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Heavy metals phytoextraction potential of swollen duckweed (Lemna gibba Linn.) and lesser duckweed (Lemna aequinoctialis Welw.) was determined under greenhouse conditions by exposing to untreated industrial/municipal effluent for a period of 21?days. The nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), and cadmium (Cd) concentrations in water samples were measured weekly and in plant biomass at the termination of experiments. Significant differences (p?<?0.05) between initial and final physicochemical parameters and in heavy metal concentrations of plant and water samples were observed. Periodically measured metal concentrations in mediums revealed that removal percentage was dependent on initial Ni (2.15?mg L?1), Pb (1.51?mg L?1), and Cd (0.74?mg L?1) concentrations. The final metal removal percentages were in the sequence of Ni (97%) > Pb (94%) > Cd (90%) when treated with Lemna gibba L. as compared to control (9–12% reduction). High biomass production of Lemna gibba L. resulted in a large metal reduction in the growth medium and the total plant metal contents were in the sequence of Ni (427?µg) > Pb (293?µg) > Cd (105?µg). The lesser duckweed did not survive under experimental conditions. Based on these results, we concluded that Lemna gibba L. is a good candidate for phytoremediation of wastewater.  相似文献   

It has been found that Sauropusandrogynus has a strong adaptive capacity in multiple heavy-metal-contaminated soils. Field trials in highly heavy-metal-contaminated soils were conducted to investigate the extraction efficiency of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn by S. androgynus. The yield of S. androgynus could reach 10.01 t ha?1, and the amount of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn extracted by the plant was 57.36, 218.57, 2078.11, and 19.64 g ha?1, respectively. S. androgynus removed 0.35%, 0.01%, 0.03%, and 1.37% of the total soil Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in one growing season, respectively. By comparing the extracting capability and yield with some hyperaccumulators reported in the literature, S. androgynus was considered to be a highly effective plant to extract heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn). The plant should be useful for phytoextraction of soils contaminated by the heavy metals.  相似文献   

Zinc is an essential trace element, necessary for plants, animals, and microorganisms. Zn is required for many enzymes as a catalytic cofactor, for photosynthetic CO2 fixation, and in maintaining the integrity of bio-membranes. However, Zn is potentially toxic when accumulated beyond cellular needs. Phytoextraction technique, which is a part of phytoremediation, has opened new avenues for remediation of Zn-contaminated places. Hyperaccumulators like Thlaspi caerulescens and Arabidopsis halleri have been identified, which can accumulate up to 40,000 mg kg?1 Zn in the aerial parts of the plant body. Carboxylic acids, primarily malate, citrate, and oxalate, and amino acids are found to play an important role in Zn hyperaccumulation. Transmembrane metal transporters are assumed to play a key role in Zn metal uptake, xylem loading, and vacuolar sequestration. Members of CDF (cation diffusion facilitator) and ZIP (zinc-regulated transporter, iron-regulated transporter like protein) family have been implicated in Zn-metal-tolerance mechanisms. A potential metal-binding motif, containing multiple histidine residues, is found in the variable regions of almost all of the ZIP family, including ZIP1, ZIP2, ZIP4, ZRT1, and ZRT2. Overexpression of some Zn metal transporter genes like TcZNT1 (Thlaspi caerulescens Zn transporter1), TcHMA4 (Thlaspi caerulescens heavy metal ATPase) in Thlaspi caerulescens, AhMTP1;3 (Arabidopsis halleri metal transporter1;3) in Arabidopsis halleri, and PtdMTP1(Poplar metal transporter1) from a hybrid poplar confer Zn hypertolerance in Thlaspi, Arabidopsis, and Poplar plant species.  相似文献   

Oxalate (Ox) was used to extract Pb and Zn from industrially contaminated soils. Although Ox effectively releases metals bound by hydrous oxide soil components, it forms insoluble salts with some heavy metals unlike conventional extractants (e.g., EDTA). The insolubility of PbOx(s) (Ksp=2.74 × 10?11) precluded the use of Ox as a single-step extractant even for soils mildly contaminated with Pb. The usefulness of Ox as a Zn extractant, however, depends on the level of soil contamination. A Zn solubility model, based on published equilibrium constants, was developed to assess Ox suitability as a function of system conditions. Precipitation of ZnOx(s) hindered Zn recovery under acidic conditions where formation of soluble oxalato complexes was small. For pH<3, the presence of 1?M Ox actually reduced Zn release compared to simple acid washing. Although Ox displaces oxide-bound metals and thus is potentially useful in soil washing, solubility limitations must be defined for effective remediation of metal-laden soils.  相似文献   

Phytoextraction is an economically and environmentally attractive in-situ method for cleaning heavy metal polluted soil. Phytoextraction is a rather slow process, but it can be enhanced by the application of chelating agents such as the synthetic ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). However, EDTA is persistent, toxic, and can promote heavy metal leaching. Replacement of EDTA by natural, non-toxic compounds such as humic substances (HS) or rhamnolipids (bacterial-produced biosurfactants) might be environmentally attractive but before recommending such alternatives, their suitability must be assessed. Therefore, compost-derived HS and rhamnolipids were compared with EDTA as natural non-toxic alternatives in a multi-step batch extraction test. The test included 10 steps carried out on two Cu and Zn polluted calcareous soils using a solution:soil ratio of 10 (L/kg). In each step, soil was extracted with an extractant containing EDTA, HS, or rhamnolipids corresponding to 250 mmol DOC/kg of soil (3 g C/kg). By HS extraction, each step resulted in the release of ~0.29 mg Cu/L and ~0.19 mg Zn/L, which is considered to enhance plant uptake without leading to unacceptable leaching and toxification of the plants (and the environment), suggesting HS can enhance phytoextraction. In contrast, the EDTA and the rhamnolipid treatments were found to be unsuitable because the EDTA released Cu and Zn in concentrations that may be toxic to plants and can lead to leaching, whereas the rhamnolipids showed insufficient capacity to mobilize Cu (and Zn). However, future investigations in the field are needed to confirm these laboratory results.  相似文献   

Willow is shown to be able to accumulate high levels of heavy metal ions such as cadmium and zinc. The properties of willow to be used in phytoextraction therefore have been studied. In this article, results from different studies on heavy metals and willow have been used to demonstrate the capacity and possibility of using Salix in phytoextraction.  相似文献   


Soil contamination with heavy metals has become a worldwide concern. A sustainable technology to mitigate heavy metal contamination is extremely important. Phytoremediation is a cost-effective method, environmentally friendly, and esthetically pleasing. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of Vetiver phytoremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals. This research was conducted as a factorial design with four different heavy metals (lead, cadmium, manganese, and nickel) with three varying levels and also three replications for each treatment. Statistical analysis of data was performed using SPSS19 software and analysis of variance, Duncan and Pearson correlation tests. The results showed that, the highest uptake rate was related to lead metal with 282.45 mg/kg of dry soil and 83.4% uptake percentage. Then, the mean and percentage of adsorption for cadmium, nickel and manganese were 248.3 mg/kg (53.2%), 69.4 mg/kg (65.5%), and 63.29 mg/kg (61%), respectively. Lead was found to be the main component of uptake by Vetiver plant. It was found that the roots of the plant have absorbed more heavy metals than the shoots. And at the roots in total 1089.05 and on average 363.01 mg/kg and at the shoots 901.19 and on average 300.39 mg/kg, the metals used were adsorbed on three levels and four treatments. The results of analysis of variance, Duncan test and Pearson correlation showed that the effect of applied treatments on lead uptake in roots and shoots increased significantly (P ≤ 0.05) with increasing levels of treatments. The biological concentration factor was more than one, and the transfer factor was close to one. Therefore, it can be used as a phytostablization plant. The results showed that Vetiver can be considered as a refining plant due to its vegetative characteristics, cost-effectiveness and high adaptation to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Microbe-enhanced phytoremediation has been considered as a promising measure for the remediation of metal-contaminated soils. In this study, two bacterial strains JYX7 and JYX10 were isolated from rhizosphere soils of Polygonum pubescens grown in metal-polluted soil and identified as of Enterobacter sp. and Klebsiella sp. based on 16S rDNA sequences, respectively. JYX7 and JYX10 showed high Cd, Pb and Zn tolerance and increased water-soluble Cd, Pb and Zn concentrations in culture solution and metal-added soils. Two isolates produced plant growth-promoting substances such as indole acetic acid, siderophore, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic deaminase, and solubilized inorganic phosphate. Based upon their ability in metal tolerance and solubilization, two isolates were further studied for their effects on growth and accumulation of Cd, Pb, and Zn in Brassica napus (rape) by pot experiments. Rapes inoculated with JYX7 and JYX10 had significantly higher dry weights, concentrations and uptakes of Cd, Pb, Zn in both above-ground and root tissues than those without inoculation grown in soils amended with Cd (25 mg kg?1), Pb (200 mg kg?1) or Zn (200 mg kg?1). The present results demonstrated that JYX7 and JYX10 are valuable microorganism, which can improve the efficiency of phytoremediation in soils polluted by Cd, Pb, and Zn.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to characterize the heavy metal phytoremediation potential of Miscanthus sp. Goedae-Uksae 1, a hybrid, perennial, bio-energy crop developed in South Korea. Six different metals (As, Cu, Pb, Ni, Cd, and Zn) were used for the study. The hybrid grass effectively absorbed all the metals from contaminated soil. The maximum removal was observed for As (97.7%), and minimum removal was observed for Zn (42.9%). Similarly, Goedae-Uksae 1 absorbed all the metals from contaminated water except As. Cd, Pb, and Zn were completely (100%) removed from contaminated water samples. Generally, the concentration of metals in roots was several folds higher than in shoots. Initial concentration of metals highly influenced the phytoremediation rate. The results of the bioconcentration factor, translocation factor, and enrichment coefficient tests indicate that Goedae-Uksae 1 could be used for phytoremediation in a marginally contaminated ecosystem.  相似文献   

We investigated the suitability of two aluminum-based binding agents, polynuclear Al13 and Al-coated montmorillonite (Al-mont-morillonite), for the immobilization of heavy metals in two contaminated agricultural soils: a loamy luvisol from an arable site in Rafz, Canton Zürich, Switzerland, and a sandy podsol from Szopienice, Upper Silesia, Poland. Both soils were polluted by lead, zinc, and cadmium: the soil from Szopienice by the emissions of a nearby zinc-lead smelter, and the soil from Rafz by sewage sludge applications. While the samples from Szopienice exhibited extremely high loads of these metals, the samples from Rafz were only moderately contaminated. The samples from both soils were slightly acidic. The Rafz soil contained 2.5% organic matter, that from Szopienice only 1.5%. Destruction of the organic matter in the Szopienice samples by H2O2 led to a significant release of Zn and Cd into solution. This indicated that organic matter is an important factor for the immobilization of heavy metals in this soil. The treatment of the Szopienice samples with 8?mmol Al13 per kg dry soil resulted in a considerable mobilization of the two metals. As the pH of the samples did not decrease, this effect was presumably due to direct interactions between the applied aluminium and organic matter. After destruction of soil organic matter, the two binding agents exhibited an immobilizing effect on Zn, which, however, was weak compared with the binding of the metal by the organic matter prior to its destruction. In the case of the Rafz samples, metal mobilization was observed only for Al13 if applied in high doses (4 and 8?mmol per kg soil), but not for Al-montmorillonite. In this soil, Al-montmorillonite as well as Al13 at low doses (1.2?mmol per kg soil and less) decreased soluble zinc concentrations significantly. The mobilization of metals at high doses of the applied binding agents and the dependence of this effect on the type of soil show that care has to be taken with this remediation method and that the proper doses of applied binding agents can be crucial for the success of metal immobilization in polluted soils.  相似文献   

The effect of mercury (Hg) on the growth and survival of parsley (Petroselinum crispum) was explored at various treatments. The plants were grown in pots having Hoagland's solution to which various Hg treatments were applied and placed under greenhouse conditions. The treatments were: no metal applied (control) and six doses of Hg as mercuric chloride for 15 days. Linear trend of Hg accumulation was noted in roots, stems, and leaves with increasing Hg treatments. The maximum Hg concentration in root, stem and leaf was 8.92, 8.27, and 7.88 at Hg treatments of 25 mg l–1, respectively. On the whole, Hg accumulation in different plant parts was in the following order: leaves > stem > roots. Linear trend was also observed for Bioaccumulation Factor (BF) and Translocation Factor (TF) with increasing Hg concentrations in the growth medium. The highest respective BFHg and TFHg values were 9.32 and 2.02 for the Hg treatments of 25 and 50 mg l–1. In spite of the reduced growth in the presence of Hg, the plant has phytoremediation potential. It is recommended that parsley should not be cultivated in Hg contaminated sites in order to avoid dietary toxicity.  相似文献   

Phytoextraction capacity of trees growing on a metal contaminated soil   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
Phytoremediation is an innovative biological technique to reclaim land contaminated by heavy metals or organic pollutants. In the present work, we studied the ability of five woody species to extract heavy metal (copper, zinc or cadmium) from a polluted soil to their above-ground tissues. Metal content in leaves and twigs was determined. Salix and Betula transferred zinc and cadmium to leaves and twigs, but Alnus, Fraxinus and Sorbus excluded them from their above-ground tissues. None of the species considered transferred copper to the shoots.  相似文献   

The effect of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) consortium conformed by (Glomus intraradices, Glomus albidum, Glomus diaphanum, and Glomus claroideum) on plant growth and absorption of Pb, Fe, Na, Ca, and 32P in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plants was evaluated. AMF-plants and controls were grown in a substrate amended with powdered Pb slag at proportions of 0, 10, 20, and 30% v/v equivalent to total Pb contents of 117; 5,337; 13,659, and 19,913 mg Pb kg?1 substrate, respectively. Mycorrhizal root colonization values were 70, 94, 98, and 90%, for barley and 91, 97, 95, and 97%, for sunflower. AMF inoculum had positive repercussions on plant development of both crops. Mycorrhizal barley absorbed more Pb (40.4 mg Pb kg?1) shoot dry weight than non-colonized controls (26.5 mg Pb kg?1) when treated with a high Pb slag dosage. This increase was higher in roots than shoots (650.0 and 511.5 mg Pb kg?1 root dry weight, respectively). A similar pattern was found in sunflower. Plants with AMF absorbed equal or lower amounts of Fe, Na and Ca than controls. H. vulgare absorbed more total P (1.0%) than H. annuus (0.9%). The arbuscular mycorrizal consortium enhanced Pb extraction by plants.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of the multiflora rose var. “Jatar” (Rosa multiflora Thunb. ex Murray) and the Virginia fanpetals (Sida hermaphrodita Rusby) to phytoextract heavy metals from municipal sewage sludge. The 6-year field experiment involved four levels of fertilization with sewage sludge at doses of 0, 10, 20, 40, and 60 Mg DM (Dry Mass) sludge ha?1. The increasing doses of sewage sludge were found to significantly increase the yield of multiflora rose and Virginia fanpetals biomass. They also significantly increased the content of heavy metals in these plants. The highest uptake of heavy metals by the multiflora rose and Virginia fanpetals crops was recorded at the fertilization dose of 60 Mg DM ? ha?1. Our investigations show that the Virginia fanpetals was more efficient in the phytoextraction of Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Cd from the sewage sludge than the multiflora rose, due to the greater yields and higher heavy metal uptake by the former plant. In turn, the multiflora rose phytoextracted greater amounts of Pb from the sewage sludge. The analyses indicate that the Virginia fanpetals can be used for phytoremediation (phytoextraction) of heavy metals contained in sewage sludge.  相似文献   

To survey the effects of endophytic Enterobacter sp. CBSB1 and Rhodotorula sp. CBSB79 resistant to Cd2+, Pb2+, Zn2+, and Cu2+ on the growth and phytoextraction of Brassica, the endophytes were isolated by surface- sterilized methods and characterized. The CBSB1 significantly increased 44.2% of the dry weight of Brassica napus in the multimetal contaminated soil (P < 0.05) and showed no effect or declined the dry weight of B. alboglabra, B. campestris ssp. chinensis var. cummunis, B. campestris ssp. chinensis var. utilis cv. Youqing12, B. campestris ssp. chinensis var. utilis cv. Lvbao701 plants. The dry weights of B. napus, B. campestris ssp. chinensis var. utilis, and B. alboglabra showed a significant increase when the CBSB79 was inoculated (P < 0.05). In general, inoculation with bacteria and yeast did not greatly alter the metal concentration in plant tissues. Compared to Enterobacter sp. CBSB1, the yeast Rhodotorula sp CBSB79 showed higher potentials to improve extraction efficacy of Cd, Pb, Zn, and Cu by Brassica seedlings in the field.  相似文献   

In this preliminary screening study, we tested the phytoextraction potential of nine Canadian native/well-adapted plant species on a soil highly polluted by trace elements (TE) from a copper refinery. Plant physiological parameters and soil cover index were monitored for a 12-week period. At the end of the trial, biomass yield, bioconcentration (BFC) and translocation (TF) factors for the main TE as well as phytoextraction potential were determined. Most plants were severely injured by the high pollution levels, showing symptoms of toxicity including chlorosis, mortality and very low biomass yield. However, Indian mustard showed the highest selenium extraction potential (65 mg m?2), even under harsh growing conditions. Based on our results, tall fescue and ryegrass, which mainly stored As, Cu, Pb and Zn within roots, could be used effectively for phytostabilization.  相似文献   

Evidence exists that Cd and certain nutrient elements, such as Fe and Mg, could share similar mechanisms of plant uptake and accumulation. Here we report that Mg and Fe deficiency in mature plants of Salix viminalis, grown in hydroponic solutions containing 5 µg ml?1 of Cd, caused a significant increase in Cd accumulation in roots, stems and leaves. Cd (µg g?1 dry weight) was determined following three treatments: 1) Cd treatment in complete nutrient solution; 2) Cd treatment with Fe deficiency; and 3) Cd treatment with Mg deficiency, yielding, respectively: in young leaves (65.3, 76.1, and 92.2), mature leaves (51.5 to 76.3 and 87.1), upper stems (80.6, 116.8, and 130.6) lower stems (67.2, 119, and 102.3), roots (377.1, 744.8, and 442,5). Our results suggest that Cd utilizes the same uptake and transport pathways as Mg and Fe. Evidence exists that Mg and Fe uptake and translocation could be further facilitated by plants as an adaptive response to deficiency of these elements. Such physiological reaction could additionally stimulate Cd accumulation. Although Cd uptake was mostly confined in roots, high Cd content in aerial plant parts (51.5–130.6 µg g?1) indicates that the analysed Salix viminalis genotype is suitable for phytoextraction.  相似文献   


In this study, the phytoextraction capacity of a heavy metal tolerant white poplar clone, grown in the presence of high iron availability and/or mycorrhizas was evaluated. A large amount of iron in available form was determined in initial high concentrations in leaf, which declined along time and affected Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn accumulation. Natural and artificial mycorrhization did not influence these dynamics.  相似文献   

Soil heavy metal pollution has become a worldwide environmental issue that has attracted considerable public attention, largely from the increasing concern for the security of agricultural products. Heavy metals refer to some metals and metalloids possessing biological toxicity, such as cadmium, mercury, arsenic, lead, and chromium. These elements enter the soil agro-ecosystem through natural processes derived from parent materials, and through anthropogenic activities. Heavy metal pollution poses a great threat to the health and well-being of organisms and human beings due to potential accumulation risk through the food chain. Remediation using chemical, physical, and biological methods has been adopted to solve the problem. Phytoremediation has proven to be a promising alternative to conventional approaches as it is cost effective, environmentally friendly, and aesthetically pleasing. To date, based on the natural ability of extraction, approximately 500 taxa have been identified as hyperaccumulators of one or more metals. In addition, further research integrating biotechnological approaches with comprehensive multidisciplinary research is needed to improve plant tolerance and reduce the accumulation of toxic metals in soils. This review discusses harmful effects, sources of heavy metals, and the remediation technologies for soil contaminated by heavy metals.  相似文献   

The role of the Conocarpus lancifolius tree in remediaitng oil-contaminated soil, which was bioremediated using conventional methods, was investigated. The selected tree was used to phytoremediate bioremediated oil-contaminated soil for three successive growing seasons. At the end of the phytoremediation experiment, 85.7% of measurable total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) was degraded in Conocarpus lancifolius rhizosphere, and the detectable concentrations of some poly aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were less than 0.02 ppm. A number of hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms (HDMs) were isolated at 35°C under aerobic conditions, and were identified using 16S rRNA gene sequencing and fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis. The efficiency of the isolated HDMs in degrading a mixture of hydrocarbon compounds (HC) was assessed. Among the bacterial isolates, Rhodococcus equi was distinguished from the other isolates because of its efficient degradation of some compounds in the HC mixture.

Samples were also collected from Conocarpus lancifolius vegetative parts and were analyzed for heavy metal and mineral accumulation. The results demonstrated that the Conocarpus lancifolius tree was able to uptake high levels of chromium (Cr), vanadium (V), and nickel (Ni) and accumulate them in the tree's roots. Additionally, Conocarpus trees tolerated high concentration and accumulated several metals in all plant tissues. These metals included aluminum (Al), calcium (Ca) and iron (Fe).  相似文献   

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