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Color polymorphisms are associated with variation in other traits which may affect individual fitness, and these color‐trait associations are expected to contribute to nonrandom mating in polymorphic species. The red‐backed salamander (Plethodon cinereus) exhibits a polymorphism in dorsal pattern: striped and unstriped, and previous studies have suggested that they may mate nonrandomly. However, the mechanism(s) contributing to this behavior remain unclear. Here we consider the role that male preference may have in driving mating behavior in P. cinereus. We limit our focus to striped individuals because this morph is most likely to be choosy given their dominant, aggressive behavioral profiles relative to unstriped males. Specifically, we evaluated (a) whether striped males preferentially associate with females with respect to her dorsum color, size, and body condition and (b) if so, whether female traits are evaluated via visual or chemical cues. We also considered whether the frequency of another male social behavior, nose taps, was associated with mate preferences. We found that striped male P. cinereus nose tapped more often to preferred females. However, males only assessed potential mates via chemical cues, preferring larger females overall. Reproductive phenology data on a sample of gravid females drawn from the same population indicated that the color morphs do not differ in reproductive traits, but larger females have greater fecundity. Given our findings, we conclude that female P. cinereus are under fecundity selection, mediated by male preference. In this manner, male mating behavior contributes to observations of nonrandom mate associations in this population of P. cinereus.  相似文献   

A simple model based on one single identified quantitative trait locus (QTL) in a two-way crossing system was used to demonstrate the power of mate selection algorithms as a natural means of opportunistic line development for optimization of crossbreeding programs over multiple generations. Mate selection automatically invokes divergent selection in two parental lines for an over-dominant QTL and increased frequency of the favorable allele toward fixation in the sire-line for a fully-dominant QTL. It was concluded that an optimal strategy of line development could be found by mate selection algorithms for a given set of parameters such as genetic model of QTL, breeding objective and initial frequency of the favorable allele in the base populations, etc. The same framework could be used in other scenarios, such as programs involving crossing to exploit breed effects and heterosis. In contrast to classical index selection, this approach to mate selection can optimize long-term responses.  相似文献   

Combination of two factors in rats such as the isolation (during 2-4 months, beginning from the 21st day of age) and procedure of space cyclic learning results in a rare kind of behavioral strategy (in 30% animals), when the cyclic behavior is realized without food reinforcement. Such a dissociation between the vital motivation and searching behavior may be considered as an analogue of the disintegration phenomenon in neuropsychotic patients. The deep depression of learning owing to lowering of search represents the dominant type of behavioral disorders in isolants. The cyclic habit training, including a 2-months pause between two sessions, significantly increases behavioral search activity. The behaviors are accompanied by morphological shifts in the sensomotor cortex: significant decrease of the fifth layer (giant pyramids) thickness, selective lowering in the satellite glia density and elimination of normal behavior-glia correlations.  相似文献   

Female mate choice acts as an important evolutionary force, yet the influence of the environment on both its expression and the selective pressures acting upon it remains unknown. We found consistent heritable differences between females in their choice of mate based on ornament size during a 25-year study of a population of collared flycatchers. However, the fitness consequences of mate choice were dependent on environmental conditions experienced whilst breeding. Females breeding with highly ornamented males experienced high relative fitness during dry summer conditions, but low relative fitness during wetter years. Our results imply that sexual selection within a population can be highly variable and dependent upon the prevailing weather conditions experienced by individuals.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the cognitive and neural underpinnings of language has traditionally been firmly based on spoken Indo-European languages and on language studied as speech or text. However, in face-to-face communication, language is multimodal: speech signals are invariably accompanied by visual information on the face and in manual gestures, and sign languages deploy multiple channels (hands, face and body) in utterance construction. Moreover, the narrow focus on spoken Indo-European languages has entrenched the assumption that language is comprised wholly by an arbitrary system of symbols and rules. However, iconicity (i.e. resemblance between aspects of communicative form and meaning) is also present: speakers use iconic gestures when they speak; many non-Indo-European spoken languages exhibit a substantial amount of iconicity in word forms and, finally, iconicity is the norm, rather than the exception in sign languages. This introduction provides the motivation for taking a multimodal approach to the study of language learning, processing and evolution, and discusses the broad implications of shifting our current dominant approaches and assumptions to encompass multimodal expression in both signed and spoken languages.  相似文献   

The evolution and the adaptive logic (if any) of female mate choice are subjects of lively debate. Whereas most researchers believe that females have evolved to recognize signs of male 'quality' (the ability to provide females or their offspring with direct or indirect genetic or material benefits), there is intriguing evidence that males can evolve to appeal to pre-existing female preferences. Evidence for these pre-existing biases is often ambiguous because phylogenetic reconstructions have usually failed to establish conclusively whether the female preference or the favored male traits evolved first. This potential difficulty is minimal in the mosquitofish genus Gambusia, none of whose 45 species appears to have a female-choice mating system in the wild, and none of which shows the male behavioral and morphological traits that are characteristic of female choice. Nevertheless, in an experimental situation in the laboratory, female Gambusia holbrooki readily chose between models of males and demonstrated significant and reliable preferences for a variety of exaggerated male traits that are not seen in their species or their genus. Other morphological alterations were not preferred. The latent willingness of females to choose traits in a genus without such traits and without evident female choice in the wild is remarkable and may indicate a pre-existing bias in females that is ready to drive male evolution, should the social system or the ecological variables that control it change.  相似文献   

The acquisition of resources is an important determinant of patterns of variation in and covariation among traits that are costly to produce and are dependent on condition for their expression. However, the extent to which variation in female mate choice behavior is condition dependent, and how this is related to other life-history traits, remains largely unknown. We manipulated the acquisition of dietary protein in the black field cricket, Teleogryllus commodus, and measured the effects of this on several important life-history traits and on female mate choice behavior. Females reared on a high-protein diet developed faster, were heavier at eclosion, and lived longer than females reared on a low-protein diet. Two lines of evidence suggest that female mate choice behavior in T. commodus is condition dependent. First, females reared on the high-protein diet were more sexually responsive and expressed stronger linear and quadratic preference functions for call rate and dominant frequency, respectively. Second, within treatments, females that developed faster were lighter, generally less sexually responsive, and, in the high-protein-diet treatment, expressed weaker preferences than slower-developing females. Collectively, our findings suggest an important role for resource acquisition in generating variation in mate choice behavior.  相似文献   

Early nutrition shapes life history. Parents should, therefore, provide a diet that will optimize the nutrient intake of their offspring. In a number of passerines, there is an often observed, but unexplained, peak in spider provisioning during chick development. We show that the proportion of spiders in the diet of nestling blue tits, Cyanistes caeruleus, varies significantly with the age of chicks but is unrelated to the timing of breeding or spider availability. Moreover, this parental prey selection supplies nestlings with high levels of taurine particularly at younger ages. This amino acid is known to be both vital and limiting for mammalian development and consequently found in high concentrations in placenta and milk. Based on the known roles of taurine in mammalian brain development and function, we then asked whether by supplying taurine-rich spiders, avian parents influence the stress responsiveness and cognitive function of their offspring. To test this, we provided wild blue tit nestlings with either a taurine supplement or control treatment once daily from the ages of 2-14 days. Then pairs of size- and sex-matched siblings were brought into captivity for behavioural testing. We found that juveniles that had received additional taurine as neonates took significantly greater risks when investigating novel objects than controls. Taurine birds were also more successful at a spatial learning task than controls. Additionally, those individuals that succeeded at a spatial learning task had shown intermediate levels of risk taking. Non-learners were generally very risk-averse controls. Early diet therefore has downstream impacts on behavioural characteristics that could affect fitness via foraging and competitive performance. Fine-scale prey selection is a mechanism by which parents can manipulate the behavioural phenotype of offspring.  相似文献   

The success of recent spacecraft from the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. has given us a wealth of new data about the planets in our solar system. We can now develop a much better rationale for the reasons that abundant life is only found on our planet. Mars, smaller and more distant from the Sun, may nevertheless hold clues to the early development of Earth's atmosphere. The origin of life on Mars early in that planet's history cannot be ruled out. Titan offers a contemporary example of extremely primitive conditions, where chemical reactions resembling those that preceded the development of life on Earth may be occurring today. Venus and Jupiter illustrate the need for a planet to be the right size and the right distance from the sun if chemical evolution leading to the origin of life is to occur.  相似文献   

The possibility that leaf abscission might involve a mobilization phenomenon leading to a localized cellular senescence was examined by following dry weight changes, chlorophyll content, and protein levels in proximal and distal tissue of excised pieces of bean petioles from Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. Red Kidney. Nucleic acid levels were determined as were phosphate pool sizes in conjunction with 32P labeling patterns. Each of these parameters indicated a mobilization into the tissues proximal to the zone of cellular separation at the expense of the distal tissues, suggesting that mobilization and the consequent development of cellular senescence provide a component in the process of bean leaf abscission.  相似文献   

The system of mate selection in the cockroach, Nauphoeta cinerea, was studied experimentally. The dominant male in a group mates more often than expected if random mating were occurring. The presence of a female usually does not result in changes in the dominance hierarchy, but the frequency of certain behavioural patterns in intermale interactions changes after introduction of the female. Females can discriminate between dominant and non-dominant males on the basis of odour. The experimental approach to this question is somewhat confounded by turning tendencies of the females; data are presented relating female choice to turning tendency.  相似文献   

Female mating preferences are often flexible, reflecting the social environment in which they are expressed. Associated indirect genetic effects (IGEs) can affect the rate and direction of evolutionary change, but sexual selection models do not capture these dynamics. We incorporate IGEs into quantitative genetic models to explore how variation in social environments and mate choice flexibility influence Fisherian sexual selection. The importance of IGEs is that runaway sexual selection can occur in the absence of a genetic correlation between male traits and female preferences. Social influences can facilitate the initiation of the runaway process and increase the rate of trait elaboration. Incorporating costs to choice do not alter the main findings. Our model provides testable predictions: (1) genetic covariances between male traits and female preferences may not exist, (2) social flexibility in female choice will be common in populations experiencing strong sexual selection, (3) variation in social environments should be associated with rapid sexual trait divergence, and (4) secondary sexual traits will be more elaborate than previously predicted. Allowing feedback from the social environment resolves discrepancies between theoretical predictions and empirical data, such as why indirect selection on female preferences, theoretically weak, might be sufficient for preferences to become elaborated.  相似文献   

The quality of a chosen partner can be one of the most significantfactors affecting an animal's long-term reproductive success.We investigate optimal mate choice rules in an environment wherethere is both local variation in the quality of potential mateswithin each local mating pool and spatial (or temporal) variationin the average quality of the pools themselves. In such a situation,a robust rule that works well across a variety of environmentswill confer a significant reproductive advantage. We formulatea full Bayesian model for updating information in such a varyingenvironment and derive the form of the rule that maximizes expectedreward in a spatially varying environment. We compare the theoreticalperformance of our optimal learning rule against both fixedthreshold rules and simpler near-optimal learning rules andshow that learning is most advantageous when both the localand environmental variances are large. We consider how optimalsimple learning rules might evolve and compare their evolutionwith that of fixed threshold rules using genetic algorithmsas minimal models of the relevant genetics. Our analysis pointsup the variety of ways in which a near-optimal rule can be expressed.Finally, we describe how our results extend to the case of temporallyvarying environments.  相似文献   

We studied the winter resource selection of muskoxen Ovibos moschatus in the High Arctic using a nested hierarchy of spatial scales 1) population range, 2) travel routes, 3) feeding sites (l e clusters of feeding craters), 4) feeding craters, and 5) diet (I e plant species) We found that, generally, patterns of selection remained consistent across all levels At successively smaller scales, muskoxen selected for higher graminoid abundance and particularly for thinner, softer snow cover, although we did not reject the hypothesis of random travel route selection Muskoxen uncovered forages from beneath the snow cover, by cratering, near the flonstic and nival extremes of availability Selection was consistently biased toward use of water sedge, Carex aquatilis As scale changed, however, muskoxen showed reversals of preference for some other forage species Diet was dominated by C aquatilis and cotton sedge, Eriophorum angustifolium , species characteristic of lowland meadows During spring melt, muskoxen moved to snow-free uplands to feed Dietary quality, as revealed by fecal nitrogen, increased at this time The consistency of the results across scales implied that these local levels of habitat selection occurred within one scaling domain  相似文献   

The general cross-linkage theory of biological aging is pointed out to consist of two distinct branches: mutation theory and diffusion theory. Only diffusion theory is considered though. The diffusion theory of aging is expressed as a sum of terms. One of those terms is expressed in differential equation form, and the complete mathematical solution to it obtained under certain limiting assumptions. An approximation to the complete solution is applied to four distinct cases—(1) rat tendon collagen, (2) cellular waste products in humans, (3) collagen in humans and (4) lipofuscins in the human myocardium. Only cases (1) and (4) are compared to experimental data. Case (1) shows excellent agreement, while case (4) displays discrepancies which suggest that the lipofuscins have an age pigment precursor.  相似文献   

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