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MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and 13C NMR spectroscopy were applied to unveil typical characteristics of condensed tannins of leaves and needles from willow (Salix alba), spruce (Picea abies) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) of three tree species that are ubiquitous in German forests and landscapes. For further evaluation, lime (Tilia cordata) was included. The 13C NMR spectroscopy confirmed the purity of the condensed tannin fractions and the efficiency of the procedure used for their extraction. While signals representative for procyanidin units are observable in all liquid-state 13C NMR spectra, resonance lines of prodelphinidin were only detected in those obtained from the condensed tannins of spruce needles and beech leaves. Typical signals in the chemical shift region between 70 and 90 ppm demonstrated the presence of stereoisomers (catechin/epicatechin; gallocatechin/ epigallocatechin). The MALDI-TOF mass spectra of the condensed tannins show signals of polymers of up to undecamers. Supporting the observations from the NMR spectroscopy, the mass spectra of the willow and lime leaf condensed tannins were identified as polymers with mainly procyanidin units, while the polymers of the spruce needle and beech leaves exhibit varying procyanidin/prodelphinidin ratios. Post source decay (PSD) fragmentation lead to a sequential loss of monomers and allowed a detailed characterization and sequencing of individual chains. In the case of the condensed tannins of lime this technique clearly excludes a pelargonidin terminal unit followed by a prodelphinidin unit, which would result in the same molecular masses as a polymer solely built up of procyanidin units.  相似文献   

Condensed tannins (CT) can play a role in rumen protein and fiber degradability, especially in legumes high in CT. In order to better understand their potential role in ruminant nutrition, three legume species native to Texas, Acacia angustissima var. hirta (prairie acacia) (288.0 g/kg neutral detergent fiber (NDFom), 40.9 g/kg N), Desmodium paniculatum (panicled tick-clover) (479.7 g/kg NDFom, 24.8 g/kg N), and Lespedeza procumbens (trailing bush-clover) (401.0 g/kg NDFom, 21.7 g/kg N) were studied to determine in sacco disappearance rates of key nutritional components compared to that of Medicago sativa (alfalfa) (226.8 g/kg NDFom, 34.6 g/kg N). Herbage was incubated in rumen-cannulated goats fed a basal diet of Sorghum bicolor×S. sudanense (sorghum-Sudan) hay, with disappearance measured at 0, 4, 8, 16, 28, 48 and 96 h. Among the native legumes, the highest CT concentrations were measured in prairie acacia (263 g CT/kg DM foliage) and the lowest (120 g CT/kg DM) in trailing bush-clover. The lowest concentrations of acid detergent fiber (ADFom), NDFom, and sulfuric acid lignin (lignin(sa)) were measured in prairie acacia, the first two fractions being comparable to alfalfa. Proportion remaining was calculated for CT, ADFom, lignin(sa), NDFom, and N for 0, 24 and 48 h of rumen incubation. Disappearance parameters were measured for ADFom, lignin(sa), NDFom and N for the three native legumes and compared to alfalfa. Alfalfa had the highest disappearance of all degradable fractions except lignin(sa). Potential disappearance (PD) fraction for ADFom, lignin(sa) and N were lower for the native legumes versus alfalfa. No differences in N proportion remaining at 24 and 48 h occurred in the native legumes despite differences in protein-bound CT proportion remaining at those same times. Of the native legumes studied, prairie acacia shows the greatest potential for contributing rumen-escape protein, suggesting it may be a candidate for further development as a pasture and rangeland renovation legume.  相似文献   

Liu M L  Cao B  Zhou S H  Liu Y B 《农业工程》2012,32(3):150-155
Caryopteris mongolica is a dwarf shrub mainly found in grassland and desert areas of north-west China, and which can survive severe environmental stress. This study aimed to assess the responses of the flavonoid pathway to UV-B radiation treatments and its correlation to the lipid peroxide and antioxidant systems in C. mongolica. In UV-B radiation experiments, plants were exposed to UV-B radiation treatments with a intensity of 30 J/s for 1, 4 and 24 h, respectively. A control group without UV-B radiation treatment was also used. The chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, contents of chlorophyll and carotenoid, levels of lipid peroxidation, activities of antioxidant system enzymes, accumulations of total flavonoids and anthocyanins, and activities of phenylalanine ammonialyase (PAL) and chalcone isomerase (CHI) under different UV-B radiation treatments were investigated. The correlations between products and key enzymes in the flavonoid pathway and the lipid peroxide and antioxidant systems were also analyzed. The results showed that chlorophyll fluorescence parameters decreased within 24 h of treatment. The chlorophyll contents decreased within 4 h and remained stable after 24 h. Carotenoid content significantly increased. The level of MDA, the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and peroxidase (POD) and the contents of total flavonoids and anthocyanidins increased, while catalase (CAT) activity decreased under UV-B stress. The activities of PAL and CHI also increased with the increased content of total flavonoids. The flavonoid products anthocyanidins had a significant positive correlation with MDA level, as well as the activities of antioxidant enzyme SOD. In conclusion, UV-B radiation induced the degradation of photosynthetic pigments and decreased photochemical efficiency of Photosystem II; increased the contents of MDA, total flavonoids and anthocyanidins; and also enhanced activities of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, APX and POD) and key enzymes (PAL and CHI) in the flavonoid pathway in C. mongolica. Thus, we speculate that the flavonoid pathway were involved in the regulation of stress resistance in C. mongolica.  相似文献   

Several Vibrio species are known to be pathogenic to the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Survival varies according to pathogen exposure and high mortality events usually occur in summer during gametogenesis. In order to study the effects of gametogenetic status and ploidy (a factor known to affect reproduction allocation in oysters) on vibriosis survival, we conducted two successive experiments. Our results demonstrate that a common bath challenge with pathogenic Vibriosplendidus and Vibrio aestuarianus on a mixture of mature, spawning and non-mature oysters can lead to significant mortality. Previous bath challenges, which were done using only non-mature oysters, had not produced mortality. Immunohistochemical analyses showed the affinity of Vibrio for gonadic tissues, highlighting the importance of sexual maturity for vibriosis infection processes in oysters. Mortality rate results showed poor repeatability between tanks, however, in this bath challenge. We then tested a standardized and repeatable injection protocol using two different doses of the same combination of two Vibrio species on related diploid and triploid oysters at four different times over a year. Statistical analyses of mortality kinetics over a 6-day period after injection revealed that active gametogenesis periods correspond to higher susceptibility to vibriosis and that there is a significant interaction of this seasonal effect with ploidy. However, no significant advantage of triploidy was observed. Triploid oysters even showed lower survival than diploid counterparts in winter. Results are discussed in relation to differing energy allocation patterns between diploid and triploid Pacific oysters.  相似文献   

The egg production of the copepod Acartia bifilosa was measured and related to environmental variables and food availability in two estuaries located in the same biogeographic region (Bay of Biscay) but showing very strong differences in abiotic and biotic features: the Gironde estuary (France) and the estuary of Mundaka (Spain). The study was conducted during the spring-summer-autumn period of 1994. Food availability was evaluated by analysing the chlorophyll a (Chl a), the particulate organic carbon (POC) and the easily extractable macromolecular compounds such as proteins, carbohydrates and lipids of the seston. The egg production of copepods was estimated from field incubations with natural water, and phytoplankton feeding of adult females was estimated by means of the gut fluorescence method. The nutritional environment of the Gironde was characterised by high amounts of suspended particulate matter (SPM) with low food value, emphasising the mainly detrital origin of the organic matter (OM). In Mundaka, the higher contribution of phytoplankton to the seston led to marked increases in particulate food value accounting for up to 35% of organic matter. The weight-specific egg production was found to be sharply higher in Mundaka (ranging from 0.2 to 0.63×10−3 day−1) than in the Gironde (ranging from 0 to 0.13×10−3 day−1), but the seasonal trend of variations was similar, the highest weight-specific egg production rates occurring in early summer and the lowest in autumn in both estuaries. Egg production was not correlated linearly with temperature since maximal egg production occurred at intermediate temperatures. In Mundaka, the egg production showed a significant positive correlation with the chlorophyll and the Chl/SPM and the POC/SPM ratios. This coupled with higher values of algal food availability (Chl a/SPM: 10 to 1870 μg g−1) and gut fluorescence (between 0.12 and 0.38 ng Chl a Eq ind−1) indicate that a herbivorous diet could cover the energy requirements of A. bifilosa and support egg production. In the Gironde, the algal food availability and the gut fluorescence were lower (Chl a/SPM: 10 to 80 μg g−1; GF: 0.09 and 0.25 ng Chl a Eq ind−1), and the egg production showed significant positive correlation with the particulate food value, suggesting that other sources of carbon rather than phytoplankton were responsible for the observed changes in egg production. Results indicate that the particular seston properties of each system may be responsible for the noticeable differences in A. bifilosa fertility among estuaries.  相似文献   

Trail following behaviour and pedal mucus production were investigated in the mid-shore topshell, Monodonta labio (Linnaeus) in Hong Kong. On the shore, individuals exhibited both conspecific and self trail following while awash on ebb and flood tides, although fidelity to resting sites during emersion on successive days was low. In the laboratory, animals that encountered trails that had been aged on the shore for different periods showed similar patterns of movement (distance moved, speed and tortuosity) suggesting that degradation of cues in the mucus that animals responded to did not occur until > 3 days post-deposition. Animals moved faster, with a lower rate of radular rasping, on freshly laid mucus trails than on a biofilm-covered substratum and did not change their speed when moving over aged (biofilm-covered) mucus compared to fresh mucus. Mucus production rates were similar when animals were crawling on vertical or horizontal surfaces, but significantly more mucus was produced when animals were emersed than when submerged. Mucus trail profiles were of variable thickness, but ‘double’ mucus trails (marker + tracker trails) did not contain significantly more mucus than ‘single’ trails (marker mucus only) and were considerably thinner than single trails suggesting tracker snails utilized mucus laid by marker snails, reducing their own deposition of mucus. Thus, while M. labio do not appear to utilize trails for orientation or refuge location, snails that follow trails have the potential to save energy through reducing mucus production or to gain energy through mucus ingestion. Given the role of pedal mucus production in the overall energy balance of gastropods, such energetic benefits are considerable and may have implications for the life history of the snail.  相似文献   

The physiological response of leaves developed in low light (L) on Fagus crenata seedlings exposed to different levels of high light (H: high light, M: medium light) was studied. Measurements were conducted on potted seedlings in the F. crenata forest understory. The seedlings with leaves developed in L were transferred to H (L–H) and M (L–M) in summer. On exposure to high light, the photochemical efficiency of dark-adapted PSII (Fv/Fm) immediately decreased and was followed by a subsequent recovery in both L–H and L–M leaves. The mean value of Fv/Fm in L–H leaves was lower than that in L–M leaves through experiments, indicating that the degree of photoinhibition in L–H leaves was greater than that in L–M leaves. About 1 month after transfer, 37% and 5% of leaves had fallen in L–H and L–M seedlings, respectively. This result also indicated the greater photoinhibition in L–H leaves. Moreover, the photosynthetic capacity (PNmax) of L–H leaves decreased. In contrast, the PNmax of L–M leaves increased, although the PNmax was lower than that of M control leaves. An increase in the xanthophyll cycle pool (VAZ), indicating an increase of the photoprotective function, was found in both L–H and L–M leaves. Especially, the VAZ pool in L–M leaves was higher than that in M leaves by the end of experiments. L–M leaves may avoid photoinhibition effectively by the decrease in excess light with the increase of the PNmax or VAZ pool, compared to L–H leaves. Thus, the physiological acclimation on exposure to high light depended on the degree of high light. To achieve successful photosynthetic acclimation with slight photoinhibition, the variation of light intensity before and after exposure to high light would be an important factor because of the difference in excess light.  相似文献   

The RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) region of Solenopsis invicta virus 1 (SINV-1) was sequenced from 47 infected colonies of S. invicta, S. richteri, S. geminata, and S. invicta/richteri hybrids collected from across the USA, northern Argentina, and northern Taiwan in an attempt to infer demographic information about the recent S. invicta introduction into Taiwan by phylogenetic analysis. Nucleotide sequences were calculated to exhibit an overall identity of >90% between geographically-separated samples. A total of 171 nucleotide variable sites (representing 22.4% of the region amplified) were mapped across the SINV-1 RdRp alignment and no insertions or deletions were detected. Phylogenetic analysis at the nucleotide level revealed clustering of Argentinean sequences, distinct from the USA sequences. Moreover, the SINV-1 RdRp sequences derived from recently introduced populations of S. invicta from northern Taiwan resided within the multiple USA groupings implicating the USA as the source for the recent introduction of S. invicta into Taiwan. Examination of the amino acid alignment for the RdRp revealed sequence identity >98% with only nine amino acid changes observed. Seven of these changes occurred in less than 4.3% of samples, while 2 (at positions 1266 and 1285) were featured prominently. Changes at positions 1266 and 1285 accounted for 36.2% and 34.0% of the samples, respectively. Two distinct groups were observed based on the amino acid residue at position 1266, Threonine or Serine. In cases where this amino acid was a Threonine, 90% of these sequences possessed a corresponding Valine at position 1285; only 10% of the Threonine1266-containing sequences possessed an Isoleucine at the 1285 position. Among the Serine1266 group, 76% possessed an Isoleucine at position 1285, while only 24% possessed a Valine. Thus, it appears that the Threonine1266/Valine1285 and Serine1266/Isoleucine1285 combinations are predominant phenotypes.  相似文献   

The identification of the conventionally accepted species of Clavulina (Cantharellales, Basidiomycota) in Europe (Clavulina amethystina, Clavulina cinerea, Clavulina cristata, and Clavulina rugosa) is often difficult and many specimens are not straightforwardly assignable to any of those four species, which is why some authors have questioned their identity. In order to assess the status of those species, a morphological examination was combined with the molecular analysis of the ITS region. The same six major clades were obtained in the Bayesian and parsimony phylogenetic analyses, and all six clades were well-supported at least by one of the analyses. Morphological characters, such as the overall branching pattern, the presence and intensity of grey colour, the cristation of the apices, and basidiospore size and shape were to various extents correlated with the phylogenetic signal obtained from the ITS region. The congruence between the molecular analyses and morphology, rather than geographical origin, suggests the existence of several species that can be delimited using a combined phylogenetic and morphological species recognition. The analyses revealed that C. cristata and C. rugosa are well-delimited species. In contrast, more than one taxa could be subsumed under the names C. amethystina and C. cinerea, the taxonomical complexity of which is discussed. The ITS region is proved to be adequate to separate phylogenetic species of Clavulina.  相似文献   

To better understand the underlying mechanisms of reactions of copepods exposed to elevated level of nickel, the suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was used to elucidate the response of the copepod Pseudodiaptomus annandalei to nickel exposure at the gene level. P. annandale is one of a few copepod species that can be cultured relatively easy under laboratory condition, and it is considered to be a potential model species for toxicity study. In the present study, P. annandalei were exposed to nickel at a concentration of 8.86 mg L− 1 for 24 h, after which the RNA was prepared for SSH using unexposed P. annandalei as drivers. A total of 474 clones on the middle scale in the SSH library were sequenced. Among these genes, 129 potential functional genes were recognized based on the BLAST searches in NCBI and Uniprot databases. These genes were then categorized into nine groups in association with different biological processes using AmiGO against the Gene Ontology database. Of the 129 genes, 127 translatable DNA sequences were predicted to be proteins, and the putative amino acid sequences were searched for conserved domains (CD) and proteins using the CD-Search service and BLASTp. Among 129 genes, 119 (92.2%) were annotated to be involved in different biological processes, while 10 genes (7.8%) were classified as an unknown-function gene group. To further confirm the up-regulation of differentially expressed genes, the quantitative real time PCR were performed to test eight randomly selected genes, in which five of them, i.e. α-tubulin, ribosomal protein L13, ferritin, separase and Myohemerythrin-1, exhibited clear up-regulation after nickel exposure. In addition, MnSOD was further studied for the differential expression pattern after nickel exposure and the results showed that MnSOD had a time- and dose-dependent expression pattern in the copepod after nickel exposure. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to investigate the toxicity effects of nickel on a copepod at molecular level.  相似文献   

It is known that the rhizocephalan barnacle Loxothylacus texanus infects the greater blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, in the Gulf of Mexico and adjacent waters, however, factors that affect the prevalence and distribution of this parasite, particularly the dispersive larval stages of this organism, are not well understood. In the current study, the effects of salinity on larval survival and the metamorphosis of L. texanus in response to postmolt host exoskeleton were examined. Acute and acclimated responses were similar. Larval survival was highest in the 20-35‰ range, with 100% mortality of nauplii at all salinities <20‰ and >50‰. L. texanus cyprids were able to metamorphose over a broad range of salinities (15-60‰). In several cases, metamorphosis was actually greatest at high salinities (40-50‰). These data predict that L. texanus larvae would be concentrated in portions of Gulf of Mexico waters with salinities >20‰ such as the mouths of estuaries and bays. Conversely, upper regions of estuaries may be inhospitable to the dispersive (naupliar) stage of the parasite and may serve as a refuge from infection for host crabs.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) frequently kill their host within 1-2 days, and interest in EPN focuses mainly on their lethality. However, insects may take longer to die, or may fail to die despite being infected, but little is known about the effects of EPN infection on insects, other than death. Here we investigate both lethal and sub-lethal effects of infection by two EPN species, Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis downesi, on adults of the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis. Following 12 h nematode-weevil contact in peat, S. carpocapsae killed a significantly higher proportion of weevils (87-93%) than H. downesi (43-57%) at all concentrations tested. Less than 10% of weevils were dead within 2 days, and weevils continued to die for up to 10 days after exposure (LT50 of 3 days or more). In a separate experiment, live weevils dissected 6 days after a 24 h exposure to nematodes on filter paper harbored encapsulated and dead nematodes, showing that weevils could defend themselves against infection. Some live weevils also harbored live nematodes 6 days after they had been removed from the nematode infested medium. Feeding by weevils was not affected by infection with, or exposure to, either species of EPN. We discuss these results in relation to the use of EPN in biological control against H. abietis.  相似文献   

Selected interactions between the encrusting sponge Halichondria panicea and its primary predator, the dorid nudibranch Archidoris montereyensis, were investigated in a high-latitude rocky intertidal community spatially dominated by H. panicea. Feeding experiments were conducted in which A. montereyensis pairs were provided with sponge containing symbiotic zoochlorellae or sponge in which the zoochlorellae population had been reduced or removed by shading. Nudibranchs consuming H. panicea with symbiotic zoochlorellae had higher feeding, growth, and egg production rates than individuals eating aposymbiotic sponge. We simulated A. montereyensis predation on H. panicea by creating typically sized feeding grooves in the sponge. H. panicea's response was high linear growth rates into the experimental feeding grooves, generally recovering most of the groove area within 4 weeks. Overall, the sponge's rapid response to tissue damage minimizes grazing impacts and substrate loss and reduces susceptibility to wave removal.  相似文献   

Clusia hilariana Schltdl. is described in literature as an obligate Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) species. In the present study we assessed the effect of irradiance with low light (LL, 200 μmol m−2 s−1) and high light (HL, 650–740 μmol m−2 s−1), on the interdependency of citrate and malate diurnal fluctuations. In plants grown at HL CAM-type oscillations of concentration of citrate and malate were obvious. However, at LL daily courses of both acids do not seem to indicate efficient utilization of these compounds as CO2 and NADPH sources. One week after transferring plants from LL to HL decarboxylation of malate was accelerated. Thus, in the CAM plant C. hilariana two independent rhythms of accumulation and decarboxylation of malate and citrate take place, which appear to be related to photosynthesis and respiration, respectively. Non photochemical quenching (NPQ) of photosystem II, especially well expressed during the evening hours was enhanced. Exposure to HL for 7 d activated oxidative stress protection mechanisms such as the interconversion of violaxanthin (V), antheraxanthin (A) and zeaxanthin (Z) (epoxydation/de-epoxydation) measured as epoxydation state (EPS). This was accompanied by a slight increase in the total amount of these pigments. However, all these changes were not observed in plants exposed to HL for only 2 d. Besides violaxanthin cycle components also lutein, which shows a small, but not significant increase, may be involved in dissipating excess light energy in C. hilariana.  相似文献   

In this study, we designed a simple and rapid colorimetric detection method, a one-tube loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)-PCR-hybridization-restriction endonuclease-ELISA [one-tube LAMP-PCR-HY-RE-ELISA] system, to detect resistance to isoniazid, ethambutol and streptomycin in strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated from clinical specimens. The clinical performance of this method for detecting isoniazid-resistant, ethambutol-resistant and streptomycin-resistant isolates of M. tuberculosis showed 98.9%, 94.3% and 93.8%, respectively. This assay is rapid and convenient that can be performed within one working day. One-tube LAMP-PCR-HY-RE-ELISA system was designed based on hot spot point mutations in target drug-resistant genes, using LAMP-PCR, hybridization, digestion with restriction endonuclease and colorimetric method of ELISA. In this study, LAMP assay was used to amplify DNA from drug-resistant M. tuberculosis, and ELISA was used for colorimetrical determination. This assay will be a useful tool for rapid diagnosis of mutant codons in strains of M. tuberculosis for isoniazid at katG 315 and katG 463, ethambutol at embB 306 and embB 497, and streptomycin at rpsL 43.  相似文献   

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