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Author‐level metrics are a widely used measure of scientific success. The h‐index and its variants measure publication output (number of publications) and research impact (number of citations). They are often used to influence decisions, such as allocating funding or jobs. Here, we argue that the emphasis on publication output and impact hinders scientific progress in the fields of ecology and evolution because it disincentivizes two fundamental practices: generating impactful (and therefore often long‐term) datasets and sharing data. We describe a new author‐level metric, the data‐index, which values both dataset output (number of datasets) and impact (number of data‐index citations), so promotes generating and sharing data as a result. We discuss how it could be implemented and provide user guidelines. The data‐index is designed to complement other metrics of scientific success, as scientific contributions are diverse and our value system should reflect that both for the benefit of scientific progress and to create a value system that is more equitable, diverse, and inclusive. Future work should focus on promoting other scientific contributions, such as communicating science, informing policy, mentoring other scientists, and providing open‐access code and tools.  相似文献   

Data sensitivity can pose a formidable barrier to data sharing. Knowledge of species current distributions from data sharing is critical for the creation of watch lists and an early warning/rapid response system and for model generation for the spread of invasive species. We have created an on-line system to synthesize disparate datasets of non-native species locations that includes a mechanism to account for data sensitivity. Data contributors are able to mark their data as sensitive. This data is then ‘fuzzed’ in mapping applications and downloaded files to quarter-quadrangle grid cells, but the actual locations are available for analyses. We propose that this system overcomes the hurdles to data sharing posed by sensitive data.  相似文献   

A central reason that undergirds the significance of evo-devo is the claim that development was left out of the Modern synthesis. This claim turns out to be quite complicated, both in terms of whether development was genuinely excluded and how to understand the different kinds of embryological research that might have contributed. The present paper reevaluates this central claim by focusing on the practice of model organism choice. Through a survey of examples utilized in the literature of the Modern synthesis, I identify a previously overlooked feature: exclusion of research on marine invertebrates. Understanding the import of this pattern requires interpreting it in terms of two epistemic values operating in biological research: theoretical generality and explanatory completeness. In tandem, these values clarify and enhance the significance of this exclusion. The absence of marine invertebrates implied both a lack of generality in the resulting theory and a lack of completeness with respect to particular evolutionary problems, such as evolvability and the origin of novelty. These problems were salient to embryological researchers aware of the variation and diversity of larval forms in marine invertebrates. In closing, I apply this analysis to model organism choice in evo-devo and discuss its relevance for an extended evolutionary synthesis.
Alan C. LoveEmail:

Biobanks are essential tools for furthering a broad range of medical research areas. However, despite the plethora of national and international laws and guidelines which apply to them, the access and sharing policies of biobanks are only sparsely addressed by regulatory bodies. The ‘give and take’ process of biosample sharing is largely left up to biobank stakeholders themselves to oversee; it is therefore both in stakeholders' power, and in their interest, to ensure that sample accessibility is fair. This is an important step in motivating researchers to collaborate and pool samples, and is crucial to fostering trust in the absence of universally accepted standard practices. To date, little attention has been paid to how fairness considerations affect scientific material sharing, and no empirical research has been carried out to determine the role that fairness plays in collaborative studies. In order to begin to gain understanding in this area, we interviewed 36 biobank stakeholders currently working in Switzerland, focusing on their perceptions of current and optimal fair sharing practices. Our findings reveal that fairness is an important feature of exchange situations for these stakeholders, and that they have well‐formed notions about the practical elements of fair sample access, although ideas about the concept of fairness itself are vague. In order to support efforts to network biobanks, attention should be paid to this issue to reassure all involved that they are getting a fair share in their cooperative efforts.  相似文献   

Most scientists recognize the importance of sharing data online in an open fashion. Nonetheless, many studies have documented the concerns that accompany data sharing activities, including loss of credit or IP, misuse and the time needed to curate interoperable data. To this end, discussions around data sharing often identify incentives that could potentially ameliorate these disincentivising concerns. Nonetheless, current Open Data discussions often rely on evidence‐based studies to identify the disincentives to overcome. This results in highly specific and directed interventions. In contrast, this paper offers a different interpretation of these concerns. To do so, it makes use of the Thomas Theorem which suggests that: “If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences”. Using empirical evidence from sub‐Saharan African (bio)chemistry laboratories, this paper illustrates how individual perceptions of research environments – whether associated with evidence or not – are highly influential in shaping data sharing practices. It concludes with the suggestion that discussion on incentivising data sharing amongst scientific communities need to take a broader set of concerns into account and offer a more creative approach to ameliorating environmental disincentives.  相似文献   

The exchange of forensic DNA data is seen as an increasingly important tool in criminal investigations into organised crime, control strategies and counter-terrorism measures. On the basis of a set of interviews with police professionals involved in the transnational exchange of DNA data between EU countries, this paper examines how forensic DNA evidence is given meaning within the various different ways of constructing a police epistemic culture, it is, a set of shared values concerning valid knowledge and practices normatively considered adequate and legitimate. The police epistemic culture is fuelled by multiple dynamics of boundary work, revealing how police professionals involved in international cooperation (i) define their specific core activities and competencies; (ii) construct particular understandings of valid knowledge and how it should be produced; (iii) enact the police epistemic culture in contrast to the epistemic cultures of the judicial authorities and forensic scientists.  相似文献   

陈建平  许哲平 《广西植物》2022,42(Z1):52-61
标本数字化建设是生物多样性保护和利用的重要工作基础,通过标本数据的整合分析,在生物分类学、生态学、生物工程、生物保护、粮食安全、生物多样性评估、教学教育和人类社会活动等方面提供数据支撑。为了了解全球标本数字化建设工作的现状以及数据共享的策略与技术发展趋势,该文分别调查梳理了北美洲、南美洲、欧洲、非洲、亚洲和大洋洲地区的标本数字化和平台建设情况,对标本数据共享现状和趋势从数据使用协议、新技术新方法和公众科学等方面进行了对比和分析,并为中国国内的标本数字化工作提出了工作建议,包括:(1)加强标本数字化建设、管理和动态更新方面的协同机制建设,确保实物资源和数字化资源信息同步;(2)加强数据整理和发布,促进数据质量的提升,充分开放数据使用协议,减少数据使用的阻碍;(3)加强对新技术的学习和引入,特别是开源软件、机器学习和人工智能技术的应用,能够在标签快速识别、自动鉴定和属性数据提取等方面发挥作用;(4)加强区域和国际合作,推动数据的整合应用;(5)推动公众科学项目发展,促进野外采集、室内整理、在线纠错、数据产品研发等工作的开展。  相似文献   

A powerful feature of global health research is data‐sharing with regions which bear the heaviest burden of disease. It offers novel opportunities for aggregating data to address critical global health challenges in ways higher than relying on individual studies. Yet there exist important stratifiers of the capacity to share data, particularly across the Global North‐South divide. Systemic challenges that characterize sub‐Saharan Africa and disadvantage the region's scientific productivity threaten the burgeoning data‐sharing culture too. Like all endeavors requiring equal commitments under unequal circumstances, a strong ethical impetus is needed to help reduce inequities and imbalances to encourage adherence. This article discusses mandatory data‐sharing in relation to peculiar challenges faced by sub‐Saharan African scientists to suggest ethical principles for rethinking and reframing solutions. We propose six principles which mirror guidelines from the Institute of Medicine and encapsulate principles from the Emanuel Framework, Nairobi Data Sharing Principles, and the COHRED guidelines.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biologists increasingly use pedigree‐based quantitative genetic methods to address questions about the evolutionary dynamics of traits in wild populations. In many cases, phenotypic data may have been collected only for recent parts of the study. How does this influence the performance of the models used to analyse these data? Here we explore how data depth (number of years) and completeness (number of observations) influence estimates of genetic variance and covariance within the context of an existing pedigree. Using long‐term data from the great tit Parus major and the mute swan Cygnus olor, species with different life‐histories, we examined the effect of manipulating the amount of data included on quantitative genetic parameter estimates. Manipulating data depth and completeness had little influence on estimated genetic variances, heritabilities, or genetic correlations, but (as expected) did influence confidence in these estimates. Estimated breeding values in the great tit were not influenced by data depth but were in the mute swan, probably because of differences in pedigree structure. Our analyses suggest the ‘rule of thumb’ that data from 3 years and a minimum of 100 individuals per year are needed to estimate genetic parameters with acceptable confidence, and that using pedigree data is worthwhile, even if phenotypes are only available toward the tips of the pedigree.  相似文献   

作为解决生命领域复杂科学问题的关键要素以及驱动科学发现与决策的基础资源,微生物科学数据资源已成为国家的重要战略资源。国家微生物科学数据中心(https://nmdc.cn/)的建设使得海量微生物数据资源可以得到有效的整理整合和开放共享,这对于微生物资源的研究、利用和可持续发展都起着至关重要的作用。本文从核心资源、服务内容、功能特色等多方面总结了国家微生物科学数据中心平台的建设进展,并提出了面向微生物领域科研及产业用户的应用实践。  相似文献   

Cardiac experimental electrophysiology is in need of a well-defined Minimum Information Standard for recording, annotating, and reporting experimental data. As a step towards establishing this, we present a draft standard, called Minimum Information about a Cardiac Electrophysiology Experiment (MICEE). The ultimate goal is to develop a useful tool for cardiac electrophysiologists which facilitates and improves dissemination of the minimum information necessary for reproduction of cardiac electrophysiology research, allowing for easier comparison and utilisation of findings by others. It is hoped that this will enhance the integration of individual results into experimental, computational, and conceptual models. In its present form, this draft is intended for assessment and development by the research community. We invite the reader to join this effort, and, if deemed productive, implement the Minimum Information about a Cardiac Electrophysiology Experiment standard in their own work.  相似文献   

Ecologists are increasingly asking large‐scale and/or broad‐scope questions that require vast datasets. In response, various top‐down efforts and incentives have been implemented to encourage data sharing and integration. However, despite general consensus on the critical need for more open ecological data, several roadblocks still discourage compliance and participation in these projects; as a result, ecological data remain largely unavailable. Grassroots initiatives (i.e. efforts initiated and led by cohesive groups of scientists focused on specific goals) have thus far been overlooked as a powerful means to meet these challenges. These bottom‐up collaborative data integration projects can play a crucial role in making high quality datasets available because they tackle the heterogeneity of ecological data at a scale where it is still manageable, all the while offering the support and structure to do so. These initiatives foster best practices in data management and provide tangible rewards to researchers who choose to invest time in sound data stewardship. By maintaining proximity between data generators and data users, grassroots initiatives improve data interpretation and ensure high‐quality data integration while providing fair acknowledgement to data generators. We encourage researchers to formalize existing collaborations and to engage in local activities that improve the availability and distribution of ecological data. By fostering communication and interaction among scientists, we are convinced that grassroots initiatives can significantly support the development of global‐scale data repositories. In doing so, these projects help address important ecological questions and support policy decisions.  相似文献   

Summary Examination of the values that people assign to specific natural places is likely to be useful for environmental decision‐making but is an underdeveloped area of socio‐psychological research. A mail survey was used to examine the differences and similarities in values assigned by people to the Loddon River in south‐eastern Australia. Environmental, social and economic values were explored across five different community types: urban residents, rural residents, natural resource management (NRM) professionals, environmental group members (EGM) and landholders. While urban residents, rural residents and landholders had similar responses, NRM professionals and EGM placed much stronger emphasis on environmental values derived from the river, and much less emphasis on economic values. Members of two community types (EGM and NRM professionals) responded in a relatively homogenous way, within a narrow range of response options. By contrast, three community types (urban residents, rural residents and landholders) responded in more diverse ways. There were similarities in the social values (historical and aesthetic) expressed by the different community types, suggesting common points for stakeholder engagement in the management of the river. Results point to the need for environmental managers to ensure that consultation is not limited to the most actively engaged sectors of the community, as their responses may not be representative of other groups.  相似文献   

遗传资源获取与惠益分享: 背景、进展与挑战   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
薛达元 《生物多样性》2007,15(5):563-568
本文回顾了《生物多样性公约》(CBD)有关遗传资源获取与惠益分享(access and benefit sharing, ABS)问题的谈判背景, 介绍了ABS问题特设工作组的工作历程。对《公约》第8次缔约方大会以来有关ABS问题的谈判进展进行了详细的分析, 特别是有关遗传资源来源证书制度的讨论与成果, 进而对当前ABS问题面临的挑战进行了分析研究, 包括国际层面上WTO体系和世界知识产权组织(WIPO)体系与CBD之间在遗传资源及相关传统知识在知识产权问题上的冲突, 国家层面上ABS问题的立法需求与焦点问题, 以及在确定遗传资源来源和实施惠益分享方面的技术限制等。  相似文献   

Acoustic surveys of bats are one of the techniques most commonly used by ecological practitioners. The results are used in Ecological Impact Assessments to assess the likely impacts of future developments on species that are widely protected in law, and to monitor developments’ postconstruction. However, there is no standardized methodology for analyzing or interpreting these data, which can make the assessment of the ecological value of a site very subjective. Comparisons of sites and projects are therefore difficult for ecologists and decision‐makers, for example, when trying to identify the best location for a new road based on relative bat activity levels along alternative routes. Here, we present a new web‐based, data‐driven tool, Ecobat, which addresses the need for a more robust way of interpreting ecological data. Ecobat offers users an easy, standardized, and objective method for analyzing bat activity data. It allows ecological practitioners to compare bat activity data at regional and national scales and to generate a numerical indicator of the relative importance of a night's worth of bat activity. The tool is free and open‐source; because the underlying algorithms are already developed, it could easily be expanded to new geographical regions and species. Data donation is required to ensure the robustness of the analyses; we use a positive feedback mechanism to encourage ecological practitioners to share data by providing in return high quality, contextualized data analysis, and graphical visualizations for direct use in ecological reports.  相似文献   

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