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An in silico screen of 41 of the 81 coding regions of the Nicotiana plastid genome generated a shortlist of 12 candidates as DNA barcoding loci for land plants. These loci were evaluated for amplification and sequence variation against a reference set of 98 land plant taxa. The deployment of multiple primers and a modified multiplexed tandem polymerase chain reaction yielded 85–94% amplification across taxa, and mean sequence differences between sister taxa of 6.1 from 156 bases of accD to 22 from 493 bases of matK. We conclude that loci should be combined for effective diagnosis, and recommend further investigation of the following six loci: matK, rpoB, rpoC1, ndhJ, ycf5 and accD. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 1–11.  相似文献   

Cymbidium is an orchid genus that has undergone rapid radiation and has high ornamental, economic, ecological and cultural importance, but its classification based on morphology is controversial. The plastid genome (plastome), as an extension of plant standard DNA barcodes, has been widely used as a potential molecular marker for identifying recently diverged species or complicated plant groups. In this study, we newly generated 237 plastomes of 50 species (at least two individuals per species) by genome skimming, covering 71.4% of members of the genus Cymbidium. Sequence-based analyses (barcoding gaps and automatic barcode gap discovery) and tree-based analyses (maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference and multirate Poisson tree processes model) were conducted for species identification of Cymbidium. Our work provides a comprehensive DNA barcode reference library for Cymbidium species identification. The results show that compared with standard DNA barcodes (rbcL + matK) as well as the plastid trnH-psbA, the species identification rate of the plastome increased moderately from 58% to 68%. At the same time, we propose an optimized identification strategy for Cymbidium species. The plastome cannot completely resolve the species identification of Cymbidium, the main reasons being incomplete lineage sorting, artificial cultivation, natural hybridization and chloroplast capture. To further explore the potential use of nuclear data in identifying species, the Skmer method was adopted and the identification rate increased to 72%. It appears that nuclear genome data have a vital role in species identification and are expected to be used as next-generation nuclear barcodes.  相似文献   

DNA barcode (mitochondrial COI) sequences have allowed for species identification of aphids. In this study, we newly found a DNA barcoding problem in a part of the DNA sequences for Sitobion avenae. Five S. avenae individuals showed differences of, on average, 32.60% in the DNA sequences from other conspecific individuals, and a BLAST search revealed that the five sequences are similar to those of aphid parasitoids such as Aphidius, Ephedrus and Praon spp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Based on these results, we concluded that the universal primers used in aphid DNA barcodes can amplify barcode sequences from parasitoid species within host aphids.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA sequence data are a versatile tool for plant identification or barcoding and establishing genetic relationships among plant species. Different chloroplast loci have been utilized for use at close and distant evolutionary distances in plants, and no single locus has been identified that can distinguish between all plant species. Advances in DNA sequencing technology are providing new cost‐effective options for genome comparisons on a much larger scale. Universal PCR amplification of chloroplast sequences or isolation of pure chloroplast fractions, however, are non‐trivial. We now propose the analysis of chloroplast genome sequences from massively parallel sequencing (MPS) of total DNA as a simple and cost‐effective option for plant barcoding, and analysis of plant relationships to guide gene discovery for biotechnology. We present chloroplast genome sequences of five grass species derived from MPS of total DNA. These data accurately established the phylogenetic relationships between the species, correcting an apparent error in the published rice sequence. The chloroplast genome may be the elusive single‐locus DNA barcode for plants.  相似文献   

Genetic tools are increasingly used to identify and discriminate between species. One key transition in this process was the recognition of the potential of the ca 658bp fragment of the organelle cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) as a barcode region, which revolutionized animal bioidentification and lead, among others, to the instigation of the Barcode of Life Database (BOLD), containing currently barcodes from >7.9 million specimens. Following this discovery, suggestions for other organellar regions and markers, and the primers with which to amplify them, have been continuously proposed. Most recently, the field has taken the leap from PCR‐based generation of DNA references into shotgun sequencing‐based “genome skimming” alternatives, with the ultimate goal of assembling organellar reference genomes. Unfortunately, in genome skimming approaches, much of the nuclear genome (as much as 99% of the sequence data) is discarded, which is not only wasteful, but can also limit the power of discrimination at, or below, the species level. Here, we advocate that the full shotgun sequence data can be used to assign an identity (that we term for convenience its “DNA‐mark”) for both voucher and query samples, without requiring any computationally intensive pretreatment (e.g. assembly) of reads. We argue that if reference databases are populated with such “DNA‐marks,” it will enable future DNA‐based taxonomic identification to complement, or even replace PCR of barcodes with genome skimming, and we discuss how such methodology ultimately could enable identification to population, or even individual, level.  相似文献   

Sixty‐five accessions of the species‐rich freshwater red algal order Batrachospermales were characterized through DNA sequencing of two regions: the mitochondrial cox1 gene (664 bp), which is proposed as the DNA barcode for red algae, and the UPA (universal plastid amplicon) marker (370 bp), which has been recently identified as a universally amplifying region of the plastid genome. upgma phenograms of both markers were consistent in their species‐level relationships, although levels of sequence divergence were very different. Intraspecific variation of morphologically identified accessions for the cox1 gene ranged from 0 to 67 bp (divergences were highest for the two taxa with the greatest number of accessions; Batrachospermum helminthosum and Batrachospermum macrosporum); while in contrast, the more conserved universal plastid amplicon exhibited much lower intraspecific variation (generally 0–3 bp). Comparisons to previously published mitochondrial cox2–3 spacer sequences for B. helminthosum indicated that the cox1 gene and cox2–3 spacer were characterized by similar levels of sequence divergence, and phylogeographic patterns based on these two markers were consistent. The two taxa represented by the largest numbers of specimens (B. helminthosum and B. macrosporum) have cox1 intraspecific divergence values that are substantially higher than previously reported, but no morphological differences can be discerned at this time among the intraspecific groups revealed in the analyses. DNA barcode data, which are based on a short fragment of an organellar genome, need to be interpreted in conjunction with other taxonomic characters, and additional batrachospermalean taxa need to be analyzed in detail to be able to draw generalities regarding intraspecific variation in this order. Nevertheless, these analyses reveal a number of batrachospermalean taxa worthy of more detailed DNA barcode study, and it is predicted that such research will have a substantial effect on the taxonomy of species within the Batrachospermales in the future.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(4):101989
DNA barcodes obtained from cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) offer a fast and easy way to identify a range of biological organisms. Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) are a group of small, blood sucking midges whose species are the vectors for some arboviruses, such as bluetongue virus, African horse sickness virus, epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus and equine encephalosis virus. Identification of these small insects is difficult so constructing DNA barcode libraries for species present in certain areas is helpful to clarify the taxonomy and assist non-specialist workers to identify species. In this study, we analysed specimens belonging to C. subgenus Hoffmania collected from 12 towns of Yunnan Province, China. Specimens were identified by morphology and processed to construct DNA barcodes. A total of 185 specimens referable to 6 morphological species were processed for cox1 and 28S rRNA sequencing. The resulting 185 cox1 sequences were assigned to 13 barcode index numbers (BINs) which include 9 novel BINs. Molecular and morphological evidence was used to support the transfer of 4 species previously assigned to C. subg. Avaritia into C. subg. Hoffmania. Molecular analysis revealed the presence of 7 potential cryptic species within C. innoxius, three within C. liui and two within C. insignipennis.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding has had a major impact on biodiversity science. The elegant simplicity of establishing massive scale databases for a few barcode loci is continuing to change our understanding of species diversity patterns, and continues to enhance human abilities to distinguish among species. Capitalizing on the developments of next generation sequencing technologies and decreasing costs of genome sequencing, there is now the opportunity for the DNA barcoding concept to be extended to new kinds of genomic data. We illustrate the benefits and capacity to do this, and also note the constraints and barriers to overcome before it is truly scalable. We advocate a twin track approach: (i) continuation and acceleration of global efforts to build the DNA barcode reference library of life on earth using standard DNA barcodes and (ii) active development and application of extended DNA barcodes using genome skimming to augment the standard barcoding approach.  相似文献   

The olive genus Olea includes c. 30–40 taxa in three subgenera (Olea, Tetrapilus, and Paniculatae) within the family Oleaceae. Historically, the Olea genus was classified into four groups that were overall well supported by reconstructed phylogenies, despite incomplete sampling of subgenus Tetrapilus and poor resolution within clades. These analyses also showed that the genus was not monophyletic. Reliable identification of Olea species is important for both their conservation and utilization of this economically important genus. In this study, we used phylogenomic data from genome skimming to resolve relationships within Olea and to identify molecular markers for species identification. We assembled the complete plastomes, and nrDNA of 26 individuals representing 13 species using next-generation sequencing and added 18 publicly available accessions of Olea. We also developed nuclear SNPs using the genome skimming data to infer the phylogenetic relationships of Olea. Large-scale phylogenomic analyses of 138 samples of tribe Oleeae supported the polyphyly of Olea, with Olea caudatilimba and Olea subgenus Tetrapilus not sharing their most recent common ancestor with the main Olea clade (subgenus Paniculatae and subgenus Olea). The interspecific phylogenetic resolution was poor owing to a possible rapid radiation. By comparing with the plastome data, we identified the markers ycf1b and psbE-petL as the best Olea-specific chloroplast DNA barcodes. Compared with universal barcodes, specific DNA barcodes and super-barcode exhibited higher discriminatory power. Our results demonstrated the power of phylogenomics to improve phylogenetic relationships of intricate groups and provided new insights into barcodes that allow for accurate identification of Olea species.  相似文献   

Plastid sequencing is an essential tool in the study of plant evolution. This high‐copy organelle is one of the most technically accessible regions of the genome, and its sequence conservation makes it a valuable region for comparative genome evolution, phylogenetic analysis and population studies. Here, we discuss recent innovations and approaches for de novo plastid assembly that harness genomic tools. We focus on technical developments including low‐cost sequence library preparation approaches for genome skimming, enrichment via hybrid baits and methylation‐sensitive capture, sequence platforms with higher read outputs and longer read lengths, and automated tools for assembly. These developments allow for a much more streamlined assembly than via conventional short‐range PCR. Although newer methods make complete plastid sequencing possible for any land plant or green alga, there are still challenges for producing finished plastomes particularly from herbarium material or from structurally divergent plastids such as those of parasitic plants.  相似文献   

Plant genome sequencing: applications for crop improvement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA sequencing technology is undergoing a revolution with the commercialization of second generation technologies capable of sequencing thousands of millions of nucleotide bases in each run. The data explosion resulting from this technology is likely to continue to increase with the further development of second generation sequencing and the introduction of third generation single‐molecule sequencing methods over the coming years. The question is no longer whether we can sequence crop genomes which are often large and complex, but how soon can we sequence them? Even cereal genomes such as wheat and barley which were once considered intractable are coming under the spotlight of the new sequencing technologies and an array of new projects and approaches are being established. The increasing availability of DNA sequence information enables the discovery of genes and molecular markers associated with diverse agronomic traits creating new opportunities for crop improvement. However, the challenge remains to convert this mass of data into knowledge that can be applied in crop breeding programs.  相似文献   

Although a mitochondrial DNA barcode has been shown to be of great utility for species identification and discovery in an increasing number of diverse taxa, caution has been urged with its application to one of the most taxonomically diverse vertebrate groups - the amphibians. Here, we test three of the perceived shortcomings of a CO1 DNA barcode's utility with a group of Holarctic amphibians: primer fit, sequence variability and overlapping intra- and interspecific variability. We found that although the CO1 DNA barcode priming regions were variable, we were able to reliably amplify a CO1 fragment from degenerate primers and primers with G-C residues at the 3' end. Any overlap between intra- and interspecific variation in our taxonomic sampling was due to introgressive hybridization (Bufo/Anaxyrus), complex genetics (Ambystoma) or incomplete taxonomy (Triturus). Rates of hybridization and species discovery are not expected to be greater for amphibians than for other vertebrate groups, and thus problems with the utility of using a single mitochondrial gene for species identification will not be specific to amphibians. Therefore, we conclude that there is greater potential for a CO1 barcode's use with amphibians than has been reported to date. A large-scale effort to barcode the amphibians of the world, using the same primary barcode region of CO1, will yield important findings for science and conservation.  相似文献   

Vegetation surveys have a long tradition in ecological studies, but several limitations in the morphological identification of species have been recognized. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of DNA barcoding in plant species identification to save field technicians time and resources. Vegetation surveys were performed in four plots of semi‐dry grassland in the Italian subalpine region of Lombardy. Two identification approaches were employed: a conventional morphological identification and a molecular multi‐marker DNA barcoding method. Results showed that morphological identification of 49 species collected from the study area (five field inspections) required a substantial amount of time to complete relative to the molecular method. The same 49 samples were analysed using the following DNA multi‐marker barcodes: rbcL, matK and trnHpsbA. rbcL showed 100% amplification success with standard primers, but low interspecific genetic variability. matK demonstrated some amplification problems with standard primers; however, consistent genetic diversity was observed. Finally, the trnHpsbA spacer region exhibited reliable amplification success and the highest molecular variability. In a comparison with publicly available databases, trnHpsbA and matK returned the highest proportion of identified samples, whereas rbcL returned several misidentifications. The DNA barcoding approach is a powerful tool in vegetation surveys and may significantly reduce the time and cost spent for species identification. However, to effectively apply DNA barcoding in vegetation surveys, exhaustive local or regional molecular databases must be defined. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 169 , 518–529.  相似文献   

Genomic data sets are increasingly central to ecological and evolutionary biology, but far fewer resources are available for invertebrates. Powerful new computational tools and the rapidly decreasing cost of Illumina sequencing are beginning to change this, enabling rapid genome assembly and reference marker extraction. We have developed and tested a practical workflow for developing genomic resources in nonmodel groups with real‐world data on Collembola (springtails), one of the most dominant soil animals on Earth. We designed universal molecular marker sets, single‐copy orthologues (BUSCO s) and ultraconserved elements (UCEs), using three existing and 11 newly generated genomes. Both marker types were tested in silico via marker capture success and phylogenetic performance. The new genomes were assembled with Illumina short reads and 9,585?14,743 protein‐coding genes were predicted with ab initio and protein homology evidence. We identified 1,997 benchmarking universal single‐copy orthologues (BUSCO s) across 14 genomes and created and assessed a custom BUSCO data set for extracting single‐copy genes. We also developed a new UCE probe set containing 46,087 baits targeting 1,885 loci. We successfully captured 1,437?1,865 BUSCO s and 975?1,186 UCEs across 14 genomes. Phylogenomic reconstructions using these markers proved robust, giving new insight on deep‐time collembolan relationships. Our study demonstrates the feasibility of generating thousands of universal markers from highly efficient whole‐genome sequencing, providing a valuable resource for genome‐scale investigations in evolutionary biology and ecology.  相似文献   

Despite ongoing efforts to protect species and ecosystems in Cuba, habitat degradation, overuse and introduction of alien species have posed serious challenges to native freshwater fish species. In spite of the accumulated knowledge on the systematics of this freshwater ichthyofauna, recent results suggested that we are far from having a complete picture of the Cuban freshwater fish diversity. It is estimated that 40% of freshwater Cuban fish are endemic; however, this number may be even higher. Partial sequences (652 bp) of the mitochondrial gene COI (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) were used to barcode 126 individuals, representing 27 taxonomically recognized species in 17 genera and 10 families. Analysis was based on Kimura 2-parameter genetic distances, and for four genera a character-based analysis (population aggregation analysis) was also used. The mean conspecific, congeneric and confamiliar genetic distances were 0.6%, 9.1% and 20.2% respectively. Molecular species identification was in concordance with current taxonomical classification in 96.4% of cases, and based on the neighbour-joining trees, in all but one instance, members of a given genera clustered within the same clade. Within the genus Gambusia, genetic divergence analysis suggests that there may be at least four cryptic species. In contrast, low genetic divergence and a lack of diagnostic sites suggest that Rivulus insulaepinorum may be conspecific with Rivulus cylindraceus. Distance and character-based analysis were completely concordant, suggesting that they complement species identification. Overall, the results evidenced the usefulness of the DNA barcodes for cataloguing Cuban freshwater fish species and for identifying those groups that deserve further taxonomic attention.  相似文献   

DNA barcodes are useful for species discovery and species identification, but obtaining barcodes currently requires a well‐equipped molecular laboratory and is time‐consuming, and/or expensive. We here address these issues by developing a barcoding pipeline for Oxford Nanopore MinION? and demonstrating that one flow cell can generate barcodes for ~500 specimens despite the high basecall error rates of MinION? reads. The pipeline overcomes these errors by first summarizing all reads for the same tagged amplicon as a consensus barcode. Consensus barcodes are overall mismatch‐free but retain indel errors that are concentrated in homopolymeric regions. They are addressed with an optional error correction pipeline that is based on conserved amino acid motifs from publicly available barcodes. The effectiveness of this pipeline is documented by analysing reads from three MinION? runs that represent three different stages of MinION? development. They generated data for (i) 511 specimens of a mixed Diptera sample, (ii) 575 specimens of ants and (iii) 50 specimens of Chironomidae. The run based on the latest chemistry yielded MinION? barcodes for 490 of the 511 specimens which were assessed against reference Sanger barcodes (N = 471). Overall, the MinION? barcodes have an accuracy of 99.3%–100% with the number of ambiguous bases after correction ranging from <0.01% to 1.5% depending on which correction pipeline is used. We demonstrate that it requires ~2 hr of sequencing to gather all information needed for obtaining reliable barcodes for most specimens (>90%). We estimate that up to 1,000 barcodes can be generated in one flow cell and that the cost per barcode can be 相似文献   

To evaluate the feasibility of morphological and genetic identification of the closely related species in the genera Misgurnus and Paramisgurnus, the morphological characters of four species in these genera and DNA barcoding of five loaches (P. dabryanus, M. anguillicaudatus, M. bipartitus, M. mohoity, and Barbatula toni) were investigated. Twelve morphological characters were measured in 542 individuals to perform the comparative analysis. Among these characters, only the caudal peduncle length (LCP) revealed significant difference (P < 0.05) among these four species. The clustering based on morphological characters formed two clusters (P. dabryanus and M. anguillicaudatus; M. bipartitus and M. mohoity). A total of 186 COI fragments for the five loaches investigated were sequenced and analyzed. The results showed that interspecific K2P distance was much higher than intraspecific distance within the five species. Bayesian inference of phylogeny showed that individuals of these species were divided into five specific clades. Meanwhile, the COI fragments exhibited 22 character attributes for the differentiation of the five loach species based on character-based method. Our results suggested that DNA barcoding based on COI can be used as an efficient identifier of these five loach species; the combination of distance-based method, Bayesian inference and character-based approach provides higher resolution of identification at species level.  相似文献   

The ecological and medical importance of black flies drives the need for rapid and reliable identification of these minute, structurally uniform insects. We assessed the efficiency of DNA barcoding for species identification of tropical black flies. A total of 351 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 sequences were obtained from 41 species in six subgenera of the genus Simulium in Thailand. Despite high intraspecific genetic divergence (mean = 2.00%, maximum = 9.27%), DNA barcodes provided 96% correct identification. Barcodes also differentiated cytoforms of selected species complexes, albeit with varying levels of success. Perfect differentiation was achieved for two cytoforms of Simulium feuerborni, and 91% correct identification was obtained for the Simulium angulistylum complex. Low success (33%), however, was obtained for the Simulium siamense complex. The differential efficiency of DNA barcodes to discriminate cytoforms was attributed to different levels of genetic structure and demographic histories of the taxa. DNA barcode trees were largely congruent with phylogenies based on previous molecular, chromosomal and morphological analyses, but revealed inconsistencies that will require further evaluation.  相似文献   

Targeted GBS is a recent approach for obtaining an effective characterization for hundreds to thousands of markers. The high throughput of next‐generation sequencing technologies, moreover, allows sample multiplexing. The aims of this study were to (i) define a panel of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the cat, (ii) use GBS for profiling 16 cats, and (iii) evaluate the performance with respect to the inference using standard approaches at different coverage thresholds, thereby providing useful information for designing similar experiments. Probes for sequencing 230 variants were designed based on the Felis_catus_8.0. 8.0 genome. The regions comprised anonymous and non‐anonymous SNPs. Sixteen cat samples were analysed, some of which had already been genotyped in a large group of loci and one having been whole‐genome sequenced in the 99_Lives Cat Genome Sequencing Project. The accuracy of the method was assessed by comparing the GBS results with the genotypes already available. Overall, GBS achieved good performance, with 92–96% correct assignments, depending on the coverage threshold used to define the set of trustable genotypes. Analyses confirmed that (i) the reliability of the inference of each genotype depends on the coverage at that locus and (ii) the fraction of target loci whose genotype can be inferred correctly is a function of the total coverage. GBS proves to be a valid alternative to other methods. Data suggested a depth of less than 11× is required for greater than 95% accuracy. However, sequencing depth must be adapted to the total size of the targets to ensure proper genotype inference.  相似文献   

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