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Much of the current genetic research into aggressive and violent behavior focuses on young people and might appear to offer the hope of targeted prediction and intervention. In the UK data are collected on children from various agencies and collated to produce “at risk of offending” identities used to justify intervention. Information from behavioral genetic tests could conceivably be included. Regulatory frameworks for collecting, storing and using information from DNA samples differ between the health service and the police particularly in the need for consent and the treatment of children. This paper draws on discussions with professionals involved with “problem” young people to consider their views on the utility of genetic research for tackling violent/aggressive behavior and the impact an identification of genetic susceptibility might have on their clients.  相似文献   

Based on 324 in-depth interviews with Indian, Moroccan, Ukrainian, Bosnian and Filipino migrants based in four EU countries (Austria, Italy, Spain and the UK), our paper explores the relationship between social remittances and transnational mobility. We develop a new typology of social remittances as based on the principle of mobility. We argue that the degree to which transnational mobility is present in social remittances depends on the agency of the sender and on the nature of the receiving community. We further elaborate on such mobility-related concepts as “transnational re-scaling” (in reference to directionality of social remittances) and “translocal celebrity” (in reference to sender’s role in cultural production). Based on a large qualitative dataset, this study also contributes to a better understanding of the relationship between the local and the global.  相似文献   

An increasing number of pathogenicity factors carried by bacteriophages have been discovered. This review considers bacteriophage-bacterium interaction and its relation to disease processes. We discuss the search for new bacteriophage-associated pathogenicity factors, with emphasis on recent advances brought by the use of genomic sequence data and the techniques of genomic epidemiology.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (Hsps) and other molecular chaperones perform diverse cellular roles (e.g., inducible thermotolerance) whose functional consequences are concentration dependent. We manipulated Hsp70 concentration quantitatively in intact larvae of Drosophila melanogaster to examine its effect on survival, developmental time and tissue damage after heat shock. Larvae of an extra-copy strain, which has 22 hsp70 copies, produced Hsp70 more rapidly and to higher concentrations than larvae of a control strain, which has the wild-type 10 copies of the gene. Increasing the magnitude and duration of pretreatment increased Hsp70 concentrations, improved tolerance of more severe stress, and reduced delays in development. Pretreatment, however, did not protect against acute tissue damage. For larvae provided a brief or mild intensity pretreatment, faster expression of Hsp70 in the extra-copy strain improved survival to adult and reduced tissue damage 21h after heat shock. Negative effects on survival ensued in extra-copy larvae pretreated most intensely, but their overexpression of Hsp70 did not increase tissue damage. Because rapid expression to yield a low Hsp70 concentration benefits larvae but overexpression harms them, natural selection may balance benefits and costs of high and low expression levels in natural populations.  相似文献   

Current understanding of genetic variation in lions (Panthera leo) is inadequate to guide many management decisions necessary for conservation of the species. We studied sequence variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome-b (cyt-b) gene of 75 lions and nuclear variation at 11 microsatellite loci of 480 lions across 8 range states (Cameroon, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia) and 13 Lion Conservation Units (LCUs) plus two other unassigned sites (Cameroon and Zimbabwe). A total of 11 cyt-b haplotypes were found, whose variation follows an isolation-by-distance model. In combination with previously known sequences, the haplotypes document the close relationship, derived position, and limited variability of Asian and West and Central African lions relative to other extant lions. Both phylogenetic analyses and substitution networks identify two clades in Eastern and Southern Africa—one restricted to Namibia and South Africa and the other more widespread across the region. However, these analyses are equivocal on which of these is closest to the ancestor of modern lions. Microsatellite analyses showed high levels of variation within and among populations, subdivision among most LCUs, and evidence of isolation by distance. While rates of gene flow are generally low, admixture among lions in northern Botswana, Caprivi Strip (Namibia) and Zambia is apparent from STRUCTURE analyses. Conservation management plans should incorporate information on genetic variability and gene flow in delimiting management units and in guiding translocations of lions to minimize inbreeding and to control problem animals.  相似文献   

The methylation-dependent restriction endonuclease McrBC from Escherichia coli K12 cleaves DNA containing two R(m)C dinucleotides separated by about 40 to 2000 base-pairs. McrBC is unique in that cleavage is totally dependent on GTP hydrolysis. McrB is the GTP binding and hydrolyzing subunit, whereas MrC stimulates its GTP hydrolysis. The C-terminal part of McrB contains the sequences characteristic for GTP-binding proteins, consisting of the GxxxxGK(S/T) motif (position 201-208), followed by the DxxG motif (position 300-303). The third motif (NKxD) is present only in a non-canonical form (NTAD 333-336). Here we report a mutational analysis of the putative GTP-binding domain of McrB. Amino acid substitutions were initially performed in the three proposed GTP-binding motifs. Whereas substitutions in motif 1 (P203V) and 2 (D300N) show the expected, albeit modest effects, mutation in the motif 3 is at variance with the expectations. Unlike the corresponding EF-Tu and ras -p21 variants, the D336N mutation in McrB does not change the nucleotide specificity from GTP to XTP, but results in a lack of GTPase stimulation by McrC. The finding that McrB is not a typical G protein motivated us to perform a search for similar sequences in DNA databases. Eight microbial sequences were found, mainly from unfinished sequencing projects, with highly conserved sequence blocks within a presumptive GTP-binding domain. From the five sequences showing the highest homology, 17 invariant charged or polar residues outside the classical three GTP-binding motifs were identified and subsequently exchanged to alanine. Several mutations specifically affect GTP affinity and/or GTPase activity. Our data allow us to conclude that McrB is not a typical member of the superfamily of GTP-binding proteins, but defines a new subfamily within the superfamily of GTP-binding proteins, together with similar prokaryotic proteins of as yet unidentified function.  相似文献   

Microtubules are highly dynamic polymers of α/β tubulin heterodimers that play key roles in cell division and in organizing cell cytoplasm. Although they have been discovered more than two decades ago, tubulin post-translational modifications recently gained a new interest as their role was increasingly highlighted in neuron differentiation and neurodegenerative disorders. Here, we specifically focus on tubulin acetylation from its discovery to recent studies that provide new insights into how it is regulated in health and disease and how it impacts microtubule functions. Even though new mechanisms involving tubulin acetylation are regularly being uncovered, the molecular links between its location inside the microtubule lumen and its regulators and effectors is still poorly understood. This review highlights the emerging roles of tubulin acetylation in multiple cellular functions, ranging from cell motility, cell cycle progression or cell differentiation to intracellular trafficking and signalling. It also points out that tubulin acetylation should no longer be seen as a passive marker of microtubule stability, but as a broad regulator of microtubule functions.  相似文献   

How did the ``universal' genetic code arise? Several hypotheses have been put forward, and the code has been analyzed extensively by authors looking for clues to selection pressures that might have acted during its evolution. But this approach has been ineffective. Although an impressive number of properties has been attributed to the universal code, it has been impossible to determine whether selection on any of these properties was important in the code's evolution or whether the observed properties arose as a consequence of selection on some other characteristic. Therefore we turned the question around and asked, what would a genetic code look like if it had evolved in response to various different selection pressures? To address this question, we constructed a genetic algorithm. We found first that selecting on a particular measure yields codes that are similar to each other. Second, we found that the universal code is far from minimized with respect to the effects of mutations (or translation errors) on the amino acid compositions of proteins. Finally, we found that the codes that most closely resembled real codes were those generated by selecting on aspects of the code's structure, not those generated by selecting to minimize the effects of amino acid substitutions on proteins. This suggests that the universal genetic code has been selected for a particular structure—a structure that confers an important flexibility on the evolution of genes and proteins—and that the particular assignments of amino acids to codons are secondary. Received: 29 December 1998 / Accepted: 8 July 1999  相似文献   

It has been anticipated that new, much more sensitive, next generation sequencing (NGS) techniques, using massively parallel sequencing, will likely provide radical insights into the genetics of multifactorial diseases. While NGS has been used initially to analyze individual human genomes, and has revealed considerable differences between healthy individuals, we have used NGS to examine genetic variation within individuals, by sequencing tissues “in depth”, i.e., oversequencing many thousands of times. Initial studies have revealed intra-tissue genetic heterogeneity, in the form of multiple variants of a single gene that exist as distinct “majority and “minority” variants. This highly specialized form of somatic mosaicism has been found within both cancer and normal tissues. If such genetic variation within individual tissues is widespread, it will need to be considered as a significant factor in the ontogeny of many multifactorial diseases, including cancer. The discovery of majority and minority gene variants and the resulting somatic cell heterogeneity in both normal and diseased tissues suggests that selection, as opposed to mutation, might be the critical event in disease ontogeny. We, therefore, are proposing a hypothesis to explain multifactorial disease ontogeny in which pre-existing multiple somatic gene variants, which may arise at a very early stage of tissue development, are eventually selected due to changes in tissue microenvironments.  相似文献   

The provision of flood safety is of paramount importance in densely populated deltaic regions. The Dutch rely on flood defences to protect their lives and livelihoods from large-scale floods. The paper “Changing estuaries, changing views” (Smits et al., Hydrobiologica 565:339–355, 2006) criticizes this strategy and presents an alternative that could be summarized as a proposal to leave deltas untouched and to rely on natural sedimentation to reduce the impact of floods. It seems questionable, however, whether such a strategy will often be compatible with population pressures and efforts to stimulate economic growth. Moreover, it presupposes morphological conditions that seem highly unrealistic, not just in the Netherlands but also in many other sediment-starved coastal systems. Other than recommending countries not to implement the Dutch flood protection strategy and to leave deltas untouched, it should be recommended that solutions be tailored to local circumstances. The choice of a flood protection strategy should be based on a balanced evaluation of alternatives, including a realistic assessment of physical conditions.
R. B. JongejanEmail:

Seven Italian populations of twaite shad Alosa fallax from Northern and Central Italy were investigated to assess genetic diversity by Cytochrome b (Cytb) gene sequencing. The two ecotypes historically referred to landlocked and anadromous populations were investigated for the first time from a genetic point of view, to clarify their phylogenetic relationships. Moreover, results obtained from populations coming from separated Adriatic and Tyrrhenian basins were compared with data assessed in samples of allis shad Alosa alosa from the Atlantic basin. All the Italian samples were recognized at species level as A. fallax, differing for five mutations from A. alosa. The analyses confirmed the occurrence of a single phylogenetic lineage and of a single species within Italian waters, in both landlocked and migratory populations. The minimum spanning network identified six haplotypes for A. fallax and two haplotypes for A. alosa. The neighbour-joining tree and the maximum likelihood on the Cytb gene sequences confirmed two distinct lineages for A. alosa and A. fallax, without evidence of a separation at specific level within the A. fallax group. A weak separation due to incipient population differentiation was detected between anadromous and landlocked Italian populations, supporting the idea of a recent separation. The molecular data herein collected do not support the existence of the already controversial incipient species Alosa agone. Despite this, the two ecotypes could be considered as different management units from a conservation viewpoint.  相似文献   

Valorization of knowledge has been defined as a major challenge in the context of genomics as an emerging strategic research field. Valorization is a Dutch science-policy concept for what is elsewhere called science impact or the third mission of universities. This article describes the institutionalization of valorization policy in the Dutch genomics research system as a specific manifestation of a changing social contract between science and society, which mainly targets economic value creation and the stimulation of entrepreneurship. A societal debate has emerged in which this focus on economic aspects has been strongly criticized as one-sided. In response, policy-makers are willing to adopt a broader definition of valorization. On the basis of an analysis of valorization policies and practices in Dutch medical genomics, this article draws attention to two myths in this valorization debate.  相似文献   

D E Cole  S Gallinger  D R McCready  B Rosen  J Engel  D Malkin 《CMAJ》1996,154(2):149-155
Recent advances in our understanding of the genetic characteristics of cancer will change approaches to genetic screening and counselling. Cancer results from multiple, cumulative mutations in genes that regulate cell replication and differentiation. In familial cancer a germ-line mutation is passed on in an autosomal dominant pattern, but cancer will develop in people who inherit the defect only if other mutations also occur in susceptible somatic cells. The tumour-suppressor gene known as BRCA1 is thought to affect half of those families who have an inherited breast cancer syndrome and most families with a breast and ovarian cancer syndrome. Another gene, BRCA2, is thought to affect most of the remaining families with a breast-cancer-only syndrome. Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) is caused by mutations in surveillance genes that protect DNA from the spontaneous errors that occur during cell division. Because there are no outcome data on which to base practice guidelines for genetic screening or management of asymptomatic carriers in families at risk, testing should be restricted to research settings.  相似文献   

Summary Recent pollination experiments with highly irradiated (100,000 r) pollen in Nicotiana have shown that radiation-pulverized pollen chromatin can cause genetic transformation of the egg. A new model is proposed here for integration of chromatin fragments into host chromosomes. It is also proposed that heterochromatin may be involved in the process of gene transfer, and in the phenomena of meiotic drive associated with gene transfer.It is suggested that this discovery throws new light on the phenomenon of graft-hybridization. In spite of many reports to the contrary, graft-hybrids have so far been explained only on the basis of their being chimaeras. A mechanism is suggested here by which they may result from genetic transformation.  相似文献   

Eyes provide a rich narrative for understanding evolution, having attracted the attention of preeminent scientists and communicators alike. Until recently, this narrative has focused primarily on the evolution of eye structure and far less on biochemistry or genetics. Although eye biochemistry was once likened to an unknown “black box;” the flood of discoveries in biochemistry is now allowing an increasingly detailed understanding of the processes involved in vision. As a result, evolutionary comparative (“tree-thinking”) analyses that use these data currently allow a new and still unfolding narrative, both richer in detail and more comprehensive in scope. Rather than toppling evolutionary theory by finding irreducibly complex molecular machines, eye evolution provides detailed accounts of how natural processes tinker with existing genetic components, duplicating and recombining them, to yield complex, intricate, and highly functional eyes. Understanding the new biochemical narrative is critical for researchers and teachers alike, in order to answer anti-evolutionist claims, and to provide an up-to-date account of the state of knowledge on the subject of eye evolution.  相似文献   

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