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Red‐winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) are a polygynous songbird with facultative biparental care, and a common host for brown‐headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater), an obligate brood parasite. We examined brood parasitism and paternal care in a long‐term study of parental care in red‐winged blackbirds. The presence of a cowbird nestling was associated with a higher likelihood of paternal care by the host male redwing in both naturally and experimentally parasitized nests. This result indicates that it was the presence of the brood parasite that was important and not simply that brood parasites chose hosts where paternal care was more likely. Both male and particularly female redwings increased provisioning to parasitized broods. Our work suggests that brood parasites raise the cost of parental care and push a polygynous host species toward monogamy.  相似文献   

Synopsis To determine whether burbot occupy defined home range in rivers, we radio-tracked individuals in the Ohře River, Czech Republic. We also tested the hypothesis that the size of burbot home range would correlate with the fish mass. Burbot's strong attraction to suitable refuges was the basis for our second hypotheses, that its diurnal behavior would reflect refuge availability in the riverine environment. To test these hypotheses, we analyzed data on fish movements in relation to depth, velocity, substratum size and river slope. During the night, burbot preferred deeper areas with lower slope and finer substrates than during daylight hours. The home range was smaller in areas with low or zero slopes, and significantly increased with increasing river slope. There was no relationship between home range size and fish mass. River slope appeared to be the main predictor of the burbot's home range size.  相似文献   

Recent assessments of biodiversity in tropical agroecosystems have revealed surprisingly high functional and taxonomic diversity in systems with low management intensity. This biodiversity is the product of community assembly. Because agroecosystems are novel ecosystems and occur in landscape mosaics, the assembly processes generating communities in agroecosystems are poorly resolved. Broadly, two models have been proposed to explain landscape assembly: trade‐offs in species performance across habitats (species sorting) and source‐sink dynamics between habitats of differential quality (mass effects). These models are largely untested in tropical agroecosystems. We utilize an extensive data set on a tropical twig‐nesting ant community from five microhabitat types in a shaded coffee agroecosystem to test for species sorting, mass effects, or a mixed model. To test among these models, we used community similarity and a variance decomposition on a focal microhabitat (a moderate‐shade coffee farm) to partition community variance into spatial and environmental components. To identify the source habitat for mass effects and assess their strength, we measured dispersing alates (winged reproductives), artificial nests, and colony and nest size in shade trees and coffee. We found significant environmental and spatial signal and evidence for both species sorting and mass effects. We find sorting occurs among common species, but that mass effects are prevalent among rare species and likely originate in the shade trees. Our results indicate that both metacommunity models occur in tropical landscape mosaics, but they may not apply equally to all species in communities, habitat gradients, or timescales.  相似文献   

With growing pressure on primary forests from destructive land uses, increasing the diversity of native species plantations can increase ecosystem service provision, such as timber production or carbon sequestration, thus better supporting sustainable livelihoods. Understanding the effects of tree species composition on productivity can inform plantation design and ecological restoration strategies. However, tree species composition effects have been neglected in experimental biodiversity‐ecosystem function (BEF) research. This study uses a 10‐yr data set from one of the first tropical planted forest experiments established with native species and designed for BEF research at scales relevant to forest management. At our site in Sardinilla, Panama, we established plots containing 6 species from a pool of 18, in four combinations, to investigate how composition affects species and plot productivity. We used basal area as a proxy for productivity through time, measured annually, and summed this at species and plot levels for analysis. We found that plots that differed in species composition appeared to differ in temporal rate of basal area increase, but did not differ in BA after 10 yr. Species were generally consistent in size between compositions, and composition performance was correlated with the size of component species, suggesting that species identities were most important in determining plot productivity. Our results suggest that species choice can be based on preferences for individual species, as species performance was consistent across composition contexts. We make recommendations for the use of particularly productive species that also provide multiple services such as Guazuma ulmifolia, Spondias mombin, and Anacardium excelsum.  相似文献   

It was found that Bartonella henselae (B. henselae) may induce clinical disorders in cats in natural conditions from a comparison of the serological status for B. henselae with the serostatus for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and several clinical characteristics in 170 domestic cats. Seropositivity for B. henselae was not significantly different between FIV antibody-positive and -negative cats (18.4% vs 16.0%). The incidence of clinical characteristics were compared among four cat groups distinguished by the reactivity of sera against B. henselae and FIV. The incidence of lymph node swelling was lower in only FIV antibody-positive cats (3.0%), but higher in B. henselae antibody-positive cats (13.6%) and significantly higher in both B. henselae and FIV antibody-positive cats (42.9%) compared with the incidence of lymph node swelling in cats which were negative for both antibodies (5.5%). The same relation was also observed for the incidence of gingivitis among the 4 cat groups, suggesting that coinfection of B. henselae and FIV may be associated with gingivitis and lymphadenopathy in cats.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a substantial evidence that the word length can be an essential lexical structural feature for word evolution in written Chinese. The data used in this study are diachronic Chinese short narrative texts with a time span of over 2000-years. We show that the increase of word length is an essential regularity in word evolution. On the one hand, word frequency is found to depend on word length, and their relation is in line with the Power law function y = ax-b. On the other hand, our deeper analyses show that the increase of word length results in the simplification in characters for balance in written Chinese. Moreover, the correspondence between written and spoken Chinese is discussed. We conclude that the disyllabic trend may account for the increase of word length, and its impacts can be explained in "the principle of least effort".  相似文献   

Biology arises from the crowded molecular environment of the cell, rendering it a challenge to understand biological pathways based on the reductionist, low‐concentration in vitro conditions generally employed for mechanistic studies. Recent evidence suggests that low‐affinity interactions between cellular biopolymers abound, with still poorly defined effects on the complex interaction networks that lead to the emergent properties and plasticity of life. Mass‐action considerations are used here to underscore that the sheer number of weak interactions expected from the complex mixture of cellular components significantly shapes biological pathway specificity. In particular, on‐pathway—i.e., “functional”—become those interactions thermodynamically and kinetically stable enough to survive the incessant onslaught of the many off‐pathway (“nonfunctional”) interactions. Consequently, to better understand the molecular biology of the cell a further paradigm shift is needed toward mechanistic experimental and computational approaches that probe intracellular diversity and complexity more directly. Also see the video abstract here https://youtu.be/T19X_zYaBzg .  相似文献   



Several studies bring evidence that action observation elicits contagious responses during social interactions. However automatic imitative tendencies are generally inhibited and it remains unclear in which conditions mere action observation triggers motor behaviours. In this study, we addressed the question of contagious postural responses when observing human imbalance.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We recorded participants'' body sway while they observed a fixation cross (control condition), an upright point-light display of a gymnast balancing on a rope, and the same point-light display presented upside down. Our results showed that, when the upright stimulus was displayed prior to the inverted one, centre of pressure area and antero-posterior path length were significantly greater in the upright condition compared to the control and upside down conditions.


These results demonstrate a contagious postural reaction suggesting a partial inefficiency of inhibitory processes. Further, kinematic information was sufficient to trigger this reaction. The difference recorded between the upright and upside down conditions indicates that the contagion effect was dependent on the integration of gravity constraints by body kinematics. Interestingly, the postural response was sensitive to habituation, and seemed to disappear when the observer was previously shown an inverted display. The motor contagion recorded here is consistent with previous work showing vegetative output during observation of an effortful movement and could indicate that lower level control facilitates contagion effects.  相似文献   

It is shown by thermodynamic arguments and by semiquantitative considerations that the contribution of thermal migration to biological transport is likely to be small.  相似文献   

Dark-grown sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) leaves were used toinvestigate a possible role of apoplastic sucrose in the inductionand development of the putative phloem-located sucrose carrierin relation to minor vein loading and export capacity. Unlabeledsucrose was introduced to the leaf apoplast after which veinaccumulation of [14C]sucrose was determined by autoradiogra-phy.Western blotting was used to detect the putative carrier. Anaffinity purified antibody against the sucrose binding proteinof soybean did not cross-react with the protein in a plasmalemma-enrichedfraction from sugarbeet leaves. Challenging the apoplast ofleaf discs with buffer plus sucrose for 6 h (induction) resultedin decreased [14C]sucrose uptake. When induction treatmentswere conducted with detached intact leaves in the dark, sucroseand glucose, but not buffer alone enhanced [14C]sucrose uptake.Detached leaves induced under laboratory light conditions for24 h showed enhanced [14C]sucrose uptake even in the absenceof any sugar introduced to the apoplast (buffer only). The datasuggested that in the etiolated tissue, sucrose was not a directand specific inducer of its putative carrier; instead sugarsmay have provided the energy for vein loading. Furthermore,the data suggested a role for light in the development of theputative sucrose carrier and vein accumulation of sucrose intransitional leaves of sugarbeet. The role of light may alsobe related to tissue energy level. 1Contribution No. D-15192-1-91 from the New Jersey AgriculturalExperiment Station. This work was funded in part by the BeetSugar Development Foundation and Rutgers University ResearchCouncil and was submitted as partial fulfillment for M.S. degreeby Lynne H. Pitcher. (Received February 19, 1991; Accepted May 13, 1991)  相似文献   

Uganda''s forests are globally important for their conservation values but are under pressure from increasing human population and consumption. In this study, we examine how conversion of natural forest affects soil bacterial and fungal communities. Comparisons in paired natural forest and human-converted sites among four locations indicated that natural forest soils consistently had higher pH, organic carbon, nitrogen, and calcium, although variation among sites was large. Despite these differences, no effect on the diversity of dominant taxa for either bacterial or fungal communities was detected, using polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE). Composition of fungal communities did generally appear different in converted sites, but surprisingly, we did not observe a consistent pattern among sites. The spatial distribution of some taxa and community composition was associated with soil pH, organic carbon, phosphorus and sodium, suggesting that changes in soil communities were nuanced and require more robust metagenomic methods to understand the various components of the community. Given the close geographic proximity of the paired sampling sites, the similarity between natural and converted sites might be due to continued dispersal between treatments. Fungal communities showed greater environmental differentiation than bacterial communities, particularly according to soil pH. We detected biotic homogenization in converted ecosystems and substantial contribution of β-diversity to total diversity, indicating considerable geographic structure in soil biota in these forest communities. Overall, our results suggest that soil microbial communities are relatively resilient to forest conversion and despite a substantial and consistent change in the soil environment, the effects of conversion differed widely among sites. The substantial difference in soil chemistry, with generally lower nutrient quantity in converted sites, does bring into question, how long this resilience will last.  相似文献   

The effects of cilium length on the dynamics of cilia motion were investigated by high-speed video microscopy of uniciliated mutants of the swimming alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Cells with short cilia were obtained by deciliating cells via pH shock and allowing cilia to reassemble for limited times. The frequency of cilia beating was estimated from the motion of the cell body and of the cilium. Key features of the ciliary waveform were quantified from polynomial curves fitted to the cilium in each image frame. Most notably, periodic beating did not emerge until the cilium reached a critical length between 2 and 4 μm. Surprisingly, in cells that exhibited periodic beating, the frequency of beating was similar for all lengths with only a slight decrease in frequency as length increased from 4 μm to the normal length of 10–12 μm. The waveform average curvature (rad/μm) was also conserved as the cilium grew. The mechanical metrics of ciliary propulsion (force, torque, and power) all increased in proportion to length. The mechanical efficiency of beating appeared to be maximal at the normal wild-type length of 10–12 μm. These quantitative features of ciliary behavior illuminate the biophysics of cilia motion and, in future studies, may help distinguish competing hypotheses of the underlying mechanism of oscillation.  相似文献   

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