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1. Beetles of the genus Nicrophorus reproduce on small vertebrate carcasses that they bury in the soil to provide the larvae with food. Usually, both parents cooperate in brood care by feeding and guarding their progeny. 2. In pairs of the common European species N. vespillo, the duration of care depended on the time of year when the beetles reproduced. Both in 1990 and in 1991, male and female parents stayed longer with their broods when reproduction started in spring than when reproduction started in early or late summer. This was probably due to the longer development time of the larvae caused by lower temperatures in spring, because laboratory experiments suggested a strong influence of temperature on both the duration of brood care and offspring development. 3. The number of adult offspring produced by a beetle pair did not vary among different times of the year. 4. The median time required for offspring development, measured as time from burial of the carcass to emergence of young adults, was between 62 and 84 days. When the beetles reproduced in late summer, only about three-quarters of the offspring left the soil and hibernated as adults. The remaining offspring stayed underground and adults appeared on the soil surface the following spring. They still showed the flexible cuticle typical of newly-hatched beetles, suggesting that they may have overwintered in a pre-adult stage.  相似文献   

C. Vreys  N. Michiels 《Hydrobiologia》1995,305(1-3):113-117
The individual reproductive output of the stream-dwelling flatworm Dugesia gonocephala was investigated. Various measures of reproductive success were related to body size. (I) For the first 30 days in the laboratory small individuals produced no cocoons, individuals of intermediate size produced unfertilized cocoons and large individuals usually produced fertilized cocoons. (II) In individuals that produced a cocoon, no correlation was found between the number of cocoons produced in one month and body size. (III) Large individuals, however, produced larger cocoons. This was not due to the fact that unfertilized cocoons were smaller. (IV) Large cocoons tended to contain more young. (V) The average size of young hatching from large cocoons was larger. (VI) Large individuals produced their first cocoon soon after their arrival in the laboratory and seemed to have a higher chance of producing a fertilized first cocoon. (VII) A trade-off existed between producing many small versus few large young.  相似文献   

Omkar    Uzma Afaq 《Insect Science》2013,20(4):531-540
In the Parthenium beetle, Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), variation in body size exists between and within the sexes. The females are larger than the males. Darwin (1874) proposed the fecundity advantage hypothesis, that is, large‐sized females produce more progeny, with subsequent studies supporting, as well as, refuting the hypothesis. Thus, in order to evaluate whether this hypothesis stands in Z. bicolorata we performed experiments to investigate the role of body size in influencing: (i) assortative mating; (ii) reproductive attributes; and (iii) growth, development and survival of offspring. It is the first attempt in this beetle. We found that size influenced assortative mating, reproductive output and offspring fitness. Larger males and females were preferred as mates over smaller ones. The pairs, having larger adults as mates, had higher fecundity, while the egg viability was influenced by the male size only. The offspring of larger parents had fast development and higher survival, indicating thereby possible better nutrient allotment by the female and supply of accessory gland proteins by the male in addition to better quality of genes.  相似文献   

Eggs were exchanged between 50 pairs of shorttailed shearwaters Puffinus tenuirostris on Great Dog Island, Bass Strait, Australia, in an attempt to distinguish the intrinsic effects of egg-size from any effects stemming from differential quality of parental care. At 64 experimental nests, large and small eggs were exchanged whereas at 36 control nests, eggs of equivalent, medium, size were exchanged. Egg-size appeared independent of maternal effects. In both groups, hatching and fledging success were independent both of eggsize and of the body condition of the attending parents. This suggests that breeding success in these birds may be more closely related to the behavioural traits of parents than to physiological factors.  相似文献   

1. Biparental care is stabilised if parents perform different tasks during care. Specialised parental roles may require different time and energy budgets that in turn are expected to influence the activity and space use of sexes. 2. Here we investigate movement patterns of the biparental Lethrus apterus beetle using a grid of pitfall traps in their natural habitat. 3. Sexes of the burrow building L. apterus perform different roles during caregiving, as females collect most of the leaves, which serve as food for the offspring while paired males stay mostly in the burrow. We hypothesised that sex differences in mate search and parental activities are reflected in movement patterns. 4. We found that females frequently travelled short distances, whereas males were detected less often but when detected, they travelled significantly longer distances than females. 5. Our results are consistent with the notion that efficient parental food provisioning requires more localised movement and activity patterns. Furthermore, the long distance movements of some males may indicate active mate searching behaviour.  相似文献   

We tested for differences in the predicted optimal ages at first maturity in brook charr ( Salvelinus fontinalis ) in Freshwater River, Newfoundland, when life-history data were collated based on the marker-assisted estimation of the relationship between body size and reproductive success rather than using fecundity as a surrogate for reproductive success. Jointly with capture–recapture data to estimate the growth and survival costs of reproduction, we found that weak relationships between body size and reproductive success generate selection against delayed maturation. This finding would not have held for females if the relationship between body size and fecundity had been used as a surrogate for the relationship between body size and reproductive success. This shows that predictions of optimal life histories can be qualitatively changed when using molecular markers to directly evaluate age- and/or size-specific effects of body size on reproductive success.  相似文献   

In a population of moorhens (Gallinula chloropus), at least27% of netting females laid one or more eggs in a neighbor'snest Females laid parasitically under three conditions: 56%of parasitic eggs were from nesting females that preceded layinga dutch in their own nest by a parasitic laying bout, 19% werefrom females whose nests were depredated before clutch completionand that laid the following egg parasiticaDy, and 25% were froma small number of females without territories, "non-nesting"parasites, that each laid a series of parasitic eggs. Clutchsizes varied greatly between females, but nesting females eachlaid a consistent clutch size both within and between seasonsfor a given mate and territory. Nesting females that employeda dual strategy of brood parasitism and parental care producedextra eggs that they laid in the nests of neighbors before layinga dutch in their own nests. Two out of ten females whose dutchesI experimentally removed during the laying period were successfullyinduced to lay their next egg in the nest of a neighbor. Nestingfemales that laid parasitically selected their hosts opportunisticallyfrom among the nests dosest to their territories. An experimentin which parasitic eggs were removed and hosts left to rearonly their own young showed that parasites did not choose hoststhat were better parents than pairs with contemporary neststhat were not parasitized. Females that only laid parasiticaDywithin a given season timed their parasitic laying bouts poorlyand achieved no reproductive success. Parasitic young rarelyfledged, and the mean seasonal reproductive success of nestingbrood parasites did not differ from that of nonparasitic females.However, the variance in reproductive success of nesting broodparasites was significantly higher than that of nonparasiticfemales.  相似文献   

1. Nest construction and paternity assurance are predicted to favour biparental care in insects. The horned passalus (Odontotaenius disjunctus) is a socially monogamous beetle with biparental care that breeds in decaying logs. The genetic mating system of the horned passalus was investigated to determine if paternity assurance is likely to drive the evolution or maintenance of paternal care in this system. Parental time budgets were also examined to better understand the types and frequencies of behaviours performed by parents. 2. Genotyping‐by‐sequencing revealed high levels of extra‐pair paternity, with 54.8% of offspring sired by extra‐pair males and 70% of nests containing extra‐pair young. 3. More heterozygous social males were cuckolded less than more homozygous social males. Extra‐pair mating, however, seems unlikely to increase offspring genetic diversity as extra‐pair offspring were not more heterozygous than within‐pair offspring, and average brood heterozygosity did not increase with higher rates of extra‐pair paternity. 4. Behavioural observations demonstrated that parents spent on average 46.5% of their time processing the decaying wood resource for larval offspring. Because resource processing is a by‐product of feeding and provides shareable benefits for all larvae in the brood, this form of paternal care could be favoured despite low paternity.  相似文献   

1. We studied male yearly reproductive success (YRS) and its determinants (phenotypic characteristics, age, population density) in two Scandinavian brown bear populations, using molecular techniques to determine paternity. 2. We found a significant difference in male YRS between the study areas, with lower YRS in the south than in the north. 3. In general, older and larger males had higher YRS. Older males may be more experienced in competition for reproduction (male dominance). Large body size is of direct benefit in male-male competition and of advantage in endurance competition for the access to females. 4. Age was relatively more important for YRS in the north and body size was more important in the south, due perhaps to differences in male age structure due to illegal killing. A single old male dominated the reproduction in the north during the study, which resulted most probably in the relatively higher importance of age in the north. In the south, with a more even male age structure, no single male was able to dominate, probably resulting in a more intense competition among males, with body size as the deciding factor. 5. Male YRS was correlated positively with population density. This may be related to the structure of the expanding bear population, with female densities declining towards the population edge. 6. Internal relatedness, a measure of genetic heterozygosity, was correlated negatively with YRS, suggesting that outbred individuals have a higher YRS. Individual heterozygosity at key or many loci may reflect male physical qualities and condition-sensitive traits, which may benefit males directly in contest or in sperm competition.  相似文献   

Abstract. Females of the subsocial woodroach Cryptocercus punctulatus Scudder generally have a single oviposition period during which they produce one to four oöthecae. Monogamous pairs and their recently deposited oöthecae were collected in the field, and measured, weighed and analysed for nitrogen in the laboratory. Females put 9.8 ± 2.4% (mean ± SD) of their dry weight and 11.6 ±0.5% of their body nitrogen into oöthecae. The total nitrogen and dry weight of the brood were positively related to the post-oviposition total nitrogen and dry weight of the mother. A female's investment, on a per nymph basis, averaged 0.06% of her post-oviposition dry weight. Females may be able to recover up to 58.7% of the nitrogen invested into a brood by consuming the egg cases after hatch. Overall, there was little variation in the width of head capsules of adults in this species, and this parameter was not significantly different between the sexes. Females were heavier than males (dry weight) (P = 0.06). Within pairs, the weights and nitrogen contents of males and females were positively correlated, probably because they feed together in the same log for nearly a year prior to reproduction.  相似文献   

A method is described for determining the expected reproductive success (gonadal mass of a returning fish times the probability of surviving to return) and expected fecundity of salmonids as a function of smolt size. Application of the method requires data relating (i) return weight and smolt size; (ii) probability of survival and smolt size; (iii) probability of return after one or two sea winters and smolt size; and (iv) gonads and return weight. Although there exists no published data set that contains all of this information, it is possible to piece together enough information from published sources on female Atlantic salmon to demonstrate the feasibility of the method, with the goal of encouraging the publication of datasets that will allow meaningful calculations for a single river. Thus, one should not expect general predictions about Atlantic salmon, but once local conditions are taken into account, it will be possible to predict the relationships between smolt size and expected fecundity or expected reproductive success.  相似文献   

Amount of risk taking during parental care is often explainedin relation to the reproductive value of the offspring. The"harm-to-offspring hypothesis" focuses on the relative harma period of no parental care can do to the offspring. Accordingto this hypothesis, parents should take greater risks for offspringin poor condition than for offspring in good condition. We manipulatedoffspring condition in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca)and tested the harm-to-offspring hypothesis by exposing parentsto a predator model (a sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus). Time elapseduntil a parent first entered the nest-box was used as a risk-takingmeasure. Parents spent significantly shorter time until first nestvisit for offspring in poor condition than for offspring ingood condition. Hence, the harm-to-offspring hypothesis wassupported.  相似文献   

1. The puffin, a long-lived seabird, was studied on the Isle of May, East Scotland between 1990 and 1992. During two of these years, parental effort was experimentally decreased by supplementary feeding of young. This aimed to identify inter-year reproductive costs, and show whether they took the form of reduced adult survival, reduced fledging success and/or a reduction in the 'quality' of offspring in the following year.
2. The feeding treatment significantly reduced the daily number of feeds delivered by experimental parents by 67% in 1990 and 87% in 1991.
3. The proportions of experimental and control parents returning to the colony in the year following manipulation did not differ significantly, although in 1991, 2·5 times as many controls (young unfed) as experimental birds (young fed) failed to return.
4. The fledging success of experimental pairs in the year following manipulation (68%) was significantly higher than that of controls (24%).
5. Experimental pairs raised young with significantly higher body condition (Residual Peak Mass) than that of controls in the year following manipulation (1992).
6. Experimental parents did not differ from controls in their body condition (Lipid Reserve Mass) or rate of reserve depletion, either in the year of manipulation or in the following breeding season; hence there was no evidence for a role of the measured component of body condition in the cost mechanism.
7. The study demonstrated inter-year reproductive costs for puffins and supported the hypothesis that long-lived species reduce the 'quality' of their offspring or abandon a breeding attempt rather than compromise their survival and future opportunities to reproduce.  相似文献   

Data from published sources about size and composition of wild common marmoset groups (Callithrix jacchus) were analyzed to see if the number of juveniles in a group is closely related to the number of other group members. Mean group size was 8.7 members including 4.4 adults (1.8 females, 2.5 males), 2.9 subadults, and 1.4 juveniles. The number of juveniles was significantly positively correlated to the number of adult males. Groups with one or two adult males had significantly fewer juveniles (mean: 1:1 juveniles) than groups containing more than two adult males (mean: 2.0 juveniles). Apart from a different number of subadults, results showed obvious similarities between common marmosets and tamarins of the genus Saguinus in size and composition of subgroups of adults as well as the key role of adult males in mediating the reproductive success of a breeding female. Common marmoset females seem to gain direct fitness benefits in increased reproductive success from the presence of a larger number of adult males. Whether or not other group members get fitness benefits depends on the reproductive strategy of adult males (monogamy vs. polyandry), their kinship, and on the genetic relationship of nonbreeders to the offspring of the breeding female. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A fundamental tenet of sexual conflict theory is that one sex may increase its reproductive success (RS) even if this harms the other sex. Several studies supported this principle by showing that males benefit from reduced paternal care whereas females suffer from it. By investigating penduline tits Remiz pendulinus in nature, we show that parental conflict may be symmetric between sexes. In this small passerine a single female (or male) cares for the offspring, whereas about 30% of clutches are deserted by both parents. Deserting parents enhance their RS by obtaining multiple mates, and they reduce the RS of their mates due to increased nest failure. Unlike most other species, however, the antagonistic interests are symmetric in penduline tits, because both sexes enhance their own RS by deserting, whilst harming the RS of their mates. We argue that the strong antagonistic interests of sexes explain the high frequency of biparental desertion.  相似文献   

Summary An experimental manipulation of clutch size was carried out on a wild population of the cooperatively breeding Bell Miner (Manorina melanophrys, Meliphagidae) to assess which factor(s) limit clutch size in this species. Results provide some support for the trade-off hypothesis since there is a cost of reproduction for the breeding female in terms of loss of body mass. The breeding female performs most of the nestling care. Clutches of three eggs are also laid during the mid-breeding season which is the period most favourable for breeding (i.e. nestlings grow faster). This evidence also supports the intrabrood competition hypothesis. Clutches that have lost an egg were more likely to be deserted; this may be an antipredator strategy since partial clutch predation has been recorded in the field. Nest predation was high in this study (64.9%), suggesting that many small clutches may be a strategy to decrease the effect of nest predation on reproductive success over the whole breeding season (nest predation hypothesis). Both the trade-off hypothesis and the nest predation hypothesis may apply in this case since they are not mutually exclusive. The size of the attending group did not greatly affect reproductive success in the short term, although if both age structure and size of the group are taken into account, reproductive success can be better predicted.  相似文献   

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