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The nucleotide sequence of the class G tetracycline resistance determinant previously isolated from Vibrio anguillarum has been determined. Two open reading frames of divergent polarity were identified. A resistance gene (tet A) encodes a protein of 393 amino acid residues (deduced molecular mass of 40.9 kDa), and a repressor gene (tet R) encodes a protein consisting of 210 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 23.6 kDa. Based on the deduced amino acid sequences, the proteins of tet A(G) and tet R(G) are about 60% homologous with those of RP1/Tn1721 (class A) and pSC101/pBR322 (class C), and about 50% homologous with Tn10 (class B). The relationship of the tet (G) sequence to five known tetracycline resistance determinants (class A to E) is discussed.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the tetracycline resistance gene tetM encoded by streptococcal conjugative shuttle transposon Tn1545 has been determined. The resistance gene was identified as a coding sequence of 1917 base pairs corresponding to a protein with a Mr of 72,500 daltons. This value is in good agreement with that, 68,000 daltons, estimated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of Escherichia coli minicell extracts. The tetM gene product does not exhibit any sequence homology with either the Gram-negative (tetA, tetB and tetC), or the Bacillus and Staphylococcus tetracycline resistance proteins. The average hydropathy value of the tetM gene product (-0.21) contrasts with those calculated for the other TET proteins which are markedly hydrophobic (0.76 to 0.93). Hybridization experiments performed with an intragenic tetM probe do not support the claim [Taylor, D. (1986), J. Bact. 165, 1037-1039)] that tetracycline resistance in Campylobacter is due to acquisition of tetM.  相似文献   

Summary The alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) gene has been isolated fromDrosophila simulans andD. mauritiana by screening clone libraries of each with a previously cloned Adh gene fromD. melanogaster. The isolated clones were subcloned and partially sequenced to determine the relatedness of these species and to examine details of evolutionary change in the structure of the Adh gene. We report the sequence of the first 704 nucleotides of each gene as well as 127 bases in the 5 untranslated region. When these sequences are compared,D. melanogaster differs fromD. simulans andD. mauritiana by 2.8% and 3.1%, respectively.D. simulans andD. mauritiana differ by only 1.8%, implying that they are more closely related to each other than either is toD. melanogaster. This is consistent with phylogenetic relationships established by a variety of genetic, biochemical, and morphological means and illustrates that DNA sequencing of a single gene may be used to assess the evolutionary relationships of species.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans DL5, isolated from the dental plaque of a pig, was resistant to high levels of streptomycin (Sm, 20 mg/ml), erythromycin (Em, 1 mg/ml), and tetracycline (Tc, greater than 100 micrograms/ml), but contained no detectable plasmid DNA. The Smr and Emr determinants were cloned from cellular DNA on the self-replicating 5-kilobase-pair (kbp) EcoRI fragment of pAM beta 1 and the 4.2-kbp cryptic plasmid pVA380-1, respectively, by transformation of Streptococcus sanguis Challis. Helper plasmid cloning, with a Challis host containing pVA380-1, was required to clone the Tcr determinant of strain DL5 on this vector. A single-colony isolate of the original Tcr clone contained a hybrid plasmid, pDL421, composed of 2.6 kbp of vector DNA and 11.4 kbp of S. mutans DNA. Plasmid pDL421 did not hybridize to plasmids containing the streptococcal Tcr determinants tetL, tetM, and tetN. A shortened derivative of this hybrid plasmid, pDL422, missing a 4.9-kbp HincII fragment from the S. mutans DNA but still encoding Tcr, was obtained by subcloning in S. sanguis Challis. The Tcr gene was located in a 1,917-base-pair open reading frame (ORF) corresponding to a 72-kilodalton protein. The ORF exhibited 99.4% sequence identity with the 1,917-base-pair tetO gene from a strain of Campylobacter coli (W. Sougakoff, B. Papadopoulou, P. Nordmann, and P. Courvalin, FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 44:153-160, 1987). A 1.67-kbp NdeI fragment, internal to the ORF from strain DL5, as well as pDL421 hybridized under stringent conditions to DNA from 10 of 10 Tcr strains of C. coli and Campylobacter jejuni from human and animal sources, but not to DNA from Tcs isolates of these two species.  相似文献   

Summary Plasmid pIP173, isolated from Salmonella ordonez strain BM2000, confers resistance to tetracycline and a number of other antibiotics. We determined the nucleotide sequence of the pIP173 tetR repressor and tetA resistance genes. The pIP173 tetR gene is essentially identical to the class D tetR gene from plasmid RA1. The pIP173 tet genes are flanked by directly repeated copies of the insertion sequence IS26. Interestingly, the 3 end of the tetR gene, encoding the C-terminal 16 amino acids of the TetR protein, extends into the flanking IS26 sequence. The relationships between the class A, B, C, and D TetA sequences parallel the relationships between the corresponding TetR sequences; class D is more closely related to class B than to either class A or C. Overall, the four TetA sequences show 38% identity and 57% similarity.  相似文献   

The hutC gene of Klebsiella aerogenes encodes a repressor that regulates expression of the histidine utilization (hut) operons. The DNA sequence of a region known to contain hutC was determined and shown to contain two long rightward-reading open reading frames (ORFs). One of these ORFs was identified as the 3' portion of the hutG gene. The other ORF was the hutC gene. The repressor predicted from the hutC sequence contained a helix-turn-helix motif strongly similar to that seen in other DNA-binding proteins, such as lac repressor and the catabolite gene activator protein. This motif was located in the N-terminal portion of the protein, and this portion of the protein seemed to be sufficient to allow repression of the hutUH operon but insufficient to allow interaction with the inducer. The presence of a promoterlike sequence and a ribosome-binding site immediately upstream of the hutC gene explained the earlier observation that hutC can be transcribed independently of the other hut operon genes. The predicted amino acid sequence of hut repressor strongly resembled that of the corresponding protein from Pseudomonas putida (S. L. Allison and A. T. Phillips, J. Bacteriol. 172:5470-5476, 1990). An unexpected, leftward-reading ORF extending from about the middle of hutC into the preceding (hutG) gene was also detected. The deduced amino acid sequence of this leftward ORF was quite distinct from that of an unexpected ORF of similar size found immediately downstream of the P. putida hutC gene. The nonstandard codon usage of this leftward ORF and the expression of repressor activity from plasmids with deletions in this region made it unlikely that this ORF was necessary for repressor activity.  相似文献   

C J Dorman  T J Foster  W V Shaw 《Gene》1986,41(2-3):349-353
The cml gene of plasmid R26 is carried on a 1.9-kb HindIII fragment and specifies low-level, inducible resistance to chloramphenicol (Cm). In this paper we report the identification of its product as an approx. 31 kDa protein in minicell experiments, and the determination of the nucleotide sequence of cml, which indicates that the gene product is a relatively hydrophobic protein of Mr 33,800. The protein has no detectable homology to other characterised chloramphenicol-resistance (CmR) proteins, nor any to the membrane-associated tetracycline-resistance (TcR) proteins. The presumptive ribosome-binding site (RBS) of cml mRNA is within a region showing potential for secondary structure.  相似文献   

Summary The 30 megadalton (Mdal)-conjgaative, fi- plasmid pRSD1 determines inducible tetracycline resistance (Tc) in Escherichia coli. As shown by restriction analysis, a 3.5 Mdal-EcoRI fragment of pRSD1 spliced into the small plasmid pRSD2124 comprises the entire Tc determinant (tet) region. A restriction map of pRSD1 is presented which includes the location of the tet region and of an underwound loop not related to Tc (Burkardt et al., 1978). Selective amplification of tet genes is demonstrated by three lines of evidence. (i) The resistance level of cell harbouring pRSD1 increases approximately tenfold by induction with 10g/ml of tetracycline. Further groth in the presence of 100 g/ml of the drug (tet-racycline stress) selects for cells with even higher resistance levels (about 300 g/ml) in rec + cells. In a recA strain, a smaller proportion of cells attains these high resistance levels suggesting the involvement of host recombination. (ii) Electron micrographs of pRSD1-DNA isolated from tetracycline-stressed cells reveal a heterogeneous population of circular DNA molecules ranging between 1.7 and 21.6 m. The distribution of contour lengths shows a discrete pattern ascribed to the presence of autonomous single-and multiple-copy Tc determinants and to intact plasmids containing zero to six tet regions in tandem repeats. (iii) This interpretation is supported by heteroduplex and restriction analyses which demonstrate the presence of multiple copies of the 3.5 Mdal-element encompassing the tet region in pRSD1 molecules selected by tetracycline stress. It has been concluded that gene amplification leading to tandem repetition of the tet region ensues in pRSD1. Such plasmids confer increased tetracycline resistance and can, therefore, be selected by high doses of the drug.  相似文献   

We have screened a panel of tetracycline (tc)-like compounds for their potential use with tc-repressor (tetR) based gene switches. The interaction between tc and tetR appears quite specific, as only tc itself and its close homologues anhydro-tc and doxycycline strongly inhibited DNA binding. However, a single tc-like compound, GR33076X, increased DNA binding of the tetR-VP16 fusion protein, both in eukaryotic cells and in bacteria. We provide evidence that this antagonist of tetracycline is potentially useful for accelerated gene switching, especially in whole animals.  相似文献   

The RAD1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is involved in excision repair of damaged DNA. The nucleotide sequence of the RAD1 gene presented here shows an open reading frame of 3,300 nucleotides. Two ATG codons occur in the open reading frame at positions +1 and +334, respectively. Since a deletion of about 2.7 kilobases of DNA from the 5' region of the RAD1 gene, which also deletes the +1 ATG and 11 additional codons in the RAD1 open reading frame, partially complements UV sensitivity of a rad1 delta mutant, we examined the role of the +1 ATG and +334 ATG codons in translation initiation of RAD1 protein. Mutation of the +1 ATG codon to ATC affected the complementation ability of the RAD1 gene, whereas mutation of the +334 ATG codon to ATC showed no discernible effect on RAD1 function. These results indicate that translation of RAD1 protein is initiated from the +1 ATG codon. Productive in-frame RAD1-lacZ fusions showed that the RAD1 open reading frame is expressed in yeasts. The RAD1-encoded protein contains 1,100 amino acids with a molecular weight of 126,360.  相似文献   

A 13.5-kilobase HindIII fragment, bearing an intact mercury resistance (mer) operon, was isolated from chromosomal DNA of broad-spectrum mercury-resistant Bacillus sp. strain RC607 by using as a probe a clone containing the mercury reductase (merA) gene. The new clone, pYW33, expressed broad-spectrum mercury resistance both in Escherichia coli and in Bacillus subtilis, but only in B. subtilis was the mercuric reductase activity inducible. Sequencing of a 1.8-kilobase mercury hypersensitivity-producing fragment revealed four open reading frames (ORFs). ORF1 may code for a regulatory protein (MerR). ORF2 and ORF4 were associated with cellular transport function and the hypersensitivity phenotype. DNA fragments encompassing the merA and the merB genes were sequenced. The predicted Bacillus sp. strain RC607 MerA (mercuric reductase) and MerB (organomercurial lyase) were similar to those predicted from Staphylococcus aureus plasmid pI258 (67 and 73% amino acid identities, respectively); however, only 40% of the amino acid residues of RC607 MerA were identical to those of the mercuric reductase from gram-negative bacteria. A 69-kilodalton polypeptide was isolated and identified as the merA gene product by examination of its amino-terminal sequence.  相似文献   

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