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Colony kin structure and spatial population structure were studied in multiple populations of the ant Formica lemani , using allozymes and DNA microsatellites. Average genetic relatedness between nestmate workers varied little between populations ( r  = 0.51–0.76), indicating that the average colony kin structure was relatively simple. Worker genotypes could not be explained with a single breeding pair in all nests, however, and the distribution of relatedness estimates across nests was bimodal, suggesting that single- and multi-queen colonies co-occur. We studied spatial population structure in a successional boreal forest system, which is a mixture of different aged habitats. Newly clear-cut open habitat patches are quickly colonized by F. lemani , where it is able to persist for a limited number of generations. Newly-founded populations showed signs of a founder effect and spatial substructuring, whereas older populations were more homogenous. This suggests that new populations are founded by a limited number of colonizers arriving from more than one source. Genetic differentiation among local populations was minor, indicating strong migration between them. There were, however, indications of both isolation by distance and populations becoming more isolated as habitat patches grew older.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 247–258.  相似文献   

Ant imprints, new and previously known, from Middle Miocene deposits near Kerch (Crimean Peninsula, Russia) are described or redescribed. A new Myrmicinae species, Solenopsis atavinus sp. nov., is described based on a wingless female. A winged female similar to the earlier described Dolichoderus tauricus Dlussky, 1981 is found: due to the excellent preservation of this specimen, the new specimen and the holotype of D. tauricus are redescribed and can be reclassified as Ponerites tauricus (Dlussky, 1981), comb. nov. Oecophylla taurica sp. nov. is described based on a partly preserved imprint of a female thorax with a forewing, the venation of which allows it to be positively identified as a weaver ant. Two other species are transferred from the formal genus Camponotites to Oecophylla based on forewing venation: O. kraussei (Dlussky et Rasnitsyn, 1999), comb. nov. (Early Eocene, United States) and O. macroptera (Dlussky, 1981), comb. nov. (Middle Miocene, Stavropol, Russia). One of the studied forewing imprints is similar in venation to Paraphaenogaster microphthalmus Dlussky, 1981, described from the Middle Miocene of Vishnevaya Balka (Stavropol province, Russia) and so is attributed to this species. Dolichoderus tavridus sp. nov. is described based on a forewing.  相似文献   

This study examines phylogenetic relationships among six species of the Formica rufa group ants (F. polyctena, F. rufa, F. lugubris, F. paralugubris, F. aquilonia, and F. pratensis). The phylogeny based on a 2051bp fragment of mtDNA including cyt b, tRNASer, and ND1 genes supports the division of the group into three major clusters: one with the species F. polyctena and F. rufa, one with F. aquilonia, F. lugubris, and F. paralugubris, and the third one with F. pratensis. The interspecific divergence estimates (mean 0.98 +/- 0.15% for the main phylogenetic groups) imply that radiation took place during the Pleistocene. Comparison of the divergence estimates among the F. rufa group species with divergence estimates among other closely related species of insects suggests that speciation in the group was relatively fast, and the mitochondrial lineages of F. polyctena and F. rufa have not fully separated. The haplotype tree shows also signs of transfer of mtDNA between species through hybridisation. The distribution of polygyny (multiple queens per nest) along the branches of the tree indicates that the social type characterised by highly polygynous societies and large colonial networks, has originated at least three times. The species F. aquilonia and F. paralugubris that build such large supercolonies, cluster tightly together with very little nucleotide variation, suggesting that this type of social organisation could be a factor promoting speciation in the ants.  相似文献   

The present catalogue of the ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Bulgaria is made on a base of critical reconsideration of literature (covering the period from 1892 till 2009 and part of 2010) as well as on examination of the authors' and several museum's collections. A lot of data were omitted in the previous Bulgarian monograph on ants, lots of new data were recently added and many important additions and alterations were made due to taxonomic revisions of Eurasian Formicidae during the last three decades. Two new species are reported for the country [Temnothorax graecus (Forel, 1911) and Temnothorax cf. korbi (Emery, 1924)].This catalogue contains a list of 163 ant species belonging to 40 genera of 6 subfamilies now known from Bulgaria. Synonyms and information on the previously reported names in relevant publications are given. Known localities of the species are grouped by geographic regions. Maps with concrete localities or regions for each species were prepared. The conservation status of 13 ant species is given as they are included in IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and Bulgarian Biodiversity Act. In comparison with adjacent Balkan regions the ant fauna of Bulgaria is quite rich and its core is composed of South European elements.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of nine Japanese ants in three subfamilies (Ponerinae, Formicinae, and Myrmicinae) were successfully analysed by the improved squash technique. Three ponerine species had 2n=7 and n=4 (Ponera scabra), 2n=22 (Brachyponera sinensis), and 2n=28 and n=14 (Cryptopone sauteri). Four formicine species had 2n=18 and n=9 (Camponotus sp. and C. tokioensis), 2n=26 and n=13 (Camponotus japonicus), and 2n=30 and n=15 (Lasius niger). Two myrmicine species had 2n=18 and n=9 (Leptothorax congruus), and 2n=37, 38, 39, and n=17, 18, 19, 20 (Pheidole nodus). It was found that the variation of chromosome number observed in P. nodus was caused by Robertsonian type polymorphism.  相似文献   

Wide ranging surveys of the ant fauna of Iran have enabled us to add a further 30 named species to the country list. A review of almost all the published literature and of photographs of unidentified specimens within the public domain gives a grand total of 248 species, from seven subfamilies and 37 genera. In the majority of instances, our own specimens were compared with type images available from antweb.com. This has led us to propose new or revised status for Cataglyphis turcomanica Crawley 1920, Lepisiota integrisquama (Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, 1929), Lepisiota surchanica (Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, 1929) and Messor obscurior Crawley 1920. We note that the total includes a number of what may be misidentifications and a small number of named species that seem unlikely to occur in Iran.  相似文献   

Two new fossil members of the subfamily Myrmeciinae are described: Archimyrmex wedmannae, sp. nov (Grube Messel, Germany, Middle Eocene) and Prionomyrmex wappleri, sp. nov. (Rott, Germany, Late Oligocene). Members of the genus Archimyrmex were known earlier from Eocene deposits of the United States and Argentina, and members of the genus Prionomyrmex were known from Late Eocene Baltic amber.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Discontinuous gas exchange and abdominal telescoping movements were investigated in intact forager ants of Formica polyctena Förster. For simultaneous recording of discontinuous gas exchange and abdominal movements, an electrolytic differential microrespirometer was combined with an infrared-optical device using an infrared-sensor diode commonly applied as a cardiograph in insect studies. The air in the insect chamber was saturated with water vapour, and an ant was contacted with a sliver of wet filter paper. Accordingly, the ants used in the experiments were regarded as being hydrated. The enforced immobility of the ant in the respirometry chamber (0.15 mL volume) induced continuous struggling during the first hours of measurement but, after 3–4 h, the activity periods alternated with quiescent periods when regular cycles of discontinuous gas exchange (8.97 mHz) were displayed. After remaining in the chamber for a day, the ants showed such cycles (8.15 mHz) without any interruption by periods of activity. The cyclic release of carbon dioxide (burst) was accompanied by a bout of telescoping movements of the abdominal segments (rapid contractions and slow relaxations), which were interpreted as active ventilation. The irregular and rare abdominal contractions, recorded during the interburst periods on the first day of measurements, were regarded as a symptom of stress because these disappeared on the second day. In approximately 20% of foragers, the telescoping movements during the interburst periods were characterized by very rapid (0.09 s) protractions and slow retractions of the abdominal segments, obviously acting as inspiration movements. The results do not support the hypothesis that discontinuous gas exchange is an adaptation for conserving water in ants.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1979,9(3):331-333
Decyl acetate occurs in high amounts in the Dufour's gland of Formica schaufussi. When worker ants were fed [14C]-acetate the acetate moiety of decyl acetate was labelled preferentially indicating that decyl acetate is synthesized via an esterification reaction.  相似文献   

Higher hymenopteran vitellogenin/vitellins have been characterized as containing one large apoprotein. We show that in the ant subfamily Ponerinae, species in the tribes Odontomachini, Platythyrini, and Amblyoponini, also have a vitellin with this simple structure, containing a single apoprotein of 180-190kDa. Species in tribes Ponerini and Ectatommini, however, have vitellins containing multiple subunits. The size and number of the subunits varies, with differences even among species within the same genus. This is the first report of diversity in vitellogenin structure in the higher Hymenoptera. Vitellin and vitellogenin in Harpegnathos saltator (Ponerini) contain two large subunits of about 165kDa and two small subunits of about 45 and 43kDa. N-terminal sequence analysis suggests that provitellogenin is cleaved at two different sites, producing two large and two small subunits differing slightly in size. Diversity of vitellin types in Ponerini and Ectatommini is similar to that found in the more primitive tenthredinoid sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta), and may indicate polyphyly in the Ponerinae. Insect vitellogenins and yolk proteins show considerably more diversity than originally believed, and the possibility of the functional significance of these differences should be considered.  相似文献   

Summary A closing apparatus of the Dufour gland is described in the formicine ant Formica sanguinea Latreille 1798. Four sets of muscles are involved, two of which directly attach to the slit-like duct. The latter shows a considerable cuticular thickening of its intima at this level. Ultrastructural observations reveal that the muscles are attached to a cuticula by means of intracellular microtubules in the duct cells. These microtubules run parallel to the myofilaments. Together with the increased contact area for muscular attachments they are believed to ensure the accurate muscular mechanism assuring a well-controlled spraying activity of this gland. Opening of the duct is probably achieved by active muscular contractions, while its closure may be achieved by a passive return to the rest position of the thickened cuticular intima.Research assistant of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research  相似文献   

The internal phylogeny of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract. The higher phylogeny of the Formicidae was analysed using 68 characters and 19 taxa: the 14 currently recognized ant subfamilies plus 5 potentially critical infrasubfamilial taxa. The results justified the recognition of 3 additional subfamilies: Aenictogitoninae Ashmead (new status), Apomyrminae Dlussky & Fedoseeva (new status), and Leptanilloidinae Bolton (new subfamily). A second analysis on these better delimited 17 subfamilies resulted in 24 equally most parsimonious trees. All trees showed a basal division of extant Formicidae into two groups, the first containing (Myrmicinae, Pseudomyrmecinae, Nothomyrmeciinae, Myrmeciinae, Formicinae, Dolichoderinae, Aneuretinae) and the second the remaining subfamilies. Clades appearing within these groups included the Cerapachyinae plus 'army ants', the Nothomyrmeciinae plus Myrmeciinae, the 'formicoid' subfamilies (Aneuretinae + Dolichoderinae + Formicinae), and the Old World army ants (Aenictinae + Aenictogitoninae + Doryline), but relationships within the last two groups were not resolved, and the relative positions of the Apomyrminae, Leptanillinae and Ponerinae remained ambiguous. Moreover, a bootstrap analysis produced a consensus tree in which all branches were represented in proportions much lower than 95%. A reconstruction of the ground plan of the Formicidae indicated that the most specialized of all recent ants are the members of the subfamily Dorylinae and the least specialized ones are the monotypic Apomyrminae.  相似文献   

Queen number, mating frequency and nest kin-structure of the ant Formica japonica were studied in the field and the laboratory. Nest excavation in the study site, the east slope of Mt. Fuji, Gotenba, Japan, revealed that F. japonica is weakly polygynous all year round and the queen number increases after the nuptial flight season, suggesting the adoption of newly mated queens by established nests. Dissection and laboratory rearing demonstrated that nearly all queens in polygynous nests had mated and were fertile with mature oocytes in their ovaries. Multilocus DNA fingerprinting was used to examine kin relationships among ants found in the same nests. The fingerprint band patterns were apparently governed by a simple genetic rule and suggested monoandry (single mating per queen). The mean band sharing score of DNA fingerprints among full sisters was 0.90, and the mean value between queens and their daughters was 0.75. Comparison of DNA fingerprints of adult and pupal workers with pupal gynes suggested that multiple queens in a nest may contribute unequally to gyne (new queen) production.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Analyse der Feinstruktur des Komplexauges der Ameise Formica polyctena ergab, daß der dioptrische Apparat der insgesamt 750 Ommatidien aus einer lamellierten Cornealinse und einem euconen Kristallkegel besteht. Zwei Hauptpigmentzellen umgeben schalenförmig den Kristallkegel, 8 Nebenpigmentzellen schirmen das Ommatidium in seiner ganzen Länge von der Cornea bis zur Basalmembran ab. Jedes Ommatidium besteht in seinem distalen Teil aus 8 Retinulazellen, 2 gegenüberliegenden schmalen und je 3 gegenüberliegenden großen Sehzellen. Weiter proximal tritt eine 9. Retinulazelle hinzu. Die Mikrovillisäume der Sehzellen verschmelzen zu einem zentralen Rhabdom. Im distalen Teil sind die Mikrovilli in 3 Richtungen angeordnet. Es wird im besonderen die Orientierung der Mikrovilli zur Augenlängsachse und zur Ommatidien-Symmetrieachse untersucht. Auch die 9. Sehzelle bildet Mikrovilli. Das Rhabdom endet an 4 basalen Pigmentzellen.Auf den Mikrovillisaum folgt im Querschnitt des dunkel adaptierten Ommatidiums ein Kranz von großen intrazellulären Vakuolen. Die anschließende cytoplasmatische Zone der Retinulazellen enthält viele Pigmentgranula und Mitochondrien; multivesikuläre und multilamelläre Körper sowie Golgiapparate treten nur selten auf. Die funktionelle Bedeutung des Ommatidienaufbaues und die Verteilung der Organellen bei Dunkeladaptation werden diskutiert.
The fine structure of the complex eye of the ant Formica polyctena (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
Summary The fine structure of the compound eye of the ant Formica polyctena was investigated. The eye consists of a total of 750 ommatidia, each containing a dioptric apparatus of a lamellated cornea lens, a eucone-type crystalline cone, and 8 long pigment cells which surround the ommatidium for its total length, i.e. from the cornea to the basal membrane. Each ommatidium has in its distal portion 8 retinula cells—6 large plus 2 small ones. The retinula cells are arranged in such a way that 3 pairs of large cells, and the one pair of the small cells lie opposite each other. Further proximally, a 9th retinula cell is encountered. The fused, centrally located rhabdom is built up by the microvilli of all nine retinula cells. The rhabdom ends at 4 basal pigment cells. In dark adapted ommatidia, a ring of large intracellular vacuoles is to be seen immediately peripherally to the rhabdom. The outer, cytoplasmic zone of the retinula cells contains many pigment granules and mitochondria; multivesicular bodies, onion bodies and Golgi apparatus are of relatively rare occurrence. The functional significance of the ommatidial structure and the arrangement of the cell organelles in the dark adapted condition are discussed.
Für technische Hilfe danke ich Frau Langer und Frl. Müller, Herrn Prof. H. Markl für die Durchsicht des Manuskripts.  相似文献   

Representatives of the subgenus Coptoformica build composite aboveground nests in much the same manner as red wood ants do. However, despite the superficial similarity, Coptoformica nests show a number of substantial differences that impact on the way in which ants use the nest. The aboveground part of a Formica (Coptoformica) exsecta nest consists of the temporary layer, the outer crust layer, the mound, and the intermediate layer. The material of all the layers includes soil and fragments of plants (picked up or excised), the relative proportion of the two components differing among the layers. The thick, soil-rich crust layer acts as armature and allows a variety of anthill shapes. The intermediate layer and the upper part of the mound harbor quite a few large chambers. Building material is often transferred from nest to nest. On the whole, F. exsecta nests are plastic and movable, which facilitates the activity of these ants in ecotone biotopes.  相似文献   

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