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Leishmania pathogenesis is primarily studied using the disease-inducing promastigote stage of Leishmania major. Despite many efforts, all attempts so far have failed to culture the disease-relevant multiplying amastigote stage of L. major. Here, we established a stably growing axenic L. major amastigote culture system that was characterized genetically, morphologically, and by stage-specific DsRed protein expression. We found parasite stage-specific disease development in resistant C57BL/6 mice. Human neutrophils, as first host cells for promastigotes, do not take up amastigotes. In human macrophages, we observed an amastigote-specific complement receptor 3-mediated, endocytotic entry mechanism, whereas promastigotes are taken up by complement receptor 1-mediated phagocytosis. Promastigote infection of macrophages induced the inflammatory mediators TNF, CCL3, and CCL4, whereas amastigote infection was silent and resulted in significantly increased parasite numbers: from 7.1 ± 1.4 (after 3 h) to 20.1 ± 7.9 parasites/cell (after 96 h). Our study identifies Leishmania stage-specific disease development, host cell preference, entry mechanism, and immune evasion. Since the amastigote stage is the disease-propagating form found in the infected mammalian host, the newly developed L. major axenic cultures will serve as an important tool in better understanding the amastigote-driven immune response in leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Malaria is caused by four species of apicomplexan protozoa belonging to the genus Plasmodium. These parasites possess a specialized collection of secretory organelles called rhoptries, micronemes and dense granules (DGs) that in part facilitate invasion of host cells. The mechanism by which the parasite traffics proteins to these organelles as well as regulates their secretion has important implications for understanding the invasion process and may lead to development of novel intervention strategies. In this review, we focus on emerging data about trafficking signals, mechanisms of biogenesis and secretion. At least some of these are conserved in higher eukaryotes, suggesting that rhoptries, micronemes and DGs are related to organelles such as secretory lysosomes that are well known to mainstream cell biologists.  相似文献   

Protozoan parasites belong to the most widespread and devastating human pathogens. Their ability to manipulate host responses and establish infection in their hosts continues to puzzle researchers. Recent developments of experimental model systems are contributing to the discovery of new aspects of the biology of parasite dissemination. Here, we review current knowledge on strategies utilized by the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii to disseminate and establish infection in its host. Recent findings have revealed intricate mechanisms by which this obligate intracellular protozoan sequesters cellular functions of the immune system to assure propagation. These mechanisms include the hijacking of migratory leucocytes, modulation of migratory properties of infected cells and rapid transfer of parasites between different leucocyte populations by cytotoxicity‐induced parasite egress. Collectively, Toxoplasma strikes a delicate balance, assuring efficient dissemination and establishment of asymptomatic lifelong infection in its host while protecting its intracellular entity and limiting host pathology.  相似文献   

Members of the phylum Apicomplexa are obligate intracellular parasites that invade erythrocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages or cells of the alimentary canal in various vertebrate species. Organelles within the apical complex of invasive stages facilitate host cell invasion. Parasites in this phylum cause some of the most debilitating diseases of medical and veterinary importance. These include malaria, toxoplasmosis, babesiosis, theileriosis (East Coast fever), and coccidiosis in poultry and livestock. In recent years, opportunistic infections caused by Cryptosporidium parvum, and recrudescent Toxoplasma gondii infections in AIDS patients have prompted intensified efforts in understanding the biology of these parasites. In this review, Tobili Sam-Yellowe examines the unifying and variant molecular features of rhoptry proteins, and addresses the role of multigene families in organelle function: the biogenesis of the rhoptries will also be examined, in an attempt to understand the sequence of events leading to successful packaging, modification and processing of proteins within the organelle.  相似文献   

The life cycle of the malaria parasite contains three distinct invasive forms, or zoites. For at least two of these--the sporozoite and the blood-stage merozoite--invasion into their respective host cell requires the activity of parasite proteases. This review summarizes the evidence for this, discusses selected well-described proteolytic modifications linked to invasion, and describes recent progress towards identifying the proteases involved.  相似文献   

Parasite adhesion and immune evasion in placental malaria.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Parasite sequestration in the placenta is a key feature of infection by Plasmodium falciparum during pregnancy and is associated with severe adverse outcomes for both mother and baby. Here, James Beeson and colleagues draw together the findings of recent studies on parasite mechanisms that mediate this process. They review evidence for novel parasite variants that appear able to evade pre-existing immunity, for the adhesion of P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes to placental glycosaminoglycans (and the molecular basis of these parasite properties) and for the expression of var genes encoding the variant antigen and adhesive ligand P. falciparum-erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1).  相似文献   

Exoerythrocytic merozoites of Plasmodium fallax in tissue culture have been observed and photographed in time-lapse cinemicrography as they invaded new host cells. Entry into the host cells was rapid and frequently several merozoites invaded the cells in rapid succession at or near the same site. The invasion proceeded at the broad (posterior) area of the merozoites, away from a filamentous process that usually held clusters of merozoites together in rosette form.  相似文献   

EB病毒(Epstein-Barr Virus,EBV)属于γ疱疹病毒科,是第一个被发现与人类肿瘤相关的DNA病毒。EB病毒通过激活Toll样受体(Toll like receptors,TLRs)信号通路,诱导I型干扰素的大量释放和功能性的自噬机制,从而引起机体的免疫应答。然而,相对于其他疱疹病毒,EB病毒已进化出更为精细且错综复杂的机制来破坏和逃逸宿主的免疫系统,如限制自身蛋白表达、活化宿主的泛素-蛋白酶体系统、干扰或逆转自噬与泛素化修饰等。这些机制会引发EB病毒在宿主体内的持续性感染,导致宿主免疫功能失调,引发EB病毒相关疾病(如鼻咽癌、传染性单核细胞增多症等)。因此,研究EB病毒特异性的免疫调控机制不仅对深入理解EB病毒的潜伏性感染和致癌性至关重要,而且还将为EB病毒诱发的相关疾病的免疫预防与治疗鉴定出新的潜在靶点。此文主要阐述了EB病毒调控宿主免疫应答和逃逸先天免疫应答的分子机制。  相似文献   

Parasite-mediated sexual selection may arise as a consequence of 1) females avoiding mates with directly transmitted parasites, 2) females choosing less-parasitized males that provide parental care of superior quality, or 3) females choosing males with few parasites in order to obtain genes for parasite resistance in their offspring. Studies of specific host-parasite systems and comparative analyses have revealed both supportive and conflicting evidence for these hypotheses. A meta-analysis of the available evidence revealed a negative relationship between parasite load and the expression of male secondary sexual characters. Experimental studies yielded more strongly negative relationships than observations did, and the relationships were more strongly negative for ectoparasites than for endoparasites. There was no significant difference in the magnitude of the negative effect for species with and without male parental care, or between behavioral and morphological secondary sexual characters. There was a significant difference between studies based on host immune function and those based on parasite loads, with stronger effects for measures of immune function, suggesting that the many negative results from previous analyses of parasite-mediated sexual selection may be explained because relatively benign parasites were studied. The multivariate analyses demonstrating strong effect sizes of immune function in relation to the expression of secondary sexual characters, and for species with male parental care as compared to those without, suggest that parasite resistance may be a general determinant of parasite-mediated sexual selection.  相似文献   

Apicomplexa are a phylum of obligate intracellular parasites critically dependent on invasion of a host cell. An in vitro assay for erythrocyte invasion by Babesia bovis was established, employing free merozoites obtained after the application of high-voltage to the parasitised erythrocytes. The invasion proceeds efficiently in phosphate-buffered saline solution without the requirement for any serum or medium components. The kinetics of invasion can be measured over a time span of 5-60 min after which invasion is completed at an average efficiency of 41%. The fast kinetics and high efficiency exceed those of most previously established apicomplexan invasion assays. The manipulation of intracellular calcium concentration inhibits invasion. Preincubation of merozoites at 37 degrees C also reduces invasion, possibly by the premature secretion of protein. Proteins that are shed into the environment during invasion were directly detectable by protein staining after 2-D gel electrophoresis. The limitations posed by the immunological detection of proteins released during in vitro invasion by other apicomplexan parasites can, therefore, be avoided by this method. A unique feature of the assay is the reversible uncoupling of invasion and intracellular development, the latter taking place only under serum-rich medium conditions. In addition, host cell attachment is uncoupled from invasion by cytochalasin B.  相似文献   

Human and plant pathogenic fungi have a major impact on public health and agriculture. Although these fungi infect very diverse hosts and are often highly adapted to specific host niches, they share surprisingly similar mechanisms that mediate immune evasion, modulation of distinct host targets and exploitation of host nutrients, highlighting that successful strategies have evolved independently among diverse fungal pathogens. These attributes are facilitated by an arsenal of fungal factors. However, not a single molecule, but rather the combined effects of several factors enable these pathogens to establish infection. In this review, we discuss the principles of human and plant fungal pathogenicity mechanisms and discuss recent discoveries made in this field.  相似文献   

Finlay BB  McFadden G 《Cell》2006,124(4):767-782
Multicellular organisms possess very sophisticated defense mechanisms that are designed to effectively counter the continual microbial insult of the environment within the vertebrate host. However, successful microbial pathogens have in turn evolved complex and efficient methods to overcome innate and adaptive immune mechanisms, which can result in disease or chronic infections. Although the various virulence strategies used by viral and bacterial pathogens are numerous, there are several general mechanisms that are used to subvert and exploit immune systems that are shared between these diverse microbial pathogens. The success of each pathogen is directly dependant on its ability to mount an effective anti-immune response within the infected host, which can ultimately result in acute disease, chronic infection, or pathogen clearance. In this review, we highlight and compare some of the many molecular mechanisms that bacterial and viral pathogens use to evade host immune defenses.  相似文献   

Group A Streptococcus (GAS), or Streptococcus pyogenes, is a human pathogen that causes diseases ranging from skin and soft tissue infections to severe invasive diseases, such as toxic shock syndrome. Each GAS strain carries a particular pilus type encoded in the variable f ibronectin‐binding, c ollagen‐binding, T antigen (FCT) genomic region. Here, we describe the functional analysis of the serotype M2 pilus encoded in the FCT‐6 region. We found that, in contrast to other investigated GAS pili, the ancillary pilin 1 lacks adhesive properties. Instead, the backbone pilin is important for host cell adhesion and binds several host factors, including fibronectin and fibrinogen. Using a panel of recombinant pilus proteins, GAS gene deletion mutants and Lactococcus lactis gain‐of‐function mutants we show that, unlike other GAS pili, the FCT‐6 pilus also contributes to immune evasion. This was demonstrated by a delay in blood clotting, increased intracellular survival of the bacteria in macrophages, higher bacterial survival rates in human whole blood and greater virulence in a Galleria mellonella infection model in the presence of fully assembled FCT‐6 pili.  相似文献   

Viruses have evolved with their hosts, which include all living species. This has been partly responsible for the development of highly advanced immune systems in the hosts. However, viruses too have evolved ways to regulate and evade the host’s immune defence. In addition to mutational mechanisms that viruses employ to mimic the host genome and undergo latency to evade the host’s recognition of the pathogen, they have also developed epigenetic mechanisms by which they can render the host’s immune responses inactive to their antigens. The epigenetic regulation of gene expression is intrinsically active inside the host and is involved in regulating gene expression and cellular differentiation. Viral immune evasion strategies are an area of major concern in modern biomedical research. Immune evasion strategies may involve interference with the host antigen presentation machinery or host immune gene expression capabilities, and viruses, in these manners, introduce and propagate infection. The aim of this review is to elucidate the various epigenetic changes that viruses are capable of bringing about in their host in order to enhance their own survivability and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

There is an urgent need for a vaccine against malaria and proteins on the surface of the merozoite are good targets for development as vaccine candidates because they are exposed to antibody. However, it is possible that the parasite has evolved mechanisms to evade a protective immune response to these proteins. Merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP-1) is a candidate for vaccine development and its C-terminal sequence is the target of protective antibody. MSP-1 is cleaved by proteases in two processing steps, the second step releases the bulk of the protein from the surface and goes to completion during successful red blood cell invasion. Antibodies binding to the C-terminus of Plasmodium falciparum MSP-1 can inhibit both the processing and erythrocyte invasion. Other antibodies that bind to either the C-terminal sequence or elsewhere in the molecule are 'blocking' antibodies, which on binding prevent the binding of the inhibitory antibodies. Blocking antibodies are a mechanism of immune evasion, which may be based on antigenic conservation rather than diversity. This mechanism has a number of implications for the study of protective immunity and the development of malaria vaccines, emphasising the need for appropriate functional assays and careful design of the antigen.  相似文献   

We describe a model of host-parasite coevolution, where the interaction depends on the investments by the host in its immune response and by the parasite in its ability to suppress (or evade) its host's immune response. We base our model on the interaction between malaria parasites and their mosquito hosts and thus describe the epidemiological dynamics with the Macdonald-Ross equation of malaria epidemiology. The qualitative predictions of the model are most sensitive to the cost of the immune response and to the intensity of transmission. If transmission is weak or the cost of immunity is low, the system evolves to a coevolutionarily stable equilibrium at intermediate levels of investment (and, generally, at a low frequency of resistance). At a higher cost of immunity and as transmission intensifies, the system is not evolutionarily stable but rather cycles around intermediate levels of investment. At more intense transmission, neither host nor parasite invests any resources in dominating its partner so that no resistance is observed in the population. These results may help to explain the lack of encapsulated malaria parasites generally observed in natural populations of mosquito vectors, despite strong selection pressure for resistance in areas of very intense transmission.  相似文献   

Malaria is caused by Plasmodium parasites, which belong to the phylum apicomplexa. The characteristic feature of apicomplexan parasites is the presence of apical organelles, referred to as micronemes and rhoptries, in the invasive stages of the parasite life cycle. Survival of these obligate intracellular parasites depends on successful invasion of host cells, which is mediated by specific molecular interactions between host receptors and parasite ligands that are commonly stored in these apical organelles. The timely release of these ligands from apical organelles to the parasite surface is crucial for receptor engagement and invasion. This article is a broad overview of the signalling mechanisms that control the regulated secretion of apical organelles during host cell invasion by apicomplexan parasites.  相似文献   

A total of 172 sera samples were collected from individuals who were living in Piyawli-Jaitwarpur village in Ghaziabad district (U.P.), India. They had suffered from falciparum malaria attack, and were cured with antimalarial drugs 1-2 weeks prior to sample collection. These samples were divided into nine groups according to their age. The pooled sera from each group were tested for the presence of anti-schizont and anti-heat shock protein (hsp)-70 antibodies, as well as for parasite growth inhibition in vitro. All sera samples showed significant levels of antibodies against schizont antigens and these levels increased with age. The sera also contained anti-hsp-70 antibodies but at lower levels and did not follow the same age-related pattern as seen with schizont antibodies. The sera from each group significantly inhibited merozoite invasion in vitro. However the same was not true for other blood stage parasites; the 2-15 years age group sera did not show significant growth inhibition of rings, trophozoites and schizonts. No correlation was observed between anti-hsp-70 antibody levels and inhibition of merozoite invasion. It is therefore concluded that the antibodies preventing the merozoite invasion could be other than anti-hsp-70 antibodies. The candidature of hsp-70 for P. falciparum malaria vaccine thus needs to be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

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