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Living vertebrate diversity comprises hagfishes and lampreys (Cyclostomata), elasmobranchs and holocephalans (Chondrichthyes), and bony fish which include tetrapods (Osteichthyes). Based on dissections and an extensive comparative analysis, we provide an updated overview of the anatomy, homologies and evolution of cyclostome and chondrichthyan cephalic muscles, with osteichthyans as primary comparative taxa. The analysis also infers plesiomorphic conditions for vertebrates and gnathostomes. We follow a uniform myological terminology for the Gnathostomata to demonstrate that the last common ancestor of extant vertebrates probably had a single intermandibularis and other mandibular muscles (labial muscles), some constrictores hyoidei and branchiales, and epibranchial and hypobranchial muscle sheets. The division of the cucullaris into levatores arcuum branchialium and protractor pectoralis is an osteichthyan synapomorphy and reflects an evolutionary trend towards a greater separation between the head and pectoral girdle that culminated in the formation of the tetrapod neck. Hence, this paper addresses a long‐standing, central issue regarding vertebrate comparative anatomy. It thus provides a valuable basis for future evolutionary, developmental and functional studies of vertebrates and/or of specific vertebrate subgroups/model organisms. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Forelimb posture has been a controversial aspect of reconstructing locomotor behaviour in extinct quadrupedal tetrapods. This is partly owing to the qualitative and subjective nature of typical methods, which focus on bony articulations that are often ambiguous and unvalidated postural indicators. Here we outline a new, quantitatively based forelimb posture index that is applicable to a majority of extant tetrapods. By determining the degree of elbow joint adduction/abduction mobility in several tetrapods, the carpal flexor muscles were determined to also play a role as elbow adductors. Such adduction may play a major role during the stance phase in sprawling postures. This role is different from those of upright/sagittal and sloth-like creeping postures, which, respectively, depend more on elbow extensors and flexors. Our measurements of elbow muscle moment arms in 318 extant tetrapod skeletons (Lissamphibia, Synapsida and Reptilia: 33 major clades and 263 genera) revealed that sprawling, sagittal and creeping tetrapods, respectively, emphasize elbow adductor, extensor and flexor muscles. Furthermore, scansorial and non-scansorial taxa, respectively, emphasize flexors and extensors. Thus, forelimb postures of extinct tetrapods can be qualitatively classified based on our quantitative index. Using this method, we find that Triceratops (Ceratopsidae), Anhanguera (Pterosauria) and desmostylian mammals are categorized as upright/sagittally locomoting taxa.  相似文献   

The colugos, or flying lemurs (Dermoptera), are arboreal gliding mammals that are commonly grouped with tree‐shrews (Scandentia) and Primates in the superorder Euarchonta. However, little is known about the head and neck muscles of these gliding mammals. This raises difficulties for the discussion of not only the functional morphology and evolution of colugos, but also the origin, evolution, functional morphology, and phylogenetic relationships of the Euarchonta as a whole, and thus also of our own clade, the Primates. In this work, I describe the head and neck muscles of the colugo Cynocephalus volans, and compare these muscles with those of other mammals, either dissected by me or described in the literature. My observations and comparisons indicate that, with respect to the number of muscles, the plesiomorphic condition for euarchontans as well as for primates is more similar to that found in extant tree‐shrews than in extant colugos. This is because various muscles that were probably plesiomorphically present in the euarchontan and primate clades, as, e.g., the stylohyoideus, mandibulo‐auricularis, cleido‐occipitalis, omohyoideus, and sternohyoideus, are not present as independent elements in extant colugos. These observations and comparisons also indicate that various laryngeal and facial muscles that are present in modern humans were absent in the last common ancestor of extant primates. J. Morphol., 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships between the different groups of Paleozoic gnathostomes are still debated, mainly because of incomplete datasets on Paleozoic jawed vertebrate fossils and ontogeny of some modern taxa. This issue is illustrated by the condition of the glossopharyngeal nerve relative to the parachordal plate, the otic capsules and the metotic fissure in gnathostomes. Two main conditions are observed in elasmobranchs (shark and rays) and osteichthyans (bony fishes and tetrapods). The condition in the other chondrichthyan taxon, the holocephalans, is still poorly known, and without any information on this taxon, it remains difficult to polarize the condition in gnathostomes. Based on the anatomical study of an embryo of the holocephalan Callorhinchus milii by means of propagation X-Ray Synchrotron phase contrast microtomography using both holotomography and single distance phase retrieval process, we show that, contrary to what was previously inferred for holocephalans (i.e. an osteichthyan-like condition), the arrangement of the glossopharyngeal nerve relative to the surrounding structure in holocephalans is more similar to that of elasmobranchs. Furthermore, the holocephalan condition represents a combination of plesiomorphic characters for gnathostomes (e.g., the glossopharyngeal nerve leaves the braincase via the metotic fissure) and homoplastic characters. By contrast, the crown osteichthyans are probably derived in having the glossopharyngeal nerve that enters the saccular chamber and in having the glossopharyngeal foramen separated from the metotic fissure.  相似文献   

The question of how tetrapod limbs evolved from fins is one of the great puzzles of evolutionary biology. While palaeontologists, developmental biologists, and geneticists have made great strides in explaining the origin and early evolution of limb skeletal structures, that of the muscles remains largely unknown. The main reason is the lack of consensus about appendicular muscle homology between the closest living relatives of early tetrapods: lobe‐finned fish and crown tetrapods. In the light of a recent study of these homologies, we re‐examined osteological correlates of muscle attachment in the pectoral girdle, humerus, radius, and ulna of early tetrapods and their close relatives. Twenty‐nine extinct and six extant sarcopterygians were included in a meta‐analysis using information from the literature and from original specimens, when possible. We analysed these osteological correlates using parsimony‐based character optimization in order to reconstruct muscle anatomy in ancestral lobe‐finned fish, tetrapodomorph fish, stem tetrapods, and crown tetrapods. Our synthesis revealed that many tetrapod shoulder muscles probably were already present in tetrapodomorph fish, while most of the more‐distal appendicular muscles either arose later from largely undifferentiated dorsal and ventral muscle masses or did not leave clear correlates of attachment in these taxa. Based on this review and meta‐analysis, we postulate a stepwise sequence of specific appendicular muscle acquisitions, splits, and fusions that led from the ancestral sarcopterygian pectoral fin to the ancestral tetrapod forelimb. This sequence largely agrees with previous hypotheses based on palaeontological and comparative work, but it is much more comprehensive in terms of both muscles and taxa. Combined with existing information about the skeletal system, our new synthesis helps to illuminate the genetic, developmental, morphological, functional, and ecological changes that were key components of the fins‐to‐limbs transition.  相似文献   

Many forelimb muscles (e.g. coracobrachialis, rhomboids, serratus sheet) are much less complex and much smaller in humans than in other primates. Yet human muscular variations and persistent fascial sheets indicate that increased size and complexity were once the norm. These muscular reductions are associated with equivalent skeletal gracilisation. Is it possible that molecular phenomena, not unlike those producing reduction of the jaw muscles and associated with gracilisation of the skull in species with reduced need for powerful mastication, may also have reduced forelimb muscles with gracilisation of its skeleton in species no longer using a forelimb for powerful locomotion? Could such molecular and skeletal changes be dated (as for the masticatory muscles) thus giving the time of origination of prehuman forelimb reduction and true bipedalism?  相似文献   

Young GC 《Biology letters》2008,4(1):110-114
Exceptional braincase preservation in some Devonian placoderm fishes permits interpretation of muscles and cranial nerves controlling eye movement. Placoderms are the only jawed vertebrates with anterior/posterior obliques as in the jawless lamprey, but with the same function as the superior/inferior obliques of other gnathostomes. Evidence of up to seven extraocular muscles suggests that this may be the primitive number for jawed vertebrates. Two muscles innervated by cranial nerve 6 suggest homologies with lampreys and tetrapods. If the extra muscle acquired by gnathostomes was the internal rectus, Devonian fossils show that it had a similar insertion above and behind the eyestalk in both placoderms and basal osteichthyans.  相似文献   

Whether or not the vertebrate head is fundamentally segmented has been controversial for over 150 years. Beginning in the late 19th century, segmentalist theories proposed that the vertebrate head evolved from an amphioxus-like ancestor in which mesodermal somites extended the full length of the body with remnants of segmentation persisting as the mesodermal head cavities of sharks and lampreys. Antisegmentalists generally argued either that the vertebrate ancestors never had any mesodermal segmentation anteriorly or that they lost it before the origin of the vertebrates; in either case, the earliest vertebrates had an unsegmented head and the embryonic cranial mesoderm of vertebrates is at best pseudo-segmented, evolving independently of any pre-vertebrate segmental pattern. Recent morphologic studies have generally confirmed the accuracy of the major classical studies of head development in lampreys and sharks, yet disagree with their theoretical conclusions regarding the evolution of head segmentation. Studies of developmental genes in amphioxus and vertebrates, which have demonstrated conservation of the mechanisms of anterior-posterior patterning in the two groups, have shed new light on this controversy. Most pertinently, some homologs of genes expressed in the anterior amphioxus somites, which form as outpocketings of the gut, are also expressed in the walls of the head cavities of lampreys, which form similarly, and in their major derivatives (the velar muscles) as well as in the eye and jaw muscles of bony gnathostomes, which derive from unsegmented head mesoderm. These muscles share gene expression with the corresponding muscles of the shark, which derive from the walls of head cavities that form, not as outpocketings of the gut, but as secondary cavities within solid blocks of tissue. While molecular data that can be compared across all the relevant taxa remain limited, they are consistent with an evolutionary scenario in which the cranial paraxial mesoderm of the lamprey and shark evolved from the anterior somites of an amphioxus-like ancestor. Although, bony vertebrates have lost the mesodermal head segments present in the shark and lamprey, their remnants persist in the muscles of the eye and jaw.  相似文献   

The axial musculoskeletal system represents the plesiomorphic locomotor engine of the vertebrate body, playing a central role in locomotion. In craniates, the evolution of the postcranial skeleton is characterized by two major transformations. First, the axial skeleton became increasingly functionally and morphologically regionalized. Second, the axial-based locomotion plesiomorphic for craniates became progressively appendage-based with the evolution of extremities in tetrapods. These changes, together with the transition to land, caused increased complexity in the planes in which axial movements occur and moments act on the body and were accompanied by profound changes in axial muscle function. To increase our understanding of the evolutionary transformations of the structure and function of the perivertebral musculature, this review integrates recent anatomical and physiological data (e.g., muscle fiber types, activation patterns) with gross-anatomical and kinematic findings for pivotal craniate taxa. This information is mapped onto a phylogenetic hypothesis to infer the putative character set of the last common ancestor of the respective taxa and to conjecture patterns of locomotor and muscular evolution. The increasing anatomical and functional complexity in the muscular arrangement during craniate evolution is associated with changes in fiber angulation and fiber-type distribution, i.e., increasing obliqueness in fiber orientation and segregation of fatigue-resistant fibers in deeper muscle regions. The loss of superficial fatigue-resistant fibers may be related to the profound gross anatomical reorganization of the axial musculature during the tetrapod evolution. The plesiomorphic function of the axial musculature -mobilization- is retained in all craniates. Along with the evolution of limbs and the subsequent transition to land, axial muscles additionally function to globally stabilize the trunk against inertial and extrinsic limb muscle forces as well as gravitational forces. Associated with the evolution of sagittal mobility and a parasagittal limb posture, axial muscles in mammals also stabilize the trunk against sagittal components of extrinsic limb muscle action as well as the inertia of the body's center of mass. Thus, the axial system is central to the static and dynamic control of the body posture in all craniates and, in gnathostomes, additionally provides the foundation for the mechanical work of the appendicular system.  相似文献   

Devonian stem tetrapods are thought to have used ‘crutching’ on land, a belly-dragging form of synchronous forelimb action-powered locomotion. During the Early Carboniferous, early tetrapods underwent rapid radiation, and the terrestrial locomotion of crown-group node tetrapods is believed to have been hindlimb-powered and ‘raised’, involving symmetrical gaits similar to those used by modern salamanders. The fossil record over this period of evolutionary transition is remarkably poor (Romer’s Gap), but we hypothesize a phase of belly-dragging sprawling locomotion combined with symmetrical gaits. Since belly-dragging sprawling locomotion has differing functional demands from ‘raised’ sprawling locomotion, we studied the limb mechanics of the extant belly-dragging blue-tongued skink. We used X-ray reconstruction of moving morphology to quantify the three-dimensional kinematic components, and simultaneously recorded single limb substrate reaction forces (SRF) in order to calculate SRF moment arms and the external moments acting on the proximal limb joints. In the hindlimbs, stylopodal long-axis rotation is more emphasized than in the forelimbs, and much greater vertical and propulsive forces are exerted. The SRF moment arm acting on the shoulder is at a local minimum at the instant of peak force. The hindlimbs display patterns that more closely resemble ‘raised’ sprawling species. External moment at the shoulder of the skink is smaller than in ‘raised’ sprawlers. We propose an evolutionary scenario in which the locomotor mechanics of belly-dragging early tetrapods were gradually modified towards hindlimb-powered, raised terrestrial locomotion with symmetrical gait. In accordance with the view that limb evolution was an exaptation for terrestrial locomotion, the kinematic pattern of the limbs for the generation of propulsion preceded, in our scenario, the evolution of permanent body weight support.  相似文献   

Most textbooks and research reports state that the structures of the tetrapod forelimbs and hindlimbs are serial homologues. From this view, the main challenge of evolutionary biologists is not to explain the similarity between tetrapod limbs, but instead to explain why and how they have diverged. However, these statements seem to be related to a confusion between the serial homology of the vertebrate pelvic and pectoral appendages as a whole, and the serial homology of the specific soft‐ and hard‐tissue structures of the tetrapod forelimbs and hindlimbs, leading to an even more crucial and puzzling question being overlooked: why are the skeletal and particularly the muscle structures of the forelimb and hindlimb actually so strikingly similar to each other? Herein we provide an updated discussion of these questions and test two main hypotheses: (i) that the similarity of the limb muscles is due to serial homology; and (ii) that tetrapods that use hindlimbs for a largely exclusive function (e.g. bipedalism in humans) exhibit fewer cases of similarity between forelimbs and hindlimbs than do quadrupedal species. Our review shows that of the 23 arm, forearm and hand muscles/muscle groups of salamanders, 18 (78%) have clear ‘topological equivalents' in the hindlimb; in lizards, 14/24 (58%); in rats, 14/35 (40%); and in modern humans, 19/37 (51%). These numbers seem to support the idea that there is a plesiomorphic similarity and subsequent evolutionary divergence, but this tendency actually only applies to the three former quadrupedal taxa. Moreover, if one takes into account the total number of ‘correspondences’, one comes to a surprising and puzzling conclusion: in modern humans the number of forelimb muscles/muscle groups with clear ‘equivalents’ in the hindlimb (19) is substantially higher than in quadrupedal mammals such as rats (14), lizards (14) and even salamanders (18). These data contradict the hypothesis that divergent functions lead to divergent morphological structures. Furthermore, as we show that at least five of the 19 modern human adult forelimb elements that have a clear hindlimb ‘equivalent’ derive from embryonic anlages that are very different from the ones giving rise to their adult hindlimb ‘equivalents’, they also contradict the hypothesis that the similarity in muscle structures between the forelimb and hindlimb of tetrapods such as modern humans are due to their origin as serial homologues. This similarity is instead the result of phylogenetically independent evolutionary changes leading to a parallelism/convergence due to: (i) developmental constraints, i.e. similar molecular mechanisms are involved (particularly in the formation of the neomorphic hand), but this does not necessarily mean that similar anlages are used to form the similar adult structures; (ii) functional constraints, related to similar adaptations; (iii) topological constraints, i.e. limited physical possibilities; and even (iv) phylogenetic constraints, which tend to prevent/decrease the occurrence of new homoplasic similarities, but also help to keep older, ancestral homoplasic resemblances.  相似文献   

The ontogeny and comparative anatomy of the forelimb superficial veins were investigated in humans, non-human primates and other mammals. Adult humans and the orangutan (Pongo) possess two autonomous forelimb veins, one on the lateral (preaxial) margin of the limb, the other on the medial (postaxial) margin. All other adult primates and mammals examined possess a lateral vein alone. In African apes (Pan and Gorilla) and in 24% of human forelimbs the lateral vein is short, being essentially confined to the antebrachial region, whereas in other mammals and in 76% of human limbs the lateral vein runs from the carpus to the clavicular region. In humans the medial vein develops before the lateral vein, whereas in the rabbit and the pig the medial vein is present in early embryos but is subsequently lost. We propose that in humans, and probably also in the orangutan, the possession of a medial vein is a neotenic retention of a primitive tetrapod condition. These animals, which retain their medial vein, are united by losing a late stage in their ontogeny. Other animals subsequently pass through a stage in which the medial vein is lost, but Pongo and Homo retain this vein to adulthood. The loss of an ontogenetic stage can arise independently, and the presence of a medial vein therefore affords only weak evidence for a close phylogenetic relationship between humans and the orangutan. The polymorphic lateral vein of humans may be a character state that is intermediate between the derived (short) lateral vein of the African apes and the primitive long lateral vein of other non-human primates and mammals.  相似文献   

Marine tetrapod clades (e.g. seals, whales) independently adapted to marine life through the Mesozoic and Caenozoic, and provide iconic examples of convergent evolution. Apparent morphological convergence is often explained as the result of adaptation to similar ecological niches. However, quantitative tests of this hypothesis are uncommon. We use dietary data to classify the feeding ecology of extant marine tetrapods and identify patterns in skull and tooth morphology that discriminate trophic groups across clades. Mapping these patterns onto phylogeny reveals coordinated evolutionary shifts in diet and morphology in different marine tetrapod lineages. Similarities in morphology between species with similar diets—even across large phylogenetic distances—are consistent with previous hypotheses that shared functional constraints drive convergent evolution in marine tetrapods.  相似文献   

For hundreds of millions of years, large vertebrates (megafauna) have inhabited most of the ecosystems on our planet. During the late Quaternary, notably during the Late Pleistocene and the early Holocene, Earth experienced a rapid extinction of large, terrestrial vertebrates. While much attention has been paid to understanding the causes of this massive megafauna extinction, less attention has been given to understanding the impacts of loss of megafauna on other organisms with whom they interacted. In this review, we discuss how the loss of megafauna disrupted and reshaped ecological interactions, and explore the ecological consequences of the ongoing decline of large vertebrates. Numerous late Quaternary extinct species of predators, parasites, commensals and mutualistic partners were associated with megafauna and were probably lost due to their strict dependence upon them (co‐extinctions). Moreover, many extant species have megafauna‐adapted traits that provided evolutionary benefits under past megafauna‐rich conditions, but are now of no or limited use (anachronisms). Morphological evolution and behavioural changes allowed some of these species partially to overcome the absence of megafauna. Although the extinction of megafauna led to a number of co‐extinction events, several species that likely co‐evolved with megafauna established new interactions with humans and their domestic animals. Species that were highly specialized in interactions with megafauna, such as large predators, specialized parasites, and large commensalists (e.g. scavengers, dung beetles), and could not adapt to new hosts or prey were more likely to die out. Partners that were less megafauna dependent persisted because of behavioural plasticity or by shifting their dependency to humans via domestication, facilitation or pathogen spill‐over, or through interactions with domestic megafauna. We argue that the ongoing extinction of the extant megafauna in the Anthropocene will catalyse another wave of co‐extinctions due to the enormous diversity of key ecological interactions and functional roles provided by the megafauna.  相似文献   

Traditionally, two types of rib are distinguished in gnathostomes: dorsal (upper) and ventral (lower, pleural) ribs. They are defined according to their position in the connective tissue system of the body: dorsal ribs develop at the intersection of the serially arranged myosepta with the horizontal septum that separates epaxial from hypaxial musculature, whereas ventral ribs develop at the intersection of myosepta with the peritoneum and usually encircle the body cavity. Distribution of rib types among gnathostomes has traditionally been reported as follows: elasmobranchs have dorsal ribs; all Actinopterygii have only ventral ribs with the exception of polypterids, and two subgroups of teleosts, which supposedly also have dorsal ribs; within Sarcopterygii tetrapods have dorsal ribs, whereas dipnoans have ventral ribs. Here, we report the development of ribs in polypterids, a taxon playing a crucial role in discussions on rib homology. We demonstrate that putative dorsal ribs of polypterids have a unique ontogeny and represent an autapomorphy of this taxon. We discuss previous hypotheses of rib homology and offer a more plausible (i.e. more parsimonious) alternative to the conventional interpretation. We conclude that dorsal ribs do not exist and that ribs of gnathostomes are ventral ribs.  相似文献   

The frogs Ascaphus truei and Leiopelma hochstetteri are members of the most basal lineages of extant anurans. Their cranial muscles have not been previously described in full and are investigated here by dissection. Comparison of these taxa is used to review a controversy regarding the homologies of the jaw adductor muscles in Lissamphibia, to place these homologies in a wider gnathostome context, and to define features that may be useful for cladistic analysis of Anura. A new muscle is defined in Ascaphus and is designated m. levator anguli oris. The differences noted between Ascaphus and Leiopelma are in the penetration of the jaw adductor muscles by the mandibular nerve (V3). In the traditional view of this anatomy, the paths of the trigeminal nerve branches define homologous muscles. This scheme results in major differences among frogs, salamanders, and caecilians. The alternative view is that the topology of origins, insertions, and fiber directions are defining features, and the nerves penetrate the muscle mass in a variable way. The results given here support the latter view. A new model is proposed for Lissamphibia, whereby the adductor posterior (levator articularis) is a separate entity, and the rest of the adductor mass is configured around it as a folded sheet. This hypothesis is examined in other gnathostomes, including coelacanth and lungfish, and a possible sequence for the evolution of the jaw muscles is demonstrated. In this system, the main jaw adductor in teleost fish is not considered homologous with that of tetrapods. This hypothesis is consistent with available data on the domain of expression of the homeobox gene engrailed 2, which has previously not been considered indicative of homology. Terminology is discussed, and “adductor mandibulae” is preferred to “levator mandibulae” to align with usage in other gnathostomes. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Conodont anatomy, chordate phylogeny and vertebrate classification   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Interpretations of conodont anatomy and affinity continue to generate controversy. Fossilized soft-tissue evidence indicates that conodonts possessed eyes, extrinsic eye muscles, a notochord, myomeres, a differentiated tail with fin radiais, possible otic capsules and possible branchial structures. Indirect evidence suggests a differentiated brain and cartilaginous head skeleton. The multi-component phosphatic tissue complexes of the conodont feeding apparatus cannot be compared to the amorphous apatite of extant agnathan otoliths. By limiting cladistic analysis to a restricted selection of these characters the hypothesis that conodonts are a sister group of the clade comprising extant hagfish, lampreys and gnathostomes can be supported. However, exhaustive analysis of a more complete character-set strongly supports the hypothesis that conodonts are more derived than hagfish. From a taxonomic perspective, these two hypotheses have no effect on how conodonts should be classified. Whether they are a stem group (the former hypothesis) or part of the crown group (the latter), conodonts are clearly part of the total group Vertebrata (=Craniata).  相似文献   

Although investigations of forelimb characteristics are central to therian evolutionary studies, the functional origins of forearm pronation are neglected. However, recent research based on bipedal manipulations strongly suggests that proximal radioulnar joint mobility is highly conserved in tetrapods. This new information calls for a replication of previously published physical simulations of forearm bone movements, to investigate whether active therian pronation/supination evolved from the plesiomorphic mechanism via which locomotor-induced torsion is passively alleviated during forelimb retraction. Preliminary results using representative extant and extinct tetrapod forelimb elements are supportive, and also offer insight into why another overlooked forearm trait, osteological full pronation (mechanically aligned elbow and wrist/finger joints), evolved only in therians and chameleons. During forelimb retraction in tetrapods with unfused radii/ulnae, the radius unexpectedly remains fixed in place as a functional complex with the firmly planted manus/carpus, which the ulnar complex (ulna/humerus) displaces relative to. Therefore, the highly conserved functional morphology of the tetrapod forearm indicates that enhanced therian manual dexterity, which emphasizes isolated radial movements bipedally, was preceded by the locomotor evolution of ulnar supination relative to the radius quadrupedally. This counterintuitive information indicates that the traditional hypothesis, that therian pronation/supination evolved arboreally to amplify radial mobility, requires modification. The authors propose that proximal long-axis rotations of the therian ulnar complex co-evolved with osteological full pronation during a period of arboreal, chameleon-like locomotion, to continue allowing torsion at a reinforced proximal radioulnar joint. These adaptations were later or simultaneously co-opted for object manipulation using active radioulnar pronation/supination.  相似文献   

The anatomy of Latimeria chalumnae has figured prominently in discussions about tetrapod origins. While the gross anatomy of Latimeria is well documented, relatively little is known about its otic anatomy and ontogeny. To examine the inner ear and the otoccipital part of the cranium, a serial-sectioned juvenile coelacanth was studied in detail and a three-dimensional reconstruction was made. The ear of Latimeria shows a derived condition compared to other basal sarcopterygians in having a connection between left and right labyrinths. This canalis communicans is perilymphatic in nature and originates at the transition point of the saccule and the lagena deep in the inner ear, where a peculiar sense end organ can be found. In most gnathostomes the inner ears are clearly separated from each other. A connection occurs in some fishes, e.g. within the Ostariophysi. In the sarcopterygian lineage no connections between the inner ears are known except in the Actinistia. Some fossil actinistians show a posteriorly directed duct lying between the foramen magnum and the notochordal canal, similar to the condition in the ear of Latimeria, so this derived character complex probably developed early in actinistian history. Because some features of the inner ear of Latimeria have been described as having tetrapod affinities, the problem of hearing and the anatomy of the otical complex in the living coelacanth has been closely connected to the question of early tetrapod evolution. It was assumed in the past that the structure found in Latimeria could exemplify a transitional stage in otic evolution between the fishlike sarcopterygians and the first tetrapods in a functional or even phylogenetic way. Here the possibility is considered that the canalis communicans does not possess any auditory function but rather is involved in sensing pressure changes during movements involving the intracranial joint. Earlier hypotheses of a putative tympanic ear are refuted.  相似文献   

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