this constraint.

Key Results

Evergreen species had greater LMF and RGR than deciduous species. Among deciduous species LMF explained 27 % of RGR variation (SLA 34 % and NAR 29 %), whereas among evergreen species LMF explained between 2 and 17 % of RGR variation (SLA 32–35 % and NAR 38–62 %). RGR and LMF were (negatively) related to carbohydrate storage only among deciduous species.


Trade-offs between investment in carbohydrate reserves and growth occurred only among deciduous species, leading to differences in relative contribution made by the underlying components of RGR between the leaf habit groups. The results suggest that differences in drivers of RGR occur among savanna species because these have different selected strategies for coping with fire disturbance in savannas. It is expected that variation in the drivers of RGR will be found in other functional types that respond differently to particular disturbances.  相似文献   

胡芳  曾馥平  杜虎  彭晚霞  张芳  谭卫宁  宋同清 《生态学报》2018,38(17):6074-6083
物种多样性的空间分布格局及其与尺度的关系研究对于了解群落物种多样性形成机制具有重要意义。为了探讨喀斯特地区物种多样性空间分布格局的尺度效应,以喀斯特常绿落叶阔叶混交林25 hm~2样地的(胸径DBH≥1)木本植物为研究对象,分析了6个空间尺度(5 m×5 m,10 m×10 m,20 m×20 m,50 m×50 m,100 m×100 m,250 m×250 m)上的多度、物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数以及Pielou均匀度指数的变化规律。结果表明:物种多样性指数的空间分布均表现出较高的空间异质性;物种多样性指数的方差随取样尺度增加呈现单峰分布特征,并且在100 m×100 m尺度上达到最大值;物种多样性指数的变异系数随尺度的增加呈线性下降趋势,其中,Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数以及Pielou均匀度指数均在5 m×5 m至20 m×20 m尺度上明显减小;在大于50 m×50 m的尺度上,物种丰富度与多度的正相关性不显著(P0.05)。喀斯特常绿落叶阔叶混交林物种多样性的空间分布格局与不同空间尺度密切相关,深入解析物种多样性随空间尺度的变化模式,需要在类似的森林生态系统做更多的研究。  相似文献   

几种针阔叶树种不同光照强度下叶绿素荧光特性的研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
测定研究了油松、新疆杨等7种针阔叶树种不同光照强度下最大量子效率(ΦP)和实际量子效率(PhiPSⅡ)等叶绿素荧光特性的变化规律,进而研究了树木对光照强度适应性。结果表明,ΦP和PhiPSⅡ随光强度增加呈下降趋势,二者的光进程变化呈正相关直线。运用方程获得的量子效率最大点、光进程变化转折点和量子效率最小点,可评价树木光合量子效率的大小和对强光的适应性。依PhiPSⅡ最大值对被试树种光合量子效率排序为沙棘>白榆>新疆杨>白腊>油松>白木千>侧柏;依ΦP光进程变化转折点和量子效率最小点对应的光强度评价被试树木对强光的适应能力排序为新疆杨>白榆>侧柏>白腊>油松>沙棘>白木千,结果与被试树种生态特征基本一致。  相似文献   

Water and nutrient fluxes for single stands of different tree species have been reported in numerous studies, but comparative studies of nutrient and hydrological budgets of common European deciduous tree species are rare. Annual fluxes of water and inorganic nitrogen (N) were established in a 30‐year‐old common garden design with stands of common ash (Fraxinus excelsior), European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), pedunculate oak (Quercus robur), small‐leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.), sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) and Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) replicated at two sites in Denmark, Mattrup and Vallø during 2 years. Mean annual percolation below the root zone (mm yr?1±SE, n=4) ranked in the following order: maple (351±38)>lime (284±32), oak (271±25), beech (257±30), ash (307±69)? spruce (75±24). There were few significant tree species effects on N fluxes. However, the annual mean N throughfall flux (kg N ha?1 yr?1±SE, n=4) for spruce (28±2) was significantly larger than for maple (12±1), beech (11±1) and oak (9±1) stands but not different from that of lime (15±3). Ash had a low mean annual inorganic N throughfall deposition of 9.1 kg ha?1, but was only present at Mattrup. Annual mean of inorganic N leaching (kg ha?1 yr?1±SE, n=4) did not differ significantly between species despite of contrasting tree species mean values; beech (25±9)>oak (16±10), spruce (15±8), lime (14±8)? maple (1.9±1), ash (2.0±1). The two sites had similar throughfall N fluxes, whereas the annual leaching of N was significantly higher at Mattrup than at Vallø. Accordingly, the sites differed in soil properties in relation to rates and dynamics of N cycling. We conclude that tree species affect the N cycle differently but the legacy of land use exerted a dominant control on the N cycle within the short‐term perspective (30 years) of these stands.  相似文献   

理解植物功能性状和功能实体在森林群落的分布,有助于探讨物种丧失对森林生态系统功能、冗余和恢复力的影响。为了解脆弱的岩溶石山森林在应对生物多样性丧失的生态系统反馈,对桂林岩溶石山两块1hm2的常绿落叶阔叶混交林的木本植物数据进行了分析。包括基于功能性状计算功能多样性、构建功能实体计算功能冗余以及采用Pearson相关分析和Mantel检验评估物种多样性指标在生态系统的维持机制。结果显示:(1)青冈+大叶榉树群落的功能多样性指标均低于鱼骨木+青冈+圆叶乌桕群落,且两个群落间功能均匀度不相关(P > 0.05),功能丰富度、功能离散度和Rao''s二次熵呈现极显著相关性(P < 0.001),功能分散度呈现显著相关性(P < 0.05)。(2)两个群落的物种丰富度与功能冗余指标表现出相似的线性关系,即物种丰富度与功能实体等级、功能冗余、功能超冗余呈正相关,与功能脆弱性呈负相关关系。(3)不同植物功能性状间、不同功能多样性指标间和不同功能冗余指标间的相关性较强,功能多样性指标和功能冗余指标间无显著相关性,但功能性状与功能多样性指标、功能性状与功能冗余指标均存在不同程度的相关性。而在功能实体与物种多样性指标的相关性方面,呈现出同物种丰富度与物种多样性指标相似的显著度。另外,物种多度与物种丰富度、功能分散度、功能离散度、Rao''s二次熵及功能脆弱性均显著相关。总之,在岩溶石山常绿落叶阔叶混交林中,高功能多样性的群落存在高功能冗余的现象,但功能多样性和功能冗余是相互独立的因素;物种丰富度高的群落所提供的保险效应无法抵消其生态系统的脆弱性。因此,不能仅通过保护物种丰富度来维持生态系统的特有功能,还应充分考虑多度对生态系统功能的贡献,以更有效地实现对岩溶石山森林生态系统的保护。  相似文献   

Aims Branches and leaves are the two main structural units of tree crown composition. Among the adaptive strategies of plants, the functional traits of branches and the relationships between branch traits and leaf traits determine the capacity of trees to access light and space. In this study, our objective is to test the hypothesis that leaf display efficiency is affected by the stem length to stem slender ratio within current-year twigs.Methods The stem length to stem slender ratios of current-year twigs were used as the proxy of stem structure traits. Leaf area ratio (total leaf area per stem mass), leaf density (leaf number per stem length) and leaf/stem mass ratio (total leaf mass per stem mass) were used as the proxies of leaf display efficiency. The relationship between stem structure traits and leaf display efficiency within current-year twigs were studied for 25 evergreen and 60 deciduous broadleaved woody species in Qingliang Mountain, Zhejiang, China. The standardized major axis estimation method was used to examine the scaling relationship between stem structural traits and leaf display efficiency within current-year twigs.Important findings The proxies of leaf display efficiency, measured by leaf area ratio, leaf density or leaf/stem mass ratio, were all significantly and negative correlated with stem length to stem slender ratio within current-year twigs in both evergreen and deciduous broadleaved woody species. This suggested that leaf display efficiency decreased with stem length to stem slender ratios within current-year twigs, which may reflect the role of mechanical safety and light within twigs. The slope of the relationship between leaf display efficiency and stem long-dimension structure traits in evergreen species was not significantly different from the one in deciduous species. In contrast, the y-intercept of the relationship between leaf density and stem long-dimension structure traits was significantly larger in evergreen species than in deciduous species, i.e. the leafing intensity of evergreen species was higher than that of deciduous species. Individual leaf area and specific leaf area were smaller in evergreen species than in deciduous species, which resulted in deciduous species have a larger leaf area per stem mass and leaf mass per stem mass at a given stem length to stem slender ratio compared to evergreen species. It may reflect the conservative adaptive strategy of high consumption and slow benefit in evergreen species. Our results demonstrated that leaf display efficiency could be affected by stem length, and would change with leaf life-span (deciduous versus evergreen).  相似文献   

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