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Anguillid freshwater eels show remarkable life histories. In the Atlantic, the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) and American eel (Anguilla rostrata) undertake extensive migrations to spawn in the oceanic Sargasso Sea, and subsequently the offspring drift to foraging areas in Europe and North America, first as leaf-like leptocephali larvae that later metamorphose into glass eels. Since recruitment of European and American glass eels has declined drastically during past decades, there is a strong demand for further understanding of the early, oceanic phase of their life cycle. Consequently, during a field expedition to the eel spawning sites in the Sargasso Sea, we carried out a wide range of dedicated bio-physical studies across areas of eel larval distribution. Our findings suggest a key role of oceanic frontal processes, retaining eel larvae within a zone of enhanced feeding conditions and steering their drift. The majority of the more westerly distributed American eel larvae are likely to follow a westerly/northerly drift route entrained in the Antilles/Florida Currents. European eel larvae are generally believed to initially follow the same route, but their more easterly distribution close to the eastward flowing Subtropical Counter Current indicates that these larvae could follow a shorter, eastward route towards the Azores and Europe. The findings emphasize the significance of oceanic physical–biological linkages in the life-cycle completion of Atlantic eels.  相似文献   

To investigate the behaviour and fate of silver female longfin eels Anguilla dieffenbachii in relation to flow variations from New Zealand's largest (700 MW) hydro‐electric station, 210 A. dieffenbachii were tagged with acoustic transmitters during summer and autumn over 6 years from 2005 to 2010. A shoreline array of receivers (2005–2008) was supplemented by positioning systems near the power station and natural outlet (2009–2010) that enabled continuous tracking of A. dieffenbachii within these areas. Tagged A. dieffenbachii (total length 785–1372 mm) emigrated from the lake over an 8 month period, either in the same season they were tagged (75%) or the following spring after over‐wintering for up to 7 months (25%). Most A. dieffenbachii (67%) emigrated via the natural outlet. Swimming activity was related to water temperature and was greatest during the summer months. Activity was strongly diel, although less so at the outlet where A. dieffenbachii migrating at depths greater than 20 m often did so during daylight. To analyse searching behaviour, sustained periods of continuous swimming activity (termed forays) were examined in the vicinity of the outlet. Most successful forays (where the A. dieffenbachii exited the lake via the lower Waiau River) were associated with outflows; such outflows were sometimes <10 m3 s?1 although most successful forays took place at flows >50 m3 s?1. The timing of successful forays was related to outflow, the day of year and whether the A. dieffenbachii had delayed migration or not, but not lunar phase or rainfall. Passage time from the lake to the lower Waiau River 81 km downstream decreased from an average of 58 days early in the season to <1 day in late autumn. The wide range of behaviours and responses displayed by female silver A. dieffenbachii were interpreted as an inherent form of bet‐hedging to spread the risks associated with silvering and seaward migration in this slow‐growing species.  相似文献   

A total of 4589 leptocephali of the congrid eel, Ariosoma balearicum, were examined from 17 cruises in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Myomere counts made on 915 of these indicated there were two ranges of number of myomeres that appear to be associated with separate spawning populations. Those with the higher range (high count: 128–137) were consistently 70–100mm in length in the Sargasso Sea from February to April and 20–80mm in length in the northern Sargasso Sea and Gulf Stream from September to October. Those with the lower range (low count: 120–130) were rare in the northern and eastern Sargasso Sea where they had consistently greater lengths than high count leptocephali and were most abundant in the Florida Current and Providence Channel. The geographic distributions of size and myomere ranges in relation to hydrography provide strong support for the hypothesis that high count eels found along the South Atlantic Bight (SAB) migrate across the Florida Current to spawn in the northwest Sargasso Sea. This migratory pattern is similar to those of Anguilla rostrata and Conger oceanicus, which use the southern Sargasso Sea for development as larvae. However, the distribution of high count leptocephali suggests that they use the entire Sargasso Sea gyre as a development area as larvae before crossing the Florida Current and recruiting to the SAB. The low count eels inhabiting the Bahamas appear to spawn near the banks and their abundance in the Providence Channel and southwest Sargasso Sea suggests most are retained close to the Bahamas. These two distinct styles of spawning, distribution and recruitment of larvae are hypothesized to be related to the different hydrographic regimes of the two juvenile habitats and the resulting constraints on growth and recruitment of larvae. Vertebral and myomere counts reported from other areas suggest there are distinct populations in other regions of the North Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the larval ecology of winter-spawning fish from the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada, remains scarce due to the seasonal ice cover that prevents ichthyoplankton sampling using conventional methods. Two winter-spawning species, Atlantic halibut (AH, Hippoglossus hippoglossus) and Greenland halibut (GH, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), support the most important groundfish fisheries of this area. In March 2020, the authors captured 10 halibut larvae ranging in size from 5 to 14 mm during an opportunistic survey in the GSL onboard an icebreaking vessel. Of these, eight were AH and two GH. Judging by their very small size, the larvae were only a few days old, suggesting that the spawning grounds are close to the capture sites. This effort constitutes a first step in validating the putative spawning areas for these two important GSL stocks. This knowledge is important for the conservation and sustainable management of these fisheries.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that the Japanese eel, Anguillu japonica , elvers in the eastern and western coasts of Taiwan are recruited from two different spawning grounds and to increase the knowledge of the early life history of the eel, the otolith microstructure and daily age of elvers collected from five estuaries in the coast of Taiwan during December 1989 through February 1990 were examined by scanning electron microscopy. The total length of elvers at arrival in the estuaries was similar among estuaries, averaging c . 56.0 mm and showed a seasonal decrease. The maximum radius of the sagittal otolith of elvers ranged from 124.46 to 181.82μm with a mean of 143.15 ± 12.72 μm. The otolith from centre to edge included an organic-rich primordium (9.20 ± 2.02 μm in diameter), a diffusively calcified core (20.94 ± 1.99 μm), and the daily growth increments; these three layers were probably deposited during the embryonic, yolk sac and feeding period respectively. The growth rate of the otolith was higher at the beginning of early life (0.5−1.0 μm day −1), lowest at approximately 100-days old (<0.5 μm day−1), and highest 1 month before arrival at the estuary (> 1.0 pm day−1). The mean age for elvers arriving in the estuaries of the coasts of Taiwan was approximately 170.4 ± 21.02 days. Neither the growth pattern of the otolith nor the age of elvers arriving in the estuary were significantly different among estuaries, indicating that the elvers in both eastern and western Taiwan were probably recruited from the same spawning ground. The growth pattern of the otolith in relation to larval migration was analysed.  相似文献   

Over the past 5 years, massive accumulations of holopelagic species of the brown macroalga Sargassum in coastal areas of the Caribbean have created “golden tides” that threaten local biodiversity and trigger economic losses associated with beach deterioration and impact on fisheries and tourism. In 2015, the first report identifying the cause of these extreme events implicated a rare form of the holopelagic species Sargassum natans (form VIII). However, since the first mention of S. natans VIII in the 1930s, based solely on morphological characters, no molecular data have confirmed this identification. We generated full‐length mitogenomes and partial chloroplast genomes of all representative holopelagic Sargassum species, S. fluitans III and S. natans I alongside the putatively rare S. natans VIII, to demonstrate small but consistent differences between S. natans I and VIII (7 bp differences out of the 34,727). Our comparative analyses also revealed that both S. natans I and S. natans VIII share a very close phylogenetic relationship with S. fluitans III (94‐ and 96‐bp differences of 34,727). We designed novel primers that amplified regions of the cox2 and cox3 marker genes with consistent polymorphic sites that enabled differentiation between the two S. natans forms (I and VIII) from each other and both from S. fluitans III in over 150 Sargassum samples including those from the 2014 golden tide event. Despite remarkable gene synteny and sequence conservation, the three Sargassum forms differ in morphology, ecology, and distribution patterns, warranting more extensive interrogation of holopelagic Sargassum genomes as a whole.  相似文献   

Five new records of louvars Luvarus imperialis are documented for the south‐west Atlantic Ocean, extending its distribution range in this ocean. The presence of one ripe specimen, associated with the previous records of larvae and juveniles, suggests that L. imperialis spawn in this region. The possible association of juveniles with shoals of skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis is discussed.  相似文献   

Spawning sites used by one or more species were located by intensively searching nearshore coral reefs of Kimbe Bay (New Britain, Papua New Guinea). Once identified, the spawning sites were surveyed repeatedly within fixed 5 m radius circular areas, for > 2000 h of observations ranging from before dawn to after dusk spanning 190 days between July 2001 and May 2004. A total of 38 spawning sites were identified on the seven study reefs distributed at an average of one site every 60 m of reef edge. Pelagic spawning was observed in 41 fish species from six families. On three intensively studied reefs, all 17 spawning sites identified were used by at least three species, with a maximum of 30 different species observed spawning at a single site. Spawning was observed during every month of the study, on all days of the lunar month, at all states of the tide and at most hours of the day studied. Nevertheless, the majority of species were observed spawning on proportionately more days from December to April, on more days around the new moon and in association with higher tides. The strongest temporal association, however, was with species‐specific diel spawning times spanning < 3 h for most species. While dawn spawning, afternoon spawning and dusk spawning species were differentiated, the time of spawning for the striated surgeonfish Ctenochaetus striatus also differed significantly among sites. The large number of species spawning at the same restricted locations during predictable times suggests that these sites are extremely important on this low‐latitude coral reef.  相似文献   

1. The European eel population has decreased drastically during recent decades, and new EU‐legislation calls for measures to change this negative trend. This decline has been attributed to a number of factors, including habitat fragmentation by structural barriers that prevent eels moving between freshwater and the sea. The success of downstream migrating adult silver eels migrating past a hydroelectric plant (HEP) in Sweden was examined by radio‐telemetry, and the results were considered in a historical context by analysing catch data from the river for 1957–2006. 2. The choice of routes and passage success were quantified for three treatment groups and one control group of silver eels. The first treatment, the reservoir group (n = 50), was released into the reservoir upstream of the HEP, and these fish could proceed downstream by passing through the HEP (20 mm rack and turbines) or by entering the spill gates into the former channel, bypassing the HEP. The second treatment group (inside rack, n = 15) was released downstream of the 20‐mm rack and had to pass through the turbines to continue migration to the sea. The third treatment group consisted of dead radio‐tagged eels (n = 6) that were released into the turbines to study the extent of drifting by dead individuals. Finally, the control group (n = 50) was released downstream of the HEP to test for effects of confounding factors. 3. Most live individuals displayed migratory behaviour and continued to proceed downstream after release. Only 8% of the fish released in the reservoir or downstream of the HEP (control) did not migrate. The probability of reaching the next HEP, 24 km further downstream, was high for the control group (96%) and the reservoir‐released individuals that passed the HEP via the spill gates and the former channel (83%). Survival was low and size‐dependent for the individuals that passed the turbines (40%) and even lower for the individuals that had to pass through the rack and the turbines (26%). The overall passage success for eels released in the reservoir was 30%, including both routes. 4. Annual catch data from 1957 to 2006 showed that the number of eels in the River Ätran has decreased. Despite this decrease, escapement biomass has remained unchanged, because of the fact that the mean size of eels has doubled. Passage data from 2007 show that changes in size and abundance have resulted in a reduction of relative escapement to the sea to values that are 21–24% of what they were in 1957–66. However, this low level of escapement could potentially be rectified if appropriate measures facilitating HEP passage are successfully implemented, since the potential escapement biomass in the river, owing to the large size of the eels, has changed little since the 1950s.  相似文献   

The body reserves of adult Lepidoptera are accumulated during larval development. In the Glanville fritillary butterfly, larger body size increases female fecundity, but in males fast larval development and early eclosion, rather than large body size, increase mating success and hence fitness. Larval growth rate is highly heritable, but genetic variation associated with larval development is largely unknown. By comparing the Glanville fritillary population living in the Åland Islands in northern Europe with a population in Nantaizi in China, within the source of the post‐glacial range expansion, we identified candidate genes with reduced variation in Åland, potentially affected by selection under cooler climatic conditions than in Nantaizi. We conducted an association study of larval growth traits by genotyping the extremes of phenotypic trait distributions for 23 SNPs in 10 genes. Three genes in clip‐domain serine protease family were associated with larval growth rate, development time and pupal weight. Additive effects of two SNPs in the prophenoloxidase‐activating proteinase‐3 (ProPO3) gene, related to melanization, showed elevated growth rate in high temperature but reduced growth rate in moderate temperature. The allelic effects of the vitellin‐degrading protease precursor gene on development time were opposite in the two sexes, one genotype being associated with long development time and heavy larvae in females but short development time in males. Sexually antagonistic selection is here evident in spite of sexual size dimorphism.  相似文献   

Specimens of the deep‐sea sipunculan Phascolosoma turnerae were retrieved over a 5‐year period from fibrous collectors placed for various time intervals at a depth of 520 m in the Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas. Sipunculans removed from the collectors were counted, weighed, and maintained in the laboratory at 14°C, where they were monitored for gametogenic activity, spawning, development, and growth. In a 2‐year study of seasonality, worms were most abundant in collectors retrieved in the spring and summer, and least abundant in the fall. Small animals (<0.01 g) were present in all seasons and represented ≥70% of the animals in winter collections. Large specimens (>0.16 g) were found from May through August, but in markedly lower frequencies than small animals. Over the entire study, spawning was observed in the laboratory from April through August. We inferred from analyses of size frequencies, growth, and spawning seasonality that settlement of the larvae occurs primarily from November through April and that oceanic larval life could be as short as 7 months and as long as 12–14 months. Cleavage of fertilized eggs, as observed from laboratory spawnings, was spiral and holoblastic, resulting in a trochophore that transformed into a typical planktotrophic pelagosphera larva at 21 d. A few larvae survived as long as 2 months in the laboratory. This is the first study of biological processes in living sipunculans from the deep sea, and one of the first studies of living deep‐sea wood dwellers.  相似文献   

Climate warming and harvesting affect the dynamics of species across the globe through a multitude of mechanisms, including distribution changes. In fish, migrations to and distribution on spawning grounds are likely influenced by both climate warming and harvesting. The Northeast Arctic (NEA) cod (Gadus morhua) performs seasonal migrations from its feeding grounds in the Barents Sea to spawning grounds along the Norwegian coast. The distribution of cod between the spawning grounds has historically changed at decadal scales, mainly due to variable use of the northern and southern margins of the spawning area. Based on historical landing records, two major hypotheses have been put forward to explain these changes: climate and harvesting. Climate could affect the distribution through, for example, spatial habitat shifts. Harvesting could affect the distribution through impacting the demographic structure. If demographic structure is important, theory predicts increasing spawner size with migration distance. Here, we evaluate these hypotheses with modern data from a period (2000–2016) of increasing temperature and recovering stock structure. We first analyze economic data from the Norwegian fisheries to investigate geographical differences in size of spawning fish among spawning grounds, as well as interannual differences in mean latitude of spawning in relation to changes in temperature and demographic parameters. Second, we analyze genetically determined fish sampled at the spawning grounds to unambiguously separate between migratory NEA cod and potentially smaller sized coastal cod of local origin. Our results indicate smaller spawners farther away from the feeding grounds, hence not supporting the hypothesis that harvesting is a main driver for the contemporary spawning ground distribution. We find a positive correlation between annual mean spawning latitude and temperature. In conclusion, based on contemporary data, there is more support for climate compared to harvesting in shaping spawning ground distribution in this major fish stock in the North Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

High population density and nutrition restriction can lead to phase variation in morphology and development, and subsequently induce changes in the reaction norms of adult flight in migrant insects. However, response of migratory propensity to such stress in Endopterygote insects, especially in several species of Lepidoptera, remains unclear. In this study, larval and adult developmental responses to crowding and food stress were investigated in the migratory moth, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenée). A high larval rearing density significantly reduced pupal mass, survival rate and female fecundity. Larvae developed rapidly under crowding conditions, and time to pupation was 2 days earlier than individuals reared alone. By contrast, short‐term starvation and associated compensatory growth prolonged larval duration by 3–4 days and pupal duration by 1–2 days. It also reduced the pupal mass, but showed no detectable effects on female reproductive performance. Both sexes had similar development strategies; however, females seemed to be more sensitive to crowding and food shortage than males. A positive effect was expected if such stress factors acted as cues that triggering a behavioural or physiological shift to a distinct migratory phase. To the contrary, we found no proof that crowding and starvation caused maturation delay in female reproductive development. All treatments did not significantly increase female pre‐oviposition period. Therefore, we concluded that life developmental responses to crowding and food shortage in this species were different. Adult migration propensity was not enhanced under such stress conditions during the larval phase.  相似文献   

The presence of the telescope fish Mendosoma lineatum in Patagonian waters of Argentina is reported. Mendosoma lineatum is the second species of the Latridae recorded in the south‐west Atlantic Ocean and its presence in Patagonia is an addition to both the ichthyological fauna of the Argentinean Sea and the south‐west Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

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