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多序列比对是一种重要的生物信息学工具,在生物的进化分析以及蛋白质的结构预测方面有着重要的应用。以ClustalW为代表的渐进式多序列比对算法在这个领域取得了很大的成功,成为应用最为广泛的多序列比对程序。但其固有的缺陷阻碍了比对精度的进一步提高,近年来出现了许多渐进式比对算法的改进算法,并取得良好的效果。本文选取了其中比较有代表性的几种算法对其基本比对思想予以描述,并且利用多序列比对程序平台BAliBASE和仿真程序ROSE对它们的精度和速度分别进行了比较和评价。  相似文献   

Sequence alignment programs such as BLAST and PSI-BLAST are used routinely in pairwise, profile-based, or intermediate-sequence-search (ISS) methods to detect remote homologies for the purposes of fold assignment and comparative modeling. Yet, the sequence alignment quality of these methods at low sequence identity is not known. We have used the CE structure alignment program (Shindyalov and Bourne, Prot Eng 1998;11:739) to derive sequence alignments for all superfamily and family-level related proteins in the SCOP domain database. CE aligns structures and their sequences based on distances within each protein, rather than on interprotein distances. We compared BLAST, PSI-BLAST, CLUSTALW, and ISS alignments with the CE structural alignments. We found that global alignments with CLUSTALW were very poor at low sequence identity (<25%), as judged by the CE alignments. We used PSI-BLAST to search the nonredundant sequence database (nr) with every sequence in SCOP using up to four iterations. The resulting matrix was used to search a database of SCOP sequences. PSI-BLAST is only slightly better than BLAST in alignment accuracy on a per-residue basis, but PSI-BLAST matrix alignments are much longer than BLAST's, and so align correctly a larger fraction of the total number of aligned residues in the structure alignments. Any two SCOP sequences in the same superfamily that shared a hit or hits in the nr PSI-BLAST searches were identified as linked by the shared intermediate sequence. We examined the quality of the longest SCOP-query/ SCOP-hit alignment via an intermediate sequence, and found that ISS produced longer alignments than PSI-BLAST searches alone, of nearly comparable per-residue quality. At 10-15% sequence identity, BLAST correctly aligns 28%, PSI-BLAST 40%, and ISS 46% of residues according to the structure alignments. We also compared CE structure alignments with FSSP structure alignments generated by the DALI program. In contrast to the sequence methods, CE and structure alignments from the FSSP database identically align 75% of residue pairs at the 10-15% level of sequence identity, indicating that there is substantial room for improvement in these sequence alignment methods. BLAST produced alignments for 8% of the 10,665 nonimmunoglobulin SCOP superfamily sequence pairs (nearly all <25% sequence identity), PSI-BLAST matched 17% and the double-PSI-BLAST ISS method aligned 38% with E-values <10.0. The results indicate that intermediate sequences may be useful not only in fold assignment but also in achieving more complete sequence alignments for comparative modeling.  相似文献   

Finding the minimum energy amino acid side-chain conformation is a fundamental problem in both homology modeling and protein design. To address this issue, numerous computational algorithms have been proposed. However, there have been few quantitative comparisons between methods and there is very little general understanding of the types of problems that are appropriate for each algorithm. Here, we study four common search techniques: Monte Carlo (MC) and Monte Carlo plus quench (MCQ); genetic algorithms (GA); self-consistent mean field (SCMF); and dead-end elimination (DEE). Both SCMF and DEE are deterministic, and if DEE converges, it is guaranteed that its solution is the global minimum energy conformation (GMEC). This provides a means to compare the accuracy of SCMF and the stochastic methods. For the side-chain placement calculations, we find that DEE rapidly converges to the GMEC in all the test cases. The other algorithms converge on significantly incorrect solutions; the average fraction of incorrect rotamers for SCMF is 0.12, GA 0.09, and MCQ 0.05. For the protein design calculations, design positions are progressively added to the side-chain placement calculation until the time required for DEE diverges sharply. As the complexity of the problem increases, the accuracy of each method is determined so that the results can be extrapolated into the region where DEE is no longer tractable. We find that both SCMF and MCQ perform reasonably well on core calculations (fraction amino acids incorrect is SCMF 0.07, MCQ 0.04), but fail considerably on the boundary (SCMF 0.28, MCQ 0.32) and surface calculations (SCMF 0.37, MCQ 0.44).  相似文献   

Protein aggregation is a topic of immense interest to the scientific community due to its role in several neurodegenerative diseases/disorders and industrial importance. Several in silico techniques, tools, and algorithms have been developed to predict aggregation in proteins and understand the aggregation mechanisms. This review attempts to provide an essence of the vast developments in in silico approaches, resources available, and future perspectives. It reviews aggregation-related databases, mechanistic models (aggregation-prone region and aggregation propensity prediction), kinetic models (aggregation rate prediction), and molecular dynamics studies related to aggregation. With a multitude of prediction models related to aggregation already available to the scientific community, the field of protein aggregation is rapidly maturing to tackle new applications.  相似文献   

W R Pearson 《Genomics》1991,11(3):635-650
The sensitivity and selectivity of the FASTA and the Smith-Waterman protein sequence comparison algorithms were evaluated using the superfamily classification provided in the National Biomedical Research Foundation/Protein Identification Resource (PIR) protein sequence database. Sequences from each of the 34 superfamilies in the PIR database with 20 or more members were compared against the protein sequence database. The similarity scores of the related and unrelated sequences were determined using either the FASTA program or the Smith-Waterman local similarity algorithm. These two sets of similarity scores were used to evaluate the ability of the two comparison algorithms to identify distantly related protein sequences. The FASTA program using the ktup = 2 sensitivity setting performed as well as the Smith-Waterman algorithm for 19 of the 34 superfamilies. Increasing the sensitivity by setting ktup = 1 allowed FASTA to perform as well as Smith-Waterman on an additional 7 superfamilies. The rigorous Smith-Waterman method performed better than FASTA with ktup = 1 on 8 superfamilies, including the globins, immunoglobulin variable regions, calmodulins, and plastocyanins. Several strategies for improving the sensitivity of FASTA were examined. The greatest improvement in sensitivity was achieved by optimizing a band around the best initial region found for every library sequence. For every superfamily except the globins and immunoglobulin variable regions, this strategy was as sensitive as a full Smith-Waterman. For some sequences, additional sensitivity was achieved by including conserved but nonidentical residues in the lookup table used to identify the initial region.  相似文献   

Efficient sequence alignment algorithms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sequence alignments are becoming more important with the increase of nucleic acid data. Fitch and Smith have recently given an example where multiple insertion/deletions (rather than a series of adjacent single insertion/deletions) are necessary to achieve the correct alignment. Multiple insertion/deletions are known to increase computation time from O(n2) to O(n3) although Gotoh has presented an O(n2) algorithm in the case the multiple insertion/deletion weighting function is linear. It is argued in this paper that it could be desirable to use concave weighting functions. For that case, an algorithm is derived that is conjectured to be O(n2).  相似文献   

Elucidation of interrelationships among sequence, structure, function, and evolution (FESS relationships) of a family of genes or gene products is a central theme of modern molecular biology. Multiple sequence alignment has been proven to be a powerful tool for many fields of studies such as phylogenetic reconstruction, illumination of functionally important regions, and prediction of higher order structures of proteins and RNAs. However, it is far too trivial to automatically construct a multiple alignment from a set of related sequences. A variety of methods for solving this computationally difficult problem are reviewed. Several important applications of multiple alignment for elucidation of the FESS relationships are also discussed.For a long period, progressive methods have been the only practical means to solve a multiple alignment problem of appreciable size. This situation is now changing with the development of new techniques including several classes of iterative methods. Today's progress in multiple sequence alignment methods has been made by the multidisciplinary endeavors of mathematicians, computer scientists, and biologists in various fields including biophysicists in particular. The ideas are also originated from various backgrounds, pure algorithmics, statistics, thermodynamics, and others. The outcomes are now enjoyed by researchers in many fields of biological sciences.In the near future, generalized multiple alignment may play a central role in studies of FESS relationships. The organized mixture of knowledge from multiple fields will ferment to develop fruitful results which would be hard to obtain within each area. I hope this review provides a useful information resource for future development of theory and practice in this rapidly expanding area of bioinformatics.  相似文献   

Recently algorithms for parametric alignment (Watermanet al., 1992,Natl Acad. Sci. USA 89, 6090–6093; Gusfieldet al., 1992,Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM-SIAM Discrete Algorithms) find optimal scores for all penalty parameters, both for global and local sequence alignment. This paper reviews those techniques. Then in the main part of this paper dynamic programming methods are used to compute ensemble alignment, finding all alignment scores for all parameters. Both global and local ensemble alignments are studied, and parametric alignment is used to compute near optimal ensemble alignments.  相似文献   

Protein sequence comparison: methods and significance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A computer program that allows interactive sequence comparisonis described. It graphically displays a search matrix usingresidue physicochemical characteristics and multilength segmentalcomparisons. The user selects through a mousing device and screenpointer the sequence spans to be matched. The results of thismethod are compared with those of ALIGN and BESTFIT. Received on August 23, 1988; accepted on December 6, 1988  相似文献   

Bayesian adaptive sequence alignment algorithms   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The selection of a scoring matrix and gap penalty parameters continues to be an important problem in sequence alignment. We describe here an algorithm, the 'Bayes block aligner, which bypasses this requirement. Instead of requiring a fixed set of parameter settings, this algorithm returns the Bayesian posterior probability for the number of gaps and for the scoring matrices in any series of interest. Furthermore, instead of returning the single best alignment for the chosen parameter settings, this algorithm returns the posterior distribution of all alignments considering the full range of gapping and scoring matrices selected, weighing each in proportion to its probability based on the data. We compared the Bayes aligner with the popular Smith-Waterman algorithm with parameter settings from the literature which had been optimized for the identification of structural neighbors, and found that the Bayes aligner correctly identified more structural neighbors. In a detailed examination of the alignment of a pair of kinase and a pair of GTPase sequences, we illustrate the algorithm's potential to identify subsequences that are conserved to different degrees. In addition, this example shows that the Bayes aligner returns an alignment-free assessment of the distance between a pair of sequences.   相似文献   

The CD spectra of twelve DNA restriction fragments ranging in size from 12 to 360 base pairs are reported. Since the sequences of these fragments are known, it is possible to calculate their CD spectra from a set of nearest neighbor contributions derived from a combination of synthetic polydeoxyribonucleotides. While the calculations lead to good agreement in the negative band at approximately 245 nm, they generally reproduce the positive band at approximately 270 nm only poorly. The experimentally observed positive band consists of two peaks centered around 270 and 285 nm. The comparison of calculated and measured spectra reveals that end effects lead to increased disagreement for fragments smaller than approximately 40 base pairs. The disagreement between calculated and measured spectra can be partially attributed to the fraction of next nearest neighbors in the DNAs, which are also in the spectral components. Thus, the sequence specific CD contributions in the long wavelength region of the spectra extend at least to next nearest neighbor nucleotides and may extend beyond.  相似文献   

Chromosome 21: from sequence to applications   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Last year we celebrated the sequencing of the entire long arm of human chromosome 21. This achievement now provides unprecedented opportunities to understand the molecular pathophysiology of trisomy 21, elucidate the mechanisms of all monogenic disorders of chromosome 21, and discover genes and functional sequence variations that predispose to common complex disorders. All these steps require the functional analysis of gene products and the determination of the sequence variation of this chromosome.  相似文献   

A new approach to sequence comparison: normalized sequence alignment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Smith-Waterman algorithm for local sequence alignment is one of the most important techniques in computational molecular biology. This ingenious dynamic programming approach was designed to reveal the highly conserved fragments by discarding poorly conserved initial and terminal segments. However, the existing notion of local similarity has a serious flaw: it does not discard poorly conserved intermediate segments. The Smith-Waterman algorithm finds the local alignment with maximal score but it is unable to find local alignment with maximum degree of similarity (e.g. maximal percent of matches). Moreover, there is still no efficient algorithm that answers the following natural question: do two sequences share a (sufficiently long) fragment with more than 70% of similarity? As a result, the local alignment sometimes produces a mosaic of well-conserved fragments artificially connected by poorly-conserved or even unrelated fragments. This may lead to problems in comparison of long genomic sequences and comparative gene prediction as recently pointed out by Zhang et al. (Bioinformatics, 15, 1012-1019, 1999). In this paper we propose a new sequence comparison algorithm (normalized local alignment ) that reports the regions with maximum degree of similarity. The algorithm is based on fractional programming and its running time is O(n2log n). In practice, normalized local alignment is only 3-5 times slower than the standard Smith-Waterman algorithm.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Protein sequence alignment plays a critical role in computational biology as it is an integral part in many analysis tasks designed to solve problems in comparative genomics, structure and function prediction, and homology modeling. METHODS: We have developed novel sequence alignment algorithms that compute the alignment between a pair of sequences based on short fixed- or variable-length high-scoring subsequences. Our algorithms build the alignments by repeatedly selecting the highest scoring pairs of subsequences and using them to construct small portions of the final alignment. We utilize PSI-BLAST generated sequence profiles and employ a profile-to-profile scoring scheme derived from PICASSO. RESULTS: We evaluated the performance of the computed alignments on two recently published benchmark datasets and compared them against the alignments computed by existing state-of-the-art dynamic programming-based profile-to-profile local and global sequence alignment algorithms. Our results show that the new algorithms achieve alignments that are comparable with or better than those achieved by existing algorithms. Moreover, our results also showed that these algorithms can be used to provide better information as to which of the aligned positions are more reliable--a critical piece of information for comparative modeling applications.  相似文献   

序列比对是生物信息学研究的一个重要工具,它在序列拼接、蛋白质结构预测、蛋白质结构功能分析、系统进化分析、数据库检索以及引物设计等问题的研究中被广泛使用。本文详细介绍了在生物信息学中常用的一些序列比对算法,比较了这些算法所需的计算复杂度,优缺点,讨论了各自的使用范围,并指出今后序列比对研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

Two algorithms for image analysis and its applications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An algorithm for sequential edge detection and an algorithm for quantitative estimation of flagella of microorganisms based on the of edge detection are presented. The method of edge detection is chosen among the segmentation methods due to the aim of the image processing - calculating the sizes and shape of different microorganisms. The edge detection algorithm does not depend on the choice of the starting contour point. Comparisons of the edge detection algorithm with other similar algorithms are made.  相似文献   

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