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Electron paramagnetic resonance (epr) and ultraviolet difference spectroscopy of vanadyl conalbumin indicate a binding capacity of two vanadyl ions, VO2+, per protein molecule in the pH 8–11 range; the binding capacity drops in the pH 6–8 range with an apparent pKa′ = 6.6. Iron-saturated conalbumin does not bind vanadyl ions, which suggests common binding sites for iron and vanadium. Ultraviolet difference spectroscopy indicates 2–3 tyrosines are involved in the binding of each metal ion; pH titrations show that three protons are released per vanadyl ion bound by conalbumin. Room and liquid nitrogen temperature X-band (ca. 9.2–9.5 gHz) epr spectra show that the vanadyl ion binds in three magnetically distinct environments (A, B, and C) that arise from interconvertible metal site configurations. These configurations are probably examples of conformational substrates of the protein. Q-band (ca 34 gHz) epr spectra resolve the spectral features more clearly and show that two configurations (A and B) have axially symmetric epr parameters but angles of noncoincidence of 12° and 8°, respectively, between the z components of the g and nuclear hyperfine tensors. The third (C) configuration has rhombic magnetic symmetry and a 6° angle of noncoincidence. These observations demonstrate that the metal sites are of low symmetry and are flexible in their geometry about the metal.The isotropic g and nuclear hyperfine tensor values and the line widths used in computer-simulated epr spectra are consistent with four oxygen or three oxygen and one nitrogen donor atoms binding equatorially to the VO2+ group. The apparent stability constant indicates that vanadyl ion binds to conalbumin approximately twelve orders of magnitude more weakly than iron to human serotransferrin but still sufficiently strongly to overcome hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Mutations in the Escherichia coli promoter PBAD have been constructed which alter the spacing of the adjacent RNA polymerase and araC inducer protein binding sites. While deletion of a single base-pair or small insertions do not detectably affect araC protein binding to DNA and they do not alter the conserved sequence of the RNA polymerase binding site, stimulation of PBAD in vivo is greatly reduced. The experiments suggest that the distance or angle between the two proteins on the DNA is critical for promoter function.  相似文献   

Bacterial glycogen/starch synthases are retaining GT-B glycosyltransferases that transfer glucosyl units from ADP-Glc to the non-reducing end of glycogen or starch. We modeled the Escherichia coli glycogen synthase based on the coordinates of the inactive form of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens glycogen synthase and the active form of the maltodextrin phosphorylase, a retaining GT-B glycosyltransferase belonging to a different family. In this model, we identified a set of conserved residues surrounding the sugar nucleotide substrate, and we replaced them with different amino acids by means of site-directed mutagenesis. Kinetic analysis of the mutants revealed the involvement of these residues in ADP-Glc binding. Replacement of Asp21, Asn246 or Tyr355 for Ala decreased the apparent affinity for ADP-Glc 18-, 45-, and 31-fold, respectively. Comparison with other crystallized retaining GT-B glycosyltransferases confirmed the striking similarities among this group of enzymes even though they use different substrates.  相似文献   

Soluble starch synthase (SSS, EC catalyzes formation of the α-1,4 bonds of amylopectin. It occurs in multiple isozymes which are either type I, primer-independent in the presence of citrate, or type II. always primer-dependent. To analyze the enzyme. a sensitive native gel assay was developed, monitoring ADP-[14C]glucose incorporation into insoluble α-glucan in the presence of either sodium citrate or glycogen primer or both. Using this system, we observed multiple type I and type II forms in developing grains of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) cv. Bomi, the relative activities of which vary with seed development. At least one form comigrates in native gels with starch branching enzyme. Assays of the shx mutant, which is severely reduced in starch accumulation and in type I SSS activity, indicate that one type I isozyme becomes primer-dependent.  相似文献   

A synthetic decapeptide, P-194, which has the sequence No. 103 to 111 of hTSH receptor structure with an additional N-terminal tyrosine, did not bind TSH nor affected its receptor binding and thyroid stimulating activity. Preincubation of P-194 with sera from thyroid patients caused a significant decrease in TBII activity in almost all 12 TBII positive sera and an increase of thyroid stimulating activity in 3 of 7 Graves' IgG studied. In addition, [125I] P-194 bound to serum IgG fraction from thyroid patients with a positive correlation with TBII (N = 35, r = 0.509, p less than 0.01). The P-194 portion may be, at least a part of, TBII binding site distinct from the TSH binding site on the TSH receptor.  相似文献   

Radioiodinated photoactivatable photoprobes can provide valuable insights regarding protein structure. Previous work in our laboratory showed that the cocaine derivative and photoprobe 3-[ (125)I]iodo-4-azidococaine ([ (125)I]IACoc) binds to the sigma-1 receptor with 2-3 orders of magnitude higher affinity than cocaine [Kahoun, J. R. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 89, 1393-1397]. Using this photoprobe, we demonstrated the insertion site for [ (125)I]IACoc to be Asp188 [Chen, Y. (2007) Biochemistry 46, 3532-3542], which resides in the proposed steroid binding domain-like II (SBDLII) region (amino acids 176-194) [Pal, A. (2007) Mol. Pharmacol. 72, 921-933]. An additional photoprobe based on the sigma-1 receptor ligand fenpropimorph, 1- N-(2-3-[ (125)I]iodophenyl)propane ([ (125)I]IAF), was found to label a peptide in both the SBDLII and steroid binding domain-like I (SBDLI) (amino acids 91-109) [Pal, A. (2007) Mol. Pharmacol. 72, 921-933]. In this report, we describe two novel strategically positioned carrier-free, radioiodinated photoaffinity labels specifically designed to probe the putative "nitrogen interacting region" of sigma-1 receptor ligands. These two novel photoprobes are (-)-methyl 3-(benzoyloxy)-8-2-(4-azido-3-[ (125)I]iodobenzene)-1-ethyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-2-carboxylate ([ (125)I]-N-IACoc) and N-propyl- N-(4-azido-3-iodophenylethyl)-3-(4-fluorophenyl)propylamine ([ (125)I]IAC44). In addition to reporting their binding affinities to the sigma-1 and sigma-2 receptors, we show that both photoaffinity labels specifically and covalently derivatized the pure guinea pig sigma-1 receptor (26.1 kDa) [Ramachandran, S. (2007) Protein Expression Purif. 51, 283-292]. Cleavage of the photolabeled sigma-1 receptor using Endo Lys C and cyanogen bromide (CNBr) revealed that the [ (125)I]-N-IACoc label was located primarily in the N-terminus and SBDLI-containing peptides of the sigma-1 receptor, while [ (125)I]IAC44 was found in peptide fragments consistent with labeling of both SBDLI and SBDLII.  相似文献   

Glycogen and starch, the major storage carbohydrate in most living organisms, result mainly from the action of starch or glycogen synthases (SS or GS, respectively, EC  相似文献   

Tryptophan synthase, which catalyzes the final step of tryptophan biosynthesis, is a multifunctional protein that requires pyridoxal phosphate for two of its three distinct enzyme activities. Tryptophan synthase from Neurospora crassa, a homodimer of two 75-kDa subunits, was shown to bind 1 mol of pyridoxal phosphate/mol of subunit with a calculated dissociation constant for pyridoxal phosphate of 1.1 microM. The spectral properties of the holoenzyme, apoenzyme, and reconstituted holoenzyme were characterized and compared to those previously established for the heterotetrameric (alpha 2 beta 2) enzyme from Escherichia coli. The Schiff base formed between pyridoxal phosphate and the enzyme was readily reduced by sodium borohydride, but not sodium cyanoborohydride. The active site residue that binds pyridoxal phosphate, labeled by reduction of the Schiff base with tritium-labeled sodium borohydride, was determined to be lysine by high performance liquid chromatography analysis of the protein hydrolysate. A 5400-dalton peptide containing the reduced pyridoxal phosphate moiety was generated by cyanogen bromide treatment, purified and sequenced. The sequence is 85% homologous with the corresponding sequence obtained for yeast tryptophan synthase (Zalkin, H., and Yanofsky, C. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 1491-1500); the lysine derivatized by pyridoxal phosphate is located at the same relative position as that in the yeast and E. coli enzymes.  相似文献   

The photoaffinity analog 2-azido-ADP has been used to investigate the high-affinity binding site(s) for ATP on the chloroplast thylakoid membrane. Photophosphorylation of 2-azido-ADP results in the rapid formation of 2-azido-ATP, which remains tightly bound to the membranes after extensive washing. The kinetic parameters of the tight binding of ATP and of 2-azido-ATP are similar (apparent Km = 1-2 microM; maximum extent = 0.2-0.4 nmol/mg of chlorophyll). Ultraviolet irradiation of washed thylakoid membranes containing tightly bound 2-azido-[gamma-32P]ATP induces covalent incorporation of the label exclusively into the beta subunit of the chloroplast coupling factor one. Previous results have shown that the tight binding site for ADP is also located on the beta subunit of the ATP synthase (Czarnecki, J. J., Abbott, M. S., and Selman, B. R. (1983) Eur. J. Biochem. 136, 19-24). To further characterize the tight binding sites for ADP and ATP, the membrane-bound coupling factor has been covalently modified with either tightly bound 2-azido-[gamma-32P]ATP or tightly bound 2-azido-[beta-32P]ADP. The photolabeled beta subunits have been isolated and subjected to partial proteolytic digestion and SDS-gel electrophoresis. The results of these experiments demonstrate that the tight binding sites for ADP and ATP are located on identical portions of beta subunit polypeptide.  相似文献   

Two families of compounds with affinity towards the I(2) imidazoline binding sites are reported. The first is a family of compounds structurally related to agmatine with two guanidine or 2-aminoimidazoline groups at each end of an aliphatic chain of six, eight, nine or 12 methylene groups. Second, and following the model of clonidine, we propose another family of compounds also with two guanidine or 2-aminoimidazoline groups at each end of a chain consisting of two phenyl rings connected by groups such as CH(2), CO, NH and SO(2). The affinity of the compounds towards the I(2) imidazoline binding sites was then evaluated in human brain tissues. In order to determine their pharmacological selectivity versus alpha(2)-adrenoceptors, the affinity for these receptors was also evaluated for the compounds with the highest affinities at I(2) imidazoline binding sites. The results obtained show that many of the compounds exhibit a considerable affinity towards the I(2) imidazoline binding sites. The aliphatic derivatives, in particular, present a very interesting selectivity for the I(2) imidazoline binding sites versus the alpha(2) adrenoceptors. To better understand these findings, mono-guanidinium analogues of the aliphatic derivatives were synthesised and tested showing poor affinity for I(2) imidazoline binding sites. The importance of these results lies in the novelty of the chemical structures studied (dicationic aliphatic compounds particularly) because they are significantly different to those of the I(2) imidazoline binding site ligands reported to date.  相似文献   

High affinity for starch granules of certain amylolytic enzymes is mediated by a separate starch binding domain (SBD). In Aspergillus niger glucoamylase (GA-I), a 70 amino acid O-glycosylated peptide linker connects SBD with the catalytic domain. A gene was constructed to encode barley alpha-amylase 1 (AMY1) fused C-terminally to this SBD via a 37 residue GA-I linker segment. AMY1-SBD was expressed in A. niger, secreted using the AMY1 signal sequence at 25 mg x L(-1) and purified in 50% yield. AMY1-SBD contained 23% carbohydrate and consisted of correctly N-terminally processed multiple forms of isoelectric points in the range 4.1-5.2. Activity and apparent affinity of AMY1-SBD (50 nM) for barley starch granules of 0.034 U x nmol(-1) and K(d) = 0.13 mg x mL(-1), respectively, were both improved with respect to the values 0.015 U x nmol(-1) and 0.67 mg x mL(-1) for rAMY1 (recombinant AMY1 produced in A. niger). AMY1-SBD showed a 2-fold increased activity for soluble starch at low (0.5%) but not at high (1%) concentration. AMY1-SBD hydrolysed amylose DP440 with an increased degree of multiple attack of 3 compared to 1.9 for rAMY1. Remarkably, at low concentration (2 nM), AMY1-SBD hydrolysed barley starch granules 15-fold faster than rAMY1, while higher amounts of AMY-SBD caused molecular overcrowding of the starch granule surface.  相似文献   

Receptor for the cell binding site of discoidin I   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Discoidin I, a developmentally regulated lectin in Dictyostelium discoideum, has been implicated in cell-substratum adhesion and ordered cell migration during aggregation. This depends on the cell binding site of discoidin I, which is distinct from its carbohydrate binding site. We have isolated a receptor for the cell binding site by affinity chromatography. The receptor binds immobilized discoidin I in the presence of 0.3 M galactose and can be eluted with gly-arg-gly-asp-his-asp, a synthetic peptide the sequence of which is found in discoidin I, and which blocks cell migration into aggregates. The receptor is a developmentally regulated cell-surface glycoprotein of apparent Mr approximately 67,000. Univalent antibodies specific for this glycoprotein block aggregation.  相似文献   

We have recently discovered an allosteric switch in Ras, bringing an additional level of complexity to this GTPase whose mutants are involved in nearly 30% of cancers. Upon activation of the allosteric switch, there is a shift in helix 3/loop 7 associated with a disorder to order transition in the active site. Here, we use a combination of multiple solvent crystal structures and computational solvent mapping (FTMap) to determine binding site hot spots in the “off” and “on” allosteric states of the GTP-bound form of H-Ras. Thirteen sites are revealed, expanding possible target sites for ligand binding well beyond the active site. Comparison of FTMaps for the H and K isoforms reveals essentially identical hot spots. Furthermore, using NMR measurements of spin relaxation, we determined that K-Ras exhibits global conformational dynamics very similar to those we previously reported for H-Ras. We thus hypothesize that the global conformational rearrangement serves as a mechanism for allosteric coupling between the effector interface and remote hot spots in all Ras isoforms. At least with respect to the binding sites involving the G domain, H-Ras is an excellent model for K-Ras and probably N-Ras as well. Ras has so far been elusive as a target for drug design. The present work identifies various unexplored hot spots throughout the entire surface of Ras, extending the focus from the disordered active site to well-ordered locations that should be easier to target.  相似文献   

Starch quality is one of the most important agronomic traits in Asian rice, Oryza sativa. Starch synthase IIa (SsIIa) is a major candidate gene for starch quality variation. Within SsIIa, three nonsynonymous mutations in exon 8 have been shown to affect enzyme activity when expressed in Escherichia coli. To search for the variation in SsIIa that is responsible for starch quality variation in rice, we sequenced the SsIIa exon 8 region and measured starch quality as starch disintegration in alkali for 289 accessions of cultivated rice and 57 accessions of its wild ancestor, Oryza rufipogon. A general linear model and nested clade analysis were used to identify the associations between the three nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and starch quality. Among the three nonsynonymous SNPs, we found strong evidence of association at one nucleotide site ('SNP 3'), corresponding to a Leu/Phe replacement at codon 781. A second SNP, corresponding to a Val/Met replacement at codon 737, could potentially show an association with increased sample sizes. Variation in SsIIa enzyme activity is associated with the cohesiveness of rice grains when cooked, and our findings are consistent with selection for more cohesive grains during the domestication of tropical japonica rice.  相似文献   

Cloning and characterization of a gene encoding wheat starch synthase I   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 A cDNA clone, and a corresponding genomic DNA clone, containing full-length sequences encoding wheat starch synthase I, were isolated from a cDNA library of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) and a genomic DNA library of Triticum tauschii, respectively. The entire sequence of the starch synthase-I cDNA (wSSI-cDNA) is 2591 bp, and it encodes a polypeptide of 647 amino-acid residues that shows 81% and 61% identity to the amino-acid sequences of SSI-type starch synthases from rice and potato, respectively. In addition, the putative N-terminal amino-acid sequence of the encoded protein is identical to that determined for the N-terminal region of the 75-kDa starch synthase present in the starch granule of hexaploid wheat. Two prominent starch synthase activities were demonstrated to be present in the soluble fraction of wheat endosperm by activity staining of the non-denaturing PAGE gels. The most anodal band (wheat SSI) shows the highest staining intensity and results from the activity of a 75-kDa protein. The wheat SSI mRNA is expressed in the endosperm during the early to mid stages of wheat grain development but was not detected by Northern blotting in other tissues from the wheat plant. The gene encoding the wheat SSI (SsI-D1) consists of 15 exons and 14 introns, similar to the structure of the rice starch synthase-I gene. While the exons of wheat and rice are virtually identical in length, the wheat SsI-D1 gene has longer sequences in introns 1, 2, 4 and 10, and shorter sequences in introns 6, 11 and 14, than the corresponding rice gene. Received: 5 June 1998 / Accepted: 29 September 1998  相似文献   

Four starch synthase I (SSI)-deficient rice (Oryza sativa) mutant lines were generated using retrotransposon Tos17 insertion. The mutants exhibited different levels of SSI activities and produced significantly lower amounts of SSI protein ranging from 0% to 20% of the wild type. The mutant endosperm amylopectin showed a decrease in chains with degree of polymerization (DP) 8 to 12 and an increase in chains with DP 6 to 7 and DP 16 to 19. The degree of change in amylopectin chain-length distribution was positively correlated with the extent of decrease in SSI activity in the mutants. The structural changes in the amylopectin increased the gelatinization temperature of endosperm starch. Chain-length analysis of amylopectin in the SSI band excised from native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis/SS activity staining gel showed that SSI preferentially synthesized DP 7 to 11 chains by elongating DP 4 to 7 short chains of glycogen or amylopectin. These results show that SSI distinctly generates DP 8 to 12 chains from short DP 6 to 7 chains emerging from the branch point in the A or B(1) chain of amylopectin. SSI seemingly functions from the very early through the late stage of endosperm development. Yet, the complete absence of SSI, despite being a major SS isozyme in the developing endosperm, had no effect on the size and shape of seeds and starch granules and the crystallinity of endosperm starch, suggesting that other SS enzymes are probably capable of partly compensating SSI function. In summary, this study strongly suggested that amylopectin chains are synthesized by the coordinated actions of SSI, SSIIa, and SSIIIa isoforms.  相似文献   

Starch defines a semicrystalline polymer made of two different polysaccharide fractions. The A- and B-type crystalline lattices define the distinct structures reported in cereal and tuber starches, respectively. Amylopectin, the major fraction of starch, is thought to be chiefly responsible for this semicrystalline organization while amylose is generally considered as an amorphous polymer with little or no impact on the overall crystalline organization. STA2 represents a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii gene required for both amylose biosynthesis and the presence of significant granule-bound starch synthase I (GBSSI) activity. We show that this locus encodes a 69 kDa starch synthase and report the organization of the corresponding STA2 locus. This enzyme displays a specific activity an order of magnitude higher than those reported for most vascular plants. This property enables us to report a detailed characterization of amylose synthesis both in vivo and in vitro. We show that GBSSI is capable of synthesizing a significant number of crystalline structures within starch. Quantifications of amount and type of crystals synthesized under these conditions show that GBSSI induces the formation of B-type crystals either in close association with pre-existing amorphous amylopectin or by crystallization of entirely de novo synthesized material.  相似文献   

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