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A further investigation of the isoflavonoid constituents occurring in roots of the white lupin (Lupinus albus L. cv. Kievskij Mutant) has yielded five new coumaronochromones named lupinalbin A (la), B (2a), C (3), D (4) and E (5). These isoflavonoids were identified by physicochemical methods involving the use of biogenetically related 2′-hydroxyisoflavones as reference compounds. The presence of the rare dihydrofurano-isoflavone, erythrinin C (16), in white lupin roots has also been established.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of different isolates of Fusarium oxysporum obtained from plants of Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii), Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium), Paris daisy (Argyranthemum frutescens) and African daisy (Osteospermum sp.), all in the family Asteraceae, was tested on different cultivars of these hosts, to assess their pathogenicity. The reactions were compared with those of isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. chrysanthemi and of f.sp. tracheiphilum obtained from the American Type Culture Collection. We found that isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. chrysanthemi can be distinguished as three physiological races on the basis of their pathogenicity to the panel of differential cultivars. Sequencing of the intergenic spacer (IGS) region of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and phylogenetic analysis showed that the Fusarium races fell into three phylogenetic groups, which coincided with those observed in pathogenicity tests. Analysis of the IGS sequences revealed a high degree of similarity among strains from Italy and Spain from different host species, suggesting that recent outbreaks in these ornamentals were probably caused by introduction of infected nursery material from a common origin.  相似文献   

Six commercial carnation cultivars were inoculated with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi race 2, and grown under three different temperature regimes. Colonization by the pathogen and development of wilt symptoms were assessed at intervals up to 40 days. No symptoms and very little colonization were seen in any of the cultivars at 14–15°C. At a temperature of 22°C, the cultivars were clearly differentiated into three groups: those with resistance, partial resistance or susceptibility to the pathogen depending on the severity of symptoms and the extent of fungal colonization. Symptom severity was associated with the extent of colonization. This differentiation was not seen at 26°C, when all cultivars except the most resistant, cv.‘Carrier 929′, rapidly became diseased and died by 23 days after inoculation. ‘Carrier 929’ also showed some wilt symptoms at this temperature and was colonized throughout the height of the stem after 40 days. The pathogen caused disease at 26°C by a combination of vascular wilting and stem base and root rotting. Fungal colonization was assayed at 22°C by the dilution plate/homogenization method and by estimation of fungal chitin in a highly resistant (‘Carrier 929′) and in a highly susceptible (‘Red Baron’) cultivar. Both methods of assay gave similar results. In ‘Red Baron’, colonization increased slowly up to 20 days after inoculation then progressed rapidly, closely following the development of severe wilt symptoms. In ‘Carrier 929’, colonization remained very low. The low level of fungal biomass in ‘Carrier 929’ compared with ‘Red Baron’ indicated that the former cultivar showed true resistance as opposed to tolerance to the disease.  相似文献   

Cytokinins in the Phloem Sap of White Lupin (Lupinus albus L.)   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Cytokinin-like activity in samples of xylem and phloem sap collected from field-grown plants of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) over a period of 9 to 24 weeks after sowing was measured using the soybean hypocotyl callus bioassay following paper chromatographic separation. The phloem sap was collected from shallow incisions made at the base of the stem, the base of the inflorescence (e.g. stem top), the petioles, and the base and tip of the fruit. Xylem sap was collected as root exudate from the stump of plants severed a few centimeters above ground level. Concentration of cytokinin-like substances was highest in phloem sap collected from the base of the inflorescence and showed an increase over the entire sampling period (from week 10 [61 nanogram zeatin equivalents] to week 24 [407 nanogram zeatin equivalents]). Concentrations in the xylem sap and in the other phloem saps were generally lower. Relatively high concentrations of cytokinin-like substances in petiole phloem sap (70 to 130 nanogram zeatin equivalents per milliliter) coincided in time with high concentrations in sap from the base of the inflorescence (see above). Concentrations in sap (phloem or xylem) from the base of the stem were very much lower. This finding is consistent with movement of cytokinins from leaves into the developing inflorescence and fruit, rather than direct input to the fruit from xylem sap. However, an earlier movement of cytokinins from roots into leaves via the xylem cannot be ruled out. Sap collected at an 18-week harvest was additionally separated by sequential C18 reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography → NH2 normal phase high performance liquid chromatography, bioassayed, and then analyzed by electron impact gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Identification of zeatin riboside and dihydrozeatin as two of the major cytokinins in combined sap samples was accomplished by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-selected ion monitoring.  相似文献   

Proteoid roots are a unique adaptation that allow white lupin (Lupinus albus L. var Ultra) to survive under extreme phosphorus (P) deficient conditions. The cascade of events that signals P-deficiency induced gene expression in proteoid roots remains unknown. Through promoter::GUS analysis we showed that expression of acid phosphatase (LaSAP1) in P-deficient proteoid roots depends on DNA located from ?465 bp to ?345 bp 5′ of the ATG start codon and that the P1BS (PHR1 Binding Site) element, located at ?160 bp, also contributes regulatory control. DNA located within the ?414 bp to ?250 bp region of the LaSAP1 promoter was bound by nuclear proteins isolated from P-sufficient normal roots in electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA), suggesting negative regulation. Competition experiments were performed with unlabeled oligonucleotides to further delineate the region of the LaSAP1 promoter bound by P-sufficient normal root nuclear proteins to a motif spanning ?361 bp to ?346 bp. The promoter motif characterized through EMSA spanning ?361 bp to ?345 bp was used as “bait” in a yeast one-hybrid (Y1H) experiment and 31 putative DNA binding proteins were isolated. Taken together, our results increase understanding of P-deficiency signaling by identifying regulatory regions and putative regulatory proteins for LaSAP1 expression.  相似文献   

HUYGHE  C. 《Annals of botany》1991,67(5):429-434
The winter growth of winter white lupin (cv. Lunoble) was investigated.Over three consecutive years, 1987–1989, it was sown atdifferent times at Lusignan (France) and in 1989, at nine differentlocations with various sowing times. The production of primordia,the vernalization requirements and the final number of leaveson the main stem were related to field measurements of dailymaximum and minimum temperatures. A statistical model for the main apex growth with a system oftwo equations was developed, with a threshold level for leafprimordia production at 3°C. The number of leaf primordiaproduced by a vegetative apex (y) in terms of the cumulativesums of temperature over 3°C (x) followed the curvilinearregression y = 4.76+ 0.0268x + 0000015 6x2. The upper and lowertemperature limits for vernalization were estimated as 14 and1°C respectively. The vernalization requirements of a vegetative apex (y) decreasedwhen the number of initials produced (x) increased accordingto the negative exponential regression y = exp (7.2— 0.02626.x). The two equations were used for the prediction of the finalnumber of leaves of a lupin crop. The predictive accuracy ofthe model was checked against independent data. The agreementbetween observed and predicted final leaf number was often close,but some deviations did occur with low leaf number. The modeldescribed most of the growth phenomena which occur during thephase sowing to floral initiation of the main stem of a winterlupin crop, and its possible uses are discussed Lupinus albus L, white lupin, growth, model, vernalization, primordia, apex, thermal time  相似文献   

Antigen-antibody reactions in agar gel, as demonstrated by the double diffusion technique, between cotton seed globulins and the antisera specific to each of the tested Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum isolates as well as the antiserum of F. moniliforme revealed that all the tested antisera of F. oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum reacted with seed globulins except the Menoufi cultivar globulins. No precipitin lines were detected in the reaction between the antigenof the cotton cultivar Acala SJ2 versus the antiserum of P10 isolate. The 5 cultivars behaved differently with each fungal antiserum to the extent that they could be distinguished accordingly. When the seed globulins of the susceptible cultivars (Giza 74, and Bahtim 110) reacted with antiserum of the tested F. oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum isolates, more precipitin lines were formed than the resistant cultivars. On the other hand, no obvious reaction was detected in case of F. moniliforme antiserum.  相似文献   

The fusion of protoplasts from the cycloheximide-resistant mutant FOL(C) of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (FOL) and the mycostatin-resistant mutant FORL(M) of F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici (FORL), produced hybrids which expressed significant differences from the parents in their pathogenicity and growth and in the electrophoretic separation patterns of their proteins, enzymes and isoenzymes. The results suggest a transformed genetic basis for these altered expressions and the feasibility of using protoplast fusion technology for examining the biology of pathogenicity genes and for elucidating the disease and virulence potential for new races from within hybridisable taxa of Fusarium spp. Such information would be useful for the design and development of long-term control systems for Fusarium diseases, particularly in breeding programs for disease resistance in crops.  相似文献   

C.  HUYGHE 《Annals of botany》1991,67(4):429-434
The winter growth of winter white lupin (cv. Lunoble) was investigated.Over three consecutive years, 1987–1989, it was sown atdifferent times at Lusignan (France) and in 1989, at nine differentlocations with various sowing times. The production of primordia,the vernalization requirements and the final number of leaveson the main stem were related to field measurements of dailymaximum and minimum temperatures. A statistical model for the main apex growth with a system oftwo equations was developed, with a threshold level for leafprimordia production at 3 °C. The number of leaf primordiaproduced by a vegetative apex (y) in terms of the cumulativesums of temperature over 3 °C (x) followed the curvilinearregression y = 4.76 + 00268x + 00000156x2. The upper and lowertemperature limits for vernalization were estimated as 14 andI °C respectively. The vernalization requirements of a vegetative apex (y) decreasedwhen the number of initials produced (x) increased accordingto the negative exponential regression y = exp (7.2 + 002626.x). The two equations were used for the prediction of the finalnumber of leaves of a lupin crop. The predictive accuracy ofthe model was checked against independent data. The agreementbetween observed and predicted final leaf number was often close,but some deviations did occur with low leaf number. The modeldescribed most of the growth phenomena which occur during thephase sowing to floral initiation of the main stem of a winterlupin crop, and its possible uses are discussed. Lupinus albus L., white lupin, growth, model, vernalization, primordia, apex, thermal time  相似文献   

Changes in total N and in free amino compounds were followed during growth of nodulated white lupin. Leaflets contained the greatest fraction of plant N but had lower proportions (1 to 4%) of their N in soluble amino form than stem + petioles (10 to 27%) and reproductive parts (15 to 33%). Mobilization of free amino compounds from plant parts to fruits contributed at most only 7% of the total N intake of fruits, compared with 50% in mobilization of other forms of N and 43% from fixation during fruiting. Asparagine was usually the most abundant free amino compound in plant parts, followed by glutamine and alanine. Valine, glycine, isoleucine, aspartic acid and γ-aminobutyric acid comprised the bulk of the remaining soluble amino N. Composition of tissue pools of amino-N closely resembled that of xylem and phloem exudates. Data on N flow and utilization were combined with information on composition of transport fluids to quantify syntheses, exchanges, and consumptions of asparagine, glutamine, aspartic acid, and valine by organs of the 51- to 58-day plant. These amino compounds carried 56, 29, 5, and 2%, respectively, of the N exported from nodules and contributed in roughly commensurate proportions to transport exchanges and N increments of plant parts. There were, however, more than expected involvements of glutamine and valine in mobilization of N from lower leaves, of asparagine in xylem to phloem transfer, and of aspartic acid in cycling of N through the root, and there was a less than expected participation of aspartic acid in xylem to phloem transfer and in phloem translocation to the shoot apex. The significance of these differences is discussed.  相似文献   

A split-root system was used to investigate whether the external or internal P concentration controls root cluster formation and citrate exudation in white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) grown under controlled conditions. In spite of low P concentrations in the shoots and roots of the -P plant, its dry weight was not reduced compared with the P plant. Supplying external P (0.25 mmol/L) to one root halfresulted in an increase in P concentration not only in the shoot, but also in the P-deprived root half, indicating P cycling within the plants. Omitting P from both split-root pots stimulated root cluster formation in both root halves,whereas P supply to one root halfstimulated root cluster formation at the beginning of the treatment. Neither P supply to just one root half continuously nor resupply of P to one root half after 19 d of P starvation inhibited root cluster formation on the P-deprived side, although the concentration of P in this root half and shoot increased markedly. The results indicate that root cluster formation in L. albus is controlled by both shoot and root P concentrations. The rates of citrate exudation by both root halves with P deficiency were higher than those of the one root half supplied with P only. In the treatment with one root half supplied with P, the rates of citrate exudation by either the P-supplied or -deprived root halves were almost the same,regardless of P concentration in the roots. The results suggest that internal P concentration controls root cluster formation and citrate exudation in white lupin, but these processes may be regulated by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

A split-root system was used to investigate whether the external or internal P concentration controls root cluster formation and citrate exudation in white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) grown under controlled conditions. In spite of low P concentrations in the shoots and roots of the -P plant, its dry weight was not reduced compared with the P plant. Supplying external P (0.25 mmol/L) to one root half resulted in an increase in P concentration not only in the shoot, but also in the P-deprived root half, indicating P cycling within the plants. Omitting P from both split-root pots stimulated root cluster formation in both root halves,whereas P supply to one root half stimulated root cluster formation at the beginning of the treatment. Neither P supply to just one root half continuously nor resupply of P to one root half after 19 d of P starvation inhibited root cluster formation on the P-deprived side, although the concentration of P in this root half and shoot increased markedly. The results indicate that root cluster formation in L. albus is controlled by both shoot and root P concentrations. The rates of citrate exudation by both root halves with P deficiency were higher than those of the one root half supplied with P only. In the treatment with one root half supplied with P, the rates of citrate exudation by either the P-supplied or -deprived root halves were almost the same,regardless of P concentration in the roots. The results suggest that internal P concentration controls root cluster formation and citrate exudation in white lupin, but these processes may be regulated by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Cluster root formation in white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) isinduced mainly by phosphorus (P) starvation, and seems to beregulated by the endogenous P status of the plant. Increasedformation of cluster roots, when indole acetic acid is suppliedto the growth medium of P sufficient plants, and inhibitoryeffects of kinetin application suggest the involvement of endogenousphytohormones (auxins and cytokinins), which may act in an antagonisticmanner in the P-starvation response. Phosphorus deficiency-inducedadaptations of white lupin, involved in P acquisition and mobilizationof sparingly available P sources, are predominantly confinedto the cluster roots, and moreover to distinct stages duringtheir development. Increased accumulation and exudation of citrateand a concomitant release of protons were found to be mainlyrestricted to mature root clusters after prolonged culture (3–4weeks) under P-deficient conditions. Inhibition of citrate exudationby exogenous application of anion channel antagonists such asethacrynic- and anthracene-9-carboxylic acids may indicate involvementof an anion channel. Phosphorus deficiency-induced accumulationand subsequent exudation of citric acid seems to be a consequenceof both enhanced biosynthesis and reduced turnover of citricacid in the cluster root tissue, indicated by enhanced expressionof sucrose synthase, fructokinase, phosphoglucomutase, phosphoenol-pyruvatecarboxylase, but reduced activity of aconitase and slower rootrespiration. The release of acid phosphatase and of phenoliccompounds (isoflavonoids) as well as the induction of a putativehigh-affinity P uptake system was more highly expressed in juvenile,mature and even senescent cluster regions than in apical zonesof non-proteoid roots. An AFLP-cDNA library for cluster root-specificgene expression was constructed to assist in the identificationof further genes involved in cluster root development. Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Acid phosphatase, auxin, citric acid, cluster roots, cytokinin, Lupinus albus L., P acquisition, P uptake, root exudates  相似文献   

Lectins of cotton were isolated from either resistant or susceptible seed cultivars. In agar-gel double diffusion tests, positive reactions took place between lectins of cotton cultivars and the antisera of their corresponding wilt Fusaria. The number of precipitin bands correlated with the degree of susceptibility of the tested cultivars. On the other hand, no visible reaction was detected when these antisera were subjected to react with either the resistant host or nonhost lectins.  相似文献   

The amount of soybean agglutinin (SBA) detectable by radioimmunoassay in seeds of resistant cultivars to Phytophthora megasperma var. sojae was approximately twice that of susceptible cultivars. SBA was preferentially released at earlier times (6-9 hours) and in higher amounts in the imbibate from resistant cultivars as compared to susceptible cultivars. The lectin in the imbibate was immunologically identical to the seed lectin, indicating little or no proteolysis had occurred, and was active in hemagglutination. Binding of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled SBA to mycelial cell walls could be abolished by adding N-acetyl galactosamine or galactose. Purified SBA at concentrations of 150 to 300 micrograms inhibited mycelial growth by 50%, and the imbibate from Govan (resistant) cultivar was more inhibitory than the imbibate from Shore (susceptible) cultivar. Removal of SBA from the imbibate by affinity chromatography abolished the inhibition of mycelial growth, but the inhibition could be recovered from the eluant containing lectin.  相似文献   

Seventy isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceris (Foc) causing chickpea wilt representing 13 states and four crop cultivation zones of India were analysed for their virulence and genetic diversity. The isolates of the pathogen showed high variability in causing wilt incidence on a new set of differential cultivars of chickpea, namely C104, JG74, CPS1, BG212, WR315, KWR108, GPF2, DCP92‐3, Chaffa and JG62. New differential cultivars for each race were identified, and based on differential responses, the isolates were characterized into eight races of the pathogen. The same set of isolates was used for molecular characterization with four different molecular markers, namely random amplified polymorphic DNA, universal rice primers, simple sequence repeats and intersimple sequence repeats. All the four sets of markers gave 100% polymorphism. Unweighted paired group method with arithmetic average analysis grouped the isolates into eight categories at genetic similarities ranging from 37 to 40%. The molecular groups partially corresponded to the states of origin/chickpea‐growing region of the isolates as well as races of the pathogen characterized in this study. The majority of southern, northern and central Indian populations representing specific races of the pathogen were grouped separately into distinct clusters along with some other isolates, indicating the existence of variability in population predominated by a single race of the pathogen. The present race profiling for the Indian population of the pathogen and its distribution pattern is entirely new. The knowledge generated in this study could be utilized in resistance breeding programme. The existence of more than one race, predominated by a single one, in a chickpea cultivation zone as supported by the present molecular findings is also a new information.  相似文献   

Races and vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) in Greek isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis(Fom) were characterized. Three races (0, 2 and 1–2) among 12 isolates tested and two VCGs among 19 isolates tested, were identified. Race 1–2 was the most common and race 1 was not detected. One widespread VCG corresponded to a VCG previously reported from Israel (coded 0138), and included seven isolates of races 0 and 1–2. The other VCG, which was unclassified, included four isolates of races 0, 2 and 1–2. The latter VCG was detected only in a specific melon‐growing location of Evros. The remaining eight isolates tested for VCG did not show positive reactions with other isolates, with each other or with the testers of VCGs 0135 or 0138, although they produced complementary mutants. Using two inoculation methods, the local cv. ‘Golden Head’ was found susceptible to all known Fom races, and especially to race 1–2. These results show the presence of more than one VCG and the widespread distribution of the race 1–2, in Greece.  相似文献   

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