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Vasoconstriction of the vertebral artery may be neurogenic in origin. Although the existence of a perivascular sympathetic plexus of the vertebral artery is not in doubt, no method used to date has conclusively demonstrated a direct sympathetic innervation of the vascular smooth muscle cells and, hence, vasomotor function. It was the aim of this study, therefore, to visualise and localise noradrenergic fibres in the wall of the vertebral artery. Intracranial vertebral artery specimens (10 vervet monkeys and 10 baboon vessels) were sectioned (40 mm serial sections) and treated with anti-tyrosine hydroxylase, anti-dopamine b-hydroxylase, and anti-chromogranin-A antibodies. Some evidence of catecholaminergic fibres in the tunica adventitia but not penetrating the external elastic lamina or tunica media of the vertebral artery wall was seen. These findings were confirmed by electron microscopy. It was concluded that although a perivascular sympathetic plexus exists, the vertebral artery of primates was not shown to have a direct sympathetic innervation and a neurogenic vasoconstrictor function is unlikely.  相似文献   

Oxidative damage affects protein structure and function. Progressive accumulation of oxidized proteins is considered a putative mechanism of aging; however, empirical evidence supporting their role in aging is inconsistent. This inconsistency may reflect a failure to distinguish damage to particular cellular compartments. We found a significant reduction of protein carbonyls in the insoluble, but not in the soluble, fraction of liver tissues of long-lived compared with their short-lived counterpart. Of cellular components analyzed, only nuclear protein carbonyl level was uniformly reduced in long-lived compared with short-lived animals. This observation suggests that attenuated accumulation of protein carbonyls in the nucleus, where they can affect multiple aspects of gene expression and DNA repair, might contribute to the longevity in mammalian species.  相似文献   

Sound data support the concept that in atherosclerosis, inflammation and dyslipidemia intersect each other and that irrespective of the initiator, both participate from the early stages to the ultimate fate of the atheromatous plaque. The two partakers manoeuvre a vicious circle in atheroma formation: dyslipidaemia triggers an inflammatory process and inflammation elicits dyslipidaemia. Independent of the initial cause, the atherosclerotic lesions occur focally, in particular arterial-susceptible sites, by a process that, although continuous, can be arbitrarily divided into a sequence of consecutive stages that lead from fatty streak to the fibro-lipid plaque and ultimately to plaque rupture and thrombosis. In the process, the initial event is a change in endothelial cells (EC) constitutive properties. Then, the molecular alarm signals send by dysfunctional EC are decoded by specific blood immune cells (monocytes, T lymphocytes, neutrophils, mast cells) and by the resident vascular cells, that respond by initiating a robust inflammatory process, in which the cells and the factors they secrete hasten the atheroma development. Direct and indirect crosstalk between the cells housed within the nascent plaque, complemented by the increase in risk factors of atherosclerosis lead to atheroma development and outcome. The initial inflammatory response can be regarded as a defense/protective reaction mechanism, but its further amplification, speeds up atherosclerosis. In this review, we provide an overview on the role of inflammation and dyslipidaemia and their intersection in atherogenesis. The data may add to the foundation of a novel attitude in the diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Huang  Haoran  Li  Zhaohuai  Ruan  Yuyi  Feng  Weijing  Chen  Jie  Li  Xiaoxue  Ouyang  Liu  Huang  Hui 《Journal of physiology and biochemistry》2020,76(4):513-524
Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry - Over the past decades, circadian rhythm has drawn a great attention in cardiovascular diseases. The expressions of rhythm genes fluctuate in accordance with...  相似文献   

Although nitrogen (N) availability is a major determinant of ecosystem properties, little is known about the ecological importance of plants' preference for ammonium versus nitrate (β) for ecosystem functioning and the structure of communities. We modeled this preference for two contrasting ecosystems and showed that β significantly affects ecosystem properties such as biomass, productivity, and N losses. A particular intermediate value of β maximizes the primary productivity and minimizes mineral N losses. In addition, contrasting β values between two plant types allow their coexistence, and the ability of one type to control nitrification modifies the patterns of coexistence with the other. We also show that species replacement dynamics do not lead to the minimization of the total mineral N pool nor the maximization of plant productivity, and consequently do not respect Tilman's R* rule. Our results strongly suggest in the two contrasted ecosystems that β has important consequences for ecosystem functioning and plant community structure.  相似文献   

Although ganglia in the heart are well known to be cholinergic, many other neurotransmitters and neuropeptides also influence (and are produced in) cardiac neurons, including adrenergic and purinergic compounds. Recently, histamine was suggested as a possible neurotransmitter in cardiac tissue. Although histamine does elicit many effects in the heart, does it stand up to rigorous scrutiny and fulfill certain criteria that are used to define neurotransmitters?  相似文献   

The effect of brown adipose tissue (BAT) sympathetic hemidenervation on the activity of glycerokinase (GyK) was investigated in different physiological conditions. In rats fed a balanced diet, the activity of the enzyme was approximately 50% lower in BAT-denervated pads than in intact, innervated pads. In rats adapted to a high-protein, carbohydrate-free diet, norepinephrine turnover rates and BAT GyK activity were already reduced, and BAT denervation resulted in a further decrease in the activity of the enzyme. Cold acclimation of normally fed rats at 4 degrees C for 10 days markedly increased the activity of the enzyme. Cold exposure (4 degrees C) for 6 h was insufficient to stimulate BAT GyK, but the activity of the enzyme was already increased after 12 h of cold exposure. The cold-induced BAT GyK stimulation was completely blocked in BAT-denervated pads. The data indicate that an adequate sympathetic flow to BAT is required for the maintenance of normal levels of GyK activity and for the enzyme response to situations, such as cold exposure, which markedly increase BAT sympathetic flow.  相似文献   

Both histological and in vitro studies indicate a relationship between T-cadherin levels and acquisition of a modulated, migratory phenotype by vascular cells. This study further examines a role for T-cadherin in relation to cell migration and adhesion. Fluorescence microscopic examination of T-cadherin localisation in confluent cultures of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC), human aortic smooth muscle cells and the human carcinoma cell line ECV-304 revealed global distribution over the entire cell body, and with only slight enrichment at cell borders. This contrasts with restricted cell–cell junction localisation of classical cadherin (for example, VE-cadherin in HUVEC). In wounded cultures, T-cadherin polarised to the leading edge of cells migrating into the wound area, again contrasting with classical VE-cadherin, which was undetectable in this region. Confocal microscopy demonstrated that potential signalling functions of T-cadherin at the leading edge are unrelated to physical interactions with caveolin. Adherence of HUVEC onto a monolayer of T-cadherin-transfected L929 cells is significantly reduced compared with adhesion onto control (T-cadherin-negative) L929. Thus T-cadherin is not required for maintenance of intercellular adhesion, but may rather function as a signalling molecule involved in cell–cell recognition and sensing of the environment in processes where cell detachment occurs.  相似文献   

Evidence is provided to extend earlier observations that glycogen and flocculence levels vary concurrently in brewing yeast. The use of glycogen mutants, the alterations of growth conditions specifically to inhibit glycogen storage, and observations on glycogen decreases during endogenous metabolism have verified the above. A mechanism by which glycogen might exert its effect on flocculation is suggested.  相似文献   



The concentration of iron in the brain increases with aging. Furthermore, it has also been observed that patients suffering from neurological diseases (e.g. Parkinson, Alzheimer…) accumulate iron in the brain regions affected by the disease. Nevertheless, it is still not clear whether this accumulation is the initial cause or a secondary consequence of the disease. Free iron excess may be an oxidative stress source causing cell damage if it is not correctly stored in ferritin cores as a ferric iron oxide redox-inert form.


Both, the composition of ferritin cores and their location at subcellular level have been studied using analytical transmission electron microscopy in brain tissues from progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and Alzheimer disease (AD) patients.

Major conclusions

Ferritin has been mainly found in oligodendrocytes and in dystrophic myelinated axons from the neuropili in AD. In relation to the biomineralization of iron inside the ferritin shell, several different crystalline structures have been observed in the study of physiological and pathological ferritin. Two cubic mixed ferric–ferrous iron oxides are the major components of pathological ferritins whereas ferrihydrite, a hexagonal ferric iron oxide, is the major component of physiological ferritin. We hypothesize a dysfunction of ferritin in its ferroxidase activity.

General significance

The different mineralization of iron inside ferritin may be related to oxidative stress in olygodendrocites, which could affect myelination processes with the consequent perturbation of information transference.  相似文献   

The Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor GEF-H1 is uniquely regulated by microtubule binding and is crucial in coupling microtubule dynamics to Rho-GTPase activation in a variety of normal biological situations. Here, we review the roles of GEF-H1 in epithelial barrier permeability, cell motility and polarization, dendritic spine morphology, antigen presentation, leukemic cell differentiation, cell cycle regulation, and cancer. GEF-H1 might also contribute to pathophysiological signaling involved in leukemias, and in cancers associated with mutated p53 tumor suppressor gene, epithelial and endothelial cell dysfunction, infectious disease, and cardiac hypertrophy. We suggest that GEF-H1 could be a novel therapeutic target in multiple human diseases.  相似文献   

Summary Small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells appeared singly or, more frequently, in variably-sized clusters in the sacroccygeal 8th and 9th sympathetic ganglia of the bullfrog. Smaller clusters containing only two to nine SIF cells accounted for 61% of 1773 clusters examined. The largest cluster contained 283 cells. The number of cells in individual ganglia also varied from 21 to 3332. SIF cells, solitary as well as in smaller clusters, received no distinct form of the synaptic contact. In contrast, the cells in larger clusters were frequently innervated by nerve endings that were similar in vesicular constitution to the nerve endings on principal ganglion (PG) cells. No synaptic contact was found between SIF cells and PG cells. SIF cells were also characterized by their location in the vicinity of blood capillaries with a continuous endothelium. p]Our observation seems to suggest that larger clusters of SIF cells receiving nerve endings are linked to a paracrine and/or endocrine system. Chemical influence via the blood stream and intraganglionic milieu for non-innervated SIF cells in the solitary or smaller clusters is a subject for speculation. An interneuronal role of SIF cells to relay stimuli to PG cells seems unlikely. The possible functions here assigned to SIF cells could be variable in efficiency depending on their population and density.  相似文献   

Coordination, the determinant of velocity specificity?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Almåsbakk, Bjørn, and Jan Hoff. Coordination, thedeterminant of velocity specificity? J. Appl. Physiol.80(5): 2046-2052, 1996.Initial strength gains were examinedin the context of learning a new skill. Forty female volunteers wererandomly assigned to one of four groups: a bench-press training grouputilizing heavy loads in its training, a bench-press training grouputilizing almost no load, an alternative training group using different exercises, or a control group that did not train. Training period was 6 wk, with three training sessions per week. Emphasis was put on keepingthe coordination and muscular adaptation demands in the bench-pressgroups as invariant as possible. Bench-press training with a light orwith a heavy weight was shown to be equally effective in improving themaximal velocity of contraction for a given absolute resistance. Meanvelocity with loads of 0.37, 6.6, 16.6, and 20 kg improved by 21.1, 15.8, 16.9, and 19.5%, respectively. No significant differences in thepercent improvement at the four different loads were apparent,indicating that no significant velocity-specific adaptations werepresent. The bench-press training group, utilizing heavy loads in itstraining, was the only group with improved one repetition maximum.Overall, findings point to the development of coordination as thedetermining factor in early velocity-specific strength gains.


Mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated as a cause of age-related disorders, and the mitochondrial theory of aging links aging, exercise, and diet. Endothelial dysfunction is a key paradigm for vascular disease and aging, and there is considerable evidence that exercise and dietary restriction protect against cardiovascular disease. Recent studies demonstrate that estrogen receptors are present in mitochondria and that estrogen promotes mitochondrial efficiency and decreases oxidative stress in the cerebral vasculature. Chronic estrogen treatment increases mitochondrial capacity for oxidative phosphorylation while decreasing production of reactive oxygen species. The effectiveness of estrogen against age-related cardiovascular disorders, including stroke, may thus arise in part from hormonal effects on mitochondrial function. Estrogen-mediated mitochondrial efficiency may also be a contributing factor to the longer lifespan of women.  相似文献   

Cisplatin-induced apoptosis in epithelial ovarian cancer cells is in part a consequence of suppressed Xiap expression and upregulation of the Fas/FasL system. Changes in the expression of these 'cell death' and 'cell survival' genes lead to activation of caspase-3, and cleavage of MDM2 and FAK. Failure of cancer cells to maintain a balance in the expression of these genes in favor of apoptotic cell death may be an important factor of chemoresistance. Xiap may be a novel target for gene therapy of human ovarian epithelial cancer and, dependent on P53 status, expression of Xiap antisense alone or in combination with wild-type P53 sense may offer a new approach for the treatment of the chemoresistant cancer.  相似文献   

Under local mate competition, sex ratio theory predicts that increasing numbers of ovipositing females (foundresses) on a site should lead to higher proportions of males in their broods. Fig pollinators have confirmed this prediction. It is also predicted that with decreasing clutch size, solitary foundresses should produce increasing proportions of sons. We show this to be true. Further, when several females compete, brood size decreases. As a result, the proportion of males increases, and this could provide a mechanistic explanation of sex ratio response to numbers of colonizing females. Therefore, sex ratio data on fig wasps need to be reassessed to determine whether females 'count' other foundresses, as is generally accepted, or whether they simply 'count' the number of eggs that they lay.  相似文献   

The trend towards subspecialisation in hospital services is likely to lead to the development of vascular surgery as a separate specialty. If vascular surgery is to emerge as a high quality service then vascular emergencies--a substantial component of the workload--should be dealt with by surgeons with adequate training, and all patients should have equal access to the service. A specialist vascular surgical unit would have to be large enough to make efficient use of other services that it needs, such as radiology, and so may require the amalgamation of smaller health district units. Because of the differing local degrees of subspecialisation, national or regional strategies for vascular surgery must be developed.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that mechanical tension in thecytoskeleton (CSK) is a major determinant of cell deformability. To confirm that tension was present in adherent endothelial cells, weeither cut or detached them from their basal surface by a microneedle. After cutting or detachment, the cells rapidly retracted. This retraction was prevented, however, if the CSK actin lattice was disrupted by cytochalasin D (Cyto D). These results confirmed thatthere was preexisting CSK tension in these cells and that the actinlattice was a primary stress-bearing component of the CSK. Second, todetermine the extent to which that preexisting CSK tension could altercell deformability, we developed a stretchable cell culture membranesystem to impose a rapid mechanical distension (and presumably a rapidincrease in CSK tension) on adherent endothelial cells. Altered celldeformability was quantitated as the shear stiffness measured bymagnetic twisting cytometry. When membrane strain increased 2.5 or 5%,the cell stiffness increased 15 and 30%, respectively. Disruption ofactin lattice with Cyto D abolished this stretch-induced increase instiffness, demonstrating that the increased stiffness depended on theintegrity of the actin CSK. Permeabilizing the cells with saponin andwashing away ATP and Ca2+ did notinhibit the stretch-induced stiffening of the cell. These resultssuggest that the stretch-induced stiffening was primarily due to thedirect mechanical changes in the forces distending the CSK but not toATP- or Ca2+-dependent processes.Taken together, these results suggest preexisting CSK tension is amajor determinant of cell deformability in adherent endothelial cells.


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