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Biochemistry and molecular biology of anammox bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (anammox) bacteria are one of the latest additions to the biogeochemical nitrogen cycle. These bacteria derive their energy for growth from the conversion of ammonium and nitrite into dinitrogen gas in the complete absence of oxygen. These slowly growing microorganisms belong to the order Brocadiales and are affiliated to the Planctomycetes. Anammox bacteria are characterized by a compartmentalized cell architecture featuring a central cell compartment, the “anammoxosome”. Thus far unique “ladderane” lipid molecules have been identified as part of their membrane systems surrounding the different cellular compartments. Nitrogen formation seems to involve the intermediary formation of hydrazine, a very reactive and toxic compound. The genome of the anammox bacterium Kuenenia stuttgartiensis was assembled from a complex microbial community grown in a sequencing batch reactor (74% enriched in this bacterium) using a metagenomics approach. The assembled genome allowed the in silico reconstruction of the anammox metabolism and identification of genes most likely involved in the process. The present anammox pathway is the only one consistent with the available experimental data, thermodynamically and biochemically feasible, and consistent with Ockham’s razor: it invokes minimum biochemical novelty and requires the fewest number of biochemical reactions. The worldwide presence of anammox bacteria has now been established in many oxygen-limited marine and freshwater systems, including oceans, seas, estuaries, marshes, rivers and large lakes. In the marine environment over 50% of the N2 gas released may be produced by anammox bacteria. Application of the anammox process offers an attractive alternative to current wastewater treatment systems for the removal of ammonia-nitrogen. Currently, at least five full scale reactor systems are operational.  相似文献   

The molecular biology of barophilic bacteria   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Many microorganisms from the deep-sea display high-pressure-adapted — also described as barophilic or piezophilic — growth characteristics. Phylogenetic studies have revealed that a large proportion of the barophilic bacteria currently in culture collections belong to a distinct subgroup of the genus Shewanella, referred to as the “barophile branch.“ Many of the basic properties of barophiles that enable their survival at extremes of pressure remain to be elucidated. However, several genes whose expression is regulated by pressure, or which appear to be critical to baroadaptation, have been uncovered. One such operon, whose presence appears to be restricted to the “barophile branch,” has been identifed in DNA samples obtained from sediments recovered in the deepest ocean trench. In the case of another set of pressure-regulated genes, regulatory elements required for pressure signaling have been uncovered. The nature and regulation of these genes is discussed. Received: February 19, 1997 / Accepted: March 3, 1997  相似文献   

Bacteria display dynamic abundance fluctuations over time in marine environments, where they play key biogeochemical roles. Here, we characterized the seasonal dynamics of marine bacteria in a coastal oligotrophic time series station, tested how similar the temporal niche of closely related taxa is, and what are the environmental parameters modulating their seasonal abundance patterns. We further explored how conserved the niche is at higher taxonomic levels. The community presented recurrent patterns of seasonality for 297 out of 6825 amplicon sequence variants (ASVs), which constituted almost half of the total relative abundance (47%). For certain genera, niche similarity decreased as nucleotide divergence in the 16S rRNA gene increased, a pattern compatible with the selection of similar taxa through environmental filtering. Additionally, we observed evidence of seasonal differentiation within various genera as seen by the distinct seasonal patterns of closely related taxa. At broader taxonomic levels, coherent seasonal trends did not exist at the class level, while the order and family ranks depended on the patterns that existed at the genus level. This study identifies the coexistence of closely related taxa for some bacterial groups and seasonal differentiation for others in a coastal marine environment subjected to a strong seasonality.Subject terms: Microbial ecology, Microbial ecology  相似文献   



The wealth of genomic data in bacteria is helping microbiologists understand the factors involved in gene innovation. Among these, the expansion and reduction of gene families appears to have a fundamental role in this, but the factors influencing gene family size are unclear.  相似文献   

DNA-DNA hybridization has been established as an important technology in bacterial species taxonomy and phylogenetic analysis. In this study, we analyzed how the efficiency with which the genomic DNA from one species hybridizes to the genomic DNA of another species (DNA-DNA hybridization) in microarray analysis relates to the similarity between two genomes. We found that the predicted DNA-DNA hybridization based on genome sequence similarity correlated well with the experimentally determined microarray hybridization. Between closely related strains, significant numbers of highly divergent genes (<55% identity) and/or the accumulation of mismatches between conserved genes lowered the DNA-DNA hybridization signal, and this reduced the hybridization signals to below 70% for even bacterial strains with over 97% 16S rRNA gene identity. In addition, our results also suggest that a DNA-DNA hybridization signal intensity of over 40% indicates that two genomes at least shared 30% conserved genes (>60% gene identity). This study may expand our knowledge of DNA-DNA hybridization based on genomic sequence similarity comparison and further provide insights for bacterial phylogeny analyses.  相似文献   

Botina SG  Sukhodolets VV 《Genetika》2006,42(3):325-330
Sequencing of the 16S rRNA genes from enterococcal strains used as starters suggested the existence of specialized taxa of lactic acid enterococci within the species Enterococcus durans and E. faecium and a new species, E. lactis. Comparisons showed that the 16S rRNA genes of closely related species have the same sets of variable positions with different combinations of nucleotides. The presence of identical combinations of nucleotide substitutions in different species was assumed to result from a transfer of genetic information via gene conversion between different rRNA operons. Such events were presumably associated with speciation in bacteria.  相似文献   

Sequencing of the 16S rRNA genes from enterococcal strains used as starters suggested the existence of specialized taxa of lactic acid enterococci within the species Enterococcus durans and E. faecium and a new species, E. lactis. Comparisons showed that the 16S rRNA genes of closely related species have the same sets of variable positions with different combinations of nucleotides. The presence of identical combinations of nucleotide substitutions in different species was assumed to result from a transfer of genetic information via gene conversion between different rRNA operons. Such events were presumably associated with speciation in bacteria.  相似文献   

Twelve isolates of Pythium species (P. aphanidermatum, P. deliense, P. ultimum var. ultimum and P. ultimum var. sporangiiferum) from different hosts were compared from morphological, pathological and molecular viewpoints. Minimum, optimum and maximum temperatures of P. aphanidermatum and P. deliense were similar while those of P. ultimum var. ultimum and P. ultimum var. sporangiiferum were also similar. All tested isolates were highly virulent against cucumber seedlings with 100% damping-off. RAPD data using three different primers revealed that strains of P. ultimum var. ultimum and P. ultimum var. sporangiiferum are distinct from each other. This data can be used to separate those species from P. aphanidermatum and P. deliense. In contrast, RAPD data cannot be used to separate P. aphanidermatum and P. deliense. Sequence analysis of the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS) was used to establish phylogenetic relationships among the tested isolates.  相似文献   

Denitrification and methylotrophy inParacoccus denitrificans are discussed. The properties of the enzymes of denitrification: the nitrate-nitrite antiporter, nitrate reductase, nitrite reductase, nitric oxide reductase and nitrous oxide reductase are described. The genes for none of these proteins have yet been cloned and sequenced fromP. denitrificans. A number of sequences are available for enzymes fromEscherichia coli, Pseudomonas stutzeri andPseudomonas aeruginosa. It is concluded that pathway specificc-type cytochromes are involved in denitrification. At least 40 genes are involved in denitrification.In methanol oxidation at least 20 genes are involved. In this case too pathway specificc-type cytochromes are involved. The sequence homology between the quinoproteins methanol dehydrogenase, alcoholdehydrogenase and glucose dehydrogenase is discussed. This superfamily of proteins is believed to be derived from a common ancestor. ThemoxFJGI operon determines the structural components of methanol dehydrogenase and the associatedc-type cytochrome. Upstream of this operon 3 regulatory proteins were found. The mox Y protein shows the general features of a sensor protein and the moxX protein those of a regulatory protein. Thus a two component regulatory system is involved in both denitrification and methylotrophy.The phylogeny of prokaryotes based on 16S rRNA sequence is discussed. It is remarkable that the 16S rRNA ofThiosphaera pantotropha is identical to that ofP. denitrificans. Still these bacteria show a number of differences.T. pantotropha is able to denitrify under aerobic circumstances and it shows heterotrophic nitrification. Nitrification and heterotrophic nitrification are found in species belonging to the -and -subdivisions of purple non-sulfur bacteria. Thus the occurrence of heterotrophic nitrification inT. pantotropha which belongs to the -subdivision of purple non-sulfur bacteria is a remarkable property. FurthermoreT. pantotropha contains two nitrate reductases of which the periplasmic one is supposed to be involved in aerobic denitrification. The nitrite reductase is of the Cu-type and not of the cytochromecd 1 type as inP. denitrificans. Also the cytochromeb of theQbc complex ofT. pantotropha is highly similar to its counterpart inP. denitrificans. It is hypothesized that the differences between these two organisms which both contain large megaplasmids is due to a combination of loss of genetic information and plasmid-coded properties. The distribution of a number of complex metabolic systems in eubacteria and in a number of species belonging to the -group of purple non sulphur bacteria is reviewed. Two possibilities to explain this haphazard distribution are considered: 1. Lateral gene transfer between distantly related micro organisms occurs frequently. 2. The eubacterial ancestors must have possessed already these properties. The distribution of these properties is due to sporadic loss during evolutionary divergence.With respect to the occurrence and frequency of lateral gene transfer two opposing views exist. According to molecular biologists lateral gene transfer occurs frequently and is very easy. Bacteria are supposed to form one large gene pool. On the other hand population geneticists have provided evidence that strong systems operate that establish reproductive isolation between diverged species and even between closely related cell lines.Data on amino acid sequences of nitrogenase proteins, cytochromesc, cytochrome oxidases, -subunits of ATP synthase and tryptophan biosynthetic enzymes of various micro organisms were reviewed. In all these cases phylogenetic trees could be constructed based on the amino acid sequence data. In all cases this phylogenetic tree was similar to the one based on 16S rRNA homology. Only in one case evidence for the occurrence of lateral gene transfer was obtained. Therefore it is concluded that lateral gene transfer played a minor role in the distribution of complex metabolic systems among prokaryotes. It must be stressed that this does not exclude the possibility that lateral gene transfer occurred frequently in the initial stage of bacterial evolution. It is hypothesized that the appearance of nitrogen fixation, denitrification and cytochrome oxidase formation were early events in the evolution of micro organisms. Both systems are supposed to have evolved only once. Subsequently the capacity to fix nitrogen or to denitrifymust have been lost many times, just as photosynthetic capacity is supposed to have been lost many times. During evolution many systems have been lost leading to a haphazard distribution of metabolic characters among bacteria. As an example it is suggested that organisms with a respiratory chain similar to that ofEscherichia coli arose by loss of the capacity to form the Qbc complex andc-type cytochromes. The remaining systems could be controlled much better however than in the ancestral organisms.  相似文献   

Abstract: Quantification of the size of epiphytic bacterial populations and characterization of their composition involves definition of a sampling strategy in time and space, the choice of methods for liberating the bacteria from the leaf surface and for recovering them for subsequent determination of the number of viable or culturable cells. This literature review focuses on some of the issues related to these choices. After briefly reviewing the different types of epiphytic colonizers we consider the biological, methodological, and statistical consequences of the choice of the sampling unit and of the spatial and temporal variability of population size and composition for epiphytic bacteria. The different methods available for the detection and enumeration of naturally occurring microorganisms in the phyllosphere are discussed. Advantages and drawbacks of each are described in this review designed as a 'hands-on' guide.  相似文献   

Bacteria adapt to changes in their environment by altering their metabolism, turning on and off genes, and moving toward favorable conditions. Recent results indicate that a common molecular logic may underlie the decision-making processes by which these simple cells adjust to their surroundings.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the study of anion exchange mechanisms in bacteria. Along with defining at least two different families of anion exchange, an examination of such carrier-mediated antiport reactions has led to techniques that considerably broaden the scope of biochemical methods for examining membrane proteins. Such advances have been exploited to show that anion exchange itself forms the mechanistic base of an entirely new kind of proton pump, one which may shed light on a variety of bacterial events, including methanogenesis. Perhaps most important, the study of exchange provided the final link in a chain of evidence pointing to a structural 'rhythm' that seems to characterize membrane carriers. These three issues--a biochemical tool, a new proton pump, and a common structural rhythm--are briefly examined in the context of their origins in the analysis of bacterial anion exchange.  相似文献   

The possession of specialized iron transport systems may be crucial for bacteria to override the iron limitation imposed by the host or the environment. One of the most commonly found strategies evolved by microorganisms is the production of siderophores, low-molecular-weight iron chelators that have very high constants of association for their complexes with iron. Thus, siderophores act as extracellular solubilizing agents for iron from minerals or organic compounds, such as transferrin and lactoferrin in the host vertebrate, under conditions of iron limitation. Transport of iron into the cell cytosol is mediated by specific membrane receptor and transport systems which recognize the iron-siderophore complexes. In this review I have analyzed in detail three siderophore-mediated iron uptake systems: the plasmid-encoded anguibactin system of Vibrio anguillarum, the aerobactin-mediated iron assimilation system present in the pColV-K30 plasmid and in the chromosomes of many enteric bacteria, and the chromosomally encoded enterobactin iron uptake system, found in Escherichia coli, Shigella spp., Salmonella spp., and other members of the family Enterobacteriaceae. The siderophore systems encoded by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, namely, pyochelin and pyoverdin, as well as the siderophore amonabactin, specified by Aeromonas hydrophila, are also discussed. The potential role of siderophore-mediated systems as virulence determinants in the specific host-bacteria interaction leading to disease is also analyzed with respect to the influence of these systems in the expression of other factors, such as toxins, in the bacterial virulence repertoire.  相似文献   

Dental caries and periodontitis, although generally not life threatening, are nevertheless of significant importance. An understanding of the molecular nature of these diseases could aid the development of novel methods of prevention and control, and increase our knowledge of their etiology. The identification of virulence factors in oral bacteria could lead to the development of vaccines directed against these organisms, the design of inhibitors of biofilm formation, and the development of replacement therapy strategies.  相似文献   

Highly repeated satellite DNAs often consist of mixtures of DNAs with closely related repeating sequences. By cloning individual molecules we have resolved the 1.705 g/cm3 satellite DNA of Drosophila melanogaster into two distinct components: polydA-A-G-A-GT-T-C-T-C and polydA-A-G-A-G-A-GT-T-C-T-C-T-C. The presence of two distinct sequences within this physically homogeneous satellite DNA had not previously been detected by standard physical, chemical, or sequencing techniques. Both cloning and direct sequence analysis suggest that the five-base-pair and seven-base-pair repeating units reside on separate molecules and are not interspersed with each other.  相似文献   

Lotery A  Trump D 《Human genetics》2007,122(3-4):219-236
Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is an extremely prevalent complex genetic disorder. Its incidence rises exponentially in the elderly to a frequency of 1 in 2 in the general population by age 85. It affects approximately 25 million people and is the commonest cause of irreversible visual loss in the Western world. It is therefore a major public health problem. However, until recently its aetiology was unknown. Our understanding of both the molecular biology of AMD and the relevant clinical treatments has progressed dramatically in the last 2 years. Two genes of large effect have been identified which together contribute to over 70% of the population attributable risk of AMD. Treatments which inhibit expression of vascular endothelial growth factor have been developed which can rescue vision in the "wet" form of the disease. The association of complement factor H with AMD highlights the importance of the alternative complement pathway in the development of AMD whilst the pathophysiology of the serine protease HTRA1 is now under intensive study. This review will give an insight into these developments and will summarise our current knowledge of the molecular biology of AMD.  相似文献   

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