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The crystal structure of an alkaline protease from Bacillus alcalophilus has been determined by X-ray diffraction at 2.4 A resolution. The enzyme crystallizes in space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with lattice constants a = 53.7, b = 61.6, c = 75.9 A. The structure was solved by molecular replacement using the structure of subtilisin Carlsberg as search model. Refinement using molecular dynamics and restrained least squares methods results in a crystallographic R-factor of 0.185. The tertiary structure is very similar to that of subtilisin Carlsberg. The greatest structural differences occur in loops at the surface of the protein.  相似文献   

R Bone  A B Shenvi  C A Kettner  D A Agard 《Biochemistry》1987,26(24):7609-7614
The structure of the complex formed between alpha-lytic protease, a serine protease secreted by Lysobacter enzymogenes, and N-tert-butyloxycarbonylalanylprolylvaline boronic acid (Ki = 0.35 nM) has been studied by X-ray crystallography to a resolution of 2.0 A. The active-site serine forms a covalent, nearly tetrahedral adduct with the boronic acid moiety of the inhibitor. The complex is stabilized by seven hydrogen bonds between the enzyme and inhibitor with additional stabilization arising from van der Waals interactions between enzyme and inhibitor side chains and the burying of 330 A2 of hydrophobic surface area. Hydrogen bonding between Asp-102 and His-57 remains intact in the enzyme-inhibitor complex, and His N epsilon 2 is well positioned to donate its hydrogen to the leaving group. Little change in the positions of protease residues was observed on complex formation (root mean square main chain deviation = 0.13 A), suggesting that in its native state the enzyme is complementary to tetrahedral reaction intermediates or to the nearly tetrahedral transition state for the reaction.  相似文献   

Protease inhibitors of the Bowman‐Birk (BBI) family are commonly found in plants and animals where they play a protective role against invading pathogens. Here, we report an atomic resolution (1Å) crystal structure of a peptide inhibitor isolated from a skin secretion of a Chinese bamboo odorous frog Huia versabilis (HV‐BBI) in complex with trypsin. HV‐BBI shares significant similarities in sequence with a previously described inhibitor from a diskless‐fingered odorous frog Odorrana graham (ORB). However, the latter is characterized by more than a 16,000 fold higher Ki against trypsin than HV‐BBI. Comparative analysis of trypsin cocrystal structures of HV‐BBI and ORB and additionally that of Sunflower Trypsin Inhibitor (SFTI‐1) together with accessory information on the affinities of inhibitor variants allowed us to pinpoint the inhibitor moiety responsible for the observed large difference in activity and also to define the extent of modifications permissible within the common protease‐binding loop scaffold of BBI inhibitors. We suggest that modifications outside of the inhibitory loop permit the evolution of specificity toward different enzymes characterized by trypsin‐like specificity. Proteins 2015; 83:582–589. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Secreted aspartic proteases (Saps) are extracellular proteolytic enzymes that enhance the virulence of Candida pathogens. These enzymes therefore represent possible targets for therapeutic drug design. Saps are inhibited by nanomolar concentrations of the classical inhibitor of aspartic proteases pepstatin A and also by the inhibitors of the HIV protease, but with the Ki of micromolar values or higher. To contribute to the discussion regarding whether HIV protease inhibitors can act against opportunistic mycoses by the inhibition of Saps, we determined the structure of Sapp1p from Candida parapsilosis in complex with ritonavir (RTV), a clinically used inhibitor of the HIV protease. The crystal structure refined at resolution 2.4 Å proved binding of RTV into the active site of Sapp1p and provided the structural information necessary to evaluate the stability and specificity of the protein-inhibitor interaction.  相似文献   

Secreted aspartic proteases (Saps) are extracellular proteolytic enzymes that enhance the virulence of Candida pathogens. These enzymes therefore represent possible targets for therapeutic drug design. Saps are inhibited by nanomolar concentrations of the classical inhibitor of aspartic proteases pepstatin A and also by the inhibitors of the HIV protease, but with the K(i) of micromolar values or higher. To contribute to the discussion regarding whether HIV protease inhibitors can act against opportunistic mycoses by the inhibition of Saps, we determined the structure of Sapp1p from Candida parapsilosis in complex with ritonavir (RTV), a clinically used inhibitor of the HIV protease. The crystal structure refined at resolution 2.4 ? proved binding of RTV into the active site of Sapp1p and provided the structural information necessary to evaluate the stability and specificity of the protein-inhibitor interaction.  相似文献   

Quinolinic acid (QA), a biologically potent but neurodestructive metabolite is catabolized by quinolinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase (QPRT) in the first step of the de novo NAD+ biosynthesis pathway. This puts QPRT at the junction of two different pathways, that is, de novo NAD+ biosynthesis and the kynurenine pathway of tryptophan degradation. Thus, QPRT is an important enzyme in terms of its biological impact and its potential as a therapeutic target. Here, we report the crystal structure of human QPRT bound to its inhibitor phthalic acid (PHT) and kinetic analysis of PHT inhibition of human QPRT. This structure, determined at 2.55 Å resolution, shows an elaborate hydrogen bonding network that helps in recognition of PHT and consequently its substrate QA. In addition to this hydrogen bonding network, we observe extensive van der Waals contacts with the PHT ring that might be important for correctly orientating the substrate QA during catalysis. Moreover, our crystal form allows us to observe an intact hexamer in both the apo‐ and PHT‐bound forms in the same crystal system, which provides a direct comparison of unique subunit interfaces formed in hexameric human QPRT. We call these interfaces “nondimeric interfaces” to distinguish them from the typical dimeric interfaces observed in all QPRTs. We observe significant changes in the nondimeric interfaces in the QPRT hexamer upon binding PHT. Thus, the new structural and functional features of this enzyme we describe here will aid in understanding the function of hexameric QPRTs, which includes all eukaryotic and select prokaryotic QPRTs. Proteins 2014; 82:405–414. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Molecular structure of flavocytochrome b2 at 2.4 A resolution   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The crystal structure of flavocytochrome b2 has been solved at 3.0 A resolution by the method of multiple isomorphous replacement with anomalous scattering. Area detector data from native and two heavy-atom derivative crystals were used. The phases were refined by the B.C. Wang phase-filtering procedure utilizing the 67% (v/v) solvent content of the crystals. A molecular model was built first on a minimap and then on computer graphics from a combination of maps both averaged and not averaged about the molecular symmetry axis. The structure was extended to 2.4 A resolution using film data recorded at a synchrotron and refined by the Hendrickson-Konnert procedure. The molecule, a tetramer of Mr 230,000, is located on a crystallographic 2-fold axis and possesses local 4-fold symmetry. Each subunit is composed of two domains, one binding a heme and the other an FMN prosthetic group. In subunit 1, both the cystochrome and the flavin-binding domain are visible in the electron density map. In subunit 2 the cytochrome domain is disordered. However, in the latter, a molecule of pyruvate, the product of the enzymatic reaction, is bound at the active site. The cytochrome domain consists of residues 1 to 99 and is folded in a fashion similar to the homologous soluble fragment of cytochrome b5. The flavin binding domain contains a parallel beta 8 alpha 8 barrel structure and is composed of residues 100 to 486. The remaining 25 residues form a tail that wraps around the molecular 4-fold axis and is in contact with each remaining subunit. The FMN moiety, which is located at the C-terminal end of the central beta-barrel, is mostly sequestered from solvent; it forms hydrogen bond interactions with main- and side-chain atoms from six of the eight beta-strands. The interaction of Lys349 with atoms N-1 and O-2 of the flavin ring is probably responsible for stabilization of the anionic form of the flavin semiquinone and hydroquinone and enhancing the reactivity of atom N-5 toward sulfite. The binding of pyruvate at the active site in subunit 2 is stabilized by interaction of its carboxylate group with the side-chain atoms of Arg376 and Tyr143. Residues His373 and Tyr254 interact with the keto-oxygen atom and are involved in catalysis. In contrast, four water molecules occupy the substrate-binding site in subunit 1 and Tyr143 forms a hydrogen bond to the ordered heme propionate group. Otherwise the two flavin-binding domains are identical within experimental error.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The crystal structure of subtilisin BPN' complexed with a proteinaceous inhibitor SSI (Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor) was refined at 1.8 A resolution to an R-factor of 0.177 with a root-mean-square deviation from ideal bond lengths of 0.014 A. The work finally established that the SSI-subtilisin complex is a Michaelis complex with a distance between the O gamma of active Ser221 and the carbonyl carbon of the scissile peptide bond being an intermediate value between a covalent bond and a van der Waals' contact, 2.7 A. This feature, as well as the geometry of the catalytic triad and the oxyanion hole, is coincident with that found in other highly refined crystal structures of the complex of subtilisin Novo, subtilisin Carlsberg, bovine trypsin or Streptomyces griseus protease B with their proteinaceous inhibitors. The enzyme-inhibitor beta-sheet interaction is composed of two separate parts: that between the P1-P3 residues of SSI and the 125-127 chain segment (the "S1-3 site") of subtilisin and that between the P4-P6 residues of SSI and th 102-104 chain segment (the "S4-6 site") of subtilisin. The latter beta-interaction is unique to subtilisin. In contrast, the beta-sheet interaction previously found in the complex of subtilisin Novo and chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 or in the complex of subtilisin Carlsberg and Eglin C is distinct from the present complex in that the two types of beta-interactions are not separate. As for the flexibility of the molecules comprising the present complex, the following observations were made by comparing the B-factors for free and complexed SSI and comparing those for free and complexed subtilisin BPN'. The rigidification of the component molecules upon complex formation occurs in a very localized region: in SSI, the "primary" and "secondary" contact regions and the flanking region; in subtilisin BPN', the S1-3 and S4-6 sites and the flanking region.  相似文献   

Influenza virus neuraminidase catalyses the cleavage of terminal sialic acid, the viral receptor, from carbohydrate chains on glycoproteins and glycolipids. We present the crystal structure of the enzymatically active head of influenza B virus neuraminidase from the strain B/Beijing/1/87. The native structure has been refined to a crystallographic R-factor of 14.8% at 2.2 A resolution and its complex with sialic acid refined at 2.8 A resolution. The overall fold of the molecule is very similar to the already known structure of neuraminidase from influenza A virus, with which there is amino acid sequence homology of approximately 30%. Two calcium binding sites have been identified. One of them, previously undescribed, is located between the active site and a large surface antigenic loop. The calcium ion is octahedrally co-ordinated by five oxygen atoms from the protein and one water molecule. Sequence comparisons suggest that this calcium site should occur in all influenza A and B virus neuraminidases. Soaking of sialic acid into the crystals has enabled the mode of binding of the reaction product in the putative active site pocket to be revealed. All the large side groups of the sialic acid are equatorial and are specifically recognized by nine fully conserved active site residues. These in turn are stabilized by a second shell of 10 highly conserved residues principally by an extensive network of hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli nitroreductase is a flavoprotein that reduces a variety of quinone and nitroaromatic substrates. Its ability to convert relatively non-toxic prodrugs such as CB1954 (5-[aziridin-1-yl]-2,4-dinitrobenzamide) into highly cytotoxic derivatives has led to interest in its potential for cancer gene therapy. We have determined the structure of the enzyme bound to a substrate analogue, nicotinic acid, from three crystal forms at resolutions of 1.7 A, 1.8 A and 2.4 A, representing ten non-crystallographically related monomers. The enzyme is dimeric, and has a large hydrophobic core; each half of the molecule consists of a five-stranded beta-sheet surrounded by alpha-helices. Helices F and F protrude from the core region of each monomer. There is an extensive dimer interface, and the 15 C-terminal residues extend around the opposing monomer, contributing the fifth beta-strand. The active sites lie on opposite sides of the molecule, in solvent-exposed clefts at the dimer interface. The FMN forms hydrogen bonds to one monomer and hydrophobic contacts to both; its si face is buried. The nicotinic acid stacks between the re face of the FMN and Phe124 in helix F, with only one hydrogen bond to the protein. If the nicotinamide ring of the coenzyme NAD(P)H were in the same position as that of the nicotinic acid ligand, its C4 atom would be optimally positioned for direct hydride transfer to flavin N5. Comparison of the structure with unliganded flavin reductase and NTR suggests reduced mobility of helices E and F upon ligand binding. Analysis of the structure explains the broad substrate specificity of the enzyme, and provides the basis for rational design of novel prodrugs and for site-directed mutagenesis for improved enzyme activity.  相似文献   

The mesophilic bacterium Clostridium cellulolyticum exports multienzyme complexes called cellulosomes to digest cellulose. One of the three major components of the cellulosome is the processive endocellulase CelF. The crystal structure of the catalytic domain of CelF in complex with two molecules of a thiooligosaccharide inhibitor was determined at 2.0 A resolution. This is the first three-dimensional structure to be solved of a member of the family 48 glycosyl hydrolases. The structure consists of an (alpha alpha)6-helix barrel with long loops on the N-terminal side of the inner helices, which form a tunnel, and an open cleft region covering one side of the barrel. One inhibitor molecule is enclosed in the tunnel, the other exposed in the open cleft. The active centre is located in a depression at the junction of the cleft and tunnel regions. Glu55 is the proposed proton donor in the cleavage reaction, while the corresponding base is proposed to be either Glu44 or Asp230. The orientation of the reducing ends of the inhibitor molecules together with the chain translation through the tunnel in the direction of the active centre indicates that CelF cleaves processively cellobiose from the reducing to the non-reducing end of the cellulose chain.  相似文献   

Chagasin is a protein produced by Trypanosoma cruzi, the parasite that causes Chagas' disease. This small protein belongs to a recently defined family of cysteine protease inhibitors. Although resembling well-known inhibitors like the cystatins in size (110 amino acid residues) and function (they all inhibit papain-like (C1 family) proteases), it has a unique amino acid sequence and structure. We have crystallized and solved the structure of chagasin in complex with the host cysteine protease, cathepsin L, at 1.75 A resolution. An inhibitory wedge composed of three loops (L2, L4, and L6) forms a number of contacts responsible for high-affinity binding (K(i), 39 pM) to the enzyme. All three loops interact with the catalytic groove, with the central loop L2 inserted directly into the catalytic center. Loops L4 and L6 embrace the enzyme molecule from both sides and exhibit distinctly different patterns of protein-protein recognition. Comparison with a 1.7 A structure of uncomplexed chagasin, also determined in this study, demonstrates that a conformational change of the first binding loop (L4) allows extended binding to the non-primed substrate pockets of the enzyme active site cleft, thereby providing a substantial part of the inhibitory surface. The mode of chagasin binding is generally similar, albeit distinctly different in detail, when compared to those displayed by cystatins and the cysteine protease inhibitory p41 fragment of the invariant chain. The chagasin-cathepsin L complex structure provides details of how the parasite protein inhibits a host enzyme of possible importance in host defense. The high level of structural and functional similarity between cathepsin L and the T. cruzi enzyme cruzipain gives clues to how the cysteine protease activity of the parasite can be targeted. This information will aid in the development of synthetic inhibitors for use as potential drugs for the treatment of Chagas disease.  相似文献   

The dipeptide boronic acid bortezomib, also termed VELCADE, is a proteasome inhibitor now in use for the treatment of multiple myeloma, and its use for the treatment of other malignancies is being explored. We determined the crystal structure of the yeast 20S proteasome in complex with bortezomib to establish the specificity and binding mode of bortezomib to the proteasome's different catalytically active sites. This structure should enable the rational design of new boronic acid derivatives with improved affinities and specificities for individual active subunits.  相似文献   

Guamerin, a canonical serine protease inhibitor from Hirudo nipponia, was identified as an elastase-specific inhibitor and has potential application in various diseases caused by elevated elastase concentration. However, the application of guamerin is limited because it also shows inhibitory activity against other proteases. To improve the selectivity of guamerin as an elastase inhibitor, it is essential to understand the binding mode of the inhibitor to elastase and to other proteases. For this purpose, we determined the crystal structure of guamerin in complex with chymotrypsin at 2.5 Å resolution. The binding mode of guamerin on elastase was explored from the model structure of guamerin/elastase. Guamerin binds to the hydrophobic pocket of the protease in a substrate-like manner using its binding loop. In order to improve the binding selectivity of guamerin to elastase, several residues in the binding loop were mutated and the inhibitory activities of the mutants against elastase and chymotrypsin were monitored. The substitution of the Met36 residue for Ala in the P1 site increased the inhibitory activity against elastase up to 14-fold, while the same mutant showed 7-fold decreased activity against chymotrypsin compared to the wild-type guamerin. Furthermore, the M36A guamerin mutant more effectively protected endothelial cells against cell damage caused by elastase than the wild-type guamerin.  相似文献   

Understanding molecular recognition on a structural basis is an objective with broad academic and applied significance. In the complexes of serine proteases and their proteinaceous inhibitors, recognition is governed mainly by residue P1 in accord with primary serine protease specificity. The bifunctional soybean Bowman-Birk inhibitor (sBBI) should, therefore, interact at LysI16 (subdomain 1) with trypsin and at LeuI43 (subdomain 2) with chymotrypsin. In contrast with this prediction, a 2:1 assembly with trypsin was observed in solution and in the crystal structure of sBBI in complex with trypsin, determined at 2.3 A resolution by molecular replacement. Strikingly, P1LeuI43 of sBBI was fully embedded into the S(1) pocket of trypsin in contrast to primary specificity. The triple-stranded beta-hairpin unique to the BBI-family and the surface loops surrounding the active site of the enzyme formed a protein-protein-interface far extended beyond the primary contact region. Polar residues, hydrophilic bridges and weak hydrophobic contacts were predominant in subdomain 1, interacting specifically with trypsin. However, close hydrophobic contacts across the interface were characteristic of subdomain 2 reacting with both trypsin and chymotrypsin. A Met27Ile replacement shifted the ratio with trypsin to the predicted 1:1 ratio. Thus, the buried salt-bridge responsible for trypsin specificity was stabilised in a polar, and destabilized in a hydrophobic, environment. This may be used for adjusting the specificity of protease inhibitors for applications such as insecticides and cancer chemopreventive agents.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of bovine mitochondrial elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) in complex with GDP has been determined at a resolution of 1. 94 A. The structure is similar to that of EF-Tu:GDP from Escherichia coli and Thermus aquaticus, but the orientation of the GDP-binding domain 1 is changed relative to domains 2 and 3. Sixteen conserved water molecules common to EF-Tu and other G-proteins in the GDP-binding site are described. These water molecules create a network linking separated parts of the binding pocket. Mitochondrial EF-Tu binds nucleotides less tightly than prokaryotic EF-Tu possibly due to an increased mobility in regions close to the GDP-binding site. The C-terminal extension of mitochondrial EF-Tu has structural similarities with DNA recognising zinc fingers suggesting that the extension may be involved in recognition of RNA.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Members of the subtilisin family of serine proteases usually have a conserved asparagine residue that stabilizes the oxyanion transition state of peptide-bond hydrolysis. Yeast Kex2 protease is a member of the subtilisin family that differs from the degradative subtilisin proteases in its high substrate specificity, it processes pro-alpha-factor, the precursor of the alpha-factor mating pheromone of yeast, and also removes the pro-peptide from its own precursor by an intramolecular cleavage reaction. Curiously, the mammalian protease PC2, a Kex2 homolog that is likely to be required for pro-insulin processing, has an aspartate in place of asparagine at the 'oxyanion hole'. RESULTS: We have tested the effect of making substitutions of the conserved oxyanion-hole asparagine (Asn 314) of the Kex2 protease. To do this, we have developed a rapid method of site-directed mutagenesis, involving homologous recombination of a polymerase chain reaction product in yeast. Using this method, we have substituted alanine or aspartate for Asn 314 in a form of Kex2 engineered for secretion. Transformants expressing the two mutant enzymes could be identified by failure either to produce mature alpha-factor or to mate. The Ala 314 enzyme was unstable but the Asp 314 enzyme accumulated to a high level, so that it could be purified and its activity towards various substrates tested in vitro. We found that, with three peptides that are good substrates of wild-type Kex2, the k(cal) of the Asp 314 enzyme was reduced approximately 4500-fold and its K(M) approximately 4-fold, relative to the wild-type enzyme. For the peptide substrate corresponding to the cleavage site of pro-alpha-factor, however, k(cat) of the Asp 314 enzyme was reduced only 125-fold, while the K(m) was increased 3-fold. Despite its reduced catalytic activity, however, processing of the mutant enzyme in vivo - by the intramolecular cleavage that removes its amino-terminal pro-domain - occurs at an unchanged rate. CONCLUSIONS: The effects of the Asn 314-Asp substitution reveal contributions to the reaction specificity of the Kex2 protease of substrate residues amino-terminal to the pair of basic residues at the cleavage site. Aspartate at the oxyanion hole appears to confer k(caf) discrimination between substrates by raising the energy barrier for productive substrate binding: this may have implications for pro-insulin processing by the PC2 protease, which has an aspartate at the equivalent position. The rate of intramolecular cleavage of pro-Kex2 may be limited by a step other than catalysis, presumably protein folding.  相似文献   

TMC114 (darunavir) is a promising clinical inhibitor of HIV-1 protease (PR) for treatment of drug resistant HIV/AIDS. We report the ultra-high 0.84 A resolution crystal structure of the TMC114 complex with PR containing the drug-resistant mutation V32I (PR(V32I)), and the 1.22 A resolution structure of a complex with PR(M46L). These structures show TMC114 bound at two distinct sites, one in the active-site cavity and the second on the surface of one of the flexible flaps in the PR dimer. Remarkably, TMC114 binds at these two sites simultaneously in two diastereomers related by inversion of the sulfonamide nitrogen. Moreover, the flap site is shaped to accommodate the diastereomer with the S-enantiomeric nitrogen rather than the one with the R-enantiomeric nitrogen. The existence of the second binding site and two diastereomers suggest a mechanism for the high effectiveness of TMC114 on drug-resistant HIV and the potential design of new inhibitors.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the "long" alpha-neurotoxin alpha-cobratoxin was refined to an R-factor of 19.5% using 3271 x-ray data to 2.4-A resolution. The polypeptide chain forms three loops, I, II, III, knotted together by four disulfide bridges, with the most prominent, loop II, containing another disulfide close to its lower tip. Loop I is stabilized by one beta-turn and two beta-sheet hydrogen bonds; loop II by eight beta-sheet hydrogen bonds, with the tip folded into two distorted right-handed helical turns stabilized by two alpha-helical and two beta-turn hydrogen bonds; and loop III by hydrophobic interactions and one beta-turn. Loop II and one strand of loop III form an antiparallel triple-pleated beta-sheet, and tight anchoring of the Asn63 side chain fixes the tail segment. In the crystal lattice, the alpha-cobratoxin molecules dimerize by beta-sheet formation between strands 53 and 57 of symmetry-related molecules. Because such interactions are found also in a cardiotoxin and alpha-bungarotoxin, this could be of importance for interaction with acetylcholine receptor.  相似文献   

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