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The specific interaction of the isolated B domain of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA-B) with N,N',N"-triacetylchitotriose has been analyzed by 1H-NMR spectroscopy. The association constants for the binding of WGA-B to this trisaccharide have been determined from both 1H-NMR titration experiments and microcalorimetry methods. Entropy and enthalpy of binding have been obtained. The driving force for the binding process is provided by a negative DeltaH which is partially compensated by negative DeltaS. These negative signs indicate that hydrogen bonding and van der Waals forces are the major interactions stabilizing the complex. NOESY NMR experiments in water solution provided 327 protein proton-proton distance constraints. All the experimental constraints were used in a refinement protocol including restrained molecular dynamics in order to determine the refined solution conformation of this protein/carbohydrate complex. With regard to the NMR structure of the free protein, no important changes in the protein NOEs were observed, indicating that carbohydrate-induced conformational changes are small. The average backbone rmsd of the 35 refined structures was 1.05 A, while the heavy atom rmsd was 2.10 A. Focusing on the bound ligand, two different orientations of the trisaccharide within WGA-B binding site are possible. It can be deduced that both hydrogen bonds and van der Waals contacts confer stability to both complexes. A comparison of the three-dimensional structure of WGA-B in solution to that reported in the solid state and to those deduced for hevein and pseudohevein in solution has also been performed.  相似文献   

Model studies on lectins and their interactions with carbohydrate ligands in solution are essential to gain insights into the driving forces for complex formation and to optimize programs for computer simulations. The specific interaction of pseudohevein with N,N', N"-triacetylchitotriose has been analyzed by (1)H-NMR spectroscopy. Because of its small size, with a chain length of 45 amino acids, this lectin is a prime target to solution-structure determination by NOESY NMR experiments in water. The NMR-analysis was extended to assessment of the topology of the complex between pseudohevein and N, N',N"-triacetylchitotriose. NOESY experiments in water solution provided 342 protein proton-proton distance constraints. Binding of the ligand did not affect the pattern of the protein nuclear Overhauser effect signal noticeably, what would otherwise be indicative of a ligand-induced conformational change. The average backbone (residues 3-41) RMSD of the 20 refined structures was 1.14 A, whereas the heavy atom RMSD was 2.18 A. Two different orientations of the trisaccharide within the pseudohevein binding site are suggested, furnishing an explanation in structural terms for the lectin's capacity to target chitin. In both cases, hydrogen bonds and van der Waals contacts confer stability to the complexes. This conclusion is corroborated by the thermodynamic parameters of binding determined by NMR and isothermal titration calorimetry. The association process was enthalpically driven. In relation to hevein, the Trp/Tyr-substitution in the binding pocket has only a small effect on the free energy of binding in contrast to engineered galectin-1 and a mammalian C-type lectin. A comparison of the three-dimensional structure of pseudohevein in solution to those reported for wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) in the solid state and for hevein and WGA-B in solution has been performed, providing a data source about structural variability of the hevein domains. The experimentally derived structures and the values of the solvent accessibilities for several key residues have also been compared with conformations obtained by molecular dynamics simulations, pointing to the necessity to further refine the programs to enhance their predictive reliability and, thus, underscoring the importance of this kind of combined analysis in model systems.  相似文献   

Herein we study, through all atom molecular dynamics simulations, the complex between hevein and two N-acetylated chitin oligomers, namely N,N(')-diacetylchitobiose and N,N('),N(")-triacetylchitotriose. The results of the simulations for two disaccharide complexes and one trisaccharide complex show that a carbohydrate oligomer is able to move on the surface of the relatively flat binding pocket of hevein, therefore occupying different binding subpockets. Statistical analysis methods were also applied in order to define the principal overall motions in the complexes, showing how the different ligands in the simulations modulate the protein motions. The oligosaccharide binding can be considered as defined by a subtle balance between enthalpic (formation of intermolecular interactions between the ligand and the receptor) and entropic (due mainly to the possibility for the sugar to move on the surface of the protein domain) effects, determining multiple binding conformations. This structural and dynamical view could parallel the results obtained by regularly used restrained MD simulations based on NOE NMR data that provide a well defined structure for both the disaccharide and trisaccharide complexes, and agrees with the observations for longer oligosaccharide chains.  相似文献   

Interactions between anesthetics (lidocaine and short chain alcohols) and lipid membranes formed by dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) were studied using NMR spectroscopy. The orientational order of lidocaine was investigated using deuterium NMR on a selectively labelled compound whereas segmental ordering in the lipids was probed by two-dimensional 1H-13C separated local field experiments under magic-angle spinning conditions. In addition, trajectories generated in molecular dynamics (MD) computer simulations were used for interpretation of the experimental results. Separate simulations were carried out with charged and uncharged lidocaine molecules. Reasonable agreement between experimental dipolar interactions and the calculated counterparts was observed. Our results clearly show that charged lidocaine affects significantly the lipid headgroup. In particular the ordering of the lipids is increased accompanied by drastic changes in the orientation of the P-N vector in the choline group.  相似文献   

Investigations of the conformations of carbohydrates, their analogues and their molecular mimics are described, with emphasis on structural and functional information that can be gained by NMR spectroscopic techniques in combination with molecular modeling. The transferred nuclear Overhauser effect (trNOE) has been employed to determine the bound conformations of carbohydrates and other bioactive molecules in complex with protein receptors. The corresponding experiments in the rotating frame (trROE) and selective editing experiments (e.g., QUIET-NOESY) are used to eliminate indirect cross-relaxation pathways (spin diffusion), thereby minimizing errors in the data used for calculation of conformations. Saturation transfer difference NMR experiments reveal detailed information about intermolecular contacts between ligand and protein. Computational techniques are integrated with NMR-derived information to construct structural models of these bioactive molecules and of their complexes with proteins. Recent investigations into the nature of molecular mimicry with regard to protein-ligand interactions are described, along with applications in determining the mode of action of enzyme inhibitors. The results are relevant for the design of the next generation of drug and vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

A hallmark of oligosaccharides is their often limited spatial flexibility, allowing them to access a distinct set of conformers in solution. Viewing each individual or even the complete ensemble of conformations as potential binding partner(s) for lectins in protein-carbohydrate interactions, it is pertinent to address the question on the characteristics of bound state conformation(s) in solution. Also, it is possible that entering the lectin's binding site distorts the low-energy topology of a glycosidic linkage. As a step to delineate the strategy of ligand selection for galactosides, a common physiological docking point, we have performed a NMR study on two non-homologous lectins showing identical monosaccharide specificity. Thus, the conformation of lactose analogues bound to bovine heart galectin-1 and to mistletoe lectin in solution has been determined by transferred nuclear Overhauser effect measurements. It is demonstrated that the lectins select the syn conformation of lactose and various structural analogues (Galbeta(1-->4)Xyl, Galbeta(1-->3)Xyl, Galbeta(1-->2)Xyl, and Galbeta(1-->3)Glc) from the ensemble of presented conformations. No evidence for conformational distortion was obtained. Docking of the analogues to the modeled binding sites furnishes explanations, in structural terms, for exclusive recognition of the syn conformer despite the non-homologous design of the binding sites.  相似文献   

The nuclear pore complex spans the nuclear envelope and functions as a macromolecular transporter in the ATP-dependent process of nucleocytoplasmic transport. In this report, we present three dimensional (3D) structures for both membrane-associated and detergent- extracted Xenopus NPCs, imaged in frozen buffers by cryo-electron microscopy. A comparison of the differing configurations present in the 3D maps suggests that the spokes may possess an intrinsic conformational flexibility. When combined with recent data from a 3D map of negatively stained NPCs (Hinshaw, J. E., B. O. Carragher, and R. A. Milligan. 1992. Cell. 69:1133-1141), these observations suggest a minimal domain model for the spoke-ring complex which may account for the observed plasticity of this assembly. Moreover, lumenal domains in adjacent spokes are interconnected by radial arm dimers, forming a lumenal ring that may be responsible for anchoring the NPC within the nuclear envelope pore. Importantly, the NPC transporter is visualized as a centrally tapered cylinder that spans the entire width of the NPC, in a direction normal to the nuclear envelope. The central positioning, tripartite structure, and hollow nature of the transporter suggests that it may form a macromolecular transport channel, with a globular gating domain at each end. Finally, the packing of the transporter within the spokes creates a set of eight internal channels that may be responsible, in part, for the diffusion of ions and small molecules across the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

利用DNASTAR、VectorNTI9、SignalP等生物信息学平台对茂原链霉菌(Streptomyces mobaraensis)谷氨酰胺转胺酶(TGase)进行了序列分析和三维结构建模。结果表明:茂原链霉菌TGase同已报道其他微生物来源的TGase有较高的同源性,无信号肽,存在一个跨膜结构区,二级结构是由多个α螺旋、转角和少量β折叠构成。同时在一二级结构分析的基础上,利用同源建模的方法完成了三维结构的建模。  相似文献   

A 12 bp long GCN4-binding, self-complementary duplex DNA d(CATGACGTCATG)2 has been investigated by NMR spectroscopy to study the structure and dynamics of the molecule in aqueous solution. The NMR structure of the DNA obtained using simulated annealing and iterative relaxation matrix calculations compares quite closely with the X-ray structure of ATF/CREB DNA in complex with GCN4 protein (DNA-binding domain). The DNA is also seen to be curved in the free state and this has a significant bearing on recognition by the protein. The dynamic characteristics of the molecule have been studied by 13C relaxation measurements at natural abundance. A correlation has been observed between sequence-dependent dynamics and recognition by GCN4 protein.  相似文献   

Two dimensional (2D) FT-NMR investigations have been carried out on the self-complementary dodecanucleotide d-CTCGAGCTCGAG, which has cleavage sites for the restriction enzyme Xho I (between C and T). The central TCG portion is also known to show a preference for DNAase activity. Complete resonance assignments have been obtained for the non-exchangeable sugar and base protons of the oligonucleotide. Information regarding sugar geometries, glycosidic torsion angles and other structural parameters has been obtained from the relative intensities of the cross peaks in the COSY and NOESY spectra. The results indicate that deoxyribose rings of C1 and C7 adopt a conformation different from the remaining sugars in the double helical oligonucleotide. The central TCG portion also exhibits variations in the backbone structure. The base stacking in the double helix shows interesting sequence dependent effects suggesting that the sequence effects are not localised to nearest neighbours but extended over longer stretches.  相似文献   

MDM2 is a regulator of cell growth processes that acts by binding to the tumor suppressor protein p53 and ultimately restraining its activity. While inactivation of p53 by mutation is commonly observed in human cancers, a substantial percentage of tumors express wild type p53. In many of these cases, MDM2 is overexpressed, and it is believed that suppression of MDM2 activity could yield therapeutic benefits. Therefore, we have been focusing on the p53-MDM2 interaction as the basis of a drug discovery program and have been able to develop a series of small molecule inhibitors. We herein report a high resolution NMR structure of a complex between the p53-binding domain of MDM2 and one of these inhibitors. The form of MDM2 utilized was an engineered hybrid between the human and Xenopus sequences, which provided a favorable combination of relevancy and stability. The inhibitor is found to bind in the same site as does a highly potent peptide fragment of p53. The inhibitor is able to successfully mimic the peptide by duplicating interactions in three subpockets normally made by amino acid sidechains, and by utilizing a scaffold that presents substituents with rigidity and spatial orientation comparable to that provided by the alpha helical backbone of the peptide. The structure also suggests opportunities for modifying the inhibitor to increase its potency.  相似文献   

The integrase protein catalyzes the excision and integration of the Tn916 conjugative transposon, a promiscuous genetic element that spreads antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria. The solution structure of the N-terminal domain of the Tn916 integrase protein bound to its DNA-binding site within the transposon arm has been determined. The structure reveals an interesting mode of DNA recognition, in which the face of a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet is positioned within the major groove. A comparison to the structure of the homing endonuclease I-Ppol-DNA complex suggests that the three-stranded sheet may represent a new DNA-binding motif whose residue composition and position within the major groove are varied to alter specificity. The structure also provides insights into the mechanism of conjugative transposition. The DNA in the complex is bent approximately 35 degrees and may, together with potential interactions between bound integrase proteins at directly repeated sites, significantly bend the arms of the transposon.  相似文献   

The barrier-to-autointegration factor BAF binds to the LEM domain (Em(LEM)) of the nuclear envelope protein emerin and plays an essential role in the nuclear architecture of metazoan cells. In addition, the BAF(2) dimer bridges and compacts double-stranded DNA nonspecifically via two symmetry-related DNA binding sites. In this article we present biophysical and structural studies on a complex of BAF(2) and Em(LEM). Light scattering, analytical ultracentrifugation, and NMR indicate a stoichiometry of one molecule of Em(LEM) bound per BAF(2) dimer. The equilibrium dissociation constant (K(d)) for the interaction of the BAF(2) dimer and Em(LEM), determined by isothermal titration calorimetry, is 0.59 +/- 0.03 microm. Z-exchange spectroscopy between corresponding cross-peaks of the magnetically non-equivalent subunits of the BAF(2) dimer in the complex yields a dissociation rate constant of 78 +/- 2s(-1). The solution NMR structure of the BAF(2)-Em(LEM) complex reveals that the LEM and DNA binding sites on BAF(2) are non-overlapping and that both subunits of the BAF(2) dimer contribute approximately equally to the Em(LEM) binding site. The relevance of the implications of the structural and biophysical data on the complex in the context of the interaction between the BAF(2) dimer and Em(LEM) at the nuclear envelope is discussed.  相似文献   

Transducin, the guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein in rod outer segments, is a heterotrimer consisting of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-subunits. Activation of the photoreceptor, rhodopsin, by light, results in activation of transducin which cleaves to form transducin alpha. GTP and a complex of beta gamma-subunits. We have investigated the point(s) of contact between the subunits of transducin by analyzing for the formation of intersubunit disulfide bond(s) in the presence of copper phenanthroline. The formation of a new species with an apparent molecular mass of 43 kDa was observed which had resulted from the formation of a disulfide bond between the beta- and gamma-subunits. The amino acid residues participating in the disulfide bond were identified as Cys-25 in the beta-subunit and Cys-36 and/or Cys-37 in the gamma-subunit. Thus, these cysteine residues and, probably, some of the adjacent amino acid residues form a point of contact between the beta- and gamma-subunits of transducin in the stable complex.  相似文献   

The function of bio-macromolecules is determined by both their 3D structure and conformational dynamics. These molecules are inherently flexible systems displaying a broad range of dynamics on time-scales from picoseconds to seconds. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has emerged as the method of choice for studying both protein structure and dynamics in solution. Typically, NMR experiments are sensitive both to structural features and to dynamics, and hence the measured data contain information on both. Despite major progress in both experimental approaches and computational methods, obtaining a consistent view of structure and dynamics from experimental NMR data remains a challenge. Molecular dynamics simulations have emerged as an indispensable tool in the analysis of NMR data.  相似文献   

Since their initial discovery, the intriguing proteins of the +TIP network have been the focus of intense investigation. Although many of the individual +TIP functions have been revealed, the capacity for +TIP proteins to regulate each other has not been widely addressed. Importantly, recent studies involving EBs, the master regulators of the +TIP complex, and several TOG-domain proteins have uncovered a novel mechanism of mutual +TIP regulation: allosteric interactions through changes in microtubule structure. These findings have added another level of complexity to the existing evidence on +TIP regulation and highlight the cooperative nature of the +TIP protein network.  相似文献   

The roots of pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) are known to contain the lectins designated PL-A, PL-B, PL-C, PL-D1, and PL-D2. Of these lectins, the crystal structures of two PLs, the ligand-free PL-C and the complex of PL-D2 with tri-N-acetylchitotriose, have been determined at 1.8A resolution. The polypeptide chains of PL-C and PL-D2 form three and two repetitive chitin-binding domains, respectively. In the crystal structure of the PL-D2 complex, one trisaccharide molecule is shared mainly between two neighboring molecules related to each other by a crystallographic 2(1)-screw axis, and infinite helical chains of complexed molecules are generated by the sharing of ligand molecules. The crystal structure of PL-C reveals that the molecule is a dimer of two identical subunits, whose polypeptide chains are located in a head-to-tail fashion by a molecular 2-fold axis. Three putative carbohydrate-binding sites in each subunit are located in the dimer interface. The dimerization of PL-C is performed through the hydrophobic interactions between the carbohydrate-binding sites of the opposite domains in the dimer, leading to a distinct dimerization mode from that of wheat-germ agglutinin. Three aromatic residues in each carbohydrate-binding site of PL-C are involved in the dimerization. These residues correspond to the residues that interact mainly with the trisaccharide in the PL-D2 complex and appear to mimic the saccharide residues in the complex. Consequently, the present structure of the PL-C dimer has no room for accommodating carbohydrate. The quaternary structure of PL-C formed through these putative carbohydrate-binding residues may lead to the lack of hemagglutinating activity.  相似文献   

A recently discovered family of proteins that function as copper chaperones route copper to proteins that either require it for their function or are involved in its transport. In Enterococcus hirae the copper chaperone function is performed by the 8-kDa protein CopZ. This paper describes the NMR structure of apo-CopZ, obtained using uniformly (15)N-labeled CopZ overexpressed in Escherichia coli and NMR studies of the impact of Cu(I) binding on the CopZ structure. The protein has a betaalphabetabetaalphabeta fold, where the four beta-strands form an antiparallel twisted beta-sheet, and the two helices are located on the same side of the beta-sheet. A sequence motif GMXCXXC in the loop between the first beta-strand and the first alpha-helix contains the primary ligands, which bind copper(I). Binding of copper(I) caused major structural changes in this molecular region, as manifested by the fact that most NMR signals of the loop and the N-terminal part of the first helix were broadened beyond detection. This effect was strictly localized, because the remainder of the apo-CopZ structure was maintained after addition of Cu(I). NMR relaxation data showed a decreased correlation time of overall molecular tumbling for Cu(I)-CopZ when compared with apo-CopZ, indicating aggregation of Cu(I)-CopZ. The structure of CopZ is the first three-dimensional structure of a cupro-protein for which the metal ion is an exchangeable substrate rather than an integral part of the structure. Implications of the present structural work for the in vivo function of CopZ are discussed, whereby it is of special interest that the distribution of charged residues on the CopZ surface is highly uneven and suggests preferred recognition sites for other proteins that might be involved in copper transfer.  相似文献   

In yeast and other fungi, cell division, cell shape, and growth depend on the coordinated synthesis and degradation of cell wall polymers. We have developed a reliable and efficient micro method to determine Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall composition that distinguishes between beta1,3- and beta1,6-glucan. The method is based on the sequential treatment of cell walls with specific hydrolytic enzymes followed by dialysis. The low molecular weight (MW) products thus separated account for each particular cell wall polymer. The method can be applied to as little as 50-100 mg (wet wt) of radioactively labeled cells. A combination of chitinase and recombinant beta-1,3-glucanase is initially used, releasing all of the chitin and 60-65% of the beta1,3-glucan from the cell walls. Next, recombinant endo-beta-1,6-glucanase from Trichoderma harzianum is utilized to release all the beta-1,6-glucan present in the wall. The chromatographic pattern of endoglucanase digested beta-1,6-glucan provides a characteristic "fingerprint" of beta-1,6-glucan and the fine structure of the oligosaccharides in this pattern was determined by 1H NMR and electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy. The final enzymatic step uses laminarinase and beta-glucosidase to release the remaining beta-1,3-glucan. The cell wall mannan remains as a high MW fraction at the end of the fractionation procedure. Good sensitivity and correlation with cell wall composition determined by traditional methods were observed for wild-type and several cell wall mutants.  相似文献   

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