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Two cellulose-fermenting methanogenic enrichment cultures originating from rice soil, one at 15 degrees C with Methanosaeta and the other at 30 degrees C with Methanosarcina as the dominant acetoclastic methanogen, both degraded cellulose anaerobically via propionate, acetate and H2 to CH4. The degradation was a two-stage process, with CH4 production mainly from H2/CO2 and accumulation of acetate and propionate during the first, and methanogenic consumption of acetate during the second stage. Aeration stress of 12, 24, 36 and 76 h duration was applied to these microbial communities during both stages of cellulose degradation. The longer the aeration stress, the stronger the inhibition of CH4 production at both 30 degrees C and 15 degrees C. The 72 h stressed culture at 30 degrees C did not fully recover. Aeration stress at 30 degrees C exerted a more pronounced effect, but lasted for a shorter time than that at 15 degrees C. The aeration stress was especially effective during the second stage of fermentation, when consumption of acetate (and to a lesser extent propionate) was also increasingly inhibited as the duration of the stress increased. The patterns of CH4 production and metabolite accumulation were consistent with changes observed in the methanogenic archaeal community structure. Fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that the total microbial community at the beginning consisted of about 4% and 10% archaea, which increased to about 50% and 30% during the second stage of cellulose degradation at 30 degrees C and 15 degrees C respectively. Methanosarcina and Methanosaeta species became the dominant archaea at 30 degrees C and 15 degrees C respectively. The first round of aeration stress mainly reduced the non-Methanosarcina archaea (30 degrees C) and the non-Methanosaeta archaea (15 degrees C). Aeration stress also retarded the growth of Methanosarcina and Methanosaeta at 30 degrees C and 15 degrees C respectively. The longer the stress, the lower was the percentage of Methanosarcina cells to total microbial cells after the first stress at 30 degrees C. A later aeration stress decreased the population of Methanosarcina (at 30 degrees C) in relation to the duration of stress, so that non-Methanosarcina archaea became dominant. Hence, aeration stress affected the acetotrophic methanogens more than the hydrogenotrophic ones, thus explaining the metabolism of the intermediates of cellulose degradation under the different incubation conditions.  相似文献   

Anaerobic benzene degradation was confirmed in microbial communities enriched from Baltimore Harbor (Baltimore, MD) sediments under methanogenic conditions. Molecular characterization based on 16S rDNA gene sequences revealed that the strains in the communities were diversely affiliated with such phylogenetic branches as the Bacteroidetes, Euryarchaeota, Firmicutes, and Thermotogae phyla. Of interest was that the majority of the microbial populations detected in these cultures were closely related to the members of dechlorinating microbial communities. Further, some of those species were previously found in naphthalene- or phenanthrene-degrading methanogenic communities. Finally, this result could be used to design targeted isolation strategies for anaerobic benzene-degrading strains under methanogenic conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of microbial composition on the methanogenic degradation of cellulose was studied using two lines of anaerobic cellulose-fermenting methanogenic microbial cultures at two different temperatures: that at 15 degrees C being dominated by Methanosaeta and that at 30 degrees C by Methanosarcina. In both cultures, CH4 production and acetate consumption were completely inhibited by either 2-bromoethanesulfonate or chloroform, whereas H2 consumption was only inhibited by chloroform, suggesting that homoacetogens utilized H2 concomitantly with methanogens. Hydrogen was the intermediate that was consumed first, while acetate continued to accumulate. At 15 degrees C, acetoclastic methanogenesis smoothly followed H2-dependent CH4 production. Fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that populations of Methanosaeta steadily increased with time from 5 to 25% of total cell counts. At 30 degrees C, two phases of CH4 production were obtained, with acetate consumed after the abrupt increase of Methanosarcina from 0 to 45% of total cell counts. Whereas populations of Methanosaeta were able to adapt after transfer from 15 to 30 degrees C, those of Methanosarcina were not, irrespective of during which phase the cultures were transferred from 30 degrees C to 15 degrees C. Our results thus show that the community structure of methanogens indeed affects the function of a cellulose-fermenting community with respect to temperature response.  相似文献   

产甲烷条件下岩溶湿地沉积物中古菌群落的变化规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴麒  陈颖  邱凯瑞  罗倩倩 《微生物学通报》2019,46(12):3193-3204
【背景】桂林会仙湿地位于喀斯特峰丛洼地和峰丛平原的过渡区,主要由岩溶地下河补给,水质呈现富钙偏碱特征,是一处典型的岩溶湿地环境,湿地沉积物以厌氧环境为主,独特的环境特征使之成为研究新型厌氧微生物的理想场所。氢型产甲烷菌和乙酸型产甲烷菌是环境中有机质厌氧降解的重要参与者,但目前会仙湿地产甲烷菌生理生态功能的研究十分有限。【目的】揭示乙酸盐营养型产甲烷条件和氢气营养型产甲烷条件下岩溶湿地环境古菌群落结构的变化规律和产甲烷菌的主要类群,探讨岩溶环境古菌的功能和相互关系。【方法】以会仙岩溶湿地沉积物为研究材料,分别以乙酸盐和氢气为唯一能源物进行富集培养,结合未添加任何能源底物的对照处理,动态监测产甲烷通量,分别构建了3个共包含146条古菌16S rRNA基因全长序列的文库,以及3个共包含138条甲基辅酶M还原酶基因mcr A基因序列的文库,通过构建系统发育树比较分析不同产甲烷底物培养条件下典型岩溶湿地古菌群落的变化规律。【结果】从乙酸型和氢型产甲烷条件培养物顶空气中都检测到了几乎等浓度的甲烷产生,甲烷八叠球菌是mcr A文库中主要的古菌类群,其中包含了Methanosarcina属古菌、Zoige Cluster I (ZC-I)和ANME-2d Cluster (AD)类群古菌,以及两个相对独立且不包含任何参考序列的分支KT-I和KT-II,可能代表产甲烷菌的新类群;经过两种产甲烷条件的富集培养后,ZC-I、AD和KT-II类群古菌的序列数占比有较为显著的增加(45%–155%);深古菌(Bathyarchaeota)是所有古菌16Sr RNA基因文库的优势类群,序列占比为88%–100%,其中MCG-11亚群最为丰富,占所有深古菌的84%,并且在乙酸盐产甲烷条件下增加了17%。【结论】会仙湿地沉积物中蕴涵着丰富的新型古菌序列,沉积物中主要的氢型产甲烷菌和乙酸型产甲烷菌都来自甲烷八叠球菌目,深古菌在岩溶环境和乙酸型产甲烷条件下可能都发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

Abstract Defined mixed cultures of an obligately aerobic Pseudomonas testosteroni and anaerobic Veillonella alcalescens strain were grown under oxygen and lactate limitation in chemostats with different oxygen supply rates. The aerobic and the anaerobic bacteria were shown to coexist and to complete for common substrates over a wide range of oxygen supply rates. Under similar conditions but with formate as the major substrate chemostat enrichments gave rise to undefined mixed cultures of aerobic, fermentative and methanogenic bacteria. The relevance of these observations to natural mineralization processes is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of gradually-developing water-stress has been studied in Lupinus albus L., Helianthus annuus L., Vitis vinifera cv. Rosaki and Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Water was withheld and diurnal rhythms were investigated 4–8d later, when the predawn water deficit was more negative than in watered plants, and the stomata closed almost completely early during the photoperiod. The contribution of ‘stomatal’ and ‘non-stomatal’ components to the decrease of photosynthetic rate was investigated by (1) comparing the changes of the rate of photosynthesis in air with the changes of stomatal conductance and (2) measuring photosynthetic capacity in saturating irradiance and 15% CO2. Three species (lupin, eucalyptus and sunflower) showed larger changes of stomatal conductance than photosynthesis in air, and showed little or no decrease of photosynthetic capacity in saturating CO2. Photosynthesis in air also recovered fully overnight after watering the plants in the evening. In grapevines, stomatal conductance and photosynthesis in air changed in parallel, there was a marked decrease of photosynthetic capacity, and photosynthesis and stomatal conductance did not recover overnight after watering water-stressed plants. Relative water content remained above 90% in grapevine. We conclude that non-stomatal components do not play a significant role in lupins, sunflower or eucalyptus, but could in grapevine. The effect of water-stress on partitioning of photosynthate was investigated by measuring the amounts of sucrose and starch in leaves during a diurnal rhythm, and by measuring the partitioning of 14C-carbon dioxide between sucrose and starch. In all four species, starch was depleted in water-stressed leaves but sucrose was maintained at amounts similar to, or higher than, those in watered plants. Partitioning into sucrose was increased in lupins and eucalyptus, and remained unchanged in grapevine and sunflower. It is concluded that water-stressed leaves in all four species maintain high levels of soluble sugars in their leaves, despite having lower rates of field photosynthesis, decreased rates of export, and low amounts of starch in their leaves.  相似文献   

SDS and Triton X-100 added at their critical micelle concentrations (CMCs), increased phenanthrene solubility in the presence of sediments and inhibited phenanthrene biodegradation. Triton X-100 caused more inhibition than SDS. 16S rDNA analyses revealed that both surfactants changed the microbial communities of phenanthrene-degrading cultures. Further, after the surfactant additions, parts of the microbial populations were not detected and methane production decreased. Surfactant applications, necessary to achieve actual CMCs, alter microbial community structure and diminish methanogenic activity under anaerobic conditions. We propose that this change may be related to the inhibitory effects of SDS and Triton X-100 on phenanthrene biodegradation under methanogenic conditions.  相似文献   

Well-developed hypersaline cyanobacterial mats from Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur, sustain active methanogenesis in the presence of high rates of sulfate reduction. Very little is known about the diversity and distribution of the microorganisms responsible for methane production in these unique ecosystems. Applying a combination of 16S rRNA and metabolic gene surveys, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and lipid biomarker analysis, we characterized the diversity and spatial relationships of methanogens and other archaea in the mat incubation experiments stimulated with methanogenic substrates. The phylogenetic and chemotaxonomic diversity established within mat microcosms was compared with the archaeal diversity and lipid biomarker profiles associated with different depth horizons in the in situ mat. Both archaeal 16S rRNA and methyl coenzyme M reductase gene (mcrA) analysis revealed an enrichment of diverse methanogens belonging to the Methanosarcinales in response to trimethylamine addition. Corresponding with DNA-based detection methods, an increase in lipid biomarkers commonly synthesized by methanogenic archaea was observed, including archaeol and sn-2-hydroxyarchaeol polar lipids, and the free, irregular acyclic isoprenoids, 2,6,10,15,19-pentamethylicosene (PMI) and 2,6,11,15-tetramethylhexadecane (crocetane). Hydrogen enrichment of a novel putative archaeal polar C(30) isoprenoid, a dehydrosqualane, was also documented. Both DNA and lipid biomarker evidence indicate a shift in the dominant methanogenic genera corresponding with depth in the mat. Specifically, incubations of surface layers near the photic zone predominantly supported Methanolobus spp. and PMI, while Methanococcoides and hydroxyarchaeol were preferentially recovered from microcosms of unconsolidated sediments underlying the mat. Together, this work supports the existence of small but robust methylotrophic methanogen assemblages that are vertically stratified within the benthic hypersaline mat and can be distinguished by both their DNA signatures and unique isoprenoid biomarkers.  相似文献   

An upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor was operated under thermophilic conditions (55° C) for 160 days by feeding a wastewater containing sucrose as the major carbon source. The reactor exhibited a satisfactory performance due to the formation of well-settling granulated sludge, achieving a total organic carbon (TOC) removal of above 80% at an organic loading rate of 30 kg total organic C m–3 day–1. Structural and microbial properties of the methanogenic granular sludge were examined using scanning electron microscope X-ray analyses and serum vial activity tests. All the thermophilic granules developed showed a double-layered structure, comprised of a black core portion and a yellowish exterior portion. The interior cope portion contained abundant crystalline precipitates of calcium carbonate. Calcium-bound phosphorus was also present more prominently in the core portion than in the exterior portion. Methanogenic activities of the thermophilic granules both from acetate and from H2 increased with increasing vial-test temperature in the range of 55–65° C [from 1.43 to 2.36 kg CH4 chemical oxygen demand (COD) kg volatile suspended solids (VSS)–1 day–1 for acetate and from 0.85 to 1.11 kg CH4 COD kg VSS–1 day–1 for H2]. On the other hand, propionate-utilizing methanogenic activity was independent of vial-test temperature, and was much lower (0.1–0.12 kg CH4 COD kg VSS–1 day–1) than that from either acetate or H2. Acetate consumption during vial tests was considerably inhibited by the presence of H2 in the headspace, indicating that a syntrophic association between acetate oxidizers and H2-utilizing methane-producing bacteria was responsible for some portion of the overall acetate elimination by the theromophilically grown sludge.  相似文献   

Biphenyl was readily degraded and mineralized to CO2 and CH4 by a PCB-dechlorinating anaerobic microbial consortium. Degradation occurred when biphenyl was supplied as a sole source of carbon or as a co-metabolic substrate together with glucose and methanol. p-Cresol was detected and confirmed by mass spectroscopy as a transient intermediate. Production of 14 C-CO2 and 14C-CH4 from 14C-biphenyl was observed in the approximate ratio of 1:2. The results indicated the existence of novel pathways for biphenyl degradation in a natural anaerobic microbial community.  相似文献   

Diazotrophic bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of Chinese cabbage were assessed for other plant growth promoting characteristics viz., production of IAA, ethylene, ACC deaminase, phosphate solubilization, and gnotobiotic root elongation. Their effect on inoculation to Chinese cabbage was also observed under growth chamber conditions. A total of 19 strains that showed higher nitrogenase activity identified by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis were found to be the members of the genera Pseudomonas and Agrobacterium belonging to α- and γ-Proteobacteria groups. These strains were also efficient in producing IAA and ACC deaminase though they produced low levels of ethylene and no phosphate solubilization. In addition, inoculation of selected diazotrophic bacterial strains significantly increased seedling length, dry weight, and total nitrogen when compared to uninoculated control. The colonization of crop plants by diazotrophic bacteria can be affected by many biotic and abiotic factors, and further studies are oriented towards investigating the factors that could influence the establishment of a selected bacterial community.  相似文献   

【目的】比较分析4种硝化细菌富集培养物(以铵盐为氮源的淡水富集物A、以亚硝酸盐为氮源的淡水富集物B、以铵盐为氮源的低温淡水富集物C和以亚硝酸盐为氮源的海水富集物D)的微生物群落结构与组成。【方法】分别提取样品的总DNA,采用高通量测序技术,分析微生物群落的组成、丰度和多样性。【结果】在不同微生物的分类水平,4个样品共检测到24门47纲129属。4个样品的优势菌门均为变形菌门;样品A、B、C的优势菌纲为β-变形菌纲和γ-变形菌纲,样品D的优势菌纲为γ-变形菌纲、δ-变形菌纲和芽孢杆菌纲;而优势菌属各不相同,其中样品A为亚硝化单胞菌属(24.56%),样品B为链霉菌属(7.15%),样品C为噬菌弧菌属(19.36%)和类诺卡氏菌属(19.35%),样品D为嗜酸菌属(13.6%)和柄杆菌属(11.5%)。共检测出7种具有硝化功能的细菌,其中样品A、B和D中主要是亚硝化单胞菌属,占比分别为24.56%、4.94%和0.63%,样品C主要为Nitrospirillum(0.69%)和硝化螺旋菌属(0.69%)。此外在样品中还检测到红灯食烷菌、羽扇豆根瘤菌等有益菌,以及弧菌属、伯克霍尔德菌等致病菌。【结论】阐述了4个样品微生物群落结构的多样性,确定了不同培养物中起主要作用的硝化细菌类群以及其它与环境物质循环相关或具有特殊生理特性的菌群,研究结果为硝化细菌富集培养物的实际应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are devices that exploit microorganisms as biocatalysts to recover energy from organic matter in the form of electricity. One of the goals of MFC research is to develop the technology for cost-effective wastewater treatment. However, before practical MFC applications are implemented it is important to gain fundamental knowledge about long-term system performance, reproducibility, and the formation and maintenance of functionally-stable microbial communities. Here we report findings from a MFC operated for over 300 days using only primary clarifier effluent collected from a municipal wastewater treatment plant as the microbial resource and substrate. The system was operated in a repeat-batch mode, where the reactor solution was replaced once every two weeks with new primary effluent that consisted of different microbial and chemical compositions with every batch exchange. The turbidity of the primary clarifier effluent solution notably decreased, and 97% of biological oxygen demand (BOD) was removed after an 8-13 day residence time for each batch cycle. On average, the limiting current density was 1000 mA/m(2), the maximum power density was 13 mW/m(2), and coulombic efficiency was 25%. Interestingly, the electrochemical performance and BOD removal rates were very reproducible throughout MFC operation regardless of the sample variability associated with each wastewater exchange. While MFC performance was very reproducible, the phylogenetic analyses of anode-associated electricity-generating biofilms showed that the microbial populations temporally fluctuated and maintained a high biodiversity throughout the year-long experiment. These results suggest that MFC communities are both self-selecting and self-optimizing, thereby able to develop and maintain functional stability regardless of fluctuations in carbon source(s) and regular introduction of microbial competitors. These results contribute significantly toward the practical application of MFC systems for long-term wastewater treatment as well as demonstrating MFC technology as a useful device to enrich for functionally stable microbial populations.  相似文献   

Extremophiles - Bacterial and archaeal community structure of five microbial communities, developing at different salinities in Baja California Sur, Mexico, were characterized by 16S rRNA...  相似文献   

Comparative investigation of the components and characteristics of three types of fully developed granular sludges operating in full-scale and laboratory upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors under different conditions was qualitatively and quantitatively carried out. Extracellular polymeric material of granular sludges contained 1.7–2.7% carbohydrates, 2.5–5.1% nucleic acids and 8.3–16.3% proteins of total suspended solids (TSS). The ash content of the granular sludges varied from 11–21% and was an equal combination of metals—mainly calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron-and non metals in the form of clay. The results indicated that feed mineral concentration had an overall effect on the mineral composition of granular sludges and that specific uptake of preferred minerals such as magnesium, iron and phosphorus occurred depending upon the operational and environmental conditions. Significant variation was found in the dominant methanogenic groups.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the effect of cadmium (Cd2+) toxicity on mineral nutrient accumulation in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), two cultivars named Asterix and Macaca were cultivated both in vitro and in hydroponic experiments under increasing levels of Cd2+ (0, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 μM in vitro and 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 μM in hydroponic culture). At 22 and 7 days of exposure to Cd2+, for the in vitro and hydroponic experiment, respectively, the plantlets were separated into roots and shoot, which were analyzed for biomass as well as Cd2+, and macro (Ca2+, K+ and Mg2+) and micronutrient (Cu2+, Fe2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+) contents. In the hydroponic experiment, there was no reduction in shoot and root dry weight for any Cd2+ level, regardless of the potato cultivar. In contrast, in the in vitro experiment, there was an increase in biomass at low Cd2+ levels, while higher Cd2+ levels caused a decrease. In general, Cd2+ decreased the macronutrient and micronutrient contents in the in vitro cultured plantlets in both roots and shoot of cultivars. In contrast, the macronutrient and micronutrient contents in the hydroponically grown plantlets were generally not affected by Cd2+. Our data suggest that the influence of Cd2+ on nutrient content in potato was related to the level of Cd2+ in the substrate, potato cultivar, plant organ, essential element, growth medium and exposure time.  相似文献   

Methane is a major product of anaerobic degradation of organic matter and an important greenhouse gas. Its stable carbon isotope composition can be used to reveal active methanogenic pathways, if associated isotope fractionation factors are known. To clarify the causes that lead to the wide variation of fractionation factors of methanogenesis from H2 plus CO2 (), pure cultures and various cocultures were grown under different thermodynamic conditions. In syntrophic and obligate syntrophic cocultures thriving on different carbohydrate substrates, fermentative bacteria were coupled to three different species of hydrogenotrophic methanogens of the families Methanobacteriaceae and Methanomicrobiaceae. We found that C‐isotope fractionation was correlated to the Gibbs free energy change (ΔG) of CH4 formation from H2 plus CO2 and that the relation can be described by a semi‐Gauss curve. The derived relationship was used to quantify the average ΔG that is available to hydrogenotrophic methanogenic archaea in their habitat, thus avoiding the problems encountered with measurement of low H2 concentrations on a microscale. Boreal peat, rice field soil, and rumen fluid, which represent major sources of atmospheric CH4, exhibited increasingly smaller , indicating that thermodynamic conditions for hydrogenotrophic methanogens became increasingly more favourable. Vice versa, we hypothesize that environments with similar energetic conditions will also exhibit similar isotope fractionation. Our results, thus, provide a mechanistic constraint for modelling the 13C flux from microbial sources of atmospheric CH4.  相似文献   

不同种源羊草在不同水分条件下的性状比较   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
用 1 994年从内蒙古不同地区采集到的羊草 (Leymuschinensis)种子进行栽培试验 ,经过不同数量水分处理 ,对不同地区的 1龄羊草的性状进行比较分析 ,发现羊草的不同性状其稳定程度不一 ;采用Thomas和Bazzaz的定性交叉相互作用的评估方法 ,发现羊草虽然是一种耐旱植物但不是喜旱植物 ,在水分充沛的情况下 ,羊草的长势远好于干旱的情况 .在各样点中阿巴嘎旗宝格达苏木羊草的性状比较稳定 ,在各性状中无性繁殖方面的性状(如分蘖数、根茎芽数等 )的稳定性高于营养方面的性状 (如株高、叶长等 ) .  相似文献   

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