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Steppe-like habitats in Europe are seriously threatened as a result of fragmentation and anthropogenic degradation, at least in western and central parts. Considering the dramatic loss of steppe-like habitats, the evaluation of genetic variation in populations of steppe species is of immediate importance if appropriate conservation measures are to be undertaken. In this paper, we examine the genetic diversity of the highly endangered populations of the leaf-beetle Cheilotoma musciformis, which inhabits only a limited area in south-central Poland, which is geographically isolated from the continuous range of this species. Both mitochondrial and nuclear markers show that the Polish populations are distinct from Slovakian and Ukrainian ones. These regional populations should be considered independent conservation units. On the other hand, very little (mtDNA) or no (nuclear DNA) diversity has been found among the Polish subpopulations. This leads to the conclusion that this species has gone through a strong bottleneck leading to a drastic reduction in its genetic diversity prior to the establishment of present-day populations. Host plants have been identified for this species using barcodes, and the only hosts for the Polish and Ukrainian samples are sainfoins Onobrychis spp. while for the Slovakian sample it is either Dorycnium pentaphyllum or Lotus spp. (all Fabaceae). All of these data can be very valuable for the conservation of C. musciformis populations (e.g. for reintroductions).  相似文献   

A N Kucher  O L Kurbatova 《Genetika》1986,22(2):304-311
In an urban population with widespread birth control practice the distribution of the number of pregnancies, births and abortions was studied in a cohort of women of completed fertility. The mean number of pregnancies per woman was 4.03 +/- 0.08 (sigma = = 2.98); the mean number of births - 1.12 +/- 0.02 (sigma = 0.77). 7.4% of women which had completed their reproductive performance had no pregnancies and 19.5% - no births. The Crow's Index of the Opportunity for Selection and its components connected with differential fertility and differential mortality were estimated. In the population under study two components of selection - selection at the prenatal stages and selection associated with infertility - are shown to be still significant. Such type of selection is exemplified by investigation of couples suffering from repeated spontaneous abortions.  相似文献   

Twelve Indian natural populations of Drosophila ananassae, a cosmopolitan and domestic species, were sampled and laboratory populations (mass cultures) were established from naturally impregnated females. These populations were maintained in the laboratory for some generations and were analysed chromosomally to know the frequency of different inversions. The chromosomal analysis revealed the presence of three cosmopolitan inversions. The data on the whole show that there are significant differences in the frequencies of different chromosome arrangements in these populations. Body size (wing length and thorax length) was measured in both sexes (50 females and 50 males), in all the 12 geographical populations of D. ananassae. There are statistically significant differences in wing length as well as in thorax length of both sexes among different geographical populations. Five geographical strains were crossed reciprocally and body size (wing length and thorax length) was measured in F1 and F2 progeny. The comparison of body size (both traits) between mid‐parent, F1 and F2 shows that there is an increase in body size in F1 and F2 progeny as compared with parents. Thus, there is no break down of heterosis in F2, which suggests absence of coadaptation in geographical populations of D. ananassae. Scaling test statistical analysis showed additive, dominance and epistatic effects in certain crosses involving geographical strains of D. ananassae. Correlation between chromosome arrangement frequency and body size has also been tested and significant negative correlation has been found between 2L – ST chromosome arrangement and male thorax.  相似文献   

Genetic variability in local populations of the Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) was quantified by the proportion of polymorphic loci (Ppoly) and the average heterozygosity per individual ( ) from the starch- and polyacrylamide-gel electrophoreses of blood proteins controlled by 32 independent genetic loci. Ppoly averaged 13.6% and 2.1%, the values being at lower level compared with other mammalian species. Geographical distribution of the genetic variations was not uniform in the whole species but its local differentiation was remarkable. Genetic variability tended to be lower in the southern localities, especially in the southernmost island of Yaku, than in the central and northern localities. The genetic distance and the principal component analyses showed that the most divergent local populations were the population in the Shimokita peninsula at the northernmost distribution area of the species and the populations on the Yaku island at the southernmost. The most contributory loci to the genetic divergence were the PGM-II, Gc, and Hb-β, the variant allele at the first locus being concentrated in the Yaku island, in the Shimokita peninsula, and in the easternmost Boso peninsula, and the variant allele at the latter two loci having high frequencies in the Shimokita and the Izu peninsulas. The Hennigian cladistic analysis, for which the Chinese rhesus macaque (M. mulatta) was used as the outgroup, revealed that the number of presence of derived (apomorphic) alleles was conspicuously smaller in southern islet populations than in central and northern populations, whereas any areal tendency was not recognized in the number of loss of ancestral (plesiomorphic) alleles. The observed distribution pattern that the plesiomorphic variant allele at the PGM-II locus concentrated only in the peripheral (southernmost, northernmost, and easternmost) ranges of the species, would indicate, as a possibility, the occurrence of two or more waves of immigration of ancestors of the present-day Japanese macaque from the Asian continent.  相似文献   

Evolution Canyon in Lower Nahal Oren, Mount Carmel, Israel has been identified as a location promoting sympatric speciation. Several previous studies on Drosophila melanogaster populations from the two disparate slopes of the canyon suggest that these two populations are experiencing incipient speciation. However, recent microsatellite data did not reveal the expected level of population differentiation. Given the importance of this system for studying speciation, we set out to test two predictions of the incipient speciation hypothesis--genetic differentiation and sexual isolation. We sequenced six different Acp genes from isofemale lines from the south-facing slope (11 lines) and north-facing slope (nine lines) of Evolution Canyon. We found no evidence of genetic differentiation between the two slopes (F(ST) = -0.03). We also conducted mate choice tests, using intraslope F1 hybrids between different isofemale lines. There was no significant departure from random mating in mixtures of flies from the two slopes. Our results provide further indication that it is unlikely these two populations are experiencing incipient speciation. We discuss our results in light of the discrepancies that have been published on this enigmatic D. melanogaster system from Evolution Canyon.  相似文献   

High gene flow, particularly as mediated by larval dispersal, has usually been viewed as sufficient to limit geographic isolation as a major source of population differentiation among marine species. Despite the general observation of relatively little geographic variation among populations of high dispersal marine species many cases of divergence have been observed and natural selection has usually been invoked to explain geographic divergence. Detailed study of several allozyme polymorphisms provided additional evidence that selection may be the predominant force that determines genetic divergence in marine systems. There is, however, growing evidence that marine species with high dispersal are more subdivided than originally thought. The use of multi-locus approaches and the application of molecular techniques have provided new insight into the nature of population divergence in marine species. I argue that (1) many species, which were formerly thought to be unstructured, are in fact subdivided into genetically discrete groups, (2) it is often the case that genetically subdivided populations have distinct evolutionary histories, (3) in many cases, natural selection is the consequence of introgression between these groups, and (4) the combination of molecular assays of both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA and allozyme loci provides the best approach to understanding the evolutionary dynamics of these interacting populations.  相似文献   

Population genetics of tunas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Population genetic studies on tunas are reviewed. These studies have focused on phylogenetic reconstructions, species identifications and stock delineation, and have used tools ranging from blood group and allozyme analysis to PCR-aided examination of mitochondrial DNA variation. Both allozyme and mtDNA approaches show tunas in the genus Thunnus to be very closely related to one another, but also indicate that the two presently recognized subspecies of northern bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus thynnus and T. t. orientalis , in fact may be worthy of species status. These techniques also permit the unequivocal recognition of specimens, which is not always possible on morphological grounds. However, it is arguable that, until recently, tunas have not received their due attention from geneticists given their commercial significance and the need for information on stock structure to ensure sustainable management. This may be because tunas are known to be highly vagile and therefore levels of population differentiation are expected to be low. None the less, population subdivision has been recorded in several species (skipjack, yellowfin, albacore), although this tends to be on a broad (intra- or inter-oceanic) rather than on a more local scale. New molecular tools, including the PCR-based analyses of nuclear genes and microsatellite loci, are yielding new, highly polymorphic markers, and will enable more powerful analyses of stock structure than have hitherto been possible.  相似文献   

Background: Invasive species can interfere in the structure and functioning of ecosystems. Better understanding of the evolution of such species will be useful when planning their management and eradication.

Aims: We aimed to compare patterns of genetic variability in Impatiens glandulifera in native and introduced regions.

Methods: We used native samples from India and Pakistan, and non-native samples from Canada, Finland and the UK. Genetic analyses included genotyping using 10 microsatellite markers and sequencing of the nuclear ITS region.

Results: Mean allele numbers from native and introduced samples were even, 8.8 and 8.5, respectively, while expected heterozygosities were higher in native samples (mean 0.738) than in non-native samples (mean 0.477). Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium testing indicated significant heterozygote deficiencies at 70% of the loci. Inbreeding coefficients were high in both native and introduced regions (range 0.201–0.726). STRUCTURE analyses showed that native samples from India and Pakistan possessed similar clustering patterns while non-native samples from the UK and Canada resembled each other. One of the four Finnish populations had a similar pattern with the UK and Canadian populations, while the rest showed similarly unique genetic compositions. ITS sequencing indicated in Pakistani samples two polymorphic sites not found in Indian samples but present in some samples from Canada, Finland and the UK.

Conclusions: Distinct population genetic patterns indicate that human-mediated dispersal is important in I. glandulifera.  相似文献   

Population genetics and disease control   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
N E Morton 《Social biology》1971,18(3):243-251

Species as evolutionary lineages are expected to show greater evolutionary independence from one another than are populations within species. Two measures of evolutionary independence that stem from the study of isolation-with-migration models, one reflecting the amount of gene exchange and one reflecting the time of separation, were drawn from the literature for a large number of pairs of closely related species and pairs of populations within species. Both measures, for gene flow and time, showed broadly overlapping distributions for pairs of species and for pairs of populations within species. Species on average show more time and less gene flow than populations, but the similarity of the distributions argues against there being a qualitative difference associated with species status, as compared to populations. The two measures of evolutionary independence were similarly correlated with F(ST) estimates, which in turn also showed similar distributions for species comparisons relative to population comparisons. The measures of gene flow and separation time were examined for the capacity to discriminate intraspecific differences from interspecific differences. If used together, the two measures could be used to develop an objective (in the sense of being repeatable) measure for species diagnosis.  相似文献   

The Galápagos land iguanas (genus Conolophus) have faced significant anthropogenic disturbances since the 17th century, leading to severe reduction of some populations and the extinction of others. Conservation activities, including the repatriation of captive‐bred animals to depleted areas, have been ongoing since the late 1970s, but genetic information has not been extensively incorporated. Here we use nine species‐specific microsatellite loci of 703 land iguanas from the six islands where the species occur today to characterize the genetic diversity within, and the levels of genetic differentiation among, current populations as well as test previous hypotheses about accidental translocations associated with early conservation efforts. Our analyses indicate that (i) five populations of iguanas represent distinct conservation units (one of them being the recently discovered rosada form) and could warrant species status, (ii) some individuals from North Seymour previously assumed to be from the natural Baltra population appear related to both Isabela and Santa Cruz populations, and (iii) the five different management units exhibit considerably different levels of intrapopulation genetic diversity, with the Plaza Sur and Santa Fe populations particularly low. Although the initial captive breeding programmes, coupled with intensive efforts to eradicate introduced species, saved several land iguana populations from extinction, our molecular results provide objective data for improving continuing in situ species survival plans and population management for this spectacular and emblematic reptile.  相似文献   

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