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Effects of centrifugation upon rectal (Tre) and tail skin temperatures (Ts) were studied in male Wistar rats at varying ambient temperature (Ta) using a centrifuge which was placed in a climatic chamber. Centrifugal forces of Gz of 3.0 were imposed on rats which were suspended at horizontal body position using a newly developed mesh suits holding method in the animal box placed on the rotating arm of the centrifuge. Headwards or tailwards forces were applied according to the experimental design. No significant difference of the responses was observed between the two force directions.Centrifugations imposed at different Ta of 15, 20, 25, 30 and 32.5C resulted in falls in Tre accompanied by rises in tail Ts at the cooler environments, while rises in Tre accompanied by falls in Ts in the warmer environments. The Ta at which the response pattern of Tre and Ts was reversed (critical ambient temperature) was 26.8±2.3 (mean and SE) and 27.9±2.8C, respectively. Tolerance to centrifugation was markedly increased in cooler environments than in wanner ones. It was suggested that the increased skin pressure due to centrifugation exerted some inhibitory effects upon central thermoregulatory ability.  相似文献   

A young Cape Gannet Sula capensis responded to high ambient temperatures in the laboratory by standing, gular fluttering with raised head and open bill, wing drooping, defaecating at a fast rate close to or onto the feet, “paddling”; in the excreta, and increased breathing rate. Standing initially caused a decline in foot temperature which rose with rising ambient temperature. Gular flutter and wing drooping assisted the bird in tolerating heat stress. Reduction in heat‐load occurred when standing on a wet surface, presumably due to evaporative heat loss (of excreta on the feet = urohidrosis) and an enhanced conduction of heat to substrate. Field observations confirmed that young Cape Gannets defaecate onto their feet at high ambient temperatures. This species appears preadapted for this behaviour since it builds a solely guano nest, defaecating onto the rim which is compacted by “paddling”;.  相似文献   

F W Beck  J R Sowers  D Sicca  B G Welch 《Life sciences》1985,36(25):2435-2444
This study evaluates dopaminergic regulation of aldosterone secretion in 6 patients with high spinal cord transections. Administration of the dopamine antagonist metoclopramide resulted in a marked rise in plasma aldosterone and 18-hydroxycorticosterone levels in 12 normal individuals, but no change in plasma levels of these zona glomerulosa corticosteroid products in spinal cord patients. Spinal cord transected patients also did not have the rise in plasma renin activity that was observed in normals following metoclopramide administration. Basal levels of aldosterone, 18 hydroxycorticosterone, corticosterone and renin activity as well as the aldosterone responses to graded dose infusion of adrenocorticotropin were similar in the spinal cord patients and the normals. These data suggest that dopaminergic regulation of adrenal zona glomerulosa corticosteroid and renal renin secretion is absent in patients with high spinal cord transections, suggesting that intact neural pathways from the central nervous system are necessary for metoclopramide stimulation of aldosterone and renin secretion in men. Since basal plasma aldosterone levels were normal in spinal cord transected patients, it appears that the absence of dopaminergic control does not result in elevated secretion.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Body temperature can be measured in seconds with tympanic thermometers as opposed to minutes with mercury ones. The aim of this study was to compare tympanic and oral mercury thermometer measurements under high ambient field temperatures. RESULTS: Tympanic temperature (measured thrice by 3 operators) was compared to oral temperature measured once with a mercury-in-glass thermometer in 201 patients (aged [greater than or equal to]5 years), on the Thai-Myanmar border. Ambient temperature was measured with an electronic thermo-hygrometer. Participants had a mean [min-max] age of 27 [5-60] years and 42% (84) were febrile by oral thermometer. The mean difference in the mercury and tympanic temperature measurement for all observers/devices was 0.09 (95%CI 0.07-0.12)degreesC and intra-class correlation for repeat tympanic measurements was high ([greater than or equal to]0.97) for each observer. Deviations in tympanic temperatures were not related to ambient temperature. CONCLUSION: Clinically significant differences were not observed between oral and tympanic temperature measurements at high ambient temperatures in a rural tropical setting.  相似文献   

Arterial pH, PCO2 (PaCO2), plasma bicarbonate [HCO3 and respiratory frequency were measured in pigeons exposed to ambient temperatures (TaS) of 30–60°C. Acclimated, nonpanting birds regulated acid-base balance at normal levels, when exposed to Tas) between 30 and 53°C Ta. At higher Tas (55–60°C), both nonpanting and panting acclimated pigeons regulated pH at normal levels, 7.544 ± 0.011 (SD) and 7.531 ± 0.022 (SD), respectively, accompanied by a slight hypocapnia, 24.8 ± 4.0 Torr and 23.8 ± 2.49 Torr (PaCO2), respectively. Nonacclimated birds, exposed to 50°C Ta, endured a severe hypocapnia (PaCO2 of 9.1 ± 2.52 Torr) and alkalosis (pH of 7.702 ± 0.048). Thirteen exposures to > 50°C Ta, 4–6 h a day, resulted in a significant improvement in the capacity of the panting pigeon to maintain an almost normal acid-base balance, i.e. actual and standard [HCO3 of 22.6 ± 1.22 and 25.7 ± 1.10 mM/l, respectively, and only a slight hypocapnia (PaCO2 of 23.6 ± 3.9 Torr) and alkalosis (pH of 7.589). The suggestion that acclimation to high Tas (50–60°C) is needed for fine adjustment between the competing needs for heat dissipation, pulmonary gas exchange, and acid-base regulation in the heat-exposed pigeon is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of relative humidity and ambient temperature on evaporative heat loss were studied in 12 trials each with a group of 10 gilts with an initial BW of 61.7 kg (58.0–65.5 kg). The ambient temperature inside a respiration chamber was increased by 2 °C d−1 starting at 16 °C and ending at 32 °C. Relative humidity was set at 50%, 65% or 80% and remained constant within each trial. The animals had free access to feed and water. Skin temperature (SkinT), total heat production (HP), evaporative heat loss (EvapH), respiration rate (RR), and wallowing of the animals were recorded. SkinT was lowest at 80% relative humidity (P<0.05). For each degree Celsius rise in SkinT, wallowing increased by 0.19% (P<0.05). For each degree Celsius rise in ambient temperature, total HP decreased by 115 kJ pig−1 d−1 and EvapH increased by 290 kJ pig−1 d−1 (P<0.05). It was concluded that under constant high ambient temperature and relative humidity, the pigs clearly employ respiratory evaporation to lose heat. Wallowing showed the importance of skin EvapH with higher temperatures, especially at high relative humidity. This study shows the importance of evaporative cooling from the skin. The implication is that pigs at high ambient temperatures, especially in combination with a high relative humidity, should be able to wet themselves. For animal welfare and environmental reasons, it is important that they are able to wet their skin.  相似文献   

A long-held assertion has been that nocturnality is an escape mechanism for many nocturnal desert rodents because of limited tolerances to heat. To test this claim, we used a treadmill to examine the tolerances to high ambient temperatures (T(a)'s) of one subspecies of desert rodent, Merriam's kangaroo rat, Dipodomys merriami merriami, from contrasting environments. We simultaneously measured body temperature (T(b)), evaporative water loss, and metabolic rates at an ecologically relevant speed (0.6 km h(-1)) at different ambient temperatures (Ta=25 degrees -42.5 degrees C). We hypothesized that kangaroo rats from a more xeric site would have greater abilities to remain active and maintain stable T(b) than those from a more mesic site, but mesic- and xeric-site animals had comparable tolerances and were active until Tb=42 degrees C. At Ta=42.5 degrees C, however, T(b) of mesic-site animals increased more quickly than in xeric-site animals. Although most animals could not run more than 18 min at Ta=42.5 degrees C, most could run at Ta=40 degrees C for at least 30 min. Benefits of nocturnality for this species may reside more in purposes of water conservation and avoidance of predation and less on the direct regulation of T(b), as T(b) is more labile than commonly thought.  相似文献   

1. The breeding biology of rock pigeon (Columba livia) exposed to ambient temperatures (Ta) between 50 and 60 degrees C was investigated. 2. Four families accomplished three complete life cycles after long term daily exposure to extreme Ta, with about 100% success. 3. The steady state temperatures in the nest were 60, 58, 53 and 44.6 degrees C in the air, substrate surface, underwing, and in the egg's microenvironment, respectively. 4. At thermal conditions between 30 and 60 degrees C, egg temperature (Tegg) was regulated between 36.8 +/- 0.8 (S.D.) and 41.7 +/- 0.4 (S.D.). Tegg increases by 0.163 degrees C/1 degree C rise in Ta. 5. Mean Tb of the nonincubating parent exposed to 30-60 degrees C is 41.6 +/- 0.6 degrees C (S.D.). Under the same conditions the incubating parent regulated a significantly (P less than 0.01) lower Tb (38.8 degrees C) at 45 degrees C Ta and about 1 degree C lower Tb at 30 and 60 degrees C Ta, respectively. 6. By comparing the differences between fast (5 min) cooling of hot egg (44.8 degrees C) to slow heating (60-90 min), we could demonstrate the high sensitivity of the incubating parent to the danger of embryo overheating. 7. The significance of the adaptive behavioral and physiological mechanisms in breeding under extreme thermal conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

Thermoregulation of virulence genes in bacterial pathogens is essential for environment-to-host transition. However, the mechanisms governing cold adaptation when outside the host remain poorly understood. Here, we found that the production of cold shock proteins CspB and CspC from Staphylococcus aureus is controlled by two paralogous RNA thermoswitches. Through in silico prediction, enzymatic probing and site-directed mutagenesis, we demonstrated that cspB and cspC 5′UTRs adopt alternative RNA structures that shift from one another upon temperature shifts. The open (O) conformation that facilitates mRNA translation is favoured at ambient temperatures (22°C). Conversely, the alternative locked (L) conformation, where the ribosome binding site (RBS) is sequestered in a double-stranded RNA structure, is folded at host-related temperatures (37°C). These structural rearrangements depend on a long RNA hairpin found in the O conformation that sequesters the anti-RBS sequence. Notably, the remaining S. aureus CSP, CspA, may interact with a UUUGUUU motif located in the loop of this long hairpin and favour the folding of the L conformation. This folding represses CspB and CspC production at 37°C. Simultaneous deletion of the cspB/cspC genes or their RNA thermoswitches significantly decreases S. aureus growth rate at ambient temperatures, highlighting the importance of CspB/CspC thermoregulation when S. aureus transitions from the host to the environment.  相似文献   

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