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I. Kasprzyk 《Aerobiologia》2004,20(4):217-222
Airborne pollen of entomophilous plants occurred in low or very low concentrations, and constituted 4 of the total pollen sum. In 1997–2002, between 18 and 26 taxa were identified. Out of this large group the following taxa were represented in larger concentrations every year– Salix, Acer, Morus, Cichorioideae, Asterioideae, Plantago major/media, Sambucus nigra and Tilia. Microscopic examination revealed that pollen grains of the above mentioned species were often glued together, which is a typical adaptation to this kind of pollination. Club moss (Lycopodium spp.) and horsetail (Equisetum spp.) spores were recorded sporadically. Fern spores were found frequently but in very low numbers. In 2002 the occurrence of the airborne pollen of entomophilous plants in the city and in the countryside was compared. A higher percentage value of pollen was found in the atmosphere of the city rather than in the countryside, due to the high concentration of Acer pollen, which is a partly entomophilous species and common in municipal plantings. In the countryside air there was a higher concentration of pollen from purely entomophilous species, such as Viburnum and Asteroideae.  相似文献   

The diurnal variation of airborne pollen concentrations of Alnus, Betula, Pinus, Poaceae, Urtica and Artemisia was examined at the sampling station in Gdańsk, northern Poland. Diurnal patterns of Alnus and Pinus pollen show distinctly lower values and low frequency of diurnal maxima between midnight and late morning and a clear rise of pollen counts at around noon. The rather high values remain during the afternoon and evening. The Betula pollen counts are almost evenly distributed along day and night and diurnal maxima appear in similar frequency at any time of day. Pollen concentrations of Poaceae increase at about 9.00 hours and remain high till late evening. Diurnal patterns of Urtica and Artemisia show very clear variation with high peaks at around 9.00 hours (Artemisia) and 13.00 hours (Urtica). The comparison of the data from Gdańsk with the data from other aerobiological stations shows very similar general features in the diurnal patterns irrespective the region or the local situation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that ragweed pollen arrives in Poland from sources in the south, in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria. It is likely that ragweed pollen also arrives from sources in the southeast (e.g. Ukraine). This hypothesis was investigated using 13 years of pollen data and back-trajectory analysis. Ambrosia pollen data were collected at three sites in Poland, Rzeszów, Kraków and Poznań. The amount of ragweed pollen recorded at Rzeszów was significantly higher than in Poznań and Kraków. This can be related to either a higher abundance of local populations of Ambrosia in south-east Poland or the proximity of Rzeszów to foreign sources of ragweed pollen. The combined results of pollen measurements and air mass trajectory calculations identified plumes of Ambrosia pollen that were recorded at Rzeszów, Kraków and Poznań on 4 and 5 September 1999 and 3 September 2002. These plumes arrived at the pollen-monitoring sites from an easterly direction, indicating sources of Ambrosia pollen in eastern Poland or Ukraine. This identifies Ukraine as a possible new source of ragweed pollen for Poland and therefore an important source area of Ambrosia pollen on the European Continent.  相似文献   

This study sought to compare airborne pollen counts for a number of common herbaceous species (Plantago, Chenopodiaceae–Amaranthaceae, Rumex, and Urticaceae) in two cities with differing weather conditions, Córdoba (Southwestern Spain) and Poznan (Western Poland). Pollen seasons for these species were studied from 1995 to 2005. Aerobiological sampling was performed using a Hirst type 7-day spore trap, in accordance with the procedure developed by the European Aerobiology Network. A Spearman correlation test was used to test for correlations between meteorological parameters and daily airborne pollen counts. The Spearman correlation test and the Wilcoxon signed ranks test were also used to compare mean daily pollen counts for the two study sites. In Córdoba, the pollen season generally started around two months earlier than in Poznan, and also lasted longer. These findings were attributed to the presence of a larger number of species in Córdoba, with overlapping pollen seasons, and also to more favorable weather conditions. Trends in pollen season start dates were fairly stable over the study period, with a slight tendency to delayed onset in Córdoba and a modest advance in start date in Poznan. The pollen season end date also remained reasonably stable over the study, with only a slight tendency for the season to end earlier in Córdoba and later in Poznan. A clear trend towards declining annual pollen counts was recorded over the study period for all pollen types in both cities.  相似文献   

Artemisia pollen is an important allergen in Europe. In Poznań (Western Poland), three Artemisia species, A. vulgaris, A. campestris and A. absinthium, are widely distributed. However, the contributions of these species to the total airborne pollen are unknown. The aim of the study was to determine the flowering phenology and pollen production of the three abovementioned species and to construct a model of potential Artemisia pollen emission in the study area. Phenological observations were conducted in 2012 at six sites in Poznań using a BBCH phenological scale. Pollen production was estimated by counting the pollen grains per flower and recalculating the totals per inflorescence, plant and population in the study area. Airborne pollen concentrations were obtained using a Hirst-type volumetric trap located in the study area. Artemisia vulgaris began to flower the earliest, followed by A. absinthium and then A. campestris. The flowering of A. vulgaris corresponded to the first peak in the airborne pollen level, and the flowering of A. campestris coincided with the second pollen peak. The highest amounts of pollen per single plant were produced by A. vulgaris and A. absinthium. A. campestris produced considerably less pollen, however, due to its common occurrence, it contributed markedly (30 %) to the summation of total of recorded pollen. A. vulgaris is the most important pollen source in Poznań, but the roles of two other Artemisia species cannot be ignored. In particular, A. campestris should be considered as an important pollen contributor and likely might be one of the main causes of allergic reactions during late summer.  相似文献   

High Pinaceae pollen concentrations in the air and on the surface of puddles before the main pollen season started were observed in Kraków (southern Poland) in May 2013. The paper presents the results of detailed studies of the composition and source of the “yellow rain” in 2013, and as a comparison, the Pinaceae pollen concentrations and samples collected from the ground surface in 2014 were considered. The air samples were collected using the volumetric method (Hirst-type device), while pollen grains sampled from the ground surface were processed using a modified Erdtman acetolysis method. Finally, all samples were studied using a light microscope. In 2013, the period of higher Abies, Picea and Pinus pollen concentrations was observed from the 5 to 12 of May, earlier than the main pollen season occurred. The presence of rainfall on the 12 and 13 of May 2013 caused the pollen deposition on the ground surface, where the prevalence of Pinaceae pollen was found. The synoptic situation and the analysis of the back-trajectories and air mass advection at the beginning of May 2013 indicated that Pinaceae pollen grains could have been transported from Ukraine, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia. In contrast, Pinaceae pollen grains deposited on the ground surface as a “yellow” film in May 2014, originated from local sources.  相似文献   

The investigated problem was whether and to what an extent the elements of weather conditions were associated with changes in the concentration of Ambrosia pollen in air. The study was carried out in the years 1997–2004 using the volumetric method. Ragweed did not occur in the flora of the town of Rzeszów and its vicinity, but every year its pollen occurred at concentrations considerably exceeding the threshold values for the allergic response. The pollen seasons usually began from near the end of August to the first part of September. The values of daily concentrations varied greatly: days without pollen grains being frequently noted while single grains occurred long before and after the season. The effect of the elements of weather on changes in the concentration of pollen in the air was slight. Taking into account all meteorological parameters, it can be stated that an increase in the number of pollen grains is connected with increased temperature and higher wind speeds, but negatively correlated with humidity and rainfall. These relationships can usually be explained by the effects of the type of weather taking place over the wider region. The analysis of the results showed that pollen was probably transported from distant regions. The mean angle at which the greatest pollen concentrations were recorded corresponded to the SE wind direction. The analysis of synoptic phenomena during the pollen season confirms the thesis about the long-distance transport from the south, southeast and southwest. A close dependence was also found between the starting date of the season and the sum of maximum temperatures and the sum of differences between the maximum and minimum temperatures.  相似文献   

The airborne pollen concentration of the four mostfrequent and most allergenic taxa in Poland; Alnus, Betula, Poaceae, and Artemisia atPozna in the years 1995–1996 has been analyzed,using a Hirst-type volumetric spore trap. Theappearance of the earliest pollen producing taxa wasobserved as early as January and February, which isrelevant information for people subject to allergiesin the Pozna region, where Spring usually beginsin March. The periods of high and very high pollenconcentration of individual taxa have been comparedfor the two years.  相似文献   

A continuous record of sedimentation in spring-fed fens makes them suitable for detailed palaeoenvironmental studies. A newly investigated cupola spring-fed fen (Paw?ów site), located in the Lublin chalkland, eastern Poland, was the object of our study. This special karst region is characterised by the occurrence of Upper Cretaceous carbonate rocks in the substratum. Sedimentological observations indicated strong variability of biogenic-carbonate series in the deposits (=peat-tufa rhythmite), reflects changes of accumulation conditions (oxidising versus reducing), resulting from alternate occurrence of warmer and cooler periods. Difficulties in pollen analysis due to oxidising conditions necessitate a multidisciplinary approach for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. We used a multidisciplinary approach (sedimentological, palaeobotanical, geochemical analyses and radiocarbon dating) to determine the main evolutionary stages of this unique fen ecosystem and to discuss the role of local or/and regional factors in its development. Pollen and plant macrofossil analyses, supported by radiocarbon dating, proved that the bottom part of the cores represents the Late Glacial–Early Holocene stages of the fen development. A comparative analysis of palaeoenvironmental data showed close resemblance between the Paw?ów fen and the earlier studied fens in eastern Poland and Central-Eastern Europe, and the connection between their development and supraregional hydrological-climatic factors. The results indicated also the influence of the morphological position of such a type of ecosystem on the development of a continuous deposit succession. The occurrence of a river valley in close proximity of the Paw?ów site resulted in the lack of tufa deposits from the Atlantic period, because of an erosional phase in the river valley.  相似文献   

Airborne pollen counts are mainly determined using a volumetric suction sampler based on the impact principle, that is, a Hirst-type spore trap. As a consequence of their volumetric nature, samplers detect pollen from a wide area, and therefore, a single sampler is frequently used to acquire information on airborne pollen counts for the whole city. The main goal of the present study was to compare airborne pollen counts at two sites located at opposite ends (south-west vs. north-east) of the southern Spanish city of Córdoba, to assess the advantages and disadvantages of using more than one sampler in the city. Also, a comparative study was carried out using two samplers at the same site, in order to confirm the efficiency of the samplers. Results revealed that data from one volumetric sampler—located within a city of medium size with uniform topography and vegetation conditions—are sufficient to establish monitoring of the main airborne pollen types, the pollen seasons involved and the timing of peak counts. For clinical studies, however, data on pollen counts in specific areas of the city may be of value, since pollen intensity may vary from one district to another, mainly in the case of ornamental plants with a local distribution inside the city. Comparison of data obtained by the two samplers running at the same site indicated that potential inter-site differences could not be attributed to differences in sampler efficiency.  相似文献   

A qualitative and quantitative analysis of airborne pollen and spores was carried out over 2 years (from September 1987 to August 1989) in the city of León. Slides were prepared daily using a volumetric pollen trap, which was placed on the Faculty of Veterinary Science building (University of León) 12m above ground-level. Fifty-one pollen types were observed; the most important of these were: Cupressaceae during the winter,Pinus andQuercus in spring, and Poaceae, Leguminosae and Chenopodiaceae in the summer. The results also showed the existence of a rich mould spore assemblage in the atmosphere. The group of Amerospores (Penicillium, Aspergillus andCladosporium) as well as Dictyospores (Alternaria) were the most abundant;Puccinia was common in the air in August. Fluctuations in the total pollen and spores m3 of air were compared with meteorological parameters (temperature, relative humidity and rainfall). From the daily sampling of the atmosphere of León, considering the maximum and minimum temperature and duration of rainfall, the start of the pollen grain season was observed generally to coincide with a rise in temperature in the absence of rain.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean area, Urticaceae pollen, together with the pollen of olive and grasses, are the aeroallergens with the highest incidence in the population. From October 1991 to September 1993, with the aid of a Burkard spore-trap, we carried out a study on the Urticaceae pollen content in the atmosphere of Málaga, a seaside resort situated in the Costa del Sol (southern Spain). In Málaga, the Urticaceae pollen season is very long and their pollen grains are detected throughout the year. However, peaks were recorded in March and April and the variables most influencing concentration were maximum air temperature, sunshine hours and relative humidity. Diurnal patterns show that peaks occur generally from 10:00 h to 16:00 h when the temperature reaches its highest values.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean area, Urticaceae pollen, together with the pollen of olive and grasses, are the aeroallergens with the highest incidence in the population. From October 1991 to September 1993, with the aid of a Burkard spore-trap, we carried out a study on the Urticaceae pollen content in the atmosphere of Málaga, a seaside resort situated in the Costa del Sol (southern Spain). In Málaga, the Urticaceae pollen season is very long and their pollen grains are detected throughout the year. However, peaks were recorded in March and April and the variables most influencing concentration were maximum air temperature, sunshine hours and relative humidity. Diurnal patterns show that peaks occur generally from 10:00 h to 16:00 h when the temperature reaches its highest values.  相似文献   

Pollen data from the atmosphere of Vigo, NW Spain was collected using a Hirst type pollen trap over a seven-year period (1995–2001). A total of 56 different pollen types were identified, among which Urticaceae, Poaceae, Betula and Quercus represent the greatest risk for people suffering from allergic rhinitis (hay fever) or other allergic diseases. Although in the atmosphere of Vigo the presence of allergenic pollen is constant throughout the year, the months of March and April account for 40% of the annual total pollen count. Two main risk periods have been identified for asthma and allergies: (1) March – April, and (2) June – July, the latter is of greater importance due to high concentrations of Poaceae pollen. Correlation analysis with meteorological parameters demonstrates that rainfall, relative humidity, maximum temperature, sun hours and north-easterly winds are the main factors influencing the average daily pollen concentrations in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

The present study sought to determine which of the common Poaceae species in the study area contribute most to the Poaceae pollen season curve, and to determine the phenological behaviour of the species studied. The different floral phenophases in thirty-three Poaceae species common in and around the city of Córdoba (SW Iberian Peninsula) were checked periodically over the period 2004–2006. Results showed that longer phenological ranges were recorded in the coolest and wettest year, and shorter ranges in the warmest and driest year. Moreover, ranges varied as a function of altitude: populations in lower-lying areas flowered earlier than those at higher altitudes. The results, taken in conjunction with the findings of preliminary research into potential pollen production, showed that probably only four of the Poaceae species studied—Dactylis glomerata, Lolium rigidum, Trisetaria panicea and Vulpia geniculata—were major contributors to the Poaceae airborne pollen curve.  相似文献   

Oak (Quercus petraea Liebl.) and larch (Larix decidua Mill.) forest plantations of the study area Mlodzawy in Poland were analysed. Changes in the syntaxonomic composition and of Ellenberg's indices (light, continentality, moisture, reaction and nitrogen index) were determinated. The results obtained mostly conform to the assumption that the herb layer of both plantations becomes, gradually with tree growth, more similar to each other and to that of mature oak-hornbeam forests. Such statement is justified by: an increase in the share of species common to both plantation types, a significant increase in the number and cover of the Querco-Fagetea character-species, accompanied by a decrease in the number and cover of other character-species, a general decrease in the share of species with extreme climatic and edaphic requirements, accompanied by a gradual increase in the share of number and cover of species with average demands. From the studies it may be concluded that the developmental mechanisms w which determine the direction and trends of changes in the herb layer are mainly common to both plantation types, whereas tree stand species, in spite of different habit, ecological demands, and effect on soil properties, have only slight modification influence.  相似文献   

Flowering and fruiting phenological patterns at the individual-, population-, and community level were studied in a southern Spanish scrub community composed of 30 shrub species. Few individuals of any species produced a high number of flowers. Intrapopulation deviation in the peak time of flowering showed a strong and positive skewness. Relative flowering duration, however, displayed a virtually normal distribution. Generally, species flowering in spring have a short flowering time, while species flowering earlier or later in the year show significantly longer flowering periods. Species were in bloom throughout the year, but there was a major peak during spring and two lesser ones in autumn and early summer. Shallow rooting taxa in typically mediterranean genera displayed a strategy of spring flowering and summer fruiting. Summer and autumn flowering occurred among heath-like shrubs of relatively wet places, and forest-associated, vertebrate-dispersed species which commonly have underground storage organs. Species with ripe fruits presented two peaks, the major one during the summer including the majority of taxa with seeds dispersed by non-vertebrate agents. There was a minor fruiting peak in autumn dominated by taxa that rely on vertebrates for dispersal. The complex seasonal patterns observed are interpreted in relation to environmental conditions and physiological constraints on species living in a highly seasonal climate.  相似文献   

We studied the possibility of integrating flowering dates in phenology and pollen counts in aerobiology in Germany. Data were analyzed for three pollen types (Betula, Poaceae, Artemisia) at 51 stations with pollen traps, and corresponding phenological flowering dates for 400 adjacent stations (< 25 km) for the years 1992–1993 and 1997–1999. The spatial and temporal coherence of these data sets was investigated by comparing start and peak of the pollen season with local minima and means of plant flowering. Our study revealed that start of birch pollen season occurred on average 5.7 days earlier than local birch flowering. For mugwort and grass, the pollen season started on average after local flowering was observed; mugwort pollen was found 4.8 days later and grass pollen season started almost on the same day (0.6 days later) as local flowering. Whereas the peak of the birch pollen season coincided with the mean flowering dates (0.4 days later), the pollen peaks of the other two species took place much later. On average, the peak of mugwort pollen occurred 15.4 days later than mean local flowering, the peak of grass pollen catches followed 22.6 days after local flowering. The study revealed a great temporal divergence between pollen and flowering dates with an irregular spatial pattern across Germany. Not all pollen catches could be explained by local vegetation flowering. Possible reasons include long-distance transport, pollen contributions of other than phenologically observed species and methodological constraints. The results suggest that further research is needed before using flowering dates in phenology to extrapolate pollen counts.  相似文献   

The concentration of airborne spores of Cladosporium and Alternaria has been investigated at five monitoring stations situated in cities from the foot of the Tatra Mountains to central Poland along a south-north transect (Zakopane, Kraków, Ostrowiec witokrzyski, Warszawa, Pozna) i.e. from a height of 900 m to 80 m above sea level. The aerobiological monitoring of fungal spores was performed by means of five Burkard volumetric spore traps.Cladosporium spores were dominant at all the stations. The highest Cladosporium and Alternaria spore concentrations were observed at all the sites in July and August, except at Warszawa in both years and at Pozna in 1995 where the maximum of Cladosporium spores occurred in June and July, and at Ostrowiec witokrzyski in 1995 where the maximum was found in July, August and September.Fungal spore concentrations in Zakopane and Kraków were significantly lower than those in Ostrowiec witokrzyski, Warszawa and Pozna and periods of abundant Cladosporium spore occurrence were different in these two groups of monitoring stations.  相似文献   

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