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In the sisorid fish,Glyptothorax pectinopterus, the adhesive organ located on the ventral side of the thorax consists of a number of longitudinal ridges and grooves that alternate with each other around a triangular furrow lying in the centre. Adhesion of the fish to the rocky substratum in a hill stream habitat is brought about by the hooked and keratinized epidermal spines borne by the longitudinal ridges of the adhesive organ as well as those on the under surface of the pectoral and pelvic fins. The secretion of a surface coat of mucopolysaccharides by the mucous cells and the goblet cells is a device to protect the adhesive organ from mechanical abrasion.  相似文献   

The skull of Erethistes pussilus is described in detail. The general disposition of the bones corresponds to the siluroid pattern. Among the siluroid fishes, E. pussilus approaches the advanced forms in certain features such as obliteration of myodomic space, edentulous palate, absence of entopterygoids and supratemporals, intimate sutural articulation of posttemporals and complex vertebra with the cranium, diminished cranial cavity and loss of sutural articulation among the palatopterygoquadrate elements. In certain characters like the hyomandibula exclusively supported from the sphenotic, solitary hypohyal on each hyoid cornu, absence of interhyals, reduced orbits, edentulous vomer, small gape of mouth, toothless ectopterygoid and in the small number of branchiostegals, E. pussilus stands specialized alone among the catfishes. A diagnosis of the salient cranial characters of the fish is given and its relationship discussed.  相似文献   

The skull of Erethistes pussilus is described in detail. The general disposition of the bones corresponds to the siluroid pattern. Among the siluroid fishes, E. pussilus approaches the advanced forms in certain features such as obliteration of myodomic space, edentulous palate, absence of entopterygoids and supratemporals, intimate sutural articulation of posttemporals and complex vertebra with the cranium, diminished cranial cavity and loss of sutural articulation among the palatopterygoquadrate elements. In certain characters like the hyomandibula exclusively supported from the sphenotic, solitary hypohyal on each hyoid cornu, absence of interhyals, reduced orbits, edentulous vomer, small gape of mouth, toothless ectopterygoid and in the small number of branchiostegals, E. pussilus stands specialized alone among the catfishes. A diagnosis of the salient cranial characters of the fish is given and its relationship discussed.  相似文献   

The gills of the air-breathing estuarine goby,Pseudapocryptes lanceolatus, are reduced owing to the development of a specialized organ of O2 uptake from air. In the first gill arch, the filaments of the outer hemibranch are reduced to nearly one-half in comparison to those of its inner hemibranch. A smaller number of secondary lamellae per mm (27.6) occurring on one side of the gill filament reduces the gill surface area. A bilogarithmic plot of the gill area and the body weight indicates a curve with two significantly different components, one (b = 0.924) related to the fish weighing up to 6 g and the other (b = 0.405) to the fish weighing 8 g and above.  相似文献   

Variations in the gross morphology and surface architecture of the gill filaments and secondary lamellae of a freshwater catfish (Rita rita) have been investigated using scanning electron microscopy. Heterogeneity of the gill has been correlated with the distribution of lamellar water-flow at different regions of a gill filament. Higher lamellar water flow (cc/pore/cmH2O/sec) was estimated for the middle region of the filaments. The filaments are covered with epithelial cells whose surface is provided with well-developed microridges. The lamellae are generally covered with microvillous epithelial cells. The variations in surface architecture of the gill filaments and secondary lamellae have been correlated with their probable functions.  相似文献   

A new species of the sisorid catfish genus Exostoma Blyth,1860 was collected from two hill-stream tributaries of the Nujiang (Salween River) drainage in Gaoligong Mountain,south-western Yunnan Province,China from 2003 to 2006 and from two tributaries of the Salween River in Cangyuan County,Lingcang Prefecture,Yunnan Province,China (in 2007) and in Yongde County,Lingcang Prefecture,Yunnan Province,China (in 2015).Exostoma gaoligongense sp.nov.is the 10th species of the genus and is most similar to E.vinciguerrae in morphology but can be distinguished by pelvic fin reaching anus vs.not reaching;maxillary barbels just reaching or slightly surpassing pectoral-fin origin vs.surpassing pectoral-fin origin or even reaching posterior end of gill membrane;abdominal vertebrae 23-25 vs.25-27;length of dorsal fin/dorsal to adipose distance 90.3%-287.0% vs.59.2-85.7.A key to Exostoma spp.is provided.  相似文献   

Glyptothorax pantherinus, a new sisorid catfish species, is described from the Noa Dehing River of Arunachal Pradesh, India. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: mottled skin; a well-developed obtuse leaf-shaped thoracic adhesive apparatus with no central depression, unculiferous ridges of the apparatus not extending anteriorly onto the gular region, and the ridges uninterrupted except for the posterior-most region; one bean-shaped cream-coloured spot on either side of the dorsal-fin origin; ventral surface of the simple rays of the paired fins are plaited marginally and distally.  相似文献   

Ultrasurface structure of the oromandibular area of a hillstream catfish Glyptothorax trilineatus Blyth 1860, an inhabitant of the sub‐Himalayan streams of India is described. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) study of these areas revealed a series of punctuation elevation from the general surface epithelium. Two types (types I and II) of taste buds (TB) could be identified where one type is with microvillar projections and others without any projection. Another type of cell, the basal cells, without any apical microvilli was also recorded. TBs were more concentrated on the ventral surface of the barbels. In most of the TBs, the pore is located at the centre of the elevation and surrounded by a circular area. Jaw sheath bears a single type of teeth, the papilliform teeth.  相似文献   

In Periopkrlialnwdon scldosseri the respiratory organs consist of the gills, the suprabranchial and opercular chambers. The gills are more suited for aerial than aquatic respiration as is shown by the presence of the vascular papillae, blood sinusesand dilated blood vessels in their lamellae. The gill lamellae possess a surface coat of sulphated mucopolysaccharides that prevents water loss during exposure to the air. The filaments of the outer hemibranchs in the first gill arch are reduced to nearly one quarter of those of its posterior hemibranch. The gill area in relation to body weight shows a high slope value ( b =0·93).  相似文献   

Whole mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b sequences in 62 fish from 13 locations in Southeast China identified two major clades corresponding to two allopatric taxa, Glyptothorax fokiensis fokiensis and Glyptothorax fokiensis hainanensis . Reciprocal monophyly and a molecular clock separation between these two taxa of 2·3 million years indicate these taxa should be elevated to species. Mismatch distributions and Fu's F S statistic suggest that both G. fokiensis and G. hainanensis have experienced recent population expansions. Analysis of molecular variance indicates that most of the genetic variation resides among populations within both species, with Φ ST= 0·645 for G. fokiensis and 0·801 for G. hainanensis , suggesting restricted gene flow among populations. Significant correlations between the geographic and the genetic distances provide support for the importance of geographic isolations between populations. Nested clade analysis also confirms low levels of genetic exchanges between the two major groups and between populations within each group. The phylogeographical pattern among populations of Glyptothorax in East Asia can be attributed to historical fragmentations, demographic expansions and occasional long-distance dispersals stimulated by tectonic activity and Ice Age climate changes.  相似文献   

Using the scanning electron microscope, the gills of the air-breathing catfish, Clarias batrachus , have been studied. The overall morphology of the gills are similar to other teleosts. In contrast to water-breathing species, however, microridges are absent from the surfaces of the secondary lamellae and only short microvilli are present. Long, convoluted microridges are present on the epithelial cells of the gill filaments. The possible roles of these structures in relation to water flow are discussed.  相似文献   

The data on gill and skin dimensions of 12 freshwater catfishMystus vittatus ranging from 3 g to 23 g in relation to body weight have been analysed using logarithmic transformation. The exponent value for total gill area was 0.789; corresponding values for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th gill arches and skin were 0.753, 0.772, 0.816, 0.823 and 0.631 respectively. The gill diffusing capacity (0.211) was greater than that for skin (0.002).  相似文献   

GlyptothoraxBlyth (1860) is the most species-diverse and widely-distributed genus in the Sisoridae, but few studies have examined monophyly of the genus and phylogenetic relations within it. We used the nuclear RAG2 gene and mitochondrial COI and Cyt b genes from 50 of the approximately 70 species to examine monophyly of Glyptothorax and phylogenetic relationships within the genus. Molecular phylogenetic trees were constructed using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods. All methods strongly supported monophyly of Glyptothorax, with Bagarius as its sister group. Both analyses of two- and three-gene datasets recovered nine major subclades of Glyptothorax, but some internal nodes remained poorly resolved. The phylogenetic relationships within the genus and existing taxonomic problems are discussed.  相似文献   

Odontesthes argentinensis was collected from Mar Chiquita Coastal Lagoon, the Southernmost coastal Atlantic Lagoon of Argentina. The morphology of the gills was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The morphology of the superficial structures of the gill filaments and pharyngeal region of the gill arch was discussed and related to their functional aspects. The gills arches are structurally similar to those of other teleosts and bring out the osmoregulatory capacity of this species. The epithelium that covers the surface of the filaments and the pharyngeal region of the gill arch is formed by polygonal pavement cells with conspicuous microridges. These folds in the membrane are not denoted in the epithelium of the respiratory lamellae. Apical crypts of chloride cells are present on the afferent and interlamellar filament surfaces, but are absent elsewhere on the gill arch. The highest density of mucous cells is observed into the gill filament and the pharyngeal region which indicates the existence of a protective strategy of the respiratory lamellae and the pharynx. The epithelium of the gill arches and the rakers is studded with spines. There are taste buds along the whole pharyngeal region that may be associated with their participation in tasting at this zone.  相似文献   

Jin J  Liu MD  Yin SY  Wang DQ  Liu SP  Chen DQ 《遗传》2011,33(3):255-261
老挝纹胸鮡是分布于澜沧江流域的一种特有鱼类,喜激流底栖生活。为了解其各地理种群间的遗传结构与遗传变异,文章分析了129尾采自澜沧江8条支流水系的老挝纹胸鮡mtDNA细胞色素b基因1 138 bp的序列变异,共发现16个多态性位点,定义了15个单倍型。澜沧江老挝纹胸鮡遗传变异较低,平均单倍型多样性指数和核苷酸多样性指数分别是h=0.299,π=0.299,有3个种群甚至没有变异,分子变异方差分析结果表明各种群内变异大于各种群间变异,种群间没有差异。对老挝纹胸鮡所有种群进行的单倍型错配分布呈现单峰型,中性检验结果均为负值(Tajima’s D=?2.36965,P<0.02;Fu’s Fs=?20.975,P<0.05)表明,澜沧江老挝纹胸鮡自然种群可能经历过近期的种群扩张事件。  相似文献   

Histology and annual cyclic changes in the testicular activity of S. plagiostomus have been described. The reproductive cycle has been divided into eight phases. The weight and volume of the testes and GSI show correlation with each other, and increase twice in a year (September and March), indicating the existence of two spawning periods. A distinct dormant period during winter intervenes the spawning peaks. Although the testes contain mature spermatozoa during winter, spermiation remains halted until last week of February. On the return of favourable environmental conditions in March, spermiation begins again and complete depletion takes place.  相似文献   

Summary The blood-water pathway in respiratory lamellae of teleostean gills consists of an epithelial layer one or two cells thick, a basal lamina and a thin layer of cytoplasm which lines the blood lacunae. This layer of cytoplasm is formed by flange-like extensions of the pillar cells. The resulting location of the pillar cell perikarya between the surfaces of the blood lacunae is probably of paramount importance for maintenance of the flattened form of the lamellae.Collagenous bundles traverse the pillar cells within tubes formed by infolding of the cellular surface. These bundles, which are oriented normal to the flattened aspect of the lamellae, no doubt provide further protection against distension or collapse of the blood spaces. A compartment filled with collagenous tissue is interposed between the basal lamina and the lining layer of the lacunae in some of the species studied.Regulation of blood flow to the respiratory surfaces is thought to result in part from contraction of the pillar cells. This contractility presumably resides in tracts of filaments which course through the cytoplasm of the pillar cells parallel to the collagenous bundles. Since nervous tissue has not been demonstrated within the gill lamellae it is possible that contraction of the pillar cells is under some form of hormonal control, although existence of local control mechanisms (e.g. self-stimulation of the cells as a result of anoxia) is not excluded.Within the limited number of species studied, the structure of the blood-water pathway does not appear to be correlated with the characteristics of the normal habitat of a particular species.This work was performed during the tenure of a post doctoral traineeship under USPHS Grant 5 T 1 GM-136 to the Department of Biological Structure, University of Washington.Particular thanks are due Dr. John H. Luft of the University of Washington for his advice and criticism while this work was in progress and to Drs. Douglas Kelly, James Koehler and Daniel Szollosi for critical assistance with the manuscipt.  相似文献   

Summary The anatomy of the blood supply to the gills of the dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula, is described. The anatomical basis for a counter-current exchange system at the respiratory surfaces is reported. Within the interbranchial septum there is a capillary network joining all the afferent branchial arterioles of the gill. The structure of the walls of the corpus cavernosum is found to be of smooth muscle cells supported by a basal lamina and connective tissue and lined by endothelial cells containing phagocytic vesicles. Both the capillary network and corpus cavernosum are suggested to function in smoothing the pressure pulses of the blood flow. Pre- and post-lamellar vessels and pre- and post-lamellar sphincters are described. The sphincters are thought to control the number of secondary lamellae physiologically in the respiratory circuit, and by retaining blood within nonperfused lamellae to act in conjunction with pillar cells (contracting in antagonism to the hydrostatic skeleton of the blood) to maintain the rigidity of secondary lamellae in the water current.Whorls of cells of unknown function are found within the interbranchial septum. In the epithelium lining the water channel large cells having a complexly branching plasma membrane and a very large central vacuole occurs. The cytoplasm lining the lumen contains numerous vacuoles each surrounded by a double membrane.This work formed part of a thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Science at the University of Bristol. I should like to thank Professor G.M. Hughes for the use of facilities in the Department of Zoology, University of Bristol.  相似文献   

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