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Health biotechnology has rapidly become vital in helping healthcare systems meet the needs of the poor in developing countries. This key industry also generates revenue and creates employment opportunities in these countries. To successfully develop biotechnology industries in developing nations, it is critical to understand and improve the system of health innovation, as well as the role of each innovative sector and the linkages between the sectors. Countries' science and technology capacities can be strengthened only if there are non-linear linkages and strong interrelations among players throughout the innovation process; these relationships generate and transfer knowledge related to commercialization of the innovative health products. The private sector is one of the main actors in healthcare innovation, contributing significantly to the development of health biotechnology via knowledge, expertise, resources and relationships to translate basic research and development into new commercial products and innovative processes. The role of the private sector has been increasingly recognized and emphasized by governments, agencies and international organizations. Many partnerships between the public and private sector have been established to leverage the potential of the private sector to produce more affordable healthcare products. Several developing countries that have been actively involved in health biotechnology are becoming the main players in this industry. The aim of this paper is to discuss the role of the private sector in health biotechnology development and to study its impact on health and economic growth through case studies in South Korea, India and Brazil. The paper also discussed the approaches by which the private sector can improve the health and economic status of the poor.  相似文献   

The ability to generate transgenic animals has existed for over 30 years, and from those early days many predicted that the technology would have beneficial applications in agriculture. Numerous transgenic agricultural animals now exist, however to date only one product from a transgenic animal has been approved for the food chain, due in part to cumbersome regulations. Recently, new techniques such as precision breeding have emerged, which enables the introduction of desired traits without the use of transgenes. The rapidly growing human population, environmental degradation, and concerns related to zoonotic and pandemic diseases have increased pressure on the animal agriculture sector to provide a safe, secure and sustainable food supply. There is a clear need to adopt transgenic technologies as well as new methods such as gene editing and precision breeding to meet these challenges and the rising demand for animal products. To achieve this goal, cooperation, education, and communication between multiple stakeholders—including scientists, industry, farmers, governments, trade organizations, NGOs and the public—is necessary. This report is the culmination of concepts first discussed at an OECD sponsored conference and aims to identify the main barriers to the adoption of animal biotechnology, tactics for navigating those barriers, strategies to improve public perception and trust, as well as industry engagement, and actions for governments and trade organizations including the OECD to harmonize regulations and trade agreements. Specifically, the report focuses on animal biotechnologies that are intended to improve breeding and genetics and currently are not routinely used in commercial animal agriculture. We put forward recommendations on how scientists, regulators, and trade organizations can work together to ensure that the potential benefits of animal biotechnology can be realized to meet the future needs of agriculture to feed the world.  相似文献   

The advances in the biotechnology industry, and in biosciences research are impressive by any measure, but it is not sufficient just to continue to make spectacular scientific breakthroughs. It is important that the general public is assisted to keep up with the pace of technological change. Some efforts have been made, but they have not been enough. A public relations strategy is required. The biotechnology industry needs to influence public opinion as well as lead discovery. The aims of a public relations campaign should not be just to inform and convince legislators and regulators, but should target the average consumer of the 21st century. There are two areas where the science community must direct its attention if the international public is to be brought along on this biotechnological odyssey: the compulsory school sector – including teachers, students and policy makers; and key sector groups that can be specifically targeted such as farmers, indigenous peoples, horticulturists, food sector people, health professionals, and in particular, the recently retired. If the potential of biotechnological advances is to be realised, scientists must be proactive in educating the general public. This will also involve educating the educators. No amount of public education will completely remove the opposition to genetic engineering, but with an educated public there is an increased opportunity for a fair debate and scare tactics, half-truths and innuendo will gain less traction.  相似文献   

《New genetics and society》2013,32(2):117-132
Some of the most important factors that played a role in provoking the upheavals which overwhelmed the agri-foods biotechnology industry in Europe at the end of the 20th century are described and analysed, focusing especially on the impact of the introduction of a statutory labelling scheme that could be enforced. The implications of those upheavals for the development of biotechnology, for consumers and public policy makers, and corporate strategists, nationally and globally are outlined. The contention is that the trauma which overwhelmed the agri-food biotechnology sector in Europe had profound roots and rich implications which extend to the whole biotechnology sector and beyond.  相似文献   

Throughout human history, natural products have been the basis for the discovery and development of therapeutics, cosmetic and food compounds used in industry. Many compounds found in natural organisms are rather difficult to chemically synthesize and to extract in large amounts, and in this respect, genetic and metabolic engineering are playing an increasingly important role in the production of these compounds, such as new terpenes and terpenoids, which may potentially be used to create aromas in industry. Terpenes belong to the largest class of natural compounds, are produced by all living organisms and play a fundamental role in human nutrition, cosmetics and medicine. Recent advances in systems biology and synthetic biology are allowing us to perform metabolic engineering at the whole-cell level, thus enabling the optimal design of microorganisms for the efficient production of drugs, cosmetic and food additives. This review describes the recent advances made in the genetic and metabolic engineering of the terpenes pathway with a particular focus on systems biotechnology.  相似文献   

生物经济的快速发展迫切需要新型生物工程人才支撑,建立以创新型工程教育为理念的新工科人才培养模式,能够为区域经济发展与产业升级提供支撑作用。大连理工大学生物工程学院紧密围绕“服务国家战略”“对接产业行业”“引领未来发展”“以学生为中心”等新工科建设的教育教学理念,从“面向新经济”的培养体系构建、“多学科交叉”的课程体系重构和“项目式”教学方式改革、“多元化”评价体系实施等方面进行生物工程专业建设改革和探索,提出了“价值引领、深厚的基础理论、强烈的创新意识、技术和非技术核心能力素养”四位一体的生物工程新工科人才培养标准。满足了产业对人才多样化、个性化和动态变化的需求,保障了产业与教育的深入融合发展,为生物工程一流本科专业建设提供了思路。  相似文献   

This Address examines the current concerns of ecologists. There is instability in the organization of science at a political level, in funding bodies, and in organizations such as CSIRO and tertiary education institutions. There is less funding for research and development in Australia than in other developed countries, mainly because of poor funding from the private sector, and funds available to the new Australian Research Council are small in relation to applications for support. These factors affect career opportunities for ecologists, although students continue to be attracted to the area. The state of the Australian environment leaves much to be desired, with widespread land degradation (including erosion and salination), deterioration in water quality, and disease in natural ecosystems; many species are endangered, and there is concern about forest management. Widespread environmental problems occur despite the fact that, for more than a century, those concerned with land management have been educated in tertiary institutions. More might be done to equip graduates better for solving Australian problems, for informing the public about methods which can be used to correct environmental degradation, and for disseminating research results more directly to managers. While all scientists should emphasize the importance of basic research, it is argued that more recognition should be given to the application of science to management. Among positive aspect of the present climate are a government commitment to increase numbers in senior school years and in tertiary institutions; entry of graduates into consulting work; use of conservation strategies to enhance interaction between ecology and industry as illustrated by mining, agriculture and forestry; increased activity by organizations which raise funds from the private sector; definition of research priorities; and the identification which Australians have with an image of the countryside. With this framework of closer links between ecology, practical problem-solving, and support from industry and the private sector, it is argued that significant progress will be made in the years ahead.  相似文献   


This paper examines the economic prospects for the biotechnology industry, focusing on the UK position. I discuss some economic issues relating to the structure of the biotechnology industry and examine whether these factors can account for the relative success of the biotechnology sector in the UK compared to other European countries. I emphasize the importance of the science base, pharmaceutical companies and capital markets in giving the UK an advantage. Looking ahead I argue that prospects are good for the global growth of the industry due to supply and demand side factors. The UK is in a leading position in Europe but faces significant dangers, especially from the public towards biotechnology.  相似文献   

Theobroma cacao—The Food of the Gods, provides the raw material for the multibillion dollar chocolate industry and is also the main source of income for about 6 million smallholders around the world. Additionally, cocoa beans have a number of other nonfood uses in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Specifically, the potential health benefits of cocoa have received increasing attention as it is rich in polyphenols, particularly flavonoids. At present, the demand for cocoa and cocoa‐based products in Asia is growing particularly rapidly and chocolate manufacturers are increasing investment in this region. However, in many Asian countries, cocoa production is hampered due to many reasons including technological, political and socio‐economic issues. This review provides an overview of the present status of global cocoa production and recent advances in biotechnological applications for cacao improvement, with special emphasis on genetics/genomics, in vitro embryogenesis and genetic transformation. In addition, in order to obtain an insight into the latest innovations in the commercial sector, a survey was conducted on granted patents relating to T. cacao biotechnology.  相似文献   

Genomics, molecular genetics and the food industry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The production of foods for an increasingly informed and selective consumer requires the coordinated activities of the various branches of the food chain in order to provide convenient, wholesome, tasty, safe and affordable foods. Also, the size and complexity of the food sector ensures that no single player can control a single process from seed production, through farming and processing to a final product marketed in a retail outlet. Furthermore, the scientific advances in genome research and their exploitation via biotechnology is leading to a technology driven revolution that will have advantages for the consumer and food industry alike. The segment of food processing aids, namely industrial enzymes which have been enhanced by the use of biotechnology, has proven invaluable in the production of enzymes with greater purity and flexibility while ensuring a sustainable and cheap supply. Such enzymes produced in safe GRAS microorganisms are available today and are being used in the production of foods. A second rapidly evolving segment that is already having an impact on our foods may be found in the new genetically modified crops. While the most notorious examples today were developed by the seed companies for the agro-industry directed at the farming sector for cost saving production of the main agronomical products like soya and maize, its benefits are also being seen in the reduced use of herbicides and pesticides which will have long term benefits for the environment. Technology-driven advances for the food processing industry and the consumer are being developed and may be divided into two separate sectors that will be presented in greater detail: 1. The application of genome research and biotechnology to the breeding and development of improved plants. This may be as an aid for the cataloging of industrially important plant varieties, the rapid identification of key quality traits for enhanced classical breeding programs, or the genetic modification of important plants for improved processing properties or health characteristics. 2. The development of advanced microorganisms for food fermentations with improved flavor production, health or technological characteristics. Both yeasts and bacteria have been developed that fulfill these requirements, but are as yet not used in the production of foods.  相似文献   

Significant potential advantages are associated with the production of vaccines in transgenic plants; however, no commercial product has emerged. An analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for plant-made vaccine technology is provided. The use of this technology for human vaccines will require significant investment and developmental efforts that cannot be supported entirely by the academic sector and is not currently supported financially by industry. A focus on downstream aspects to define potential products, conduct of additional basic clinical testing, and the incorporation of multidisciplinary strategic planning would accelerate the potential for commercialization in this field. Estimates of production cost per dose and volume of production are highly variable for a model vaccine produced in transgenic tomato, and can be influenced by the optimization of many factors. Commercialization of plant-made vaccine technology is likely to be led by the agricultural biotechnology sector rather than the pharmaceutical sector due to the disruptive nature of the technology and the complex intellectual property landscape. The next major milestones will be conduct of a phase II human clinical trial and demonstration of protection in humans. The achievement of these milestones would be accelerated by further basic investigation into mucosal immunity, the codevelopment of oral adjuvants, and the integration of quality control standards and good manufacturing practices for the production of preclinical and clinical batch materials.  相似文献   

In the wake of the Chernobyl nuclear accident and a decline in the public trust of science, the founders of modern biotechnology recognized the strategic importance of risk assessment and regulatory affairs. In an effort to avoid the demonization that was attached to the nuclear industry, the pioneers of modern biotechnology delegated authority for regulatory negotiation and risk management to senior positions in the firm. At the same time, the Biotechnology Industry Organization was handed great latitude and trust with making public pronouncements on issues of bioethics and public policy. The way in which founders and leaders embed norms for negotiating regulation and responding to public perceptions has proved important in the maturation and acceptance of a biotechnology sector.  相似文献   

The application of insect biotechnology is promising for the development of environmentally compatible pest management solutions. As we have refined and enhanced genetic engineering techniques in several insect species that cause significant economic loss and public health injury, it has become clear that insect biotechnology will move forward as one of the key tools of pest management in agriculture and in the human environment. Well characterized genetic elements can be manipulated toward specific aims and maintain a viable insect, albeit one with diminished capacity to exchange genetic material, vector a virus or bacterium, or complete its life cycle. Despite this degree of knowledge and precision, there remain unanswered questions regarding environmental fate, release and public acceptance of this technology. The uncertainty surrounding any novel technology inevitably increases the level of regulatory scrutiny associated with its use. Although the term “insect biotechnology” has many connotations, it certainly includes the genetic modification of symbiotic or commensally associated microbes as a means of delivering a trait (e.g. a toxin) to manage plant and human diseases and insect pests. The distinction between this paratransgenic approach and direct genetic modification of insect pests is an important one biologically as well as from a regulatory standpoint. The regulatory framework for microbial applications to agriculture is in many instances in place; however, we must strive to forge the development of guidelines and regulations that will foster deployment of insect biotechnologies.  相似文献   

Global meat and milk consumption is exponentially increasing due to population growth, urbanization and changes in lifestyle in the developing world. This is an excellent opportunity for developing countries to improve the livestock sector by using technological advances. Biotechnology is one of the avenues for improved production in the “Livestock revolution”. Biotechnology developments applied to livestock health, nutrition, breeding and reproduction are improving with a reasonable pace in developing countries. Simple bio-techniques such as artificial insemination have been well implemented in many parts of the developing world. However, advanced technologies including transgenic plant vaccines, marker assisted selection, solid state fermentation for the production of fibrolytic enzymes, transgenic fodders, embryo transfer and animal cloning are confined largely to research organizations. Some developing countries such as Taiwan, China and Brazil have considered the commercialization of biotechnology in the livestock sector. Organized livestock production systems, proper record management, capacity building, objective oriented research to improve farmer’s income, collaborations with the developed world, knowledge of the sociology of an area and research on new methods to educate farmers and policy makers need to be improved for the creation and implementation of biotechnology advances in the livestock sector in the developing world.  相似文献   

Past breeding strategies for dairy cattle have been very effective in producing rapid genetic gain to achieve industry targets and raise profitability. Such gains have been largely facilitated by intense selection of sires combined with the use of artificial insemination. However, this practice can potentially limit the level of genetic diversity through inbreeding and selection plateaus. The rate of inbreeding in Australia is increasing, primarily as a result of semen importation from a small number of prominent bulls from the USA. The effect of this genetic influx in the Australian dairy cattle population is poorly understood both in terms of diversity and local adaptation/divergence. This study uses 845 genome-wide SNP genetic markers and 431 bulls to characterize the level of genetic diversity and genetic divergence within the Australian and international Holstein Friesian dairy population. No significant differences in genetic diversity (as measured by heterozygosity [H(o)] and allelic richness [A]) were observed over the 25-year time period (1975-1999) for bulls used in Australia. The importation of foreign semen into Australia has increased the effective population size until it was in effect a sub-sample of the global population. Our data indicate that most individuals are equally closely related to one another, regardless of country of origin and year of birth. In effect, the global population can be considered as one single population unit. These results indicate that inbreeding, genetic drift and selection has had little effect at reducing genetic diversity and differentiating the Australian Holstein Friesian population at a genome-wide level.  相似文献   

Modern biotechnology has a large and rapidly increasing impact on society. New advances in genetics, stem cells and other areas hold great potential for human health but also presenting socioscientific issues that commonly divide public opinion. While knowledge is necessary to develop informed opinions about biotechnology, they may also be influenced by polarized discourse and fiction in the media. Here, we examined prior knowledge about and attitudes towards health-related biotechnological applications in Year 10 high school students from Western Australia using online questionnaires. The impact of teaching on students’ understanding was tested by repeating the questionnaire after a lesson. Finally, students’ argumentation skills were examined by recording responses to statements about biotechnological applications. We found that, prior to instruction, most students exhibited a reasonable understanding of biotechnology. There was little evidence for alternative conceptions, and instruction led to a diversification in understanding. Attitudes towards biotechnology were generally positive but varied. Despite interest in biotechnological issues, argument for positions was generally cognitive-affective in nature. Consequently, biotechnology is a relevant topic for science education, and presents excellent opportunities to build on pre-existing knowledge. Rather than expanding students’ knowledge, our results suggest educators should focus on deepening existing understanding and strengthening argumentation skills.  相似文献   

《Trends in biotechnology》1987,5(10):270-272
The growth and advancement of biotechnology worldwide has been the focus of many studies, and at the heart of this advancement has been a new industry of small biotechnology firms in the United States. Since the early 1970s more than 300 small companies have been founded in the United States to work with the new technologies of genetic engineering, monoclonal antibody production, and in related areas. In addition, many major corporations in the United States have sought entry into biotechnology. Hundreds of new companies have been founded to interact with the biotechnology firms and large corporations, supplying reagents, equipment, fermentation expertise and serving a variety of other ancillary functions. Nowhere else in the world has a biotechnology industry been initiated to such a large degree. Today, the average US biotechnology firm is six to seven years old. The current state of the US biotechnology industry, historical perspectives, major trends and some future outlooks will be described below.  相似文献   

In the first patent applications in the field of genetic engineering the main problems were the terminology and the definition of various concepts. This was mainly due to the fact that the field of genetic engineering was new to the patent officials as well as to the patent attorneys. At the moment the terminology and the concepts have already become familiar and patent problems also in the microbiological sector are merely technical. However, new exiting problems have arisen because of the rapid development in the field of plant and animal biotechnology. A lot of work is still needed before the patent system fulfills its purpose as a promoter of technical, economical and social progress also in the field of biotechnology.  相似文献   

The translation of biological theory into engineering (biotechnology) has resulted in the development of novel products and processes. Some of these products are living organisms, usually containing unique genetic arrangements not found in nature. The extension of legal protection to products and processes was required in order for biotechnology to become an unexceptional way in which to do business. The American experience with biotechnology, repeated elsewhere, is demonstrated to have proceeded first through the negotiation of obstacles in administrative law and second through challenges to property law. This outcome for the regulatory management of biotechnology and the legal protection of its products may be interpreted as a function of a cultural bias for scientific authority and progress ideology.  相似文献   

Wegrzyn G 《Plasmid》2005,53(1):14-22
Almost 200 scientists from America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa participated in the Plasmid Biology 2004 meeting, which was organized between 15th and 21st September 2004 in Kanoni (Corfu island), Greece. Various aspects of biology of plasmids and other mobile genetic elements were discussed during the meeting, including problems of replication, transfer, stable inheritance, and evolution. Medical and veterinary aspects of plasmids were highlighted as well as other applications of these replicons. It appears that plasmids and other mobile genetic elements are still excellent models in studies of basic biological problems at the molecular level, and their role in medicine and genetic engineering can be enormous. Moreover, studies on ecology of plasmids provide extremely important data that can be used in environment protection as well as in biotechnology. Understanding the importance of studies on plasmids and other mobile genetic elements, participants of the meeting decided to establish the International Society for Plasmid Biology.  相似文献   

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