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A benchmark of multiple sequence alignment programs upon structural RNAs   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
To date, few attempts have been made to benchmark the alignment algorithms upon nucleic acid sequences. Frequently, sophisticated PAM or BLOSUM like models are used to align proteins, yet equivalents are not considered for nucleic acids; instead, rather ad hoc models are generally favoured. Here, we systematically test the performance of existing alignment algorithms on structural RNAs. This work was aimed at achieving the following goals: (i) to determine conditions where it is appropriate to apply common sequence alignment methods to the structural RNA alignment problem. This indicates where and when researchers should consider augmenting the alignment process with auxiliary information, such as secondary structure and (ii) to determine which sequence alignment algorithms perform well under the broadest range of conditions. We find that sequence alignment alone, using the current algorithms, is generally inappropriate <50–60% sequence identity. Second, we note that the probabilistic method ProAlign and the aging Clustal algorithms generally outperform other sequence-based algorithms, under the broadest range of applications.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: BAliBASE is a database of manually refined multiple sequence alignments categorized by core blocks of conservation sequence length, similarity, and the presence of insertions and N/C-terminal extensions. AVAILABILITY: From http://www-igbmc. u-strasbg.fr/BioInfo/BAliBASE/index.html  相似文献   

Thompson JD  Koehl P  Ripp R  Poch O 《Proteins》2005,61(1):127-136
Multiple sequence alignment is one of the cornerstones of modern molecular biology. It is used to identify conserved motifs, to determine protein domains, in 2D/3D structure prediction by homology and in evolutionary studies. Recently, high-throughput technologies such as genome sequencing and structural proteomics have lead to an explosion in the amount of sequence and structure information available. In response, several new multiple alignment methods have been developed that improve both the efficiency and the quality of protein alignments. Consequently, the benchmarks used to evaluate and compare these methods must also evolve. We present here the latest release of the most widely used multiple alignment benchmark, BAliBASE, which provides high quality, manually refined, reference alignments based on 3D structural superpositions. Version 3.0 of BAliBASE includes new, more challenging test cases, representing the real problems encountered when aligning large sets of complex sequences. Using a novel, semiautomatic update protocol, the number of protein families in the benchmark has been increased and representative test cases are now available that cover most of the protein fold space. The total number of proteins in BAliBASE has also been significantly increased from 1444 to 6255 sequences. In addition, full-length sequences are now provided for all test cases, which represent difficult cases for both global and local alignment programs. Finally, the BAliBASE Web site (http://www-bio3d-igbmc.u-strasbg.fr/balibase) has been completely redesigned to provide a more user-friendly, interactive interface for the visualization of the BAliBASE reference alignments and the associated annotations.  相似文献   



The performance of alignment programs is traditionally tested on sets of protein sequences, of which a reference alignment is known. Conclusions drawn from such protein benchmarks do not necessarily hold for the RNA alignment problem, as was demonstrated in the first RNA alignment benchmark published so far. For example, the twilight zone – the similarity range where alignment quality drops drastically – starts at 60 % for RNAs in comparison to 20 % for proteins. In this study we enhance the previous benchmark.  相似文献   



There have been many algorithms and software programs implemented for the inference of multiple sequence alignments of protein and DNA sequences. The "true" alignment is usually unknown due to the incomplete knowledge of the evolutionary history of the sequences, making it difficult to gauge the relative accuracy of the programs.  相似文献   

Multiple comparison or alignmentof protein sequences has become a fundamental tool in many different domains in modern molecular biology, from evolutionary studies to prediction of 2D/3D structure, molecular function and inter-molecular interactions etc. By placing the sequence in the framework of the overall family, multiple alignments can be used to identify conserved features and to highlight differences or specificities. In this paper, we describe a comprehensive evaluation of many of the most popular methods for multiple sequence alignment (MSA), based on a new benchmark test set. The benchmark is designed to represent typical problems encountered when aligning the large protein sequence sets that result from today's high throughput biotechnologies. We show that alignmentmethods have significantly progressed and can now identify most of the shared sequence features that determine the broad molecular function(s) of a protein family, even for divergent sequences. However,we have identified a number of important challenges. First, the locally conserved regions, that reflect functional specificities or that modulate a protein's function in a given cellular context,are less well aligned. Second, motifs in natively disordered regions are often misaligned. Third, the badly predicted or fragmentary protein sequences, which make up a large proportion of today's databases, lead to a significant number of alignment errors. Based on this study, we demonstrate that the existing MSA methods can be exploited in combination to improve alignment accuracy, although novel approaches will still be needed to fully explore the most difficult regions. We then propose knowledge-enabled, dynamic solutions that will hopefully pave the way to enhanced alignment construction and exploitation in future evolutionary systems biology studies.  相似文献   

MAFFT version 5: improvement in accuracy of multiple sequence alignment   总被引:44,自引:3,他引:41  



In this paper, we introduce a progressive corner cutting method called Reticular Alignment for multiple sequence alignment. Unlike previous corner-cutting methods, our approach does not define a compact part of the dynamic programming table. Instead, it defines a set of optimal and suboptimal alignments at each step during the progressive alignment. The set of alignments are represented with a network to store them and use them during the progressive alignment in an efficient way. The program contains a threshold parameter on which the size of the network depends. The larger the threshold parameter and thus the network, the deeper the search in the alignment space for better scored alignments.  相似文献   



While the pairwise alignments produced by sequence similarity searches are a powerful tool for identifying homologous proteins - proteins that share a common ancestor and a similar structure; pairwise sequence alignments often fail to represent accurately the structural alignments inferred from three-dimensional coordinates. Since sequence alignment algorithms produce optimal alignments, the best structural alignments must reflect suboptimal sequence alignment scores. Thus, we have examined a range of suboptimal sequence alignments and a range of scoring parameters to understand better which sequence alignments are likely to be more structurally accurate.  相似文献   

MUSCLE: multiple sequence alignment with high accuracy and high throughput   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
We describe MUSCLE, a new computer program for creating multiple alignments of protein sequences. Elements of the algorithm include fast distance estimation using kmer counting, progressive alignment using a new profile function we call the log-expectation score, and refinement using tree-dependent restricted partitioning. The speed and accuracy of MUSCLE are compared with T-Coffee, MAFFT and CLUSTALW on four test sets of reference alignments: BAliBASE, SABmark, SMART and a new benchmark, PREFAB. MUSCLE achieves the highest, or joint highest, rank in accuracy on each of these sets. Without refinement, MUSCLE achieves average accuracy statistically indistinguishable from T-Coffee and MAFFT, and is the fastest of the tested methods for large numbers of sequences, aligning 5000 sequences of average length 350 in 7 min on a current desktop computer. The MUSCLE program, source code and PREFAB test data are freely available at http://www.drive5. com/muscle.  相似文献   

While most of the recent improvements in multiple sequence alignment accuracy are due to better use of vertical information, which include the incorporation of consistency-based pairwise alignments and the use of profile alignments, we observe that it is possible to further improve accuracy by taking into account alignment of neighboring residues when aligning two residues, thus making better use of horizontal information. By modifying existing multiple alignment algorithms to make use of horizontal information, we show that this strategy is able to consistently improve over existing algorithms on a few sets of benchmark alignments that are commonly used to measure alignment accuracy, and the average improvements in accuracy can be as much as 1–3% on protein sequence alignment and 5–10% on DNA/RNA sequence alignment. Unlike previous algorithms, consistent average improvements can be obtained across all identity levels.  相似文献   

在生物信息学研究中,生物序列比对问题占有重要的地位。多序列比对问题是一个NPC问题,由于时间和空间的限制不能够求出精确解。文中简要介绍了Feng和Doolittle提出的多序列比对算法的基本思想,并改进了该算法使之具有更好的比对精度。实验结果表明,新算法对解决一般的progressive多序列比对方法中遇到的局部最优问题有较好的效果。  相似文献   

SUMMARY: A public server for evaluating the accuracy of protein sequence alignment methods is presented. CASA is an implementation of the alignment accuracy benchmark presented by Sauder et al. (Proteins, 40, 6-22, 2000). The benchmark currently contains 39321 pairwise protein structure alignments produced with the CE program from SCOP domain definitions. The server produces graphical and tabular comparisons of the accuracy of a user's input sequence alignments with other commonly used programs, such as BLAST, PSI-BLAST, Clustal W, and SAM-T99. AVAILABILITY: The server is located at http://capb.dbi.udel.edu/casa.  相似文献   

Sequence alignment underpins common tasks in molecular biology, including genome annotation, molecular phylogenetics, and homology modeling. Fundamental to sequence alignment is the placement of gaps, which represent character insertions or deletions. We assessed the ability of a generalized affine gap cost model to reliably detect remote protein homology and to produce high-quality alignments. Generalized affine gap alignment with optimal gap parameters performed as well as the traditional affine gap model in remote homology detection. Evaluation of alignment quality showed that the generalized affine model aligns fewer residue pairs than the traditional affine model but achieves significantly higher per-residue accuracy. We conclude that generalized affine gap costs should be used when alignment accuracy carries more importance than aligned sequence length.  相似文献   

Sequence conservation in a multiple sequence alignment (or profile) is often used to influence the alignment of further sequences onto the profile. Most methods, however, have considered only the opening of a gap at a single point and not what is contained in the inserted segment of one sequence (or profile) or what terminates the ‘broken’ ends of the other.An alignment algorithm is described that incorporates these aspects and the relative importance of the contribution from the insert and the ‘broken’ ends has been assessed. The approach was tested on families of very remotely related sequences using a novel protocol that was developed to quantify both the stability and generality of the solution.  相似文献   

The biological role, biochemical function, and structure of uncharacterized protein sequences is often inferred from their similarity to known proteins. A constant goal is to increase the reliability, sensitivity, and accuracy of alignment techniques to enable the detection of increasingly distant relationships. Development, tuning, and testing of these methods benefit from appropriate benchmarks for the assessment of alignment accuracy.Here, we describe a benchmark protocol to estimate sequence-to-sequence and sequence-to-structure alignment accuracy. The protocol consists of structurally related pairs of proteins and procedures to evaluate alignment accuracy over the whole set. The set of protein pairs covers all the currently known fold types. The benchmark is challenging in the sense that it consists of proteins lacking clear sequence similarity.Correct target alignments are derived from the three-dimensional structures of these pairs by rigid body superposition. An evaluation engine computes the accuracy of alignments obtained from a particular algorithm in terms of alignment shifts with respect to the structure derived alignments. Using this benchmark we estimate that the best results can be obtained from a combination of amino acid residue substitution matrices and knowledge-based potentials.  相似文献   

Nicholas HB  Ropelewski AJ  Deerfield DW 《BioTechniques》2002,32(3):572-4, 576, 578 passim
We present an overview of multiple sequence alignments to outline the practical consequences for the choices among different techniques and parameters. We begin with a discussion of the scoring methods for quantifying the quality of a multiple sequence alignment, followed by a discussion of the algorithms implemented within a variety of multiple sequence alignment programs. We also discuss additional alignment details such as gap penalty and distance metrics. The paper concludes with a discussion on how to improve alignment quality and the limitations of the techniques described in this paper  相似文献   

Clustal W—蛋白质与核酸序列分析软件   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
蛋白质与核酸的序列分析在现代生物学和生物信息学中发挥着重要作用,新的算法和软件层出不穷,本文介绍一个可运行在PC机上的完全免费的多序列比较软件-ClustalW,它不但可以进行蛋白质与核酸的多序列比较,分析不同序列之间的相似性关系,还可以绘制进化树。由于其灵活的输入输出格式、方便的参数设定和选择、详尽的在线帮助以及良好的可移植性,使得ClustalW在蛋白质与核酸的序列分析中得到了广泛应用。  相似文献   

Multiple sequence alignment plays an important role in molecular sequence analysis. An alignment is the arrangement of two (pairwise alignment) or more (multiple alignment) sequences of 'residues' (nucleotides or amino acids) that maximizes the similarities between them. Algorithmically, the problem consists of opening and extending gaps in the sequences to maximize an objective function (measurement of similarity). A simple genetic algorithm was developed and implemented in the software MSA-GA. Genetic algorithms, a class of evolutionary algorithms, are well suited for problems of this nature since residues and gaps are discrete units. An evolutionary algorithm cannot compete in terms of speed with progressive alignment methods but it has the advantage of being able to correct for initially misaligned sequences; which is not possible with the progressive method. This was shown using the BaliBase benchmark, where Clustal-W alignments were used to seed the initial population in MSA-GA, improving outcome. Alignment scoring functions still constitute an open field of research, and it is important to develop methods that simplify the testing of new functions. A general evolutionary framework for testing and implementing different scoring functions was developed. The results show that a simple genetic algorithm is capable of optimizing an alignment without the need of the excessively complex operators used in prior study. The clear distinction between objective function and genetic algorithms used in MSA-GA makes extending and/or replacing objective functions a trivial task.  相似文献   



Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is a useful tool in bioinformatics. Although many MSA algorithms have been developed, there is still room for improvement in accuracy and speed. In the alignment of a family of protein sequences, global MSA algorithms perform better than local ones in many cases, while local ones perform better than global ones when some sequences have long insertions or deletions (indels) relative to others. Many recent leading MSA algorithms have incorporated pairwise alignment information obtained from a mixture of sources into their scoring system to improve accuracy of alignment containing long indels.  相似文献   

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