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全球生物多样性减少是当今世界面临的重大生态问题,两栖动物作为衡量环境的重要指示物种,近些年受到越来越多研究者的关注。本文以脊椎动物中生物多样性受威胁最严重的两栖动物为研究对象,通过检索2003–2021年文献,提取并整合关键词。首先分析了当代人类活动中的人为噪音、夜间人造光、路杀等3个因子对两栖动物的影响,发现人为噪音导致两栖动物的鸣叫行为发生改变,并且干扰两栖动物的繁殖行为,夜间人造光降低了两栖动物的生长速度,减少了行为活动时间,路杀直接影响了两栖动物的种群数量。其次归纳相应的缓解措施,提出改进意见,如加强道路基础设施建设,安装隔音屏障以缓冲噪音;控制两栖动物密集区的光照强度;建造两栖动物通道等。最后对今后人类活动对两栖动物影响研究中亟需解决的问题进行了展望,应加强人类活动对两栖动物影响的研究,努力减小人类活动对两栖动物的负面影响。  相似文献   

微塑料(MPs),尤其是纳米级可通过生物毒性效应影响蝌蚪健康,是继气候变化、紫外线辐射和致病菌外,导致两栖动物种群数量衰退的另一潜在致危因素。本文介绍了MPs的定义、赋存方式及其尺度效应,总结了MPs在蝌蚪体内的摄入、积累和清除情况,从形态表型、行为特征和组织病理学变化的角度概述了MPs对蝌蚪健康的危害。在水陆转换的生态学背景下和特定年龄阶段的生活史背景下,围绕免疫功能的可塑性和可供蝌蚪研究使用的免疫学参数,提出了未来值得关注的研究方向。  相似文献   

由中国科学院成都生物研究所费梁研究员等编著的《中国两栖动物检索及图解》一书已于 2005年1月由四川科学技术出版社出版。该书是作者根据多年研究并参考国内外有关文献资料,在原著《中国两栖动物检索》(1990)和《中国两栖动物图鉴》(1999)的基础上进行了较多的修订和补充后撰  相似文献   

加强生物多样性保护与共建地球生命共同体是我国的重大战略。两栖动物是脊椎动物中生物多样性受威胁最严重的类群,两种壶菌Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd)和B. salamandrivorans (Bsal)的感染是两栖动物多样性下降的主要因素之一。Bd主要感染两栖动物无尾目、有尾目和蚓螈目的皮肤,可能引起两栖动物淋巴细胞凋亡和全身电解质失衡。Bsal主要感染有尾目,可能导致两栖动物致命的败血症。针对壶菌及其感染对两栖动物种群影响的研究在国外已经开展了大量工作,然而我国在该领域的研究有限。本文通过检索1990–2022年国内外文献,梳理和总结了壶菌病原的可能起源与传播、壶菌感染的发病机制、壶菌毒力的影响因素和壶菌病原体的诊断与防治等领域的研究,并提出了未来的研究方向和技术方法的改进需求,如利用全基因组测序技术溯源、开发RPA技术进行野外检测和应用转录组学研究宿主–病原体的免疫等。最后,提出以下4条建议:(1)建设壶菌病原基础数据平台,建立壶菌病常规检测部门,并将壶菌病监测纳入野生动物疫病监测体系;(2)深入开展我国两栖动物不同地理区系壶菌感染情况的相关研究...  相似文献   

近年来,由于分子生物学的迅猛发展,物种内隐藏的生物多样性越来越多地被发现,由此引发的隐种问题也备受关注。隐种的存在对现有的生物多样性评估提出了挑战。在实践上,隐种的界定对于自然资源的保护和管理具有重要意义。两栖动物由于迁移能力较弱,通常具有较强的遗传分化,因而可能包含较丰富的隐种多样性。简述了隐种的概念和形成机制,归纳了国内外两栖类动物中隐种的研究进展,并着重介绍了界定两栖动物隐种的研究方法,最后,对今后两栖动物隐种的研究作了简要展望。我国两栖动物资源丰富,并具有独特的地形和气候特点,对这些物种遗传多样性和系统地理学的研究亟待开展。  相似文献   

两栖动物的染色体及其演化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
脊椎动物从水生进化到陆生的过程中,两栖动物有着“承先启后”的重要作用。两栖动物能在陆地存活,但无陆地繁殖的本领。是一群过渡类群。“二者兼而有之”的过渡性质,不仅表现在形态、生态和生理机能上,而且还反映在遗传物质-DNA-的携带者-染色体的特征上。60年代后,两栖动物的核型研究有了长足的发  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜和光学显微镜观察了采自我国的蟾蜍属(Bufo)7种(亚种)的精子形态,对精子各部位量度进行了测量和计算。结果表明,该属7种(亚种)精子的形态基本相同,精子由头部、中片和尾部组成,头部细长微弯且前端渐尖,中片有球状突起,尾部长,由轴纤维、轴丝和波动膜构成。与已有报道的两栖动物的精子形态相比较,蟾蜍属精子与无尾类其他科精子形态差别较大,而与有尾类精子形态相似。本文认为两栖动物精子形态和量度在科间存在明显差异;两栖动物精子形态的差异可能与其繁殖模式有关。  相似文献   

区域物种编目及适时更新是生物多样性研究和保护实践的必要前提。本文基于福建省全省网格化的野外调查, 并整合文献资料(截至2021年12月), 更新了该省现生本土两栖、爬行动物名录。本名录共收录两栖动物2目9科29属55种、爬行动物2目25科72属126种。其中, 分别有4种两栖动物和2种爬行动物是福建省特有种; 24种两栖动物和18种爬行动物的模式产地位于福建省。与《福建省两栖动物区系及地理区划》和《福建省爬行动物区系及地理区划》的物种名录相比, 本名录新增物种22种, 删除8个物种, 修订64个物种的名称。有6种爬行动物被列为国家I级重点保护动物, 分别有5种两栖动物和25种爬行动物被列为II级保护动物。10种两栖动物被《中国生物多样性红色名录•脊椎动物(第四卷): 两栖动物》评估为受胁物种(2种极危, 1种濒危, 7种易危, 分别占两栖动物物种数的3.64%、1.82%和12.73%); 41种爬行动物被《中国生物多样性红色名录•脊椎动物(第三卷): 爬行动物》评估为受胁物种(11种极危, 15种濒危, 15种易危, 分别占物种数的8.73%、11.90%和11.90%)。  相似文献   

两栖动物是我国受威胁程度最高的动物类群,加强两栖动物资源调查和多样性监测,是开展两栖动物保护和濒危物种拯救行动的关键性基础工作。传统的两栖动物监测主要以形态学和声学为基础,耗时费力,且难以发现一些隐蔽性较强的稀有物种。基于环境DNA(environmental DNA, eDNA)的调查方法以其快速、灵敏、高效、无创等独特优势,为两栖动物多样性监测及保护提供了新的工具。综述了eDNA在两栖动物多样性监测、外来入侵和珍稀濒危物种调查、物种丰度或生物量估测等研究领域的应用进展,分析了两栖动物eDNA产生、扩散、迁移和降解的动态变化特征及其关键影响因子,探讨了eDNA应用于两栖动物监测研究的局限性并提出了优化建议,同时对未来的研究方向进行了展望,以充分挖掘eDNA在两栖动物监测中的应用潜力,为两栖动物多样性保护和管理提供新的思路。  相似文献   

区域物种多样性评价是全球生物多样性研究的重要部分。研究两栖动物物种丰富度的海拔分布格局能为物种多样性的保护提供科学依据。为了解江西武夷山国家级自然保护区(简称保护区)两栖动物多样性及海拔分布特点,于2014年7月22日—8月4日,选取22条样线开展调查,同时将保护区海拔300~2161 m区间按200 m的间隔分为10个海拔段,对两栖动物的海拔分布特点进行研究。结果表明:1)保护区现已记录两栖动物29种,隶属2目9科22属,以蛙科为主,占两栖物种总数的37.9%;2)崇安湍蛙(Amolops chunganensis)为保护区新纪录;3)两栖动物物种多样性大致呈先平台后递减的海拔分布特点,这可能主要受生境复杂性的影响。此外,本研究采用Stevens法和逐种法对Rapoport法则进行了验证,结果表明,保护区的两栖动物很难判断是否支持Rapoport法则。  相似文献   

At a time when environmental pollution is a major issue the need for suitable monitoring systems has become paramount. There are in existence a number of methods for determining pollution levels in surface waters, however they often lack in specificity. Biological systems, therefore, are often deemed most suitable. Many organisms may be used as biosensors but studies incorporating fish have been most prevalent to monitor ventilatory response, activity levels, avoidance or rheotactic behaviour. More recently, work has concentrated on the use of the weakly electric fish, Gnathonemus , (family Mormyridae), which is characterised by the possession of electric organs near the tail. The fish use these electric organs to generate and transmit small electrical impulses, less than IV, into the surrounding water to communicate and navigate. Changes in the rate of pulsing can be used to identify the presence of certain chemicals in the water source.  相似文献   

This review attempts to integrate pollution research with behavioural ecology by focusing on reproductive behaviour of fishes. A search of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstractsand other sources showed that only 0.1% of 19 199 studies of aquatic pollution and fishes during the past 20 years have made this link. Effects on parental care and courtship have been investigated using a variety of pollutants (e.g. acidification, herbicide, thermal effluent) in several fish families (e.g. Cichlidae, Poeciliidae, Gasterosteidae, Cyprinidae).Eleven of the 19 studies found a change in behaviour from the norm. Effects on courtship included decreases or increases in frequency of displays, increased courtship duration, or performance of male-like behaviour by masculinized females. Studies of parental care have found decreased nest-building activity, decreased offspring defence, or changes in division of parental care between the sexes. Few studies have measured reproductive success or extrapolated their results to effects on populations.We develop a framework for exploring links between pollution and behavioural ecology which suggests potential impacts on life history trade-offs in reproduction, genetic changes in populations, and population sizes. Many reproductive behaviours of fish species are readily quantifiable and behaviours such as courtship by male guppies and other members of the Poeciliidae show some promise for pollution monitoring and behavioural toxicity tests. Choice of such assays would have to compete with the sensitivity and practicality of more traditional methods but may serve as useful complements. There is considerable scope for further research into conservation. A synthesis between behavioural ecology and toxicology should thus provide useful insights for both fields  相似文献   

依据2004~2008年浔江梧州段的调查监测结果,根据断面污染因子的特点,选择5个指标(溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、总氮、总磷)作为评价因子,应用模糊(Fuzzy)综合评价模型对其水质状况进行综合评价,计算出各监测断面水质级别.结果表明:浔江梧州段的5项评价指标中,TN的权重较大,该水体中主要污染物为总氮;2个断面均在不同程度上出现了Ⅴ类水质,水质属中度污染;部分时段的水质不符合《地表水环境质量标准(GB3838-2002)》中渔业水域的要求.  相似文献   

In the monitoring programme of the Italian rivers which enter the Adriatic Sea, a relatively closed and small sea with high pollution risk, the assessment of the water quality of the River Esino, a typical central Apennine watercourse, was carried out. The eutrophication/pollution index (EPI-D) proposed for Italian rivers and based on the sensitivity of the diatoms to organic matter, nutrients and mineralization of the water, with particular reference to chloride, was adopted in this analysis. The good results obtained with respect to the various situations of pollution present at the eighteen stations selected along the river, as well as with regard to other diatom-based indices generally used in Europe, seem to confirm the validity of this index for monitoring Italian watercourses.  相似文献   

耿润哲  王晓燕  赵雪松  陈永娟 《生态学报》2014,34(22):6397-6408
随着点源污染的逐步控制,农业非点源污染已成为世界范围内关注的热点,由于其特有的时空异质性特点导致对其进行有效控制较为困难,最佳管理措施(BMPs,Best Management Practices)是实现流域农业非点源污染控制的有效手段,对拟实施的BMPs效率进行评估是实施流域非点源污染BMPs配置的前提。通过模型模拟的方法可对拟采用的不同措施的削减效率及经济成本进行评估以获取最具成本-效益的BMPs空间配置方案,为措施有效选择提供依据。通过对多种模型在工程型和管理型BMPs评估方面的研究进行论述表明,通常概念化模型多用于对污染源控制类措施进行评估,而机制类模型则可用于对不同时空尺度下的过程控制类BMPs进行评估;措施效率发挥的时间滞后性及模型模拟不确定性是模型模拟过程中需要重点考虑的问题,可通过增加野外监测点数量、监测频率、优化监测点位置并选择合适的评估指标以降低模型评估BMPs过程中滞后效应的影响;此外BMPs实施时间与空间位置的不匹配、时空尺度异质性、污染物形态及生态系统服务功能转换风险均需在BMPs评估过程中加以考虑。模型模拟是BMPs效率评估(包括非点源污染关键源区的时空识别)、污染物迁移转化以及成本效益分析的有效工具,同时对于流域非点源污染管理控制及BMPs实施利益相关者有效参与问题的分析也具有重要意义。  相似文献   

人和动物的粪便已成为水污染的重要污染源, 严重威胁着饮水安全和经济发展。水质污染微生物的传统检测指示菌是总大肠菌群、粪大肠菌群、埃希大肠菌、肠球菌和梭菌属。经过调查发现, 上述指示菌由于在体外能存活并繁殖, 并且不同宿主之间没有差异性, 不能准确用于追踪污染粪便的来源, 因此该指标难以直接说明粪便污染源和污染程度。最近的研究表明, Faecalibaterium作为水体粪便污染来源追踪的指示微生物具有很多优点。本文综述了粪便污染指示菌以及其相关替代方法在水质检测中的研究进展, 对各种指示菌进行了优、缺点比较, 展望了Faecalibaterium的应用前景。  相似文献   

The morphology of the colony and of individual cells of thehyphae of Neurospora crassa are described. The behaviour ofthe hyphal apices in solutions of differing molarity is describedand this behaviour is related to the behaviour of Fusarium oxysporum.Measurements of the water potential of the apical cells aremade and it is shown that this corresponds to the balancing-pointin this fungus and in F. oxysporum. Measurements are then madeof the water potential of cells at various points along thelength of the hyphae, and of the osmotic potential of thesecells, and turgor pressure is calculated. The lowest turgorpressure of 12.4 atmospheres is shown by the apical cells andthe highest of 17.5 atmospheres by the basal cells. The validity of the methods used is discussed.  相似文献   


To understand environmental pollution and assess water quality in Gonghu Bay of Taihu Lake, the eutrophication status and microcystins (MCs) occurrence were monitored monthly from December 2015 to November 2016. Moreover, the pollution of metals and antibiotics was investigated and assessed. In May 2016, the comprehensive trophic level index (∑TLI) at most sampling sites in Gonghu Bay were hypereutrophic, demonstrating that the eutrophication status in Gonghu Bay is still quite intense. The persistent and ubiquitous occurrence of MCs was observed in the water of Gonghu Bay throughout the monitoring period. Moreover, various metal elements and antibiotic compounds were found in the surface water of Gonghu Bay, in which arsenic (As) and sulfamethoxazole (SMX) respectively showed high risks. Overall, the water quality of eastern Gonghu Bay is affected mainly by eutrophication, while the antibiotic pollution level is higher in the southern part of Gonghu Bay. Continuous and long-term monitoring efforts are required to document the tendency of water quality change in Gonghu Bay and other parts of Taihu Lake to improve environmental management works.  相似文献   

Bernet  D.  Schmidt-Posthaus  H.  Wahli  T.  Burkhardt-Holm  P. 《Hydrobiologia》2004,524(1):53-66
An active monitoring (caging experiment) and a passive monitoring (sampling of wild fish) were performed to investigate the effects of effluent from a sewage treatment works (STW) on brown trout (Salmo trutta) by histopathological examinations of the skin, gill, liver and kidney. Histopathological lesions were evaluated according to a standardised assessment tool, which allows calculation of indices for every organ. According to the results of both monitorings, trout exposed to river water supplemented with treated waste water from the STW Lyss showed higher histopathological indices than trout caught upstream of the discharge point of the STW or kept in river water only. These results indicate a negative effect of treated waste water from the STW on the histopathological status of the examined organs of brown trout. Both monitoring approaches revealed the liver to be the most affected organ compared with reference fish. However, data from the two monitoring approaches were not completely consistent: histologically the gills were the most sensitive organ to the effects of treated waste water in the active monitoring, but were not affected in the passive monitoring. The data provide relevant information about both the comparability and the pros and cons of the two monitoring approaches to assess effects of pollution on histopathological alterations in fish.  相似文献   

Achieving and maintaining suitable water quality is one of the important parameters to ensure health and well-being of the human as well as ecosystems. Among the various aquatic ecosystems, riverine ecosystems are more prone to pollution and therefore needs to be monitored frequently and on regular time intervals. In this context, real-time water quality monitoring system offers excellent opportunity to keep track of the water quality on a continuous basis; which not only helps to identify the affected location and pollution source, but also creates alert enabling the authorities to take immediate action. One such real-time water quality monitoring system was installed in the River Ganga (India), considering the fragility and significance of the Gangetic ecosystem. In this paper, we have presented the details of the real-time water quality monitoring system installed in River Ganga and results obtained through it for various parameters. The results have also been compared with the standard values. Additionally, based on this preliminary investigation, limitations and recommendations have also been presented to further enhance the utility of the system.  相似文献   

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