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Termination of pregnancy (abortion) was successful in four of four bitches that received PGF(2)alpha (125 mug/kg bid s.c.) and in two or four bitches that received bromocryptine (62.5 mug/kg bid po) for up to 6 d beginning 43 to 45 d post ovulation. Four sham-treated controls whelped normally at term. The incidence of side effects, primarily emesis and loose stools, was similar for both experimental groups. Bitches that failed to abort following treatment with bromocryptine whelped normally at term.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the abortifacient effects of high doses of metergoline when administered to pregnant beagle bitches during the second half of gestation and to define the endocrine effects of this treatment as represented by plasma progesterone and estradiol concentrations. Previously, metergoline had been shown to be incompletely luteolytic and induced abortion in only one of eight pregnant bitches when 0.4-0.5 mg/kg were administered twice daily for 5 days from Days 18 to 20 of diestrus. Nine pregnancies in six beagle bitches were used for the present study. Three bitches were treated in each of two consecutive pregnant cycles. Metergoline was administered at a dose of 0.6 mg/kg per os twice daily, starting on Day 28 after the cytological onset of diestrus. Abortion was induced in eight of the nine treated pregnancies and started after 3-23 days of treatment (mean 12.5 days, S.D. 6.4 days). The abortions were completed within 0.5-8 days (mean 2.2 days, S.D. 2.7 days). There were no side effects associated with metergoline treatment and none of the abortions was associated with complications that required intervention. In the single bitch that did not abort, an ovarian granulosa cell tumor was discovered when the single fetus had to be removed surgically at term. Plasma progesterone concentrations declined after the start of metergoline administration in all pregnancies but levels below 4.8 nmol/l were required for successful abortions. Plasma estradiol concentrations showed a tendency to decline and fluctuate concurrently with the plasma progesterone levels. However, suppression of plasma estradiol concentrations by metergoline was not as complete as the suppression of progesterone and did not seem a prerequisite for abortion. The hormone profiles and treatment period required for abortion tended to be similar for both cycles of the three bitches that were treated during two consecutive pregnancies. This suggests a bitch effect on the factors that determine the efficacy of metergoline to induce abortion. The large variation and length of the treatment period that was required until abortion commenced was probably related to the relatively early start of treatment compared to other studies. The results of this investigation suggest that, similar to other prolactin suppressing ergot derivatives, metergoline causes complete luteolysis and can be used to reliably induce abortion only during the last 3 weeks of gestation.  相似文献   

Luz MR  Bertan CM  Binelli M  Lopes MD 《Theriogenology》2006,66(6-7):1442-1447
To better understand the process of slow luteal regression of the nonpregnant cycle in dogs and the acute luteolysis that occurs prepartum, the present study investigated in vitro PGF2alpha production by the endometrium, corpus luteum and placental explants obtained at known times of the cycle from pregnant bitches (days 63, 64 and immediately postpartum; day 0 = estimated day of the ovulatory LH surge) and from nonpregnant diestrus bitches (approximately days 65, 75 and 85). Both basal PGF2alpha production and its production in the presence of the protein kinase C (PKC) stimulator 12,13-phorbol dibutyrate (PDBu) were determined. For PDBu-supplemented incubations, mean PGF2alpha production (pg/mL/mg/6 h) by endometrium explants of the nonpregnant bitches in late diestrus was highest on day 65 (205 +/- 87) and reduced to low levels (38 +/- 17 and 11 +/- 11) on days 75 and 85, respectively. The production by corpus luteum explants from these bitches was significantly less on day 65 (46 +/- 14) than that of the day 65 endometrium explants, and was slightly increased on day 85 (103 +/- 52). The corresponding mean PGF2alpha production by the endometrium explants of pregnant bitches was on average much greater (i.e., two to three-fold) compared to nonpregnant bitches (P < 0.01) and involved high concentrations at day 64 (1523 +/- 467) and postpartum, compared to somewhat lower levels on day 63 (830+/-65); luteal PGF production (165 +/- 4) was also higher than in nonpregnant bitches around day 65. For pregnant bitches, PGF production per gram of tissue in the endometrium explants was greater than for the CL or placenta explants (180 +/- 37). Therefore, the endometrium of the pregnant bitch has an increased capability to produce PGF2alpha immediately prepartum, which on a tissue weight basis, exceeds that of either corpora lutea or the placenta. However, assuming a larger mass of placental tissue in vivo, we inferred that the placenta may contribute substantially to peripheral PGF concentrations.  相似文献   

The effects of inhaled prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) have been examined in eight subjects with asthma. Incremental PGF2 alpha aerosol concentrations, ranging from 1 to 5,000 micrograms/ml, were administered at 15-min intervals. Plethysmographic specific airway conductance (sGaw), forced expiratory volume at 1 s (FEV1), and maximum expiratory flow at 50% vital capacity breathing air (Vmax50% air) and 80% He-20% O2 (Vmax50% He-O2) were measured after each dose and compared with saline control values. We observed unexpected triphasic dose-response characteristics, i.e., an initial decline in physiological variables at low concentrations (1-100 micrograms/ml), followed by improvement at intermediate concentrations (100-1,000 micrograms/ml) and a subsequent steep decline at high concentrations (1,000-5,000 micrograms/ml). Improvement in FEV1 and Vmax50% air between 100 and 1,000 micrograms/ml was associated with sGaw increases above control levels in six subjects and a significant fall in density-dependent index (Vmax50% He-O2/Vmax50% air) when compared with values before challenge and at low concentrations. Inhaled atropine (5 mg) improved prechallenge lung function but had no effect on PGF2 alpha dose-response characteristics. Intermediate PGF2 alpha concentrations given as a single dose consistently induced greater FEV1 reductions than the same concentration during graded dose challenges. Our findings are consistent with the demonstration of in vivo airway tachyphylaxis and indicate that airway effects of PGF2 alpha are far more complex than previously reported. Moreover, these novel effects suggest that, in addition to its well-known bronchoconstrictor effects, PGF2 alpha directly or indirectly causes airway relaxation, predominantly in large airways.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if the primary circulating metabolite of PGF2alpha, 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF2alpha (PGFM), is biologically active and would induce luteolysis in nonpregnant mares. On Day 9 after ovulation, mares (n = 7/group) were randomly assigned to receive: 1) saline control, 2) 10 mg PGF2alpha or 3) 10 mg PGFM in 5 mL 0.9% sterile saline i.m. On Days 0 through 16, blood was collected for progesterone analysis. In addition, blood was collected immediately prior to treatment, hourly for 6 h, and then at 12 and 24 h after treatment for progesterone and PGFM analysis; PGFM was measured to verify that equivalent amounts of hormone were administered to PGF2alpha- and PGFM-treated mares. Mares were considered to have undergone luteolysis if progesterone decreased to < or = 1.0 ng/mL within 24 h following treatment. Luteolysis was induced in 0/7 control, 7/7 PGF2alpha-treated, and 0/7 PGFM-treated mares. There was no difference (P>0.1) in the occurrence of luteolysis in control and PGFM-treated mares. More (P<0.001) PGF2alpha-treated mares underwent luteolysis than control or PGFM-treated mares. There was no difference (P>0.1) in progesterone concentrations between control and PGFM-treated mares on Days 10 through 16. Progesterone concentrations were lower (P<0.01) on Days 10 through 14 in PGF2alpha-treated compared with control and PGFM-treated mares. There was no difference (P>0.05) in PGFM concentrations between PGF2alpha- and PGFM-treated mares; PGFM concentrations in both groups were higher (P<0.001) than in control mares. These results do not support the hypothesis that PGFM is biologically active in the mare, since there was no difference in corpora luteal function between PGFM-treated and control mares.  相似文献   

Prostacyclin (PGI-2), 6-keto-PGF-1 alpha and PGF-2 alpha were infused continuously for 6 h into the dorsal aorta of rats 8 days pregnant. PGF-2 alpha (10 micrograms/h) significantly reduced plasma progesterone concentrations by 66% and luteal tissue concentrations of pregnenolone and progesterone by 78% and 95% respectively. Plasma concentrations of 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone remained unchanged whilst luteal tissue concentrations rose 2-fold. Plasma progesterone concentrations were significantly reduced to 50% by PGI-2 (10 micrograms/h) but were unaffected by 6-keto-PGF-1 alpha (10 or 100 micrograms/h). Neither PGI-2 (10 micrograms/h) nor 6-keto PGF-1 alpha (10 or 100 micrograms/h) had any significant effect on plasma concentrations of 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone or on luteal tissue concentrations of pregnenolone, progesterone or 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone. Arterial blood pressure was unaffected by PGF-2 alpha and 6-keto-PGF-1 alpha, but was significantly reduced by PGI-2 at infusion rates greater than or equal to 60 micrograms/h.  相似文献   

In sheep, induction of ovulation during anoestrus is accompanied by a high incidence of short luteal phases, though pre-treatment with progesterone can overcome this problem. We have investigated the effects of supplementing oestradiol during GnRH-induced ovulation on subsequent PGF2alpha release and luteal life span. Thirty anoestrous crossbred ewes received 250 ng GnRH i.v. at 2 h intervals for 48 h to induce ovulation either alone (group 1; n=10) or in association with either an i.m. injection of 20 mg progesterone 3 days earlier (group 2; n=10) or 3 i.m. injections of 10 microg oestradiol at 8 h intervals on the second day of GnRH treatment (group 3; n=10). Laparoscopy, performed 3 days following GnRH to confirm ovulation and 8 days later, coupled with plasma progesterone analysis were used to determine luteal life span. On day 4 following GnRH, plasma samples were collected at 20 min intervals for 8 h to monitor PGF2alpha release. One ewe from group 1 failed to ovulate and was excluded from further analysis. All groups showed an increase (P<0.01) in plasma oestradiol during GnRH treatment, with group 3 showing a marked (P<0.001) increase over that seen in the other two groups. In group 1 there were 1.4+/-0.2 PGF2alpha episodes/ewe/8 h. In group 2, pre-treatment with progesterone caused the complete inhibition of PGF2alpha episodes (0 episodes/ewe/8 h) while in group 3, treatment with oestradiol resulted in a significant reduction (0.3+/-0.1 episodes/ewe/8 h) compared with group 1 (P<0.01). In group 1, 9/9 ewes exhibited short cycles compared with 2/10 ewes in group 2 (P<0.01). In group 3 the proportion of ewes showing short cycles 7/10 ewes was not significantly different from the other groups. While treatment with oestradiol caused a significant attenuation of PGF2alpha release, this was associated with only a partial reduction in the incidence of short cycles.  相似文献   

Luteal function and blastocyst development were compared in ewes treated with GnRH (100 mug) on Day 1 (Day 0 = day of estrus) or in ewes previously induced into estrus with PGF(2)alpha. In Experiment 1, the duration of estrous cycles of ewes previously treated with PGF(2)alpha were longer (P<0.06) than those that received PGF(2)alpha plus GnRH, GnRH alone, or remained untreated (control) ewes. Progesterone concentrations were lower (P<0.07) on Day 1 and higher (P<0.01) on Days 16 and 17 of the estrous cycles following PGF(2)alpha treatment relative to those of the natural (control) cycles. In Experiment 2, blastocysts of ewes treated with PGF(2)alpha were less developed (P<0.06) by Day 13 of pregnancy than those of the control ewes. The GnRH treatment did not influence any of these characteristics. Treatment with PGF(2)alpha delayed luteal formation during the subsequent estrous cycle, increased the duration of the estrous cycle and slowed the rate of blastocyst development relative to GnRH-treated and untreated ewes.  相似文献   

Twelve crossbred gilts, 8 to 9 months of age, were used to study the effects of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) on luteal function during the estrous cycle. Intrauterine and jugular vein catheters were surgically placed before day 7 of the treatment estrous cycle and gilts were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups. Groups I and II received constant intrauterine infusion of vehicle (6.0 ml/24 hr) or PGE2 (2400 micrograms/day; 6.0 ml/24 hr) respectively; while group III was given intrauterine infusions of 400 micrograms PGE2 every 4 hr. All infusions were initiated on day 7 and continued until estrus or through day 23. Jugular blood samples were collected twice daily from days 7 to 30 for progesterone analysis. Intrauterine infusion of PGE2 at the dose and frequencies given in this study delayed the decline in jugular plasma progesterone and resulted in prolongation of the estrous cycle length. The results of this study have shown that PGE2 at the dosage and frequency of administration used was capable of extending corpus luteum function.  相似文献   

The effects of acute heat stress (HS) and oxytocin (OT) injection on plasma concentrations of PGF2alpha and OT were examined in cyclic (C; n = 15) and pregnant (P; n = 11) dairy heifers. On Day 17 of synchronized estrous cycles, animals were randomly assigned to either thermoneutral (TN; 20 degrees C, 20% RH) or HS (42 degrees C, 60% RH) chambers. The jugular vein of each heifer was cannulated and blood samples collected hourly for 4 h, then every 15 min for an additional 3 h. Oxytocin (100 IU) was injected (IV) 5 h after the start of blood collection. Plasma samples were assayed subsequently for concentrations of 13,14-dihydro-15-keto PGF2alpha (PGFM) and OT. During the 7-h experiment, body temperature of HS heifers reached 41.2 degrees C as compared to 38.5 degrees C in control heifers. Plasma concentrations of PGFM increased (P<0.05) and peaked 30 min after OT injection in C (890 pg/ml) and P (540 pg/ml) heifers. In C heifers, heat stress failed to alter PGFM concentrations either before or after OT injection. In the P group, PGFM concentrations following OT injection tended to be higher in HS heifers were further TN heifers (peak values of 690 vs. 410 pg/ml). Pregnant TN and HS heifers were further classified as responders or non-responders to OT challenge according to a cutoff value for PGFM of 193 pg/ml (overall mean of C heifers minus 1 SD). Five of six HS and one of five TN pregnant heifers were classified as responders (P<0.06). Oxytocin concentrations in plasma prior to injection of exogenous OT were not affected by HS or pregnancy status. It is concluded that in C heifers, acute HS in vivo does not cause any further rise in PGF2alpha secretion. However, in P heifers, HS appears to antagonize suppressive effects of the embryo on uterine secretion of PGF2alpha, as indicated by the larger proportion of P heifers responding to OT challenge.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine the effect of iodine infusion on the luteal function of goats, as evident by blood progesterone concentration, and on plasma PGF2a levels. Ten cycling mixed breed goats were synchronized for estrus by PGF2a (5 mg) and given a single intrauterine iodine infusion on day 5 and on day 15 of the estrous cycle. Iodine infusion on day 5 (group II) resulted in shorter estrous length (8.2 days) and a 7-fold increase in plasma PGF2a concentration as compared to control animals (group I) given distilled water infusion. Similar infusion on day 15 (group III), on the other hand, failed to alter the estrous cycle length but induced a moderate increase in PGF2a concentration which lasted only for a brief period. The progesterone levels declined concomitantly as PGF2a levels rose after iodine infusion in group II animals but failed to decline until after 24 hours in group III animals. The studies indicate that the endometrium reacts to the chemical stimuli and releases PGF2a which, in turn, alters the luteal function.  相似文献   

Native PGF(2alpha) and its analogs have been used in the horse mare to manipulate ovarian activity, primarily as luteolytic agents to induce estrus. Despite numerous studies on the effects of these luteolysins in the mare, to date only a single investigation has been conducted in the jenny. The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of the corpus luteum (CL) to a single dose of PGF(2alpha) given 3 days (72h) after ovulation and to establish the plasma progesterone (P4) profile from pre-treatment to post-treatment ovulation in the Martina Franca donkey. Twenty-two jennies were ultrasonographically monitored and treated 72h after the detection of ovulation with 0.075 mg i.m. of R-cloprostenol. From the day of ovulation until ovulation post-treatment, blood was collected daily for P4 determination by enhanced luminescence immunoassay. All the jennies except one, exhibited behavioral signs of PGF(2alpha)-induced estrus within 4 days of treatment lasting 5.4+/-1.16 days. Post-treatment ovulation was also hastened, reducing the interovulatory interval (9.6 days). In response to treatment, plasma P4 concentrations fell to estrus levels and then remained constant until the next ovulation in all but the non-responding animal. Our findings indicate that PGF(2alpha) treatment on Day 3 post-ovulation causes the functional regression of the CL in the jenny, reflected both by the rapid induction of estrus and ovulation and by an abrupt drop in circulating P4 concentrations.  相似文献   

In these experiments we have examined the effects of PGE1, PGE2, PGF1alpha and PGF2alpha on synovial perfusion in the normal canine synovial microcirculation. The effects of the drugs on synovial perfusion were determined indirectly from the changes produced in the rate of clearance of 133Xenon from the joint by their intra-articular injection. Prostaglandins PGE1 and PGE2 were found to be strongly vasodilator with PGE1 being the more active. PGF1alpha appeared to have little or no vasoactive properties in doses up to 1 ugm. (2.8 times 10(-5M)) in our preparation while PGF2alpha was vasodilator at this high dosage only. Neither SC19920 nor diphloretin phosphate antagonished the effects of PGE1 in these experiments.  相似文献   

Milk progesterone concentration (P4), milk yield, milk composition, ovarian structures and pregnancy status were studied in 108 cows treated with two doses of PGF 14 days apart and inseminated at fixed time (TAI) 80-82 h later. The synchronization protocol was started at 70+/-1.4 days after parturition. Milk P4 profiles revealed that anestrus, failure of luteolysis following treatment with PGF and failure to ovulate following luteolysis were the main reasons for low pregnancy rate with TAI. Anestrous cows had a higher percentage of milk fat (P<0.05) and higher fat to protein ratio (P<0.01), and cows that did not undergo luteolysis had higher milk yield (P<0.05) and lower percentage of milk protein (P<0.05) than cows that responded to PGF treatment. Cows that did not undergo luteolysis and cows that did not ovulate following luteolysis had lower milk P4 during the luteal phase preceding the second PGF injection (P<0.01 and P<0.05, respectively). Pregnancy rates 24 and 47 days after TAI in cows that responded as expected to the synchronization treatment were 62% and 54%, respectively. Pregnancy was precluded in non-responsive cows. The largest follicle at the time of TAI in cows experiencing late embryonic mortality was smaller (P=0.02) than in cows that successfully maintained pregnancy. Results suggest that a primary reason for low pregnancy rate in dairy cows after administration of PGF and TAI is inappropriate ovarian function prior to, or following treatment.  相似文献   

The "prostaglandin impact" (PGI), a massive intrauterine dose of PG, converts the refractory pregnant uterus into a reactive organ by provoking a regulatory imbalance. This regulatory conversion releases the endogenous mechanism of menstruation or abortion. During initial studies, PGI successfully provoked menstrual induction (MI) in 22 and subsequently in 65 volunteers. These results were confirmed and complemented by 2 independent trials in 14 and 36 gravidas respectively. The best clinical outcome was obtained in 20 volunteers, when a "PG-Pellet" (a mini-suppositorium) was inserted in utero, containing only 2.5 mg PGF2alpha. These 157 trials in sedated volunteers had the common features of over 90% efficiency, transient and medically acceptable side effects and infrequent complications. The present study of 542 volunteers focused upon the collection of clinical data regarding efficacy, side effects and complications of MI. All patients had committee approval for legal abortion, during the 2nd week of their missed menstrual period. They volunteered to participate because of their preference for pharmacological rather than surgical pregnancy termination. The clinical outcome of the 542 MI with 5 mg PGF2alpha (428 cases) and 1.5 mg PGE2 (114 cases) was identical. On the average, 95% of the gravidas had complete evacuation of the uterus with the clinical symptoms of delayed menstruation rather than abortion; they experienced spontaneous menstruation in 34 days after having received a single dose of PG.  相似文献   

To evaluate the technique of ultrasound-guided luteal injection in mares, PGF2alpha was administered under ultrasound guidance to horse mares (n = 7 to 9 per group) on Day 9 postovulation via either a systemic (i.m.; zero, 0.01, 0.1, or 5 mg/dose) route or a local intraluteal (i.l.; zero, 0.01 or 0.1 mg/dose) route. The luteolytic efficacy of each treatment was determined based on post-treatment decreases in progesterone concentration, interval to uterine edema (IE) and interovulatory interval (IOI). Local administration of PGF2alpha directly into the CL consistently induced luteolysis, at doses up to 50-fold lower than the lowest effective systemic dose. Significant decreases in IOI and IE occurred in mares treated with 5 mg PGF2alpha i.m. or 0.1 mg PGF2alpha i.l., but did not occur in mares treated with 0.1 or 0.01 mg PGF2alpha i.m., 0.01 mg PGF i.l., vehicle i.l. or vehicle i.m.. Progesterone concentrations were reduced to less than 10% of pretreatment values by two days post treatment in mares treated with 5 mg PGF2alpha i.m. or 0.1 mg PGF2alpha i.l.. PGF2alpha doses of 0.1 mg i.m. and 0.01 mg i.l. were associated with smaller but significant progesterone decreases (to 66% and 46% of pre-treatment values, respectively) by two days post treatment. Progesterone values after administration of i.l. vehicle did not differ from pre-treatment values by two days post treatment, but were significantly lower (53% of pre-treatment values) by four days post treatment. Intramuscular treatment with vehicle or 0.01 mg of PGF2alpha did not significantly reduce progesterone concentrations below pretreatment values. Overall, the minimum effective luteolytic dose of PGF2alpha given intraluteally was between 0.01 and 0.1 mg. Based on the results of this study, ultrasound-guided i.l. injection appears to be a repeatable method for studying the direct effect of other chemicals on luteal function. However, the current procedure carries some risk, since three i.l. injections were associated with ovarian abscesses.  相似文献   

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