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The refinement of husbandry and procedures to reduce animal suffering and improve welfare is an essential component of humane science. Successful refinement depends upon the ability to assess animal welfare effectively, and detect any signs of pain or distress as rapidly as possible, so that any suffering can be alleviated. This document provides practical guidance on setting up and operating effective protocols for the welfare assessment of animals used in research and testing. It sets out general principles for more objective observation of animals, recognizing and assessing indicators of pain or distress and tailoring these to individual projects. Systems for recording indicators, including score sheets, are reviewed and guidance is set out on determining practical monitoring regimes that are more likely to detect any signs of suffering. This guidance is intended for all staff required to assess or monitor animal welfare, including animal technologists and care staff, veterinarians and scientists. It will also be of use to members of ethics or animal care and use committees. A longer version of this document, with further background information and extra topics including training and information sharing, is available on the Laboratory Animals website.  相似文献   

Fanconi anemia (FA) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by progressive pancytopenia, congenital malformations, and predisposition to acute myeloid leukemia. At least five complementation groups (FA-A-FA-E) have been identified. The relative prevalence of FA-A has been estimated at an average of approximately 65% but may widely vary according to ethnic background. In Italy, 11 of 12 patients analyzed by cell-fusion studies were assigned to group FA-A, suggesting an unusually high relative prevalence of this FA subtype in patients of Italian ancestry. We have screened the 43 exons of the FAA gene and their flanking intronic sequences in 38 Italian FA patients, using RNA-SSCP. Ten different mutations were detected: three nonsense and one missense substitutions, four putative splice mutations, an insertion, and a duplication. Most of the mutations are expected to cause a premature termination of the FAA protein at various sites throughout the molecule. Four protein variants were also found, three of which were polymorphisms. The missense mutation D1359Y, not found in chromosomes from healthy unrelated individuals, was responsible for a local alteration of hydrophobicity in the FAA protein, and it was likely to be pathogenic. Thus, the mutations so far encountered in the FAA gene are essentially all different. Since screening based on the analysis of single exons by genomic DNA amplification apparently detects only a minority of the mutations, methods designed to detect alterations in the genomic structure of the gene or in the FAA polypeptide may be helpful in the identification of FAA mutations.  相似文献   

Pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP) from Phytolacca americana is a highly specific N-glycosidase removing adenine residues (A4324 in 28S rRNA and A2660 in 23S rRNA) from intact ribosomes of both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Due to the ribosome impairing activity the gene coding for mature PAP has not been expressed so far in bacteria whereas the full-length gene (coding for the mature 262 amino acids plus two signal peptides of 22 and 29 amino acids at both N- and C-termini, respectively) has been expressed in Escherichia coli. In order to determine: 1) the size of the N-terminal region of PAP which is required for toxicity to E. coli; and 2) the location of the putative enzymatic active site of PAP, 5′-terminal progressive deletion of the PAP full-length gene was carried out and the truncated forms of the gene were cloned in a vector containing a strong constitutive promoter and a consensus Shine-Dalgarno ribosome binding site. The ribosome inactivation or toxicity of the PAP is used as a phenotype characterized by the absence of E. coli colonies, while the mutation of PAP open reading frames in the small number of survived clones is used as an indicator of the toxicity to E. coli cells. Results showed that the native full-length PAP gene was highly expressed and was not toxic to E. coli cells although in vitro ribosome inactivating activity assay indicated it was active. However, all of the N-terminal truncated forms (removal of seven to 107 codons) of the PAP gene were toxic to E. coli cells and were mutated into either out of frame, early termination codon or inactive form of PAP (i.e., clone PAPΔ107). Deletion of more than 123 codons restored the correct gene sequence but resulted in the loss of the antiviral and ribosome inactivating activities and by the formation of a large number of clones. These results suggest that full-length PAP (with N- and C-terminal extensions) might be an inactive form of the enzyme in vivo presumably by inclusion body formation or other unknown mechanisms and is not toxic to E. coli cells. However, it is activated by at least seven codon deletions at the N-terminus. Deletions from seven through to 107 amino acids were lethal to the cells and only mutated forms (inactive) of the gene were obtained. But deletion of more than 123 amino acids resulted in the loss of enzymatic activity and made it possible to express the correct PAP gene in E. coli. Because deletion of Tyr94 and Va195, which are involved in the binding of the target adenine base, did not abolish the activity of PAP, it is concluded that the location previously proposed for PAP enzymatic active site should be reassessed.  相似文献   

We have identified and sequenced a cDNA that encodes an apparent human orthologue of a yeast protein-X component (ScPDX1) of pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complexes. The new human cDNA that has been referred to as "HsPDX1" cDNA was cloned by use of the "database cloning" strategy and had a 1,506-bp open reading frame. The amino acid sequence of the protein encoded by the cDNA was 20% identical with that encoded by the yeast PDX1 gene and 40% identical with that encoded by the lipoate acetyltransferase component of the pyruvate dehydrogenase and included a lipoyl-bearing domain that is conserved in some dehydrogenase enzyme complexes. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that the major HsPDX1 mRNA was 2.5 kb in length and was expressed mainly in human skeletal and cardiac muscles but was also present, at low levels, in other tissues. FISH analysis performed with a P1-derived artificial chromosome (PAC)-containing HsPDX1 gene sublocalized the gene to 11p1.3. Molecular investigation of PDX1 deficiency in four patients with neonatal lactic acidemias revealed mutations 78del85 and 965del59 in a homozygous state, and one other patient had no PDX1 mRNA expression.  相似文献   

廖文婷  邓红兵  李若男  郑华 《生态学报》2018,38(5):1750-1757
水利工程建设在给人类带来抗旱防洪效益、发电效益、航运效益、养殖等效益的同时,也对河流水文动态产生了一系列的影响,主要表现为对径流的调节。基于宜昌站1890—2014年径流数据,综合采用径流集中度、集中期和相位差分析等多种方法,分析了水利工程建设对径流年内分配以及枯水期的影响。结果表明:宜昌站径流集中度呈现缓慢下降趋势并在2004年发生突变,2003年以后径流集中度相对于2003年以前下降0.06(下降幅度为12.98%),说明葛洲坝水利枢纽、三峡工程建成以后宜昌站径流在年内分配变得平缓,洪峰被有效削弱,且三峡工程对宜昌站径流集中度减少的贡献率大于葛洲坝水利枢纽(贡献率分别为92.03%和7.97%);葛洲坝和三峡水利枢纽建成后,宜昌站径流重心提前8d(集中期从8月9日提前至7月31日);宜昌站进入枯水期的时间提前约20d(三峡大坝建设以前,宜昌站在12月7—11日进入枯水期,建设以后在11月底进入枯水期),水利工程对水文过程的影响可能导致下游枯水期污染加剧和湿地生境提前缩小,进而影响下游水环境和湿地生物多样性。上述结果定量揭示了水利工程对水文过程的影响及其潜在生态效应,可为认识水利工程的生态影响以及流域生态环境变化的驱动因素提供科学依据。  相似文献   

For the first time unequivocal fossil remains of a green toad (Bufo viridis s.l.) are described in the Iberian Peninsula. The fossils come from the Cueva Victoria site, a late Early Pleistocene (ca. 1.1–1.2 Ma) karstic filling in semi-arid southeastern Spain (Murcia region). By extension, other remains from two other Early Pleistocene Spanish localities, Barranco León D (ca. 1.3 Ma) and Almenara-Casablanca 3 (ca. 1.1 Ma), are cautiously attributed to the group B. viridis. The B. viridis group was previously reported with some uncertainty to the west of its current distribution area in Western Europe (Spain and France) in the Pliocene (Bufo cf. viridis) and less probably in the Early Miocene (Bufo aff. viridis). Since no osteological differences have been established between the recently described extant species of B. viridis s.l. (e.g. Bufo balearicus, Bufo siculus, Bufo boulengeri, B. viridis sensu stricto and Bufo variabilis) no precise palaeobiogeographical relationships can be drawn for the Spanish fossils. However, the occurrence of a third species of bufonid toad during the Pleistocene in the South of the Iberian Peninsula raises some interesting ecological questions in relation to the local disappearance of the green toad, which can be hypothetically linked to the intensification of the Pleistocene glacial/interglacial climate dynamic or to probable competition with another toad, Bufo calamita.  相似文献   

Ey, P. L., and Darby, J. M. 1998.Giardia intestinalis: Conservation of the variant-specific surface protein VSP417-1 (TSA417) and identification of a divergent homologue encoded at a duplicated locus in genetic Group II isolates.Experimental Parasitology90, 250–261. The stability of the gene encoding TSA417, a 72-kDa variant-specific surface protein (VSP) produced by trophozoites ofGiardia intestinalisisolate WB-C6, was investigated in isolates of similar (Assemblage A / Group I) or distinct (Assemblage A / Group II) genotype. Using primers specific for the WB-C6tsa417gene, DNA amplified in polymerase chain reactions from genomic DNA indicated the presence, in every isolate, of an intact coding sequence possessing conserved restriction sites diagnostic for this locus (herein designatedvsp417-1). Sequence analysis of the DNA amplified from the genomes of genetic Group I (“A-I”) isolates revealed complete identity with the published WB-C6tsa417(vsp417-1A-I) sequence. Equivalent products, amplified from the genomes of genetic Group II (“A-II”) isolates, similarly yielded an invariant and apparently allelic 2142-bp coding sequence (designatedvsp417-1A-II) possessing 79% nucleotide identity withvsp417-1A-Iand polymorphisms unique to Group II organisms. The encoded polypeptides (VSP417-1A-Iand VSP417-1A-II) are identical at 75% of amino acid positions. Substitutions are concentrated within the N-terminal portions of the proteins, but the overall structure of VSP417-1 has changed little during the evolution of the Group I and Group II genotypes from their common clonal ancestor. An additional 0.7-kb DNA, representing a separate locus (vsp417-5) encoding a 22.3-kDa VSP, was amplified from genetic Group II genomes exclusively but only using particular primer combinations. Thevsp417-5A-IIgene exhibits >85% sequence identity with the 5′ and 3′ segments ofvsp417-1A-Iandvsp417-1A-IIbut it lacks a 1482-bp segment that comprises the central portion of thevsp417-1 locus. Excision of this segment seems to have occurred by intragenic recombination, possibly initiated by a stem loop formed between palindromic sequences which border the 1482-bp segment withinvsp417-1 but which are contiguous invsp417-5A-II. The detection by Southern hybridization of additional genomic sequences that share homology with these genes reveals the existence in these two genotypes of a distinctive “vsp417” gene subset.  相似文献   

The Marine Reserve of Cerbère-Banyuls represents a refuge for dusky grouper populations (Epinephelus marginatus). Density survey and observation of the reproductive behavior of this species have been conducted there for the last 30 years. However, information on the behavior or habitat utilization for this species during winter time is limited. We conducted acoustic telemetry surveys from September 2005 to June 2006 in the Marine Reserve of Cerbère-Banyuls for a dusky grouper population. Six groupers were tagged and followed within the integral reserve and in the adjacent partial reserve. The results from the tracking of these individuals indicated that the largest dusky groupers are sedentary fishes with a high degree of site fidelity and a high sensitivity to variations of environmental conditions such as storms. This together with the life history characteristics of this species encourages the conservation and the protection of essential habitats of this species. Acoustic tracking coupled to the use of a fixed Kernel can be proposed to follow fish populations. To cite this article: J. Pastor et al., C. R. Biologies 332 (2009).  相似文献   

Ida Bernier  Pierre Jolls 《Biochimie》1987,69(11-12):1127-1152
This review deals with recent advances in the research of cytosolic non-enzymic proteins involved in the metabolism of lipophilic compounds. Emphasis is given to the important contribution of structural data in the understanding of the functional properties of these proteins and in the emergence of new protein families. The possibility that many of the 'cytosolic' proteins might be structure-bound and structure-forming in the living cell is discussed, with references to so far available structural data and to recent investigations on the architecture and biochemical composition of the cytoplasm. The aim of this review is to present in a condensed form (227 references) the evolution in the study of cytosolic proteins binding and transferring lipophilic compounds and to enable interested investigators to become aware of current concepts and perspectives in this active and steadily growing area of research.  相似文献   

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