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Proximal straight tubules (PST) were dissected from rabbit kidneys, held by crimping pipettes in a chamber and bathed in a buffered isosmotic (295 mOsm/kg) solution containing 200 mm mannitol (MBS). Changes in tubule diameter were monitored on line with an inverted microscope, TV camera and image processor. The PST were then challenged for 20 sec with MBS made 35 mOsm/kg hyperosmotic by addition of either NaCl, KCl, mannitol (M), glycerol (G), ethylene glycol (E), glycine (g), urea (U), acetamide (A) or formamide (F). With NaCl, KCl, M, G, E, g, U, and A, tubules shrunk osmometrically within 0.5 sec and remained shrunk for as long as 20 sec without recovering their original volume (sometimes A showed some recovery). PST barely shrunk with F and quickly recovered their original volume. The permeability coefficients were 0 m/sec (NaCl, M, g, E and U), 1 m/sec (A), 84 m/sec (F) and 0.02 m/sec (G). The reflection coefficients = 1.0 (NaCl, KCl, M, G, E, g and U), 0.95 (A) and 0.62 (F). Similar values were obtained by substituting 200 mOsm/kg M in MBS by either NaCl, KCl, G, E, g, U, a or F. The olive oil/water partition coefficients are 5 (M), 15 (U), 85 (A) and 75 (F) (all x10–5). Thus, part of F permeates the cell membrane through the lipid bilayer. The probing molecules van der Waals diameters are 7.4×8.2×12.0 (M), 3.6×5.2×5.4 (U), 3.8×5.2 ×5.4 (A) and (3.4×4.5×5.4 (F) Å. We conclude that only F clearly permeates the water channel (WCH). Water molecules must single file within the WCH. After subtraction of the bilayer permeability of the probes, we estimate for the WCH selectivity filter cross-section a diameter of 4.2–4.7 Å (if it is circular) and 3.6×4.2 Å (if it is rectangular). But if the oxygens facing the WCH lumen H bond with the molecules crossing the WCH, the WCH selectivity filter would be 3.3–3.8 Å (circular) and 3.6×4.0 Å (rectangular).This work was supported in part from grants from CONICIT, Consejo de Desarrollo Científico y Humanístico of UCV and Fundación Polar.  相似文献   

Cx45 channel sensitivity to CO(2), transjunctional voltage (V(j)) and inhibition of calmodulin (CaM) expression was tested in oocytes by dual voltage-clamp. Cx45 channels are very sensitive to V(j) and close preferentially by the slow gate, likely the same as the chemical gate. With CO(2)-induced drop in junctional conductance (G(j)), the speed of V(j)-dependent inactivation of junctional current (I(j)) and V(j) sensitivity increased. With 40 mV V(j), the tau of single exponential I(j) decay reversibly decreased by approximately 40% with CO(2), and G(j steady state)/G(j peak) decreased multiphasically, indicating that kinetics and V(j) sensitivity of chemical/slow-V(j) gating are altered by changes in [H(+)](i) and/or [Ca(2+)](i). With 15 min exposure to CO(2), G(j) dropped to 0% in controls and by approximately 17% following CaM expression inhibition; similarly, V(j) sensitivity decreased significantly. This indicates that the speed and sensitivity of V(j)-dependent inactivation of Cx45 channels are increased by CO(2), and that CaM plays a role in gating. Cx32 channels behaved similarly, but the drop in both G(j steady state)/G(j peak) and tau with CO(2) matched more closely that of G(j peak). In contrast, sensitivity and speed of V(j) gating of Cx40 and Cx26 channels decreased, rather than increased, with CO(2) application.  相似文献   

The mouse Slo3 gene (KCNMA3) encodes a K(+) channel that is regulated by changes in cytosolic pH. Like Slo1 subunits responsible for the Ca(2+) and voltage-activated BK-type channel, the Slo3 alpha subunit contains a pore module with homology to voltage-gated K(+) channels and also an extensive cytosolic C terminus thought to be responsible for ligand dependence. For the Slo3 K(+) channel, increases in cytosolic pH promote channel activation, but very little is known about many fundamental properties of Slo3 currents. Here we define the dependence of macroscopic conductance on voltage and pH and, in particular, examine Slo3 conductance activated at negative potentials. Using this information, the ability of a Horrigan-Aldrich-type of general allosteric model to account for Slo3 gating is examined. Finally, the pH and voltage dependence of Slo3 activation and deactivation kinetics is reported. The results indicate that Slo3 differs from Slo1 in several important ways. The limiting conductance activated at the most positive potentials exhibits a pH-dependent maximum, suggesting differences in the limiting open probability at different pH. Furthermore, over a 600 mV range of voltages (-300 to +300 mV), Slo3 conductance shifts only about two to three orders of magnitude, and the limiting conductance at negative potentials is relatively voltage independent compared to Slo1. Within the context of the Horrigan-Aldrich model, these results indicate that the intrinsic voltage dependence (z(L)) of the Slo3 closed-open equilibrium and the coupling (D) between voltage sensor movement are less than in Slo1. The kinetic behavior of Slo3 currents also differs markedly from Slo1. Both activation and deactivation are best described by two exponential components, both of which are only weakly voltage dependent. Qualitatively, the properties of the two kinetic components in the activation time course suggest that increases in pH increase the fraction of more rapidly opening channels.  相似文献   

Art Winfree's scientific legacy has been particularly important to our laboratory whose major goal is to understand the mechanisms of ventricular fibrillation (VF). Here, we take an integrative approach to review recent studies on the manner in which nonlinear electrical waves organize to result in VF. We describe the contribution of specific potassium channel proteins and of the myocardial fiber structure to such organization. The discussion centers on data derived from a model of stable VF in the Langendorff-perfused guinea pig heart that demonstrates distinct patterns of organization in the left (LV) and right (RV) ventricles. Analysis of optical mapping data reveals that VF excitation frequencies are distributed throughout the ventricles in clearly demarcated domains. The highest frequency domains are found on the anterior wall of the LV at a location where sustained reentrant activity is present. The optical data suggest that a high frequency rotor that remains stationary in the LV is the mechanism that sustains VF in this model. Computer simulations predict that the inward rectifying potassium current (IK1) is an essential determinant of rotor stability and frequency, and patch-clamp results strongly suggest that the outward component of IK1 of cells in the LV is significantly larger than in the RV. Additional computer simulations and analytical procedures predict that the filaments of the reentrant activity (scroll waves) adopt a non-random configuration depending on fiber organization within the ventricular wall. Using the minimal principle we have concluded that filaments align with the trajectory of least resistance (i.e. the geodesic) between their endpoints. Overall, the data discussed have opened new and potentially exciting avenues of research on the possible role played by inward rectifier channels in the mechanism of VF, as well as the organization of its reentrant sources in three-dimensional cardiac muscle. Such an integrative approach may lead us toward an understanding of the molecular and structural basis of VF and hopefully to new preventative approaches.  相似文献   

OmpF and PhoE from Escherichia coli and related homologous proteins from other Gram-negative bacteria allow the passive transport of small polar molecules across the bacterial outer membrane. In vitro, they exhibit voltage gating depending on the experimental conditions. We review current hypotheses on the underlying molecular mechanism of voltage gating of OmpF porin and show how computer simulations can be used to examine each of the proposed mechanisms.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated proton (Hv) channels play an essential role in phagocytic cells by generating a hyperpolarizing proton current that electrically compensates for the depolarizing current generated by the NADPH oxidase during the respiratory burst, thereby ensuring a sustained production of reactive oxygen species by the NADPH oxidase in phagocytes to neutralize engulfed bacteria. Despite the importance of the voltage-dependent Hv current, it is at present unclear which residues in Hv channels are responsible for the voltage activation. Here we show that individual neutralizations of three charged residues in the fourth transmembrane domain, S4, all reduce the voltage dependence of activation. In addition, we show that the middle S4 charged residue moves from a position accessible from the cytosolic solution to a position accessible from the extracellular solution, suggesting that this residue moves across most of the membrane electric field during voltage activation of Hv channels. Our results show for the first time that the charge movement of these three S4 charges accounts for almost all of the measured gating charge in Hv channels.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that the carboxyl terminal of connexin43 (Cx43CT) is involved in fast transjunctional voltage gating. Separate studies support the notion of an intramolecular association between Cx43CT and a region of the cytoplasmic loop (amino acids 119–144; referred to as “L2”). Structural analysis of L2 shows two α-helical domains, each with a histidine residue in its sequence (H126 and H142). Here, we determined the effect of H142 replacement by lysine, alanine, and glutamate on the voltage gating of Cx43 channels. Mutation H142E led to a significant reduction in the frequency of occurrence of the residual state and a prolongation of dwell open time. Macroscopically, there was a large reduction in the fast component of voltage gating. These results resembled those observed for a mutant lacking the carboxyl terminal (CT) domain. NMR experiments showed that mutation H142E significantly decreased the Cx43CT-L2 interaction and disrupted the secondary structure of L2. Overall, our data support the hypothesis that fast voltage gating involves an intramolecular particle-receptor interaction between CT and L2. Some of the structural constrains of fast voltage gating may be shared with those involved in the chemical gating of Cx43.  相似文献   

电压依赖性离子通道门控的分子机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Lu GW 《生理科学进展》1997,28(4):306-310
50年代Hodgkin和Huxley双通道模型及其激活与失活学说,正逐步被80年代以来的分子生物学和电生理学研究所证实。Na^+、K^+离子通道的激活主要决定于高度保守的带正电荷氨基酸残基密集的S4段,由膜内向膜外方向的拧改锥样旋转。Na^+通道的失活主要与其Ⅲ-Ⅳ功能区之间的胞内连结襻的“铰链盖”样运动有关;K^+通的失活分N-、C-、P-三型,分别发生在N-、C-末端和P区,其N型失活与N-末  相似文献   

The hypoxia-induced membrane depolarization and subsequent constriction of small resistance pulmonary arteries occurs, in part, via inhibition of vascular smooth muscle cell voltage-gated K+ (KV) channels open at the resting membrane potential. Pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cell KV channel expression, antibody-based dissection of the pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cell K+ current, and the O2 sensitivity of cloned KV channels expressed in heterologous expression systems have all been examined to identify the molecular components of the pulmonary arterial O2-sensitive KV current. Likely components include Kv2.1/Kv9.3 and Kv1.2/Kv1.5 heteromeric channels and the Kv3.1b alpha-subunit. Although the mechanism of KV channel inhibition by hypoxia is unknown, it appears that KV alpha-subunits do not sense O2 directly. Rather, they are most likely inhibited through interaction with an unidentified O2 sensor and/or beta-subunit. This review summarizes the role of KV channels in hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, the recent progress toward the identification of KV channel subunits involved in this response, and the possible mechanisms of KV channel regulation by hypoxia.  相似文献   

Potassium channels regulate excitability, epithelial ion transport, proliferation, and apoptosis. In pancreatic ducts, K+ channels hyperpolarize the membrane potential and provide the driving force for anion secretion. This review focuses on the molecular candidates of functional K+ channels in pancreatic duct cells, including KCNN4 (KCa3.1), KCNMA1 (KCa1.1), KCNQ1 (Kv7.1), KCNH2 (Kv11.1), KCNH5 (Kv10.2), KCNT1 (KCa4.1), KCNT2 (KCa4.2), and KCNK5 (K2P5.1). We will give an overview of K+ channels with respect to their electrophysiological and pharmacological characteristics and regulation, which we know from other cell types, preferably in epithelia, and, where known, their identification and functions in pancreatic ducts and in adenocarcinoma cells. We conclude by pointing out some outstanding questions and future directions in pancreatic K+ channel research with respect to the physiology of secretion and pancreatic pathologies, including pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, and cancer, in which the dysregulation or altered expression of K+ channels may be of importance.  相似文献   

Block of sodium ionic current by lidocaine is associated with alteration of the gating charge-voltage (Q-V) relationship characterized by a 38% reduction in maximal gating charge (Q(max)) and by the appearance of additional gating charge at negative test potentials. We investigated the molecular basis of the lidocaine-induced reduction in cardiac Na channel-gating charge by sequentially neutralizing basic residues in each of the voltage sensors (S4 segments) in the four domains of the human heart Na channel (hH1a). By determining the relative reduction in the Q(max) of each mutant channel modified by lidocaine we identified those S4 segments that contributed to a reduction in gating charge. No interaction of lidocaine was found with the voltage sensors in domains I or II. The largest inhibition of charge movement was found for the S4 of domain III consistent with lidocaine completely inhibiting its movement. Protection experiments with intracellular MTSET (a charged sulfhydryl reagent) in a Na channel with the fourth outermost arginine in the S4 of domain III mutated to a cysteine demonstrated that lidocaine stabilized the S4 in domain III in a depolarized configuration. Lidocaine also partially inhibited movement of the S4 in domain IV, but lidocaine's most dramatic effect was to alter the voltage-dependent charge movement of the S4 in domain IV such that it accounted for the appearance of additional gating charge at potentials near -100 mV. These findings suggest that lidocaine's actions on Na channel gating charge result from allosteric coupling of the binding site(s) of lidocaine to the voltage sensors formed by the S4 segments in domains III and IV.  相似文献   

Mechano-gated ion channels are implicated in a variety of neurosensory functions ranging from touch sensitivity to hearing. In the heart, rhythm disturbance subsequent to mechanical effects is also associated with the activation of stretch-sensitive ion channels. Arterial autoregulation in response to hemodynamic stimuli, a vital process required for protection against hypertension-induced injury, is similarly dependent on the activity of force-sensitive ion channels. Seminal work in prokaryotes and invertebrates, including the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and the fruit fly drosophila, greatly helped to identify the molecular basis of volume regulation, hearing and touch sensitivity. In mammals, more recent findings have indicated that members of several structural family of ion channels, namely the transient receptor potential (TRP) channels, the amiloride-sensitive ENaC/ASIC channels and the potassium channels K2P and Kir are involved in cellular mechanotransduction. In the present review, we will focus on the molecular and functional properties of these channel subunits and will emphasize on their role in the pressure-dependent arterial myogenic constriction and the flow-mediated vasodilation.  相似文献   

S M Dunn 《Biochemistry》1988,27(14):5275-5281
The voltage dependence of binding of the calcium channel antagonist, (+)-[3H]PN200-110, to rat brain synaptosomes and the effects of dihydropyridines on 45Ca2+ uptake have been investigated. Under nondepolarizing conditions (+)-[3H]PN200-110 binds to a single class of sites with a Kd of 0.07 nM and a binding capacity of 182 fmol/mg of protein. When the synaptosomal membrane potential was dissipated either by osmotic lysis of the synaptosomes or by depolarization induced by raising the external K+ concentration, there was a decrease in affinity (approximately 7-fold) with no change in the number of sites. The effects of calcium channel ligands on 45Ca2+ uptake by synaptosomes have been measured as a function of external potassium concentration, i.e., membrane potential. Depolarization led to a rapid influx of 45Ca2+ whose magnitude was voltage-dependent. Verapamil (100 microM) almost completely inhibited calcium uptake at all potassium concentrations studied. In contrast, the effects of dihydropyridines (2 microM) appear to be voltage-sensitive. At relatively low levels of depolarization (10-25 mM K+) nitrendipine and PN200-110 completely inhibited 45Ca2+ influx, whereas the agonist Bay K8644 slightly potentiated the response. At higher K+ concentrations an additional dihydropyridine-insensitive component of calcium uptake was observed. These results provide evidence for the presence of dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium channels in synaptosomes which may be activated under conditions of partial depolarization.  相似文献   

Hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) ion channels are important for rhythmic activity in the brain and in the heart. In this study, using ionic and gating current measurements, we show that cloned spHCN channels undergo a hysteresis in their voltage dependence during normal gating. For example, both the gating charge versus voltage curve, Q(V), and the conductance versus voltage curve, G(V), are shifted by about +60 mV when measured from a hyperpolarized holding potential compared with a depolarized holding potential. In addition, the kinetics of the tail current and the activation current change in parallel to the voltage shifts of the Q(V) and G(V) curves. Mammalian HCN1 channels display similar effects in their ionic currents, suggesting that the mammalian HCN channels also undergo voltage hysteresis. We propose a model in which HCN channels transit between two modes. The voltage dependence in the two modes is shifted relative to each other, and the occupancy of the two modes depends on the previous activation of the channel. The shifts in the voltage dependence are fast (tau approximately 100 ms) and are not accompanied by any apparent inactivation. In HCN1 channels, the shift in voltage dependence is slower in a 100 mM K extracellular solution compared with a 1 mM K solution. Based on these findings, we suggest that molecular conformations similar to slow (C-type) inactivation of K channels underlie voltage hysteresis in HCN channels. The voltage hysteresis results in HCN channels displaying different voltage dependences during different phases in the pacemaker cycle. Computer simulations suggest that voltage hysteresis in HCN channels decreases the risk of arrhythmia in pacemaker cells.  相似文献   

Molecular basis of an inherited epilepsy   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
Lossin C  Wang DW  Rhodes TH  Vanoye CG  George AL 《Neuron》2002,34(6):877-884
Epilepsy is a common neurological condition that reflects neuronal hyperexcitability arising from largely unknown cellular and molecular mechanisms. In generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus, an autosomal dominant epilepsy syndrome, mutations in three genes coding for voltage-gated sodium channel alpha or beta1 subunits (SCN1A, SCN2A, SCN1B) and one GABA receptor subunit gene (GABRG2) have been identified. Here, we characterize the functional effects of three mutations in the human neuronal sodium channel alpha subunit SCN1A by heterologous expression with its known accessory subunits, beta1 and beta2, in cultured mammalian cells. SCN1A mutations alter channel inactivation, resulting in persistent inward sodium current. This gain-of-function abnormality will likely enhance excitability of neuronal membranes by causing prolonged membrane depolarization, a plausible underlying biophysical mechanism responsible for this inherited human epilepsy.  相似文献   

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