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OxF1 is a human embryonic stem cell line derived from a surplus embryo donated through the Oxford IVF clinic. The cells have a stable 46 XX karyotype and show expression of Oct 4, Nanog and TRA-1-60. Embryoid bodies differentiate into cells that represent all three germ layers as demonstrated by immunohistochemical localisation of beta III tubulin, nestin, desmin, smooth muscle actin, Gata 6 and cytokeratin 18. Directed differentiation through haematopoiesis has been demonstrated.  相似文献   



The human genome carries a high load of proviral-like sequences, called Human Endogenous Retroviruses (HERVs), which are the genomic traces of ancient infections by active retroviruses. These elements are in most cases defective, but open reading frames can still be found for the retroviral envelope gene, with sixteen such genes identified so far. Several of them are conserved during primate evolution, having possibly been co-opted by their host for a physiological role.


To characterize further their status, we presently sequenced 12 of these genes from a panel of 91 Caucasian individuals. Genomic analyses reveal strong sequence conservation (only two non synonymous Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms [SNPs]) for the two HERV-W and HERV-FRD envelope genes, i.e. for the two genes specifically expressed in the placenta and possibly involved in syncytiotrophoblast formation. We further show - using an ex vivo fusion assay for each allelic form - that none of these SNPs impairs the fusogenic function. The other envelope proteins disclose variable polymorphisms, with the occurrence of a stop codon and/or frameshift for most - but not all - of them. Moreover, the sequence conservation analysis of the orthologous genes that can be found in primates shows that three env genes have been maintained in a fully coding state throughout evolution including envW and envFRD.


Altogether, the present study strongly suggests that some but not all envelope encoding sequences are bona fide genes. It also provides new tools to elucidate the possible role of endogenous envelope proteins as susceptibility factors in a number of pathologies where HERVs have been suspected to be involved.  相似文献   

人胚胎干细胞建系和鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙博文 《生命科学》2003,15(4):207-210
人胚胎干细胞是一种取自人囊胚内细胞团且具有形成所有三个胚层细胞能力的全能细胞。建立一个理想的人胚胎干细胞培养系统是研究和利用这种具有巨大潜力细胞的首要条件。本文讨论了目前建立的人胚胎干细胞培养系统,阐述了其有利的和不利的一面,并着重讨论其体外培养方法和鉴定策略。  相似文献   

Chen D  Lewis RL  Kaufman DS 《BioTechniques》2003,35(6):1253-1261
Human embryonic stem (ES) cells provide a unique model and an important resource to analyze early hematopoietic development. Other systems to study mammalian hematopoiesis include mouse ES cells, dissection of timed mouse embryos, or use of human postnatal hematopoietic tissue typically isolated from bone marrow or umbilical cord blood. All these models have particular strengths and weaknesses. The extensive studies on murine hematopoiesis provide a basis for work on the human developmental system. Since there are likely some important species differences, use of human ES cells now provides an optimal means to evaluate basic cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate the beginning stages of human blood development, prior to derivation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Eventually, research on human ES cells may provide an alternative source of HSCs and other blood products for hematopoietic cell transplantation or other cellular therapies.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESC), which are derived from the inner cell mass (ICM) of blastocyst stage embryos, are of great importance because of their unpredictable two unique features: their differentiation ability into all types of cells derived from three germ layers and their potentially unlimited capacity of self renewing with stable karyotype. These distinguished properties make hESC very promising cell source for regenerative medicine, tissue replacement therapies, and drug screening studies as well as genomics. However, due to the several technical problems, such as risk of teratoma formation, immune response, and unknown genetic pathways for lineage specific differentiation, and ethical drawbacks of their using in clinical treatments, hESC researches are still waiting to advance beyond to animal trials and drug studies. During the last decade, more than 300 new hESC lines have been derived and published by researchers worldwide. However, despite their similar well-known unique properties, recent studies reported that hESC lines have very individual properties and are differed from each other with regards to their differentiation ability and gene expression profiles. Therefore, all hESC lines should be characterized in detail and then registered in a stem cell bank for generating global database. In this report, the characteristic of hESC lines, which were established in Istanbul Memorial Hospital between 2003 and 2005, and derivation methods were described in detail to inform researchers and to facilitate new prospective cooperative studies.  相似文献   

Who should go first in phase-I human trials when neither risks nor benefits can be estimated? By assessing concerns raised by Bretzner et?al. (2011), we highlight a tragic dimension underlying all such trials. We discuss strategies to avoid the pitfalls of ethical hubris by promoting fidelity and trust.  相似文献   

The embryonic stem cell lottery and the cannibalization of human beings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Savulescu J 《Bioethics》2002,16(6):508-529
One objection to embryonic stem (ES) cell research is that it 'cannibalizes' human beings, that is, kills some human beings to benefit others. I grant for argument's sake that the embryo is a person. Nonetheless, killing it may be justified. I show this through the Embryonic Stem Cell Lottery. Whether killing a person is justified depends on: (1) whether innocent people at risk of being killed for ES cell research also stand to benefit from the research and (2) whether their overall chances of living are higher in a world in which killing and ES cell research is conducted. I call this kind of killing 'risk reductive.'  相似文献   

人胚胎干细胞优化培养的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨阿聪  金颖 《生命科学》2006,18(4):402-406
人胚胎干细胞(humanembryonicstemcell,hEScell)是来源于着床前人囊胚内细胞团(innercellmass,ICM)的、具有自我更新能力和分化全能性的细胞。由于hES细胞能在一定条件下分化成三个胚层来源的各种细胞,所以它具有重要的基础研究价值和巨大的临床应用前景,可应用于人早期胚胎发育过程的研究、药物毒物筛选、细胞移植治疗、基因治疗等领域。目前,世界上已经建立了多株hES细胞系,最早建立的hES细胞系是生长在小鼠胚胎成纤维(mouseembryonicfibroblast,MEF)细胞上的,培养体系中含血清等动物源性成分,这些成分可能引起动物源性病原体或支原体的污染,从而限制了hES细胞的临床应用。近年来,科学家们在优化hES细胞的体外培养体系方面做出了很大的努力并取得了长足进展,已经开始采用无血清、无饲养层细胞、无外源性蛋白、成分明确的培养体系进行hES细胞建系及培养,从而在一定程度上解决了上述问题。本文主要从饲养层细胞、无饲养层培养体系、培养基质、细胞因子等方面综述了hES细胞建系和维持其未分化状态的优化培养所取得的最新进展和存在的问题。  相似文献   

Suemori H 《Human cell》2006,19(2):65-70
Embryonic stem (ES) cell lines, which are derived from the inner cell mass of blastocysts, proliferate indefinitely in vitro, retaining their potency to differentiate into various cell types derived from all of the three embryonic germ layers: the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Establishment of human ES cell lines in 1998 has indicated the great potential of ES cells for applications in medical research and other purposes such as cell transplantation therapy. Careful assessment of safety and effectiveness using proper animal models is required before such therapies can be attempted on human patients. Monkey ES cell lines provide valuable models for such research.  相似文献   

Complexity in the spatial organization of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) cultures creates heterogeneous microenvironments (niches) that influence hESC fate. This study demonstrates that the rate and trajectory of hESC differentiation can be controlled by engineering hESC niche properties. Niche size and composition regulate the balance between differentiation-inducing and -inhibiting factors. Mechanistically, a niche size-dependent spatial gradient of Smad1 signaling is generated as a result of antagonistic interactions between hESCs and hESC-derived extra-embryonic endoderm (ExE). These interactions are mediated by the localized secretion of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP2) by ExE and its antagonist, growth differentiation factor-3 (GDF3) by hESCs. Micropatterning of hESCs treated with small interfering (si) RNA against GDF3, BMP2 and Smad1, as well treatments with a Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) inhibitor demonstrate that independent control of Smad1 activation can rescue the colony size-dependent differentiation of hESCs. Our results illustrate, for the first time, a role for Smad1 in the integration of spatial information and in the niche-size-dependent control of hESC self-renewal and differentiation.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) are isolated as clusters of cells from the inner cell mass of blastocysts and thus should formally be considered as heterogeneous cell populations. Homogenous hESC cultures can be obtained through subcloning. Here, we report the clonal derivation and characterization of two new hESC lines from the parental cell line SA002 and the previously clonally derived cell line AS034.1, respectively. The hESC line SA002 was recently reported to have an abnormal karyotype (trisomy 13), but within this population of cells we observed rare individual cells with an apparent normal karyotype. At a cloning efficiency of 5%, we established 33 subclones from SA002, out of which one had a diploid karyotype and this subline was designated SA002.5. From AS034.1 we established one reclone designated AS034.1.1 at a cloning efficiency of 0.1%. These two novel sublines express cell surface markers indicative of undifferentiated hESC (SSEA-3, SSEA-4, TRA-1-60, and TRA-1-81), Oct-4, alkaline phosphatase, and they display high telomerase activity. In addition, the cells are pluripotent and form derivatives of all three embryonic germ layers in vitro as well as in vivo. These results, together with the clonal character of SA002.5 and AS034.1.1 make these homogenous cell populations very useful for hESC based applications in drug development and toxicity testing. In addition, the combination of the parental trisomic hESC line SA002 and the diploid subclone SA002.5 provides a unique experimental system to study the molecular mechanisms underlying the pathologies associated with trisomy 13.  相似文献   

Legislation in individual member states of the European Union on human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research is as divergent as the different cultural, ethical, and religious views on the issue. On the occasion of the public launch of the European Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry (hESCreg: www.hescreg.eu), a two-day symposium was held on 18 and 19 January 2008 in Berlin to offer participants an overview of state-of-the-art hESC research and legislation throughout Europe and in selected regions of the world. Thirty leading scientists from Europe as well as from the United States, Japan, and Australia reported on a range of aspects related to research on hESC and reviewed the key elements of the newly established hESCreg database of hESC lines. In this article we summarize and complete the information on the current status of international hESC regulation.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem (ES) cells and embryonic germ (EG) cells are pluripotent and are invaluable material for in vitro studies of human embryogenesis and cell therapy. So far, only two groups have reported the establishment of human EG cell lines, whereas at least five human ES cell lines have been established. To see if human EG cell lines can be reproducibly established, we isolated primordial germ cells (PGCs) from gonadal ridges and mesenteries (9 weeks post-fertilization) and cultured them on mouse STO cells. As with mouse ES colonies, the PGC-derived cells have given rise to multilayered colonies without any differentiation over a year of continuous culture. They are karyotypically normal and express high levels of alkaline phosphatase, Oct-4, and several cell-surface markers. Histological and immunocytochemical analysis of embryoid bodies (EBs) formed from floating cultures of the PGC-derived cell colonies revealed ectodermal, endodermal, and mesodermal tissues. When the EBs were cultured in the presence of insulin, transferrin, sodium selenite, and fibronectin for 1 week, markers of primitive neuroectoderm were expressed in cells within the EBs as well as in cells growing out from the EBs. These observations indicate that our PGC-derived cells satisfy the criteria for pluripotent stem cells and hence may be EG cells.  相似文献   

哺乳动物胚胎发育产生的第一个细胞系的分离是内细胞团和滋养层的分离,不同哺乳动物之间胚胎干细胞向滋养层细胞分化不同,滋养层细胞对胚胎的植入、促进胚胎在子宫内的生存和生长至关重要.人胚胎干细胞为研究人类胚胎发育及向滋养层分化提供了一个独特的模型.人胚胎干细胞可以在实验室条件下保持无限期稳定的培养,用于最初胚胎和滋养外胚层发生的机制研究.目前人胚胎干细胞分化为滋养层细胞在体外可以通过自发分化、基因敲除、分离EB小体和BMP4诱导等几种途径实现.不同哺乳动物之间胚胎干细胞向滋养层分化机制,主要通过信号通路如BMP4,LIF等以及某些标志基因如OCT4,CDX2,Eomes等的变化调节.人胚胎干细胞向滋养层分化的研究为临床应用提供了一定的基础.  相似文献   

The ability to maintain human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) during long-term culture and yet induce differentiation to multiple lineages potentially provides a novel approach to address various biomedical problems. Here, we describe derivation of hESC lines, NOTT1 and NOTT2, from human blastocysts graded as 3BC and 3CB, respectively. Both lines were successfully maintained as colonies by mechanical passaging on mouse embryonic feeder cells or as monolayers by trypsin-passaging in feeder-free conditions on Matrigel. Undifferentiated cells retained expression of pluripotency markers (OCT4, NANOG, SSEA-4, TRA-1-60 and TRA-1-81), a stable karyotype during long-term culture and could be transfected efficiently with plasmid DNA and short interfering RNA. Differentiation via formation of embryoid bodies resulted in expression of genes associated with early germ layers and terminal lineage specification. The electrophysiology of spontaneously beating NOTT1-derived cardiomyocytes was recorded and these cells were shown to be pharmacologically responsive. Histological examination of teratomas formed by in vivo differentiation of both lines in severe immunocompromised mice showed complex structures including cartilage or smooth muscle (mesoderm), luminal epithelium (endoderm) and neuroectoderm (ectoderm). These observations show that NOTT1 and NOTT2 display the accepted characteristics of hESC pluripotency.  相似文献   

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