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钱振超教授是我国著名的病理生理学家。他致力于肿瘤免疫学研究 ,建成我国第一株小鼠肝癌、肺腺癌模型。钱教授以感人的笔触记述了他的实感真情 ,以教学和科研上取得的丰硕成果 ,实现了他在本文结语中所表述的座右铭。读罢 ,倍受鼓舞与启发  相似文献   

薛全福教授是一位著名的病理生理学家。他致力于肺心病发病机制和南极医学的研究,取得多项成果。他娓娓道来亲赴南极的实地体验,给人以振奋与力量。他不避艰难及善于团结协作的精神,值得发扬。  相似文献   

Sun BY 《生理科学进展》2002,33(4):289-292
孙秉庸教授是我国著名的病理生理学家,他致力于缺氧病理生理学和高原医学研究,成绩卓著。在我国病理生理学学科建立和成长中,孙教授作出了突出的贡献。在教书育人方面,孙教授特别注意专业知识和德育并重,令他的学生品德和业务双丰收。孙教授是老一辈优秀教师的典范和代表。  相似文献   

何瑞荣教授是一位生理学家。本文阐述了他一生勤奋学习与艰苦创业历程。他的主要研究是在心血管活动方面 ,特别是有关内感受器生理学的一系列工作。他在教学和培养人才方面也有显著成绩。  相似文献   

今年是羊年 ,趁此机会 ,对我国的家羊品种资源进行简要介绍。  羊包括家羊和野羊。家羊有两种 ,即绵羊和山羊 ,它们是不同的畜种。在动物分类学上属牛科的绵羊山羊亚科 (Caprovinae)的绵羊 (Ovis)和山羊 (Capra)两个属。两者染色体数目不同 ,外貌特征也有很大区别。如绵羊颌下无髯 ,山羊有髯 ;绵羊尾下垂 ,山羊尾上翘。我国是世界上养羊数量和羊产品产量最多的国家 ,据世界粮农组织统计资料 (中国畜牧杂志 ,2 0 0 2 ,No.6) ,2 0 0 0年我国绵羊存栏约 1.3亿只 ,山羊 1.5亿只 ,羊肉产量 2 74万 t,约占世界 2 4 % ;绵羊净毛产量 14.8万 t,…  相似文献   

December 2001 marks 100 years since the first Nobel prizes were awarded. But who was Alfred Nobel, and how and why were the prizes that bear his name established?  相似文献   

The life and work of Josef Rudinger (1924- 1975), a key figure in the history of peptide science, are outlined.  相似文献   

Conclusion In concluding, let us restate the main theoretical arguments concerning Austria-Hungary and Malinowski-Polanyi. There are many more aspects of this latter contrast which I have not dwelt on, including those of temper and personality. My concern was to show that it is not enough to trace ideas back to their origin in an undifferentiated Central Europe, for we need to be quite clear about the context in which those ideas were initially taken on board. Mach was an appropriate philosopher for the ordered bureaucracy of Austria, and he embodies the individual-centered and fundamentally conservative message, which I see articulated later in very different (and non-positivist) styles by Popper, Hayek, Schumpeter, etc. This was the message accepted in its fundamentals by Malinowski in Cracow. The Hungarian half of the Empire had quite different traditions, and one might even say that political dilemmas in this half of the Empire were so pressing that they had no time for philosophy. By the time Polanyi was growing up in Budapest, nationalist fervor was at its height, and a nineteenth century heritage of liberal, even radical thought, was under pressure from the extreme right. Polanyi's Jewish family background probably pushed him towards the Left in his early years, though it in no way interfered with this Hungarian patriotism. When he read Mach, he accepted the individualist and positivist aspects of the message, but he could never endorse the conservative respect for tradition that underpinned Malinowski's functionalism. This is what makes his position so interesting, and he maintained it throughout his career.In this light, Polanyi's economic anthropology is an authentic cultural product of Central Europe. Malinowski, to the extent that he took on board the basic social theory of Austrian liberal conservatism, sold out to the West, and to an ideological tradition which has an alternative home in another country on the periphery of industrial capitalism: Enlightenment Scotland. Austria-Hungary also produced intellectuals who sold out in the other direction, and abandoned all notion of intellectual autonomy for the individual by capitulating to the total discipline of the revolutionary Party. This tradition is that of Russia and Lenin, and the best known Central European intellectual recruit was Lukács, perhaps because he studied idealists in Germany rather than the positivists in Vienna. Karl Polanyi was unable to give unswerving loyalty either to the capitalist ideology of the West, or to the ideology of the new tributary mode of production in the East. The middle position, which I believe he occupied throughout his life, is one that will never satisfy ideologues, and it is hard to infuse it with the same intellectual elegance. Still, just as his historical researches showed the real possibilities for combining modes of economic integration, and his life experiences showed the folly of concentration on only one, so Hungarians have learned from history that they are best off with the sort of mixed economy they have today. His popularity in Hungary is therefore unsurprising, and one may hope that the practical message of his anthropology will not be permanently forgotten in the West.Christopher H. Hann is a Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Kent, Canterbury.  相似文献   

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