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Plasma Physics Reports - A pure amplification regime (without accompanying generation) at two frequencies of 9.1 and 13 GHz is achieved in a plasma relativistic microwave amplifier. It is shown...  相似文献   

A relativistic plasma microwave amplifier with a gain of about 30 dB and an output power of about 60–100 MW in the frequency range from 2.4 to 3.2 GHz is studied experimentally. The total duration of the output microwave pulse is equal to the duration of the current pulse of the driving relativistic electron beam (500 ns); however, the maximum output power is observed only within 200 ns. It is shown that variations in the output microwave power during the current pulse of the annular relativistic electron beam are caused by variations in the beam radius and thickness. Analysis of the experimental data and results of numerical simulations show that the thickness of the electron beam is determined by the density of the cathode emission current.  相似文献   

Propagation and amplification of extraordinary electromagnetic waves in a dipole magnetic field in a narrow 3D plasma cavity in which a weakly relativistic electron beam propagates along the magnetic field in the direction of the gradient of the magnetic field strength is investigated. The domain of wave vectors at the starting point for which the wave amplification factors at the output of the density cavity reach their maximum values is found, and the amplification factor as a function of the wave frequency is determined. It is shown that the longitudinal velocity of fast electrons, which enables generation of waves in a broader frequency range, plays an important role in the formation of the spectrum of the auroral kilometric radiation (AKR). In this case, waves with the largest amplification factors at the output of the cavity have frequencies exceeding the cutoff frequency of the background plasma at the wave generation altitude. The global inhomogeneity of the magnetic field and plasma density, which governs the residence time of the waves in the amplification region, plays a key role in the formation of the AKR spectrum. It is shown that this time is the main factor determining the energy of the waves emerging from the source.  相似文献   

The spectra of a plasma relativistic maser are measured. It is shown that the microwave frequency can be varied from 4 to 28 GHz by varying the plasma density from 4×1012 to 7×1013 cm?3 at a power of 30–50 MW. The relative width of the emission spectrum is within 50–80% for low plasma densities and 15–30% for high densities. Experimental results are compared with calculations.  相似文献   

Earlier, it was shown that the plasma relativistic microwave amplifier can operate at two frequencies, 2 and 3.2 GHz. In the present work, it is shown that, by varying the plasma density from one microwave pulse to another, it is possible to amplify the input signals to a power of 50?C80 MW at any frequency in the range 2.4?C3.2 GHz.  相似文献   

The Cherenkov interaction of a high-current relativistic electron beam with a spatially bounded plasma was studied experimentally. In the generation of electromagnetic radiation, an important role is played by the counterpropagating plasma wave produced due to the reflection from the end of the plasma column. It is shown that, at the resonant value of the magnetic field, the normal Doppler effect occurs and the amplitude of the counterpropagating wave decreases. This effect was used to design and create a plasma relativistic microwave amplifier in which 10% of the beam energy is converted into radiation. The radiation frequency is 9.1 GHz, and the radiation spectrum width (±0.17%) is determined by the microwave-pulse duration. The maximum radiation power is 100 MW, the gain factor being 32 dB.  相似文献   

The evolution of the emission spectrum of a relativistic Cherenkov plasma maser is studied both experimentally and numerically. The frequency range of emission is 1.5–6 GHz at a power level of 50 MW and pulse duration of up to 500 ns. It is shown that the relativistic Cherenkov plasma maser is capable of producing both broadband (with a spectrum width of ~1 GHz) and narrowband (≈ 40 MHz) microwave pulses with a tunable mean frequency. Calculations by linear theory and numerical simulations provide a satisfactory explanation of the specific features and the time evolution of the spectra observed. It is suggested that the plasma nonlinearity is responsible for the experimentally observed shortening of the microwave pulses and the broadening of the emission spectrum.  相似文献   

Five food-deprived rhesus monkeys were exposed to 225-MHz continuous-wave, and 1.3-GHz, and 5.8-GHz pulsed radiation to determine the minimal power densities affecting performance. The monkeys were trained to press a lever (observing-response) thereby producing signals that indicated availability of food. In the presence of the aperiodically appearing food signals, a detection response on a different lever was reinforced by a food pellet. Continuous, stable responding during 60-min sessions developed and was followed by repeated exposures to radiofrequency radiation. The subjects, restrained in a Styrofoam chair, were exposed to free-field radiation while performing the task. Colonic temperature was simultaneously obtained. Observing-response performance was impaired at increasingly higher power densities as frequency increased from the near-resonance 225 MHz to the above-resonance 5.8 GHz. The threshold power density of disrupted response rate at 225 MHz was 8.1 mW/cm2; at 1.3 GHz it was 57 mW/cm2, and at 5.8 GHz it was 140 mW/cm2. These power densities were associated with reliable increases in colonic temperatures above sham-exposure levels. The mean increase was typically in the range of 1°C, and response-rate changes were not observed in the absence of concomitant temperature increases. In these experiments increase of colonic temperature was a much better predictor of behavioral disruption than was either the power density of the incident field or estimates of whole-body-averaged rates of energy absorption.  相似文献   

The possibility of generating dense multicharged ion beams with a current density as high as ~1 A/cm2 from an ECR plasma confined in a quasi-gas-dynamic cusp trap is studied both theoretically and experimentally. The most important advantages of this type of ion source are that the plasma in the cusp is stabile against MHD perturbations and that a trap intended to operate at fairly high pump-field frequencies (above 30 GHz) is relatively inexpensive. A theoretical model of confinement of a high-density nonequilibrium ECR plasma (T e ? T i ) in an open magnetic trap is proposed and results are presented from model experiments with an ~30-cm-long cusp trap (here, by the cusp length is meant the volume of a paraxial magnetic tube divided by the area of its cross sections in magnetic mirrors) pumped by a pulsed microwave field with a frequency of 37.5 GHz and power of 100 kW. The possibility of achieving a quasi-gas-dynamic regime of plasma confinement of an ECR plasma in a cusp trap is demonstrated. Ion beams with a average ion charge number of 2–4 (depending on the sort of working gas) and current densities unprecedented for ECR sources are obtained. Good agreement between theoretical and experimental results makes it possible to reliably predict the ion beam parameters that can be achieved at even higher microwave frequencies.  相似文献   

The structure of a discharge induced by a coaxial microwave plasmatron with a gas-supply channel in the inner electrode of a coaxial waveguide is investigated. A plasmatron with a power of up to 10 W operates at a frequency of 10 GHz. Depending on the operation regime, the discharge takes either a filament or torch form. A plasma filament arises at low flow rates of the working gas (argon) and occurs at the border of the potential core of the gas jet. A torch discharge occurs at high flow rates and has the form of a hollow cone. In both cases, the discharge arises in the potential core of the gas jet and does not spread beyond it. The distribution of the microwave field in the discharge plasma is determined.  相似文献   

Demodulation of amplitude modulated radio frequency (RF) energy has been proposed as a mechanism for the biological responses to these fields. The experiment proposed here tests whether the electric and magnetic structures of biological cells exhibit the nonlinear responses necessary for demodulation. A high Q cavity and very low noise amplification can be used to detect ultraweak nonlinear responses that appear as a second harmonic of a RF field incident on the sample. Nonlinear fields scattered from metabolically active biological cells grown in monolayer or suspended in medium can be distinguished from nonlinearities of the apparatus. Estimates for the theoretical signal sensitivity and analysis of system noise indicate the possibility of detecting a microwave signal at 1.8 GHz (2nd harmonic of 900 MHz) as weak as one microwave photon per cell per second. The practical limit, set by degradation of the cavity Q, is extremely low compared to the much brighter thermal background, which has its peak in the infrared at a wavelength of about 17 microm and radiates 10(10) infrared photons per second per cell in the narrow frequency band within 0.5% of the peak. The system can be calibrated by introduction of known quantities of nonlinear material, e.g., a Schottky diode. For an input power of 160 microW at 900 MHz incident on such biological material, the apparatus is estimated to produce a robust output signal of 0.10 mV at 1.8 GHz if detected with a spectrum analyzer and a 30-dB gain low noise amplifier. The experimental threshold for detection of nonlinear interaction phenomena is 10(10) below the signal produced by a Schottky diode, giving an unprecedented sensitivity to the measurement of nonlinear energy conversion processes in living tissue.  相似文献   

The potential antiproliferative effects of low power millimeter waves (MMWs) at 42.20 and 53.57 GHz on RPMI 7932 human skin melanoma cells were evaluated in vitro in order to ascertain if these two frequencies, comprised in the range of frequency used in millimeter wave therapy, would have a similar effect when applied in vivo to malignant melanoma tumours. Cells were exposed for 1 h exposure/day and to repeated exposure up to a total of four treatments. Plane wave incident power densities <1 mW/cm2 were used in the MMWs-exposure experiments so that the radiations did not cause significant thermal effects. Numerical simulations of Petri dish reflectivity were made using the equations for the reflection coefficient of a multilayered system. Such analysis showed that the power densities transmitted into the aqueous samples were ≤0.3 mW/cm2. Two very important and general biological endpoints were evaluated in order to study the response of melanoma cells to these radiations, i.e. cell proliferation and cell cycle. Herein, we show that neither cell doubling time nor the cell cycle of RPMI 7932 cells was affected by the frequency of the GHz radiation and duration of the exposure, in the conditions above reported.  相似文献   

Generation, amplification, and propagation of auroral kilometric radiation in a narrow three-dimensional plasma cavity in which a weakly relativistic electron beam propagates is studied in the geometrical optics approximation. It is shown that the waves that start with a group velocity directed earthward and have optimal relation between the wave vector components determining the linear growth rate and the wave residence time inside the amplification region undergo the largest amplification. Taking into account the longitudinal velocity of fast electrons results in the shift of the instability domain toward wave vectors directed to the Earth and leads to a change in the dispersion relation, due to which favorable conditions are created for the generation of waves with frequencies above the cutoff frequency for the cold background plasma at the wave generation altitude. The amplification factor for these waves is lower than for waves that have the same wave vectors but are excited by the electron beams with lower velocities along the magnetic field. For waves excited at frequencies below the cutoff frequency of the background plasma at the generation altitude, the amplification factor increases with increasing longitudinal electron velocity, because these waves reside for a longer time in the amplification region.  相似文献   

Exponentially growing cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were exposed to electromagnetic fields in the frequency range from 41.682 GHz to 41.710 GHz in 2 MHz increments at low power densities (0.5 μW/cm2 and 50 μW/cm2) to observe possible nonthermal effects on the division of this microorganism. The electronic setup was carefully designed and tested to allow precise determination and stability of the electromagnetic field parameters as well as to minimize possible effects of external sources. Two identical test chambers were constructed in one exposure system to perform concurrent control and test experiments at every frequency step under well-controlled exposure conditions. Division of cells was assessed via time-lapse photography. Control experiments showed that the cells were dividing at submaximal rates, ensuring the possibility of observing either an increase or a decrease of the division rate. The data from several independent series of exposure experiments and from control experiments show no consistently significant differences between exposed and unexposed cells. This is in contrast to previous studies claiming nonthermal effects of electromagnetic fields in this frequency range on the division of S. cerevisiae cells. Possible reasons for this difference are discussed. Bioelectromagnetics 18:142–155, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The feasibility of matching electromagnetic radiation in the electron cyclotron frequency range to a dense plasma in an open magnetic trap by producing an inverted (with a minimum on the axis) plasma density profile is discussed. The use of such a profile shows promise for the implementation of efficient cyclotron heating at plasma densities above the critical density, at which the Langmuir frequency is equal to the heating radiation frequency. Examples of the magnetic field and plasma density distributions in a mirror trap are presented for which analysis of the beam trajectories shows the feasibility of efficient electron cyclotron absorption of microwave beams in overcritical plasma.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that virus infectivity can be dramatically reduced by radio frequency exposure in the gigahertz (GHz) frequency range. Given the worldwide SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, which has caused over 1 million deaths and has had a profound global economic impact, there is a need for a noninvasive technology that can reduce the transmission of virus among humans. RF is a potential wide area-of-effect viral decontamination technology that could be used in hospital rooms where patients are expelling virus, in grocery and convenience stores where local populations mix, and in first responder settings where rapid medical response spans many potentially infected locations within hours. In this study, we used bovine coronavirus (BCoV) as a surrogate of SARS-CoV-2 and exposed it to high peak power microwave (HPPM) pulses at four narrowband frequencies: 2.8, 5.6, 8.5, and 9.3 GHz. Exposures consisted of 2 µs pulses delivered at 500 Hz, with pulse counts varied by decades between 1 and 10,000. The peak field intensities (i.e. the instantaneous power density of each pulse) ranged between 0.6 and 6.5 MW/m2, depending on the microwave frequency. The HPPM exposures were delivered to plastic coverslips containing BCoV dried on the surface. Hemagglutination (HA) and cytopathic effect analyses were performed 6 days after inoculation of host cells to assess viral infectivity. No change in viral infectivity was seen with increasing dose (pulse number) across the tested frequencies. Under all conditions tested, exposure did not reduce infectivity more than 1.0 log10. For the conditions studied, high peak power pulsed RF exposures in the 2–10 GHz range appear ineffective as a virucidal approach for hard surface decontamination. © 2023 Bioelectromagnetics Society.  相似文献   

Cells adherent on a cyclically stretched substrate with a periodically varying uniaxial strain are known to dynamically reorient nearly perpendicular to the strain direction. We investigate the dynamic reorientation of rat embryonic and human fibroblast cells over a range of stretching frequency from 0.0001 to 20 s−1 and strain amplitude from 1% to 15%. We report quantitative measurements that show that the mean cell orientation changes exponentially with a frequency-dependent characteristic time from 1 to 5 h. At subconfluent cell densities, this characteristic time for reorientation shows two characteristic regimes as a function of frequency. For frequencies below 1 s−1, the characteristic time decreases with a power law as the frequency increases. For frequencies above 1 s−1, it saturates at a constant value. In addition, a minimum threshold frequency is found below that no significant cell reorientation occurs. Our results are consistent for the two different fibroblast types and indicate a saturation of molecular mechanisms of mechanotransduction or response machinery for subconfluent cells within the frequency regime under investigation. For confluent cell layers, we observe similar behaviors of reorientation under cyclic stretch but no saturation in the characteristic time with frequency, suggesting that cell-cell contacts can play an important role in the response machinery of cells under mechanical strain.  相似文献   

The effects of super high frequency (SHF) microwaves (34-78 GHz) on rates of spontaneous firing of the slowly adapting, stretch-receptor neurons of crayfish were studied. Initially, irradiation of continuously perfused, fluid-cooled preparations at power densities to 250 mW/cm2 caused a transient decrease in the rate of spontaneous firing (the dynamic response). Subsequently, with extinction of the SHF field, the rate of firing increased, finally stabilizing at pre-exposure levels (stationary phase). Rates of firing also increased when the receptor muscle was stretched, and they were inversely correlated with small, field-induced increases of temperature (approximately 1.5 degrees C). The response to SHF radiation did not depend on frequency if temperature of the medium was constant. No resonant peaks were found when the millimeter range of frequencies was scanned.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the power dissipation caused by exposure of biological cells to electric fields of various frequencies. With DC and sub-MHz AC frequencies, power dissipation in the cell membrane is of the same order of magnitude as in the external medium. At MHz and GHz frequencies, dielectric relaxation leads to dielectric power dissipation gradually increasing with frequency, and total power dissipation within the membrane rises significantly. Since such local increase can lead to considerable biochemical and biophysical changes within the membrane, especially at higher frequencies, the bulk treatment does not provide a complete picture of effects of an exposure. In this paper, we theoretically analyze the distribution of power dissipation as a function of field frequency. We first discuss conductive power dissipation generated by DC exposures. Then, we focus on AC fields; starting with the established first-order model, which includes only conductive power dissipation and is valid at sub-MHz frequencies, we enhance it in two steps. We first introduce the capacitive properties of the cytoplasm and the external medium to obtain a second-order model, which still includes only conductive power dissipation. Then we enhance this model further by accounting for dielectric relaxation effects, thereby introducing dielectric power dissipation. The calculations show that due to the latter component, in the MHz range the power dissipation within the membrane significantly exceeds the value in the external medium, while in the lower GHz range this effect is even more pronounced. This implies that even in exposures that do not cause a significant temperature rise at the macroscopic, whole-system level, the locally increased power dissipation in cell membranes could lead to various effects at the microscopic, single-cell level.  相似文献   

The effects of microwaves on conformation of nucleoids in E. coli cells were studied by the method of anomalous viscosity time dependence (AVTD) at various frequencies in the range of 51-52 GHz and the power flux density of 100 microW/cm(2) . Linearly polarized microwaves resulted in significant effects within specific frequency windows of resonance type. The distances between frequency windows were in the range of 55-180 MHz. Only one of two possible circular polarizations, left-handed or right-handed, was shown to be effective at each frequency window. The sign of effective circular polarization alternated between frequency windows. We show that the effects of microwaves on E. coli cells as measured by the AVTD technique are not caused by adhesion of cells. The half-width of the 51.575 GHz resonance was measured to be 120+/-20 MHz. This value is very close to the half-width of the 51.755 GHz resonance as it has previously been determined at the same power flux density. The obtained data suggest similar targets for effects of microwaves at these two resonance frequencies and provide evidence for non-thermal nature of observed microwave effects.  相似文献   

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